Saturday, February 28, 2009
We're the Only Ones Girl-Fighting Enough
I entered my comments on his page, but will add this:
Deputy Paul Schene, you are one of the most disgusting, brutal, thuggish and cowardly "Only Ones" I have ever had occasion to comment on, and I've commented on some pretty disgusting, brutal, thuggish and cowardly ones. If you don't like that, look me up.
For CCSU student John Wahlberg, a class presentation on campus violence turned into a confrontation with the campus police due to a complaint by the professor. [More]Paula Anderson doesn't even want to let us talk about it? This is a "communications professor"? What is that, some kind of Orwellian sick joke?
I wonder if she realizes the implications of using police state tactics to close that door?
Someone ought to tell her.
And Wahlberg should have told his inquisitioners to speak to his attorney. I hope they end up doing so, along with a certain miserable Marxist sow.
[Via JD]
Mike's trying to get me in trouble.

I guess I deflected that.

Oh, and this was the link I included.
Me oh my--the trouble us boys get ourselves into...
For Kirsten Gillibrand, Breaking Up isn't Hard to Do

It's time to dump the rube what brung her to the dance and latch onto that sophisticated, exciting and powerful stranger who can take her places she's only dreamed about before. [More]Oh, unrequited love!
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column is a tawdry little soap opera of infidelity and denial.
I never thought the political slut, which face it, is what Kirsten Gillibrand is, was all that hot to begin with.
Tune in and tell a friend.
As always, it also has the latest columns by the other Gun Rights Examiners.
This Day in History: February 28
The pass granted by Lord and Genl. Howe to William Taylor, dated the 18th, is of such a nature, as not to afford any protection to the Vessel and Crew, even on the most scrupulous construction of the Law of Nations, and She came in so suspicious a manner, without a flag flying, as would have justified severer treatment than mere detention. But 'tis possible, that Taylor and the master of the Vessel, not sufficiently informed of the pr actice necessarily observable in bearing Flags, or Strangers to the instances, in which Protection can with propriety be granted by an Enemy, came with no ill design; I would therefore have the Vessel and hands released, being desirous to remove from our Army every, the smallest, Imputation of an Infringement on the sacred dignity of a Flag. [More]
Friday, February 27, 2009
BREAKING NEWS: Over 50 Police Vehicles Surround City Hall
NYPD and other law enforcement agency emergency vehicles came screeching into the are surrounding City Hall a few minutes ago. [More]Huh. When they need armed protection, no problem.
UPDATE: He's changed his headline:
Nearly 100 police vehicles surround City Hall and nobody seems to know (or will say) why
Still no word on why, and I'm not seeing it on any regular news outlets...
UPDATE 2: Apparently something happened in a nearby subway, but I still find no corroboration from any other media outlets...
Yes, I'm Aware of This
In her first vote on the issue since being appointed to the Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., on Thursday voted to reject a measure that would expand gun rights. [More]It doesn't surprise me in the least.
I was going to write about this for today's Gun Rights Examiner column, but decided the "assault weapons"/Pelosi/AHSA spin was the bigger story.
I plan on doing something with this in tomorrow's column.
Man, I sure wish Jacob would hurry up and apologize--I'm not sure how much longer I can hold my breath waiting.
"When Something Really Substantive is Happening..."
"Authorized journalists."
Good grief.
Obama Giveth, Obama Taketh Away
This week, in the same press conference in which Attorney General Eric Holder assured the public that the administration of President Barack Obama will keep its promise to rein-in DEA raids on medical marijuana growers and distributors in states where voters have legalized marijuana as medicine, he also threatened to impose new restrictions on the private ownership of those scary-looking semi-automatic rifles known as "assault weapons." [More]I'm certain the Constitution is silent on federal authority over marijuana. And we know what it says about arms.
Read the latest from J.D. Tuccille.
