There’s no real response to such Intolerable Acts beyond “No. Your move.” [More]So why do these “common sense gun safety law” advocates have an unholstered handgun at a public demonstration?
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Birmingham Group’s Demand for Gun ‘Laws’ Shows They Really Have No Clue – About Anything
As the Grip Tightens
This piece of legislation bordered on the surreal. It was something that would have been considered too extreme for the Cold War Kremlin. Basically, it allowed people with zero qualifications to make anonymous accusations that resulted in lost gun rights for whoever they accused of experiencing a “mental health emergency.” [More]And:
Yesterday we told you about LC 1767 , a draft for a bill that would allow a “household member” or law enforcement agent to request that a person’s guns and rights be taken away if they convinced a court that the person was an “extreme risk.” Today we can report that the draft has been introduced as SB 868. [More]It's in-your-face because wannabe tyrants are mental.
How Much Extra for Loyalty?.
And if anyone attacks? The outdoor guards are expected to head home to their families in the event of a disaster... [More]Either that or bring their families in and eat yours.
Hillside wind turbines, eh? And what about incoming air vents to feed those scrubbers?
[Via Florida Guy]
One 'Aw S***' Wipes Out All Those 'Attaboys'
Virginia lawmaker left handgun unattended in General Assembly meeting room [More]At least he didn't leave it in the crapper...
[Via Mack H]
Obviously NRA's Fault
Baltimore is averaging a murder a day in 2017. And there seems to be no end in sight to the bloodshed. While there’s progress between police and the community, the number of killing continues to soar. [More]Who do these people think they are? Chicago?
If only they would disarm you and me...
[Via Neil W]
Make Them Count
As you know, the 79th session of the Nevada Legislature is well under way. We now only have 98 days left, and it is important that we make them count. [More]Will you, Nevada gun owners?
Stopping Power
I want to let you know that the Arizona Citizens Defense League been hard at work this session, fighting for your rights. With your help we’ve been able to stop the following bills from progressing. [More]Arizona gun owners: They have had your help, haven't they?
We're the Only Ones Hors Cible Enough
A French police sniper has accidentally shot and injured two people during a speech by President Hollande. [More]BANG!
Sacre Bleu!
Fils de pute!!
[Via Roger J]
We're the Only Ones Humanitarian Enough
"We were more or less looking at it like a humanitarian mission," said Orchowski, 55, a former police officer in Georgia who is now the assistant special agent in charge of the ATF's Houston field office. "That meant they had never had a candy bar. A bunch of us had gone to Walmart ... In our vests, there were candy bars we planned on giving to the kids." [More]And after that didn't work out, HRT made S'mores...
[Via Roger J]
The Great Professor Progressivini Knows All, Sees All
Donald Trump Is On His Way to Second or Third Shortest Presidency in American History [More]Remember his last prediction?
It will be Hillary with a rock solid Electoral College majority (352 to 186).And if you still haven't had enough:
[Y]ou can also like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter for more of my insight.Full of himself, ain't he?
So when are we supposed to discard our earthly goods and meet on the mountaintop again...?
His Record Speaks for Itself!
Headline: 2012 case highlights Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch's 'pro-gun' record [More]Well then I guess we don't need to ask any pesky questions and can just assume.
Or examine any pesky competing affiliations.
After all, with Republicans behind him, with all those sterling "conservative" testimonials, and with all those "pro-gun" assurances, how can we lose?
What? Limited sampling and cherry-picking doesn't always work?
"This Does Not Mean Though that This Right is Unlimited'
Sorry, prof -- those free speech restrictions you allude to are not prior restraints. And amending 2A out of the BoR would not change the fact that "[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence."
This isn't the first time I've seen our college hero hand the ball off to the opposing team.
[Via Matt F]
Blind Leading the Blind
Students in the Social Justice Council have taken to social media to share their message that they want a future without fear and violence. [More]Well then, problem solved!
Not a person on that Opposite Day "progressive" "community forum" panel is capable of grasping reality. So who better to lead?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones 'What We Have Here is Failure to Communicate' Enough
CHICAGO — Police are searching for a murder suspect who was mistakenly released from state custody in an apparent case of miscommunication, Illinois officials said Monday. [More]So naturally they end the story by embedding an "attn:" video on the dangers of "the gun show loophole," inviting viewers to share it if they agree. Those are the same propagandists who partnered with Bloomberg on the not so Pretty Little Liar's "boyfriend loophole" video.
