Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fisk of Fury

Take that, Katherine Eban! [Read]

Zara Kessler's Indirect Donation to NAMBLA

Using the same "logic" and dot-connecting this regressive twit does, we can demonstrate that if stupidly obnoxious Zara and her Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist Bloomberg employers pay taxes, they help finance roads that sexual predators use to drive to locations where they can either molest children or escape afterward. And if they're driving a General Motors or Chrysler car, Obama's subsidizing them!  [Read]

Seriously, if we play by her rules and go full Simple Jack, we can stretch it that much now.

Sure, I realize that applies to anyone who pays taxes.  The point is, how much more of an indication do we need that the antis are desperate and grasping for any straw they can get their clutches on beyond pathetic "arguments" like this advanced by a major "news" outlet?

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

UK police arrest man over Twitter insult [More
Why did Americans die defending these people again?

Undocumented Berserkers

Report: Illegals released by feds committed 19 murders, 142 sex crimes [More]
And it doesn't look like the screening system for the ones they do document is all that hot, either.

Reese Family Update

From the family spokesperson, via email:
Yesterday was another day of hard hitting tactics from the government ! Rick finished up on the stand. They (gov.) tried hard to show Rick wasn't being honest with them , and you could see he was answering all the questions set forth to him ! Time and again they could not prove that Rick did anything wrong !! Also that all the assets and moneys were all accounted for !! Terri took the stand later, in the day; she will continue to tell the truth again ! All the prayers are working.
Also see yesterday's GRE. A man who was rejected for jury service on the case by the prosecution left an informative and enlightening comment.

We're the Only Ones All Choked Up Enough

A Port Orange police officer asked a woman to show him how her husband tried to strangle her and when the woman put two fingers on the policeman's neck, she got arrested, records show. [More]
Why would you do that, Officer Michael Garay?


[Via Kevin Starrett]

Resistance is Futile

When They Come For Your Guns . . . You Will Turn Them Over [More]

Jim Karger said it, I believe it, that settles it.

That's because he's already given his up, what with emigrating to Mexico where he eat gluten-free pancakes all day under the protection of...how do you say "monoply of violence" in Spanish?

And if you don't think you're up to resisting domestic enemies, why, Heaven forbid that you would stand up to foreign ones.

Shame on Lou Rockwell.com for publishing this defeatist, cowardly screed for cattle car riders and slaves. Just because Karger doesn't have the imagination or the guts to realize a workaround to dying on his own doorstep doesn't mean better, that is, more experienced/informed minds, aren't prepared to be a significant deterrent to tyranny, and that those who would gather up the guns don't know that they can be reached before and after a raid.

[Via Ron W]

The Main Advantage

The main advantage of forcing into the black market men who wish to build arsenals is that police get a chance of coming into contact with them. [More]
Like Los Zetas in Mexico?  Yeah, let's emulate that model!

Ol' Myron B. Pitts here writing for FayObserver.com isn't very observant.

Down But Not Out

If promoters have their way, the Arms Trade Treaty will be back for a rematch. [Read]

Congressional Fast and Furious report released in advance to chosen few

Those reports are out there already influencing public perception, while “unauthorized journalists” not so favored are playing catch-up just to reach limited niche readerships. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes that it wasn't elite exclusivity that uncovered the mess and got it noticed, and turning things over to those who first ignored it and then spun it is no way to manage information.

This Day in History: July 31

On July 31st, the opening of communications with Rochembeau begins, at the same time as the duties of the Westchester front. The communications needed to be secure, secret and quick. Sheldon was to establish his part from Gen. Washington’s headquarters, wherever he was, to New London. [More]

Monday, July 30, 2012

Gun dealer Reese takes defense stand in firearms smuggling case

“I would have thrown [government informant Jose Roman] out of the store," the Las Cruces-Sun News reported Reese maintaining under oath. "I would not put my wife and sons in harm's way, ever." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes there are those who are trying their utmost to do just that, and asks why the State Department can make an appearance here but not in the case where the government did what they're accusing the Reeses of.

About Last Night

I think we had a pretty darn good show last night on Armed American Radio.   Aside from me, and I managed to be wheedle an invite into all three hours, Mark Walters' guests included "Bill O'Reilly,"  Alan Korwin, Larry Pratt and "Roundtable" regular George "Mad Ogre" Hill.

Listen at your leisure (and tell a friend):

All By Their Own Self

Look, guys, you did good, and no doubt you did quite a bit of the heavy lifting, and thanks and all, but good grief, what is it with you always taking all the credit?

Taken for Granted

Would somebody please explain things to David Bolduc[Read]

In the Hands of Soldiers

What kind of criminal would want it otherwise? [View]

If You Foreigners Don't Like It...

...ain't nothing keeping you here. [Read]

 [Via Seamus F]

Meanwhile, Over in Third-Ranked Brady Paradise...

Mass. dad shoots his 2 kids, 1 fatally, kills self [More]
I don't understand.

Dr. Suzanne just got done telling us "In my own practice, most patients I ask about guns tell me that they don’t own any. This isn’t surprising because Massachusetts has one of the lowest gun ownership rates of any state (and, as it happens, the lowest rate of gun-related deaths)."

So that means we need "laws" even more draconian than they have in Kennedyland?  What kind of "slippery slope paranoid" would think that's the agenda?

Ask Dr. Suzanne!

Dear Dr. Suzanne,

I hear this ticking noise coming from under the hood of my restored '65 Buick Special.  It's got the old Wildcat 310 V8 and standard "three-on-the-tree" manual transmission.  It does pretty good on oil and I checked all the belts and nothing seems to be leaking anywhere. 

What would you recommended I look at next?

What?  You have no fricking idea?

Well what makes you think you're qualified to give advice on gun safety and storage as if you're an authority and know what the hell you're talking about on issues outside of the practice of medicine? Just because you're a doctor?

