Monday, December 13, 2021

Fun Facts to Know and Tell

 Mass shootings are up about 150% since Black Lives Matter emerged at Ferguson in August 2014.  [More]

Figures all the gun-grabbers support it.

[Via bondmen]

1 comment:

Henry said...

I'm not sure I trust this reporter. He writes:
"Mass shootings are much more common than mass murders (two dozen times more so in 2021)"
"But as Fox and Levin point out, they [mass murders... or "performative" mass murders?] are uncommon enough"
Yet, he also writes:
"About 27 percent of mass murders don’t involve guns"
which implies that mass murders not involving guns outnumber mass shootings 3:1.
He did attempt to distinguish between "mass murders" and "performative mass murders," but only managed to muddy his distinctions horribly.
And note that Fox did not say mass murders were "uncommon," he said they were "more obscure," which I take to mean they are not as widely publicized.
Add to all this his repeated references to "Sailer’s Law of Mass Shootings," which I never heard of... and then I notice that his name happens to be Sailer.
I would file all this in the "to be further validated" column.