Had the majority of gun owners spent the last several years ponying up tens of dollars toward memberships or supporting special projects, they would not now be faced with the prospect of spending extra hundreds or more, assuming the racks, counters and shelves haven’t already been emptied of all the good stuff. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes there's plenty of blame to go around for today's higher prices.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Armed American Radio ‘Round Table’ addresses price-gouging on guns and more
The Few, The Proud
In my 8 years of service I could probably count on one hand the number of people that I met who would forcibly disarm the American public. The vast majority of American service members that I know and that I served with recognize that the Constitution is what we pledge to obey. [More]I hope you're right, Marine. Great letter, by the way.
No Foolin'
Do not be fooled by a belief that progressives, leftists hate guns. Oh, no, they do not. What they hate is guns in the hands of those who are not marching in lock step of their ideology. They hate guns in the hands of those who think for themselves and do not obey without question. They hate guns in those whom they have slated for a barrel to the back of the ear. [More][Via several of you]
It's Not About the Money?
Well of course it is, but that's OK if it has the effect of establishing liability. [Read]
I'd like to find out if a credible legal argument could be made that because attendance is compulsory, a special relationship, and thus a duty to protect exists.
[Via William T]
I'd like to find out if a credible legal argument could be made that because attendance is compulsory, a special relationship, and thus a duty to protect exists.
[Via William T]
Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise
Beware: 11,000 psychotics on streets [More]Considering the promised response to lifting a finger, that sounds like a lowball estimate to me...
[Via bondmen]
A Professor of Constitutional Law
I've seen somebody else called that, too. [Read]
I wonder how subversive academics are going to fare if the hive insects get their way and start something that meets with resistance?
UPDATE: An NC Gun Blog anticipates if the professor gets his way, some of us will be donning black masks.
I wonder how subversive academics are going to fare if the hive insects get their way and start something that meets with resistance?
UPDATE: An NC Gun Blog anticipates if the professor gets his way, some of us will be donning black masks.
What You'll See in the Rebellion
Bob Owens' crystal ball is probably about as tuned in as anyone's. [Read]
This really is a good summary of potentialities. If it happens, I guess those of us who have already publicly chosen sides will find out if we bet on the right team.
This really is a good summary of potentialities. If it happens, I guess those of us who have already publicly chosen sides will find out if we bet on the right team.
Journal News To List More Gun Permit Holders After Uproar [More]
If the Journal News really wants to escalate like this, and if retaliatory publication of management and staff addresses has not worked, and if their intent is to expand their efforts, then it's time to do the same.
Who are their big advertisers? They're the ones who are giving the Journal News the resources to do this, are in effect giving aid and comfort to the enemy. By default, they have become legitimate targets in this cold war the paper started, just as surely as supply convoys would be in a hot one.
Contact them and let them know if they don't cut off the funds, they will have chosen their side, and will be subject to the same tactics those they're enabling are using. Ask them if they think such publicized actions may have a deterrent effect on potential customers, and if that might give a competitive edge to rival dealerships. And don't accept the excuse that there's a contract -- by their own actions, the Journal News will have invalidated that by creating a situation that produces the exact opposite of what their advertising program promises -- driving customers away instead of bringing them in.
That's the kind of revenue loss that could really cripple a newspaper in today's economy, and since the parent corporation Gannett is no friend and could have put the brakes on this at any time, there's no reason why this tactic shouldn't spread to all of their holdings.
Or do nothing and watch this gun owner outing spread to other newspapers, emboldened by the simple observation that they'll be allowed to get away with it by the very people they're attacking.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Post-Columbine essay asks questions that still have not been answered
An essay written during the Clinton administration after the Columbine school massacre asked a series of questions about human nature and the right to life and liberty that I believe are especially valid now, in a post-Newtown anti-gun frenzy that dwarfs what I assessed back then as "dark times for defenders of the Second Amendment, probably as perilous as they have ever been." [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner offering dusts off an old effort from the past that shows some things have not changed.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
German gun registry ensures only law-abiding will be caught in net
Their entry for Germany maintains “The estimated total number of guns held by civilians in Germany is 25,000,000.” Cutting to the chase, the report gives other critical pieces of information about “unlawfully held guns”: Their numbers are estimated at 17,000,000, or “20.614 illicit firearms per 100 people.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner entry notes it's what's not counted that counts.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Issa notes 113th Congress rules will keep Holder subpoenas from expiring
“Without these provisions, the Justice Department could have argued that its obligation to produce subpoenaed documents expired with the previous Congress.” [More]Today's third Gun Rights Examiner report notes it ain't over 'til it's over.