What kind of gun safety training and certification have you obtained, and what are the qualifications of the accrediting body? Will you list your credentials for us?

Will your malpractice insurance cover you if someone gets hurt or killed listening to you because they were unable to retrieve and enable a locked and unloaded gun in time to respond to an emergency need? Will you assume personal liability if it does not?

See, after the car part, doc, you ought to be able to answer all of those questions if you're going to be responsible for your professional counsel.

If I were one of your patients, I'd insist on it.

For All You 'Slippery Slope Paranoids'

It could have happened here in New Jersey...Our laws have been ranked the nation’s second-best by the Brady Campaign...[More]
So it could have happened in spite of that?  Which means you want:

Hit it, Oliver Twist.

Nicely Done

The National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund says state Senate candidate Frank Niceley has been "deliberately misleading voters" by saying in campaign literature that his NRA rating is "A+" instead of the "C" that has was assigned for the 2012 primary. [Read]

In a way it's kind of funny to see a politician try to convince voters he's the darling of the NRA even when he's not. It's also kind of funny to see how realpolitik plays out against the contentions of the delusional.

Go ahead, turncoat wannabes: Listen to Oliver Willis.  Believe him when he says "The NRA is a gang of very strange, conspiracy-theory spewing, racist, bigoted know-nothings who don’t give a damn about the safety of their fellow citizens. They would rather the streets be flooded with all manner of weapons rather than ever allow a single law or regulation that would govern the world of guns."

If we're going to have enemies, it's in our interests to keep them ignorant and have them underestimate us, and Ollie here is doing a splendid job of that.

Thanks, Ollie! Nicely done.

We're the Only Ones Suspended Enough

A 17-year veteran of the New York Police Department has been suspended without pay after a kidnapping victim was found tied up in his garage. [More]
As if there's not enough clutter. But suspend your disbelief--I'm sure he has a good explanation, and, after all, that's why we call so many of Bloomberg's Finest the "Only Ones."

[Via Kevin Starrett]

This Day in History: July 30

An instance of treachery which took place about this time, ruined all confidence between the regulars and the militia... [More]

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Scalia’s establishment take on ‘gun control’ should be no surprise to gun owners

For someone represented by the establishment as an “originalist,” Scalia’s views are anything but. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes things aren't always as they appear. "News" may not be news at all, and "conservatives" may be conserving something altogether different from what we're being led to believe.

Tonight on Armed American Radio

The program starts at 8 pm Eastern and Mark Walters' guests include Alan Korwin and Larry Pratt.

I'll be joining in for the 10 "Roundtable" segment. UPDATE--looks like I'll be coming on in the first hour, too.

Click here to get a list of stations throughout the Republic, or to listen live via the internet.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Obama ‘gun control’ goes back under the radar

What these developments indicate is a restraint and political pragmatism on the part of the administration and party leadership , and a concession that citizen disarmament is a losing political issue. What this means is, barring currently unforeseen circumstances that diminish the threat of Republican gains, overt support for more legislation by politicians not from “safe” districts will be stifled, at least until after the November elections. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a quick muting, a foundering treaty, and a sneaky insinuation.  In other words, enemies foreign and domestic are resorting to that old deceptive posturing that has always served them so well.

We're the Only Ones...

...On Track Enough

...Screwed Enough

[Via Kevin Starrett]


I just found out that Heritage had an online chat about Fast and Furious. As of right now, 9 "likes."

Derpina went shopping!

The pH factor strikes again.

'We Are Better Than This'

No you're not. [Read]

But now that we know you suffer from a disability, perhaps we can develop treatments.

The Best Vacation

Just got this email from friend Jack Burch and got permission to share it:
Good Morning David,

Had the best "vacation" last week. I had the honor of running registration and scoring for 600 kids at the 2012 Texas 4H State Games for shooting sports. Over 1000 kids shooting in 32+ events with firearms over a 6 day period. The really amazing part was not one person was worried about all these kids carrying a firearm. Not one accident. Not one injury. In the shotgun area alone over 250,000 targets were thrown over a 4 day period. If anyone wants to see the true face of gun owners they need to come to this event. I hear folks talk about how bad our youth are these days and have to think that my experience is tainted because I have the privilege of working with this group from all walks of life. Just once I would like the "media" to report on these kids.

Have a great day!!

Jack N. Burch II
Hill Country Shooting Sports Center
U.S. Olympic Training Site
Well, the "Authorized Journalists" may not report on it, but that's what us lowly bloggers are here for.  This is vital work--if we don't have a next generation that's educated and involved, it'll be "Say good night, Gracie."

This sure beats what the antis recommend. You know, ignorance, avoidance and fear...
From American Trigger Sports Network:
    29th Western Trail Classic & 18th Annual NFAA Marked 3D Champs
    Straight Arrow Bowhunters
    Redding, CA

The ATSN film crew and Field Correspondent, Molly Smith, take us to the 29th Annual Straight Arrow Bow Hunters Western Classic Trail Shoot. Professional archer, Chuck Cooley, describes the event, equipment and some of the various technology employed. Sit back and enjoy this exciting 3-D target National Championship. 

    6:00pm Pacific

    7:00pm Mountain

    8:00pm Central

    9:00pm Eastern

    DirecTV Channel 608 PRST

    DISH Network Channel 240 HUNT


We're the Only Ones Not in Favor Enough

“After looking at what happened in Aurora, Colo., who could be in favor of these high-capacity magazines?” asked Hubert Williams, president of the Police Foundation and chairman of the National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence. [More]
As long as we're in favor of you having them, right?

Trust me, Hubert, you--or more likely, the stormtroopers you would need to send--don't want to find out.

