In a way, Grayling’s done us a favor by putting all his cards on the table. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary looks at a hive insect passing itself off as an academic.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
British philosophy professor shows ultimate goal of gungrabbers
Friday, July 29, 2011
McCarthy blames Norway shootings on ‘lax U.S. gun laws’!
Of course this does not take into account that it took police an hour and a half to respond to the shooting—or that citizens and even a policeman on scene were disarmed by Norwegian law. But that never stopped a blood dancer from stomping in puddles to see how far they could spread the spatter. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary tries not to stare at a crazy person, but when they get in your space you have no choice.
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio
- Operation Castaway update
- Lambeau Field
- Baltimore 911
- Gun confiscation in Quartzsite
- "Poor man's assault rifle"
- The Only Ones
- Defending home
- Holy Smoke!
- Good Samaritans
- Clayton Cramer interview: Norway and more
- SHOT Show "repurposing"
- Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date. Also note encores are being rebroadcast on Saturday.
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
This Day in History: July 29
Henry Dearborn, Lieutenant Colonel, 3rd NH, "we are inform'd that a party of Savages with some british troops have taken a small fort on the west branch of the Susquehannah near Sunsbury have plunder'd the Inhabitants of their cattle, horses, & every other thing they could carry off and another party has been down to a place call'd the Minnisinks on the deleware river and have had an action with a party of our Millitia in which the Millitia were rather worsted & and lost a number of men but the Millitia being reinfors'd the enimy were oblig'd to retreet we likewise are inform'd that Genl Clinton has moov'd up from New York & taken possession of Kings ferry again with his main body." [More]
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Another One
That's it. Note to City of Canton: If your feral pig stops me, I'm just going to assume my life is in danger and act accordingly, using all necessary force to repel him.
Enough of your police state bullshit.
And while you're at it, get rid of your resident Nazi-lover.
Enough of your police state bullshit.
And while you're at it, get rid of your resident Nazi-lover.
ATF multiple long gun reporting form sent to FFLs
This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes it's game on. Includes copy of new form and notice letter."ATF and the Administration lacks the statutory authority to do this and the NRA will file suit as soon as ATF sends the first demand letters."It would appear that time has come. [More]
Operation Castaway seller denies shipping guns to Honduras
I must tell you that I NEVER shipped any guns out of the country. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report presents a clarification requested by Mr. Crumpler.
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio
- CRS report calls for Gunwalker independent investigator
- Miami Herald Hysteria
- One-liner
- We'll leave the light on for ya
- Canton backlash
- The Only Ones
- Blood dancing in Norway
- People of the Gun return
- Florida Carry interview
- FFL Guard expands
- The Return of Vanderboegh
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Appropriations Committee calls for independent Gunwalker investigation
"[T]he House Appropriations Committee included report language in the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill (H.R. 2596; H. Rept. 112-169) that recommends the appointment of 'an outside, independent investigator,' who would be charged with conducting 'a thorough investigation of the allegations against ATF with respect to Operation Fast and Furious and policies guiding this and similar operations.'” [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at where things probably need to go next.
Well, Here's the Youngster Right Here...
I'll have to ask him to point out the harridan who had him tossed out.
There's bunches of Gunwalker hearing videos in the Oversight and Reform channel sidebar--and I notice views are only measured in the hundreds.
There's bunches of Gunwalker hearing videos in the Oversight and Reform channel sidebar--and I notice views are only measured in the hundreds.
A Standing Army
Army officers could be parachuted into the highest police ranks as part of a major Government shake-up. [More]As in "military coup"? What could go wrong?
[W]e are interested in radical proposals for the future of leadership and training in the police service...Trust me on this, fellas--you're really not.
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
Contemplan mis obras, ustedes los poderosos, y la desesperación
Hey, I figure if they can rip off my work in Google-translated Spanish, I can rip off Shelley...
Hey, I figure if they can rip off my work in Google-translated Spanish, I can rip off Shelley...
Speaking of TSA...
Received via email:
The reply:
And I'm told:
UPDATE: From a different source:
TSA is trying to kill the armed pilots program. Pilots are very sensitive to how much stuff they want to lug around on trips. Instead of allowing them to keep the USP compact concealed in a bag of their choice, they will be requiring they be carried in a large metal box, 10 pounds without the gun. Some are already not re qualifying in anticipation of the new rules."Any way to source this?" asks I.