We're the Only Ones Who Can't Determine Legality Enough
In Pennsylvania, you need a permit to carry a concealed weapon subject to certain exceptions. The most applicable exception is probably this: if you have a concealed carry permit in your home state, you don't need to get another one in PA; but that's subject to reciprocity requirements and some determination by the Attorney General that the other state's laws are similar to PA's. So I guess the message is: look and see if your home state has a reciprocity agreement with PA, and if not, check to see if the Attorney General has issued an opinion regarding the concealed carry laws of your home state (and no, I don't know where you'd find either of these things out).I have no reference link to send you to for more information. It is from an "Only Ones" board and is in the "Members Only" section, and my source prefers to remains anonymous.
As a word of warning: have your permit and the reciprocity agreement or AG's opinion with you. We train all our police to err on the side of safety and arrest and confiscate if the issue of legality cannot be determined on the scene. The police officer is not going to do the legal research for you on this one.
But nice attitude: If we don't know it's illegal, we'll arrest you and confiscate your property just to be on the safe side. And we do that by training.
Thing is, why would PA LEOs presume that's safe, once people realize they might be illegally taken hostage and robbed (or killed)?
And why would we assume these self-admitted Ignorant of the Law Enforcement Officers would recognize a "legal" out-of-state permit/reciprocity agreement anyway?
Coronation Sale

Now that's funny.
Eric R. Thompson, President of TGSCOM Inc. has some thoughts on the latest "assault weapon" ban brouhaha. [More]
[Via Michael Dukes]
Forget it, Jake, It's Chi-Town

Yeah, Bodyguarded Boss Daley, that's what you need--laws to make guns even more illegal in your fascist stronghold.
And nice to see the "Authorized Photographers" at Getty Images propagating a practice that could get someone killed.
There's a poll on the page. Take it for yucks.
What a bunch of cra...
[Via The Bitter Clinger]
We're the Only Ones Leaving No Good Deed Unpunished Enough
A good Samaritan who helped push three people out of the path of a pickup truck before being struck and injured has gotten a strange reward for his good deed: A jaywalking ticket. [More]And if he doesn't pay it, they will come and bind him and take him. And if he resists, they will employ force, up to and including the lethal kind.
Because the "Only Ones" need to make sure we're all safe...
[Via Ed M]
Your Call on Chancing it
I will fight you until the last drop of blood drains from my body and worms are eating my brain before I shall submit to being disarmed.Some may not want to hear this, but there are men who mean what they say.
Your call on chancing it? I already know what I'll do. [More]
[Via Thomas H]
A "Defining" Event
Many also wonder if there will be a "defining" event that will precipitate the call for total confiscation, a false-flag operation or another mass public shooting of civilians, perhaps even children, by a mentally unstable individual, heavily into prescription drugs. [More]A-yup.
[Via Ron W]
Thoughts on Obama
The United States Constitution clearly says “…shall not be infringed”. The basis for the Bill of Rights was that they were a list of “Shall not’s” issued by our Founding Fathers. The Bill of Rights GRANTS you nothing. The Bill of Rights is there to restrain the Government, as are all the subsequent Amendments.
This too, then, is an infringement. NJ just tried to pass this and fell one vote short as I recall. I helped kill a similar bill in mASSachusetts last legislative session. It has nothing to do with “affordability” and those that use that argument are forfeiting their rights without a fight. In mASSachusetts we have a Governor willing to try and push RFID/GPS tracking chips into our vehicles to tax you on the miles you drive! This is totalitarianism from the collectivists – “do gooder’s” who want to control everything you do and will use lies like “Global Cooling” oops “Global Warming”…oh crap let’s just call it “Climate Change” “since we’re wrong crowd”.
It’s critical that we all get on the same page here. If we don’t … it will be too easy to defeat us.
The issues in Mexico are not our problem. If these drug cartels want guns, they’ll get them from anywhere in the world. This is media hype against the Constitution as always. Where’s the media hype over the FACT that over 400 kidnappings have occurred in Arizona by drug cartels coming OVER OUR BORDER? Sneaking in, across our border, invading people’s homes in the United States! Where’s the outrage over that? Now that’s our problem. I’d say this too, you want to save Mexican (and American) lives? Ok, secure the damn border!