As Well He Should Have

Cat5 CEO Cain Weinman was quick to walk back the statement of his COO, 'setting the record straight" that his company "fully supports the Second Amendment." Mr. Weinman went to the pro-gun blogs himself and posted his full-throated support for gun rights, throwing his second-in-command under the armor-plated bus. [More]
Good. If that's the guy's judgment, he should have fired him.

And I suppose the Post-Dispatch's idea of "sane" is being utterly powerless to keep from being dispatched post-haste?

Blinding Us with "Science"

The Centers for Disease Control funds research into the causes of death in the United States, including firearms — or at least it used to. In 1996, after various studies funded by the agency found that guns can be dangerous, the gun lobby mobilized to punish the agency. [More

No, now tell the truth, Alex Sitz-Bath, although I realize that's hard for Salon writers. We, that is, "the gun lobby," appropriately acted defensively to protect ourselves from financing abusive bureaucrats who telegraphed their propaganda agenda and goals for all to see:
Dr. Mark Rosenberg, Director of the CDC's National Center for Injury Control and Prevention (NCIPC) in 1994 told The Washington Post: "We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes. Now it [sic] is dirty, deadly, and banned." 
Is there some reason you didn't see fit to mention such an inconvenient truths that doesn't fit your narrative, Alex? Probably the same one that has you identifying yourself as a "political reporter" instead of a Ministry of Truth functionary...?

More Reese Family Updates

Here and here.  These folks at Luna Tea Pary Patriots are doing a wonderful job giving us recaps. I recommend bookmarking their site and making it a regular stop.

ATT Update

There was some controversy over this morning's post linking to a Dave Workman column, so I pulled it awaiting validation.  Here's his new report:
Reporting from the U.N. Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, told Examiner confidently via e-mail Friday afternoon that “The treaty is dead for now.” The report has not appeared in the mainstream press, however, but only on the Internet.

Eloi Survival Tips

As a last resort, working together or alone, act with aggression, use improvised weapons and fight. [Watch]

What, like rat tail combs and vomit?  Why should anyone be forced to improvise?

We've visited the DHS issue before, and again, but this is a new video, produced by the Houston Mayor's Office with a federal wealth redistribution grant.  I'm hoping whoever made it is secretly on our side, because look at the fleeting shot they managed to keep in the final edit:

And remember:
The authorities are working hard to protect you and to protect our public spaces.
You believe that, don't you?

[Via Tom S]

Reese Family Update / We're the Only Ones Practicing Gun Safety Enough

The problem occurred when the prosecution started picking up AK-47s and AR-15s and swinging them around the room pointed randomly at people – unintentionally.  The careless handling of the weapons caught the eye of the Judge who stopped the prosecution and made sure the weapons were unloaded and secured. [More]
That had to make an impression on the jury. I hope the defense points out store handling practices, simply to establish comparative credibility.

[Via everrest]

A Chance Encounter

Why fellas!  Imagine meeting you here! [Read]

Is there anything about this character that's genuine?

The Bloomberg Grant

The Supreme Court recognized that the Second Amendment grants citizens the right to bear arms, subject to reasonable restrictions. The question is: What should those restrictions look like? [More
See, that's what statists think--that "rights" come from government.  And because they're surrounded by toadies and have constituents who let them get away with anything as long as the redistribution keeps coming, arrogant megalomaniacs like this operate under the illusion that "L'Etat c'est moi."

The thing is, the very case he cites, as well as long-established precedent, specifically repudiate his prefatory assertion:

As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553 (1876), “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed . . . . 
Which means, of course, that he's LYING, and there are no "Authorized Journalists" either informed or honest enough to call him on it, or to let those relying on them for complete reporting know about it--but in this case, the tinpot is using his own megaphone, which creates an ethical conundrum of its own: How can the press be government watchdogs if the press is the government?

As for what "those restrictions should look like," I suppose if a citizen militia needed to be activated in time of emergency, we'd want to bring suitable equipment with us (meaning we'd have to possess it in the first place), to assemble and deploy under standards of training and discipline, and to fit in to a chain of command so that our efforts could be coordinated to best restore a system where freedom is protected and can be exercised in peace.

Think Furious Mike would go along with that?

A Major Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist

First, we have "Authorized Journalist" and administration waterboy Major Garrett telling us Obama has expanded gun rights, yet somehow not addressing any of the documented hostilities listed here. Maybe with all the resources at his disposal, he just couldn't find them?

Now, Mr. Unbiased Reporter spells out three infringements an imperial president who rules by authoritarian edict could impose by "simple" decree: ratchet up the Nazi-originated "sporting purpose" ploy on imports, burden dealers and buyers with more paperwork that violent criminals who cause the problems won't comply with, and put smaller dealers out of business by forcing them to expend more than they can hope to recoup to comply with new--and as yet undefined--federal "security" requirements.

Note that not a one of these proposals would have had the slightest deterrence effect on the Aurora killer, so what we have here is shameless exploitation and blood-dancing to pull a bait and switch.

Look at all the other examples he gives Obama "sidestep[ping] Congress," that is, the people's representatives. The elites talk a good game about being "democratic," but in the end, what they're always all about is a strongman dictator wielding power.  Especially if it's to advance "progressive" causes.

What a major tool.

Show Us a Sign

Florida puppeteer accused in child porn case fantasized about cannibalism, authorities say [More]
It sounds like he was pulling more than strings.

Aside from offering "Birthday Frolics" for ages 2 - 11, his website says he's appeared at:
• Home Depot • Kash N' Karry • Florida Power • Sunken Gardens • Evatone • Belleair Country Club • Innisbrook Resort • Cypress Run Golf Club • Seminole Lake Country Club • River Hills Country Club • McDonalds • Dillard's • Pinellas Parkside Mall • The Salvador Dali Museum • First Night in St. Petersburg • Tampa's Santa Fest • Numerous Schools • Churches • Recreation Centers • Civic Clubs • Private Parties 
Creepy puppets, by the way...