El Paso Times repeats discredited Mexican recovered crime gun lie
“Will you issue a clarification?” she was asked. [More]Evidently not, so today's second Gun Rights Examiner feature does it for her.
Going for the Record
The last time the city reached the 500-homicide mark was in 2008, when the year ended with 512 killings. [More]Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
[Via Kid Sis]
Gun group says active killer events quadrupled after Gun Free School Zones Act
“As you can clearly see, the frequency of Active Killer Events QUADRUPLED following the enactment of the Gun-Free School Zone Act in 1990,” it concluded. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes an increase that our government told us wasn't supposed to happen, meaning it was inevitable.
"Your Privacy is Our Promise"
That way, when you open your indignant yap about gun control for the masses, no one will ever know what a bloody hypocrite you are... [Read]
Besides, out of the millions who buy tickets to whatever it is you do, losing a few now and then won't even register on the bottom line.
And us? We'd just as soon anyone unbalanced enough to idolize walking stage props stay unarmed--it makes our job so much safer.
[Via Kid Sis]
Besides, out of the millions who buy tickets to whatever it is you do, losing a few now and then won't even register on the bottom line.
And us? We'd just as soon anyone unbalanced enough to idolize walking stage props stay unarmed--it makes our job so much safer.
[Via Kid Sis]
Certificate of Surrender
Coincidentally, I was sent that link by Steve T within moments of retweeting this:I wish I had the capital to buy the rights for and restart production of this:
It Must Be That Time of Year Again
You know, for jack-booted oath-breaker Charlie ("weapons of war/weapons of death" for me but not for thee) Beck to trot out the inert trainer so the summoned "Authorized Journalists" can experience group hysterical paroxysms. Does it look like the same dead, hollow tube to you? [More]
And those of you wanting to dispose of "crime guns" take note:
Villaraigosa looks good, doesn't he? Hiding behind that zoning violation wall with his tax-funded armed security detail while banging the newschick reporting on him gives him a certain glow.
[Via Steve T]
And those of you wanting to dispose of "crime guns" take note:
Beck acknowledged that the weapons would not be checked for connections to crimes before being melted down. He said the sheer number would make that difficult, and he does not want to deter people from turning in firearms.Say, what a convenient way to get rid of recovered Fast and Furious guns...no questions asked!
Villaraigosa looks good, doesn't he? Hiding behind that zoning violation wall with his tax-funded armed security detail while banging the newschick reporting on him gives him a certain glow.
[Via Steve T]
Meanwhile, Across the Great Wall in CSGV "Monopoly of Violence" Paradise...
China's government tightened Internet controls Friday with approval of a law that requires users to register their names after a flood of online complaints about official abuses rattled Communist Party leaders. [More]You know, the champions of human rights.
I guess Jingjing and Chaccha need better tools to do their job.
Speaking of that, everybody knows what a tool Jackie Chan is, right?
Shooting Destination Night: 5th Annual Mammoth Biathlon
From American Trigger Sports Network:
Molly Smith, ATSN Field Correspondent, takes us to the 5th Annual Winter Biathlon in beautiful Mammoth Mountain, CA. Molly has a chance to speak with Winter Olympic hopefuls and the organizers. Conditions are great on Saturday, but cold and snowy on Sunday. Molly gets her hands on a rifle and takes aim.
Watch tonight, Friday, December 28th, on Pursuit.
6:00pm Pacific 7:00pm Mountain, 8:00pm Central, 9:00pm Eastern:
DirecTV Channel 604 PRST
DISH Network Channel 240 HUNT
Works for Me
But people in this traditionally self-reliant section of timber country aren't about to raise taxes to put more officers on the road. Instead, some folks in Josephine County, larger than the state of Rhode Island, are taking matters into their own hands — mounting flashing lights on their trucks and strapping pistols to their hips to guard communities themselves. [More]Instead of complaining about their level of training, sheriff, train them.
[Via Ed D]
The Answer
OK, daughter of the Fudd, if it isn't to arm the teachers, what is it? [Read]
She sure packs a lot of concentrated stupid into one brief essay. Amazing what qualifies for a Pulitzer and a professorship these days, isn't it?
She sure packs a lot of concentrated stupid into one brief essay. Amazing what qualifies for a Pulitzer and a professorship these days, isn't it?
