Fantasizing about guilt of others with no evidence or about vengeful acts of lethal retaliation and chalking it up to self-diagnosed “collective trauma” don’t exactly speak to emotional stability. So who better to embrace the contradiction of being an anti-gun activist and a concealed carry permit bearer? [More]And what's with the rioter-glorifying photo on her Facebook page?
Friday, September 29, 2017
Chicago ‘Anti-Violence’ Advocate’s Reason for Gun Ownership Sounds More Aggressive than Defensive
Denying the Devil His Due
Appeals court order blocks enforcement of D.C.’s strict concealed carry law [More]WarOnGuns has obtained exclusive footage of District A.G. Racine's reaction:
We're the Fauxnly Ones Impressive Enough
Teen accused of impersonating deputy, calling for backup to impress girl [More]Sounds like a case of arrested development...
[Via bondmen]
The Wrong Way to Approach It
Rifle raffle video from Missouri Senate candidate taken down by Facebook [More]Part of me wants to say he should have known.
We all know Facebook is pretty selective about the type of gun stuff they allow. (That was "courtesy" of my Twitter pal, by the way.)
[Via bondmen]
Undercover in ANTIFA
And yes, the DSM (Duranty/Streicher Media) is "complicit."
[Via Matthew L]
UPDATE: In the context of some larger scale threatened trouble in November which reminds me of nothing so much as this.
[Via William T]
A Silver Lining?
Sorry, there I go wandering from that "single issue" again...
[Via Mack H]
RAM It Where the Sun Don't Shine
They recognize they are abominations and desperately try to cope by hating God and Creation. If you're not spiritually inclined, they hate the way things just are. [More]
Either way, if you let them, they'll devour you.
Now as to the question of slavery, they have a point -- it never really ended. But not in the way they say.
And they obsess on being the ones holding the whip.
[Via Mack H]
Judge Jackson Must Not Know About Guidestar
Black Lives Matter is a social movement, like the tea party or the civil rights movement, and therefore can't be sued, a federal judge ruled Thursday. [More]Kind'a like Vanderboegh envisioned the Three Percenters...
Which does not mean that actual groups forming under such banners and individuals comprising them can't be held liable for charges and damages...
Cases in point:
[Via Michael G]
With Emphasis on the 'Bang' Part
Tap Rack Bang posted these photos of a shotgun, sold and shipped to a Virginia dealer, which had been rigged to KILL the person using it. [More]What with those "online sales" we see the antis melting down over, is it really a leap to wonder if some fanatic is trying to discredit this transfer option? Let's hope a package trace can be matched to a corresponding security camera recording from the place of shipment.
[Via Henry Bowman]
Feminist Victory Over Toxic Masculinity of Western Patriarchy
The pair handed over six euros and a portable set of speakers, before hearing their assailant tell the woman, “Come out, bitch. I wanna f*** you,” in English — threatening to kill her 26-year-old boyfriend if he tried to prevent the assault. [More]Emasculation is a key part of the platform.
Enjoy the fruits of feminism, "progressive" womyn. You know, that Opposite Day system where we turn our backs on civilization and revert to the rule of brute...
We're the Only Ones Starving Enough
The officers told Roundtree to pack up and leave. City manager’s orders, they said. Roundtree didn’t have a permit, and he couldn’t get one if he wanted to. [More]And everybody responsible's names are...?
[Via William T]
Welcome to the WoGroll
News for social, fiscal & national security conservatives who believe in God, family & the USA. Upholding the rights granted by God & guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, traditional family values, "republican" principles / ideals, transparent & limited "smaller" government, free markets, lower taxes, due process of law, liberty & individual freedom. [More]Link added to the sidebar.
Chuck Todd: Name or Recommendation?
Chuck Todd: Roy Moore Is Ignorant of Constitution for Saying Rights Come from God [More]If you're an agnostic, you might prefer to say they are inherent to the condtion of being human. In any case they don't come from government, itself a creation, and reaffirmed legal opinion exists of interest to gun owner rights advocates:
“[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed … .”
