Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Starve the Beast
We go on a consumption strike until and unless our demands are met. [More]I wish I could be optimistic that enough people would care to do this that it would make a difference. I'm afraid people are going to need to be brought to their knees for it to sink in.
Meanwhile, they will preoccupy themselves with the pH Factor: Hanna Montana, Twilight, Jon & Kate Plus Eight, Dancing with the Stars, the Bachelorette, The freakin' Cougar fer cryin' out loud...
They'll go in droves to Transformers 2, to reward the slut du jour who wishes many in their families dead.
Sorry to sound so pessimistic. It's a good idea. I'm doing much of it already.
It's just that I'm doing much of a lot of things that most of those around me seem oblivious to.
[Via Tom R]
UPDATE: I rest my case.
Crabby Shack Remodeling?
Ol' Joe has a long shot chance at landing a media/PR gig with a local firm that reps some of the big players in the boomstick market. [More]And he'd like our help to make it happen.
OK, but I'll do more than give a testimonial--I'll prove what I claim.
So when I say Joe's Crabby Shack has been a resource that readers here have found value in for years, I'm not just saying it to be nice or to do someone a favor.
Click on this link, King and Queen of Poo-bahs, and see for yourself.
Go over to the title link and leave a comment if you're so inclined, and want to help turn a shack into Stately Crabby Manor. But in the interests of full disclosure, when he finally makes it huge, I've got dibs on the poolside bartender job.
We're the Only Ones "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" Enough
A Maryland Transit Administration police officer has been charged with raping a 15-year-old Elkridge girl who asked him for help finding her way home on the light rail, according to charging documents. [More]Again with my never answered question...
I'm certainly relieved to find this "Only Ones" story being reported from Maryland, as opposed to New Jersey, where at least their cops are trustworthy enough to buy more guns than the rest of us...
[Via Rick P]
We're the Only Ones Entrepreneurial Enough
A Saint Landry Parish Sheriff's Deputy has been arrested for allegedly smuggling drugs and other illegal contraband into the St. Landry Parish Jail. [More]My favorite quote:
"If they can bring in drugs, then they can bring in a weapon, and we can't have that"No, of course not. That's why "Only Ones" are exempt from gun edicts meant for the rest of us.
[Via retrotruckman]
Will N.J. 'One Gun a Month' Bill Stop the Violence?

So when this latest assault on the people who are not responsible for the violence doesn't work, the "solution" will be to drag even more people who aren't guilty into the net. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner looks at the State of New Jersey's latest hate crime against peaceable armed citizens.
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
Tell a friend? For real?
This Day in History: June 30
On June 30, 1777, Maj. General John Burgoyne's right wing put ashore on the western shore of Lake Champlain to the north of Fort Ticonderoga, while his left wing under Maj. General Friedrich von Riedesel put ashore on the eastern shore. [More]
Monday, June 29, 2009
Meanwhile, Over in Boss Daley Paradise
Six Men Shot Dead In 24 Hours In ChicagoThe mayor was never in any danger. He has taxpayer-funded armed bodyguards.
Several Others Shot Or Stabbed And Wounded [More]
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
We're the Only Ones Opening Doors Enough
Via Dan S who notes "Spoof video that might be a little more funny if there wasn't some truth behind it." [More]
When Assault Cheetos are Outlawed...
...only outlaws will have assault Cheetos. [More]
I understand what they mean now by "Dangerously cheesy."
[Via Ed M]
I understand what they mean now by "Dangerously cheesy."
[Via Ed M]
Slowing Down?
Arms Makers Fall Back From Obama Surge [More]Not that this experience hasn't been valuable, but perhaps we'll see gun and ammo availability and price improvements soon.
[Via Ed M]
Remorseless Killer Executed
The chain saw severed branch after branch with a buzz and a crack and a bang. Dust and sap and heat seeped out. [More]And notice what the car did, all by its own self.
Where have we run across this mentality before?
[Via Ed M]
We're the Only Ones Parroting Enough
Pirone and his attorney say he was parroting an epithet that Grant first hurled at him... [More]He badmouthed an "Only One"? Well hell, then, the guy obviously got what was coming to him. Even if the recording doesn't back up that claim.
[Via Andre]
No Borders
Kent McManigal challenges "borderists."
It's his 100th column and he'd like to see it widely read.
I have said I disagree with him. But continuing that debate here is not something I can focus on right now.
Go read what he has to say, and if you have comments, share them with him.
Click here to do that.
It's his 100th column and he'd like to see it widely read.
I have said I disagree with him. But continuing that debate here is not something I can focus on right now.
Go read what he has to say, and if you have comments, share them with him.
Click here to do that.
South Africa Gun Owners Get Reprieve

Fortunately, some of their citizens recognize madness when they see it. The challenge to the FCA, and the interim reprieve granted by the court, are hopeful indicators. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes a legal stay of execution.
Also find out who AHSA is endorsing, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.
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This Day in History: June 29
I this moment received an express from Capt Bouker of Otter Creek by way of Coll Hammond, informing that Ticonderoga is besieged and the communication is cut off by eleven hundred men this side the lake. You are therefor requiered if possible to raise one quarter part of your militia and send forward without loss of time otherwise that Importan[t] Place will be lost [More]
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Why not focus on Mexican Cartel/Police Alliance Instead of U.S. Guns?

