In addition to supporting cultural/electoral terraforming (one of their backers is George Soros, after all), it comes a no surprise that one of the many other actions on the Women’s March agenda is clemency for Cyntoia Brown, convicted of premeditated murder for shooting a sleeping man in the back of the head before stealing his money, guns and truck. So naturally, the “commonsense gun safety law advocates” at Moms Demand Action are all about joining forces with their sisters in disarmament. [More]And they call US "racists." For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Moms Demand Action Largely Silent on Overt Women’s March Racism
Saturday, December 29, 2018
‘Bump Stock’ Lawsuit Makes Unique Points to Seek Injunction against Ban
One other factor makes this complaint unique, and that involves a “bump stock” I own that started life as an Akins Accelerator. [More]Once more unto the breach, dear friends...
Friday, December 28, 2018
Blasts from the Past
I'm waiting for AmmoLand to finish site maintenance so I can input my article about the "bump stock" lawsuit I'm a plaintiff in, and expect it will be posted by tonight.
In the mean time, seeing as how one of the core issues is ATF making arbitrary and contradictory rules, the thought occurs that many here now were not around almost a decade ago, and current events have jogged my memory about tangentially-related f***-ups.
These are Internet Archive/Wayback Machine links to two of my old "Gun Rights Examiner" articles. As such, embedded internal links may no longer work.
Like they say, close enough for government wet work...
In the mean time, seeing as how one of the core issues is ATF making arbitrary and contradictory rules, the thought occurs that many here now were not around almost a decade ago, and current events have jogged my memory about tangentially-related f***-ups.
These are Internet Archive/Wayback Machine links to two of my old "Gun Rights Examiner" articles. As such, embedded internal links may no longer work.
- ATF position on pistol grip 'shotguns' creates new danger
- ATF testimony admits many unregistered machine guns allowed by ruling
Like they say, close enough for government wet work...
New York Times Proposes Controlling ‘Legal’ Gun Ownership via Banks
And what those would need in order to be “effective” is an end to cash firearm transactions and private sales. And the credit card purchase records would be de facto registration, meaning finding who bought something that’s now banned or what’s in a “red-flagged” gun owner’s safe. [More]What's in YOUR gun safe?
Thursday, December 27, 2018
It Depend Upon what the Meaning of the Word 'Uninformed' Is
The DA’s office did not lie about anything and neither did the officers. The author of this article is completely uninformed about the facts of the case. [More]Linking to and quoting from the judge's suppression order and presenting a screen shot of the police transcript equates with me being "completely uninformed"? Just on "Anthony's" say-so?
I wonder who he and "Tom" work for...
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Still on Limited Blogging
As noted before Christmas, I'll be on limited blogging throughout the Holiday, probably past the 1st. In addition to family reasons some other demands on my time have come up.
Sorry, I just am not going to be able to deal with tips until mid-week next week.
Obituary Plea for Waiting Period Shows ‘Gun Control’ about Feelings
Words fail to express the helpless sympathy all decent people should feel for this young man’s parents. That said, their torture is no claim against the rights of others, which is what the way they are channeling their grief makes. [More]Grief does not entitle "survivors" to attack the rights of others.
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas 2018
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The rest of my home office, doing double duty for Christmas.. |
My Christmas wish for you is that you have as much love in your life as I have been fortunate to find in mine. It surely beats all the riches in the world.
Merry Christmas.
Now: What in the world are you doing here?
It's Christmas. And if you don't celebrate it, indulge those of us who do.
Go be with the ones you love. If there is no one you love, go fix that. Go do something loving for someone.
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Queen to Queen's Level Three*
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Mr. Spox |
Some have used our October 2017 statement to claim that NRA supports ATF’s final rule, but as NRA-ILA’s Executive Director Chris Cox noted only days after our statement was issued, “We don’t believe that bans have ever worked on anything.” [More]So it must be our bad?
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Trump Choosing Barr for DOJ: No Favor to Gun Owners
On the DeConcini amendment, I would prefer a limitation on the clip size. But ultimately, I would recommend the President sign a bill that had the Brady waiting period and the DeConcini assault weapons provisions in it as long as we had other tough crime measures in it that dealt with the other problems. And I have not considered before whether the waiting period should apply to assault weapons, but -- and I want to think about that, but off the top of my head, I don't think there should be an objection to that. [More]And the hits just keep on coming...
Welcome to the Party, Pals
Senior Justice Dept. officials told Whitaker signing gun regulation might prompt successful challenge to his appointment [More]You don't say.