I’d suggest you all start reading David Codrea’s Gun Rights Examiner National column – daily and get informed.
Here’s a prediction. Given the makeup of Congress at the moment and how easily the “Welfare, Healthcare Bill”, (“Stimulus” Package) went through Obama and Holder think this will be a slam dunk. Obama wants it done before his first term ends because of what he thinks is a majority in Congress. This will KILL his chances for a second term. In fact, that’s now dead already thank God.
I think they’ll get this through, and then those of us who “told you so” will resist any of these new regulations until the Supreme Court kills it. It’s going to be a long and costly fight and hopefully the Constitution will prevail. If not there are other alternatives…like exercising our Second Amendment Rights as our Founding Fathers intended. Unfortunately, for everyone, that will come at a much higher cost. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, hurtful, hateful, or ridiculous about my making statement either. Either our Constitution is the law of the land or it isn’t. You can’t stand in the middle anymore.
There are now 22-26 States with legislation pending to declare State Sovereignty under the 9th and 10th Amendments. I personally filed a House Resolution with my State Rep. here in MA.
Obama wants to declare himself like “Lincoln”? He might just might get his chance by kicking off the Second Civil War. It will be his administrations fault, not ours. Problem is, he wants this in the worst way. Why? Because then he’ll be able to suspend elections, declare martial law, and strip us of all remaining rights. Any crisis will be viewed as a way for the Government to seize more control and squash the people. No different than Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush and most of the Presidents before him starting with FDR. We can’t let this happen. We can’t let him have his crisis. However, it’s up to each of you to join in the fight, while you still can, to do it peaceably through our legislative process.
This is NOT about Democrats or Republicans. That is a pure distraction to divide us. They’re ALL complicit in this together. It’s about Government control. Marching us toward “Collectivism” (for the greater good) under “Totalitarian” rule. Those that see it happening are awake. Those that disagree, laugh at these remarks, and stick their heads in the sand will have their day of reckoning too. Only then…it will be too late.
Open Letter to Rep. Kenneth Dunkin of Illinois...
What I find most appalling by far, is the tyrannical behavior of elected legislators like yourself who when taking their oath of office swear to uphold and protect their State Constitution and then so blatantly and directly violate it through the introduction of legislation such as this. [More]Norfolk County League of Sportsmen's Clubs President Ron Bokleman gives this nitwit an earful.
The Drug Cartels’ Right to Bear Arms
There should be enormous shame on this side of the border that America’s addiction to drugs is bolstered by its feckless gun controls. [More]The only shame I feel is knowing I have to share a landmass with you subversive fascists.
The good news is, you're your voice is mattering less and less.
[Via Ron Bokleman]
GRE PR, a national news media network with an extensive online presence, has launched a new lineup of columns featuring established pro-armed-citizen writers from across the country.
These Gun Rights Examiners (GRE) represent a cross section of grassroots activism ranging from liberty activist groups to online bloggers to published authors. [More]
Every little bit helps...
Backpedaling on the New 'Assault Weapons' Ban

Well, that didn't take long.
It seems Attorney General Eric Holder's announcement that the Obama administration would seek a new ban on semiautomatic firearms was premature, and the damage control teams have arrived to put the torn facades back up. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column explores the likelihood that Holder simply revealed the cards too soon.
There's some background stuff that could develop from this post. I won't tell you about it now, because unlike Holder, I want to keep my cards close. If what I suspect will result from this happens, I'll let you know what I'm hinting at then.
In the mean time, please read the column and share it with your friends.
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners:
Austin Gun Rights Examiner: Big government versus your civil rights
Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner: Ambitious gun rights agenda introduced in North Carolina
Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner: What kind of people are gun owners?
DC Gun Rights Examiner: The book burning will continue ‘till public safety improves!
LA Gun Rights Examiner: No question about it: they're coming for the guns. And the money, and the energy, and the food . . .