Who in their right mind believes Mexican police and military personnel rely on "straw purchasers" at U.S. gun shops and gun shows to obtain military-grade firepower? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a culture where only the police and military (legally) have guns. The results are what anyone who is rational would expect.
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
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This Day in History: June 27
SPANKTOWN June 27, 1777
Gen. Charles Scott's light horse and Col. Daniel Morgan's Rangers harass British after evacuation of New Brunswick. [More]
Friday, June 26, 2009
That's All, Folks!
At least for today. I have out-of-state relatives staying with us. I'll try to get at least a Gun Rights Examiner column out each day during their visit, which will last until early next week.
Please hold off on tips and emails, as I won't be able to attend to them. I will be checking in on occasion to keep the spammers and trolls from taking over "Comments".
Please hold off on tips and emails, as I won't be able to attend to them. I will be checking in on occasion to keep the spammers and trolls from taking over "Comments".
What is the Agenda?
A little advertising discretion might go a long way in quieting fears that are manipulated by gun control advocates. [More]I might well ask what your agenda is, Roberts, making an asinine recommendation like that. Do you really think presenting a kinder, gentler face will make your enemies not hate you?
The agenda is domination and tyranny, something I don't see you addressing, in all your prattling on about "beautiful lines" and "beautiful animals."
Good grief.
[Via Zachary G]
They Hate Us Because We're Free
Oak Forest baseball coach suspended after accusation of tobacco use [More]This ain't the America I grew up in...
Anti-Gun Book Reviews Hide an Agenda