"Authorized Journalists" don't even try to mask the manipulation anymore.
[Via bondmen]
Meanwhile, Over in the Fun House...
Bucknell Covers Residence Hall Mirrors to Promote ‘Body Positivity,’ and ‘Self-Love’ [More]Just as I suspected: At the heart of all that insanely frustrated rage and hate is self-loathing.
Monday, February 27, 2017
XPrize Contest Highlights Ludicrous Steps Anti-gunners will take to Deny Reality
In other words, they’re not armed with arms. And the alert won’t even go out until after an attack has had considerable time to progress. Yet the contest sponsors present that “solution” as “transformative,” and actually have either the gall — or the ignorance — to assert that set of conditions “ensures women’s safety.” [More]So the million dollar “solution” is some gizmo that will do nothing to prevent it and will call for help after an attack begins, when it may be too late to prevent irreparable trauma, injury or death?
Eunuch Gonna Believe This Story
With a bullet-riddled crotch he had coming when he decided to live the thug life, the attacking teen ran back to the truck he jumped out of and tried to make a getaway... [More]Lest you think that account appears too celebratory, let's check instead with the "Authorized Journalist" version, where they use such terminology as "emptied the clip" and "that gun that he used isn't registered."
[Via Florida Guy]
Filthy Set Up
So Obama’s agitators jumped at the opportunity to push this rhetoric even further on Friday, as they entered the CPAC convention hall and began handing out Russian flags with the name “Trump” printed over them. [More]That way, filth media could jump all over it on cue and filth "progressives" could exploit it with Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule.
They rely on deception and dishonesty. And they're proud of themselves.
That's because they're lying filth.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Defaced Enough
LAPD Officer's Home Vandalized by Rioters [More]What did he think was going to happen?
[Via William T]
Never Go Full Wayne
To protect our children at school, we recommend a trained professional with a gun ... [More]Yeah. Only Ones and "gun free zones" for the rest of us! That's the ticket!
Excuse me? Don’t have time to prosecute prohibited people trying to illegally get a gun?Like all those "I will not comply" activists?
Enforce existing Intolerable Acts?
Scary, how few are out there telling the "glazy-eyed celeb worshipers" the emperor has no clothes.
[Via Mack H]
Speaking of Death Camps...
Stefan Molyneux The Fascist Left Wants Death Camps We Are Done Backing Down [Watch]I confess I have not found 48+ minutes to watch this, but WarOnGuns Correspondent Jeet has been pretty darned reliable with the stories he's called in over the years.
We're the Only Ones Punishing Enough
Kentucky Police Remove Punisher Logo From Cop Cars After People Rightfully Point Out He's a Murderer [More]Gosh, what kind of cop basher could possibly find a Totenkopfverbände unit objectionable? Because nothing says "serve and protect" like a death's head threat to also be judge, jury and executioner.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Sparking Enough
The City of Englewood has refused to release body camera footage on the Feb. 5 shooting death of 41-year-old Shelly Porter III by police officer Timothy Corcoran, saying the release would spark a “media firestorm.” [More]Why? Will it show something different than the story released to the press?
And since when is it the function of the police to withhold information based on what the media may do with it? Perhaps what they really mean is an actual firestorm?
Maybe their guy should have shot to wound or something...
[Via Florida Guy]
Fantastically Offensive
Yes, Ian Lucraft, you are. [More]
A clue bat would be useless here. Although barbed wire would be a nice touch.
A clue bat would be useless here. Although barbed wire would be a nice touch.
Abe Lincoln on the Unreliability of Internet Quotes
A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them which would included their own Government -> George Washington [Posted under one of my recent pieces]I really wish people wouldn't do this. Especially since this took me all of five seconds to find, including typing.
Organizing for Action
While do-nothings on "our side" scoff at involvement and ridicule urgings to take minimal actions with blog comment bluster and bravado, the "other side" is organizing. [More]
And they're closer than you may think.
Good thing all WE have to do is anonymously type "Molon Labe!"
And they're closer than you may think.