Milwaukee Gun Rights Examiner: Time to change our attitude about guns
Minneapolis Gun Rights Examiner: Open carry is the 2nd Amendment
Seattle Gun Rights Examiner: Obama is assembling a ‘gun grabber dream team’
St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner: What will it be--a new 'assault weapon' ban, or a preserved Union?
This Day in History: February 27
February 27, 1777
- In Baltimore, Congress adjourns and makes plans to return to Philadelphia now that General Washington has eliminated the British threat to the city. [More]
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Forget it, Jake, It's Chi-Town
Just when you think Blago-gate can’t get any slimier, along comes another corruption angle on the story. This one involves embattled Sen. Roland Burris’s son, who — get this — serves as an Illiniois senior housing authority counsel despite facing foreclosure on his own home. [More]Are any of these Chicago Political Machine parasites not total treasonous scumbag hypocrites?
And they say there are no stupid questions.
These are the people who want to disarm us. Gee, I wonder why.
This kind of stuff actually gives me hope though, for change. Because we're better than these wretched creatures. In every way.
We're better than them.
We're the Only Ones Rushing the Stage Enough
An Irvine police officer has pleaded guilty to fighting in public, after an altercation with a female security guard at an Orange County fairgrounds concert....Oh, and looky here. He's still on the roster.
Pacific Amphitheatre security guard Peggy Sue Walden yelled at Crawford to stop, and tried to block him, sheriff's officials said.
Crawford responded by striking Walden on the neck, under the chin and on the right side of her chest, knocking her down, sheriff's officials said. [More]
DEA? Really?
How "Only Oneish."
[Via Phil L]
We're the Only Ones Widespread Enough
A U.N. investigator accused Kenyan police of widespread extrajudicial killings, and called Wednesday for the removal of the East African nation's police commissioner and its attorney general. [More]Cool. This is just like watching a fight between a rat and a snake.
Kenya, Kenya....who's from Kenya...?...somebody famous...
Oh, no, that's Hawaii, my bad. If you suggest otherwise, you must be some kind of kook.
But the point being, the Ken...uh...Hawaiian believes in "Only Ones," too.
[Via Zachary G]
We're the Only Ones on the Front Lines of the Drug War Enough
Shipley ruled that the suspension and probation were appropriate, but gave Greenwood his shift-bidding privileges back, saying that he found the police department "at least somewhat negligent" due to the one-year lapse between the time Greenwood began visiting the area in question and the time that he was told by superiors to stop going there.Don't they routinely bust into houses--any houses--and kill people over stuff like this? Houses where "Only Ones" aren't hanging out...?
Shipley also said he did not find the charge of "neglect of duty" supported by the evidence presented to him. [More]
[Via Carl S]
It's All Our Fault!
U.S. Is Arms Bazaar for Mexican Cartels [More]Well, I guess that's as good an excuse to do this as any other...
And Remember, They Hate Us Because We're Free
A federal anti-terror law that requires longshoremen, truckers and others to submit to criminal background checks has ensnared another class of transportation worker -- mule drivers. [More]Yeah, I heard some terrorists were learning to ride mules but not dismount from them...
I wonder if anyone else has coined the term "mulejacker"? Dang.
[Via Ed M]
A Question for WoG Readers
I left the following as a comment on the "Fincher Denied" post late last night. I would like an answer. -- Paul
All we were asking was to let the JURY decide what weapons were suitable for militia use. — per Miller
You know, it's really funny (and not "Ha Ha"), but WE, the citizens are the ones who vote to ratify a Constitution at the state level, and we would instruct our state representatives and senators how they should vote were another Federal Constitution to come before them for ratification. Moreover, we have instructed them on how we wanted them to vote on Amendments to the Federal Constitution in the last 50 years.
YET . . .
Does anyone besides me see something horribly wrong with this picture?
That means we can either accept the "No," or realize that their answer won't change unless the ones giving it come to understand they have no other choice. But it's not going to be us positing an "or else" proposition to the government. They're going to be bringing it to us.