The reply:
My dad just called me apoplectic (the gun is the way for them to bypass the slave-training/security but now the inconvenience of the box.....). got done with his requal and they gave him "the box". I'll try to get him to email me a picture. They're very secretive about the whole program for unknown reasons so I doubt there will be a press release.The picture:
It's the silver one on the left.I think this would be more effective if they put "GUN" on the side in big red letters.
And I'm told:
For more back story, when the program first started, TSA was going to make them use the smaller box on the right. Due to outcry, they let them carry concealed in a bag of their choice. Now the big silver kevlar "back pack" will be required.
UPDATE: From a different source:
Don't list me as a source (SSI), but it is not silver, and it is not a backpack. I don't have one yet (and will avoid it for as long as possible), but it is black, nylon or perhaps kevlar soft-side case designed to accommodate a lock. Guess they got tired of discharges from the previous idiotic system, so they replaced it with a new idiotic system.No idea why a discrepancy, but it appears the basic facts are borne out. Maybe they have different models for different pilots...?
The Better to Grope You With, My Dear
Mixed feelings--on the one hand seeing them caught up in their own rules is nice, but on the other hand, dude, why do you want to work for them? [Read]
I wonder if team freedom might use the practice of flashmob to support their own principles? [More]Well, as I like to say, CUM ULLA SELLA IN PUGNO TABERNA...
Rich Man, Poor Man
The Ruger Mini-14 The “Poor Man’s Assault Rifle” [More]
Between 1996 and 2006, the Violence Policy Center received U.S. $4,154,970 in funding from the Joyce Foundation, a non-profit foundation based in the Great Lakes region of the US that funds several gun control organizations. [More]So what do these privileged "Let them eat cake" collectivist pricks have against the less fortunate being able to defend themselves?
As a side note, there is a certain karma to all this...
Upcoming Appearances
Fox News' "Freedom Watch" with Judge Napolitano (Dobyns and Cefalu)My interview with Dobyns is here. I have Cefalu tentatively coming on the show next week.
Wednesday, July 27th at 8:00pm Pacific/11:00pm Eastern. [More]
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio
- ATF/NSC connections
- Wu update
- No No Guns Zones
- The Only Ones
- WaPo does Gunwalker
- No guns for Norwegian police
- Democrats vs UN gun control
- The REAL gun show loophole
- Interview: Dave Workman/Gunwalker hearings
- Irregular readings from Sipsey Street
Join me at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
This Day in History: July 27
It is a matter to be much lamented [struck: That a Continent like this] [inserted: This Continent] boasting of its strength and numbers, should be so extremely weak in the field: as to be unable to face the Enemy’s force [inserted: in any situation whatever] But lamentations is all that we can do, we must [struck: make] take circumstances as we find them and make the most of [struck: them] the materials in our possession...[More]
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Looks Like They're Finally Fixing Archives
Listening to yesterday's show as I type...
Oh, and in the very last segment, I give some hints and clues about the Newell emails to O'Reilly--I just couldn't talk about them in any more details--just know this--Mike really was a champ in making this come out in today's hearing. And there was no small amount of concern over the weekend with him knowing the details...
Oh, and in the very last segment, I give some hints and clues about the Newell emails to O'Reilly--I just couldn't talk about them in any more details--just know this--Mike really was a champ in making this come out in today's hearing. And there was no small amount of concern over the weekend with him knowing the details...
Transcript of Newell questioning related to NSC's O'Reilly
A transcript of today's House Oversight Committee on Government Reform hearing has been released that includes all questioning of former Phoenix Field Division Special Agent in Charge William Newell regarding his relationship with and emails to National Security Council Director of North American Affairs Kevin O'Reilly...[More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report updates this afternoon's...
ATF’s Phoenix SAC emailed Gunwalker info to National Security Council
The question becomes: Why is Newell’s communication with O’Reilly significant?This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at top men.
Rephrased: Why are ATF field office management communications about Fast and Furious with NSC’s North American Affairs Director significant? [More]
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio
- Gunwalker T-shirts
- Gunwalker hearings
- Obama's latest anti-gun court nominee
- The Only Ones
- WaPo does Gunwalker
- Editorial vs Gun Facts
- Lighter gun
- Interview: Kevin Starrett/Oregon Firearms Federation
- Gun owner reality TV show
- Update on Vanderboegh in DC
- More on today's hearings
Join me at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that. And yeah, it's starting to piss me off, too. Probably a lot more than anyone else.
