Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Risk Management, Bold Republican-Style
I trust nobody thought their howls of protests were calculated to do anything but give them a political advantage?
Quigley....Paging Professor Quigley...
GRE Round Up for Mar. 31
A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."
These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.
Here are their latest offerings:
Anthony Bouchard/Cheyenne:
Anti-Gun Bill Ayers UW engagement cancelled, not so fast
Don Gwinn/Chicago:
For anti-gun Northwestern professor, Constitutional ignorance is no excuse
Dave Workman/Seattle:
D.C. court ruling reveals what anti-gunners call ‘common-sense gun laws’
ICHV exploits 'Hutaree' hysteria to gin up support for 'assault weapon' ban
Go. Read. And please share these links.
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Where There's Smoke...
An eastern Pennsylvania hospital says it plans to stop hiring new employees who are smokers. [More]I wonder when someone's going to get around trying that with gun owners...
We're the Only Ones Getting Our Story Straight Enough
When police questioned him, the man, who later turned out to be Officer Thomas, said he didn’t hear any gunshots. [More]and then:
...Officer Thomas told police the men were able to get the gun from him and they fired the shots. He said he was able to get the gun back after the shots were fired.Kind'a makes you wonder how many other official police reports this apparent liar has lied on...
And noting the Raven Bar and intoxication mentions, it also fills me with a warm sense of justice to know that "Only Ones" are exempted from that CCW reform their mouthpieces are against. Because they're better than us.
[Via Ron Bokleman]
We're the Only Ones Down the Up Staircase Enough
Police: Cop charged in man's death had pushed him down steps...So I guess we'll have to settle for a reenactment?
...Joe Hamilton told the Post-Dispatch on Tuesday that when he gave the tape to police, "I thought they were on my side." At that time, he didn't know a police officer is the one who allegedly pushed his brother. By the time Overland police had turned the tape over to county investigators, it had been erased... [More]
[Via Mama Liberty]
Judge Urbina's Wisdom Prevails!
Four Die in D.C. Drive-By Shooting [More]Say, that's some "compelling government interest" you're preserving there, judge.
Thanks for being on the judicial forefront of promoting "public safety concerns."
[Via Zachary G]
Hamblen Petition
If you need background, click here.
Mr. Hamblen has posted his Petition for Writ of Certiorari.
Click here to read it.
Was Key Evidence Left Out of DC Gun Case?
With these stakes, The Times' critique is serious, all the more so because Halbrook has earned such an august reputation, not just as a lawyer, but as one of the foremost scholars and champions of the right to keep and bear arms. There's nothing stated in the editorial he doesn't know inside and out. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at an omission with potentially disastrous consequences.
Also link over to today's Trigger Sports LIVE!
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This Day in History: March 31
March 31, 1778
"I hope a due attention will also be paid to keeping up a sufficient quantity of Cloathing, that the Soldiers may never be reduced to want and nakedness. Not only a loss from Sickness, follows the want of covering, but desertion to a very great degree. I am astonished, considering the sufferings the men have undergone, that more of them have not left us." Washington to James Bowdoin (Fitzgerald, Vol. XI, 181) [More]
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
GRE Round Up for Mar. 30
A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."
These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.
Here are their latest offerings:
Howard Nemerov/Austin:
U.S. Concealed Carry Association has supporters, detractors
Anthony Bouchard/Cheyenne:
NRA gives Senator Reid more praise - enough already!
Dan Bidstrup/Denver:
Who are we protected from with a gun free zone?
John Longenecker/Los Angeles:
Safer Streets 2010: American Militias.
Even MSNBC forced to admit numbers don't support 'gun control'
Chris Woodard/Tucson:
Arizona gun law is on the move.
Go. Read. And please share these links.
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Can a Politican Be "Too Pro-Gun"?
He introduced and pushed for a right-to-carry bill that would haveThere--I fixed it for you. I hate it when "our side" does that.given peoplerecognized the right to carry a gun, concealed or otherwise, without having to obtain a permit. [More]
I've addressed this on Gun Rights Examiner--several different columns, actually, presenting both sides of the debate:
Competing concealed carry bills in Iowa divide gun owners
Iowa Gun Owners promote 'real right-to-carry'
Iowa Carry says NRA bill 'best chance at getting (concealed carry) into law'
Competing concealed carry bills in Iowa divide gun owners
[Via Boris Karpa]
Causus Belli
[Via Ron W]
A Massive Stockpile
"We have no reason to believe they had any intent to sell these weapons," a police source said. "They just shouldn't have had them in the first place." [More]Well of course not. They're not Furious Mike "Only Ones," are they now?