Good thing all WE have to do is anonymously type "Molon Labe!"
No It Does Not Either
The Constitution gives us the right to own and bear light infantry weapons. [More]This guy needs to rethink some things here. Or at least restate them. Because in the very next paragraph he appears to be on track again.
We're the Only Ones Insanely Encumbered Enough
A former DHS official said existing hiring practices are “insanely cumbersome,” particularly the part requiring all incoming candidates to pass a strict polygraph test. [More]Let me guess: "A former DHS official" under Obama...?
I mean, who among us wouldn't benefit from more of this...?
EO on 'Militia Purposes'?
Interesting proposal. [More]
Whether requisite connections exist to actualize it remains to be seen. And then, of course, expect a challenge to be brought before an "activist judge" (i.e., an oath-breaking traitor).
[Via Michael G]
Whether requisite connections exist to actualize it remains to be seen. And then, of course, expect a challenge to be brought before an "activist judge" (i.e., an oath-breaking traitor).
[Via Michael G]
Opposite Day 'Progressive' Ethics
Peter Singer is at it again. [More]
We've seen such philosophy adopted as government policy before.
And they call us the Nazis...
[Via Michael G]
We've seen such philosophy adopted as government policy before.
And they call us the Nazis...
[Via Michael G]
Survey SAYS...
Now is your chance to give your input. Let us know what issues you want President Trump to focus on and your ideas for the future of our country. [More]And as discussed in my NRA Director endorsement, I'm 'bullet voting" for maximum effect.
The only bullet I picked was "Immigration Reform." For the "idea" and "additional comment" sections I left:
Respect and enforce the uninfringed right ot the people to keep and bear arms.and
Stop listening to RINOs on your nominations like pro-amnesty Acosta.Yeah, I know, waste of time, we'll be on a list, we're all going to end up in a civil war anyway and...
There will always be plenty of excuses for not lifting a finger. I just wonder how many who won't make a minimal effort now, while things are easy, will fare when and if their dire predictions come to pass.
The Guccis of the Fisherman
And the Lamborghini keys of the kingdom... [More]
The curious thing is, enforcing this ultimately will depend on secular men with guns to force compliance -- or else. Hey, I'm not the one who badmouths having the means to protect yourself and what's yours (including your borders)...
On a more positive note, let me be among the first to wish everyone a Happy Gun Saint Day.
The curious thing is, enforcing this ultimately will depend on secular men with guns to force compliance -- or else. Hey, I'm not the one who badmouths having the means to protect yourself and what's yours (including your borders)...
On a more positive note, let me be among the first to wish everyone a Happy Gun Saint Day.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
And the Winner Is...
Much of the country will be watching the Academy Awards tonight, as overprivileged lottery winners enjoy White House-level armed security, abusing their moment at the megaphone by demonstrating their utter contempt for the values and beliefs of Americans responsible for Trump winning.
I won't be watching. Still, the thought strikes, imagine a show along the lines of "24": The "CTU" is tracking a lead that "refugee" terrorists are planning to stun the world by attacking the Oscars ceremony, and slaughtering all the "stars" and other Hollywood luminaries on live television.
It's actually not a totally original idea. Firesign Theater, for one, performed just such a scenario, carried out under the slogan:
Eat flaming death, fascist media pigs.The show progresses from "CTU" getting the initial lead to following the actions of the terrorists, to going through the advances and setbacks of the agents trying to intercept and prevent disaster, until the final commercial break, at which point viewers are given the ability to provide feedback (via texting or social media or whatever) to determine the outcome based on popular (not electoral this time) vote.
What do you think the results would be, and do you think it would be a landslide?
Perez DNC Win Over Ellison Spells Bigger Danger
Lacking some of Ellison’s more overt vulnerabilities and, up until now, name recognition, Perez will arguably be in a better position to advance his radical, subversive agenda. [More]Perhaps apparent growing preferential treatment of one set of constituents over another may be something to ask about.
Friday, February 24, 2017
‘Warning Shot’ Rules and ‘Shoot-to-Wound’ Proposals Raise Motivation Question
“[S]hooting to wound doesn’t make sense scientifically, legally, or tactically,” Force Science Institute argued, presenting numerous reasons why. Even Joe “fire a shotgun off the balcony or through the door” Biden instinctively recognized that as a bad idea... [More]That any would believe Lone Ranger outcomes can be mandated by legislation speaks more to the childish ignorance of much of the political class running our cities.