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
BREAKING NEWS: ATF attaché calls Gunwalker 'perfect storm of idiocy'
A Joint Staff Report prepared for Rep. Darrell Issa of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Sen. Chuck Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee has just been released today. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report opens the pages of a Gunwalker analysis that gives shocking insider views of the level and extent of ATF/DOJ management complicity. Look to this as a template for today's hearings. Includes link to copy of report.
Monday, July 25, 2011
‘Project Gunwalker’ T-shirts help raise public consciousness
"I had so much fun with this shirt that I'd like to do it again." [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows what the well-dressed anti-government extremist "hatriot" is wearing these days--or should be.
Can't wait for mine to get here.
How about you?
We Seek Not Your Counsel Nor Your Arms
What makes you think I want or need to ally myself with you?
Driving collectivists away? Yes, that's the whole point. Preferably howling into the darkness.
Do you really think this is about guns? Do you really think this is about mere politics?
Meet John Doe
Now free him. [Read]
Since when has refusal to identify yourself been punishable with a life sentence? Isn't that what the "authorities" are saying here...?
Since when has refusal to identify yourself been punishable with a life sentence? Isn't that what the "authorities" are saying here...?
For the Children
Their plan is to ban whatever advances their agenda to control everything. Like Gaia can't survive Primatene. [Read]
Safer Streets on Weekends
Here's what John Longenecker did on Saturday. I was too occupied to post then, so here it is, better late than never. [Read]
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio
- Norway shooter
- Pitching Wu
- Public housing "gun free" zones
- The Only Ones
- Gone fishin'
- Gun rights up in smoke
- A crime trend in Trenton
- No guns for gays?
- Gun owner reality TV show
- Update on Vanderboegh in DC
- Monopoly a deadly game
Join me at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that. And yeah, it's starting to piss me off, too. Probably a lot more than anyone else.
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Rep. David Wu—poster boy for ‘progressive’ gun control
So naturally, this deviant who can’t—or more likely won’t—control himself is hell bent on controlling those of us who do not share his degeneracy. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes the sick, perverted nature of those obsessed with control. Plus, I think I just coined a new term for a severely destructive psychiatric malady.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
War on Guns Radio Saturday Encore Presentations
Click here, then on "Listen Live" at the appointed hour.
This schedule reflects Arizona Time, which is the same as Pacific Time during the Daylight Savings months, so adjust for your area accordingly.
And no, I don't know when they're going to update the archives--I do know they promised me they would have someone working on it.
This schedule reflects Arizona Time, which is the same as Pacific Time during the Daylight Savings months, so adjust for your area accordingly.
And no, I don't know when they're going to update the archives--I do know they promised me they would have someone working on it.
Norway terror attacks illustrate observable truths
Some will no doubt consider this column ill-timed, or accuse me of exploiting a tragedy for political gain. I disagree, but so be it. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column argues that universal truths in defense of unalienable rights are always timely.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio
- Castaway redux
- Speaking Cantonese
- NRA wrong again?
- An OK gunrunner
- The Only Ones: but wait--there's more!
- Florida preemption
- Gun pratfalls, starring Plaxico Burress
- WoG Interview: Evan Nappen
- Keep guns off campus--for the children!
- Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh--Live from Mordor on the Potomac
Join me at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that.
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
This Day in History: July 22
The Battle of Minisink was a battle of the American Revolutionary War fought at Minisink Ford, New York, on July 22, 1779. It was the only major skirmish of the Revolutionary War fought in the northern Delaware Valley. The battle was a decisive British victory, as the colonial militia was hastily assembled, ill-equipped, and inexperienced. [More]
Thursday, July 21, 2011
GRE Round Up for July 21
Dave Workman/Seattle:
- More signs that Fast & Furious was fiasco; Dem defends Holder, deflects blame
- OUTRAGE: Fury erupts over Ohio police video; NW activists join debate
Canton OH 'Only Ones' put the lie to public pledge--not to mention their oaths
And this pinhead's partner is just as guilty, because he didn't stop the frothing bully in his tracks. Good Lord, Canton releases these impulse control-challenged anger management class rejects on the public--armed? Is this badged punk going through 'roid rage or something, or is this the natural state the Canton PD keep their attack dogs primed in? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary says sit back and watch a nice, relaxing video. NOW, YOU IDIOT, OR I'LL EMPTY MY GLOCK INTO YOU AND I WON'T LOSE ANY SLEEP!