I wonder if putting up a "No Cannibalistic Pederasts" sign or passing some new laws would help?  Because there are plenty more perverts than there are mass shooters (wouldn't you agree, Brian Ross?), and that seems to be the "common sense" solution demanded by the antis.

This Day in History: July 27

I imagine before this reaches your Excellency, the Militia of the State of Delaware, required by the Committee of cooperation, will have assembled at Wilmington, the place of rendezvous – You will be pleased to give orders to the Officer commanding them, to march and join the Army under my command wherever it may be. [More]

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Arms Trade Treaty Draft

If you wish to burn a copy, you can print it out here.  That may be my first act of defiance--contributing to "climate change" because of that stupid little "Please Recycle" logo in the bottom right of the first page...

Workman tells us they're establishing a "Secretariat" to assist states with implementation.  Why does that make me think that permanently putting down this horse-brained idea is the most humane thing to do...?

GOA Radio Live

The program is on from 6 to 8 Eastern. I'll be joining host Bill Frady at 7:00. [Listen here]

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town

Chicago values.

Not Chicago values.

Obama floating new semi-auto ban puts administration intent above the radar

With this as background, Obama ending his self-imposed citizen disarmament discussion embargo, not only before the election, but the day before speculation in some quarters has him signing the ATT, ought to put gun owners on high alert. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes he's pulled the mask off, and asks if he'd be doing this if he didn't think it was safe.

(By the way, I used to have that model--I built all the classic Aurora monsters back when I was a kid.)

UPDATE: Here's the video:

State Crazy at CNN

Alan Korwin bravely enters the lion's den and handles himself beautifully. [Watch]

The very premise is offensive, and rather than being an impartial moderator between two guest debaters, Amanpour is the lead attack dog.

I'm very impressed with the way he handled both of his antagonists.  It's not an easy thing to do, and he really did it well.  I'm going to study this some more for pointers.

The thought struck--if the kind of madman they were discussing burst in during the broadcast, Alan would have been the only one capable of doing anything about it.

What a Difference a Day Makes

My, how things have changed. Just yesterday, San Francisco's ABC 7 was crying Barry wouldn't touch the third rail.  [Read and watch]

Yih-Chau Chang makes a guest appearance in the video and does a great job representing us in the few seconds they allot him.

Anti-gun hypocrite Don Perata also gets his licks in. He can show his face again now that his party cronies have given him a pass on all those shady money deals.

Reese Family Update

Defense case starts soon [More
The family spokesperson sent me the following this morning:
The trial is going very well.The prosecution will be resting their case by Friday afternoon. Our defense team is doing a wonderful job. I will send you a great update later.
Here's the latest recap from Tea Party Patriots of Luna County.

I'm also going to get some family pictures I can use instead of the  mug shots the government is relying on to taint public opinion.

Of Course You Realize This Means War

If the Second Amendment protects the right of [redacted] to equip himself for mass murder, it’s time to repeal the Second Amendment. [More] 
What did I just get done saying about the "slippery slope"?  Maybe the antis are right and it is a myth--looks to me like they're going straight for the precipice.

Somehow, I don't think Jerome here is going to help with the rounding up.

Things are getting interesting, people, and dangerous.   I've never seen the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists in such a state of mouth-foaming revival tent fervor.

[Via SamAdams1776]



For all those inclined to dismiss the "slippery slope" as gun nut paranoia...

The Rest of the Story

So the patriots are correct, gun ownership is in the constitution – if you’re in a well-regulated militia. Let’s see what no less a statesman than Alexander Hamilton had to say about a militia:
“A tolerable expertness in military movements is a business that requires time and practice. It is not a day, or even a week, that will suffice for the attainment of it. To oblige the great body of the yeomanry, and of the other classes of the citizens, to be under arms for the purpose of going through military exercises and evolutions, as often as might be necessary to acquire the degree of perfection which would entitle them to the character of a well-regulated militia, would be a real grievance to the people, and a serious public inconvenience and loss." [More]
You didn't complete his thought from Federalist 29, Jason Alexander.  Sure, Hamilton knew people   had trades to ply, farms to tend, shops to keep. Here's what he thought we should do about that:
"Little more can reasonably be aimed at, with respect to the people at large than to have them properly armed and equipped."
Why is it you went to such pains to present that passage but then left the key part out?

Speaking of Punks

So who's doing the shooting? And what "gun laws" did they ignore? Gee, you'd think if the problem were the guns, the four million NRA  members would be suffering comparably.

NRA doesn't have to punk you, Russell Simmons.  You do a grand job of that on your own. The only question is, do you feel lucky?  Or were you expecting others to do your dirty work for you?

Yeah, the guy made $100m selling his interest in Def Jam, with "artists" influencing the "culture" currently in its stable like YG (short for Young Gangsta) and Gunplay.  Lecture us some more, oh enlightened one.

No Wonder He Won't Talk to Them.

Suspected Aurora, Co. mass killer [redacted] used that kind of weapon, according to reports. [More]
Wow, "Authorized Journalist" Dave Helling.  Just wow.

[Via Matthew P]

Read more here: http://midwestdemocracy.com/articles/missouri-house-candidate-raising-money-with-assault-rifle-raffle/#storylink=cpy

Hang On, Here We Go!

Obama told the National Urban League here that he believes a lot of gun owners would agree that “AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers,” not civilians on American streets. [More]
Alrighty then.
Why he would say this before the election is something we need to be on high alert to find out.  He'd only do it if he thought he could get away with it.It's either a sop or else he knows something.

Meanwhile, Mitt proves clueless.

Something Must Be Done

Something needs to be done about these constitutional miscreants. [More]
And about those who supported and confirmed them.

Some of us are getting discouraged about trying to do it nicely.

