- Hour One: Alan Gottlieb
- Hour Two: Massad Ayoob
- Hour Three: Yours truly, George "Mad Ogre" Hill, Neil W. McCabe
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Tonight on Armed American Radio
Friday, November 28, 2014
Negligent Gun Fatality Brings Out the ‘Progressive’ Hate
Not that this will make any impression on the LMAO haters reveling in a human death because they suspected she held a different creed or place in the social spectrum than they. How telling that such bigotry and intolerance should emanate from an ideology that represents itself as inclusive and egalitarian.
Opposite Day, remember? [More]My latest JPFO Alert notes the biggest haters of officially disfavored groups are...wait for it... national socialists.
‘Progressives’ with environmental objections to guns silent on amnesty impacts
The reason for the injunction was that an environmental impact study for the effects of allowing guns in national parks had not been completed as required by law ... How much more of an impact will the president’s immigration directives have on the environment than the off-chance a person defending their life may (or may not) need to fire off rounds of ammunition that may (or may not) leave traces within national park boundaries? If the law and judicial precedent for halting executive actions on environmental grounds pending an impact study exist, why not employ the same legal tactics as anti-gunners and environmentalcases do, and use them? [More]Today's Gun Right Examiner report notes now that judicial precedent has been established, why not use tactics first pulled by the collectivists to attack freedom against them?
When Black Friday Comes
I wonder how many people looking for deals do their part to keep the whole thing going... [More]
And why is it you never see gun owners acting like this at store sales?
In re the observation about existing gun laws not being enforced: We wouldn't say "Enforce existing Intolerable Acts."
REPEAL existing gun laws.
And why is it you never see gun owners acting like this at store sales?
In re the observation about existing gun laws not being enforced: We wouldn't say "Enforce existing Intolerable Acts."
REPEAL existing gun laws.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise
After government warnings that the threat to Britain from Islamist fanatics is ‘greater than ever’, officers handed out leaflets telling the public to ‘run, hide and tell’ if they are caught up in an attack. [More]Provided, I guess, you can run fast enough or hide well enough to live to tell.
So have they cleared those leaflets with the cultural sensitivity bureaucrats to make sue no group is offended?
[Via cycjec]
Slain Austin shooter likely had anti-government motive [More]What makes it so likely?
The unidentified suspect was described as white male in his 50s with a criminal record.Oh, well then he likely fits the profile of everyone I hang with, so the preliminary narrative-shaping is likely justified...
On a side note, the results of starting a firefight in front of a place where people are likely to be armed don't seem all that unlikely.
[Via Michael G]
Freedom is Slavery
Barack Obama is not merely the president of the United States. He is also apparently the president of the Meryl Streep fan club, a position he made very clear on Monday afternoon while presenting the Oscar-winning actress with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor. [More]
Yeah, that Meryl Streep.
"Progressives." Opposite Day.
We're the Only Ones Bananas Enough
According to an arrest affidavit, Mesa County deputies Joshua Bunch and Donald Love said they feared for their lives even though they saw that the object was yellow. Bunch wrote in the affidavit that he has seen handguns in many shapes and colors. [More]Bunch and bananas? And the guy was from Fruitvale?
This is a joke, right, or do "public servants" willing to destroy a citizen's life for such stupid, cowardly and petty "reasons" really exist?
[Via Harvey]
They Got Those Hickenlooper Blues
Every one of the 100+ employees losing a job worked like hell to defeat the "law" and the tyrants behind it, right? [More]
[Via Steve S]
UPDATE: Workman weighs in.
[Via Steve S]
UPDATE: Workman weighs in.
The Right of ALL People
One, a 6-foot-8-inches man named Derrick Jordan — “Stretch,” as friends call him — whisked an AR-15 assault rifle out from a pickup truck parked near the entrance. Jordan, 37, was one of four black Ferguson residents who spent Tuesday night planted in front of the store, pistols tucked into their waistbands, waiting to ward off looters or catch shoplifters. Jordan and the others guarding the gas station are all black. The station’s owner is white. [More]As long as brothers from the same and different mothers share an ideology, sharing DNA is irrelevant.
And it seems to me Stretch whisked an AR-15 defense rifle, not that I expect "real reporters" to be sensitive to the distinction.
But Don't Take MY Word for It
In their own words: Oregon anti gun politicians and activists admit that "universal background checks", "assault weapons" ban, and "gun free zones" won't work! [More from LaughingAtLiberals]
The Kill Switch
Echoing an attitude shared by many gun enthusiasts, David Codrea, an editor at Guns magazine, cautions that “stupid electronic doodads” could render a firearm useless, would be ignored by criminals and would raise the price of firearms for everyone else. [More]I just became aware of this article from a year ago, but yeah, I said that.
The Doorman
Ross Bransford, a CHL instructor, says he anticipates open carry passing, but wants the law to include doing so with a permit and training. [More]Don't forget to give the doorman a tip for his "service."
A Well Neglected Militia, Being Necessary to the Destruction of a Free State
“Gun controllers’” recondite but real intent is to render the formation of “well regulated Militia” in the several States exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, by denying the community the collective right to keep and bear the very firearms particularly suitable for service in the Militia, through the denial to individuals of the right to keep and bear such arms—thus stripping the community of the collective ability to defend itself most effectively against usurpers and tyrants. [More]And guess who has been consistently derelict in even addressing this, let alone doing anything about it.
