A Chesterfield County man has been sentenced to serve 25 years in prison for fatally stabbing his wife in the presence of his four children while he was free on bond for a charge of assaulting her 10 days earlier. [More]
Friday, February 26, 2021
Let Me Take a Stab at It and Say This was Preventable
Today on Armed American Radio's 'Daily Defense'
See ya in a bit.TODAY, presented by @Xinsurance on #ArmedAmericanRadio with host Mark Walters its special guest and fan favorite, @dcodrea David Codrea from #WarOnGuns. 4-5p ET, 1-2p PT available LIVE stream @opslens and https://t.co/KjfoJfuN3P. pic.twitter.com/5DA9521n0v
— Armed American Radio with host Mark Walters (@aarmark) February 26, 2021
'Only Ones' No More
Former Rocky Mount officers forbidden from carrying guns while awaiting trial on Capitol-related charges [More]
The lawyer's argument about why the gun ban "should not apply" to cops did not exactly move me...
[Via Mack H]
Because They Can
With President Joe Biden in the White House, Communist China is moving “with a scope and speed few here anticipated,” the WSJ noted. “Everything that’s happening in Hong Kong today was unimaginable a year ago,” a Hong Kong pro-democracy activist told the business newspaper. [More]
Interesting, how Democrats have exactly the opposite effect their name implies...
[Via Michael G]
Judged by Deeds
Kavanaugh and Barrett’s Share of the Shame - The Trump-appointed justices’ alliance with the liberal wing of the Supreme Court is not a betrayal of Republicans or the president who appointed them. It’s a betrayal of the Constitution. [More]
I trust some will forgive me for not blindly jumping on the bandwagon and recommending a more verification-driven approach than some who were given to superlatives...?
[Via Mack H]
All Things Being Equal...
Here are the three GOP lawmakers who voted for the Equality Act [More]
Red flag, arm the criminals, ban guns to those old enough to serve, yet somehow "Vote Freedom First!" Katko?
Along with "open to infringements" Reed "leadership role" Fitzpatrick...?
[Via Mack H]
A Second Chance
Now all they need is honest judges.BREAKING: in a decision just handed down, the 9th Circuit agreed to reconsider its Aug 2020 decision that California’s ban on standard capacity magazines violates the 2nd Amendment. Here's our statement on this movement in #Duncan v. Becerra: https://t.co/KjUEszbAZy
— CRPA: California Rifle & Pistol Association (@CRPAnews) February 25, 2021
Not Without a Fight
Ravnsborg does not plan to go down without a fight. “At no time has this issue impeded his ability to do the work of the office,” Mike Deaver, his private spokesman, said in a statement. "Instead, he has handled some of the largest settlements and legislative issues the state has ever been through." [More]
I guess we all react differently. If my negligence caused the death of an innocent person, I would probably be so guilt-ridden and ashamed I would be unable to work, and if I did crawl out of my hole it would be to devote my life to atonement and attempting impossible-to-make restitution. I certainly wouldn't be able to bury myself in taking freedom away from those who committed lesser offenses and then crowing about it.
[Via Michael G]
'White by Adjacency' Privilege
Chinese-American Rights Group Calls Critical Race Theory ‘Hateful Fraud’ [More]
They gotta be racists, right?
I mean, just look at their hateful goals...
[Via Michael G]
If at First You Don' t Succeed
Cancel Culture comes for Thomas Jefferson...and fails miserably [More]
They'll be back.
[Via Michael G]
Use Your Imagination
Reimagining Rights & Responsibilities in the U.S [More]
Now imagine millions of us saying "No."
This will probably end up needing an article, there is just so much wrong with it.
[Via bondmen]
A Disturbance in the Force
Disturbing that a vehicle displaying an anti-gov’t extremist Three Percenter sticker was parked at the Capitol. [More]
More disturbing, that an honorable, patriotic and Godly concept has been appropriated by so many who are ignorant of its meaning and smeared by totalitarian sympathizers and liars.
[Via bondmen]
In Soviet America, Law Breaks You!
We live in a world in which everything has been criminalized. And some professors have even opined that there's not an American alive who hasn't committed a felony in some—under some state law," Gorsuch told the state's lawyer. [More]
Where have I heard that before?
[Via bondmen]
Beach Baby, Beach Baby Give Me Your Hand
Man accused of trying to drown, bury wife alive at California beach [More]
Anyone who can't be trusted with water and sand...
