Monday, March 29, 2021

The New Outcasts

 Soon, persuasion will turn into coercion, and from coercion to outright force. It’s already clear that air-travel will require vaccine passports, and that public transit, concerts, libraries, restaurants and, perhaps, even grocery stores could follow soon after. [More]

That they are demanding to do this to every person on the planet with absolutely no data on effects one, five, 10, or more years down the line, particularly to the young, ought to scare the hell out of everyone. That even discussing that is canceled out of the public discourse and either ridiculed or condemned as heresy by those who will brook no dissent hardly builds trust.

And that any reference to the origins and China's role is being shut down at the highest levels under the phony, chilling charge of #StopAsianHate suggests yet another incentivized set of motives.

1 comment:

DDS said...

Will we need one to vote?

Nah, didn't think so.