Left unsaid is if Holder feels the same sentiment toward other people seeking answers who have also criticized the Attorney General for his conduct, the family of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report demonstrates the only logically consistent answer.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Holder answer on contempt charge shows disrespect for more than Congress
Idaho federal gun enforcement protection bill goes to committee tomorrow
“This legislation is to protect Idaho law enforcement officers from being directed, through federal orders, laws, rules, or regulations enacted or promulgated on or after January 1, 2013, to violate their oath of office and Idaho citizens' rights under the Idaho Constitution, Article 1, Section 11,” the bill’s Statement of Purpose explains. “This Constitutional provision disallows confiscation of firearms except those actually used in commission of a felony, and disallows other restrictions on a lawful citizen's right to own firearms and ammunition. [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes another state attempting to exercise some sovereignty. I realize there is no shortage of regressive "supremacy clause" weenies out there doing their best to trash and ridicule such efforts.
We shall see.
Letters to Obama
Last week, we talked about Obama soliciting "gun violence" stories and I urged readers to instead send stories of violence prevented with guns, or alternately, "gun violence" perpetrated by the "Only Ones" the citizen disarmament control freaks think should have guns.
Twitter liberty colleague Brenda Gale stepped up to the plate and knocked the ball out of the park. Here's what she sent in and is allowing me to share with you:
Twitter liberty colleague Brenda Gale stepped up to the plate and knocked the ball out of the park. Here's what she sent in and is allowing me to share with you:
Ten years ago I was able to defend myself, and my home against 2 masked, male intruders with a legal firearm. Working alone, very late into the night on a room remodel project-I did not hear the assailants entry, nor their approach. There was no time to dial 911, nor fumble about for a whistle or anything else you folks like to suggest. Because, I was properly INSTRUCTED and CARRYING in my own home, I was able to merely brandished & threaten to avert a potentially deadly situation.I'd go a step further and call it evil, even at the risk of CSGV dismissing me because of my race.
Now, is THIS the point where you will begin to call me a "gun nut"?..and why would you do that?...Because I had taken extra care, at some point in my life preparing for a situation just like this? Because at some point I took responsibility for MYSELF and sought instruction and a weapon to protect that life?? Or Am I a "gun nut" because in this proactive pursuit of lawful and proper self defense, I became enamored of the techniques and the weapons themselves? A natural progression, wouldn't you say? Certainly you can relate, a skeet shooter such as yourself?
In most cases, preparing ahead is commended and most desired. Yet what I see with this Administration, is quite the opposite. Seeking to restrict even further my self defense options-punishing me for the crimes of idiots who don't know the LAW much less follow it.
And that's what I call NUTS.
Hypocrisy on ‘paperwork prosecutions’ highlighted by Reese case
Walsh, in a later back-and-forth with Sen. John Cornyn, argued against prosecuting people who had failed background checks, claiming it wasn’t needed since the prohibited persons had been stopped from buying guns, wholly disregarding the possibility that a criminal thwarted by one obstacle may simply find another way, and that way often produces victims. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes one man's "paperwork violation" is another man's utter ruin at the hands of the same frauds offering up such excuses when it suits their purposes.
A Good First Step?
On the one hand, it will make campuses safer. On the other hand, why is it restricted to employees, and what's this business about having to become an "Only One"-Lite in order to exercise an unalienable right? [Read]
[Via Michael G]
[Via Michael G]
Well, This Should End Well
Between this and this, we ought to have all kinds of opportunities to renew demands for "gun control".
This is neither posturing nor absurd, Governor. This is a premeditated attack, and in-your-face revenge.
This is the same agenda-advancing deliberate indifference for collateral death and suffering that was behind Gunwalker, and I note Arizona has done exactly squat to investigate the feds under state law for their part in criminal activities conducted there.
This is neither posturing nor absurd, Governor. This is a premeditated attack, and in-your-face revenge.
This is the same agenda-advancing deliberate indifference for collateral death and suffering that was behind Gunwalker, and I note Arizona has done exactly squat to investigate the feds under state law for their part in criminal activities conducted there.
An Uncommon Perspective
The challenge is not to get riled by antics and to grasp rational efforts that could deter gun violence. [More]Exactly. Which is why your irrational antics designed to rile are best held up for ridicule, instead, like you're trying to do to us with your latest screed painting those who believe in the right of the people to keep and bear arms as crazy, duped racists.
And then there's this:
Mary Sanchez brings an uncommon perspective to the issues that tend to divide Americans into "us" and "them."That's putting it mildly.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2013/02/28/4086069/commentary-more-fear-based-rants.html#storylink=cpy [More]
Exactly, Mary Sanchez
The Solution to Violence
And to think it's been right in front of (behind?) us all this time... [Read]
And just remember, the "journalists" who write and promote nonsense like this, and the public that eats it up and rewards certifiable lunatics like this with fame and fortune, all have opinions on "gun control."
Meanwhile, vital information remains suppressed and people who have actual valuable knowledge to share remain obscure.
I have to admit, I'm so out of touch, I've made it 60+ years on this planet without ever hearing of this character. Here's hoping it's at least another 60 before he hits my radar again.
And just remember, the "journalists" who write and promote nonsense like this, and the public that eats it up and rewards certifiable lunatics like this with fame and fortune, all have opinions on "gun control."
Meanwhile, vital information remains suppressed and people who have actual valuable knowledge to share remain obscure.
