Monday, December 13, 2021

Secret Disarmament Lists to Deny Rights are No Way to Run a Free Country

So unelected bureaucrats have assigned to themselves the power to deny fundamental rights supposedly guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and it’s on the innocent would-be gun owner caught up in their screwup to prove his innocence -- and hope he won’t need to take out a second mortgage to cover lawyer fees if the government gets it wrong again. Meanwhile, as Martin Luther King once observed, a right delayed is a right denied. And for the hapless citizen who lacks the wherewithal to fight it, the phrase “Sucks to be you” comes to mind. [More]

"No Buy Lists" with cancel culture-fueled presumed guilt and the absence of due process? What could go wrong?

1 comment:

DAN III said...

Lawsuits, lawyers and their accompanying, astronomical "fees" are not the answer to the embedded corruption within .gov.

Fedgov, stategov, localgov and the judiciary at every level are as corrupt as those in power in the former Soviet Union. For you believers who continue to advocate for lawsuits you need to wake up and smell the coffee. The ENTIRE system is corrupt and therefore illegitimate.

Until Patriots locked and loaded swarm the streets and the multitude of halls of .gov, there will be no compliance with the US Constitution.

Sometimes, Violence IS the answer !