Prophetic or Something
Pelosi mutters ‘oh God’ during question, suffers brain freeze, stares at reporters [More]Why am I suddenly thinking Ezekiel 3:26 ...?
It was not immediately announced how long military personnel would remain on the streets or at the border. [More]Until the invaders take over, of course.
We're the Only Ones Shooting Blanks Enough
“One of the students involved in this went up and took the blank gun … from the instructor’s waistband and placed that against the instructor’s back and fired,” Hackney said. “There is no projectile in that. It is just a blank. But it is gunpowder.” [More]Hey, no one ever said you needed a high school understanding of physics...
Method of Choice
Background checks... [More]
But doesn't that mean we're all potential murderers? Isn't that one of the talking points?
Does anyone not see right through that misdirection?
But doesn't that mean we're all potential murderers? Isn't that one of the talking points?
Does anyone not see right through that misdirection?
Thursday, September 28, 2017
SHAREd Testimony
Stephen P. Halbrook educates the educable reps. on interstate transport, hearing protection and lawful, as opposed to sporting purposes. [More]
We're the Only Ones Not Practicing What We Preach Enough
LAPD Officer Arrested in Fatal Freeway Crash Posted ‘Don’t Drink and Drive’ Video From Bar Hours Before Collision [More]A family of three trapped and burned alive. Imagine.
Thank goodness his contract requires 30 days suspension with pay.
[Via Jess]
R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find Out What It Means to Me
Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me) [More]
So PSH... I mean PSN has been around since 2001 and the problem's getting worse? And they can afford this? Nice racket!
Yeah, nothing says "Respect" for the productive sector and effective solutions for the "progressive"- incubated violent minority underclass like PR boondoggles that employ bureaucrats and ad agencies.
Funny -- none of the "news" reports thought who that agency is was worth mentioning. They were probably just being respectful.
And if you really want to be respected, join our anonymous snitch army! Come to think of it, what's to stop us from giving ourselves "probable cause" with "anonymous" tips of our own?
You will respect our authoritah!
[Via Mack H]
So PSH... I mean PSN has been around since 2001 and the problem's getting worse? And they can afford this? Nice racket!
Yeah, nothing says "Respect" for the productive sector and effective solutions for the "progressive"- incubated violent minority underclass like PR boondoggles that employ bureaucrats and ad agencies.
Funny -- none of the "news" reports thought who that agency is was worth mentioning. They were probably just being respectful.
And if you really want to be respected, join our anonymous snitch army! Come to think of it, what's to stop us from giving ourselves "probable cause" with "anonymous" tips of our own?
You will respect our authoritah!
[Via Mack H]
A Million Here, A Million There
Pretty soon you're talking real money. [More]
And not the first time.
Only through your generous donations can we keep the swamp from draining and protect our "staunch supporters" of the status quo!
Rest assured!
The game requires access and connections. Which is why they won't touch the single largest long term threat to RKBA many of their "A-rated" pals are enabling.
[Via Doc]
Unique Book Helps Prepare Gun Owners for Nightmare Scenario
Admittedly, your chances of getting caught up in a mass shooting are slim – but they’re not non-existent (and we have no idea how the country's seeming downward spiral of manipulated divisiveness and disintegration might up future odds). [More]Good book. Knowing this enlightened author was originally from England increases my contempt for useful idiot Americans bleating demands for government to deny the right to keep and bear arms.
Communist Tells Truth!
We have no shame... [More]Obviously.
Jeez, if a Hillary-enabler is too "right wing" for young Ian, what must that make me?
I like the Reddit checklist.
Curious, how so many of those presuming to champion "minorities" could not be whiter, and for "workers" have never worked a day in their lives.
[Via Michael G]
He Went to Jared
Luther Strange Endorsement Is Just Latest Awful Advice Trump Received from Jared Kushner [More]Yeah, Jared is a duplicitous, opportunistic enabler of those working against the agenda Trump got elected on. Not to mention a girl.