Coincidentally, from just a week back:
Might there be a reason the founders considered a well regulated militia to be necessary to the security of a free State, leaving the right of the people to keep and bear arms off limits to infringements, so that when a need arose there would be those capable of answering the call? Rather than disparaging and harassing armed Americans, shouldn't dutiful civil authority, upholding the oath to the Constitution that is required of its members, be encouraging them and training with them?
This Day in History: November 28
I have no direct Powers from Congress to transact Exchanges, but have taken the Liberty in your Case, to absolve the Parole of Captain Francis Dundas, of the first Regiment, now a Prisoner on Parole in London, on Condition that yours be also fully discharged. [More]
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Only ‘progressive’ turkeys thankful for Opposite Day role reversal
The greasy-lipped masters have to be laughing like hell as they reach across their table of plunder and rip off another drumstick... [More]My annual "Night of the Evil Butterball" Thanksgiving offering...
Speaking of which, as soon as I'm done publicizing this, I'm off the computer with much housework and dinner prep to be ready for all the company we're having over today.
Have a joyful day filled with love and camaraderie. And a couple fingers of the good stuff and a nice maduro...
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
The Slippery Precipice
In his latest JPFO Alert, Kurt takes on a bow-tied Bolshevik who did us the great service of not being able to contain himself enough to keep from revealing the end game. [More]
Obama compares pardoning turkeys to executive order on immigration
“Today, I’m taking an action fully within my legal authority,” the president remarked in a seeming mocking dig at critics of his policy of allowing federal law to be flouted and rewarding those who break it. “I know some will call this amnesty, but don’t worry, there’s plenty of turkey to go around.” [More]This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report questions who should feel more disrespected: Americans who oppose imperial decrees and amnesty, or undocumented foreign nationals who were compared as the equivalents of turkeys.
Turnabout seen as fair play for publishing Ferguson Officer Wilson's home street
It’s obvious the practice of providing physical addresses of people for whom anger exists can heighten physical dangers. Real risks also exist that persons with the same or similar names could be targeted instead. Likewise, the lives and homes of neighbors of Officer Wilson have now been put at risk by The Times' decision to narrow the hunt for him by those bent on murderous revenge, upping the probabilities for expanded violence and further rage-fueled confrontations with authorities. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes some sauce for the gander, or in deference to tomorrow's holiday, a pair of turkeys.
This Day in History: November 26
By Mr. Madison It was proposed that Congress should declare that when ever it sd. appear that the whole of the bills emitted prior to the 18th. of M. 1780 shall have been collected into the Treasuries of the several States, Congress wd. proceed to give such credit for any surplus above the quotas assigned as equity might require, and debit the deficient States accordingly. [More]
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Más Kool-Aid Por Favor!
I've had a link forwarded to me which, on the surface and without closer examination, would seem to contradict my Scott Walker report:
Did they take him out of context?
Yes, Fletcher? You had something to add...?
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon for the Sirius XM Patriots network, Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker said he does not support amnesty and the Washington Post’s Aaron Blake, who previously reported Walker supports a “pathway to citizenship” for illegal immigrants took him “out of context.” [More]How about the Wasau Daily Herald?
Did they take him out of context?
Yes, Fletcher? You had something to add...?
Obama’s DREAMer poster girl portends nightmare for gun owners
"We would be nowhere without all the PLANistas who fight everyday for reform and will continue to fight until there is a pathway to citizenship for all 11 million. We are ready for this fight." [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a manipulative motivation behind a heartstring-tugging sucker job.
Hurry While This Once-In-a-Lifetime Opportunity Lasts!
The bill would require a person who, between January 1, 2001, and December 31, 2013, inclusive, lawfully possessed an assault weapon that does not have a fixed magazine, including those weapons with an ammunition feeding device that can be removed readily from the firearm with the use of a tool, and who, on or after January 1, 2014, possesses that firearm, to register the firearm by July 1, 2015. [More]Don't make the same mistake I did...
[Via Dave Licht]
Just Not Mature Enough to Wait
I love it when the occasional self control-challenged zealot drops the mask of incrementalism and reveals the end game. [More]
No one wants to take your guns, you paranoids?
Of course they do. And "legitimate news media" is happy to employ them and give them a forum.
That's why it's commiesense gun control!
Thanks Gerald! But are you sure you're not really one of us? Because if I wanted to pose as an anti to gin up resistance, this is pretty close to what I'd write.
UPDATE: Workman weighs in.
[Via Florida Guy]
No one wants to take your guns, you paranoids?
Of course they do. And "legitimate news media" is happy to employ them and give them a forum.
That's why it's commiesense gun control!
Thanks Gerald! But are you sure you're not really one of us? Because if I wanted to pose as an anti to gin up resistance, this is pretty close to what I'd write.
UPDATE: Workman weighs in.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Unarresting Enough
An off-duty Chicago Police officer has been stripped of his arrest powers after he allegedly fired multiple times at an off-duty suburban cop who tried to pull him over after suspecting he was driving drunk, law enforcement sources said Monday. [More]Any non-"Only Ones" think if you'd pulled this, you wouldn't be in either intensive care or the morgue right now?
[Via Doug Rink]
Purely Economic
The reality is, they'll stay as long as customers tolerate it. [More]
If most gun owners don't give a damn, and based on the sorry mess we're in, most don't, nothing will change.
Most aren't even aware that the "extremist gun lobby" is training their oppressors. How many have called for that to end in confiscation states, with consequences if it doesn't?
When this all blows up on us, and when you are forced to make the "surrender and obey or be destroyed" decision, with unimaginable hardship, loss and desperation visited on those who opt for the first choice, reserve a little blame for those who would not lift a finger now.