So Much for the Content of His Character
The White House selected Dixon for the task force because of his position as vice president of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives. [More]
It makes sense though--they embrace total gun bans, even in the home.
And he now presumes to help decide "Who should actually be allowed to have assault weapons? Should it be an everyday thing? Or should it be a process you have to go through to get an assault weapon?"
"I encourage people to send their ideas to my email address, jdixon@petersburg-police.com." Dixon said.
Well ... oblige the man.
A Civil Debate
Stigmatizing Gun Owners Makes Civil Debate Impossible [More]
I have the same sentiment about this as I did about that "civil tone" we spoke of the other day. Would you rather have an uncivil debate or a civil war?
I've got news for you, pally, it should be impossible, unless you're interested in making concessions with tyrant wannabes or their useful idiot mob followers. Truth isn't debatable, and any goose who hasn't made up his mind at this late stage, well, life is tough, it's tougher when you're stupid, and when things get really tough, having softer targets may buy the harder ones more time to fortify.
We're long past the stage of rebuttals with those making plans to force their will upon us, and they can't say they haven't been warned.
[Via Neil W]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
"In law there is no dispute that Mr. Clarke has no defence to this charge. The intention of anybody possessing a firearm is irrelevant."[More]Joyce Lee Malcolm's latest foray into inconvenient truths notes the best laid plans of the Queen's subjects and those of the Empire's former prison colony haven't exactly panned out as intended. You realize, of course, the quote I selected from it is exactly applicable to David Gregory's legal dilemma, those who would defend him notwithstanding.
This Day in History: December 28
On December 28, 1780, Morgan used Washington's dragoons and mounted militia to subdue 250 Georgia Loyalists at Hammond's Store near Fort Ninety-Six. [More]
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Of Course You Realize This Means War
Bring it on. [Read]
I'm actually glad to see this--she way overplayed her hand, has shown the antis for what they are, and has just done more to unify gun owners than anything in recent memory.
I'm actually glad to see this--she way overplayed her hand, has shown the antis for what they are, and has just done more to unify gun owners than anything in recent memory.
D.C. chief and ATF head asked who authorized violation of magazine ban
The truth is, the issue isn’t really about throwing David Gregory and the production staff of "Meet the Press" in the slammer anyway -- that would just be an amusing side benefit, especially if they were put in with the same threatening and demeaning treatment and terrifying characters you and I would be subjected to for the “crime” of possessing verboten boxes and springs. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report can't help but notice the elitist nature of the egalitarians.
Die. I Hope It's Painful.
The Chicago Tribune and six other newspapers owned by Tribune Co. are dropping the services of Associated Press, effective in early January. [More]Gee, and they always brought us such important stories.
We're the Only Ones Love You Long, Long Time Enough
Veteran Sacramento Police Officer Arrested For Repeated Sexual Assault Of 78-Year-Old [More]Anybody think this would not be headline news all over the place were he a veteran NRA employee?
[Via William T]
The THING That Would Not Die
UN Arms Trade Treaty Resurrected [More]They do seem intent on provoking the one thing that can kill it, don't they?
[Via DMJ]
"Business Decisions" Have Consequences
But don’t protest a business — one, by the way, that is not hindering a person’s rights whatsoever — that is simply making a decision to give up market share to competitors on a particular kind of weapon. [More]Bull. It's abandoning their brothers-in-arms on the battlefield and leaving them to stand or fall while the cowardly profiteers who want the benefits without the rigors or risks slink away. It is emboldening the enemy.
Dick's and Quislings like them deserted us in time of need. Their competitors who did not collapse before we even engaged, but who have held fast and faithfully, and stand with us through the storm, are the ones who have earned our continued association.
Nixon's the One
Nixon opposes concealed carry gun bill for Missouri schools [More]Thank goodness he and his family remain protected and safe!
This Day in History: December 27
Cornet Merrit was in the rear trying to fight off Maj. Horry's men, but they caught up with him. Cornet Merritt had two horses shot out from under him and was so stunned by the fall of the last one that he was left for dead. Maj. Horry's men took his boots, helmet, and weapons. When he recovered his senses he escaped into the swamp and hid. [More]
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid
Now that's a Christmas present for a boy! As Doug Rink says via email, he even kind of looks like Ralphie. [More]
It doesn't say, but it kind of looks like Washington, D.C.
What the hell happened to this country?
It doesn't say, but it kind of looks like Washington, D.C.
What the hell happened to this country?
How Come the "Temperance" Zealots Are So Damned Intemperate?