Yet another in a series of great big red warning flags that are being ignored for reasons I suspect we won't learn about until it's too late...
[Via Mack H]
Lock N Load
Bill Frady asked me to come on the program again this evening at 7:00 Eastern. I have no idea what he's going to ask me about and that's what makes it fun.
You can listen live here (Channel 5) and listen and chat here.
Like the Vultures They Are
The Toiletpaper of Record has wiped off California's lead ammo-grab tactic to go after even more, including suppressors and most rifle ammo. [More]
It gets old.
Especially when it comes from longtime and current cheerleaders for totalitarianism.
That doesn't always work out.
[Via Michael G]
It gets old.
Especially when it comes from longtime and current cheerleaders for totalitarianism.
That doesn't always work out.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Misconducting Enough
Baltimore prosecutors say nearly 300 cases have been dropped due to four allegations of police misconduct, including three body camera videos appearing to show officers planting evidence or re-enacting searches, and a federal indictment of eight officers on racketeering and fraud charges. [More]Keep looking. I'm sure there's a good apple in there somewhere.
What national embarrassments Democrat strongholds are. What liabilities.
[Via Neil W]
Via email:
DRGO leaders are again attending the annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, this year in Dallas. We will be speaking at 5:00 pm on Saturday September 29. We know of no live feed, but you can view all the presentations and panels beginning Monday at We’ll be posting to the DRGO Facebook page from the conference, will later add DRGO’s presentation to our YouTube channel, and will report on the conference highlights next week on the DRGO blog.
Dr. Edeen will report on the violence that medical personnel and patients have suffered this past year, and how gun free zones and hospital policies permit that. He will share work by Rob Morse and Dr. John Lott on how the current concealed carry license scheme deprives millions of their Second Amendment rights. He will highlight the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to Second Amendment rights versus voter rights. Finally, he will suggest how the current administration can do more to “Make the Second Amendment Great Again".
I’m from the Government and I’m Here to Kill You
David Hardy has a new book. [More]
I talked about it here.
I'll be saying more about this later. I was actually expecting it on the stated October 10 release date
In the mean time, pick up a copy.
We're the Only Ones Taken Down Enough
COP ATTACKS ROAD WORKERS SO THEY TAKE HIM DOWN IN CITIZEN’S ARREST ... The crew then continued to hold Harrison down, without incident, until police officers arrived. However, once police arrived everything changed — they let him go. Gaddis explained that once the other troopers showed up, they immediately moved to protect their brother in blue by treating the road workers as the criminals. [More]Time to put some higher-ups on notice this had better not be whitewashed. Where does that buck stop again...?
[Via Smitty]
Ignorance is Strength
But what audiences often fail to take into account is that a too-literal allegiance to the facts can sometimes obscure a larger truth... [More]Oh, some of us understand.
The arrogance of these people. And all those who give them cause for it...
[Via Michael G]
The Body Politic
Washington D.C. Dominates New STD Per Capita Rankings From The CDC [More]Well, swamps are breeding grounds for disease...
UPDATE: Not to be outdone...
Gee, I wonder what's driving that, and if it has anything to do with that "single issue"...
[Via Jeet]
Too Smart By Half
So every part of the whole can be infected at lightspeed? [More]
Professor-General Norden is all for it.
[Via Jess]
Do Not Attempt to Adjust the Picture. We are Controlling Transmission.
Why didn't TV networks show angry, booing NFL fans Sunday or Monday? ... NBC Sports, CBS Sports, Fox Sports and ESPN pay billions each year to televise live NFL games. The league saw this weekend's unprecedented anthem coverage as a golden opportunity to demonstrate unity among players, coaches and owners -- and opposition to Trump's comments. [More]Bastards. Commie-enabling goddamn bastards.
I'm wondering if this license abuse is beyond the purview of the FCC, and if perhaps that's a necessary evil considering the potential for abuse with the alternative.