If most gun owners don't give a damn, and based on the sorry mess we're in, most don't, nothing will change.
Most aren't even aware that the "extremist gun lobby" is training their oppressors. How many have called for that to end in confiscation states, with consequences if it doesn't?
When this all blows up on us, and when you are forced to make the "surrender and obey or be destroyed" decision, with unimaginable hardship, loss and desperation visited on those who opt for the first choice, reserve a little blame for those who would not lift a finger now.
We're the Only Ones Punchy Enough
FOX31 Denver has obtained video of a Denver police officer punching an unarmed suspect in the face six times, then moments later, tripping the man’s seven-and-a-half-months pregnant girlfriend. [More]What did I just get done saying about getting punchy, fellas, and what that can do to someone? Some of you, including those who tolerate, not just those who commit, sure make it tough to call for understanding when it's appropriate.
[Via cydl]
Ready for War
I guess if you're going to be forced into one, it might as well be by idiots who think possession of a few tools is all you need. [More]
[Via Mike H]
[Via Mike H]
The Myth of the Unarmed Man
If you don't believe media bias plays a role in how Americans interpret use of force by law enforcement, try this simple test. Do a Google search for "police officer kills unarmed man." I did and I got 179,000 results. Searching "Police officer shoots unarmed man" returned 205,000 results. Finally, I flipped the search around and typed, "unarmed man attacks police officer." I got this message: "No results found." [More]Make sure you put the terms in quotation marks.
Here's another useful search to corroborate the justification for not allowing yourself to be attacked: "killed by punch".
The good thing about guns, as many who have been through a DGU can attest, is their presentation is often enough to make a potential attacker reconsider so the situation is resolved without coming to blows or worse. That's a good thing.
If an assailant will not allow that to happen, well, I have this saying. I'm not going to let some moron sociopath put my life and/or health at risk if I can stop him instead, using whatever means at my disposal to get the job done.
Whatever means. My experienced friend will attest to that.
You'll note no "Only Ones" title for this post. Just as I don't support police having special immunities withheld from We the People, I don't expect them, as individual human beings first, to have any fewer.
[Via Michael B]
The Second Rebellion
Congress in its entirely was slaughtered, and hung upside-down from lamp posts though, unlike Mussolini, they were not emasculated. It was pretty much agreed that they had taken care of this themselves long ago. [More]He probably meant to say "entirety," but the guy is suffering from a quack-induced eye malady and if a word processor assumes how to complete a word and if the result isn't flagged by spell check, typos happen.
Bottom line is, as always, a great ree... uh... read. And "Clitler" is a keeper for future application.
This Day in History: November 25
It gives me great pleasure to learn from yourself, that the State over which you preside is tranquil.—Would to God it may ever remain so, and that all others would follow the example. Internal dissentions, and jarrings with our neighbors, are not only productive of mischievous consequences, as it respects ourselves, but has a tendency to lessen our national character, and importance in the eyes of European powers. If any thing can, this will expose us to their intriguing politics, and may shake the Union. [More]
Monday, November 24, 2014
Capping Things Off
I always hate when people say "I have a better idea," because invariably, they don't--they just have their idea.
In this case, sorry, Mike, as laudable as I find your Threeperwear ballcap fundraiser to be -- and trust me, if you go through with it I'll do what I can to promote it -- I do have a better idea.
Why don't your regular readers -- those who get daily benefit from your work and who know what you need to go through physically, mentally, spiritually and financially to bring it to them -- just send you a voluntary subscription (note I didn't say "donation," because it's payment for value received) of a buck or two a month, either via Paypal, or by check for those who avoid doing anything because they don't like Paypal (but still mostly purchase internet services from overtly anti-gun providers). I mean it's not like people who know your site are unaware that in the right-hand sidebar column, you've given out "PO Box 926, Pinson, AL 35126" since, like, forever.
You, "Irregulars," -- especially those of you who use the forum Mike's work provides to post comments, or those of you who send him links hoping he'll write about them and impart insights you know you won't get anywhere else: Wouldn't that be better for him, for us, and for you, personally, than pulling him off of what he's doing that's meaningful, and further exhausting a man with well-known serious health issues by requiring him to be a purchasing / receiving / store room / packaging / shipping / customer service clerk, particularity one who then will have to deal with complaints / issue refunds if a shipment doesn't make it for whatever reason?
As for suggestions that he should do ads, as one who has tried them, let me say from experience that does not work, and your helpful hint doesn't substitute for a personal commitment not to take without giving back.
I frankly don't get it. So many "Molon Labe" comments. So few lifting a finger to do the easy stuff.
For those of you who might take offense to this post: Obviously I'm not talking about those of you who actually do constructive things for freedom, even small things if that's all you can do -- I'm grateful to people who put their shoulder to the wheel. And I also am not talking about those who truly cannot afford to help-- providing that's actually true and you at least help spread the word. I'm talking about the do-absolutely-nothing crowd.
UPDATE: Can we get them in different colors? Test variations? No text? Good God.
In this case, sorry, Mike, as laudable as I find your Threeperwear ballcap fundraiser to be -- and trust me, if you go through with it I'll do what I can to promote it -- I do have a better idea.
Why don't your regular readers -- those who get daily benefit from your work and who know what you need to go through physically, mentally, spiritually and financially to bring it to them -- just send you a voluntary subscription (note I didn't say "donation," because it's payment for value received) of a buck or two a month, either via Paypal, or by check for those who avoid doing anything because they don't like Paypal (but still mostly purchase internet services from overtly anti-gun providers). I mean it's not like people who know your site are unaware that in the right-hand sidebar column, you've given out "PO Box 926, Pinson, AL 35126" since, like, forever.