I have to admit, I'm so out of touch, I've made it 60+ years on this planet without ever hearing of this character. Here's hoping it's at least another 60 before he hits my radar again.
Ratchet Down the Rhetoric!
Evil NRA! [Read]
They're not moderate, reserved, common sense and tolerant, like us!
These Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists don't seem to realize what it will mean when the drums stop beating.
They're not moderate, reserved, common sense and tolerant, like us!
These Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists don't seem to realize what it will mean when the drums stop beating.
This Day in History: February 28
His health broken from over a year in the British prison, Richard Stockton died bankrupt at age 51, FEBRUARY 28, 1781. [More]
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Oath Keepers group issues nationwide call to support militia documentary
“Gun ownership serves basically five purposes, not just three,” documentary producer Jaeger told Oath keepers. “The three everyone talks about are: target practice, hunting, and self-defense, but the other two almost never mentioned are: deterrent against tyranny and participation in the ‘Militia of the several States.’ Why are [these] almost never mentioned even though the Founders mention the Militia in four separate places in the U.S. Constitution? If the Founders mention deterrent and Militia, but few others mention them, is this not be a serious red flag? [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner offering calls attention to an in-production documentary that looks like it has the potential to be a great educational tool.
Power Sharing
It's the egalitarian thing to do. [Read]
This looks like an interesting blog. It's important to show those who claim to be all about equality are actually working toward an elitist monopoly of violence.
This looks like an interesting blog. It's important to show those who claim to be all about equality are actually working toward an elitist monopoly of violence.
Student of the Gun
From Paul Markel:
In an effort to make it easier/simpler for media persons to access new Student of the Gun material we have begun Feedburner and Podcast site links:
Avoiding a Tactical Mistake
Maybe they need to skip this expo. [More]Maybe if they know we expect it of them...
We're the Only Ones Thanking Heaven for Little Girls Enough
Former police officer indicted on Statutory rape charges [Watch]And yet once again with the Eternal Question...
Monsieur Chevalier, your cue...
Z'ose leetle eyes so 'elpless and appealing
One day will flash and send you crashing though the ceiling...
[Via William T]
The Chuck Schumer "'Registration List'? I Don't Know What You're Talking About" Act of 2013
Constitution Watch has the details on S.374 [Read]
All things considered, those on our side in today's hearing showed a lot of guts taking heat in a hostile room where the deck was stacked against them and they didn't get anywhere near equal time. They deserve our gratitude.
I took some screenshots from today's hearing, mostly of Hardy. Feel free to take and use any of them if you like.
I took some screenshots from today's hearing, mostly of Hardy. Feel free to take and use any of them if you like.
Unintended Consequences
Wouldn't it be something if a renaissance of RKBA activism springs up from places like Oakland? [Read]
[Via Jess]
[Via Jess]
An Important Message from Oregon Firearms Federation
We cannot let up until the last gavel falls. [More]If you're a gun owner from Oregon and not supporting OFF, you're not supporting your own interests.
Case in point: No sooner did I get done posting this than they sent out an avalanche warning.
William Diamond's Drum: Part Four
Acknowledging the guy looking for tubes didn't have a clue, I actually disagree with Mike on one point here -- it can be smart to have a hidden cache and it can be self-defeating to shoot it out when the team shows up at your door. [Read]
Living to fight another day, at a time and place of your choosing, not theirs, seems like an option we'd want to leave ourselves, and if we're taken out of commission, it's a legacy to leave our children.
Bottom line -- there's no one size fits all response, and different scenarios present different potentials.
Living to fight another day, at a time and place of your choosing, not theirs, seems like an option we'd want to leave ourselves, and if we're taken out of commission, it's a legacy to leave our children.
Bottom line -- there's no one size fits all response, and different scenarios present different potentials.
The Rift
This is a surprisingly balanced and measured assessment of NRA/SAF differences. I say that because of who wrote it and where it is published. [Read]
That's Some Victory
Kelly framed her win as a victory for gun control forces. [More]Right. A gun-grabber wins in Chi-Town. What a game-changer!
Curiously, the "pro-gunners" behind recruiting support for Halvorson were the same ones who viewed opposing confirmation of Eric Holder as a waste of political capital.
When Assault Weapons in Private Hands are OK
Can you imagine the type of maniac who would open fire over this? And the type of maniac who'd approve of that? [Read and watch]
Interesting people, these Obama supporters.
Interesting people, these Obama supporters.
Oath Breakers
Only the standing army can have effective weapons. Anyone else who has them is a coward. [Read and watch]
That's the message, right?
Benedict Arnold was once one of our most revered generals, too.
That's the message, right?
Benedict Arnold was once one of our most revered generals, too.
[L]ogic tells us that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) will never work to control crime in America, even if it is expanded to become “universal“. [More]Alan Chwick, Richard Goldman and Joanne Eisen demonstrate the utter lack of "common sense" and the true motivation behind an area of incursion it looks like some are getting ready to cave on.
Second Amendment Author and Attorney Hardy to testify on Feinstein gun ban
“With only five minutes to speak, I'll have to hit only the high points,” Hardy explained in an email announcing his inclusion in the hearing. With his abbreviated testimony, he’ll be providing the committee with a copy of his complete testimony, which he’s posted in his website archives so the public can read it, too. [More]This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report links you to that as well as the hearings, currently underway.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Agenda-driven research and reporting serve power elites, not public interest
Those are pretty glaring holes for something representing itself as an unbiased presentation, as opposed to an advocacy piece. But then, Pulitzer notwithstanding, we’re talking about a “news” organization headed by a billionaire “progressive” that gets foundation grants from the likes of George Soros' Open Society Foundations, and partners with all the right “Authorized Journalists” (or as Joe Biden likes to call them, “legitimate media”). [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner column does a little research of its own, and notices some fudged results that just happen to support a desired conclusion.