I also had a thought about vulnerability in a "free society." I wouldn't put false flag ops past those bent on control by discrediting "deplorables." They wouldn't even need a Reichstag fire, just the "anonymous threat" of one on game day.
Don't give 'em any ideas?
You seriously think the enemies of freedom haven't figured out the logistics for all kinds of scenarios? Bracken showed how little would be needed.
Hell, in this case, there's even been a major Hollywood movie...
Now that sides have been drawn and emotions ginned to fever pitch, what did Rahm Emanuel say about a crisis going to waste?
Are "we" being set up? And would it be enough for the establishment to bring Trump down, by blaming him for inciting hate and violence?
Old Man River
A coalition of environmental groups including the Deep Green Resistance and the Southwest Coalition and several individuals have sued the state of Colorado to have “personhood” granted to the Colorado River. [More]"Baby"? You mean this lump of tissue?
And why can't Tommy vote on it (right after he's done chewing some woman's face off)?
Rulings of "frivolous" with hefty fines are too few and far between.
Guess who opposed that.
Meanwhile, Over in the Realm of Ruminants...
It is recommended by Britain's National Health Service to help deal with stress and anxiety and has been embraced by companies ranging from Google to Goldman Sachs. [More]Anybody need to know any more before the wolves gorge?
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
31 Flavors
They ain't talkin' Baskin-Robbins... [More]
Great. Now I can't stop thinking about the penguin joke.
Look for such posters to be required in all workplaces. And look for updates as yesterday's appeasement becomes tomorrow's wealth transfer catalyst.
We Demand the Right to Bare Our Throats!
And I fully support you guys in that. [More]
But you don't have the right to demand the state force anyone else to bare theirs.
Everyone I know is willing to meet you halfway on this, yet you say we're the ones who never compromise.
But you don't have the right to demand the state force anyone else to bare theirs.
Everyone I know is willing to meet you halfway on this, yet you say we're the ones who never compromise.
Not Going Anywhere
Gun-control advocate Shannon Watts has decided against running to replace U.S. Rep. Jared Polis in the 2nd Congressional District, saying that she wants to stay focused on her work with her Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America organization instead. [More]AstroTurf popularity realities notwithstanding, why is my first thought to wonder who dug up what?
Record $135 billion a year for illegal immigration, average $8,075 each, $25,000 in NY [More]Think how much more we could share if we fully welcomed them in.
I mean, it's not like that has anything to do with the "single issue" or anything. Otherwise, I'm sure our "gun rights leaders" would be on top of it.
Another Gun-Grabbing Criminal Bloomberg Mayor Guilty
Torres is now a “prohibited person,” forbidden by law to own a gun. [More]Are there any who aren't criminals?
We're the Only Ones Positioned Enough
When questioned by Pembroke Pines officers during its investigation, Faris told them that he witnessed an altercation between Perez and Muraida but that due to his position, he could not see what exactly occurred between them, according to a Pembroke Pines police statement that was released late Thursday night. [More]Now there's a guy who knows how to work the system.
[Via Florida Guy]
Rickshaws for Everybody?
California Considers Following China With Combustion-Engine Car Ban [More]For the children!
[Via Florida Guy]
The Harder They Fall
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Remember when "Big Luther" seemed invincible? |
Incidentally, I would not have cheered. And I still have a real concern.
[Via Steve T]
Resuming the Mission
West Point Cadet Tweets Kaepernick Support: 'Communism Will Win' [More]What was Benedict Arnold's plan again?
This raises all kinds of questions, including how he can take the oath and what the ACLU lawsuit against the military will look like if he's expelled or not allowed his commission or denied advancement over his beliefs.
[Via several of you]
We're the Only Ones Reinstated Enough
The city’s Civil Service Commission voted Tuesday to reinstate a St. Louis police captain who was fired after a controversial burglary investigation, giving him instead a written reprimand in the matter. [More]That means it's more than his word against the others. He did something wrong. And they don't have the guts to hold him to the full standard because of racism allegations, which if you think about it, is racist.
