Monday, February 08, 2021

Be Vewy, Vewy Quiet. I'm Thwowing Gun Owners Under the Bus.

I Escaped The Gun Cult After A Decade As An NRA Life Member, And Your Loved Ones Can Too [More]

We'll see what those pulling strings behind the scenes of the animaladjusted environmentalcases have to say about that when it's your turn for the lime pit. Above all else, Polyphemus means to eat.

[Via Andy M]

This is the type of quisling Mark Walters was no doubt referring to in his latest, when he wrote:

You have other issues that are more important to you than our gun rights ... As long as you’re voting for the enemies of our right to keep and bear arms at the booth, we’re not friends simply because we’re both gun owners.

Compare that to these subversive morons:

At this time of great division in our country, we call for unity amongst all gun owners in the fight to protect our gun rights in the future, regardless of who you voted for or how you feel about the 2020 Election.

To repeat what should be a cliche by now, it's not about guns, it's about freedom. That any issue is more important to them than that tells us all we need to know. You have to wonder how many of them are just useful idiots or how many know exactly what they're doing.


DDS said...

One more time again, (apologies to Justin Wilson), how many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one, but the light bulb has to want to change.

This particular light bulb wishes they'd wander off and try milking a bull.

Jeffersonian said...

"But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."