[Via bondmen]
Dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock
Man who witnessed dead inmate in Justice Center says he’s been silenced [More]
So even when they have complete physical control of your living space, authorities not only can't ensure your safety, they cover it up when they fail?
[Via bondmen]
A Gun in the Home
One of three men who barged into a south Denver home Saturday night and ordered people to the ground in an attempted robbery later walked into urgent care with gunshot wounds as his colleagues sped away. [More]
I wonder how Vox's Dylan Matthews would have fared.
[Via bondmen]
Meanwhile, Over at the Bundesamt für Untersuchungen
Can We Reform a FBI that Behaves Like a Gestapo? [More]
Baseless Nation
Mail-in ballots and voting machines banned in France [More]
What do they know that "we" aren't allowed to?
[Via Michael G]
Another Death Due to 'Gun Violence'
Koch pulled out a gun and ordered a man and his 9-year-old daughter out of a pickup truck ... Police said they pursued and gunfire was exchanged. [More]
At least he's being remembered.
[Via Michael G]
Teacher Spreads Clap to Fight Racism
As far as her musical skills go, I'd say "Don't give up your day job," except it would be so much better for so many children if she did. [More]
There's something in the eyes...
I'd say "Thank God she's not my problem," except people like this always seem to find a way to make it so...
[Via Michael G]
Check THIS Out
Democrats Pass Go To Library Go To Prison Bill Out Of Committee [More]
Hey, "progressives" don't carry books for your kind anyway.
A New Addition to the Family
Bennett County is South Dakota’s 1st Second Amendment Sanctuary County [More]
UPDATE - And this just in:
Montour County, Pennsylvania is now a Bill of Rights Sanctuary County
Still Got Them Yellowstain Blues
Boehner goes off script, tells Cruz to "go f**k yourself" [More]
Attack of the Trumptards
WAS GAGA TARGETED? Lady Gaga cops probing whether dognapper shooting was ‘politically motivated’ after she sang at Biden’s inauguration [More]
Yes, everything about them just screams "Republicans!"
And everything about this screams "commonsense gun laws"!
Speaking of which, it's nice to know the dog that got away "was then picked up by one of Gaga's bodyguards."
The Heretic Must Burn!
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul used the Senate confirmation hearing for Dr. Rachel Levine to falsely compare gender-affirming treatment for kids to genital mutilation. [More]
These damned revolutionaries are going to spoil everything!
Anonymous Snitch Group to Dox ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Trump Voters

That’s not the only thing that’s cowardly about all this. If you want to be a snitch, you have the option to turn in friends, family, and acquaintances anonymously, just like the Stalinists, the Nazis, and the Chicoms! [More]
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Scalia's Critical Error As The 2nd Amendment Literally Requires Military Weapons Ownership by Citizens
What the antis disparage as “weapons of war” are precisely what “We the People” are entitled to have. That’s why the militia was deemed “necessary to the security of a free State” by the Founders. [More]
As Tench Coxe reminded us, "Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American..." You'd think an "originalist" would have known that.
An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Arizona Lawmakers to Cops: You Should Convict People Before You Take Their Stuff [More]
That'll never work.
[Via Michael G]
The Color of Money
Black Lives Matters Brought in $90 Million in 2020, but Local Chapters See Little of That Money [More]
So could I get in trouble for "Pimp My Yacht"?
[Via Michael G]
The Fewer, the Proud...
Why It's Going to Be Much Harder to Make Expert Under the Marines' New Rifle Qual Standard [More]
That's racist!
[Via Jess]
Fits the Profile...
“The Don’t Tread on Me tags say he probably has guns and is probably angry at some minority or politician,” a response to the post read as Adams Morgan residents and users of the community-based Next Door social media platform began to panic over the sight of the truck. [More]
The SPLC's work is finished here!
[Via Jess]
Day Late and Dollar Short
Georgia Senate Passes Bill Requiring Voter I.D. For Absentee Ballots [More]
Cue the furious screams of "Disenfranchisement!" in 3...2...1...
[Via Michael G]
Nobody Knows the Trouble She's Seen
Read it now, as it may well disappear when the NYT staff inform Sulzberger that it threatens their safety to have facts published in the newspaper. [More]
I had to right-click the Times link and open this in an incognito window to get past the paywall.
I don't suppose it occurs to anyone to send the lying racist ingrate back to her glorious homeland?