[Via bondmen]
It's Not About the Flag
NFL players on protesting: 'It's not about the flag' [More]Don't tell us. Tell him:
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game.And there's a real double standard when it comes to "free speech."
The thing is, it's really not about the flag. It's about two countries.
[Daily Wire link via Henry Bowman]
Is the Pope Psychopathic?
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[More] |
Say what you mean, Kyle: Every American who voted for the agenda pledged in his campaign is racist.
This coming from the head of the self-styled "intellectual leader" and "most respected voice" that "shapes the ideas that make media leaders and journalists smarter about their work."
You just don't get it, do you, you cloistered dope?
You yet may.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Jackboot Appreciation Day
I believe that you must compliment instead of continually criticizing. [More]Proper technique demonstrated below:
[Via Len Savage]
@Twitter Continues Enabling Genocide Advocate and Trump Assassination-Endorsing Racist
Remember the Hero of the Revolution who directed murderous, racist and obscene hatred at me? At the time I asked Twitter how they could boot Milo and leave this psychotic alone.
They still did not take away the keys after he called for the execution of the president and his family.
And he's still there after he called for genocide.
The "leniency" they will not extend to "alt-right" figures challenging subversive actions of protected groups has encouraged our Hero to continue. And he's getting bolder, posting two more presidential death wishes that I'd be looking into were I in the Secret Service, and several more calls for white genocide:
The only conclusion? "Progressive"-sympathizing Twitter moderators don't mind. And since the buck stops at the top and they must have a handle on how enforcers ensure the will of the top brass is done, that must mean virtue-oozing @Jack is cool with it, too.
They still did not take away the keys after he called for the execution of the president and his family.
And he's still there after he called for genocide.
The "leniency" they will not extend to "alt-right" figures challenging subversive actions of protected groups has encouraged our Hero to continue. And he's getting bolder, posting two more presidential death wishes that I'd be looking into were I in the Secret Service, and several more calls for white genocide:
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[Click to enlarge and see for yourself while they're still up] |
Morality Play
Discussion over whether to arm British police represents not just a policy debate, but a moral one [More]I don't suppose the discussion will get around to the morality of general disarmament with exempted "Only Ones"... ?
[Via Fred L]
Suicide and Guns: Maryland Study Debunks itself [More]You have to pay to read it.
I wonder if they say anything about criminals and "Only Ones" having much higher rates than the general population?
We're the Only Ones Responding Enough
Charlottesville police spent $70K responding to Aug. 12 white nationalist rally [More]Hey, it costs money to show up and stand down.
[Via Mack H]
There's an App for That
This Company Wants to Pay Your Fellow Drivers to Snitch on You [More]And the Confrontation Clause...?
You can see the Master Snitches hoping to cash in here.
Curious. From the California Secretary of State's business entity posting, the operation looks like it's being run from a studio apartment.
[Via Michael G]
The New Normal
Militant normality is growing as normals awaken to the indisputable truth of our enemy’s implacable hatred for us and everything we hold dear – like America. [More]Dead elephants need not apply.
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Stressing Safety Enough
But police stress that there is no highway shooter this time, that the highways are safe and most people hit were unintended victims of random gunshots or caught in crossfire. [More]It depends upon what the meaning of the word "safe" is.
[Via Steve T]
We're the Only Ones Protected Enough
More importantly, however, Yocher had a history of domestic violence. He lived in Naugatuck, the town next to Waterbury, and his neighbors there had reportedly called police about disturbances at the home where Yocher lived with his wife and children. Yet it appears that Yocher’s status as a policeman protected him from being arrested. And under a Connecticut law, passed just two months before the murder of Tommy Stuart, police were required to seize any firearms in the possession of a domestic abuse suspect. Yocher still had his guns, however, including the semiautomatic pistol he used to kill Tommy Stuart before killing himself. [More]I guess I'm perplexed as to why the author finds the Hartford Courant being police state apologist punks "startling." Winning the Pulitzer is hardly the final word on integrity. Just ask Stalin's PR flack or WaPo's award-winning plagiarist.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Double-Dipping Enough
The St. Clair County State’s Attorney’s Office charged a sheriff’s deputy for allegedly sexually assaulting a Cahokia woman twice this year. [More]I know Hillary says we ought to give the benefit of the doubt to every woman except those victimized by her husband, but from the information given here, it sure sounds like there's more to be learned about the dynamics of the interactions...