You, "Irregulars," -- especially those of you who use the forum Mike's work provides to post comments, or those of you who send him links hoping he'll write about them and impart insights you know you won't get anywhere else: Wouldn't that be better for him, for us, and for you, personally, than pulling him off of what he's doing that's meaningful, and further exhausting a man with well-known serious health issues by requiring him to be a purchasing / receiving / store room / packaging / shipping / customer service clerk, particularity one who then will have to deal with complaints / issue refunds if a shipment doesn't make it for whatever reason?
As for suggestions that he should do ads, as one who has tried them, let me say from experience that does not work, and your helpful hint doesn't substitute for a personal commitment not to take without giving back.
I frankly don't get it. So many "Molon Labe" comments. So few lifting a finger to do the easy stuff.
For those of you who might take offense to this post: Obviously I'm not talking about those of you who actually do constructive things for freedom, even small things if that's all you can do -- I'm grateful to people who put their shoulder to the wheel. And I also am not talking about those who truly cannot afford to help-- providing that's actually true and you at least help spread the word. I'm talking about the do-absolutely-nothing crowd.
UPDATE: Can we get them in different colors? Test variations? No text? Good God.
Scott Walker trial balloon from NRA director ignores amnesty danger
He may have been far superior to 2014 Democrat gubernatorial challenger Mary Burke on guns, but as far as supporting amnesty goes, their agreement favors the Democrat agenda, not to mention Obama's executive order, in the long run. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes undermining the gun rights supported today will cause untold damage tomorrow.
Last Night on Armed American Radio
Think Obama will stop with immigration law? The opening segment will OPEN your eyes. Madison Rising's new track "Soldier's Christmas" with singer Dave Bray, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America and David Codrea talk tyranny, Commentary from Lee Williams the Gun Writer, AAR Wash. DC Editor Neil McCabe, The Ogre and [MORE].
Trail of Tears
VOLUNTARY? Isn't it time indignant MILMs DEMANDED closing the Reservation Loophole? [More]
For the papooses...?
For the papooses...?
Anti-gun "researchers" say it, I believe I, that settles it. [More]
What? John Lott debunks the debunkers? No, of course the "reporter" didn't approach him, or even look him up, and share his rebuttal observations. There's a narrative and an agenda to be promoted here, after all...
[Via Dave Licht]
What? John Lott debunks the debunkers? No, of course the "reporter" didn't approach him, or even look him up, and share his rebuttal observations. There's a narrative and an agenda to be promoted here, after all...
[Via Dave Licht]
We're the Only Ones Making a Killing Enough
Killings by Utah police outpacing gang, drug, child-abuse homicides [More]So do those get factored into the "gundeaths" stats used to "justify" disarming you and me?
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones "Stairway to Heaven" Enough
Gurley was killed by Officer Peter Liang, whom police say fired his pistol by accident while he was patrolling a dimly-lit staircase at a notorious Brooklyn apartment block. [More]Oh, well then those mitigating circumstances, described with dramatic flair, make it all OK then.
Thanks for the cover, "Authorized Journalists"!
[Via Bruce W, Krafft]
So What?
My question: So what? I’m never quite sure why this upsets people so much. [More]It's not a question of being upset. It's a question of keeping apprised of and anticipating enemy action so effective countermeasures can be taken. As happened in this case, and as may be happening in this one if those with a voice that reaches farther than mine ever notice and spread the word, instead of questioning and dismissing it.
That's what.
We're the Only Ones Adding Fuel to the Fire Enough
Just in time for the Ferguson announcement! [More]
Went for his waistband? That's a new one!
As I've noted before, I had more freedom as a boy in the Shah's Iran than most children do today in the land of the Second Amendment.
Fun times in Cleveland again...
Thing is, this is the second shooting of a person of color with a non-firearm by Ohio "Only Ones" that's occurred after AG Mike DeWine washed his hands of making sure they are properly trained on dealing with citizens they see with guns...
The attorney for John Crawford's family never acknowledged this, so I don't know if he's going to pursue it:
Perhaps attorney Timothy J. Kucharski representing the family of Tamir Rice will show some interest. Because it seems all the "legitimate news media" wants to do is point out there was no orange tip, repeat the waistband allegation, and not tell us the names of "the officers [who] have been placed on administrative leave."
Went for his waistband? That's a new one!
As I've noted before, I had more freedom as a boy in the Shah's Iran than most children do today in the land of the Second Amendment.
Fun times in Cleveland again...
Thing is, this is the second shooting of a person of color with a non-firearm by Ohio "Only Ones" that's occurred after AG Mike DeWine washed his hands of making sure they are properly trained on dealing with citizens they see with guns...
The attorney for John Crawford's family never acknowledged this, so I don't know if he's going to pursue it:
[Click to enlarge]
Perhaps attorney Timothy J. Kucharski representing the family of Tamir Rice will show some interest. Because it seems all the "legitimate news media" wants to do is point out there was no orange tip, repeat the waistband allegation, and not tell us the names of "the officers [who] have been placed on administrative leave."
Feeling Your Pain
I can't wait for "progressive feminists" to make this "new free service" mandatory, as penance for the act, just to teach us non-strap-on wearers the consequences of patriarchal penetration. [More]
Hey, maybe they'd also consent to letting us in on the "debate" if we also underwent a "Braveheart"-style disembowelment?