How to Foil Your Own Terror Plot

Hey, look at us everybody! We're heroes and you need us! [Watch]

Transformers: Obots in Disguise

The overwhelming majority of Americans do not understand that Obama's first term was dedicated to putting in place executive power to enable him and the administration to fulfill the campaign promise of "transforming America" in his second term regardless of which political party controls Congress.  [More]
Yeah, I know, the Republicans don't have clean hands either.

There's a storm coming, regardless.

Expected to Die

Fed officials have long fought the audit bill, arguing it would compromise their independence. [More]
But it's OK to compromise our independence? What could the true motives be of any politician who opposes this bill?

This Day in History: July 26

Chief Joseph Brant and British forces present in force on the grounds at Fort Schuyler. [More]

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How Are 'Conservatives' Like Bill Kristol the Lesser of Two Evils?

Keep rewarding neocons and this strain of "Republican" not only won't die out, it will flourish and take over. [Read]

Let George Do It

That's pretty funny, but I'm not sure I buy the person who wrote the first ad did so totally innocently. [Read]

Records don’t back witness for the prosecution in Reese gun case

“The government did not charge him with possession of a machine gun, or gun smuggling, or with the total amount of drugs he smuggled, or alien smuggling, or any of the other crimes he admitted to on the stand,” the report continues. “Roman admitted numerous times he is hoping for a reduced sentence for his participation in the New Deal case.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column channels Charles Laughton to challenge a chronic and habitual LIAR!


ABC's "Authorized Journalists" not only made an unwarranted Tea Party connection, but they also totally misrepresented the mom's reaction? [Read]

A Handgun Would Have Been Useless Against the Theater Shooter Because He Was Wearing Body Armor

Tell that to these guys.

When the Time is Right

You know, after November 6. [Read]

Then Katie bar the door. A lame duck Obama will be just as dangerous as a triumphant one, and in either case, we won't need radar to see the incoming bogeys.

About Last Night

Here's the video.

Candidly, it could have gone better.

We were surprised, had no idea they were going to bring Lis Wiehl on to debate us so were caught unprepared for that (the producer sent us an email late in the afternoon, but I was already on my way to the studio, and being a fossil with a clam-shell "dumb" phone, I was unaware of it until I returned home). I was glad to see I didn’t appear as totally flustered as I felt, but I'll confess I was apprehensive about watching the results.

Then again, they’re pros and we’re expected to be able to field anything hit our way—next time, and the producer said they’d be in touch, we'll be expecting the conversation to include such parrying, and now that we know they hold such viewpoints,  we can be better prepared.

This is real different from talk radio, where you have time to explain yourself, and there was one point where I wanted to respond but backed off so Mike could talk. It's very strange being picked up by a car, getting the Bondo treatment by a makeup artist, sitting unnaturally upright, staring into a lens and getting all your inputs from an ear bud. At this point, I haven't been able to overcome butterflies beforehand, surreal muddleheadedness during and shoulda-saids after. People who do it all the time make it look easy, but it is not, at least for me.

And oh yeah: It was 6,000 rounds, Lis, not 60,000.

Gun Control Advocates Need to Speak Up

You mean aside from all you hysterical, frustrated "Authorized Journalists"...? [Read]

Oh Baby That's What I Like

"Where there are opportunities for people of reasonable minds to come together and find common ground, that's the kind of legislation I like," Romney told CNBC. [More]
As a follow-up to his defense of the MA "assault weapons" ban, I'd like to know specifically what the Big Bopper here has in mind, wouldn't you, before we let him act real funny, let him spend our money...?

[Via Russ S]

Vote of the Living Dead

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign is asking Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli to launch an investigation into voter-registration forms that are being sent to Virginia residents and addressed to deceased relatives, children, family pets and others ineligible to vote. [More]
Hey, as long as you don't ask them for Voter ID, what's the problem?

'Shooting Death' Kabuki

A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths [More]

Say, here's an idea: Why not compare and publicize how gun-free Japan does to, say, the NRA, with a population of 4 million of the most heavily-armed citizens on the planet?

But then, that would effectively kill the argument that it's the guns, wouldn't it?

Unscientific AND UnAmerican

You know, publicly positing a hot button hypothesis with absolutely no supporting data to justify it, when a cursory glance at their own graphics leads to the conclusion that if there was any validity to their concerns, the results would be inescapably obvious and easily measurable...[Read]

The only reason there's heat in the imaginary debate they're trying to mix up is because someone with an agenda on their mind instead of science is f-ing around with the Bunsen burner.

You're paid to think, Mr. Scientist.

I Got Your 'Good and Substantial Reason' Right Here

If this gets upheld, things are going to get real interesting in places like California. [Read]

It also tells us something that with the media in a full court press feeding frenzy stumping for more gun control, this ruling comes down--in Maryland, of all places.

Kudos once again to SAF.  If you support their efforts, you'll help build the war chest needed to make further progress possible.

Arms Trade Treaty Text Released

Per Dave Workman:
The entire document has been posted on the website of the International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR), an organization that Versnel-Gottlieb and her husband, Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and founder of SAF, were instrumental in creating.
Guess what appears to be included?

Accept No Imitations

102-year-old Tuskegee Airman gets medal replica in Torrance ceremony [More]
What am I missing?  Why wouldn't they give him the real thing?

This Day in History: July 25

General Horatio Gates assumes command of Southern Continental Army. [More]

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' Redux

"Lou Dobbs Tonight" asked us back on this evening on Fox Business at 7:30 7:15 pm Eastern (they just moved up the "hit time"). I've known about it for some time, but due to the way breaking news can bump the best laid plans back (we were originally scheduled for a return engagement last Friday), I thought it prudent to wait until I could confirm things with the booker and the producer.