[Via bondmen]
Tennessee Church Shooting Suspect Left Facebook Clues to Possible Rage Triggers
Checking social media, Samson had a Twitter account, which now indicates “Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!” Samson’s Facebook page has not been taken down at this writing, but in anticipation of its possible removal, several screenshots have been taken of posts he has made that may give further insights into what might have influenced his action. [More]How can a guy who calls Robert Mugabe "Bossman Bobby" be all bad...?
Enemy Action
"The voter rolls are so bad in some states that election officials would have a hard time telling the difference between sabotage and negligence.” [More]What did Goldfinger say?
The Mark of Cain
Activist in Seminar: All White People Are Racist and Always Will Be [More]Sorry, got distracted. All I could think was "You're gonna need a bigger flour sack."
Monday, September 25, 2017
They're Rules, Not Guidelines
ROGER GOODELL IGNORING LEAGUE'S OWN RULES IN LETTING PLAYERS PROTEST ANTHEM At the risk of fines and suspensions, the NFL requires players on the field during the anthem, standing [More]Politicians disregard laws they oppose without consequence, too.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...
AN Oxford University student dubbed "too clever to go to prison" has walked free for stabbing her ex-boyfriend in a drug-fuelled frenzy - but moaned she can't go clubbing without being recognised. [More]Realizing they have no recourse in "the law," I'd say men would be justified to "go clubbing" on their own if "Play Misty for Me" here got within 10 feet of them.
Children's Songs
A national coalition of gun violence prevention artists, activists and organizations are coming together for a second annual Concert Across America. [More]What is it that these magical-thinking primitives actually prevent, again?
You'd think with all the free nationwide publicity -- I'm sorry, I mean "news" --they'd have more than 900+ Twitter followers. Looks like my assessment from last time still holds:
I see Lynda is still getting her panties in a Waddington.
[Via Michael G]
When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go
A Florida man stopped for urinating near the White House on Sunday was arrested after authorities said they found at least nine firearms, including assault style weapons, in the trunk of his car, according to a D.C. police report. [More]Those FOP plates are interesting. I'm staying tuned on this one.
[Via Florida Guy]
Tears of a Clown
He made a tearful last-minute plea for probation so he could continue his treatment, which includes sessions with Sex Addicts Anonymous. [More]He can't control himself but was so intent on controlling gun owners.
Why am I hoping "Emerald City"...?
Meanwhile, Over at the Ministry of State Secrets...
Entire Volume Of CIA Files On Lee Harvey Oswald, Set To Be Released In October, Has “Gone Missing” [More]Awful hard not to be a conspiracy theorist with stuff like this going on...
A Nation of Snitches
This ought to help make everyone think it would be a good thing. [Watch]
Besides, who better to assume the mantle of hero than a Silicon Valley billionaire?
[Via Matthew L]
Those Who Make Truth Impossible
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[More] |
And this has nothing to do with rights. You don't have a "right" to hijack employer events and drag those you're being paid to represent into a public airing of your political grievances.
To be consistent, put a big Stars and Bars decal on your car and helmet along with a patch on your racing suit, and we'll see how much support you get from those footing the bill.
Oh, that's right, you support a ban. Hypocrite.
Not that we should expect a "professional journalist" to do any fact-checking on that.
We're the Only Ones Outgunned Enough
This lie again. [More]
Anybody want to bet before clicking on the link if the "justification" given is to "level the playing field"?