Dollar Value Plummets
Dollar says the proposal is just way to give officers more authority to protect themselves. [More]You try this **** you stupid **** and they're going to need to.
I went to the city website hoping to find the draft ordinance-- as of now, the agenda , etc. for the March 4 meeting have not yet been posted.
[Via DMJ]
Police sex assault kidnap case opens question: Who will guard the guards?
It would be interesting to ask Chief Drummond how many concealed carry permits he has issued and if he believes the women allegedly kidnapped and sexually assaulted by his officer should have had the means to defend themselves instead. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary asks what we're supposed to do when we need protection from the protectors.
And Don't Let the Door Hit You in the...
Finally, a politician who doesn't equivocate. [Read]
I see people are responding to the invitation to send prayer requests.
[Via Jeffersonian]
I see people are responding to the invitation to send prayer requests.
[Via Jeffersonian]
Sounds like an 80s TV series, doesn't it? [Read and watch]
That's a lot of money for something that can be defeated by simply not being out in the open.
Brought to you by the "capitalists" at Vanguard Defense Industries. Rope sold separately.
[Via Jess and William T]
That's a lot of money for something that can be defeated by simply not being out in the open.
Brought to you by the "capitalists" at Vanguard Defense Industries. Rope sold separately.
[Via Jess and William T]
"Assaulted" Update
Today, we were up on Capitol Hill getting interviews from our elected officials... [More]Plus, in the 3 p.m. Eastern hour, Kris will be on the radio with Jim and Trav.
Tarleton's Heirs
Marion would be spinning in his grave. [More]
Chances are it will go nowhere. And Thomas Crocker of USC School of Law has a lot to learn about what trumps what.
[Via Jess]
Chances are it will go nowhere. And Thomas Crocker of USC School of Law has a lot to learn about what trumps what.
[Via Jess]
Feinstein Ban Bill to be Heard Tomorrow
...by the Senate Judiciary Committee... [Read]
David Hardy sends a link. He'll be testifying.
He sent a copy of his statement and I asked if he's going to post it. Stay tuned.
David Hardy sends a link. He'll be testifying.
He sent a copy of his statement and I asked if he's going to post it. Stay tuned.
Withering on the Vine
More and more households are headed by single women, and they are far less likely to have guns than families with a father in the household. So the swelling ranks of single mothers, a topic of much hand-wringing in other regards, may actually help to reduce suicides and accidental gunshot injuries. [More]Yes, we all know the presence of armed-to-the grill dependent drone males with gang affiliations are such rarities in these households. And we all know that "swelling ranks" of fatherless adolescents are the key to the peaceable and prosperous society of the future.
[Via bondmen]
A Bridge Too Far
Greenlick tells The Oregonian that the bill as introduced goes too far in not only banning the sale of such weapons but in limiting each gun owner to continued possession of just one of the firearms. [More]In other words, it's too soon. Can't have the frog jumping.
Sounds About Right
California voters view stricter gun control laws as more important than protecting the constitutional right to own a firearm, according to a Field Poll released Tuesday. [More]Yes, based on the political "leadership" they foist on themselves and everybody else, I believe that.
Now ask 'em how badly they want it, who they think is going to execute their foolish wishes and if they feel lucky.
Let the Big One hit, and I guarantee poll responses will change.
The Wheels On The Bus Go 'Round And 'Round
The Big Wheels want us to believe guns on the bus are a bad idea. [Read]
Of course, according to the Big Wheels, guns not in the hands of the "Only Ones" are a bad idea everywhere! Just don't think for a moment they'll accept any responsibility if their circular "reasoning" doesn't work out. As long as they get a free ride, they don't give a damn who gets thrown under the bus.
I wonder if anyone at the hearing asked Forrest Claypool and Jordan Matyas how frequently they use public transit, what times and which neighborhoods they get on and off in.
No I don't.
Of course, according to the Big Wheels, guns not in the hands of the "Only Ones" are a bad idea everywhere! Just don't think for a moment they'll accept any responsibility if their circular "reasoning" doesn't work out. As long as they get a free ride, they don't give a damn who gets thrown under the bus.
I wonder if anyone at the hearing asked Forrest Claypool and Jordan Matyas how frequently they use public transit, what times and which neighborhoods they get on and off in.
No I don't.
Gandhi Get Your Gun
Our opponents, it is becoming clearer, wish us dead, or at least silenced. They cloak that essential truth with a bodyguard of lies. They believe, truly believe, that if they win the political argument in a rigged game in which both political parties participate that that will be the end of it -- they will have won and we will have lost. They do not respect us because we do not respect ourselves. Put another way, they do not respect us because they do not fear us as the Founders intended. Yet if we truly have the courage of our convictions and engage in armed civil disobedience, they will certainly come to fear us. [More]Vanderboegh has some important observations on the limitations of passivity.
I never knew Gandhi had recommended European Jews kill themselves so their deaths would have meaning. I had read about his prejudice against blacks.
Funny. Ben Kingsley never said any of this stuff to Candice Bergen as Hollywood set out to convince us of the inferiority of Western culture in producing liberty outcomes.