If anyone from there has room to complain:
Armed men abducted and beheaded a five-year-old albino girl in Mali at the weekend, police said, in what was feared to be a ritual murder for supposedly magic body parts.
How she can afford to go to Smith with the per capita annual GDP of her countrymen unable to afford the plane ticket that brought her here speaks not so much to the discrimination she's had to endure as it does, as long as we're free to throw unfounded charges around, to the brutal corruption her family may well have had to excel at.
[Via Michael G]
Preserve Those Touching Family Memories
First Amendment Right to Videorecord TSA Patdown of Your Family Member [More]
And if you get Mad Maxie, you may be able to monetize it on Pornhub.
[Via Michael G]
It's Patriotic When THEY Do It
House takes first step in contested election review that may result in Republican being unseated [More]
And only a Nazi would cry "Baseless!"
[Via Michael G]
Feel the Unity and Healing
Student columnist calls white peers returning to campus an ‘invasive species’ [More]
Between that and "vermin," I'd say we've pretty much been dehumanized enough for Phase Two...
[Via Michael G]
Consistent Editorial Standards
USA Today opinion writer: 'Bury the 500,000 COVID dead at Mar-a-Lago' [More]
I guess that's an improvement over wanting to kill gun owners.
Special Considerations
Special prosecutor appointed in case of gun-waving couple in St. Louis [More]
Note the difference in how the release of names is treated.
Hey, they gotta build on the narrative of who is violent and dangerous.
[Via bondmen]
Don't It Make My Red State Blue?
Goldman Sachs Says Urban Flight To Last For Years [More]
And guess how most are going to vote.
[Via bondmen]
A Reliable Poll
Democrat Voters Overwhelmingly Believe “Trump Supporters” Are The #1 Problem In The Country [More]
If you think about it, for them we are.
[Via bondmen]
Speaking of Systemic
44% of libs believe police killed 1,000 or more black men in 2019: It was actually 25 [More]
Just keep the truth confined to "conservative media" and the narrative'll be fine.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Unaccountable Enough
The well-placed sources told RCI the plainclothes officer has gone into hiding out of fear for his safety. [More]
What's to worry about if they won't tell us who he is?
Well, they could, but you know what happens next.
When the government can "legally" hide the identity of its agents who kill citizens and keep the evidence at their disposal from being publicly scrutinized, it's pretty much game over for peaceable redress. I wonder if anyone doing that gets that.
Curious, how the DSM universally doesn't give a damn.
[Via bondmen]
UPDATE: Who was that masked man? Seems like Cooper's Rules, not to mention the truth, don't apply to trained Only Ones.The Family Way
Family of shooter who opened fired in a gun store now claiming he was ‘murdered’ by those who stopped him [More]
Where have we heard that before...?
[Via bondmen]
Narrative to Continue Unimpeded
Law Enforcement Confirms What We Already Knew About The Capitol Riots, Obliterates Democrats’ Narrative [More]
Yeah, but who reads Red State?
[Via bondmen]
Not So Smart Bomb
A New York man died and his brother was injured on Sunday when a small explosive device meant to be used as part of a gender reveal party malfunctioned and exploded. [More]
How can "some kind of pipe [with] explosive material" malfunction if it performed exactly as misdesigned?
And I thought revealing gender was noninclusively binary and premature until Rachel Levine says it's time to operate...
[Via bondmen]
Secrets of the Trade
The Lies Aren’t Secret - Thanks to friendly courts, the Deep State continues to avoid accountability, triumphant at home and abroad. [More]
We could tell you but we'd have to kill you.
[Via Michael G]
It's a Start
Right now however, I’d like to ask you to help our friends in Yamhill County where tomorrow they will be considering a Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance to protect not only residents of Yamhill, but anyone who visits there. Fashioned after successful ordinances in other counties, their SASO simply says that the county will not spend money or police manpower arresting law abiding gun owners whose only crime is being the target of leftists in Portland. [More]
It's one leg of the stool, anyway...
Speaking of Undercurrents
He brandished it for the webcam, then set it aside. [More]
That and guns are evidently racist.
You ought to go far in the AP, John Flesher.