And a family had dozens of pills!!!
When I take a look at that Fudd gun collection spread out over the table, for some reason I channel Crocodile Dundee:
'at's not a stockpile.
'at's a stockpile.
Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...
In an unusual move, a heavily armed NYPD security battalion with enough firepower to wipe out Downtown Brooklyn descended onto the city's subway trains yesterday in response to suicide bombings in Russia that killed dozens of passengers in Moscow's subway. [Read]Geared up for war, are we? Just in case anyone had any ideas about lifting any fingers, look what we can be trusted with...although I wonder what good shooting someone after they've exploded themselves will do
I'm waiting for the first "the gun went off" report...
Remember: "They" hate us 'cause we're free!
Going Forward...
Please read and share the link.
As I've said before, I'm going to both rallies.
[Via Western Rifle Shooters Association]
Glass House Dwellers
I love the photo of that pompous little statist punk Bill Maher. If that isn't a window into his soul...
Pat Buchanan has more along these lines.
We're the Only Ones Driving Enough
"These guys are sometimes the worst drivers out there," John Townsend, AAA Mid-Atlantic spokesman, told the newspaper. "It's almost like they're teenagers -- overconfident in their ability to drive. They take defensive driving courses, but they probably should take more of them." [More]Gee, isn't pointing out their job-related training the exact same argument used to justify them being the "Only Ones" we can trust with guns?
Well, isn't it?
Huh. The indictment of true abilities and attitudes seems pretty familiar, too...
Seeking Comments
Hey, maybe those of us who have sacrificed and saved can do the patriotic thing and buy bonds!
[Via retrotruckman]
Why Is Government Blocking Access to ATF Whistlebower Website?
Access to the website is being blocked from Department of Justice computers. Users attempting to visit it are reminded that they're being watched and noted. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column helps create an unintended consequence for those who would suppress inconvenient information.
Also book a ride on the Magic Bus and find out what's playing tomorrow.
Will you help me spread the word by sharing the link?
This Day in History: March 30
In another attack, March 30, 1778, Moses, then a lieutenant, a cousin, and Peter Pence were taken prisoners. Moses’ father and brother and uncle were killed and scalped. The Indians hurried the three captives to a point near Wyalusing Flats, where the three made their escape from ten warriors in one of the most daring adventures ever recorded in frontier history. Van Campen had procured a large knife during the night he released the other prisoners, they grabbed the rifles and in a moment three of the Indians were tomahawked and as the other awoke they were instantly shot, when in a hand-to-hand combat the whites killed three of the remaining four, the tenth Indian making good his escape. [More]
Monday, March 29, 2010
GRE Round Up for Mar. 29
A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."
These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.
Here are their latest offerings:
Howard Nemerov/Austin:
United States Concealed Carry Association: Web marketing experiment?
Don Gwinn/Chicago:
There's only one way to "make the Constitution relevant to modern society," Professor!
Daniel White/Cleveland:
Ohio Fraternal Order of Police opposes gun law changes in new bill
Dan Bidstrup/Denver:
Nearly done with the the Tanner Gun Show shooting
Dave Workman/Seattle:
Don’t confuse MI suspects with law-abiding gun owners
Mexican President Calderón--and Reuters--still blame U.S. 'gun lobby' for violence
Go. Read. And please share these links.
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We Said "No Anchovies!"
In Hammond, Ind., 18-year-old George Ponce, who works at a pizzeria next door to a home that was raided, said he and a few co-workers stepped outside for a break Saturday night and saw a swarm of law enforcement.Pizza Hutaree?
"I heard a yell, 'Get back inside!' and saw a squad member pointing a rifle at us," Ponce said. [More]
Make sure you check out the indictment I posted on earlier today.
[Via Ed M]
We're the Only Ones Admitting Enough
During cross examination by Lopez, however, the sergeant admitted that the photographs were taken after he had handled the gun and placed it in that position. [More]You see what they did here--made it look like the citizen broke the law, and they would have let everyone think that unless the truth was forced out of them. One can only wonder at the frequency this happens. The fact that a sergeant and two officers were involved tells us all we need to know about it being just one isolated bad apple.