Sorry, just trying to set the mood...
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio

- Castaway
- Straw buyers
- Muzzle loader go boom
- Confirmation
- Knife Rights update
- Non-educating education fund
- Allahu Gunwalkbar!
- DC guns
- Ammo on the cheap
- Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that.
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
This Day in History: July 21
Loyalist Ship
The Restoration was looking for seamen, to be paid five guineas in advance, three pounds per month, and one share of "all property taken from His Majesty's revolted subjects." From Rivington's front page, July 21, 1779... [More]
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Ban the NRA!
Glad to see you respect the First Amendment as much as you do the Second, you evil, impotent little hive insect.
We've seen how much safer this makes things.
And we know all about these authorities you worship.
We've seen how much safer this makes things.
And we know all about these authorities you worship.
Make It Stop!
According to court documents, agents have been tracking a number of people, including an Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics agent, involved in a secret scheme of smuggling firearms into Mexico. [More]Is everybody thoroughly disgusted yet?
[Via GH]
Exclusive: Story of central ‘Operation Castaway’ figure in his own words
This correspondent has established communications with Crumpler, currently doing time at a federal corrections facility, after being approached by a friend of his... [More]This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner column presents an exclusive insider look...
Project GunTALKer
Breaking news on the ATF scandal with David Codrea. This story just gets bigger every week and David is kind enough to join me every Sunday. Also, fan favorite, Alan Korwin from comes back to the show to discuss the legality of Obama’s wishes to make firearm law by sidestepping congress. Here’s a hint…Hey Obummer, it ain’t gonna fly, pal!Click here to listen.
Jersey City gun ‘buyback’ illustrates character of characters behind it
I’ve run into this Comey character before—he’s the one who said pump action shotguns were “assault weapons,” so I guess it’s no surprise that now he’s telling us that semiauto MAC-10 variants are “street sweepers.” And I also note he’s getting press for this "buyback" with Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah T. Healey, another of Bloomberg’s criminal Mayors Against Guns who obstructed justice, resisted arrest, was nude and drinking on his porch, engaged in disorderly conduct...[More]This morning's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes a thoroughly unsurprising reliance on ignorance and lies from a pair of tax-feeding serial scoundrels.
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio

- Jersey buyback follow-up
- Armed defense against home invader
- FFLs cooperating on Gunwalker screwed
- Buck-a-bullet tax in Baltimore?
- Armed defense in Illinois
- Defenseless in Illinois
- The Only Ones
- WI businesses react to concealed carry
- Robbers say "Thank Heaven it's 7-Eleven!"
- Alan Korwin on ITAR
- Lock boxes for cop guns in NZ
- Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh
Join me at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that.
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
This Day in History: July 20
On July 20, 1779 Brant attacked the unprotected Minisink settlement located near what is now Port Jervis. [More]
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
We're the Only Ones Deathly Hallows Enough
Connecticut Cop Shot During Porn Bust Outside Harry Potter Showing [More]
More detail here:
Two police officers who arrived at the scene of an arrest in the parking lot of the AMC Loews Theatre Saturday morning were wounded after fellow Plainville officers shot at their police car, a state police investigation found.
The suspect, Erik Gothberg, 45, of Southington, had left the theater and was approaching his car when police tried to arrest him, the police report states. Gothberg reached for his waistband, and Sgt. Timothy Mullaney and Cpl. Jon Eno opened fire, the report states.
Yeah, they couldn't possibly have taken him in less public-endangering circumstances or had any indication he was violent--and lo and behold, he didn't have a weapon. Yeah, he "went for his waistband." Maybe he was scratching. Or maybe trigger-happy Frick and Frack--a corporal and a sergeant, so it's not like we're dealing with rookies here--are shoot-first idiots who will do anything to make sure it's they who go home at the end of their shift--even if their "brother" officers don't.
[Via several of you]
The Executive has claimed powers even kings didn’t have in murdering citizens, and Intel agencies are virtually unbound in who they can spy on... [More]And remember: "They" hate us because we're free!
[Via Brock Townsend]
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio
- Zapata family wants answers
- Armored truck design flaw?
- Melson says DoJ shielding officials
- Doctors and guns
- MS Government ignores the law
- Jersey gun "buyback"
- Armed defense in IL
- Hola Hezbollah!
- A Big Sky lobbyist
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that.