What a Difference a Day Makes
Yesterday evening, following the morning's "WTF on Justin Amash?" post, WarOnGuns Correspondent Laocoön sent me the following, with the notation:
"Ha! Still bogus, but moving in the right direction. At least it's not an A+."
I went to grab the link for that and see between last night and this afternoon, someone reconsidered the downgrade an upped it back to a perfect, albeit overwhelmingly incomplete grade:
It's awful tough to want to support the work people do, but then see things like this that make you question what's going on with them.
Obviously the Work of Trump Supporters
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[More] |
Who wants to bet? And who wants to lay odds on such a follow-up getting equal media play?
[Via Florida Guy]
Grinding Gears
We have learned that a few Rotary clubs are sponsoring or hosting gun and knife shows, shooting tournaments and hunts and are using Rotary’s trademarks on materials for these events. As you may know, the RI Board has set forth guidelines for use of the Rotary Marks by Rotary clubs for sponsorship and cooperative relationship purposes, and this policy prohibits clubs from accepting relationships that support the use of harmful products, including weapons and other armaments... [More]Keep being stupid, fellas.
A Mess of Pottage Redux
The White House said Thursday it expects law enforcement agents to enforce federal marijuana laws when they come into conflict with states where recreational use of the drug is permitted. [More]And guess what that means.
Shelter Skelter
The purchase of this home is part of a network formed by Los Angeles religious leaders across faiths in the wake of Donald Trump's election. The intent is to shelter hundreds, possibly thousands of undocumented people in safe houses across Southern California. [More]Well then take away their tax exempt status. And hold them accountable for crimes they enable.
The Company They Keep
Illegal fundraiser for the Clintons made secret tape because he feared being ASSASSINATED over what he knew - and used it to reveal Democrats' bid to silence him. [More]Good ol' Arkancide. No wonder they want us disarmed.
So naturally, Opposite Day "progressives" project.
Juggling Act
Currently we are monitoring over 40 firearms related bills and know that more are coming. Quite a few of these bills are improvements over current law, some are housekeeping measures, some are well intentioned but dangerous, some are goofy and some are simply awful. [More]If you're an Oregon gun owner, what are you doing to help?
Cat Scratch Fever
The legislation would criminalize the practice of declawing cats. [More]But wouldn't that just lead to back alley onychectomies? And how do nosy vets like it now that their ox is the one being gored?
Speaking as someone who doesn't own a cat (because of allergies and because WP might find play date enjoyment a bit too one-sided), I would never do this to one.
That said, I see the point of those who keep them inside, and it does seem the "mutilation" charge has its share of counters who note the procedure is not as medieval as its being made out. Add to that the cats that would otherwise not be rescued from shelters and euthanized, and I can see where the trade off could be considered the best option for an animal, which, face it, if not for cultural differences (for now at least, except for certain government-arranged enclaves), could be considered "food."
It's also interesting how many who claim this impedes a cat's ability to defend itself are on sponsor Troy Singleton's side in this, especially since he evidently doesn't think they have a right to.
[Via Mack H]
So It Wasn't a 'Warning Shot' against Lesbiaphobic Teasers?
Walmart murder may have begun as road-rage incident, Crime Insider sources say [More]Well that explains the Murder One charge. What it doesn't explain is Joe Morrisey.
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Uncharged Enough
Anaheim’s police chief Thursday cited insufficient evidence in the decision not to arrest an off-duty Los Angeles police officer who fired a weapon during an altercation with a group of teenagers. [More]Of course not. Talk about the grass being greener...
Besides, he WAS home at the end of his shift.
[Via several of you]
On Good Authority?
In other words, the bill expects veterinarians, who are trained in animal health, to also evaluate human health and psychology, for which they have no specific training or expertise. [More]Oh, just like with doctors and guns...
I just hope "WP" hasn't ...uh... ratted me out...
[Via cydl]
Drunk or What?