So what's the name of this g****** lying son of a b***** "Only One" who's willing to manipulate evidence against a citizen like that in an attempt to destroy his life and take his freedom, and what interest could a free society possibly have in employing and protecting such a fascist thug?
For some reason, this one really p***** me off more than usual.
[Via W-III]
We're the Only Ones Delusional Enough
Mr. Asbell attracted widespread attention with his attacks on the drug trade in the state's poorest city. He carried guns and accompanied the police on raids. Though he had a reputation as an eccentric public figure who adorned his office with cowboy memorabilia and enjoyed shooting firearms captured by the police, he was also well liked and respected by law-enforcement officials. [More]Well, of course he was.
[Via William T]
*I'm informed this is an old story. Indeed it is--I didn't check the date.
It's still relevant in principle, though.
We're the Only Ones Ethically Going Backward Enough
San Francisco prosecutors told judges Friday that they could not "ethically go forward" with 46 narcotics trials because of evidence problems arising out of the scandal at the Police Department's drug-analysis lab - signaling that the district attorney is likely to dismiss nearly all 750 pending drug cases in the city. [More]Why, sure, we'll be happy to "lab test" that cocaine...
Snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..., yeah, that's good stuff, all right...
[Via William T]
We're the Only Ones Berating Enough
The manager said her husband told Schwab, "You shouldn't bring your road rage in here." Schwab pulled out his badge and holstered gun. [More]Hey, seeing as how this took place at a fast food joint, they're lucky he didn't escalate the situation.
I wonder--if I track down someone who cuts me off in traffic and pull a gun, will they be satisfied with my just resigning...?
[Via Ed M]
For background and insights, Vanderboegh has been following this closely over at Sipsey Street Irregulars. Scroll down and look around, because there are several posts.
[Via Stephen S]
And Leave the Driving to Us

Click here to learn more.
For other states, click here.
He presents himself as the voice of moderation--which means he's another big "but" 2A fraud.
Looks like he's fallen for the VPC "assault weapons" lie--either that or he knows damn well what he's doing.
Ditto he seems ignorant about just who would be immune to stolen gun reporting requirements...
"2 cents?" That seems a bit high for what is either nonsense or deception.
I want my money back.
We're the Only Ones Appalled Enough
"I am kind appalled that they keep coming back and back to these issues that have already been heavily discussed," said Mark Drum of the FOP. "It just comes down to the fact that these are absolutely huge safety issues for law enforcement everywhere." [More]And we all know that's why we have government in the first place. Forget "huge safety issues" for non-"Only Ones"...
Besides, Mark Drum said it, I believe it, that settles it. Who are we to question his awesome superior judgment, trustworthiness and ability?
Daniel White has more.
Home Defense Illustrates Injustice of Chicago Gun Ban

I wonder if the city is trying to tell us something? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column presumes that it is.
Also get the podcast of yesterday's Gun Talk Radio show, including a segment with yours truly.
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Sunday, March 28, 2010
GRE Round Up for Mar. 28
A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."
These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.
Here are their latest offerings:
Steve D. Jones/Fort Smith:
John Longenecker/Los Angeles:
Safer Streets 2010: The health of the second amendment is the health of the nation.
Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Illinois legislature apparently plans to punt on gun issues
Go. Read. And please share these links.
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Military Brass Destruction Update

Marbut has written a follow-up piece. His conclusion?Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a trust-restoring proposal.
"ATK will need to do more than simply post a statement announcing that it now fully supports a congressional ban enacted last year to forbid military brass destruction." [More]
Also read a new opinion piece from Matthew Bracken and a reminder about today's Gun Talk Radio Show with Tom Gresham.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
GRE Round Up for Mar. 27
A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."
These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.
Here are their latest offerings:
Ed Stone/Atlanta:
Federal judge rules pistols holding more than ten rounds dangerous and unusual
Steve D. Jones/Fort Smith:
Liston Matthews/Knoxville:
TN candidates respond to gun rights quiz -Knox County Mayor - Tim Hutchison
TN candidates respond to gun rights quiz - Governor - Ron Ramsey
TN candidates respond to gun rights quiz - Governor - Joe Kirkpatrick
Dave Workman/Seattle:
Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Federal judge edits 'not' out of 'shall not be infringed'
Chris Woodard/Tucson:
Is Obamacare unstoppable?
Go. Read. And please share these links.