Tonight Mike and I are quite understandably going to talk more about Colorado than Gunwalker, but if I get a chance to insert something relevant into the discussion, I will. That kind of format is over before you can blink though.

If you missed the last time we were on and want to see it, I wrote about it and posted the segment here.

UPDATE:  We were both surprised they brought on that prosecutor and didn't realize it until we heard a female voice coming through the ear bud--I found the email advising me of it when I got home--my old clamshell phone is for calls only.  I'll admit it flustered me a bit and led the conversation into territory we hadn't anticipated, but hey, that happens, this is live TV without a net and it was a good learning experience.

Dan Amira, Idiot

What the Founders Said About 100-Round Assault-Rifle Magazines [More]
"Snark, snark! Snark!"

Gee, that's some argument you pose there, you yapping ignoramus, as you presume to teach while not having the prerequisites to even be in the class.

I love it when these regressive know-it-alls and their lemming followers trip onto their smug faces right out of the starting gate.  Seriously, catch some of the comments.  Good grief.

Falling Apart?

One can hope. [Read]

A Mighty Shield

Castle Doctrine might shield Johnstown man in fatal shooting [More]

There's a need to "shield" self-defense?

Imagine that--a gun allows a paraplegic to overcome a masked and armed home invader.

Damn vigilantes*. People like this have obviously never listened to the educated experts.

* Read comment by nitwit "kerryberger"

Reese Family Updates

Here's some raw stuff from the family spokesperson from shortly before and after this piece:

As you obviously know by now, the Trial is set to commence on July 17. There will be 120 prospective jurors from which to choose!! It will probably take 2 days. Accordingly, the trial should start on the 19th of July. The Judge informed us that friends and family would be unable to sit in the courtroom, as the prospective jurors would take up the entire seating area. A suggestion was made to have the audio transferred to another court room where the family and friends could be seated. The Judge stated he would "look into it." He will be ruling on the Motions before him yesterday, byMonday at the latest! Rick, Ry and Rem have all been transferred to DACPF (Las Cruces!). They are all together in the same Pod!! Thank you for your support and concern . It is truly appreciated! 
Terri called this afternoon about 5PM. They were out of Court; and the Jury has been selected. Opening statement was made by Prosecution (Judge gave 30 minutes each for the statements). Rick's attorney gave his opening statement; and the other 3 defense attys will give theirs tomorrow (07/18) We will be there and the Trial starts again, at 9AM. We will keep you posted when we get home -- late evening! Thanx for prayers and your love and thoughts!! Of course, it goes without saying that ANY ONE of you who CAN ATTEND --- PLEASE DO SO!!!! 
Hello everyone !! All I can say is WOW !!!!! Yesterday was a GREAT Day IN court ! Our legal team systematically took the government's agent apat ! Showed how their main witness Is a liar ; cheater : smuggler and also showed how they sent e-mails back & forth on instucting theird lier on how to trap the family into doing or saying anything he can to use against the kids !! Wish you all could see this in the court-room. 
Hello everyone : Sorry about the delay in this message ! Friday was a very interesting day ; we got to listen to the confidential informant ( Ramon ) the drug smuggler human trafficker money launderer ; cheater, explosive smuggler . It was very interesting how you could see that this guy was being coached by the officer that brought these charges against the family ! to also listen to the tapes you could barely understand what was said ! the undercover officer ( straw purchaser )who seemed to be nowhere near Ramon, the special officer and who was the person who actually filled out all the legal forms (4473 ) and was approved by the FBI for the sale ! he was the only one shown in the video ! from what was said and shown all that was going on was good salesmanship and a very knowledgeable person doing his job to explain their product line !! Today the defense gets to cross examine. 
This morning:
Hi everyone !WOW what a day in court !The defense got to cross examine Roman the prosecution"s key witness time And again his testimony was anything but the truth ! Tomorrow the rest of the defense team will do their cross . Will update tomorrows events.
 Also see: A Fixed Fight

2000 Watermelons

I've been so busy I am just now getting around to linking to this article, which I urge you to read and understand in light of this earlier effort we discussed a few weeks back.

It just can't be over-emphasized: Nailing down the crime and pursuing the perpetrators to justice needs to be paramount.

We're the Only Ones Winning Friends and Influencing People Enough

I would not want to be one of these guys when things finally snap and a critical mass of people realize they're allowing themselves to be controlled by an illusion. [Watch]

Behold, a god who bleeds!

[Via roughdoc]

"Well You're Not Giving Me a Sensible Answer"

British subject and unethical snoop Piers Morgan puts his hands over his ears and shouts "Lalalalala!" as John Lott tries in vain to educate the ineducable.  Meanwhile, Alan Dershowitz--who ought to frickin' know better--does us all a huge favor by putting the end game out there for all to hear. [Watch]

If It Quacks Like a Duck

We can no longer duck the issue of gun control [More] 
If you listen to this silly goose, all you'll be able to do is duck.

And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions

In America, is it more important that a 24-year-old be able to buy an AR-15 weapon and unlimited rounds of ammo -- or that a 6-year-old girl be able to go to the movies with her mom and return home safely? [More]
Nice logical fallacy there, pally. Read much Pynchon?

And then there's this:
Should the Second Amendment allow a man to freely buy weapons, ammunition, body armor or other products, some of which have little purpose other than to cause destruction and panic?
Typical statist, who thinks rights are what government allows.  Never mind the rest of the panty-wringing, he needed to complete a sentence.

Still, all this absolutely numb-skulled hysteria by those who would inflict their enmity upon us encourages me that borrowing Voltaire's prayer is paying off.

Whistleblowers Respond to Intimidators

Don't Threaten Us [More
This is a very good article by Katie Pavlich that gets needed information out there that the lapdog press won't, as they're focused instead on sanitizing the record of abuse.

One version of the letter referred to is posted here, and was the basis for this write-up.