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
This Day in History: July 19
I believe the Garrison at Stony point amounted to about 500 rank & file – of which between twenty & thirty might have been killed – about forty wounded & the rest taken. Fifteen pieces of Ordnance altogether and a suitable supply of Ammunition. – Provisions none. [More]
Monday, July 18, 2011
GRE Round Up for July 18
Dave Workman/Seattle:
- Momentum builds, web expands on Fast and Furious investigation
- In Seattle, they’re thanking the San Francisco police for good marksmanship
It Takes a Village
In case you did not see yesterday's Gun Rights Examiner post, I wrote it to announce my new Guns Magazine "Rights Watch" column.
Getting the Lead Out?
Not if you're an Iowa gun owner and you take action against the unelected, agenda-driven, environmentalcase harassers. [Read]
A Mugged Liberal
The incident ended when Boswell's 22-year-old grandson grabbed a gun from another room and pointed it at the intruder -- sending him running into the woods...[More]I don't have the time or inclination to delve deeper, but will simply note that a quick check shows GOA gives him a D- and NRA gave him an A in 2003, evidently after he'd voted against decreasing waiting periods a few years earlier.
[Via a few of you]
No Debate About It
John Longenecker says it's a settled matter. [Read]
What is?
Hey, I put links in these things for a reason.
What is?
Hey, I put links in these things for a reason.
The Devil and Daniel Webster
As is typical for what passes as thought at WaPo on the gun issue, there is no mention of Gunwalker, no mention of Mexican military and police corruption, no mention of real military weapons...nahhh, this is all noncontroversial, all reasonable all common sense—as long as we look to the gungrabbers to define those terms. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary looks at a devil we know...
This Day in History: July 18
I have just rec'd intelligence that a number of [Tories] have embodied [themselves] up New River in this county [Montgomery County, Virginia], that they took Prisoners Captains Cox, Osborn & Henderson, the former of whom made his escape. That they also took two men who were sent as spies and kept them ...... Prisoners in which time the spies heard them say that they intended to take the Lead Mines & that thy had but 105 men there they made were five hundred strong...[More]
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio
- The Devil and Daniel Webster
- The readers aren't buying it
- It takes a village
- Old Bloody Hands' gun trafficking bill
- Rebuttal to Joe da Sicko
- The Only Ones
- Above the law
- Killer on the loose
- ATF and ITAR: David Hardy interview
- A Mexican vacation
- Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh
Join me at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that.
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sometimes, it does take a village…
Well, in addition to a “short-range FM radio transmitter,” we learn “villagers raised their own volunteer scout force [and] armed it with homemade shotguns”... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary introduces my latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column and includes a brief, but telling related video from that could not be presented there.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Here's Hoping...
...the right folks are seeing this and having an appropriate physiological response...
[Click to enlarge]
Friday, July 15, 2011
Isn't That Why We Racist Right-Wingers Do EVERYTHING?
Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black [More]Damn, she found us out!
I'd say more, but I have to go. I'm cooking dinner tonight because Obama is black.
But I'll be back tomorrow. Why?
Because Obama is black, of course.
A Little Bird Told Me...
...the Ambassador to Honduras is in Billy Hoover's we speak...
What should we make of that?
What should we make of that?
A Useful Crowbar?
Only if wielded...
Making noise and banging pots and stomping is what made the Gunwalker story break loose from...not even the Gun Blogosphere but the much more limited-in-reach the Threepersphere--and it's the only way we're going to continue to gain ground and get media, and thus political attention, fighting for every damned inch.
Those of us pushing and pulling can't do it alone. Please share this link far and wide, not just with your friends but with other blogs, forums, and especially with media outlets and your political representatives.
Making noise and banging pots and stomping is what made the Gunwalker story break loose from...not even the Gun Blogosphere but the much more limited-in-reach the Threepersphere--and it's the only way we're going to continue to gain ground and get media, and thus political attention, fighting for every damned inch.
Those of us pushing and pulling can't do it alone. Please share this link far and wide, not just with your friends but with other blogs, forums, and especially with media outlets and your political representatives.
We're the Only Ones Flushed Enough
Houston police and ICE internal affairs are investigating after a pistol that investigators say belonged to an ICE agent was found in a restroom at Bush Intercontinental Airport...[More]See, this is why they're the "Only Ones" we can allow to carry inside airports...
It's the same old crap, I see...
[Via Lane]
Old Bloody Hands goes into full attack dive mode. [Read]
Hey, how many of you are making noise about this? Not in blog comments, but where it counts?