Still, one of the comments on Workman's article led me to explore something I found interesting--not the book, but its reviews on Amazon.com. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at what people are saying about an anti-gun book--and then looks at the people.
Also read an update on a gun bill in Oregon, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.
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This Day in History: June 26
At the Battle of the Short Hills on the 26th, at four in the morning, Lord Cornwallis marched from Amboy with upwards to 5,000 troops. He met Lord Sterling's Brigade of about 1,400 men and lost 3 pieces of cannon, 70 prisoners, and about 100 men killed and wounded. (June 26, 1777) [More]
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Don't Collaborate for the Other Guy
Feds and Firearms Industry team up to stop so-called “straw purchases.” [More]Sorry, Lawrence Keane. When you abet infringements on the right of the people to keep and bear arms, you lose me.
You think being their bitch will make the antis like you, and the overlords respect you? They may have you convinced they'll eat you last, but eat you they will.
[Via Lane]
We're the Only Ones Defending Ourselves Enough
An off-duty police officer shot and wounded two men who had assaulted him in the crowded Angel Stadium parking lot...[More]Lucky for him he's one of the anointed.
Because Sandra Hutchens says the rest of us don't have lives worth defending. Just wanting to is not "good cause," plus we all know how much more trustworthy the "Only Ones" are.
[Via Ed M]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Post-Nuclear Holocaust Sarah Brady Paradise
In calm bureaucratic language -- loaded with code words to render the book meaningless to those not in the know -- the document describes how as the crisis worsened, civil servants would introduce censorship, evacuate all but the sickest patients from hospitals and eventually be sent to one of 12 underground bunkers scattered around the country.
Britain was to be governed from these bunkers after a nuclear attack, with officials exercising powers of martial law over the remaining population. [More]
And it sounds like they had things planned down to a remarkable level of detail:
Nuclear reactors could provide power almost indefinitely. Greenhouses could maintain plantlife. Animals could be bred and slaughtered. A quick survey would have to be made of all the available mine sites in the country. But I would guess... that ah, dwelling space for several hundred thousands of our people could easily be provided...And a computer could be set and programmed to accept factors from youth, health, sexual fertility, intelligence, and a cross section of necessary skills. Of course it would be absolutely vital that our top government and military men be included to foster and impart the required principles of leadership and tradition. Naturally, they would breed prodigiously, eh? There would be much time, and little to do. But ah with the proper breeding techniques and a ratio of say, ten females to each male, I would guess that they could then work their way back to the present gross national product within say, twenty years.It would not be difficult, mein Fuhrer! Especially with the population disarmed and dependent.
We must not allow a wheelie-bin gap!
[Via Ed M]
2009-06-25: Press Release: SA Hunters Judgment
Email reposted in its entirety:
From: Gun Owners of South Africa (gosa@gunownerssa.org)
Sent: Thu 6/25/09 4:13 AM
To: gosa-press-list@gunownerssa.org
2009-06-25: Press Release: SA Hunters judgement
"Is it still possible for justice to emerge from the chaos in the South African legal system?"
Gunowners SA are waiting with bated breath to see whether Judge Bill Prinsloo will deliver judgement tomorrow which confirms that which we already know (and have seen demonstrated many times over the last few years) to be the case. His judgement in the SA Hunters and Game Conservation Association (SA Hunters) v Minister of Police case heard before him this week in the North Gauteng High Court may be a pivotal case for South African democracy. If His Honour finds for the plaintiffs (SA Hunters), he will be shining a bright light on the lies and deceit that the South African Police Service, and their Central Firearms registry, have attempted to use to defraud the law-abiding South African gun owners of their lawful (and valuable) possessions... Also their most potent means of self defence in these criminally-plagued times.
In the convoluted meanderings of the legal system justice is very often the sacrificial offering burnt on the altar of political expedience. In this case the implementation of the Firearms Control Act (Act 60 of 2000) is challenged because of the disgracefully inept fashion in which the Central Firearms Registry of the SAPS has gone about their duty. The FCA is purported to be concerned with the 'fight against crime', is in reality entirely focussed on already licensed firearms with which, according to the SAPS themselves, no statistically relevant crime is ever committed - in other words, statisticians consider the occurrence of crime with licensed firearms so low that they don't measure it. The FCA itself is subject to a number of Constitutional challenges on various grounds.
SA Hunters is merely seeking to prevent the imminent criminalisation of more than a million law-abiding South African citizens by this unneeded, unwanted, and unimplementable legislation. These million or more citizens are already licensed to own their firearms and have committed no crime at all. At the stroke of midnight on 30 June 2009 they will turn into criminals, subject to jail sentences of 15 years if convicted in a court.
It is up to Judge Bill Prinsloo to put a stop to this nightmarish fairy-tale of the damned.
Paul Oxley
Executive Member (Mr. Oxley may be contacted on: 082 900 8750)
Gun Owners of South Africa
PO Box 2522
South Africa
Tel: +27-21-6894481
"Gentleman, your world is going to change. I know most of you hunt. I doubt there is anyone here that doesn’t own a firearm. The day is coming when the Federal government is going to try and disarm you. I won’t see it, but you will. Mark my words and be on your guard, the Second Amendment is the only thing standing between you and the suffering you can’t comprehend. Class is dismissed." [More]Tim Case looks at the past and then looks at the present.
Incidentally, if you missed them, I addressed the three current examples he cites here, here and here.
[Via Ron W]
Another Child Gun Death
Nashville police say a 21-year-old home invasion robbery suspect was fatally wounded by 1 of his victims. [More]I guess some consider them to fall under the "kids" category up to age 24.
You know, the same people who would prefer the home invasion victims had been disarmed...
[Via John G]
Gun Snitch and 'Buyback' Programs May Cause Unintended Consequences