Hey, maybe they'd also consent to letting us in on the "debate" if we also underwent a "Braveheart"-style disembowelment?
Like a Beam of Sunlight
Quick, somebody design an even more powerful version and get the plans out before they're made "illegal" for all but "Only Ones." [More]
That's predictable, you know.
That's predictable, you know.
Behind Enemy Lines
Mike recounts the ups and downs and what he learned on his recent foray into occupied territory to meet with members of the Resistance. [More]
A "Progressive" Kiss
Prozis on Twitter are all a-twitter celebrating the anniversary of Star Trek's "pioneering" interracial kiss. [More]
You know, the one forced on both unwilling participants by sadistic philosopher king aliens with telekinesis, that is, the one where both Kirk and Uhura were essentially raped.
One "university lecturer" and "social justice advocate" even confesses she practically glows in the knowledge:
"Progressives" and Opposite Day...
Bending coerced people over to their will for salacious gratification is a turn-on for these perverts. And the future they have in store for those without the power is an old repeat.
You know, the one forced on both unwilling participants by sadistic philosopher king aliens with telekinesis, that is, the one where both Kirk and Uhura were essentially raped.
One "university lecturer" and "social justice advocate" even confesses she practically glows in the knowledge:
I remember it! It was fantastic, so heartening (even tho' they were drugged or something in the script).Fantastic! So heartening! Even tho'...
"Progressives" and Opposite Day...
Bending coerced people over to their will for salacious gratification is a turn-on for these perverts. And the future they have in store for those without the power is an old repeat.
This Day in History: November 24
Whatever may be the Virtue of other Soldiers, Experience has taught me to believe, that those in my Regiment require the Presence of their Officers—I was therefore obliged to disapprove of Capt. Duncan’s taking Quarters for himself at such a Distance from the Men, be the Hardships what they may. [More]
Sunday, November 23, 2014
A Moment of Silence
I am seeing a lot of jubilant hubbub about the new Florida law allowing suppressors to be used while hunting. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't it just codify that it's OK to use suppressors for which ATF tax stamps have been issued? I'm seeing some assumptions out there that this is a Firearms Freedom Act-style parallel, and I don't think so.
Tonight on Armed American Radio
- Hour One: Host Mark Walters will have some important comments about the Emperor. Dave Bray, lead singer of Madison Rising will debut "Soldier's Christmas."
- Hour Two: Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America; Yours truly.
- Hour Three: Human Events Guns and Patriots Editor Neil McCabe. Lee Williams, "The Gun Writer" for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. George "Mad Ogre" Hill.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Connecticut Child Advocate report on Newtown argues for gun bans
That administration functionaries concluded impeding the right to keep and bear arms would be a “public health system improvement” is also unsurprising. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at what Dan Malloy's lackeys did say, and perhaps more importantly, what they did not.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Israel needs more than temporary gun solution to stop “final” one
That the government of Israel evidently did not learn the lessons of 20th Century Europe is evident. A temporary solution that does not include the right of the people to keep and bear arms is no solution at all, and certainly no long-term deterrent to those who make clear their evil determination to impose a “final solution.” [More]My latest JPFO Alert notes some solutions are more final than others.
South of the Border, Down Mexico Way
“Foreigners who enter Mexico have the obligation to register; if they will be in national territory for more than seven days, they have to pay the right of non-residents.” [More]Racists!
I Could Have Gotten By Just Fine...
...without having learned the word "teledildonics." [More]
Not just "progressives," but Oregon "progressives."
Is it any wonder I love them so?
Not just "progressives," but Oregon "progressives."
Is it any wonder I love them so?
Meet the Man Suing Eric Holder and the ATF
Stephen took time out of his schedule to answer a few questions for us and we’re pleased to post his responses. [More]We last discussed this here.
Talk About a Broken Moral Compass
What the hell makes Marty Troyer think people serious about freedom and the responsibilities it brings are the equivalent of promiscuous libertines? Aside from his own ignorance, prejudice and lust to see all kneel before an omnipotent state? [More]
What an Orwellian POS this lying idol worshiper masquerading as a man of God is. Naturally, "Comments are closed."
Here's "The Peace Pastor"spreading the peace.
"Progressives" and Opposite Day! No wonder we love them so.
What an Orwellian POS this lying idol worshiper masquerading as a man of God is. Naturally, "Comments are closed."
Here's "The Peace Pastor"spreading the peace.
"Progressives" and Opposite Day! No wonder we love them so.
We're the Only Ones Tumultuous Enough
Columbus police will review their recruit-training procedures after a tumultuous morning in which three cruisers were wrecked in a chain-reaction crash, and tear gas carried by wind to an elementary school irritated the throats and eyes of several children and a pregnant, asthmatic teacher. [More]WarOnGuns has obtained an exclusive transcript of a dispatcher recording that captured communications during the incidents:
Nyuk Nyuck Nyuck!
Why I oughtta...
[Via Florida Guy]
What Hailey Feels

In Iowa City, we have the police to protect us. [More]And a fine job they're doing of it!
[Via Michael G]
Russia turns to guns to stem high murder rate
The move to liberalize gun laws there contrasts with well-financed efforts to increase restrictions in this country, despite documentation from the Bureau of Justice Statistics that prompted Forbes to acknowledge, “As gun sales soar, gun crimes plummet.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes sometimes freedom gains a foothold in the most unlikely places. And ditto for tyranny.
About Last Night...