Friday, December 21, 2018
Tipping Point
With Christmas week approaching, family obligations are going to keep blogging here to a minimum. I need to focus on that which I think is necessary to share and also to promote links to my latest articles.
As regular WarOnGuns Correspondents know, I do my best to post and comment on links you send me, to credit you, and to email back links to resulting posts. I need to suspend that practice until after Christmas and focus what time I have to make sure my essential work gets done.
I appreciate that some of you consistently spend time sharing articles of interest with me and your fellow readers. Thanks for understanding that I need to pass on your tips for a while.
We're Moving!
If your rights are in any way delayed due to this imposed inability to comply with mandated prior restraints, tough. [More]
Hanlon's Razor* Reversed?
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So Mr. Spox may not be the Vulcan chessmaster he's cracked up to be?
I have an alternative theory: Fairfax is in symbiosis with the Deep State. I would not be surprised to find they set Trump up to alienate his base and allow the swamp to seep back in.
[Via Felix B]
A Question of Capacity
A robbery was thwarted Wednesday night when a pizza delivery man struggled with an assailant who wielded a loaded rifle magazine, police said. [More]So is the problem the proliferation of "high capacity" magazines or low capacity reptiles?
[Via William T]
We're the Only Ones Animal-Loving Enough
Bossier City Police Officer arrested for filming himself having sex with an animal [More]At least now we know why he wanted to get home at the end of his shift...
[Via bondmen]
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Child' Is
US leads the world in child gun deaths [More]I wonder if "adolescents ages ... to 19" gives us any clues...
[Via bondmen]
Not Worth the Paper It's Printed On
Forty-two-year-old Christopher Kelley was charged Wednesday with possessing a firearm despite a domestic violence order of protection. [More]Wait a minute -- that would be against the law...
[Via bondmen]
Michael will be calling me at 11:24 Eastern this morning to talk my take on the "bump stock" ban and more.
Assuming most of us are outside the KPEG/KGTL broadcast range you can listen via livestream on the show's website or on Facebook, where I understand you can give feedback plus listen in during the commercial breaks.
Why Isn’t the NRA Screaming About the Bump Stock Ban?
Good question. [More]
We know why.
The rest of this is about what you'd expect from this appropriately-named and fearful little bigot.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
New York Court Order Concludes Gun Permit Insufficient Cause for Car Search
“The Court does not find that the search of the Defendant's car was justified in any manner and accordingly grants the Defendant's motion and suppresses any evidence obtained from the search of the Defendant's car,” George E. Fufidio, Judge of the Westchester County Court wrote. [More]I see some in comments questioning the defendant's choices. That's not the significance of this, the judge's order is. Since the DA is going to appeal, the issue is what can permit holders do to make sure the judge's opinion is not overturned?
See, There's Good Evil and There's Bad Evil
Public university admits it exempts race-based clubs from discrimination rules to give them a ‘safe space’ [More]And no, of course not everyone is allowed to decide what's kept out of a safe space for them. Depending, that would be racist!
[Via Michael G]
The Equalizer
Missoula math prof 'made use of my handgun to tip the balance of power' in home invasion [More]What a weakling, right, "entertainer Henry Rollins"?
And so much for bloodthirsty gun owners-- the presence of a firearm in moral hands actually averted violence.
Curious, how Opposite Day "progressives" claiming egalitarian motives are so rabidly opposed to equalizers...
[Via Michael G]
So THAT's What the Founders Meant...
The alarming upshot of the ruling is its suggestion that Title IX may sometimes require colleges to censor or block all students’ access to certain internet sites or services based solely on anonymous statements made in an online forum that the university does not control, by people who may not be on campus, or even affiliated with the university at all. [More]I mean, read it yourself...
[Via Michael G]
No Sympathy
This Parkland dad blamed gutlessness, not guns, for tragedy. For that he faced vile abuse [More]Right. Anyone opposing totalitarians must be destroyed.
[Via Michael G]
Pretty Neat Trick
Represent constituent views on "gender identity" and be labeled a pro-lynching racist. [More]
They sure know how to lead "Republicans" around by the nose.
[Via Mack H]
About That 'Wall of Separation'...
Exclusive: Nation of Islam receiving federal cash to teach prisoners [More]Well, OK, as long as they do nothing offensive...
[Via William T]
The Fake News Network
Winner of CNN’s ‘Journalist of the Year’ Award Admits He Fabricated Stories [More]This is CNN.