[T]he plan looks like it could work. If by "work" we mean create a snitch-based police state... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at an authoritarian initiative in FL, "legal" (?) straw purchases in RI, a legislative threat in OR, and the untimely passing of a colleague.
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
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This Day in History: June 25
The officers are always to take the most particular care that no damage be done to the property of the Inhabitants where the troops are encamped. The inevitable distresses of war, are so great and numerous, that any addition to them must be deemed to proceed from barbarity and wantoness alone; more especially in us by whom that property was designed, and ought to be protected. [More]
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
We're the Only Ones Behind the Orange Curtain Enough
Up to 50 Sheriff's Department layoffs coming...[More]As Head "Only One" Sandra Hutchens does everything in her power to ensure those inclined to obey the law remain defenseless...
Here's hoping more than a few people weigh their chances of being caught vs. their need to protect themselves when clearly OCSD is nowhere to be found--and then just ignore the boneheaded sow.
We're the Only Ones on Probation Enough
Chicago cop who beat bartender gets probationFigures:
'I have a fear of the police,' beating victim now says [More]
[A]Cook County judge let the suspended cop walk out of court Tuesday with...no time behind bars for his attack on her.I do disagree with the victim about one thing:
She says it's not quite rational to fear the police...Sorry, but under the circumstances, as long as the "Only Ones" have no reason to fear us, either "legal" or otherwise, that's a perfectly rational reaction to have.
Here's one other outrage, from Circuit Judge John Fleming:
"If I believed sending Anthony Abbate to prison would stop people from getting drunk and hitting other people, I'd sentence him to the maximum...But I don't believe that is the case."It's not a question of stopping "people". It's a question of stopping Anthony Abbatte.
Of course Fleming knows that. He's just shown us where his loyalties lie.
Forget it Jake. It's Chi-Town.
Free Survival E-Books
I'd meant to post on this earlier but got wrapped around the axle with priorities. Anyway, better late than never. M.D. Creekmore of The Survivalist Blog writes:
From what I see, there's not only something for everybody, there's a heck of a lot of good knowledge to choose from.
Check it out for yourself.
David,The hugs and kisses I can do without. The books, you should not, at least not without first seeing what they are and determining if they offer information that you think you can apply to your benefit.
Download my Free ebook collection. Feel free to link to and offer the books to your readers, I am sure they would appreciate the gesture, showering you with praise followed by hugs and sloppy kisses.
From what I see, there's not only something for everybody, there's a heck of a lot of good knowledge to choose from.
Check it out for yourself.
We're the Only Ones Storming Enough
Deputies stormed wrong house in anti-gang sweep [More]Of course they did. Now shut up and sit down.
And I'm sure had one of the wrongly-invaded family members been killed, the "Only Ones" responsible would have been exonerated for following approved procedures.
As opposed to if the situation were reversed...
[Via John G]
The D.C. Gun List
I just got an email asking this:
I understand that the Washington, DC " elitobots" have recently expanded the list of acceptable guns. Do you know where one may find access to this list?Here's my response. As you can see, it's more of a guess than a statement of authority. If anyone can give a more precise answer, please educate us all:
It sounds like this is what you're asking about. In terms of a "list," it sounds like a bit of chasing around is needed:Please weigh in if you have something to add."In addition to permitting guns in the District that are legal in California, the city will also allow residents to apply to register handguns that are permissible in Massachusetts and Maryland."I'm sure there is some overlap in the various lists.
Here's where you would start for CA:
and MA:
Note I have not had time to give any of these sites more than a cursory glance and am unlikely to dig much deeper. It could well be that DC has developed a comprehensive list that takes care of the work for you, and I'm just unaware of how to find it.
I doubt they have, but it could be. In any case, this is the best I'm likely to be able to do for you. My suggestion would be to call NRA if you need more info.
David Codrea
The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance
Gun Rights Examiner
Guns Magazine "Rights Watch"
Blogspot Comment Email Query
For any of you who have Blogspot blogs:
I have things set up so that every time a comment is entered on WarOnGuns, I get an email containing it. I don't do moderation, so that's the way I keep up with who is saying what on this site.
I've noticed over the past few days the comments are appearing but I'm not getting notified. And yes, I've checked my set-up, and the correct email address is entered in my comments settings.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
I have things set up so that every time a comment is entered on WarOnGuns, I get an email containing it. I don't do moderation, so that's the way I keep up with who is saying what on this site.
I've noticed over the past few days the comments are appearing but I'm not getting notified. And yes, I've checked my set-up, and the correct email address is entered in my comments settings.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
'Terrorist Watch List' Gun Ban Favors Hysteria Over Rights

Just what we need. A secret, unaccountable list maintained by secret, unaccountable people.Today's Gun Rights Examiner column expands on yesterday's to give us more evidence of just how subversive this weasel truly is.
The American way, Comrade Frank Lautenberg-style...
Are you on it? Why? How can you get off it?
We can't tell you. It's a secret. [More]
Also find out about my California radio appearance later today, hear about the latest legislation from Oregon, see how the situation in Iran applies to us, learn about a rifle shoot for Chi-Towners, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.
There's a lot of information in today's column. I hope you'll share the link with your friends.
This Day in History: June 24
An alarm will be made by the firing of two field pieces, at the park of Artillery, upon which the whole army is to muster and take the ground shewn to the Brigadiers General, with all possible dispatch... [More]
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
When in Scottsdale...