[Via bondmen]
Anybody want to bet before clicking on the link if the "justification" given is to "level the playing field"?
[Via bondmen]
The End Game
Attacks on Confederate heritage have quickly evolved into attacks on American heritage, which was always the ultimate goal. [More]Absolutely. Ideological cleansing is what "fundamental transformation" is all about.
[Via Michael G]
If the Shoe Fits
Virginia Republican’s ad ties opponent to MS-13. Democrats compare it to ‘Willie Horton’ [More]So?
[Via Mack H]
Tribute to famous Russian rifle creator unveiled in Moscow mistakenly depicted German second world war gun instead [More]The 7 Ps come to mind...
[Via Jess]
A New York State of Mind
Nathan Kotschwar, a veterinarian, knelt on the dirt ground and quickly performed a vasectomy – slicing, stitching and stapling the deer’s hindquarters in less than 15 minutes. [More]Good grief.
[Via Jess]
We're the Only Ones Disreputable Enough
Officer Mark H. Walaski received an indefinite suspension, which is tantamount to firing, in July for "consorting with persons of ill repute," according to the documents. [More]Shouldn't Sweetie get the same citation?
[Via Jess]
Shoot, a Fella Could Have a Pretty Good Weekend in Vegas with All That Stuff
Inside the weapons cache, authorities found several sets of body armor with the Z/ CDN logo painted on them, four .308 caliber FAL rifles, two AK-47 rifles, more than 800 rounds of ammunition, and radio communications equipment. [More]That's a "stockpile"?
Why does a Slim Pickens line from Dr. Strangelove come to mind?
And of course I wonder if there's a Gunwalker nexus.
[Via Wynn A]
Is the Pope Catholic?
So there's a heretic in the Vatican...? [More]
Pity. I used to love him in those old movies where he teamed up with Donald O'Connor.
I look at the totality of this guy since he put on the beanie and can't help but think of Epheisans 6:12.
[Via Michael G]
The Life-Blood of Politics
At least three liberal nonprofit organizations the Justice Department approved to receive funds from multibillion-dollar mortgage settlements were instrumental in killing the ObamaCare repeal bill and are now lobbying against GOP tax reform, as well as efforts to rein in illegal immigration. [More]AG Sessions has the ability to investigate his predecessors over this.
Will he?
[Via Michael G]
A Common Thread
Violent Crime in U.S. Rises for Second Consecutive Year [More]Funny thing about Democrat strongholds...
[Via Jess]
Hand to Mouth
Jimmy Kimmel Got a Hand From Chuck Schumer in His Fight Against Obamacare Repeal [More]You can say that again. That hand is up as far as it will go.
I wonder if he's making a fist.
Trump's expected repeal of Dreamer program draws fire from business [More]And to prove their point, Reuters cites Microsoft, Uber and Lyft.
One Ring to Rule Them All
Are relaxed gun laws in other states causing crime problems in Chicago? [Watch]And they say there are no stupid questions. But there are plenty of lies, and based on results, plenty of ignorant people swallowing them up.
Refusal to Stand for Flag a Manipulated Widening of National Divide Approved by Unprincipled NFL Leadership
Putting on a team uniform and appearing at an event paid for by others means you’re no longer representing yourself, you’re representing those employing you. [More]The agenda-motivated lie here is that "First Amendment rights" have anything to do with this in-your-face display of contempt for everything "progressivism" is intent on tearing down.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Mother Jones’ Attack on Suppressors a Litany of One-Sided Talking Points
It’s interesting they admit up front that crimes using suppressors are rare, and for their anecdotal example cite one incident in a greater rampage by a former member of law enforcement — one who, incidentally, shared the goals of both Mother Jones and those “law enforcement leaders.” Ex-“Only One” Christopher Dorner wanted to ban suppressors too, along with semi-automatics and normal capacity magazines. He was also a big fan of Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Obama, and he detested the NRA. [More]Lying motherjonesers...
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