Right down to the excuse-making and blame-apportioning...
[Via William T]
We're Number One!
Least-Educated State: California No. 1 in Percentage of Residents 25 and Older Who Never Finished 9th Grade; No. 50 in High School Graduates [More]What a coincidence-- those are the same ratings Brady and Giffords give them!
[Via William T]
Too many firefighters are white men and that’s a problem that needs to be fixed [More]What they really mean is too many citizens are white men and that's a problem that needs to be fixed.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Familial Enough
Florida deputy kills 3 family members, including child, then himself [More]So using widely-parroted gun-grabber "logic," all police officers are law-abiding until they're not?
[Via bondmen]
Ready of Not, Here We Come
Incoming Democrats Ready Bill That Will Criminalize Private Gun Sales [More]If they were truly interested in background checks as opposed to identifying gun owners, they'd be satisfied with BIDS.
And there's plenty more here, although some of the links will need to be looked up in the Wayback Machine. Alan Korwin and I tried to bring it up at the GRPC a few years back and were shut down by "the management."
[Via bondmen]
The Intolerable Act
Bump Stock Rule Bumps Up Against the Constitution [More]Good analysis.
I just checked the Federal Register and don't see it published yet. I believe tomorrow is the day the clock will start.
Have you read the rule? I mean really read it?
Anyone bloviating about bump stocks being expendable and how we were lucky that this is the hit "we" took either hasn't or didn't understand the implications of what they were reading.
Have you seen the destruction mandate? Cut or don't cut a piece the wrong way as ordered and possession means we're gonna getcha. Obey or be destroyed.
It strikes that not only redefines "machinegun," it de facto redefines "firearm" if having the wrong slice of plastic stock is enough to put us away.
These are terms of surrender. This is an Intolerable Act.
We're the Only Ones Multi-Tasking Enough
Webster County Sheriff Timothy Seth Mitchell, 53, was charged with two counts of embezzlement; two counts of trafficking in stolen firearms; one count of attempting sex and/or sexual acts with an inmate; one count of tampering with physical evidence; three counts of retaliation against a witness; one count of permitting possession and/or sale of controlled substance in jail; and two counts of furnishing an inmate with weapons, cell phone, and narcotics. [More]Well you know what they say, the devil finds work for idle hands...
The New Normal
BOY DANCES AT GAY BAR: 'THIS REALLY IS CHILD ABUSE' - 11-year-old on stage in drag as men throw dollar bills [More]Give it a few years and anyone against it will be "haters," with all the social and economic ostracism that implies.
I won't be surprised to see the learning and performance of acts part of the required school curriculum.
Rhymes with 'Wall-less'
GUTLESS PRESIDENT IN WALL-LESS COUNTRY [More]You wouldn't think a man so beset by mortal enemies would drive away those who want to support him and the promises he made.
I still see those insisting that this, the "bump stock" disaster (and convince me Deep State Fairfax didn't set him up on that) and the rest of his recent reversals are all part of some genius move where he's three steps ahead of everybody.
This is like a Greek tragedy unfolding before us.
When 'Progressives' Collide
AMY SCHUMER Claims War On Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show ... IS WORKING! [More]Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch!
Besides, they've served their use to her.
Figures she's also a racist:
"I will continue to do everything I can. Even with all the snide little white sports writer making cutting remarks."It's part of the narrative.
London Breed is Falling Down
Breed’s letter asking for brother’s clemency may ‘backfire’ [More]Entitled much?
But hey, she's tough on "crime."
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Tacit Admission
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Note that their response does not deny that but instead they deflect and change the subject.
Bump Stock Ban Signed by Acting AG to Prompt Legal Challenges
Ironically, if the challenge from these anti-gun senators is upheld, it could conceivably invalidate everything Whitaker signs, including the “bump stock ban.” [More]Anyone who thinks this is “just about bump stocks” is missing the point.
We're the Only Ones a Driving Force Enough
"Oh, I told them," he said, "... don't pass, you know, anything related to guns. I asked them to repeal guns in cars." [More]You know, the "legal" ones, because the "illegal"ones are already prohibited.
Besides, we all know police are the "Only Ones" who can be trusted with guns in cars in Memphis.
Their elected communist "leaders" said it, I believe it,that settles it.
[Via Bluesgal]
Thanks for the Tip
Mr. Buchanan: We Are Not a Democracy—And the World Needs to Learn From Us [More]I don't think Buchanan is confused -- his column is critical of the results of democracy and does give a nod to "Republic." I think his critic is taking this out of context of the whole body of Pat's work and missing those nuances.