We're the Only Ones Hung Out to Dry Enough
Jail guard busted with 26 pound of pot in dryer [More]I can't help but wonder how many of the inmates she was guarding had been busted for significantly less.
REESE CASE – Motion to Dismiss with Prejudice
The defense attorneys will attempt to establish intentional misconduct by the prosecution during the upcoming hearing, and/or that there is a pattern of practice at the U.S. Attorney’s Office of playing dirty. [More]A Tea Party Patriots of Luna County post analyzes the significance of this latest development in the Reese case.
Monday, February 25, 2013
GRE Watch
Constitution Watch has the latest Gun Rights Examiner columns, including from yours truly, Kurt Hofmann, Chris Woodard and Jennifer Cruz.
Defense moves to drop remaining counts against N.M. gun dealers
“The collective testimony of all of the prosecutors with a hand in this ill-baked pie will be relevant and prove to establish either a willful constitutional violation or that there has been a pattern and practice in the U.S. Attorney’s Office under Mr. Gonzales’ tenure of suppressing ... information. [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner column brings another exclusive report on the Reese case that's not in the interests of "legitimate media" to keep you apprised of. Isn't it something? All those "Authorized Journalist" media outlets in New Mexico and you're learning this from #justablogger in Ohio who has no resources save an internet connection?
Help this poor family. At the very least, understand their story and make sure others do as well, and if you can help with their defense fund even better. But bottom line, unless you share the link, this latest development will stay buried and they'll continue fighting this outrageous injustice with no one scrutinizing their persecutors and demanding that they account for themselves. Unless you help shine a light, this ordeal will remain right where the government wants it to stay -- in the dark.
A Failure of Civility
Matt Bracken says he's found an essential book. [Read]
I tend to give Matt Bracken a lot of credit for knowing what he's talking about. Still, this includes some of the few things he's written where I feel compelled to publicly disagree with him: that part where he dismisses and diminishes the importance of his own work and that part where he apologizes for the quality of his review.
I tend to give Matt Bracken a lot of credit for knowing what he's talking about. Still, this includes some of the few things he's written where I feel compelled to publicly disagree with him: that part where he dismisses and diminishes the importance of his own work and that part where he apologizes for the quality of his review.
Debunking Gordon Duff
As explained:I was told the Secret Service sent around a directive to use “inert weapons” for the parade, as they have always done in the past. [More]
The issue of parade rifles carried by honor guards being disabled in a different fashion under previous administrations, such as having their firing pins removed, is not being argued here, although it should be—not that it didn't happen, but that it does. But that’s not the thrust of this article. Here’s what is: Unlike in 2009, in the 2013 inaugural parade, someone in authority made the decision to change that and order the Marines to march with visibly disabled guns.Back to Gordon:
Now the shoe is on the other foot, we are looking for a reason for this hoax and those who worked hard to damage the Marine Corp and the President by lying to the public.You must not be looking very hard, as you've never once tried to contact me, even though my work is the basis for your attack piece -- I found out about your "debunking" from a comment poster here. And I hardly think the retired Sgt Major who first complained about the missing bolts, and the retired USMC officer who administers the active and retired Marines list that passed on his concerns, and the USMC retired officer who shared it with me were working to damage a Corps they honor and have devoted a good portion of their lives to serving. They viewed Marines being ordered to march in public with the bolts removed, rendering them visibly emasculated, as a very pointed and intentional diss.
You're free to disagree with that assumption, Gordon, but you're not free to call demonstrable facts a hoax: Bolts were removed in 2013 and were not in 2009. I note you didn't happen to ask why this method was chosen instead of the way it was conducted in the prior inaugural parade.
Now I realize, unlike you, I don't sit on any Federal Reserve-affiliated boards and I'm not partnering with the UN, USAID and International Wildlife Federation, and I also don't have colleagues blaming "the Zionists" for Newtown, so I guess I have to defer to your expertise on dupes and hoaxes...
Gun Control Fantasy
The only proposed legislation from the government seeks common-sense gun laws limiting firearms like assault weapons that are a threat not just to citizens but also to police. [More]Right, we're the ones living in fantasy land.
We're the Only Ones Protecting and Serving Ourselves Enough
If you haven't already, read this about a subway stabbing.
Then watch this.
I don't know what's more outrageous about Furious Mike Paradise-- the cowardly parasites or the self-imposed ignorance that enables them.
Then watch this.
I don't know what's more outrageous about Furious Mike Paradise-- the cowardly parasites or the self-imposed ignorance that enables them.
We're the Only Ones Not Unduly Restricted Enough
It's like the cops, prosecutor and court were all stoned or something to come up with that ruling. [Read]
[Via William T]
[Via William T]
Breaking Raw Intel
From Sam Adams 1776:
The RSA Conference is a big IT/information security shindig at the Moscone Center that draws attendees from around the world. The King George is one of the hotel partners. So far, I've found nothing about this on Google news searches and there's been no field release media announcement from ATF, and at present I have no idea if the arrests are related to the conference or if this is coincidental.
I'm going to see if I can find anything out through front and back channels. Meanwhile, if anybody hears anything, feel free to leave a comment.
I am attending the RSA Conference in San Francisco. A large ATF force arrested 4 or 5 apparently clean-cut individuals at the King George Hotel at 334 Mason St.In a follow-up email, he told me this happened this morning at around 8 a.m. Pacific time.