I have a friend whose wife is from Europe. Bringing her in legally and going through the process took years and thousands of dollars. I'm wondering if a class action lawsuit by all such people who played by the rules might succeed, based on equal protection...?
Wrapping the Investigation Up
In an email dated October 4, 2011, Attorney General Holder’s top press aide, Tracy Schmaler, called Attkisson “out of control.” Schmaler told White House Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz that he intended to call CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer to get the network to stop Attkisson.
Schultz replied, “Good. Her piece was really bad for the AG.” [More]Tracy is the same flack who got cover for DOJ with Media Matters and dismissed Mike and my bar complaint as "specious [and] frivolous."
Naturally, "progressive" media doesn't care so much about what this means to freedom of the press as they do about making sure their idols stay worshiped. It's not like they're interested in the truth or anything...
[Via Florida Guy]
Coming Soon, to a "Progressive" Neighborhood Near You
I got about every fourth word. [More]
Maybe Barbara Billingsley could translate...?
If only they would disarm racists like you and me!
[Via Florida Guy]
Maybe Barbara Billingsley could translate...?
If only they would disarm racists like you and me!
[Via Florida Guy]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...
Save a Life, Surrender Your Knife [More]Catchy!
Of course, it won't do anything but make the sheep even more helpless, but you must admit, it's very "progressive."
I'm sure there are plenty of other slogans that would help the rulers with their mission of ensuring a monopoly of violence. Why not cut right to the chase?
Be our Thralls, Surrender Your Balls.
And no, I would not.
Not any more.
[Via Florida Guy]
Say, Gang, I've Got a Swell Idea!
Let's make sure being self-taught is illegal, just in case anything big ever goes down! [More]
The Ignorance, It Burns
Comment posted under yesterday's GRE:
I wish I had time to properly fisk this -- first impressions will have to do.
With the power grid down, getting troops to mobilize -- and do so in any semblance of a timely manner -- becomes problematic in itself. Plus, there simply aren't enough of them to secure the entire nation -- leaving, as projected, most areas on their own. And under the scenario testified to by Admiral Rogers, foreign dangers requiring manpower are going to be heightened. Then we have the bipolar attitude toward "our sons and daughters" with shoot-to-kill orders, and then alternately citing and then disparaging the Oath Keepers concept.
This person evidently thinks under the martial law situation she describes (stereotyping me, I'm just too old and conditioned to imagine a man using that avatar), she will be free to move about -- where she gets the gas from, or how she safely navigates L.A. without a car, remain unstated, but fortunately, she won't need her shotgun to get there and back again. It's not like scary rampaging mobs have ever paralyzed the city and terrorized and victimized targets of opportunity before. I guess she doesn't remember last time, although -- again, stereotyping me -- you would think someone from there who adopts a Korean screen name would at least have heard the stories that youth and/or privilege appear not to have heeded...
Note she's assuming triage centers will be eager to accept -- and feed and house-- "volunteers" of unstated qualifications. Thank God you're here -- we need this coffee pot and cookie tray for the firemen filled up stat! More likely, we'll be talking about setting up a tent city within the Coliseum or some such, a la the hell that was the Superdome in Katrina, with no way to supply the refugees, or remove the stinking waste, or treat the injuries, or the disease -- and good luck deciding you don't like it and wish to leave. First of all, where to?
Also note the automatic "progressive" distrust and paranoia in that "fair play turnabout": The question I posed asked if anti-gunners would maintain that position or engage in the LAWFUL activity of defending themselves and their loved ones. She automatically presumes it is conservative/libertarian gun owners who will turn into predators -- as we no doubt have in every riot situation I can recall, from Watts to Katrina. No "progressive" projection there.
The things such people need to believe. Now seems a pretty good time to reintroduce readers here to a three-part essay I've linked to before.
To restate something I've said before: I don't highlight trolls on occasion to feed them -- I do it because their own words do more to expose them than mine can.
I wish I had time to properly fisk this -- first impressions will have to do.
With the power grid down, getting troops to mobilize -- and do so in any semblance of a timely manner -- becomes problematic in itself. Plus, there simply aren't enough of them to secure the entire nation -- leaving, as projected, most areas on their own. And under the scenario testified to by Admiral Rogers, foreign dangers requiring manpower are going to be heightened. Then we have the bipolar attitude toward "our sons and daughters" with shoot-to-kill orders, and then alternately citing and then disparaging the Oath Keepers concept.
This person evidently thinks under the martial law situation she describes (stereotyping me, I'm just too old and conditioned to imagine a man using that avatar), she will be free to move about -- where she gets the gas from, or how she safely navigates L.A. without a car, remain unstated, but fortunately, she won't need her shotgun to get there and back again. It's not like scary rampaging mobs have ever paralyzed the city and terrorized and victimized targets of opportunity before. I guess she doesn't remember last time, although -- again, stereotyping me -- you would think someone from there who adopts a Korean screen name would at least have heard the stories that youth and/or privilege appear not to have heeded...
Note she's assuming triage centers will be eager to accept -- and feed and house-- "volunteers" of unstated qualifications. Thank God you're here -- we need this coffee pot and cookie tray for the firemen filled up stat! More likely, we'll be talking about setting up a tent city within the Coliseum or some such, a la the hell that was the Superdome in Katrina, with no way to supply the refugees, or remove the stinking waste, or treat the injuries, or the disease -- and good luck deciding you don't like it and wish to leave. First of all, where to?