But I speak out of turn. Paul hears from me enough. He wants to know what you think.
We're the Only Ones Sentenced Enough
Three former Atlanta police officers who each pleaded guilty to a federal conspiracy charge in connection with the death of an elderly woman during a botched drug raid were sentenced Tuesday to federal prison. [More]I wonder if the sentences would be the same had a non-LEO conspiracy resulted in the shooting death of an "Only One." All things considered, had that been my mother, I believe the sentencing would have been more severe.
Hey, do you think Kathryn Johnston's murder will be counted in the "Plus" column by the Bradys?
[Via Jeffersonian]
And So it Begins...
Eric Holder, under the smokescreen of a presser about the bust of the Sinaloan drug cartel and seizure of property, announced that the Obama Administration intends to re-institute the Clinton Gun Bans. [More]Newbius shares his thoughts.
"Two Great Pro-Gun Amendments"
Senator John Ensign of Nevada offered his amendment to repeal D.C.'s draconian gun ban today.Gun Owners of America is recruiting our political activism. Click on the title link and do what they recommend, which is write your senators.
But Senators John Thune of South Dakota and David Vitter of Louisiana have also stepped up to the plate. They filed an amendment that would result in REAL national concealed carry reciprocity -- without adversely affecting no-permit states like Alaska and Vermont. [More]
Don't be afraid of using up too much of our political capital. That's part of what got us in our current state.
Coming Soon: 'Assault Weapons' Ban 2?

But it doesn't look like we were wrong:
"Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban
"Attorney General Says White House Also Looking at Ban on 'Cop-Killer' Bullets'"
To help fight crime in Mexico, you see. [More]
Well, here it is. Today's Gun Rights Examiner column...
Please share its link.
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners:
Austin: Big government VS your civil rights
Charlotte: The Carpenters: From tragedy rises heroism
DC: No right to arms, no vote in Congress!
Denver: Fending off fascism
Los Angeles: No question about it: they're coming for the guns. And the money, and the energy, and the food . . .
Milwaukee: Time to change our attitude about guns
Minneapolis: Open carry is the 2nd Amendment
Seattle:Alarm company ads send wrong message about self-protection
St. Louis: The idiocy of 'smart guns'
This Day in History: February 26
February 26, 1777 Five vessels belonging to a British supply fleet are sunk near Amboy, N. J. [More]
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Kirsten, We Hardly Knew ye

It appears the junior senator from New York is deciding which company to keep. Whether that will include people inclined to continue giving her A-ratings on gun rights is looking less and less likely. [More]I just got this news and didn't want to wait until tomorrow to post it. Here's another Gun Rights Examiner column for today on Kirsten Gillibrand. You'll recall I took some heat for this series recently.
Please share the link far and wide.
Fincher Denied
Feb 23 2009 Petition DENIED. [More]No reason given, of course.
I wish I could say this surprises me in any way.
I really do.
I've also posted the Jan. 20 Hearing on Remand document to a public folder. Click here to download.
[More about Wayne Fincher from WarOnGuns]
We're the Only Ones "I'll Save You, Nell!" Enough

An RCMP officer has been charged with drunk driving. [More]And as if that isn't enough, we see the origin of Snidely Whiplash can be attributed to "[j]ob-related post-traumatic stress disorder, childhood troubles and serious money problems."
Looks like "Only Ones" are the same north of the border too, eh?
[Via Bruce Mills]
Angel of Light Ascending
Art imitates life. [More]
[Via Russ S]
The Boot with the "R" on it
Republican politicians on Thursday called for a sweeping new federal law that would require all Internet providers and operators of millions of Wi-Fi access points, even hotels, local coffee shops, and home users, to keep records about users for two years to aid police investigations. [More]Between this and hip-hop, these stupid sonsofbitches are making themselves totally irrelevant to anything I give a damn about.
[Via Skip]
We've All Seen This, Right?
