Thursday, June 19, 2008

Out of Africa

Somalis flee terror, pour into Kenya refugee camp...

Forget it Jake. It's Africa.

Yet all the enlightened liberals sneered at the late Neal Knox for suggesting arming Somali mothers would enable them to defend their children.

We see over a decade later the fruits of doing things the IANSA/UN way.

I see over in Tanzania, albinos are being hunted down so witch doctors can extract skin, bones and hair to make potions. I wonder if the shamans collaborate with their Canadian colleagues and peers?

And meanwhile, no less an authority than Mia Farrow is urging us to stop the genocide in Darfur.

Naturally, she and useful idiots like her are the first ones screaming blue bloody murder against non-politically correct/Hollywood endorsed foreign interventions, and none of them seem to understand that revolutions are won by the people rising up and taking control of their own destinies. To do that, they need the tools.

So where does Mia stand on the only proven deterrent against genocide?

The following is from "The Fandom Menace," my first published article for GUNS & AMMO (Nov. 1999), and unfortunately, not available online:

Mia Farrow, elaborating on the Second Amendment to anti-gun Larry King: "It's time to amend that right." (Like all rich socialists, she sees the Bill of Rights as a menu of privileges bestowed by government, and thus revocable. The concept of unalienable rights not subject to mob opinion no doubt affronts her democratic sensibilities.)

She has a number (toll-free, naturally) where fans can "find out who their congressman is." (You don't expect them to already know, do you? Who better to demand Constitutional change than people so detached from the process that they don't even know who their representatives are?)

On why the Second Amendment is no longer is applicable: "There were muskets or something…" (Aren't informed opinions wonderful?)

A scrap for the vassals: "I'm not talking about hunting guns [but about] guns used to kill people." (God help me, I'm starting to sympathize with Woody Allen. How on earth could anyone endure such impaired reasoning?)

As long as we're locked into primitive superstition, the killing will continue. Matter of fact, as we continue to replace reason with feeling in our own governance, hope won't be enough to stop the type of change that always results in widespread and very real misery.

[Title link via AvgJoe]


Anonymous said...

The Fandom Menace. Clever.
It all starts with gun control.
With concern for the children.
With concern for society.
Children are individuals, and society is composed of individuals.
Donna Shalala, Sec. of Health and Human Services under Clinton, said gun violence should be considered "a public-health crisis that requires public-health solutions," like polio in the 1950s and AIDS." That all "dangerous guns," especially semi-autos, and ammunition designed to blow bodies apart" should be banned. She said this two years AFTER Waco, an operation to take a community's "dangerous guns."
Today she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by George Bush.

Anonymous said...

Here's proof that liberals are sick in the head, as in serious mental health issues.
The wack jobs are always making noise about gun safty and saving "the children". The whole time fighting to keep abortion legal. Sick!
Truth be told is these people are Marxist and the kind of government they want to rule the people with is such a government that can't have armed citizens.

Matt said...

"Naturally, she and useful idiots like her are the first ones screaming blue bloody murder..."

Is that a reference to UN peacekeepers?

David Codrea said...

No, it's just a saying I picked up and embellished.

Anonymous said...

In the news lately, the Baby Blue Helmets seem to have a hard time keeping their own guns and keeping themselves alive.
One of the fun things about the video game "Ghost Recon" is that when you're dropped into former Soviet territory to rescue two cut-off Brit peacekeepers, the commander says "And remember, the guys in the blue hats are the GOOD GUYS."
Otherwise reflexes take over and you have to restart the mission. Tom Clancy knows his target market.

Anonymous said...

This is the "Free Tibet" meme all over again. The only thing that will free Tibet is brave men and rifles, but no ones conviction runs any deeper than a bumper sticker.

Darfur is Islamists vs. the Animists and Christians and/or the Arabs vs the Blacks. Nobody can be argued, negotiated, or compromised out of their religion, ethnicity, culture, or skin color.

The AU and UN peacekeepers are ineffective because their mandate prevents them from solving the problem. They suffer from poorly trained troops and worse trained leaders.

The west won't stop the genocide because it might appear as a new front in the war between the Islamists and the west.