Hey, how many of you are making noise about this? Not in blog comments, but where it counts?
We're the Only Ones Trained Enough
One officer was struck in the thigh with a bullet, the other was hit by a "rock or shrapnel" from a bullet...Police were conducting training when the shooting happened...[More]Well, we're always being told they're better trained than we are...and I have to admit, this is a learning curve I've never gone through.
We're the Only Ones Unpunished Enough
She also discussed her approach to discipline in the police department, which she believes has become far too "punitive" among "paramilitary organizations." She opts for additional training for officers, in place of disciplinary actions. [More]So basically she thinks of herself as the commander of a standing occupational force...?
Is she wrong?
Hey, look at one of her peacekeepers is being charged with!
Seems to me indicting the poor guy for carrying on the time-honored tradition of occupying forces going back thousands of years is a know, punitive...
[Via Ian Branson]
What's in a Name?
An article on initially claimed the Tampa division was "walking guns" to Honduras in a way similar to Fast and Furious. [More]
What, this one?
Maybe he didn't give more detail because "Vanderboegh" is too hard to spell and my name is too hard to pronounce...?
Answer Me One Question
How do idiots like this one rate a cushy gig with a major network? [More]
Oh, this explains it: He's lauded by The New York Times and The Washington Post. He's got "passion and idealism." His commentary is "sprinkled with bitter irony."
Good Lord. These well-heeled regressives are so full of themselves. Guess that makes up for them being a bunch of agenda-driven subversives.
Oh, this explains it: He's lauded by The New York Times and The Washington Post. He's got "passion and idealism." His commentary is "sprinkled with bitter irony."
Good Lord. These well-heeled regressives are so full of themselves. Guess that makes up for them being a bunch of agenda-driven subversives.
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio
- Michelle Malkin gets it
- Gunwalker ITAR violations
- Gun Lobby Sycophants
- Tiahrt Amendment under fire
- Joe da sicko
- Perry misses opportunity
- NRA at UN
- Barbershop
- Interview: Alan Gottlieb
- The Only Ones
- Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh
Join us at 7:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Eastern on NBC 1260 AM/96.1 FM, Scottsdale, or click "Listen Live."
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that.
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
'Manorexia' on the rise: Experts blame pressure from male models as more men than ever suffer eating disorders [More]Good Lord.
Yeah, that pressure from male models can be brutal!
Here's me on Independence Day, finally relaxing after barbecuing for 30, doing my best to fight the scourge of manorexia. I'm binging here. I wouldn't have to purge for at least another hour as I recall, although the two Draughtkegs of Heineken and Newcastle Brown Ale were doing their best to work their magic.
Does this cigar make me look phat?
One Hell of an Effective Spokesperson
Michelle Malkin understands the issues.
Point of order:
Still, she really is one of the few who "gets it." And she's always been generous about extending credit to those not as well known. That tells me much about integrity.
True story on this--younger feral son Qusay (well, that name part's not true) came running downstairs telling me some lady said my and Vanderboegh's name on Fox--I was surprised he was watching that channel and he told me he wasn't--he was surfing and just happened to randomly hear it--is that some coincidence or what?
By the way, I had to produce that sound clip because the guy doing promos for my radio show couldn't seem to grok it when I spelled it out for him phonetically.
Point of order:
Still, she really is one of the few who "gets it." And she's always been generous about extending credit to those not as well known. That tells me much about integrity.
True story on this--younger feral son Qusay (well, that name part's not true) came running downstairs telling me some lady said my and Vanderboegh's name on Fox--I was surprised he was watching that channel and he told me he wasn't--he was surfing and just happened to randomly hear it--is that some coincidence or what?
By the way, I had to produce that sound clip because the guy doing promos for my radio show couldn't seem to grok it when I spelled it out for him phonetically.
We're the Only Ones in Need of Help Enough
These officers deserve the same help from the public that a civilian would deserve...[More]Well, first of all, they are civilians. Forgetting that seems one of the reasons we're in this home invasion police state mess we're in. And second, we see how helpful the New Jersey police establishment has been to citizens beset by violent crime--they insist on defenselessness. If anyone gave the officer the kind of help he really needed, none of this tip line after the crime nonsense, they'd have been setting themselves up to be arrested--maybe even by the person they saved.
[Via Michael R]
Frustrated? NYT Has Just the Solution!