Mark Sheridan is one of those instructors and a graduate student. He said he wasn’t alone in his decision, “I and many other grad students wanted to find a space where we could hold our office hours without guns legally being allowed,” he said. He along with many others are holding their office hours at “The Cactus Café.” It’s still on campus but a sign clearly states near the door that 51% percent or more of its profits are based on alcohol sales which means weapons are not allowed. [More]Because who ever heard of a bar shooting happening?
I guess it doesn't occur to genius Mark that the type of headcase who would shoot him over a grade dispute is hardly likely to be impressed by a sign.
Let's just hope that bar doesn't allow glasses.
UT denizens sure have changed.
Gorin's Law is once more corroborated. All that's missing are the mug of cocoa and the flannel pajamas. Oh, and a pink pussy hat.
[Via Michael G]
Who Has Trump's Ear?
NSA pick McMaster told the National Defense University that “the Islamic State is not Islamic.” [More]Between him and Acosta and DeVos and Haley, it's fair to wonder what the hell is going on. It does no good to drain the swamp only to pump it into the Oval Office.
It also amplifies the urgency of putting Gorsuch though some extreme vetting.
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Demonstrative Enough
The state attorney's office announced Wednesday that Punta Gorda Police Chief Tom Lewis and officer Lee Coel will both face charges in the shooting death of Mary Knowlton, who was accidentally killed during a citizen’s police academy demonstration in August. [More]He was loaded? And has a history?
And how do you "accidentally" fire multiple times?
So much for the mission statement.
[Via several of you]
The Con-Con Con
Convention Supporters’ Myths about State Control of Delegates – Publius Huldah [More]As if the problem lies within the Constitution, as opposed to those who deliberately pervert and ignore it. As if anything happens politically without "compromise." And as if abuses and disregard won't happen again, regardless of any magic incantations proponents think they can devise.
We're being conned.
My Kind of Razzmatazz
HOMICIDES IN CHICAGO OUTPACING 20167 killed in deadliest day so far in 2017 [More]Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
And hit it, Frankie.
'I Put a Spell on You'
Starting at midnight on Friday, witches around the country are calling for a mass spell to be cast on Donald Trump every night of a waning crescent moon until he's driven from office. [More]They've posted a tutorial online:
Welcome to the party, pals!
Despite all that, it's still a great song.
Speaking on Your Behalf
John McCain and Lindsey Graham write a check they expect the rest of us to back. [More]
Escalating military actions against Russia are in your interests, aren't they? And your children's?
Besides, if they can use that to undermine the main challenger to establishment Republican supremacy, all the better!
Logan Act, eh? Do they qualify as "private citizens"?
I know some are threatening Flynn with that.
Escalating military actions against Russia are in your interests, aren't they? And your children's?
Besides, if they can use that to undermine the main challenger to establishment Republican supremacy, all the better!
Logan Act, eh? Do they qualify as "private citizens"?
I know some are threatening Flynn with that.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Fourth Circuit Second Amendment Subversion Highlights Critical Need to Vet Judges
Now is no time to be applying rubber stamps only to find we’ve been sold (yet another) bill of goods. [More]If and when the Supreme Court hears Kolbe, will it be a crapshoot? What can we do now to improve the odds?
'I Will Not Comply'?
Connecticut governor to cops: Don't follow Trump immigration orders [More]I see. And will Malloy be as tolerant and supportive when we defy his tyrannical disarmament orders?
[Via Mack H]
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime
Runner's foot impaled by nail purposely placed on trail, 40 total found in park [More]Good thing there's an Eighth Amendment is all I've got to say.
[Via Florida Guy]
When Glasses are Outlawed
“If we see a pattern of glass as a weapon it will no longer be allowed,” Christine Puglini, the board’s chairwoman, said at a hearing yesterday, addressing representatives of Minibar, a Copley Square Hotel bar. “You may be high-end, but you’re not acting high-end.” [More]Perhaps not, Christine, but you certainly are acting like a rear end.
Anyone who can't be trusted with a glass...
Banning things. That's the default solution to everything for these hive insects, isn't it?
[Via Steve T]
An Opposite Day 'Progressive' DGU
It hardly sounds justified, but Murder One seems extreme unless there's more to it. [More]
I'm surprised Morrissey hasn't had a series of NDs himself.
[Via Mack H]
I'm surprised Morrissey hasn't had a series of NDs himself.