That is, unless you enjoy being dissed and endangered by an ignoramus.
People realize alcohol and guns don't mix...This is going back to the Wyatt Earp days of the Wild Wild West...I will get the biggest, brightest sign I can get up the hour it passesGood grief. Yeah, you just keep enabling people to get drunk, Al, and then sending them on down the road.
McCarthy. I wonder if he's related to Carolyn...?
I also wonder what his plan is for dealing with people who count on knowing where "gun free zones" are that handle lots of cash...? Or for protecting his customers and employees? Maybe someone could ask him?
Unless he's got a good one, I sure wouldn't risk my neck going into such a dangerous joint. Or give a dime to such an obnoxious and presumptuous dupe.
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
We're the Only Ones Recanting Enough
Zehm died March 20, 2006, two days after he was beaten with a baton, shocked multiple times with a Taser and hogtied...Well then, can they change their story to "no procedures were violated"? And maybe call the bottle a weapon, and cite using it to protect himself as resisting arrest?
Police officials initially said Zehm attacked Thompson, but they recanted that claim months later when surveillance video clearly showed Zehm retreating, holding a 2-liter plastic soda bottle in front of his face while Thompson struck him with a baton. [More]
At least tell me the "Only One" in question has been suspended --with pay.
[Via Bill H]
We're the Only Ones on the Front Lines of the War on Drugs and Guns Enough
APD Officer Loses Gun, Fails Drug Test [More]If this doesn't define what it means to be an "Only One,"I don't know what would.
[Via Scott N]
The CNN Version...
Rogue Minutemen leader held in fatal home invasion [More]And now, as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story...
[Via Ed M]
We're the Only Ones Bearing False Witness Enough
Mahoney-Bruer, 49, was arrested and charged last week with three counts of breach of trust and one count of attempting to obstruct justice after an investigation by the Ontario Provincial Police Professional Standards Bureau. The 12-year member of the force is accused of using false evidence to lay charges against three drivers last month. He has been suspended with pay. [More]Who believes he was the "Only One" doing it?
[Via retrotruckman]
Tom, Dick or Harry's Kids Need Not Apply
"There's going to come a point in time when it's not going to be a pet, OK? It's going to be a kid. It's inevitable." [More]OK, so we should be able to protect our kids, right?
Uh...not exactly.
"I had no expectation or desire for every Tom, Dick or Harry to be able to go get a permit and do this," she said.Perhaps if the inevitable kid is from one of the council members' families--or belongs to one of those "callers [who] expressed opposition," things will change.
Perhaps if the child is related to Vice Mayor Larry Small, he will become "really...interested in pursuing this further."
[Via George Copeland--check out his RNC Examiner page]
Back in a Bit
Took elder feral son Uday to college orientation this morning--he'll actually be doing an overnighter in my old dorm. Makes me feel a bit old...
Anyway, this has put me way behind on things and I have some chores I need to get to. I should be back later this afternoon with a few more posts for today.
Anyway, this has put me way behind on things and I have some chores I need to get to. I should be back later this afternoon with a few more posts for today.
Lautenberg Bill Will Harass Gun Owners, Not Terrorists

We already know who some in government consider to be "Homegrown Terrorists." We've seen how mere ideology is often enough to cause official suspicion. And some urge more than just denial of rights without due process, actually issuing shrill demands for Stalinist purges.Today's Gun Rights Examiner looks at another kind of terrorism--the legislative kind, sponsored by traitors in government.
In America.
It's evident those intent on mandating a government monopoly of force will stop at nothing. [More]
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
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This Day in History: June 23
Permit me to assure you Sir, that it would give me great pleasure to comply with your request for Field pieces, were it in my Power, but it is not. We have not Sufficient for the Army. General Schuyler applied for twelve, by a late Letter, for his department, which cannot be furnished. Our Number is so small, that we do not think it expedient to appoint more than two to each of our Brigades. We are obliged to keep some reserve in case of misfortunes. [More]
Monday, June 22, 2009
"A Poorly Worded Amendment"
As opposed to that hallmark clarity of expression separating Jason Linkins from mere Framers. [More]
And why not hashtag "Neda"?
If she were your daughter, wouldn't you want to shoot back?
[Via SJ]
And why not hashtag "Neda"?
If she were your daughter, wouldn't you want to shoot back?
[Via SJ]
We're the Only Ones Doing No Wrong Enough
Sheriff Says Deputies 'Did Their Job'If that's true, perhaps we ought to reconsider if this is a job we wish to have done.
Review Finds No Wrongdoing in SWAT Raid That Killed Dogs [More]
Winning friends and influencing people, "Only Ones" style...
[Via William T]
Take It Where They Live
So, on the 4th of July, or any other day you declare your freedom at a tea party, don’t take the celebration to the town square or a park. Go to the homes of the people who have: … erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance”. [More]I like it in principle.
I'd like to see it fleshed out more. A lot more.
[Via Steve L]
U.S. guns blamed for Jamaican crime

Attempts to blame the U.S. for Jamaican crime are not new. Noises were being made about this years ago. And not just for U.S. guns being responsible for "gun deaths" in Jamaica, but also for U.S. guns being responsible for "gun deaths" in Canada.Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows how an old story by the anti-gunners has been dusted off to capitalize on a new approach.
Then again, we see the same tactic exploited domestically, with invented terms like "the Iron Pipeline" being used to decry states with "lax gun laws." [More]
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs, including the return of Kurt Hofmann.
And if you missed the weekend posts, here they are:
This Day in History: June 22
At New Brunswick, General Nathaniel Greene with 4 brigades and a battalion of riflemen attacked a large British force under General Howe as the British evacuate the city. (June 22, 1777) [More]
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
I'm taking the rest of the day off to be admired by my children. When they wake up. If they don't have anything else to do.
It truly is the most awesome, amazing and meaningful experience of my lifetime.
It truly is the most awesome, amazing and meaningful experience of my lifetime.
Is ATF Using 'Heavy-Handed Tactics' on Border State Gun Owners?