We just saw the tobacco analogy. So naturally, now the booze people need to put in their two cents. [Read]
Ask yourself what type of control freak thinks freedom is a vice.
Ask yourself what type of control freak thinks freedom is a vice.
Henigan is Right: Treat Guns Like Tobacco!
What a great and truly progressive idea! [Read]
I just got a box of maduros delivered by UPS. I didn't have to go through a background check or anything, and can buy as many as I want as often as I want--off the internet or over the phone, and from dealers in other states. And while there are "No Smoking" zones, no one prohibits carrying them concealed wherever I go. And I can even have them while enjoying adult beverages!
The more I think about this, the better I like it.
I just got a box of maduros delivered by UPS. I didn't have to go through a background check or anything, and can buy as many as I want as often as I want--off the internet or over the phone, and from dealers in other states. And while there are "No Smoking" zones, no one prohibits carrying them concealed wherever I go. And I can even have them while enjoying adult beverages!
The more I think about this, the better I like it.
A Civil Tone
Jeff Weinstein, president of the Maine Gun Owners Association, said destroying guns is an ineffective approach to reducing crime, but he urged people to be civil when expressing their opinions. [More]Why? We've already seen the "common ground" that results from when anti-gun sentiment prevails. It's past time this Hammond character was reminded of the "Life is tough. It's tougher when you're stupid" truism in no uncertain terms.
And unless those discussions invoke "How about 'No'?" as the default position on "gun control," leave me out of them. What would you rather have, an uncivil tone or a civil war?
Message in a Bottle
Keep buying cheap crap from the latter day slavers. [Read]
The human rights advocates thank you.
[Via Jess]
The human rights advocates thank you.
[Via Jess]
Cummings seeks dismissal of Fast and Furious suit against Holder
Characterizing the committee’s actions as a “rush toward unnecessary conflict” and referring to such litigation as “unnecessary and premature,” the petitioners ignore official stonewalling now measured in years, documented lies submitted to congressional investigators, and the deliberate indifference shown by Cummings and other Oversight Democrats when publicly asked to look into allegations of waste, abuse, corruption and fraud by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives management long before the public had ever heard about Fast and Furious. Had they provided such high-profile scrutiny, there is every possibility gunwalking attempts would not have been dared, and those killed as a result might still be alive. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the latest sabotage attempt by Old Bloody Hands and his fellow administration-supporting domestic enemies.
Sauce for the Goose
...home address and phone number of Journal-News publisher...[More]Sow the wind 'n all that...
[Via Neil W]
A "Pro Choice Liberal"
Agree. The radical nra has never met a gun they didn't like regardless of who is killed or how many. Ignorant gun culture. There are HUMANE options, and this article reiterates these people love guns more than people or children. SELF-DEFENSE works-knock a gun out of someone's hand, mace, tasers, bullet-proof vests are all HUMANE options. Time for the gun people to lose some rights-REGISTER ALL GUNS/AMMO so law enforcement can look up home # or license plate # and see how well you're armed before the NEXT tragedy happens. Also, where are the ATF stats on guns? Oh yeah, radical gun/nra people BLOCKED those. Ridiculous gun toters. Time for CHANGE!!! RESTRICT GUNS!!! [More]That doesn't sound very "pro choice" or "liberal" (in the classical sense) to me... Oh, now I get it: "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength..."
I love hive insects like this clown. Their utter inability to mask their totalitarian sympathies does more to create opposition than any arguments I could come up with.
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
The researchers said there was no reason for long pointed knives to be publicly available at all. [More]How "progressive."
The good thing is, you lot won't even have to turn off the lights. The darkness you're allowing yourselves to descend into will take care of all that for you.
[Via Zachary G]
Our Bloke in the Gun Ban Camp
Mike says "Hands off Piers Morgan." [Read]
I agree, and for Mike's reasons. Old Piers fires up the gun owner base in a way Mitt Romney never could.
Not that I think the petition is anything more than symbolic anyway, but those who only see the benefits of deporting him are not considering the costs of having a fedgov empowered to be the final word in this.
It's a reverse of what the anti-gunners do, when they gin up the hysterics over the economic "costs of guns" but omit factoring in any economic benefits.
I agree, and for Mike's reasons. Old Piers fires up the gun owner base in a way Mitt Romney never could.
Not that I think the petition is anything more than symbolic anyway, but those who only see the benefits of deporting him are not considering the costs of having a fedgov empowered to be the final word in this.