Also note the automatic "progressive" distrust and paranoia in that "fair play turnabout": The question I posed asked if anti-gunners would maintain that position or engage in the LAWFUL activity of defending themselves and their loved ones. She automatically presumes it is conservative/libertarian gun owners who will turn into predators -- as we no doubt have in every riot situation I can recall, from Watts to Katrina. No "progressive" projection there.
The things such people need to believe. Now seems a pretty good time to reintroduce readers here to a three-part essay I've linked to before.
To restate something I've said before: I don't highlight trolls on occasion to feed them -- I do it because their own words do more to expose them than mine can.
This Day in History: November 21
I Received your Excellencys Letter of yesterday on the subject of hard Bread, as we had none on hand, it was out of my power to give an immediate Answer, have this day been to West Point, and have taken the most effectual measures to have it Baked seasonably... [More]
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Painful to Watch
You guys are not doing yourselves -- or anyone else besides those who ridicule you -- any favors. And careful where you point that thing. [More]
And yes, of course there's such a thing as bad press. You just facilitated some. And no hearts and minds were changed.
We can't be so eager for publicity that we place ourselves in "no win" situations, where there is no practical way to exploit the venue and just the opposite will result. Plus, well, it oughtta be obvious...
[Via Michael W. Dean]
And yes, of course there's such a thing as bad press. You just facilitated some. And no hearts and minds were changed.
We can't be so eager for publicity that we place ourselves in "no win" situations, where there is no practical way to exploit the venue and just the opposite will result. Plus, well, it oughtta be obvious...
[Via Michael W. Dean]
China power grid attack would allow anti-gunners to demonstrate convictions
Will those who advocate citizen disarmament change their tune when it is their lives, their family and their property on the line? Will they still reject the need for guns in the home? Will they change their mind on concealed or open carrying? Will any resort to keeping and bearing “assault weapons”? Will they respect “gun free zone” signs ordering them to disarm? Will they insist on background checks before engaging in any firearm transfers? How will they license and register guns (where “required”) if authorities are preoccupied fighting literal and figurative fires? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes brutal reality has a way of stomping some real "gunsense" into survivors. Too bad (for them) so many will dismiss that with ridicule and contempt.
We're the Only Ones For the Children Enough
Ah, securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, I see... [More]
We're the Only Ones Irresistable Enough
An Oklahoma City police officer accused of sexually assaulting 13 women while on duty will face trial for 35 felony counts including rape and sexual assault, court officials said on Wednesday. [More]So following the "logic" of the antis, if an armed woman had blown this guy ...away, would they consider it an act of insurrection?
A Real Reporter
Oregon Firearms Federation introduces us to a member of that "legitimate news media" we've been hearing so much about. [More]
Commiesense Gun Safety on Exhibit
Thanks, I-594! We feel a lot safer going to the museum now! [More]
Also see Workman's take.
[Via cydl]
Also see Workman's take.
[Via cydl]
Active Stabber
Six nurses and a janitor were killed Thursday in a knife attack blamed on another employee at a military hospital and resort in a northeastern coastal town favored by the country's Communist Party elite, police said. [More]Fortunately for all concerned, there were no human rights violations.
We're the Only Ones Secret Enough
So the crack guards wouldn't have known anything until the guy came up and talked to them like a nutjob? [More]
Interesting video-- doesn't "uniformed Secret Service" kind of give everything away?
I also like that they "may raise the fence." Why does that seem...I don't know ... contradictory?
Interesting video-- doesn't "uniformed Secret Service" kind of give everything away?
I also like that they "may raise the fence." Why does that seem...I don't know ... contradictory?
Every Picture Tells a Story
And it was one of those assault pictures, with no legitimate reporting purposes... [More]
Isn't it time we had commonsense gun photo laws?
Kamala the Red thinks so...
[Via Steve T]
Isn't it time we had commonsense gun photo laws?
Kamala the Red thinks so...
[Via Steve T]
One for the Books
When someone with a gun a gun walked into Strozier Library this morning, presenting an imminent threat to the lives of students studying at Mr. Halbrook’s alma mater, his book provided the philosophical and legal frameworks for the right of those students and library employees to defend themselves, but provided no physical defense. [More]The librarian couldn't "Shush" him?
I don't suppose the "No Guns" policy helped much, either.
[Via Andrea Shea King]
Ed Helper
Phyllis Naegeli, you're not helping. You presume to teach, yet are unqualified to even be in the class without passing some prerequisites first.
[Via Michael G]
Outrage is Mounting
UPDATE: Looks like I had him pegged. Which means, why didn't the geniuses who set this up and publicized it?
UPDATE: Workman weighs in.
The Saviors of their Country
I will not live a slave, and if force is employed to reenslave me, I shall make preparations to meet the crisis as becomes a man. If you will stand by me—and I believe you will do it, for your freedom and honor are involved as well as mine—it requires no microscope to see that—I say if you will stand with us in resistance to this measure, you will be the saviors of your country. [More]Yeah, uh... about that...
[Via Sipsey Street Irregulars]
This Day in History: November 20
I have the honor to transmit your Excellency two late resolutions of Congress. They have this morning passed resolves respecting the settlement of the pay of the army—and authorising the filling up of vacancies to the first of January next—these I cannot send by this post, as they are yet open to debate and will be read again tomorrow morning. [More]
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Key issues report and Giuliani endorsement add to gun owner concerns with Lynch
As for actions on guns, determining Lynch’s sympathies is indirect, but nonetheless not too hard to divine. She supported anti-gun Hillary Clinton, and then anti-gun Obama in their bids for political power. Earlier, she had supported David Dinkins for Mayor of New York, helping enable his lookalike “assault weapon” ban. And speaking of former Big Apple mayors, Rudy Giuliani, naturally described by “progressive” publications as a “staunch Republican,” gives her a thumbs-up. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the same enablers from last time are getting ready to pull a trick experience has taught them works every time.