"[S]ome of the agents have used heavy-handed tactics. One reportedly demanded that a gun owner return home early from a business trip, while another threatened to 'report' an NRA member as 'refusing to cooperate.'" [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner looks at some disturbing reports NRA has received from members in border states.
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This Day in History: June 21
From every information lately received, there is reason to beleive the Enemy are evacuating Brunswick by sending One Brigade after Another. It is said they are transporting their baggage both by Land and Water to Amboy with the greatest Industry. If this fact be true, I should suppose it highly expedient that you should detach a Number of Militia well acquainted with the Country South of Amboy, if you have any such, to take post along the River at and near what are called the Roundabouts. If they go there and the Enemy are conveying their Stores down the River, which I beleive is the case, I am persuaded, by a spirited exertion and vigilant conduct, they will intercept and possess themselves of a great part of it. [More]
Saturday, June 20, 2009
We're the Only Ones "Enquiring Minds Want to Know" Enough

Two Ohio police chiefs are under investigation for a plot involving the surrogate carrying the twins of Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick."Only Ones" and scandal. Hardly news here, but it ought to compete for a while with "Jon and Kate Divorce," or "Morgan Freeman 'Incest' Shocker," and maybe even "Bat Boy Hates Prop 8."
The officers allegedly broke into the surrogate's home in an attempt to dig up dirt they hoped to sell to the tabloids. [More]
And not to be cruel, but Seth McFarlane kind'a nails it here...
[Via Ed M]
To ask -- or not -- about guns in a playmate's home [More]I know some gun owners bristle at this. It depends on how the question is posed, and the demeanor of the questioner.
I always encourage parents to make an effort to know the home conditions where they allow their kids to play. Are there any aggressive dogs? Does the place look like a dump? Do the parents look and act OK?
Answers to a direct question can be noncommittal:
I'm on top of the hazards in my home and we take care to provide a safe environment.
Depending on how you assess the situation, you can decide to share more information as appropriate. It may be a great opportunity to educate, or you may have a person you don't want your kid being anywhere near.
It's a two-way street.
You don't have guns in your home and proper training to know how and when to use them? How will you protect my child when he's in your care?
[Via Ed M]
We're the Only Ones Underreporting Enough
The Detroit Police Department is systematically undercounting homicides, leading to a falsely low murder rate in a city that regularly ranks among the nation's deadliest, a Detroit News review of police and medical examiner records shows. [More]So Detroit "Only Ones" are no better than the rest of that hellhole's government? Imagine that.
And they're trying to make it appear safer than it is. I wonder why?
Y'know, they've been doing commercials here to attract tourism to Detroit, and I just have to laugh every time they come on. You couldn't pay me...
[Via William T]
GAO 'Mexican Crime Gun' Report 'Incomplete'

In other words, a bureaucrat with ideological and career incentives--one who is unaccountable to the American people-- is attempting to leverage changes to laws they will be accountable for. And people in positions of influence are listening. [More]
Who is this guy? What does he believe? Who does he serve?
Don't you think--before giving him what he wants--we ought to find out?
And where the hell are the national gun groups on this story?
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column calls for more complete reporting.
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
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This Day in History: June 20
On June 20, 1777, Burgoyne's expedition set out in full military review before Carleton, who remained behind in Canada with 3,770 troops. On that same day, he issued a proclamation that only served to alienate all the populace. [More]
Friday, June 19, 2009
My DC Fanboys