It's a reverse of what the anti-gunners do, when they gin up the hysterics over the economic "costs of guns" but omit factoring in any economic benefits.
Why Didn't We Think of This Before?
Rev. Jackson asks inmates to help end gun violence [Read]
Yeah, that'll work! OK, everybody, we can disarm now.
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
The Voice of Calm
Now that the militia has given way to the National Guard, there remains a responsibility to accept reasonable regulation of ownership, transfer and use of firearms. [More]Really? "Impartial reviewer" Cook is dragging this old saw out for an audience that may not have heard it before? So we should just ignore this?
Such a reading fails to note that the Framers used the term "militia" to relate to every citizen capable of bearing arms, and that Congress has established the present National Guard under its power to raise armies, expressly stating that it was not doing so under its power to organize and arm the militia.Mr. Pynchon? Do you have any relevant observations about this?
I guess lies told in a calm voice are intended to provide a soothing counterbalance to all the shrieking going on.
Gee, that's funny. Do you see a place to comment over there at The Times, so maybe readers of this book review can be set straight? Or is anyone who regularly turns to them to stay informed a lost cause anyway?
We're the Only Ones Penetrating Enough
A gang-rape victim from Uttar Pradesh's Ambedkar Nagar, who was again violated by the investigating officer (IO) probing her case, has now alleged that she was also raped by the inspector in charge of the police station where she had lodged her complaint. While the IO was arrested on December 14, no action has been taken against the inspector. Now the victim has written to the chief minister for justice. [More]Why? So he can have his turn?
And why isn't this surprising?
And where the hell are Rekha and Sanjay when you really need them?
Skirting the Issue
Yeah, I'd say provocation exists. It's just probably not over the same thing this barbaric moron is focused on. [Read]
This Day in History: December 26
I have, as I then observed, a very high opinion of your merit and military talents, and hope they will not go unrewarded; but such rapid promotion as you sollicit, without some very obvious cause, would afford ground of complaint to Officers of older standing than yourself in the Army. [More]
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Have a Blessed Christmas
My Christmas wish for you is that you have as much love in your life as I have been fortunate to find in mine. It surely beats all the riches in the world. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner piece repeats my traditional message of gratitude to, and hopes for, you who share with me in promoting and spreading Peace on Earth through individual Liberty and Security.
Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Nadler parrots falsehoods stumping for gun bans, extols ‘monopoly of violence’
“[T]he state ought to have a monopoly on legitimate violence,” Nadler continued, parroting a prime National Coalition to Ban Handguns talking point, which in itself relies on German sociologist Max Weber, whose support for amending the Weimar constitution abetted the establishment of emergency powers to bypass Reichstag consent, allowing Adolf Hitler's rise to unchallenged power.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes what liars those who demand we bend our knee and bare our throats to them are.
An Act of Hatred
We need to make it a project after Christmas to find and publicize the home addresses of everyone responsible for this. If people's family members were hurt or killed as a result of this, would it be that mystifying to think some might forgo the lawsuits and seek personal retribution? [Read]
God, this is outrageous!
[Via Robert F]
God, this is outrageous!
[Via Robert F]
There's Something About Bruce
Bruce Abernathy walked away with an assault rifle after sitting through a 30-minute background check at the Texas show.Fudds aside, how is it possible ignoramuses like this exist among semi-auto owners?
"There should be more strict background checks," said Abernathy, a Dallas resident. He said there should be a 30-day waiting period to buy weapons and a thorough background check that includes five references. [More]
A Romanian Christmas of Days Gone By
Someone who actually knows what he's talking about tells us what it was like, and then he makes a solemn pledge.
Understand what those shrieking for a monopoly of violence are siding with, whether they know it or are just useful idiots.
Understand what those shrieking for a monopoly of violence are siding with, whether they know it or are just useful idiots.
No Place is Immune
Still, seeing this kind of foolishness coming out of Alaska is disappointing -- for some reason, I've been operating under the comforting illusion that somehow, things were different there. [Read]
I'm sure those who live there and have experience with these character at the ADN aren't surprised though... Maybe this is just a case of the cold keeping things from spoiling as quickly.
I'm sure those who live there and have experience with these character at the ADN aren't surprised though... Maybe this is just a case of the cold keeping things from spoiling as quickly.
A Funny Thing Happened at the Exclusive Hollywood Benefit Screening
We just saw some Hollywood celebrities demanding disarmament.