The Supreme Court today affirmed the use of a federal law barring people convicted of domestic violence crimes from owning guns, the first firearms case at the high court since last year’s decision in support of gun rights. [More]I got wrapped around the axle on other stuff in the queue, and this is the first chance I've had to comment. I don't know anyone who expected any different outcome.
Clarence Thomas sure has been a disappointment.
I can't imagine anyone obeying this. Well, I can, actually. I guess I should have said I can't identify with anyone who would obey it.
[Via Ron Bokleman]
We're the Only Ones Dismissed Enough
A U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down a requirement that guns be locked or disassembled when stored has convinced a Barnstable District Court judge to dismiss a firearms charge against a Massachusetts state trooper. [More]OK,that's as it should be--provided the same reasoning is now applied to everyone, not just "Only Ones."
[Via An Illinois Voter]
Who Would Jesus Shoot?
As a preacher of sermons I confess that I don’t relish the idea of an armed congregation. [More]Which I guess means he relishes the alternative...
"Chicago Spirituality Examiner"...
Why did I think that was "Snuffy"?
[Via RuffRidr]
Not to Keep Stirring the Pot, But...
U.S. Army To Buy $6 Million Of Riot EquipmentHere's the solicitation.
Stokes fears that troops will be used to quell civil insurrection in wake of economic crisis [More]
I know some will dismiss this as more paranoia, easily explainable as part of our foreign involvements, and others will see another puzzle piece for their domestic concerns.
[Via Tom Z]
We're the Only Ones Making Federal Case Out of it Enough
FBI agent suspected of murdering coupleMaybe now that he's no longer a federal "Only One," he can join his colleague Lon Horiuchi over at HS Precision...?
COLD-CASE INVESTIGATION | Husband, wife were shot execution-style in their SUV in West Rogers Park in 2002 -- while baby sat in back seat [More]
[Via Avg Joe]
"Police Do Not Believe it was a Random Shot."
"I have a real personal sense that the mayor's office was targeted and that it was intentional..."[More]Then the next question involves motive...I see some are speculating in "comments."
And yes, he is.
We're the Only Ones Snoopy Enough
Police officer quits after he's accused of snooping...A city police officer has resigned amid charges that he improperly used a state law-enforcement computer system while on duty.Don't you feel safer knowing the "Only Ones" have access to so much information about the rest of us?
Young's past includes an arrest for violating a civil protection order during a divorce. [More]
[Via CL]
Open Records for Concealed Carry?

I think gun owners are missing a creative opportunity to discourage anti-gun editorial activism by discouraging sponsorship. And to those who would decry this as economic blackmail, well...uh...yeah, that's the point. We didn't start this fight. But if aggressors won't let us walk away from it, we should do what it takes to prevail. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column explores the sordid business of newspapers outing CCW holders.
It also has alerts for Oregon, South Dakota and national gun rights issues, and an announcement I will tell you about in a separate post.
Please pass the link along to your friends. Oh, and digg it, too.
Charlotte: The Carpenters: From tragedy rises heroism
DC: No right to arms, no vote in Congress!
Los Angeles: No question about it: they're coming for the guns. And the money, and the energy, and the food . . .
Minneapolis: Open carry is the 2nd Amendment
St. Louis: Disarming the poorThis Day in History: February 25
I concur in your Lordships proposition, so far as it goes for incorporating the three Companies of Virginia Volunteers, and forming them into a Battalion; But tho' I have a high Opinion of the conduct Merit and bravery of Capt. Thruston, in whose behalf you have interested yourself, and would wish to do him any favor, I cannot appoint him to the rank you mention. The reasons, upon reflection, I am persuaded, will readily occur to you and to him. The greatest part of the Officers and Men composing our present Army, are in the same predicament and on the same footing with these three Companies, or differ but very little. Many have been longer in Service, and coming from different States, they would not bear the distinction, or suffer it to pass without Complaining and objecting to me, a charge of partiality in favour of the Virginians. [More]
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I'm Really Liking This
I'm biased, but really do think WoG and GRE somehow serve as forums for the best RKBA comments out there. I'm really grateful for them.