I saw the agents leaving in several vehicles. I did not see those arrested though. I had just come down the elevator. I did hear a few people talking who had seen those arrested. They were surprised apparently how "clean cut" they looked as though they expect that anyone who is arrested should look like one of the dregs of society.
Sorry I don't have more info on the nature if the arrests.
The RSA Conference is a big IT/information security shindig at the Moscone Center that draws attendees from around the world. The King George is one of the hotel partners. So far, I've found nothing about this on Google news searches and there's been no field release media announcement from ATF, and at present I have no idea if the arrests are related to the conference or if this is coincidental.
I'm going to see if I can find anything out through front and back channels. Meanwhile, if anybody hears anything, feel free to leave a comment.
What, No Sapphires?
Isn't that what's traditional for a 45th anniversary? [Read]
Assuming the collectivists don't take them and leave you with ears, necks, fingers and wrists to display them on?
Assuming the collectivists don't take them and leave you with ears, necks, fingers and wrists to display them on?
Not a Done Deal
It better not be. [Read]
So, Tom, while you're out there engineering a preemptive surrender that will still cover your @$$ with gun owner voters, what have you introduced or supported to end "gun-free zones"?
So, Tom, while you're out there engineering a preemptive surrender that will still cover your @$$ with gun owner voters, what have you introduced or supported to end "gun-free zones"?
Progressive USA endangering ‘gun control’ foot soldiers
It becomes fair to ask, especially since “progressives” claim so much credit for championing workplace safety laws that everyone else must abide by, what responsibility does Progressive USA have as an employer/contractor for fully informing those it dispatches of on-the-job hazards? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes an absence of essential safety training and equipment.Perhaps what needs to happen is to get someone hired and then have them file a whistleblower complaint...
Day of Resistance
Doc of Maingun Military Surplus passes along his thoughts on an event he organized and has allowed me to share them here:
As I commented on the War on Guns page, I was hesitant to support these guys too. The National Level folks seemed to be out for money and fame, not for the cause.
None the less, I signed up to sponsor one of these events locally.
The minuses:
I got inundated with fund raising efforts (different names, but all related to the National group)
I got more junk mail to my email address in the past few weeks than I’ve gotten in the past few years (the old, I have all this money to move, just let me help you crap)
The “canned” press releases that they sent out for us to use were heavily focused on the national group
The pluses:
It was easy to remove references to the National group from our signs, advertising, and press releases
Lots of other groups advertised the event, so we had lots of free advertising
The result:
It rained for the past three days (heavy rain and cold), but we had 150 or so people show up
Some the traditional media outlets that proclaim to be conservative were called out to support a pro second amendment rally. And they showed their true stripes. Rudeness when they did respond. Most claimed that at best this was something that should be in the hunting news section. In the case of our “conservative” radio station, an email with a “vid cap” of the response to the Corporate Beasley Broadcasting Group got immediate attention and a written and oral apology – and coverage!
We got a conservative congressman and a moderate demoncrat to attend. The conservative was very vocal in support. The moderate democrat was very outspoken that the assault weapons ban would be killed. His words, “it didn’t work the first time, so there is no reason to do it again.” We tried to convince to go further, but alas, he is still a democrat.
Best part is that we passed the hat to cover expenses. We received an extra $210 above expenses. I’m sending it to the Reese family defense fund. [Emphasis added-DC]
I figure that as long as we know who we are dealing with, we need to use them to further the right goals.
A Growing List
Sean D. Sorrentino has been compiling a complete list of gun manufacturers joining the NY boycott and is urging action to get them all on board. It's now up to 70.
Glock? SIG Sauer? S&W? Is there something you'd like to say to your customers?
Glock? SIG Sauer? S&W? Is there something you'd like to say to your customers?
We're the Only Ones Self-Medicating Enough
The drugs came from arrests and hospice death investigations. [More]And the "best comment" award goes to the guy who observed at least they weren't weight loss drugs.
This Day in History: February 25
His cry ended abruptly as a Patriot sword knocked him from his horse. The clash of swords and blast of rifles rose to a crescendo amid the screams of the wounded and dying Loyalists, still ignorant of what was happening. As each Patriot wheeled his horse to face a new opponent, he called out, "Whose man are you?" "The King's! The King's!" screamed the Loyalists, and the Patriot sword cut them down. [More]
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Rights group urging 'five phone calls for freedom’
“‘Barry’ plans to ‘out-grassroots’ you. Will you let him?” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks a question only you can answer.
And the Winner Is...
I suppose you could watch a bunch of rich and famous Obama-supporting anti-gunners pat each other on the back tonight, but if you'd like to join in on a program that actually has relevance to what's important, Mark Walters of "Armed American Radio" will be doing his red carpet interviews starting at 8 p.m. Eastern with Suzanna Hupp, Rob Pincus and Neil McNabe.
I'll be joining in with George "Mad Ogre" Hill during the 10 p.m. "Roundtable."
Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.
I'll be joining in with George "Mad Ogre" Hill during the 10 p.m. "Roundtable."
Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Beckel latest in long line of rape-enabling gun-grabbers
It’s always been that way with the control über alles crowd. Those of us who’ve been around for a while have seen the ridiculous levels of denial even those who would have us believe they are “feminist leaders” must resort to in order to mask the disconnect between their claims of empowerment and their practices of ensuring disadvantages forced on women are perpetuated. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows what frauds the prohibitionists are by posing a question they dare not unequivocally answer.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Panic buttons latest foolish responsibility dodge on school safety
Here’s a thought experiment: Imagine, right now wherever you are, you hear shots. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary attempts to push the anti-personal defense fanatics' buttons.