Gun lobby sycophants in Congress are calling the regulation a smoke screen to distract attention from a gun-tracking operation botched by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Known straw buyers made purchases that were supposed to lead to the cartels’ main brokers. But hundreds of guns disappeared into Mexico, and two turned up at the scene of a shootout where an American Border Patrol guard was killed. If anything, the ill-conceived operation, which deserves the fullest investigation, is a measure of the firearms bureau’s frustration in dealing with porous American law. [More]
And citizen disarmament sycophants are desperate liars. What a shameful diseased mutation of a free press these creatures have become. What pathetic excuses for journalists, and for human beings.
May history remember their treachery and revile their memory. It will after we win.
[Via Dave Workman's latest]
Worth a Thousand Words
The picture from Cairo University says it all. [More]
I remember first-hand what it was like at my school in Tehran before the fascist theocratic barbarians took over.
You know, regressive, control-everyone leftists...? Anyone doubt that's what the hive insects are?
I remember first-hand what it was like at my school in Tehran before the fascist theocratic barbarians took over.
You know, regressive, control-everyone leftists...? Anyone doubt that's what the hive insects are?
What is Joe DeCecco Afraid Of? Aside from Freedom?
"It is outrageous when, hiding behind a constitutional right, special interest groups' paranoia and extreme views put our officers at risk when they are simply trying to do their sworn duty and remain as safe as possible," said Sheboygan County District Attorney Joe DeCecco in a news release Wednesday. "The present prohibition endangers the officers upon whom we depend for public safety, and reflects the extreme agenda and paranoia of the National Rifle Association and other gun lobbying groups that advanced these provisions. What are they afraid of?" [More]Well, for one thing, we're not afraid of you, you Marxist pig. And we're not hiding. We're marching right out in the open and taking what is ours.
Don't like it? Good.
What the f*** do you think their sworn duty is--or yours, for that matter, you bloated piece of s***?
You don't trust an armed citizenry? Talk about paranoia.
One correction--Ol' Raymond Burr clone here is not a DA. He's a DE.
Will Gunwalker export violations bust criminal investigation wide open?
Those exports were a clear violation of US weapons export laws, and the USGOV knowingly conspired and allowed those weapons to leave the United States without, (1) A valid US Department of State Export License, (2) a valid End Use statement signed by an appropriate Mexican GOV authority attesting as to the use and end destination of the weapons, and (3) a valid Import License issued by the GOV of Mexico documenting approval for the weapons to enter Mexican sovereign territory. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report busts a weapons smuggling ring. Hey, what do you think would happen if this much evidence had been amassed against a private munitions supplier?
This Day in History: July 14
Wednesday, July 14, 1779 Williamsburg to wit: ever attentive to the interests of their country, jealously concerned for its welfare, and justly alarmed at the critical situation in which America stands, some publick spirited inhabitants of this city ... have therefore determined to call for ... a town-meeting, to be held at the town courthouse to-morrow, at 10 o'clock. [More]
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio
- Bilirakis on ICE
- Funding blocked for long gun reporting
- Oathbreak Ridge
- GOA vs Army Corps of Engineers
- It Takes a Village
- Only Ones
- More govt. gunrunning
- Looking for anecdotes in all the wrong places
- "Burn the gun factories"
- Tim Wheeler, MD: Drs. for Responsible Gun Ownership
- Sightmark Eclipse Monocular
- Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that.
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Now THAT'S What I'm Talkin' About...
Republicans vote to block funding for new gun-sale requirements [More]
And Rep. Moran proves what a morON he is with that "virtual wholesale slaughter" bit of public pantie-wetting.
Keep after these bastards--use every damn trick in the book and cede no yardage. Especially when ours is the high ground.
And tell Rep. Rehberg "Thanks."
Shut up, Tom Ridge—Bachmann’s a better candidate than you would be!
Shut up Ridge. Talk about a rascal who needs to be thrown out. As far as I’m concerned “Republicans” like you are bigger threats than any Democrat simply by your ability to subvert the party from the inside. The only people who will listen to you are party hacks über alles, the ignorant, and those who can be cowed. I can’t think of a single freedom-loving man or woman I know and respect who views a bloated statist career parasite like you as anything other than exactly that. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column returns to Oathbreak Ridge. Also catch my Sunday appearance on Armed American Radio.
A Burning Issue
The only way to prevent this sort of thing from happening again is to track the weapon back to the gun manufacturer, then burn its factory to the ground. [More]
You know, the only way to prevent that sort of thing from happening may be to shoot arsonists.
