Thursday, June 19, 2008

Following Procedures

This sensitive US military counterinsurgency manual could be critically described as "What we learned about running death squads and propping up corrupt government in Latin America and how to apply it to other places".
Like, what kinds of "other places"...?

Enquiring "Homegrown Terrorists" want to know...

In the mean time, it makes for interesting reading. I recommend saving a copy of the file rather than assuming it will always be available online.

[Via Zachary G]


Anonymous said...

A BIG Colombian drug lord surrendered the other day. He said he had conspired with "military, political and ANTI-communist forces" to smuggle tons of cocaine into the United States. It's a ready source of revenue to both sides, or all sides. Then WE pay billions of dollars ABOVE the table for the War on Drugs to combat profit for people we're probably sending money and weapons to. I'm tired of being lied to like a child who doesn't need to know about grown-up things.

Anonymous said...

Notice that "background checks and records checks" are #1 on the list of methods.
Now being done on people who buy guns, people who apply for concealed carry permits, people who fly commercial airlines, people who apply for jobs. Here.

Anonymous said...

Today's news: The Colombian coca crop was 27% larger last year than in 2006. And up 4% in Peru and 5% in Bolivia. So how's that eradication program going?
What we resist, persists.
Also, Venezuela is posting National Guard troops on transit buses due to frequent robberies of passengers and slayings of drivers. Sounds like Chavez was encouraging the wrong people to arm themselves against a U.S. invasion, and denying the RIGHT people the right.