Does Buchanan really have to include a caveat every time he uses the word for those who evidently haven't been following along?
And why does this come to mind?
[Via Mack H]
Call of Duty
Police, schools had no duty to protect Parkland school shooting victims, judge rules [More]Gee, really?
Time to stir the useful idiots up for more self and student protection prohibtions.
[Via Mack H]
School of Hard Knocks
From rapes to arsons to guns, Florida’s school districts are hiding countless crimes that take place on campus, defying state laws and leaving parents with the false impression that children are safer than they are. [More]Yeah, we saw.
It's just a matter of prioritie$.
Who "want[s] to scare away students as funding is based on enrollment "?
Especially when you can just scapegoat gun owners to facilitate the disarmament goal?
[Via William T]
A Pretty Inflated Opinion of Herself
Schumer gushed, “Oh, I love my body. I love my breasts. I love my arse. I love my vagina. I love my legs. I love my arms. I love my ears. I love my toes. And they all move and are healthy, [so] I’m grateful.”[More]Why do I feel a sudden impulse to check my tire pressure...?
[Via William T]
Dealing with Effects
Lesson 1: A failure to recognize past failures dictates calls for more restrictive legislation...Lesson 2: Politicians prefer grand gestures over measured policies...Lesson 3: Long term and secondary consequences are rarely considered. [More]All true, but there's a more fundamental and evil dynamic that's left unaddressed.
[Via William T]
The Law is What We Say It is
... Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto held a press conference to propose a trio of anti-gun city ordinances that, if enacted, would constitute a direct violation of Pennsylvania’s state firearms preemption law and Pennsylvania Supreme Court precedent. [More]There will be no justice until those violating the law are arrested, prosecuted and punished.
Do such teeth for personal accountability exist, and if not, why not?
Sorry -- I just caught myself buying into the "There's no such thing as a stupid question" lie...
[Via Jess]
Beyond Measure
Measuring Left-Wing Authoritarianism in America [More]Hey, you with the banned Pez dispenser: Are you gonna bake me a cake or what?
[Via Michael G]
The Company He Keeps
Meanwhile, in his professional capacity as Alcoff, he’s been quoted in press releases from Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein of California and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin and appeared at an event with Democratic Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia outside the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in March and has been pictured alongside Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown and California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters. [More]There's overt and there's covert.
[Via Rusty Shackleford]
We're the Only Ones Blacklisted Enough
St. Louis prosecutor's office, police commander must explain list of blacklisted officers, judge says [More]Aren't things like official (mis?)conduct better kept buried, ignored and "need-to-know"?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Assimilated Enough
The legislation would force any city with a population of 5,000 or less with an area of less than two square miles to disband their police department and contract for law enforcement services with either the county police department or a larger neighboring city. [More]We are the Borg...
Besides, local accountability is overrated, at least if the great object is total, global control.
[Via bondmen]
Fire marshal files court papers alleging FDNY cover-up in death of firefighter in Harlem during filming of Edward Norton movie - “There is no doubt in the professional opinion of (Specht) that Edward Norton’s movie production company was the precipitating cause of the fire that caused the death of Firefighter Davidson,” the notice of claim says. [More]Hey, "carbon footprints" don't apply to Big Club members.
[Via bondmen]
The Art of the Deal
It was unclear if Mexico would give anything in return. [More]To be fair, they've already sent us their homeless and tempest-tossed...
Mystery to Me
Officials baffled by large migrant groups at remote crossing [More]Whatever could be driving them to escape detection?
Rendering Unto Caesar
Bear has some suggestions for sending more than demanded and then some. [More]
If I had a "bump stock" (say, something I had no use for until being told I couldn't have one and got just to establish standing -- and that's a big "if"), my inclination along with filing a lawsuit would be to follow the #IWillNotComply paradigm.
If I were inclined to surrender my property, I might be inclined to turn it over to another government agency first, my local federal collection center, addressed to ATF (c/o 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.?) and marked "POSTAGE DUE -- CONTAINS BUMP STOCK" and let them deal with the additional uncompensated expense:
Maybe I'd even do it wearing a large hat and sunglasses, or a disguise, just in case that's frowned upon through regulations.
Then again, I like my first inclination better. If I had a bump stock...
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Another One Bites the Dust
First Bill of Rights Day and now this:
UPDATE: Looks like they have been persuaded to reconsider. Now to figure out why it happened, or as I suspect, who complained to make it happen.