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Federal Judge Rules Against 2nd Amendment, For DC 'Gun Control'

But the problem with this approach is, ultimately, after appeals are exhausted, all it takes is for the Supreme Court to say...nothing. Just refuse to hear a case without comment, and what's done is done...[More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a "legal" confirmation of what some of us have been saying for years.
I hope no one thinks power is ever ceded because the usurpers think it's the Constitutionally proper and moral thing to do...
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This Day in History: March 27
SWEDESBORO March 27, 1778
Sixty Tories and marines under a man named Cox take Lt. Bateman Lloyd of the 4th Regiment and two recruits and plunder the house of Capt. Robert Brown. [More]
Friday, March 26, 2010
GRE Round Up for Mar. 26
A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."
These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.
Here are their latest offerings:
Anthony Bouchard/Cheyenne:
Wyoming’s - NRA little brother the WSSA exposes its true colors
Daniel White/Cleveland:
Demonizing gun owners
Gun prohibitionists are disingenuous, hypocritical
Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Used military cartridge brass once again being destroyed--robbing shooters, taxpayers
Go. Read. And please share these links.
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A Brassy Development
Following with interest the lead on surplus brass. I went to the auction site and found at:UPDATE: Statement from ATK:
ATK is a strong supporter of our armed forces, the shooting sports industry, second amendment rights and all of our customers who choose to reload ammunition. In fact, ATK is a leader in the reloading market. A dated brochure and presentation have caused confusion in the marketplace and do not reflect the views of our company and will be immediately withdrawn. As a service to our military customers, we routinely handle demil operations for various munitions and respond to requests from military installations for reclamation and recycling of military items. Each contract is awarded through the military installation’s procurement process. The installations received fair value for the brass.[Via Scott J]
ATK fully supports the provision passed by Congress last year to ensure that demilitarized spent brass casings remain available for civilian use.
Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...
Maybe if they implemented...oh, I don't know...some kind of gun control...The citywide murder rate has increased 22.8% in the first 11 weeks of the year over the same period in 2009, from 79 homicides to 97 as of Sunday, the most recent day for which statistics are available.
Shootings in general are also up citywide...[More]
[Via Harvey]
Dear Penn Pal
Anti-Chavez TV channel owner arrested in Venezuela [More]That's just the way Sean likes it.
22 Minutes!!!
[Via Ed M]
We're the Only Ones Inactive Enough
Inspector general blasts NOPD chief but won't take action against him [More]Well, hell, I don't know what the big deal is. I'm sure if you or I broke the law "with impunity" they'd give us a pass if they knew we were going to retire soon.
[Via retrotruckman]
We're the Only Ones Knowing Enough
Edwards said the arrest was a blow to the department...[More]And they're not the...uh..."Only Ones"...
[Via retrotruckman]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
Those aren't scientists--those are sadistic propagandists.This is state-sponsored terrorism and an act of psychological warfare. And it is betrayal of the worst kind--abusing the vulnerable who are depending on them for protection.Children as young as 10 - including one whose dad is said to have been shot dead - were left in tears as a science teacher was 'gunned down' in the playground.
But it turned out to be a stunt organised as part of a science project at Blackminster Middle School in Evesham. [More]
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
Correspondent William T, who sent me a link to this account, channels Mr. Mackey to sum the teaching experience up:
Guns are bad, mkay...?
Armed Defense in the News
Police: Home Intruder Shot In Leg
Pittsburgh Police: Intruder Shot Dead During Home Robbery
Would-be burglar gets lead instead
Homeowner shoots at burglar
Blade-Wielding Man Shot By Business Owner
The gungrabbers, of course, would rather see all of these self-defenders dead.
[Via NRA]
The Missing Agenda Item
Armed self-defense was a cherished African-American tradition - until we became Democrats. [More]Gregory P. Kane has a much-needed message for the black community.
The best way to encourage more such commentary is to encourage it when we see it. We can do that two ways--by spreading the link so the author and publisher know such work brings in traffic, and by leaving a supportive comment.
I hope you do both.
Tom Gresham's Gun Talk Radio Celebrates 15th Anniversary
I'm quite honored that Tom asked me to join along with his other invited guests. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column tunes in to a special program.
Also, it looks like the Louisiana guns bill story I've been waving my arms and screaming about may be getting some traction, as is the story about renewed destruction of surplus military brass.