[Via Mack H]
Late to the Party
Via LinkedIn:
I rarely visit my LinkedIn account because I'm not looking for work and I haven't found it to be an effective place to promote my articles. That said, I had occasion to go there this morning and found this notification from a month ago.Gallup Gun Law ‘Satisfaction’ Poll Fails to Ask Most Important Question of All
The reason politicians “rely” on such polls like this latest bit of Gallup nonsense is to ascertain how successful they’ve been in swindling the ignorant out of their rights, and to determine what could work to further spook the herd. [More]
Who better to ask than those who really don't know a damn thing "thanks" to media lies of commission and omission?
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
It's Good to be the King
Governor Andrew Cuomo has created a culture within his administration where sexual harassment and bullying is so pervasive that it is not only condoned but expected. His inappropriate behavior toward women was an affirmation that he liked you, that you must be doing something right. He used intimidation to silence his critics. And if you dared to speak up, you would face consequences. [More]
So Cuomosexuality is a disorder...?
[Via Mack H]
UPDATE:Andrew Cuomo accused of sexual harassment; leading liberal women refuse comment
And in the Meantime, They'll Be Giving Bloomberg Our Data
"Tech co. believes that a more equitable world will be built by people with organizing superpowers. To achieve this vision, we are building one seamless, intuitive, and intelligent platform that integrates data, tools, and experiences to give anyone those superpowers," reads one job listing for chief technology officer. [More]
Not "anyone." That "left/right" blather is just that.
You can bet anyone who doesn't pass ideological muster will be "deplatformed" quicker than you can say "baseless."
A Spool of Prevention
Minneapolis Sets Up Barbed Wire Fence as George Floyd Murder Trial Approaches [More]
Who do these people think they are? Congress?
That a Democrat administration is doing this against a more radical faction tells me that schism could split wide open and fracture into many pieces.
[Via Michael G]
Heimatschutzministerium News
Democrat Ministry of Propaganda: DHS Blames “Right Wing Terrorists” for 2020’s Antifa/BLM Leftwing Terror [More]
[Via Michael G]
A Subject Matter Expert
An MSNBC political analyst who once encouraged terrorists to blow up a Trump Tower building is set to testify in a House hearing on domestic terrorism. [More]
With the understanding that Trump is an avatar, what he really means is your house.
[Via Michael G]
All Budenovka and No Cattle
War on Texas Is a War on America - Opening the border, relaxing voter integrity laws. [More]
And as with the War on America, their greatest enemy is domestic.
[Via Mack H]
Speaking of Sideshow Busts...
Shots fired near kids, bricks thrown at officers: Kansas City police detail sideshow bust [More]
Now hold the damn phone: I thought Hizzoner made those illegal...?
Next, you're gonna be telling me his Bloomberg Coalition membership is meaningless...
[Via Steve T]
How Much More Can We Make THEM Endure?
The important thing is not to snap and then lose it, because that ignores Patton's maxim and won't end well.
When it comes to our little wheelhouse, we're still able to DRES for success...
Make them the ones who go nuts.
The daftest bit of madness, the war on biological gender, is just part of it all. Sanity itself is now on trial, according to a book review in The Post’s Sunday Outlook section, “How colonialism and capitalism helped place a stigma on mental illness.”
It's NSFW, but I heard a version of this joke years back around a campfire. The inmates are indeed running the asylum.
[Via Mack H]
It's a Totalitarian's Prerogative to Change Its Mind
[W]e have received unfortunate news that the receiver of the T36 will now be classified by ATF as a machinegun receiver. ATF has recently determined that the blocks and restrictions manufactured into our semi-automatic receiver (which are a replica of the SL8 prevention method) are not sufficient and now require an auto sear block on this platform. We disagree with this position but do not make the regulatory decisions. [More]
Speaking of Ethically Problematic...
Academics called breastfeeding 'ethically problematic' because it endorses 'gender roles.' [More]
So draw and quarter them in utero, starve them to death if they escape. Problem solved.
Although I'm sure the movers behind this would prefer the Mr. Natural approach (and I won't hotlink to https://fantasymerchantblog.files.wordpress.com/2019/08/img_3705.jpg?w=723 and suggest you don't satisfy your curiosity by going there, but we are, after all, exploring the depths of the "progressive" mind)...
[Via Michael G]
I Know You Are But What Am I?
China Responds to Ottawa Genocide Declaration by Accusing Canada of… Genocide [More]
I'd love to see some deep fake pro come up with a Jinping/Justin version of this...
[Via Michael G]
Commanders in Chief
Say, Why Are House Dems Calling On Biden To Give Up Full Control Of Nuclear Weapons? [More]
Because separation of powers was just a suggestion...