I've found them here plenty of times before. I just thought it interesting to see what they used as a search term. And it looks like they spent a bit of time here.
C'mon fellas, don't be shy. I don't bite. Why not leave a comment and engage us in some of that Obamarama transparent government dialog? We have plenty of folks here who would love to engage...
To the rest of the regulars, if you click here, it'll ping 'em back from this post. Kind of a nice, friendly way to say "Hi" back.
No Apologies
There are people on my side (well, they say they're on my side anyway) who say we have to apologize for the vehemence with which we defend our liberty and property and who say we must "tone down our rhetoric" and apologize for collectivist haters getting the wrong idea from our message. [More]S'OK, Mike.
Some of us are happy to see you ramp it up.
A Collective Response
Senate Backs Apology for Slavery...I don't know about a collective response, but my individual response is I'm not apologizing for anything I didn't do, and I don't authorize anyone to apologize on my behalf.
"You wonder why we didn't do it 100 years ago," Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), lead sponsor of the resolution, said after the unanimous-consent vote. "It is important to have a collective response to a collective injustice." [More]
Besides, as far as I'm concerned, slavery is being expanded to include us all. I think our efforts are better spent exposing overseers like Harkin for the evil frauds that they are.
Kumbaya, My Lord, Kumbaya...
He said the goal of his presentation, called Rachel’s Challenge, is to encourage his audiences to embrace the values like kindness, acceptance and love. [More]That's fine, Craig, and everyone I know tries to live that way unless and until someone proves themselves unworthy of honor and esteem.
But what are you prepared to do when some monster embraces values like cruelty, rejection and hatred, and does so with murderous intent and capability?
You know, Craig, there are people in this world who would happily hogtie you and your loved ones, rape you in the most horrible ways imaginable, and then go about the business of slaughter as the ones they haven't gotten to yet watch and wait their turns.
I'd say you might want to embrace that, but the truth is, you've devoted your life to avoiding it.
That's some "leadership" you're teaching those girls.
[Via retrotruckman]
The Devil in the Details
Holy bureaucracy, Batman – these statistics are based on an incomplete knowledge of sample size? Not only that, but the much-ballyhooed ‘tracing’ of these weapons is apparently done by looking at the firearm and saying “Yep, that looks like an American weapon.” [More]Good read. Brings up some good points.
The Fruits of Obedience
Thousands of South African firearm owners who have legally disposed of their firearms could be on the wrong side of the law due to no fault of their own by next month, a hunting body said on Monday. [More]I'm supposed to give a damn about people who care so little about their freedom that they will "dispose" of their guns? And the best the sportsman's lobby can offer is telling gun owners to contact the government to report themselves and make sure they're obedient to every new outrage?
This is what happens when you follow the counsel of surrender.
Oh, but if it wasn't for CHASA, we wouldn't have any firearm rights left at all...
Yeah, you people keep believing that.
[Via Mama Liberty]
We're the Only Ones "I'm Not Lovin' It" Enough
A Denver police officer has been suspended after allegedly brandishing his gun at a McDonald's restaurant in Aurora after his order took too long to fill. [More]Hey, at least he didn't mace the window worker.
Ah well, the food probably would have been too salty anyway.
Y'know, these minimum wage workers don't have a whole lot of incentive to put up with crap. Do abusive "Only Ones" not realize when they act like this, they increase the likelihood of themselves and their brethren being subjected to a bit of resentment-driven fast food activism?
One other thing about this story I found almost as disturbing as the allegation--that his partner didn't immediately arrest him.
No doubt just a few bad hot apple pies...
[Via too many of you to list]
We're the Only Ones Serpentine Enough
"We have forced water into the building and some of the snakes trying to escape were shot by our men carrying AK-47s," said Brima Kontu, head of the police station in Gerihun. [More]What could go wrong?
After all, we're dealing with highly trained "Only Ones" here.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
Thousands of people are being stopped and searched by the police under their counter-terrorism powers – simply to provide a racial balance in official statistics, the government's official anti-terror law watchdog has revealed. [More]Political correctness rules! It's much more important than your rights.
Besides, we're all guilty of something.
Got a problem with that, racist?
Anti-Gun Group Lies about GAO Report

In other words, a media professional wrote a headline knowing it was false. The press release was authorized. The VPC legal director is quoted, so we also know it was vetted. The lie was not only calculated, it was sanctioned. And the perpetrators are counting on two things: media complicity and us not knowing any better. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner shows how it's not enough to have a government agency on your side pulling for more gun edicts--the antis still feel the need to resort to lying.
And their strategy is working. The overwhelming amount of "news" articles are all falling for the lie that the solution to Mexican crime is new controls over you and me.
Since I don't see but a few voices out there saying otherwise, your support in helping spread the truth is needed.
Hopefully, the big gun groups will be on this soon. Their competition sure didn't waste any time.
Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.
This Day in History: June 19
P.S. Yr Excy will please to Consider That I am very weak—& wish to be Reinforced. [More]
Thursday, June 18, 2009
GAO Gun Trafficking Report Appears Agenda-Driven