Bottom line: If those doing their utmost to squelch the investigation and redirect the effort to more citizen disarmament had really done their jobs after being repeatedly requested, the audit environment would not have allowed an Operation Fast and Furious to happen.

[Via Robert F]

Might Just Be Worth a Try at That

Bloomberg Suggests Police Stop Protecting People Until Gun Control Enacted  [Watch]
Yeah, let's start with your taxpayer-funded armed bodyguards.

Can you imagine how this would blow up in his face if the illusion of a safety net was lifted and all people suddenly realized that only they can protect themselves?

[Via Matthew P]

Distinguished by What?

This is actually kind of funny in a pathetic sort of way--their entire 'distinguished panel" consists of regressives. And that's who their audience will be. [Read]

Note people who want to win elections aren't very anxious to test out their "myth" theory...at least until after November.

An American 'Con'servative

People on the pro-gun side, however, tend to carry on like fire-breathing fundamentalists at a tent revival. They meet any proposal to restrict weaponry or ammunition, no matter how sensible, as an attempt to give a toehold to the devil. [More]
It is, you dunderhead! Note he doesn't flesh out specifically what he considers "sensible".

Sterile bee queen Rod Dreher,  writing in the Brit press instead of his own magazine, would have "conservative" drones expend their efforts fruitlessly, and ultimately suicidally, by following him.  And this is a guy who writes with an apparently straight face "To the extent that I care about economics and foreign policy, I would be likely to vote Obama."

And just to let you know what else he and his ilk consider reasonable and sensible, note: 
If you’re a conservative fed up with the narrowness of thought on our side, we could use your financial help in building up this institution.
Meaning be more like anti-gun neocon hero Bill Buckley.

Which means focus on the "con" in "The American Conservative." And reject them as utter frauds.

The Next Push

Look for ammo sale infringement efforts at the state level as a topic the antis think they can get traction with. [Read]

We're the Only Ones Threatening Fashionably Enough

“Every time they talk to you it’s in a threatening fashion,” long-time resident Emory Langlolies said during Sunday’s meeting. [More]
Bingo! But they break your stuff, you can't get basic services and you're not allowed to speak at council meetings.

So, now, Mr. Langolies, is there a lesson here that people--especially those in Massachusetts--maybe oughtta have learned by now...?  Besides moving to a freer place and taking their idiot voting habits with them?

Think of It as an Admission

President Obama and Mitt Romney are too afraid to take on the National Rifle Association because they fear it will hurt their chances for victory in November's election [More
So, Mike Lupica, you wretched Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist, that doesn't tell you anything? Like maybe a critical mass of people are no longer buying the swill that dominates your "profession"?

I wouldn't be too hard on them, though--you don't "have a plan to prevent the next senseless gun-related slaughter" either, although I'm sure mass shooters counting on citizen disarmament to ensure their successful media triumphs appreciate such efforts.

The Mark of the Beast...

...is evidently written in red ink. [Read]

Jane Harman was a real nemesis of gun owners when she was in Congress. 

I love the way people trying to force legal changes down our throats also wield ownership interests in the "watchdog press" that's supposed to be keeping them honest.

And recall it was at her and Sarah Brady's media propaganda fest that first sensitized me personally to the chilling reality that state enforcers would be the ones to determine just who they would recognize as an "Authorized Journalist," which was the catalyst that eventually led to my coining the term.  So it's not enough for them to dominate the media--they have to squash the little guy, all the while presenting themselves as their champions.


"The Uninvited Ombudsman" Alan Korwin's latest missive is out via email, and this time, he educates us on the pending UN Arms Trade Treaty, separating the facts from all the hype.

If you're not on his mailing list, you're missing out on not just great and timely information, but precision analysis.  Still, don't mistake that for dry regurgitation of citations and statistics--he writes with wit, and makes it evident you're reading the thoughts of someone who knows what he's talking about and loves doing it.

You can sign up to receive his updates--and he doesn't flood your inbox, so no worries there--by going to his Page Nine Index page, where you can also read prior editions.

The picture on the right with me in the background, wearing one of Alan's "Guns Save Lives" stickers on my lapel, is from the 2011 Gun Rights Policy Conference. Otis McDonald obliged my request for an autograph and as no writing surface was conveniently present, Alan cheerfully put his back into it.

This Day in History: July 24


Monday, July 23, 2012


Most impressive.

But you are not a Jedi yet.

And there's no doubt it my mind you'd be absolutely useless in a real world situation if the best you can come up with is "Give 'em what they want."

Companies actually pay money for your advice? Do you offer a money back guarantee if anyone dumb enough to listen to you gets hurt or worse, or should we assume anyone that witless was bound to check out sooner than later anyway?

My First Reaction is "No"

My second is, that's one way to hurt Hollywood where they'll feel it...[Read]

I'll stick with my first reaction, because there's no shortage of bleaters who'd go along with it, but there's no way I'd submit to a search or wanding just to see a damn movie. 

Pick 'em Out...

...Knock 'em down. [Read]

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

Don't Feed the Cowards

I typically just ignore these, because that infuriates trolls more than anything else, but this was useful to illustrate the "quality" of enemies we attract.

[Click on graphic to enlarge]

Of course this sick, pathetic coward is afraid to even tell me this in an email, let alone let me know who he is so I could arrange for him to tell me to my face. And he and I both know his repeated overtures of hate also mean I occupy his seething little mind.

Now let me tell you what will happen next with this predictable loser: He'll try to post a series of increasingly strident comments calling me names and telling me I'm the coward for not publishing his comments.  But he'll never identify himself to me because he is afraid of me, which just shows what a contemptible little piece of shit he is--and he knows it. And after a while, not getting a reaction, he'll give up until next time.

Can you imagine being so pathetic and demented you send horrible death wishes like this to people anonymously?  Looking on the bright side, it is impossible that this is a balanced and happy person, which means that gives me something else to laugh at him about.