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Theocratic Enough
Ala. Church Asks for Own Police Department [More]So after all this secular subversion for powers and principalities and against individual freedom, the Presbyterians want their own men with guns...?
[Via William T]
UPDATE -- Herschel advises:
You've got it backwards. The PCUSA does indeed undermine our rights. This church is PCA, my old plaster Harry Reeder preaches there. The PCA split with the PCUSA years ago over differences in doctrine.
The PCUSA was going down the path laid out for them in the Auburn Affirmation, which denied the deity of Christ. The PCA is about as conservative as it gets.
That said, it would have been better if Harry had preached a series of sermons on the need to carry, but I suspect that there are a bunch of women and children there during the day who want nothing to do with that given there other responsibilities.
What they must have the cops doing is regular patrols 24 hours. Again, would have been better if they had volunteers doing that, but it's hard to get that kind of discipline. I hope the Harry doesn't have a rule against individuals carrying. That's where the real story is.
But the PCA is most certainly not the PCUSA. It can get a little confusing with all the denominations.Looks like I'm not the "only one" making that mistake.
Claim to Fame
Boyfriend of reporter killed on live TV eyes Va. House seat [More]For some reason a campaign slogan contest comes to mind...
[Via Jeffersonian]
Smoking Guns
A.T.F. Filled Secret Bank Account With Millions From Shadowy Cigarette Sales [More]With plenty o' plausible deniability for the brass.
What is it about B-A-T-F-U! setting up criminal enterprises, ostensibly to fight crime?
I guess knowing they can literally get away with abetting murder gives them a sense of being ... untouchable.
[Via William T]
Can There Be No Peace Between Our Peoples?
[O]ne side has to win decisively, and one side has to lose decisively... [More]Ready of not ...
[Via Michael G]
Poll Position
February 22, 2017 - Trump Slumps As American Voters Disapprove 55% - 38% Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Voters Trust Media, Courts More Than President [More]Well of course I trust "Authorized Journalists" more! (Did I do good, Mika?)
Not to be a wet blanket or anything, but let's take a look at "methodology," shall we?
REGISTERED VOTERSPARTY IDENTIFICATIONRepublican 25%Democrat 34Independent 33Other/DK/NA 8
Huh. Curious that Joseph Farah is reporting:
The latest Gallup poll, showing how Americans self-identify in terms of party affiliation represents more bad news for Democrats. The largest percentage call themselves independent – 44 percent, the next largest Republican – 28 percent and, at the bottom, traditionally the largest party, Democrats – 25 percent.
Who to believe...? Well, the establishment media is giving all kinds of triumphant play to Quinnipiac, and you know how much we trust them...
[Via Rough and Ready]
Beware #TheIdesOfTrump
I just got this chain email forward:
Do not be fooled and do not be used.
This effort for March 15 is already underway, and its purpose is to OPPOSE Trump -- with the symbolic day for Julius Caesar's assassination.
My money says the originator of this is trying to trick "conservatives" into adding to the numbers and making #TheIdesOfTrump appear more successful than the dismal failure it will surely be if left to "progressives" to make an effort and spend their own money. They'll then be able to brag about the numbers of postcards received, and no one will be paying attention to the contents, and how many are pro or con -- and they'll have the added "benefit" of being able to laugh at those they tricked into doing this.
Beware #TheIdesOfTrump.
Do not be fooled and do not be used.
This effort for March 15 is already underway, and its purpose is to OPPOSE Trump -- with the symbolic day for Julius Caesar's assassination.
My money says the originator of this is trying to trick "conservatives" into adding to the numbers and making #TheIdesOfTrump appear more successful than the dismal failure it will surely be if left to "progressives" to make an effort and spend their own money. They'll then be able to brag about the numbers of postcards received, and no one will be paying attention to the contents, and how many are pro or con -- and they'll have the added "benefit" of being able to laugh at those they tricked into doing this.
Beware #TheIdesOfTrump.
You Made Me Love You, I Didn't Want to Do It, I Didn't Want to Do It
Guns in America were no big deal, until big business made us love them [More]Yeah, we're all just a bunch of brainwashed little gunbots. And Mika Brzezinski controls how we think.