Of course, there's an easier way, but that's not what this is really about, and since when has being grossly unconstitutional ever slowed Democrats down?
[Via Michael G]
Speaking of Evil and Senseless...
“This is a deeply sad and tragic day for Bi-State Development and Metro Transit,” Bi-State Development President and CEO Taulby Roach said in a statement Sunday afternoon, adding that the security guard was killed “due to an evil and senseless act of violence.” [More]
And the fact that you and your board made sure "those security officers wouldn’t carry firearms" had nothing to do with the outcome, eh, Taulby...?
Stopping the Signal
Deplatforming Alert: GoDaddy Investigating Sites It Hosts or Registers for Connection to Capitol Hill Riot - The Soros-connected group Accountable.US, is demanding GoDaddy deplatform even groups such as Turning Point USA and Women for America First. [More]
Nice to know who's telling Americans what political speech is permissible...
[Via Michael G]
Tell Me We Don't Need Stronger 'Safe Storage' Laws!
Vietnam veteran, 82, bludgeons a knife-wielding home intruder, 61, to death with the butt of his shotgun after suspect attacked his wife [More]
So will this be counted as a "gun death"?
[Via Florida Guy]
Not Too Late to Turn Things Around
Democrats starting to panic over a reckoning at the polls for blue-state bungling of COVID [More]
[Via bondmen]
Turkeys in the Straw
Among the straw purchases observed by agents during the gun show were a transaction by a straw purchaser who bought an Uzi and long gun for Fields using money Fields passed to the purchaser, officials said. Fields was arrested by agents, who obtained a search warrant for his home, where they said they recovered 13 additional guns. [More]
So the government, established to actualize the goals of the Preamble, knows he can't be trusted with a gun...?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Denied Enough
Denying a motion for dismissal made by Wake County Sheriff Gerald Baker, a U.S. District Court Judge in North Carolina has ruled that plaintiffs challenging last year’s “temporary suspension” of processing pistol purchase permits, allegedly due to the COVID-19 outbreak and state of emergency declared by Gov. Roy Cooper, may pursue damage claims and associated claims for declaratory relief and attorney’s fees. [More]
Between that and this, ol' Gerald really seems to have it in for non-"Only One" gun owners.
I'll stipulate I don't have the world-class training to qualify for an event like this.
This Should End Well
No Charges For Rochester Officers In Death Of Daniel Prude [Watch]
It doesn't look like the weather's going to be a problem...
[Via Jess]
Adventures in Democrats Living Up to Their Principles
Marin residents misuse access codes meant for Black, Latino communities to get COVID-19 vaccines [More]
[Via Steve T]
Won't You Fly High, Free Bird, Yeah
Illinois becomes first state to eliminate cash bail [More]
This should end well.
And the only thing "systemic" about racism is the way the left exploits the term to tar its opponents.
[Via Steve T]
We're the Only Ones Passing Our Savings On To YOU Enough
The warrant is the latest step in an investigation that began a year ago, after the disappearance of dozens of firearms from the gun store of the Los Angeles Police Revolver and Athletic Club, a private organization whose members are in law enforcement. [More]
"Only Ones" guns at "Only Ones" prices!
[Via Steve T]
Speaking of 'Unity and Healing'
Biden Gun Control Plan Would ‘Criminalize’ up to 105 Million People: Gun-rights Group [More]
I'd like to see the plan for rounding us up fleshed out.
[Via DDS]
Life in the Basket of Deplorables
Not only must Americans accept that Trump is an insurrectionist, but they must also believe gun owners are insurrectionists, too. [More]
Yep. Trump is an avatar.
Everything they want to do to him they want to do to you.
But first, your guns...
That Makes Them Culpable
Biden Approval at 57%-36%; By 55%-39% Margin, Virginians Approve of Gov. Northam’s COVID Response [More]
Not that it has anything to do with that "single issue"...
[Via Mack H]
Half the Battle
Gun sales booming among women, Black Americans [More]
How do they vote?
If being into guns was all it took, we'd have no better pal than Lon Horiuchi.
As the saying goes, it's not about guns, it's about freedom.
[Via Jim S]
Refuse to be a Bystander
Mercer County, MO declares gun laws null, authorizes Sheriff to arrest federal agents [More]
Now that's what I call rights enforcement!
Has everybody here done your due diligence?
