Monday, October 26, 2020

Stuck with the Weasel Whisperer

Tarheel State Second Amendment Supporters Should Trust Thom Tillis With 2nd Term [More]

Not a word about talking out of both sides of his mouth on  "Gun Confiscation SWATing"?

What does Tillis think all those "good" votes he's cast will be worth once he "legalizes" all those "pathway to citizenship" Democrats? I notice that's not even mentioned -- which, considering the source, isn't surprising.

And so by withholding information, what some of us like to call "lies of omission," gun owners are deliberately deprived of information vital to the protection of our rights by the very people we turn to for complete and cogent analyses.

So what do I want? The anti-gun Democrat adulterer to win, particularly with the Senate in jeopardy?

What I want is for national and state gun groups and for "gunbloggers" and "gunwriters" to get their heads out of their be-hinds and honestly address the greatest political threat we face. Had they done that, this fraud might have been primaried by someone who really has proven trustworthy and we wouldn't be stuck with him now.

1 comment:

Mack said...

Yes, another necessary blog -- one of many today.