Quite Candidly, They Lost Their Appeal With Me Some Time Ago
Now they've lost it with the court. [Read]
Will they appeal higher? Will SCOTUS hear it?
Lawyers: What would happen to someone caught carrying today against a law that has been ruled unconstitutional?
[Via Jess]
Will they appeal higher? Will SCOTUS hear it?
Lawyers: What would happen to someone caught carrying today against a law that has been ruled unconstitutional?
[Via Jess]
Taken Offline
From Law Enforcement Targets, Inc:
Having looked through their site before they pulled them, I couldn't help but notice, if the excuse was to train based on likely scenarios, how come there are so few who aren't white, and how come so many of the "offensive" targets look for all the world like stereotypical Tea Partiers? Is it because if they made their targets reflect encounter percentages, particularly the ones in the "Urban Street Violence" category, the Jackson/Sharpton machine would shut them down or extort them dry?
So I don't buy it's for realistic training. Sorry, just based on likely encounters one needs to train for, I see an agenda here. The only deviation from a theme is they do have some wearing PLA head scarfs --I'm not aware of any shootouts on domestic soil where that has been the case.
Two other things about this excuse, and they come from Bear emailing the LET spokesflack:
Having looked through their site before they pulled them, I couldn't help but notice, if the excuse was to train based on likely scenarios, how come there are so few who aren't white, and how come so many of the "offensive" targets look for all the world like stereotypical Tea Partiers? Is it because if they made their targets reflect encounter percentages, particularly the ones in the "Urban Street Violence" category, the Jackson/Sharpton machine would shut them down or extort them dry?
So I don't buy it's for realistic training. Sorry, just based on likely encounters one needs to train for, I see an agenda here. The only deviation from a theme is they do have some wearing PLA head scarfs --I'm not aware of any shootouts on domestic soil where that has been the case.
Two other things about this excuse, and they come from Bear emailing the LET spokesflack:
You do not say that you have suspended sales of the targets. Does this mean you still stock and sell the psychopathically offensive targets _offline_? If so, to whom?and
I've have read your apology for the full-blown insane decision to market a product line specifically designed to desensitize officers to shooting children, pregnant women, and the elderly. You stated, "This product line was originally requested and designed by the law enforcement community". Not by me. Nor would I _ever_ have countenanced such stupidity. So please tell me: SPECIFICALLY WHO IN "THE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY" requested and designed that product line?I would really like to know that last part. I wonder how we could find out...
Bouncing Checks
Just saw this piece from The Firearms Coalition, dated a few weeks back. [Read]
I'll be interested to read what Jeff has to say about the firestorm, and if that changes anything in his mind.
[Via bondmen]
I'll be interested to read what Jeff has to say about the firestorm, and if that changes anything in his mind.
[Via bondmen]
Threat Assessment
Purely as a speculative exercise, assuming this were in the wrong hands, of course, the first thing that comes to mind would be low-tech ways to keep it from going anywhere followed by low-tech ways to heat things up inside. [Read]
I wonder how that could be done...
I wonder how that could be done...
The Social Network
He was a high-school honor student, a senior and a member of the Army National Guard. Nevertheless, say his parents, Clark County School District police and a high-school principal who didn’t like his Facebook page detained him, illegally, for over three hours. [More]And as TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say, "But wait, there's more!"
The Scottish Lairds
I'm reminded of "Braveheart," where the titled and propertied lairds cut their own deals with Longshanks and withdrew from the field, leaving the freedom fighters to take all the risks and suffer all the losses. It's past time the entire industry was put on notice and then held accountable for any cowardice in this time of threat on all fronts. [Read]
Demon Gun

It described how a gun at first empowers a man, but then, like an addiction, the man is overpowered by the gun, and the gun leads him to his death. [More]Yeah, obviously it's the possessed object's fault.
What more is needed to demonstrate to anyone rational that the Cult of Disarmament is based on primitive superstitions?
A Public Utility
Don't these cable companies have to make concessions to get exclusive rights to wire an area up? The same thing that forces them to offer public access channels and the like? Seems to me someone who understands this aspect of the law may be able to find a clause that would make such blatant discrimination unallowable... [Read]
The same could be said for networks that use "public airwaves."
To require it would hardly be imposing on a free market, as the economic fascist "public/private partnership" has already been established to the mutual benefit and enjoyment of both government and industry. Plus the politically correct "progressive" corporatist media cowards gave up on free advertising speech a long time ago -- they made their deal with the devil, let them now live with it.
I say any chair in a bar fight. If Comcast enjoys exclusive rights of way and easements, the hell with their censorship against normalizing guns, legal products regarded with special Constitutional significance. And as long as the Commerce Clause is invoked for everything else...
[Via Ron W]
The same could be said for networks that use "public airwaves."
To require it would hardly be imposing on a free market, as the economic fascist "public/private partnership" has already been established to the mutual benefit and enjoyment of both government and industry. Plus the politically correct "progressive" corporatist media cowards gave up on free advertising speech a long time ago -- they made their deal with the devil, let them now live with it.
I say any chair in a bar fight. If Comcast enjoys exclusive rights of way and easements, the hell with their censorship against normalizing guns, legal products regarded with special Constitutional significance. And as long as the Commerce Clause is invoked for everything else...