And which means he's a typical "progressive" for "gun control". Remember last time this happened--and it came from the Brady Campaign blog's administrative log-in page?

If One Were Inclined to Make Comparisons...

...one could make a comparison. [Read]

[Via Roger J]

Armed American Radio Recap

Mark Walters has posted the archives to last night's Armed American Radio program. I was on in the the first hour and rejoined the program for the third hour "Roundtable."
Other guests included John Lott in the first hour, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman delivering "seminar" information in the second hour that people pay good money for--and you'll hear why, Alan Korwin and George "Mad Ogre" Hill.  

Mark's opening 15-minute monologue on the Colorado shootings is must-hear radio, just outstandingly well done. I'm proud of him for articulating things so well. He shared with me a file recorded by two separate radio stations that is freaky and differs from his archived version--when he says "pure evil" at 26 seconds into the file, and his voice suddenly gets scary deep. Station engineers can't explain it.

He'll be sharing more thoughts today at 3:30 Eastern on the Janet Mefferd Show (click the "Listen Now" button at the appointed time).

Gun Talk

Tom Gresham has posted yesterday's show to the Gun Talk Radio archives:
Hour One - Guest Ted Nugent, Musician and TV Personality
Direct download: 120722guntalkA.mp3
Hour Two - Guests David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner and Alan Gottlieb, SAF
Direct download: 120722guntalkB.mp3
Hour Three - Guest Dave Workman, Gun Mag
Direct download: 120722guntalkC.mp3

A Safer Gun-Free World

Paul Gallant, Sherry Gallant, Alan Chwick, and Joanne D. Eisen share their thoughts. [Read]

Reporting Colorado-style shooting unlikely in Philippines belies brutal reality

“Philippine National Police (PNP) spokesman, Chief Superintendent Generoso Cerbo Jr., said the Philippines has stringent measures regulating the sale of firearms,” the story reports. “He added that it is unusual in Filipino culture to engage in such violent activity.” [More
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report provides another exhibit in the self-inflicted indictment against mainstream reporting of the Colorado shooting. Please share link far and wide.

Save Money. Live...uh...Well, Save Money

That’s why we were pleased to learn, albeit second-hand, that the management of the Elizabeth City Walmart may be considering changing its policy on the carrying of concealed weapons inside the store. [More]
Looks like a bit of grasssroots persuasion may be in order.

'Gun Criminals' for 'Gun Control'

Ramsey supports a ban on assault weapons and large capacity magazines, a registry of guns and mandatory reporting of all sales of guns. [More]
I never thought I'd hear myself saying this, but how about if we enforce existing gun laws?

Feinstein Wants Dialog

OK.  Here's my position, since no one has the right or legitimate authority to speak for me on this. [Read]

No.  Go away.

This Day in History: July 23

Three successful attacks have been made on the Enemy. [More]

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Una Pregunta Relevante

Especially considering this:
A Mexican army officer assigned to guard President Felipe Calderon leaked military intelligence to drug cartels, trained hit men and supplied military weapons to Los Zetas, according to a U.S. Embassy cable recently released by Wikileaks.
I have no sourced information to document otherwise, but I find it very difficult to believe based on circumstance and agenda that he was really in the dark about Gunwalker.   But the bottom line is, this  cheap tyrant has tried the very measures he would impose on us, and the results are out of control murders using guns, decapitations, people hanging from bridges, and a corruptocracy that depends on and feeds off it.

Radio Free America

I'll be on two national programs today, with a lot to talk about, from the UN Arms Trade Treaty, to the Colorado shootings, to the latest Fast and Furious developments.
  • I'll be on Tom Gresham's "Gun Talk Radio" at 3:00 pm Eastern (the program runs from 2:00 to 5:00, and you can find a station or listen via live streaming).  Also on today's show: Alan Gottlieb, Dave Workman and Ted Nugent.
  • I'll be rejoining Mark Walters on "Armed American Radio" tonight at 8:30 pm Eastern and again in the 10:00 "Roundtable" discussion (the program runs from 8:00 to 11:00, and you can find a station or listen live). Also on today's show in the second hour: Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, who will bring absolutely needed expert perspective* to the Aurora massacre, Tim Schmidt, and possibly Suzanna Hupp.
* See:  ‘Bulletproof Mind’ empowers gun owners to prepare for, respond to violence


This saddens me, particularly because it's not beyond our control.

Mike gets many thousands of returning readers each day. They all know what he's been through and how tough things are.  They also know how to help if they don't or won't use Paypal:
The thing is, I shouldn't have to remind anyone.  The other things is, I know the same dozen or so people will respond in a meaningful way and everyone else will want to eat the bread without helping plant the seed or harvest the wheat or...

UPDATE: Some have reported back the Paypal button only takes them to the main page, not to a Mike-specific account.  Yeah--you have to have an account there yourself first.  There's that little blue "Sign Up" button in the top right of the banner.  And donations go to georgemason1776@aol.com. If you don't want to do that, send him a check. If you don't want to do that, hide some bills inside a folded piece of paper.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Il Watergate delle armi di Obama?

Alla fine del 2010 nessuno in Usa sa del gunwalking, una tattica del dipartimento di Giustizia americano che comporta la vendita di fucili e pistole ai contrabbandieri per poi tracciarne i movimenti e catturare i boss del narcotraffico. Ma l’operazione "Fast and Furious" – com’è stata soprannominata – si trasformerà nel più grande scandalo dell’amministrazione Obama. A scoprirlo saranno due oscuri blogger dell’America profonda esperti di armi: Mike Vanderboegh di Pinson, in Alabama, e David Codrea di Hudson, in Ohio. [Read]

Mike and I get written up in the Italian press.

Here's the Google Translate version.