You guys making them know who you are.
We're the Only Ones Helpful Enough
A judge has declared a mistrial in the case of a Mississippi mayor charged with leading a sledgehammer attack on a duplex he suspected was a crack house...Melton...said he was only trying to help the city and the tenant. [More]An "Only One" and a "Mayor Against Guns."
Dare we hope jury nullification reaches any lower...?
[Via Stephen S]
Hypocrite, Thy Name is Newsom
S.F. Mayor Newsom Bans Bottled Water Then Gets Caught with a Case of Empties in his Car [More]Doesn't this guy have a microphone to fellate or something...?
Cancer in the Cantons
Story HighlightsLet's hope Swiss patriots recognize treason for what it is and act accordingly.
- Swiss soldiers could lose their famous right to store their weapons at home
- Coalition of groups get enough signatures for referendum on gun laws
- They want weapons stored on bases and a national register [More]
Vanderboegh and the Monsignor
This is my fault. I know he should be working on the book, but I begged him to take a break and say some things as only he can. [More]
Go Read Kurt
This is one of the best pro-armed defense arguments I have ever read, and I've read a lot. [More]
Will Obama's Justice Department Fight for Guns in National Parks?

An analysis of this situation we need to look closely at comes from National Parks Examiner Randi Minetor, who notes:Today's Gun Rights Examiner column examines whether the National Parks rule is really the done deal some have represented it to be.
"...Justice is requiring the plaintiffs to prove their case more effectively within the requirements of federal law..."
As for the Bush rule change?
"[I]t was done in violation of laws that require environmental analysis before this kind of rule change is done." [More]
I expect there will be those who would rather we didn't talk about this, as much of it is coming from the Brady camp. I think it would be foolish to ignore the chatter, even bearing in mind there is much disinformation.
Part of our job is learning how to recognize that. And another part is hearing things we'd rather not.
Please pass the link around for discussion. The more awareness and input, the better off we'll be.
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners:
Austin: Obama: The anti-civil rights president?
Charlotte: The Carpenters: From tragedy rises heroism
DC: No right to arms, no vote in Congress!
Denver: Changing hearts and minds
Los Angeles: Gun control in churches, Part II: The Militia.
Milwaukee: Time to change our attitude about guns
Minneapolis: Open carry is the 2nd Amendment
St. Louis: Should effective self-defense be limited to the fit and strong?
This Day in History: February 24
I believe there soon will, as Genl. Howe has withdrawn great part of the Troops from Rhode Island in order to strengthen those of this State for I should think, (considering the Situation of our Army) some Offensive operation. If he does not, there can be no Impropriety, I conceive, [in] pronouncing him a Man of no enterprize, as circumstances never will, I hope, favour him so much as at present. [More]
Monday, February 23, 2009
You Guys are Missing a Fight
I'm getting it.
As of this moment, there are 219 comments on Digg (you need to be a registered user).
And the comments over at the post itself are growing--you don't need to be registered there, so go on over and see what some of the observers are saying (particularly a defeatist who calls himself "Monsignor").
Y'know, this writing thing is maddening. As regulars here are reminded every day, I've been trying like all get-out to promote my GRE columns, and it took basically a reprint of a post I did 15 years ago to give me my biggest all-time day ever--and it's still growing.

But let me spend hours researching something I think is original, unique, important, and cue the crickets. Funny what takes.
Anyway, go on over to GRE (and Digg if you can) and enjoy (or dive into) the brouhaha.
Firing Blanks
A government scheme offering fast-tracked gun permits to men who agree to undergo a vasectomy is being criticised by the men who say officials are reneging on the deal. [More]And that surprises anyone why...?
Talk about a story rich in metaphor.
[Via Long Island Mike]
We're the Only Ones Teary-Eyed Enough
Swanson was terminated Wednesday from the department, teary-eyed Ortega announced during the conference. [More]Yes, I'm sure the chief would be all broken up--and the DA would still be considering charges--if a citizen had thought he was shot, and opened fire into a car full of "Only Ones".