They really ought to sit down and talk with this guy before being so cavalier about it. Funny, how the mob didn't see sympathetic "progressives." It only saw potential victims.
We've visited Mr. Avrech's work before here, some years back. He sure knows how to tell a story. This reminds me I'll need to make the time to visit it more often.
They really ought to sit down and talk with this guy before being so cavalier about it. Funny, how the mob didn't see sympathetic "progressives." It only saw potential victims.
We've visited Mr. Avrech's work before here, some years back. He sure knows how to tell a story. This reminds me I'll need to make the time to visit it more often.
Celebrity Demands
While the NRA takes aim at Hollywood for promoting violence, more than two-dozen A-list celebs fired back today with a new YouTube video demanding a plan to reign in gun crime. [Watch]There's only one appropriate response to these vacuous, over-privileged dilettantes, and Skip Coolzip's got it.
I- I-Me-Me-Mine
I suggest having this playing in the background before reading this.
Not that Inouye was any great pal, but it does give further insight into the Narcissist-in-Chief.
Not that Inouye was any great pal, but it does give further insight into the Narcissist-in-Chief.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
NRA and LaPierre unite disarmament advocates as gun owners remain divided
True, LaPierre's more moderate approach does seem to some as the more pragmatic path, but that presupposes moderation works against a lynch mob, which is what he, and we, are facing. [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner commentary does a postmortem on yesterday's NRA presser, and anticipates that traps are being set for tomorrow morning's scheduled ambush on "Meet the Press."
Friday, December 21, 2012
You Know That "National Conversation on Guns" All the Antis Wanted to Have?
It was never really a conversation. It wasn't even a monologue.
It was a dictation of the terms of surrender: Obey or die. [Read]
Good job, Kurt, as always.
I'm exhausted, it's snowing, I've had a hell of a day, it's Friday night and I'm shutting down. Don't expect emails answered or comments moderated for the rest of the day.
Good job, Kurt, as always.
I'm exhausted, it's snowing, I've had a hell of a day, it's Friday night and I'm shutting down. Don't expect emails answered or comments moderated for the rest of the day.
Today's NRA Press Conference Live Streaming
Watch below at the appointed hour:
I just noticed I can see this in IE but not in Firefox. If you have problems viewing this here, go to the NRA site.
The Nazgul Speaks
I say all of this as a gun owner. I say it as a conservative who was appointed to the federal bench by a Republican president. [More]
Sounds more to me like you say this as a traitor. Really, judge? Confiscation?And if you could ignore the rest of the Bill of Rights you talk about making it "a capital offense to so much as look at a gun"?
What a bloody-minded fascist. I guess at some point, if things don't simmer down, he and his are going to try to kill me and mine.
And, depending on where you stand, you and yours.
Get Smart
"I was literally pulling my hair out," McNamara said. "I thought, we have a technology that could have helped prevent that massacre."
That technology places a radio chip in a gun handle and a corresponding chip on a ring or bracelet or even implanted in an authorized shooter's hand, McNamara said. If the two chips are not within an inch or two (2.5 to 5 cm) of each other, the trigger will not unlock. [More]
Keep pulling, Mac. Your stupid gizmo would have had no effect on Sandy Hook. All Adam would have had to do is kill his mother by other means and he could have helped himself to the bracelet or ring, or pried the chip out of her cold, dead hands with a screwdriver.
What a dumb idea.
It always has been.
Our Opinion
A reasonable question is: Who needs what kind of weapon? [More]Some of us don't find that presumption a given.
Grassley Wants Knife Control, Too
What an idiot. No wonder Obama and Holder outsmart these guys at every turn. [Read]
We'll Leave the Seat Up for You
Both hotel chains' Facebook pages are full of messages urging them to "get out of bed with the NRA", many of them threatening to stop using their hotels until they do. [More]Those are the types who probably bring in bedbugs anyway.
If you're on Facebook, fight back with a message of your own:
Shooting Destination Night
Reminder: American Trigger Sports Network will feature an encore presentation tonight on the Tueller drill. [Details]
A Market-Based Stand
Y.es, throwing your core customers under the bus has always been a good strategic moved in a highly-competitive market place. God forbid we would expect a business supported by gun owners to take a principle-based and a freedom-based stand. [Read]
Of course, prognostications of a financial genius move notwithstanding, we are dealing with a commentator/analyst who believes:
As for glossing over "well regulated," no we don't. Some of us, who have actually read the Federalist Papers, know exactly what was intended:
Of course, prognostications of a financial genius move notwithstanding, we are dealing with a commentator/analyst who believes:
Yes, the Second Amendment does grant the right to bear arms, but gun advocates always seem to gloss over the phrase "well-regulated militia." The founding fathers were wise to include that language.Or at least he says he believes it . It's tough to think anyone still buys into that "grant" lie after it's been debunked so many times, including and by no less than the Supreme Court, so my guess is the writer knows better but doesn't want his readers to.