Bear runs through many of the technical flaws. [More]
I have an AmmoLand piece submitted and to be posted soon highlighting some of the legal challenges coming out.
Scarcely Containing Their Disappointment
Life in the Glass House
State Sen. Kevin Parker ordered a government aide to kill herself Tuesday in a public tweet that has since been deleted. [More]This is the corrupt punk who wants to use social media posts to ban people from owning guns,
[Via Felix B]
What Did Goldfinger Say?
The White House School Safety Commission’s report recommends gun confiscation orders as part of an overarching response to mass shootings in gun-free schools. [More]Once is happenstance...?
Twice is coincidence...?
The third time is what, again?
What is going on with this guy?
[Via Wynn A]
Felons by Spring
The new regulations, which were signed by acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, will take effect 90 days after being published in the Federal Register. A Justice Department official said that would likely happen Friday. [More]We'll just see about that.
[Via Roger J]
UPDATE: GOA to file suit.
Isn't it Good Norwegian Wood?
This self-delusion about Islam can take extreme forms. Glazov mentions the Norwegian activist Karsten Nordal Hauken, whose main response, after being anally raped by a Somali migrant, was to feel profound guilt over his rapist’s subsequent deportation. [More]This biological dead-end is just an outlier. Useful idiots intent on subjecting us all to their delusions are everywhere.
[Via Mack H]
A Preventable 'Reign of Terror'
Garcia has a lengthy criminal record that dates back to 2002, including charges for illegal firearm possession and meth, according to the Fresno Bee. Before his 2014 deportation, Garcia had three Immigration and Customs Enforcement violations. Boudreaux wouldn’t confirm Garcia's immigration status at the time of his death or what country Garcia originated from. *Why the hell not?
Boy, if this doesn't call for disarming you and me, I don't know what does.
[Via Wynn A]
* Fox News does not allow access to Blogger links. To read, copy and paste: .
Keep Your Enemies Close and Your 'Friends' Closer
How Republicans Have Damaged the 2nd Amendment- 12 Firearms News Articles That You Should Read [More]And then share...
A Broader Effort
With backing from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and key chairmen, Democrats will move to require federal background checks on all gun sales, part of a broader effort by the party to advance long-stalled gun control measures. [More]You know, that "slippery slope" we're "paranoid" about...
And Swampublican turncoats will be happy to join them.
It Happens Every Time
Democratic gains raise odds for gun control in Minnesota [More]You don't say.
Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."
Meanwhile, Over at the Front Lines of Caucasiaphobia...
Healing from Internalized Whiteness [More]Meet "the teacher":
As a person with multiple marginalized identities...So are we talking "Three Faces of Eve" or "The Exorcist" here...?
[Via Mack H]
It's Academic
The Network of Concerned Academics claims that the Trump administration has “manufactured a media crisis around issues of free speech.” [More]And to prove it they're going to shut down anyone who disagrees.
[Via Michael G]
Getting in Touch with His Inner Collectivist
For 2 years I felt like a fraud as a Republican [More]You are a fraud. Posing as a Republican was an effect, not a cause.
[Via Mack H]
A Bold Move
In a bold move to address its affordable-housing crisis and confront a history of racist housing practices, Minneapolis has decided to eliminate single-family zoning, a classification that has long perpetuated segregation. [More]Well that'll ensure a dependent constituency. And result in more flight, reduced property values and... I guess developers bribe better than house realtors?
Hey, who thinks "gun violence" will go down?
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Kidding Around Enough
Virginia sheriff's captain arrested for child porn gets no jail time [More]At least now we know what he was doing after he made it home at the end of his shift...
But wait: the source story points to a problematic scarcity of evidence.
I say we apply the Chief Shaw standard.
[Via Jeffersonian]
A Fair and Equitable Process...
...Opposite Day "progressive"-style... [More]
Chief Shaw's attitude sure is telling:
“From my experience and knowledge, people just don’t say that people made terroristic threats out of nowhere,” he said of the anonymous complainants. “It has to come or stem from something, so you have to help us out here.”What could go wrong?
[Via Mack H]
Not the 'Only Ones'
Oregon GOP Official Suggests Hiring Private Militias as Security for Republicans [More]The author seems all over the board on that, and the Three Percenters photo caption pretty much shows subject matter ignorance resulting in the spreading of misinformation.
[Via William T]
Your Tax Dollars at Work
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[Via Len Savage]
Your Lying Eyes
Nvidia’s Scary AI Generates Humans That Look 100% Real [More]True, as with all tools, the potential for victimizing others through abuse exists.