Stop the Threat - "Unexpected Company"
From American Trigger Sports Network Television:
DISH Network: Channel 393 / DirecTV: Channel 604
Prime Time Every Friday! 6:00pm Pacific/ 9:00pm Eastern
Wednesdays 2:00pm PST 5:00pm EST
Thursdays 10:00pm PST
Fridays 1:00am EST
And you can watch past episodes on ATSNtv's YouTube Channel.
It's late, and it's dark...and you are coming home tired. Suddenly finding your door open and no lights on was not in your plan. Do you draw and go in? Or retreat and wait for police? What would you do? Watch what happens on ATSN's Stop the Threat - "Unexpected Company."
Be Safe... Be Trained... Be Alert.Watch on the PURSUIT Channel:
DISH Network: Channel 393 / DirecTV: Channel 604
Prime Time Every Friday! 6:00pm Pacific/ 9:00pm Eastern
Wednesdays 2:00pm PST 5:00pm EST
Thursdays 10:00pm PST
Fridays 1:00am EST
And you can watch past episodes on ATSNtv's YouTube Channel.
A Conservative Approach
Yes, much to the surprise of many flag-wavers, Reagan was an actor. [More]
He was horrible on guns, too.
But there's something not being considered in this opinion piece.
"All" is not necessary. A fraction, and being serious about it, will do.
It's not the first time this guy has seriously overestimated things.
He was horrible on guns, too.
But there's something not being considered in this opinion piece.
"All" is not necessary. A fraction, and being serious about it, will do.
It's not the first time this guy has seriously overestimated things.
NFA Forms Undergoing Changes
From FFLGuard, via email:
ATF announced recently that it has revised ATF Form 1 and Form 5, and the new forms were designed to eliminate the need to complete ATF Form 5330.20, Certificate of Compliance with 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(5)(B), in addition to the forms themselves. This was accomplished by integrating the information from ATF Form 5330.20 into the ATF Forms. In addition, while the new ATF Form 1 and Form 5 may be used for paper submissions, the original ATF Form 1 and ATF Form 5 eForms are to be used for now. These and other updated eForms are expected to be rolled out as early as the SHOT Show this January. We will keep you posted as new forms are released.
Lies, Damned Lies and Anti-Gun "Statistics"
John Lott addresses the "More Guns/More Crime" lie the antis have dusted off, updated and are presenting as a definitive "new" debunking. [More]
I stipulate statistical analyses have always left my eyes glazed over. I can still recall pulling an all-nighter, reading the same page over and over again in preparation for an economics midterm, frustrated as hell that I may as well have been trying to translate Martian hieroglyphs. I'm sure if I'd been born decades later, I'd have been diagnosed with ADD. If something doesn't interest me, it's indecipherable, and if something does interest me, grasping and retention borders on instantaneous and photographic. Sometimes that can be a blessing, other times not so much.
That said, I'd like to see a chart showing the number of gundupes personally willing to lead confiscation raids, and maybe another one showing the number of gun owners they'd personally like to see broken and/or destroyed.
I stipulate statistical analyses have always left my eyes glazed over. I can still recall pulling an all-nighter, reading the same page over and over again in preparation for an economics midterm, frustrated as hell that I may as well have been trying to translate Martian hieroglyphs. I'm sure if I'd been born decades later, I'd have been diagnosed with ADD. If something doesn't interest me, it's indecipherable, and if something does interest me, grasping and retention borders on instantaneous and photographic. Sometimes that can be a blessing, other times not so much.
That said, I'd like to see a chart showing the number of gundupes personally willing to lead confiscation raids, and maybe another one showing the number of gun owners they'd personally like to see broken and/or destroyed.
Psychopath/Sadists Wanted: Inquire Within
How the left recruits trolls to make website comments [More]
- Experience
- Requirements.
- Demonic possession a plus.
[Via Florida Guy]
Commie Sense Gun Safety
We demand you lock up your guns. So we discourage you from buying safes. [More]
Opposite Day.
Opposite Day.
A Life Sentence
Marcus Faella could have faced up to 30 years in prison after being found guilty on two counts of paramilitary training, but he instead got only a few months. [More]This is an update to yesterday's post.
Having been convicted of felonies, how is he not now a "prohibited person," with an imposed disability that will stay with him for the rest of his life?
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Back on the Market Enough
Ex-cop is arrested for his wife's murder, three years after his fellow officers ruled it a suicide - even though she was found shot in the BACK of the head [More]Protests that this is not a "cop" aside, the investigation by those who are certainly raises quite a few questions.
[Via Mack H]
How to Tell the Difference
Several bills have been introduced to allow 'open carry,' in Texas and Governor-Elect Greg Abbott says he is ready to sign an open carry bill. Meanwhile, the well organized, Bloomberg-funded group 'Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America' says it is prepared to fight Open Carry legislation, saying it will make it a lot tougher for police to tell the 'good guys' from the 'bad guys' on city streets. [More]It's actually pretty easy once you learn to recognize some of the signs, like the bad guys are the ones attacking people.
And there's plenty of evidence, fraudulent protestations of the agenda-driven D. Roger Enriquez and the laziness of the "real reporter" notwithstanding.
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