As for glossing over "well regulated," no we don't. Some of us, who have actually read the Federalist Papers, know exactly what was intended:
"The project of disciplining all the militia of the United States is as futile as it would be injurious, if it were capable of being carried into execution. A tolerable expertness in military movements is a business that requires time and practice. It is not a day, or even a week, that will suffice for the attainment of it. To oblige the great body of the yeomanry, and of the other classes of the citizens, to be under arms for the purpose of going through military exercises and evolutions, as often as might be necessary to acquire the degree of perfection which would entitle them to the character of a well-regulated militia, would be a real grievance to the people, and a serious public inconvenience and loss. It would form an annual deduction from the productive labor of the country, to an amount which, calculating upon the present numbers of the people, would not fall far short of the whole expense of the civil establishments of all the States. To attempt a thing which would abridge the mass of labor and industry to so considerable an extent, would be unwise: and the experiment, if made, could not succeed, because it would not long be endured. Little more can reasonably be aimed at, with respect to the people at large, than to have them properly armed and equipped [emphasis added]; and in order to see that this be not neglected, it will be necessary to assemble them once or twice in the course of a year.And yes, the founders were wise. How wise may astonish some.
This Day in History: December 21
"...And were not the taxes of Britons, and the number of her armies increased, to make up the deficiency...offered to drop the act for raising a stamp duty in America provided the colonist would grant...their reasonable aids towards the support of their own civil establishment & the national defence...Not to oppress--not to injure, much less to reduce the Americans to slavery..." [More]
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Town Hall Tonight
From Ohioans for Concealed Carry:
The massacre at Sandy Hook has resulted in an aggressive attempt by the gun prohibitionists to use this tragedy to further their goal to take away our right to own certain firearms.
ABC Channel 6 out of Columbus, Ohio will hold a town hall, which is expected to be picked up and broadcast by numerous stations across the United States, to bring together advocates from all sides to discuss what can or should not be done.The town hall will be TONIGHT - Thursday, December 20th, from 7:00pm until 8:00pm at the Ohio State University Union. You can attend in person or watch the event online.Ohioans For Concealed Carry General Legal Council Derek DeBrosse and Ken Hanson will represent the pro-gun rights side of the issue while Toby Hoover, Executive Director of the Ohio Coalistion Against Gun Violence and a representative of liberal Progress Ohio will appear on behalf of the anti-gun owner platform.
Regardless of what has been parroted by those talking heads on television who believe that banning a subset of the types of firearms available to citizens, many of them argue that they're not asking to ban "all guns." They fail to realize that all of the firearms used in the Sandy Hook massacre were lawfully owned in a state that has an existing Assault Weapons Ban.Passing "do nothing" legislation isn't going to stop bad people from killing others. Those who have been salivating to take away your right to own firearms in one way or another are literally salivating over this tragedy, including CNN's Piers Morgan who admits he's gleeful that the tragedy happened:Responsible gun owners are devastated over the loss of life while simultaneously realizing that no amount of gun control could have prevented this or future horrific massacres.We highly encourage you to attend if you can fit this event into your schedule, watch it online, and share this story with your friends and colleagues via social media---Derrick DeBrosse is a practicing attorney with Barney & DeBrosse, LLC. and has represented Ohioans For Concealed Carry in civil litigation against cities that have refused to comply with Ohio's statewide preemption statutes. DeBrosse has also worked with Ohioans For Concealed Carry to reform Ohio's concealed carry laws in the Ohio Legislature.
Are You Going to Scarborough Fair?
If so, pitch this fraud into the dunk tank. [Read]
Don't let the media define who a "conservative" is. There's an agenda behind that, too.
As Mike H, who sent me this link points out, the "Brave New World" caption under the photo of the trooper "says it all."
Don't let the media define who a "conservative" is. There's an agenda behind that, too.
As Mike H, who sent me this link points out, the "Brave New World" caption under the photo of the trooper "says it all."
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
A 69-year-old great-grandmother was ordered to take her hood down in a corner shop – in the interests of security. [More]Piers Morgan, who'd just popped in for a tube of Vagisil, was outraged!