[Via Ron W]
Till Tomorrow, Come What May
Let's hope he does a good job --he's generally so stiff and unlikeable to the general public, and they're the ones who need to be convinced if the polls for near-universal support are to be believed.
The unfortunate but inescapable truth is, people are swayed by superficialities, and facts, unless presented as visceral sound bites, often lose out to emotional appeals. With all of its resources, and the vaunted Ack-Mac media prowess, you'd think they could groom some true believer media reps who test well with focus groups, and put them through intensive training to where responding powerfully and persuasively to anything the antis throw at them becomes reflexive.
The unfortunate but inescapable truth is, people are swayed by superficialities, and facts, unless presented as visceral sound bites, often lose out to emotional appeals. With all of its resources, and the vaunted Ack-Mac media prowess, you'd think they could groom some true believer media reps who test well with focus groups, and put them through intensive training to where responding powerfully and persuasively to anything the antis throw at them becomes reflexive.
We're the Only Ones Academic Enough
University of Iowa gives private student data to Johnson sheriff [More]Against the law? Good one!
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Booted Enough
Hughes was a decorated trooper with the Mississippi Highway Patrol until shortly before his October indictment. The indictment accuses him of stomping a woman, while he worked as a trooper, in October 2007. [More]Jackboots are made for stompin'
That's just what they'll do
One of these days jackboots are gonna stomp all over you...
The Camel's Nose
More on the misdemeanor sexual offenses against minors bill, how it tortures the Commerce Clause, and how it opens the tent flap for more camels to come in. [Read]
If this passes, it will only be a matter of time before it's challenged on cultural discrimination grounds, because all such laws, including existing felonies, would make anyone following the example of their Prophet and the Mother of Believers a prohibited person.
It would be hysterically ironic if they issued a FATwā against the infidel Nadler.
If this passes, it will only be a matter of time before it's challenged on cultural discrimination grounds, because all such laws, including existing felonies, would make anyone following the example of their Prophet and the Mother of Believers a prohibited person.
It would be hysterically ironic if they issued a FATwā against the infidel Nadler.
This Day in History: February 22
Lt. Hicks Chappell was with Capt. Hampton and he later wrote "the advance of the British met them and a skirmish ensued in which Hampton retreated after losing several men being made prisoner."[More]
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Obama solicits ‘gun violence’ stories
To that end, I’m encouraging Gun Rights Examiner readers to join in the dialog and share your stories of gun defense uses/"gun violence" prevention, or alternatively, to share stories of criminal “gun violence” perpetrated by the “Only Ones” the gun-banners think should be armed, the police and agents of government. [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner offering encourages you to engage in some Five-Minute Activism to expose an agenda, set the record straight, and basically poke the commie bedwetters in the eye. Will you help?
Turning Tide?
Dave Workman is reporting support for Alan Gottlieb's background check proposal is outweighing opposition. [Read]
A Progressive Agenda
Punk doesn't like the First Amendment any better than he does the Second. [Read]
Any doubts what this tyrant-in-waiting would do if he didn't have any constraints?
Any doubts what this tyrant-in-waiting would do if he didn't have any constraints?
We're the Only Ones Encouraging Enough
As in "encouraging civilians to take safety into their own hands and take down gunmen who threaten them at work or school." [More]
As in only using their hands against a crazed murderer with a gun.
Say, who are they supposed to be encouraging again?
[Via Mama Liberty]
As in only using their hands against a crazed murderer with a gun.
Say, who are they supposed to be encouraging again?
[Via Mama Liberty]
Two from Congressional Research Service
I've talked about CRS before, and how the reports they prepare on our dime aren't shared with us, but that fortunately, groups like the Federation of American Scientists get copies of the reports and post them on their website.
Carl S. sends us links to two new ones:
I have not had time to go through either. I'm not sure when I'll get time.
Carl S. sends us links to two new ones:
- Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Legal Issues, February 14, 2013
- Exemptions for Firearms in Bankruptcy, February 15, 2013
I have not had time to go through either. I'm not sure when I'll get time.
Patriot veteran and retired Chicago cop tells of freer, safer time
"Our HIGH SCHOOL armory had 50 of these, two Browning Automatic Rifles, five M1 carbines, two .45 cal. semi auto M1911A1 pistols, and one M3 submachine gun,” he continued. “Similar armories were present at even INNER CITY High Schools like Lindbloom, Marshall, Farragutt and most every school that had a junior ROTC, and there was NEVER a school shooting or any one harmed by the presence of these lethal military weapons." [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner trip down Memory Lane reminds us that the way things are and the way things were can give us clues to the way things ought to be.
How Can You Tell Miguel Pulido is Lying?
Look at this shameless son of a..., holding out a friggin' MP 40, confident the "Authorized Journalists" will, as always, happily help him spread the deception...and the shame of it is, I don't see one person in the article's comments calling them on it. [Read]
The Chicago Way
Obama campaign caught in major NC vote fraud scheme [More]So ... who in a position to do anything about this is going to?
The Obvious Solution
Fire his @$$. [Read]
You can see Dewey here and tell him what you think of his decision here.
Lemme know if they take the page down and I'll put up a screen shot.
You can see Dewey here and tell him what you think of his decision here.
Lemme know if they take the page down and I'll put up a screen shot.
By Any Other Name
See, if they tell you they're going to rape you from behind, that doesn't sound as inviting as they're going to watch your back and take care of it... [Read]
Isn't that right, Handgun Control, Inc. and Coaltion to Ban Handguns?