Anyone who can't be trusted with AI...
On the plus side, who needs overprivileged useful idiot "Hollywood stars" anymore?
Monday, December 17, 2018
Papen Smear
Controversial Playboy model Marisa Papen is arrested for nude photos of her being crucified on a cross at the Vatican [More]Pull that offensive stunt at Al-Haram Mosque, you stupid piece of attention-seeking meat, and get crucified for real.
In the Beginning...
Full Measure’s Sharyl Attkisson originally reported the government’s Fast and Furious (then referred to as “Project Gunrunner”) connection to Agent Terry’s murder in southern Arizona. [More]Wanna put money on that?
[Via Keith B]
Just Securing the Power Here...
Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper on Friday vetoed legislation implementing a voter photo identification mandate that was added to the state's constitution in a recent referendum, teeing up a likely veto override by Republican lawmakers. [More]So will we hear a word from any "gun groups" on why this threatens them so? Did we hear any before the election, when he made his views known?
Fish or Cut Bait
The deadline for Congress to pass a funding bill is Dec. 21 and if he caves on getting money for his so-called “wall,” there's no reason for Democrats, or worse, his supporters, to ever take him seriously again. [More]Word.
CNN's Lemon Appears To Use Sexual Slur, Immediately Claims He Doesn't Know What It Means [More]Ah, the old Snuffy defense!
And tell me he doesn't know that term and more.
We're the Only Ones Slamming Enough
Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik slammed New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy over a gun law that bans off-duty officers in the state from carrying magazines holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. [More]But he's fine if it applies to you.
There sure are a lot of copsuckers over in comments.
Teach Your Children Well
It was his understanding that his daughter was angry when she got to school and told her teacher of the spanking, and her teacher reported it to her school. [More]Good child of the state! Informing on your parents is an old "progressive" tradition!
And it turns out there are "doubts" about Arambula's public statements.
That'd be a shame if a California Democrat became a prohibited person, don't you think?
Grabbing More Than Guns
Lawrence issued a statement on Friday denying that they had a sexual relationship. [More]Wait a sec-- I thought we were always supposed to believe the allegations...?
And seeing as how Katnip or whatever he name is shares another lust with Harvey, maybe she'd like to get another gig from him if he ever gets back on top.
She Had Other Priorities
A misconduct claim naming one of Kamala Harris’ top deputies arrived at the California Department of Justice three months before Harris left the attorney general’s office in early 2017. [More]Hey, look, being a successful domestic enemy is a full-time job...
Why? Because We Like You!
Actor in Disney kids show filming in SLC arrested for allegedly enticing 13-year-old [More]You got something against Disney family values...?
To Each According to Our Dictates
An Extra $500 A Month? 100 Residents To Be Selected For Basic Income Pilot Program [More]Only "100"? What happened to "equal protection"?
And "residents"? Not "citizens"?
Figures the capital would be full-blown Marxist...
Ours is Not to Reason Why?
Martyr Without A Discernible Cause [More]Dare we ask "Why?"
I have a feeling it's not because of this.
News You Can Wipe With
And it appears those tasked with informing the public had no idea who the players were or what they were looking at...
The Opposite Day 'Progressive' Moral Compass
Sen. Barbara Bollier changes party affiliation to Democrat, says Republican party ‘morally not going where my compass resides’ [More]So can she be sued by those duped into supporting her for false advertising and mail fraud?
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Licensed to Kill Enough
An unbelievably horrifying story and one you probably haven’t heard [More]I guess what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
[Via Michael G]
Where Will We Go for Our Lies?
The same week that The Weekly Standard’s troubles broke, Vanity Fair dropped a bombshell report about the struggles faced by those hip, millennial-targeted left-wing rags with the cool names and rabidly anti-Trump headlines strewn across your social media feed. Vice, Vox, Mic, Buzzfeed, Mashable — they’re all either looking for buyers or seriously reevaluating their strategies in hopes of becoming profitable. Mic laid off most of its workers. Vice and Vox are firing staff left and right. [More]Lord Vader speaks for me.
[Via William T]
The Manly-Man
“Less Bullets, more brains. The strong don’t need guns. Guns are tools of the weak. If you disagree with me, it’s OK, you’re wrong.” [More]And what a strong man "entertainer Henry Rollins" presents himself as!
My money would be on a 14-year-old girl...
Good article I got the quote from, by the way...
[Via Michael G]
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