[Via JR]
UPDATE: I've gone back in and reworked the link after several complaints--this appears to be one of those stupid newspapers who make it difficult to access their website without registration. I guess their print editions must be doing well enough to chase off web users. Anyway, if you can't get to the story by clicking on the title link, paste into your browser and see if that works. If it doesn't and you still give a damn, I do link to BugMeNot over in the sidebar, but I'm done spending time on this.
Disturb a Rock, Lose Your Car
In the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, which passed the Senate (S. 22) in January and is up for a vote in the House as early as this Wednesday, a “forfeiture” provision would let the government confiscate “all vehicles and equipment of any person” who disturbs a rock or a bone from federal land that meets the bill’s broad definition of “paleontological resource.” The seizures could take place even before a person and even if the person didn’t know they were taking or digging up a “paleontological resource.” And the bill specifically allows the “transfer of seized resources” to “federal or non-federal” institutions, giving the government and some private actors great incentive to egg on the takings. [More]Yep, there it is on pg. 487...
From the government established to secure the Blessings of Liberty...
The good thing is, the wider they cast the net, the more people they catch and anger.
The bad thing is, most of them just won't make the right connections.
I can at least think of one fictional way to give rocks back.
Gaming the Coming Civil War
Bill Clinton's election in 1992 gave rise to the American "militia movement": hordes of overwhelmingly white, middle-aged men from suburban and rural areas who convinced themselves they were defending the American way of life from the "liberals" and "leftists" running the country by dressing up in military costumes on weekends, wobbling around together with guns, and play-acting the role of patriot-warriors. Those theater groups -- the cultural precursor to George Bush's prancing 2003 performance dressed in a fighter pilot outfit on Mission Accomplished Day -- spawned the decade of the so-called "Angry White Male," the movement behind the 1994 takeover of the U.S. Congress by Newt Gingrich and his band of federal-government-cursing, pseudo-revolutionary, play-acting tough guys.[More]See, sophisticated and urbane metrosexual Glenn Greenwald just can't fathom that the restoration has nothing at all to do with the neo con job. Or he can, but makes a living exploiting the charade.
He did get one thing right. We're not "very interested in bipartisanship and in transcending ideological divisions."
Been there, done that. Look what it got us.
[Via Daniel M]
What's a Little Conflict of Interest Between Friends?
Here's something a sharp-eyed reader pointed out that isn't mentioned:Huh.
* Kenneth Duncan (5th District):
Committee assignments:...Insurance... [More]
I wonder if that's got anything at all to do with this?
[Via HZ]
Naturally, I will not be able to react/respond to all.
Thanks for understanding that.
Do You Believe They Were Outraged? opens with "It was a crime that outraged Minnesotans." Do you beleve Minnesotans where actually outraged over the vandalism? [More]Not on your life.
I'm anticipating the day when this will seem mild.
Somehow, I doubt I'm the only one who is.
[Via Concerned American]
Queens Councilman Brandishes Gun in Church!
I guess I'd be happy too, if I had a councilman's privileges and could do so with impunity, especially since we know what happens to other New Yorkers who actually do "brandish" guns in the presence of police. Or even toy guns. [More]What's in a word? The Daily News shows us.
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows us that if you don't have a clue about what to do when your policies contribute to violent crime, but you still want credit for doing something to fight it, you can always attach your name to a "gun buyback"!
Please help spread this link around.
Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners: Austin: Philadelphia cop killers: guns or politics? Charlotte: Guns and the Constitution: The 'well regulated Militia' DC: Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley: Damn the high crimes rates, full speed ahead on gun control! Denver: A thought experiment Los Angeles: Gun control in churches, Part II: The Militia. Milwaukee: Time to change our attitude about guns Minneapolis: Open carry is the 2nd Amendment St. Louis: 'Protecting' children . . . from the ability to defend themselves