We're the Only Ones Jawboning Enough
"Nobody saw anything, right?" [More]One can only wonder what this big, brave paragon of self control is like when nobody is around to see anything.
[Via Tom S]
On the Rocks
Breaking Story: U.S. Representatives demand answers of ICE in Tampa gunwalking case. [More]I was out when this came in so did not have time to give it immediate attention beyond posting the document on Scribd.
Fire Eric Holder: Send Money
First, please sign our National Petition to Fire Eric Holder...Second, after you sign our Petition, please help NRA's fight this critical battle by making a contribution of $20, $40, $60, $80, $100 or the most generous amount you can afford to NRA Voice of Freedom today. [More]
The first part sounds good on the surface, but what effect will that have on gathering evidence against him, charging him and prosecuting him if he's out of the way and no longer an active target for focus?
Anyway, it's not a "real" petition and it asks for money--Hey, that's exactly what that lying "NRA Winning Team" asshole accused me of doing in his attempt to sabotage my successful one-man drive to remove "collective rights" language from the Federal Register. And who then went on to do exactly what he falsely accused me of doing.
Go figure.
Kind of funny that the folks who had to be dragged kicking and screaming into Gunwalker are now using it for fundraising--of course, I also thought it was kind of funny when they made great hay of their leadership in it at the annual meeting--all the while relegating the award ceremony for those who actually have led on this story off premises, out of sight and away from them.
In terms of the donations they're asking for, I have a better idea: If you have the money to throw at self-serving grandstanding like this, why not instead support the guy taking point in this story? Is a buck a month voluntary subscription really too much to ask for all the value you get from all the work he does?
This Day in History: July 13
Robert Parker, Lieutenant, 2nd NY Artillery, "Rose early in the morning & pursued our journey to camp where we arrived at 8 o'clock, hungry & fatigued." [More]
Today, on The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance Radio
- Bilirakis makes Tampa inquiry
- The Dirty Dozen
- NSSF/Long Gun reporting
- Oath Keepers Threat
- WY permitless carry runs afoul of feds
- Monkeywrenching the long gun reporting requirement
- NM gunrunning to Mexico--by government, naturally
- AZ lawmaker points gun at reporter
- Guy Smith/Gun Facts interview
- Silent Soldier knife
- Gunwalkin' with Vanderboegh
Archives are here. They're posting by the week and replacing the show at each day's link the evening of the broadcast date--or supposed to be--I'm still banging heads with them over that.
Spread the word on this, OK? Nobody else is doing a daily exclusive gun rights broadcast in a major market during morning drive time, and if this works, it could not only create an opportunity to spread to other markets, but also open doors for efforts by others. We complain our voice is not heard in the media--here we've got a foot in the door at an NBC affiliate station to promote a full-blown no compromise message. Just a few short months ago I certainly would never have predicted I'd see that happen--or that I'd be a part of it.
Lineup subject to change without notice.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The Dirty Dozen, Gunwalker-style: Will they all come out like it's Halloween?
One: From the Fifth Floor, we've just begun.Whew. Busy day. Now I have to script tomorrow's show.
Two: The walking plan is new.
Three: The SACs are on a spree. [More]
Bilirakis questions Holder, Melson on Tampa gunwalking allegations
“These reports,” Bilirakis writes, “raise troubling questions about the motives, intentions, and competency of the ATF and DOJ.” [More]Once more Mike and I have an exclusive. Just because the big boys with budgets, staffs and resources are in on the hunt doesn't mean we can hang it up and trust them to do the work.
Does it?
So will you help our much weaker voices get heard by sharing the link?
Racist death threat for Oath Keeper Rhodes debunks SPLC ‘hate watch’ lie
We are not going to let you ‘disappear’ until you are a Darwin award winner safely dead. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the haters don't come from the side that values freedom.
Report Suspicious Activities At Once!
As a service for tipsters who want to see those responsible for these operations held to account, we are now opening a secure email tipline, .I love it! Using a tactic often employed by the anti-gun authoritarian left in the spirit of CUM ULLA SELLA IN PUGNO TABERNA...
You can send tips, photos, or forward emails or documents using your own existing email accounts, or get your own secure email address at [More]
For a safer America!
[Via Bob Owens]
To Be or Not to Be?
Suicide rate in Alabama hits 51-year high [More]Naturally, it's the fault of guns.
Just ask the disarmed Japanese.
Or the Only Ones.
[Via Mama Liberty]
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