[T]he agency tasked with ensuring government accountability to the citizens through their Congressional representatives says the way to do that is by making citizens more accountable to the government. [More]As promised in today's earlier Gun Rights Examiner column, I've got the GAO report on trafficking of arms to Mexico.
A more agenda-driven piece of propaganda you will not find.
Spread the word on this one--it's important everyone see what's coming at us. This is how the government intends to manipulate things to ram through new edicts that will give them "information on firearms purchases" and end private sales.
We're the Only Ones "Mangled Baby Ducks" Enough
Regina woman bothered after police car mows down ducklings on Ring Road [More]Yet another example of "Only Ones" engaging in fowl play.
How many remember the Smucker's Jams skit?
"With a name like the 'Only Ones,' we have to be good!"
[Via Luke]
It's Time to Close the Assault Tissue Loophole
He suffocated from a wadded up facial tissue that was found during the autopsy lodged in the child’s oropharynx. [More]The truth of the matter is, some degenerates can't even be trusted with Kleenex. How messing with you or me is going to change that is something nobody has an answer for, but it doesn't stop the opportunistic from trying it, and the stupid from going along with them.
[Via Tom Z]
The Cougar
Mother fought off cougar to save toddler from attack [More]Or in the words of Paul Helmke:
Concealed weapons have no place in our national parks, which have always been safe places to enjoy our nation’s magnificent natural and historical treasures...This woman is living proof that fortune favors the brave, but we must all acknowledge she was very fortunate.
Who'd like to see Paul fight off a cougar, and no, I'm not referring to Sarah Brady...?
[Via Plug Nickel Times, who tells me "Didn't exactly happen in a US Nat'l Park - but those cougars don't read maps anyway..."]
Higher Learning from Princeton
A 77-year-old Princeton woman faced down a man armed with a sawed-off shotgun and sent him running after she pointed her own gun at him, according to court documents. [More]Creepy story, the way the guy stayed around...it doesn't sound like it would have ended well at all.
And while this Princeton is in Maine, the young men and women of that other Princeton could learn something from this that their university will never teach them.
For starters, every damn one of them is less able to defend themselves than a 77-year-old woman.
[Via David]
"No One Was Hurt"
"Grabs a loaded .40-caliber handgun and chases with the gun, shooting rounds either into the air or into the ground as they were chasing." [More]Damn lucky no one was hurt.
And further anecdotal proof that a permit holder is no more qualified to carry a gun than I am.
So what's the point?
[Via Mama Liberty]
I, "Low-Level Terrorist"
“Which of the following is an example of low-level terrorism?”Does this make me a suicide blogger?
— Attacking the Pentagon
— IEDs
— Hate crimes against racial groups
— Protests
The correct answer, according to the exam, is "Protests." [More]
We're the Only Ones Revoked Enough
A district court judge has upheld a decision to revoke Ashland Police Officer Ed Pomponio's license to carry a gun. [More]But fear not:
Pomponio joined the Ashland Police force last year, and is still permitted to carry a gun while on duty there.Interesting classification of "Only One." If I understand this right, he's not considered trustworthy enough to carry a gun unless he's in a position of authority over you and me, and then he automatically gets his judgment back.
Did I miss something?
We're the Only Ones Well-Grounded Enough
A Suffolk police officer chasing a suspect on foot in Brentwood on Tuesday accidentally fired a bullet at the ground, police said. [More]Because, you know, he's the "Only One" professional enough...
And no, you may not know his name.
We're the Only Ones "Reunited and it Feels So Good" Enough
"The only thing that stood between Marxist street thugs and public order was a thin blue line of dedicated, tough Chicago police officers.... [More]So...who are the "Only Ones" standing between the Marxist street thugs and the public now?
Forget it Jake. It's Chi-Town.
I wonder what their commemorative T-shirts will look like...?
Clay and 12th

A man who was fatally shot Thursday night on Clay Street near 12th Avenue North has been identified as a Metro Schools assistant principal. [More]Clay and 12th?
Y'know, if that turncoat Phil Bredesen hadn't resigned himself to not provoking another veto override, guess who the people stopped by a park gun ban would have been?
Hint--not the guy who shot the principal.
In light of this murder, who thinks using "opt out provisions" to make Buena Vista Park a "gun free zone" is just the ticket for fighting violent crime?
Somebody needs to "opt out" that weasel Bredesen next time he runs for anything.
We're Not the Only Ones Outraged Enough
When a stray bullet from a gang member's gun struck 3-week-old Luis Angel Garcia in the heart and killed him in 2007, police, politicians and ordinary Angelenos expressed outrage over the infant's death.Actually, if you look at who is carrying guns in LA, it really pretty much is limited to "Only Ones" on both sides of "the law": Police and gangbangers.
But they weren't the only ones. [More]
The only ones who aren't carrying are those inclined to obedience.
And isn't that outrageous?
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