Say, that must be why those slick ad agency-produced Astroturf "PSAs" have been so successful at turning the tide! Not to mention inciting the loons...
I keep waiting for Pamela Haag to come up with some new smoking gun revelation, and all I see is... nothing.
Yeah, so Winchester had a detached-from-reality head case daughter who no doubt would be wearing a pussy hat and shrieking in rage if she were around today. So, aside from the fact that she'd probably be a big MILM supporter...?
And manufacturers advertise their products. And the real West wasn't like TV shows. And wars result in increased production orders. Thank you, Captain Obvious.
And the point is...? Besides that Pam and WaPo are anti-gun and deceptive -- replete with the toy gun lie -- in how they go about their subversion?
[Via Matt Bracken]
Doing the Job Real Americans Won't Do
The Rat Patrol
Hundreds of campuses encourage students to turn in fellow students for offensive speech [More]Not very original, which is what makes it so Opposite Day "progressive"...
And we're the Nazis.
WarOnGuns has obtained exclusive footage of just such a fascist being reported:
We're the Only Ones Releasing Enough
An average of 400 “criminal illegal immigrants” are being released every 10 days by the newly elected sheriff in Arizona’s most populous county, federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch, many of them violent offenders. It’s part of Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone’s new policy to protect illegal aliens, even those who have committed serious state crimes, from deportation. [More]The campaign sign says it all.
Never Go Full Maxine
Democrat Maxine Waters Calls Trump Cabinet Picks: “A Bunch of Scumbags” [More]The Limpopo delegation agrees.
And They Say there are No Stupid Questions
Why Is Facebook Helping Fund CPAC? [More]Grover's gonna be there and you have to ask?
Figures they're holding it in Maryland.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Pro-Gun Owner Physicians Decry ‘Docs vs. Glocks’ Ruling
Physicians have remarkable training to be able to do what they do. That does not make them experts in everything, and there are plenty of areas where doctors can be ignorant and as fallible. That means they can be biased. [More]The court has given Gunquacks free rein to stick their beaks where they don’t belong.
Escape from New York
Plan B Marine provides you and key employees a nautical means of evacuation in the event Manhattan Island ceases to be a tenable place of business. [More]You're gonna need a bigger boat.
[Via Florida Guy]
A Perfect Storm
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If this raises questions, you're a racist. |
The suspect, a 26-year-old gang member, had a history of serious crimes and had been granted early release from Los Angeles County jail about a week ago, Corina said. He didn’t know the nature of his offense. [More]You know what California needs?
More "common sense gun safety laws"! And more "vibrancy"!
[Via Geordan]
Those Who Do Not Learn History are Doomed to Repeat It.
Democratic Socialists make headway in U.S. after Trump's win [More]DSA, eh?
Anybody else feel like singing?
Facing His Demons
PASTOR: 'DEMONIC ACTIVITY PALPABLE' AT TRUMP RALLY - 'My daughter was shaking in fear as she clung to me' [More]Yeah, well his Facebook advocacy for open borders/ deluge immigration/ CAIR-sympathizing and refugee activism says something about who (or what) is influencing the useful collectivist idiot. The powers and principalities behind that are pleased.
These suicidal "Kumbaya" religious types seem oblivious to what happens to Christians in the places the "refugees" are fleeing. And what happens when control is seized in new places.
Their way lies death, not life.
"Far Out" is More Like It
French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen refuses to enter a meeting with Lebanon's Grand Mufti after she was asked to wear a headscarf [More]Jeez, did the media call socialist Oriana Fallaci "far left" when she called a chador a "stupid medieval rag" and took it off as an in-your-face to Ayatollah Khomeini?
We're the Only Ones Discomforting Enough
A police department in Northampton, Massachusetts is ending its "High-Five Friday" program at local elementary schools due to concerns that "undocumented children" and others may feel "uncomfortable" seeing an officer at school. [More]After all, what's the function of law enforcement if not to congenially accommodate law-breakers?
Life is But a Dream
Fake News Site Lets Liberals Live In Alternate Reality Where Hillary Is President [More]On the one hand, them living in a dream world and thereby denying reality ensures the truth will always be against them.
On the other hand, their deluded thrashings certainly can turn things into a nightmare for the rest of us.
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