Ghosting Freedom
“Untraceable ghost guns are now the emerging guns of choice across the nation,” Feuer said. “Nobody who could buy a serialized gun and pass a background check would ever need a ghost gun. Yet we allege Polymer80 has made it easy for anyone, including felons, to buy and build weapons that pose a major public safety threat.” [More]
"Weapons of choice," eh?
It's not a "Bill of Needs."
The major threat to public safety is overwhelmingly Democrat constituents who have proven they can't be trusted without a custodian.
[Via Jamie E]
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Murthy's Law
However, Republicans will likely be united, or close to it, in opposing Murthy’s confirmation because of what he did as surgeon general. Most notably, Murthy advocated treating gun violence as a public health problem. That may well be reason enough to oppose him if, like me, you believe this amounts to straying well outside of the Surgeon General’s lane. [More]
What a disaster this foreign-born petty tyrant will be.
And be he will with Kamala casting the tie-breaking vote. That is, assuming some Republiquislings don't decide to "help" in the spirit of bipartisanship.
[Via Michael G]
Rush to Judgment
Florida Ag Commissioner Nikki Fried won’t lower flags to honor Rush Limbaugh, defying Gov. DeSantis [More]
As has been observed, the same people glad that he's dead want you dead.
[Via Mack H]
Quantity Has a Quality All It's Own
Huckabee: GOP has 'more of us than they do of them' [More]
She Should Try to Buy a Gun with That
New driver’s license photo shows California woman in face mask ... A DMV official blamed the goof on an “oversight”... [More]
Sounds better than "utter incompetence but you just can't fire these people," doesn't it?
Maybe it's a test run for a Democrat Voter ID bill...
[Via Mack H]
Granite State Alert
The New Hampshire House of Representatives will meet in session tomorrow, and they have several key bills to vote on regarding your second amendment rights! [More]
I'm pretty sure the slogan isn't "Live free or leave an anonymous 'Molon Labe!' comment."
Your Tax Dollars at Work
'Give It a Try!' Seattle-Backed Homeless Shelter Provides Pipes to Smoke Heroin and Advice on 'Booty Bumping' [More]
[Via Michael G]
Unclear on the Concept
Missouri Senate approves bill to increase penalties against protesters and creates a bill of rights for officers [More]
Good grief.
And the "bill was perfected by the Senate"? I guess it depends upon what the meaning of the word "perfected" is.
[Via bondmen]
First 9/11 and Now This
The False and Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About the Capitol Riot [More]
The better to smear you with, my dear.
[Via bondmen]
UPDATE:In a scene straight out of Orwell’s 1984 warning, the FBI is literally calling their effort the hunt for “America’s Most Wanted.”
When 'Right-Wing Extremists' Loot
It's all in the upbringing. [More]
I'm reminded of a family farm stand in California I used to stop at years ago on my way to and from a camping site. We'd buy berries and the like, and when they had no one in attendance because they had to do something else, they'd put up a sign asking people to leave the right amount in an accessible cash box.
No one I know would have dreamed about doing the wrong thing. And we're the bad guys.
[Via bondmen]
Can We All Get Along?
Racial integration lives at a Southern gun show [More]
Either they just don't make white supremacists like they used to or somebody's been lying to everybody.
[Via bondmen]
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Woman' Is
Jen Psaki responds to small business fears: Biden 'nominated a woman' to lead SBA [More]
Just to be clear, if Rachel Levine ddn't have another gig she'd qualify?
UPDATE - Speaking of which:
Levine has advocated for sex changes for pre-pubertal people, otherwise known as “children.”
[Via Michael G]
A Long-Term Relationship
Expect to get COVID-19 shots for years to come, Johnson & Johnson CEO says [More]
A song from my misbegotten youth comes to mind...
[Via Alan D]
He's Ba...ack...
The RETURN! Lee "The Gun Writer" Williams [Watch]If you want to know why he's been missing for a while, I can answer that in two words.
Speaking of 'Baseless'...
But a kind of censorship we didn't expect took place this week when independent fact-checkers decided to place warning labels on the actual Second Amendment itself, hiding it behind a fact-checking statement saying the included content is false. [More]No doubt it violates community standards.
It Doesn’t Feel Pity, or Remorse, or Fear, and It Absolutely Will Not Stop, Ever, Until You are Dead!
Researchers propose ‘ethically correct AI’ for smart guns that locks out mass shooters [More]
Skynet approves.
[Via JPFO]