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This Day in History: March 26
From the British perspective, Donald Barr Chidsey relays in his book, "Valley Forge," (p. 26) that a reasonably precise figure — which itself is suspect — is a Tory statement that between September 27, 1777 and March 26, 1778, that 1,134 men deserted the American Army and came into Philadelphia. Interestingly enough — only three of those months are part of the encampment. The bulk of these men were men who were formerly from British regiments or had lived in America a relatively short time. [More]
Thursday, March 25, 2010
We're Number One...
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over...**
[Via 1894C]
GRE Round Up for Mar. 25
A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."
These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.
Here are their latest offerings:
Ed Stone/Atlanta:
SB 308 passes Georgia Senate by veto proof majority
Concealed carry in Louisiana (and Arkansas) state parks
Dave Workman/Seattle: report hammers myth that more guns lead to more homicides
Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Will St. Clair County Sheriff's Department destroy piece of history?
Go. Read. And please share these links.
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Saber Rattling
Come and support me at the Second Amendment March on April 19th on the Washington Monument grounds. Let’s rattle some sabers and show the government we’re still here. We are here, and we are not silent! [More]I've seen comments from some of you on other sites with criticisms both for this and the open carry march on the other side of the river.
In truth, I have had privately-expressed reservations about both approaches, but nonetheless I've been invited to speak at both events and I intend to.
Why? Because I want to argue with those of you who disagree?
Not at all. My reasons are much simpler.
Because my friends asked me to, and I will not let them stand alone.
We're the Only Ones Stormy Enough
Prosecutors said Checo, fellow cops Richard LeBlanc and Kelvin Jones, and retired Officer Orlando Garcia staged the heist with three other goons.
The three NYPD-linked suspects allegedly flashed their guns and NYPD badges when they stormed the warehouse.
"NYPD! Hands up!" the cops shouted. [More]
What a dilemma!
How can you raise your hands without lifting a finger...?
Not that the Daily News will ever reconsider its "Only Ones" fanaticism when it comes to guns...
[Via Harvey]
Goodbye, Mr. Chips
Thompson...Do implanted microchips cause cancer in dogs and cats?
That's the question owners are asking after highly aggressive tumors developed around the microchip implants of two dogs, killing one and leaving the other terminally ill. [More]
Paging Tommy Thompson...
The Sounds of Silence...
Nothing to see here...
Maybe they're all too busy.
Fortunately, a few folks like Kurt and Steve are helping out...
UPDATE: Somebody finally noticed.
Funny--they talk the LA Parks bill which has had no "gun lobby" involvement, and the the state Firearms Freedom Act effort which NRA has specifically declined to support, and here's their conclusion:
The trend is attributed in large part to a push by the National Rifle Association.Just in case you wonder why I so love "Authorized Journalists"...
And Now a Word from Emmanuel Goldstein...
A Sacramento Vigilante
Police said the resident will not face any charges for firing the weapon, but officers urged him to call 911 before taking the law into his own hands. [More]Yeah. Just who the hell does he think he is?
[Via Mama Liberty]
We're the Only Ones Extremely Regretful Enough
"The charges are not unexpected, and Mr. Lunsford is extremely regretful that he finds himself in this position"... [More]I'll bet he is.
Isn't that legalspeak for he's sorry he got caught?
[Via Rick P]
We're the Only Ones Key to Your Security Enough
It's a novel program designed to improve the safety of senior citizens in New Jersey.I see. And I'm sure it comes with a waiver of sorts that if they happen to see anything you might have on hand to provide security for yourself that they'll turn a blind eye?
The program would allow police quick access into a home to help anyone having a medical emergency – without having the break down the door. [More]
The cynic in me wonders if any resulting thefts when the house is empty will be accompanied by intentional damage to make things look like there was a forced entry...
But perhaps I'm too harsh. If you can't trust New Jersey "Only Ones," who can you trust?
Was There a Political Motive in Phoenix Gun Dealer Prosecution?
One of the primary reasons we have government in the first place is to "secure the Blessings of Liberty." Try as I might, I just don't see "to destroy your reputation, livelihood and life" spelled out anywhere in "the supreme Law of the Land." [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column introduces evidence and motive.
Also reexamine a federal shotguns for education program and have a cigar.
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This Day in History: March 25
By advices recd two days ago from Elizabeth Town I am informed that two Regiments of British and two of Hessians were embarked at New York and by accounts from Rhode Island it was imagined that the Enemy were about evacuating New Port. This makes me suspicious that General Howe is drawing his reinforcements together to attack us before we get ours. [More]