Makes perfect "gun sense" to me!
They're incapable of honesty, because that exposes them for what they are. They have to deceive. And they have to use Orwellian terms to do it.
UPDATE: Workman weighs in.
Isn't that right, Handgun Control, Inc. and Coaltion to Ban Handguns?
Makes perfect "gun sense" to me!
They're incapable of honesty, because that exposes them for what they are. They have to deceive. And they have to use Orwellian terms to do it.
UPDATE: Workman weighs in.
A Penetrating Argument
The Party That Supports Rape [Read]What's the big deal? Beckel just agrees with Whoopi.
And with CSGV, who, despite using "white" as a racist pejorative, correctly reminds me I don't speak for all women.
True that, and unlike them, I've never pretended to. Not sharing their affinity for collectivism. my argument is simply that the choice morally belongs to individuals, regardless of sex, melanin levels, or anything else they want to throw out there to help divert attention from the inarguable fact that they would rather see women raped and killed than armed.
I wonder if Bob would like to say something to Amanda or Brianna?
We're the Only Ones with Minor Problems Enough
The alleged victim told police that the 50-year-old Grennier paid her for photographs and video of herself naked and encouraged her to perform sexually explicit acts on the internet. [More]I wonder if this is the guy Jabba the Nadler had in mind when he wrote his new bill?
[Via Harvey]
We do not halt sales to individual officers even in problematic states [More]I have no idea how cop purchases work and if they vary from state-to-state. Do they go directly to the manufacturer after getting department clearance? If they go through FFLs, it would seem simply a matter of not shipping any verboten items to any dealer in that state.
ArmaLite is not winning itself any friends over this, and Pat Raley needs to be called into the head office and reamed. If I'd have responded to a public inquiry that way when I was in sales, I'd have expected to get canned.
[Via Andrea Shea King]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...
I can’t stop laughing. I think it’s hilarious.’ [More]Some day, the laughter will stop. When it does, I wonder how many will realize that they allowed it to happen, and in many ways, demanded it.
Speaking of Keeping Kids Safe
How would one commit a misdemeanor sex offense against a child? [Read]
I'm thinking maybe if they just attempt something? That still seems pretty damned heinous.
Or maybe teenagers skirting around the age of consent? Kids playing doctor or taking and forwarding stupid pictures?
I'm trying to wrap my head around what is a clear-cut crime and what isn't, and if the former, I'm just not seeing anything less than a felony. If somebody diddles a kid, sorry, they're broke beyond fixing. They can't be trusted without a custodian.
You realize, of course, a few years from now, manipulated public opinion will label me as an intolerant hater and a pedophiliaphobe or some such for believing this way... "top men" are working on that as we speak.
I'm thinking maybe if they just attempt something? That still seems pretty damned heinous.
Or maybe teenagers skirting around the age of consent? Kids playing doctor or taking and forwarding stupid pictures?
I'm trying to wrap my head around what is a clear-cut crime and what isn't, and if the former, I'm just not seeing anything less than a felony. If somebody diddles a kid, sorry, they're broke beyond fixing. They can't be trusted without a custodian.
You realize, of course, a few years from now, manipulated public opinion will label me as an intolerant hater and a pedophiliaphobe or some such for believing this way... "top men" are working on that as we speak.
New Product Idea
I just read where our heroic guardians saved us from another terror menace, and wondered if I could sell this to Law Enforcement Targets, Inc.
UPDATE: Matt Bracken has a graphic of his own.
UPDATE: Matt Bracken has a graphic of his own.
Somebody's Slipping
Newspaper delivery woman? And no shots were fired? [Read]
On the plus side, the years of indoctrination have paid off. The flower of youth is now scared of everything!
Campaign Finance Reform
Wasn't the object of the whole flap to keep a powerful special interest from being able to use money to unduly influence elections? [Read]
No? It was to keep lots of people from pooling their resources to make their voices heard?
No? It was to keep lots of people from pooling their resources to make their voices heard?
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Because They Work So Well Everywhere Else
Russia asks: How do you stop space objects hitting Earth? [More]
I was thinking maybe signs...?
![]() |
Can't these damn meteors read? |
[Via Bear, who suggested Meteor Free Zones and Restraining Orders.]
Gun-grabber has meltdown, flees public affairs forum in anger
“Look the a**hole was talking about congress and our president,” a visibly agitated Coleman shot back, “not Kansas … so, you know, go s*** yourself.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner exclusive shows more than a bit of projection going on as an anti who would control us shows he is utterly incapable of controlling himself--as seems to be so often the case. Plus the embedded video is pretty damn funny, so share this with any friends who could use a good laugh.
Home Alone
From American Trigger Sports Network:
Stop the Threat all new episode
This week's crime scene: A burglar chooses the wrong house when an under-aged girl who has been trained how to use a handgun, follows her mother's advice.
Hosted by James B. Towle with Special Guests: Michael Carrizales, Wes Doss, Rob Pincus
Watch on the PURSUIT Channel!
DISH Network: Channel 240 HUNT
DirecTV: Channel 604 PRST
Wednesdays 2:00pm PST 5:00pm EST
Thursdays 10:00pm PST
Fridays 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST
Fridays 1:00am EST
Towle also hosts the popular “ATSN TV” series on the PURSUIT Channel, bringing you trigger sporting competition coverage from across the country. Episodes also available at www.atsn.tv.
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