[Via Steve T]
An Armed March?
I've always had reservations about these things, and told Mike so, particularly with how easy it would be for a violent anti to start something designed to blame the marchers for. [Read]
As Mike reminded me in our phone conversation this morning, I spoke at an armed rally across the river from DC, and at an unarmed one by the Washington Monument.
As I said then, and will repeat now, I had my reservations about attending both events, but went ahead and did it because friends asked me to, and I help my friends even if it isn't easy -- that's what friends are supposed to be there for.
As Mike reminded me in our phone conversation this morning, I spoke at an armed rally across the river from DC, and at an unarmed one by the Washington Monument.
As I said then, and will repeat now, I had my reservations about attending both events, but went ahead and did it because friends asked me to, and I help my friends even if it isn't easy -- that's what friends are supposed to be there for.
GOA Radio
From host Bill Frady:
Tonight on the show I will have David Thweatt, Texas school superintendent that oversees the Guardian Project that allows Teachers in his district to carry concealed. Followed by Brannon LeBouf, Chief Instructor of NOLATAC, as we discuss how a techer could be trained. Friday I have State Rep Phillip Rowe of SC, who has introduced a bill in the General Assembly to allow teachers to carry concealed. The link is www.stickam.com/gunownersofamericaradio and the call in number is 703-776-9264.
A Middle Ground
A middle ground on gun limits [More]
And look who's offering it!
You'll find no shortage of ground occupants, especially in places controlled by human rights advocates!
A Question for Those Opposed to Armed Teachers
Do you really expect those who go into panic mode at the sight of an umbrella and a warm weather cap to do anything to protect your children? [Read]
This one happened in my neck of the woods, where-- my goodness, have you looked outside? Why would anyone be wearing a hat or carrying an umbrella? Especially an elderly person?
[Via Roger J]
This one happened in my neck of the woods, where-- my goodness, have you looked outside? Why would anyone be wearing a hat or carrying an umbrella? Especially an elderly person?
[Via Roger J]
Semper Bye?
I'm told the USMC has set internet blocks on blogspot sites. Anybody know anything about this?
Per Bloomberg, Guns Aren't the Only Thing Wal-Mart Sold Out On
Wal-Mart entered into an agreement in 2008 with the Mayors Against Illegal Guns that included video recording of purchases and the use of databases to identify people who have bought guns recovered in crimes. [More]Why would anyone willingly go along with that?
[Via Jim P]
Tueller Drill with Instructor Steve Vandermolen
ATSN Host, James B. Towle meets up at Thunder Gun Range in Conroe, Texas with Master Instructor Steve Vandermolen and Shooting Coaches Michael Walters, Mark DeFord and John Cobb to discuss and enact the Tueller Drill.
Created in the 1980s by Dennis Tueller, the Tueller Drill is a self-defense training exercise to prepare against a short range knife attack when armed with only a holstered handgun.
Watch and learn about this life-saving technique and visit Thunder Gun Range for advanced training.
Pursuit Channel (DirecTV 604 PRST/ Dish /Network 240 HUNT)
Thursdays 10:00pm PST
Fridays-Shooting Destination Night
6:00pm PST
1:00am EST/ 9:00pm EST
Slate cites gun blog 'Wanted' poster as threat to 'gun violence researcher'
"There is a wanted poster on the Internet." [More]Today's second Gun Rights Examiner effort explores the nature of the threat.
Anybody up for a game of "Where's Wintemute"?
Safety Through Defenselessness
In their letter, Dennis Van Roekel of the NEA and Randi Weingarten of the AFT called the idea of arming teachers “astounding and disturbing,” saying it runs counter to educators’ vow to provide safe and secure public schools. [More]It reminds me of that line from "Family Guy":
Do you listen to yourself when you talk?
Just to Show You How Rabid We Are Against Common Sense Reasonable Compromises
The Republicans and the gun lobby have rabidly opposed any and all gun restrictions, even those that don’t impinge on Second Amendment rights. In the 1990s, for example, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York introduced a bill to levy a 10,000 percent tax on hollow-tipped bullets, the kind designed to tear flesh. (The man who killed Ms. McCarthy’s husband and wounded her son on the Long Island Rail Road in 1993 carried dozens of them.) Nothing came of it. [More]Gee, how unreasonable is that?
I wonder what kind of handgun bullets the Gray Lady would endorse us carrying in our guns?
What Motivates Most People to Support 'Gun Control"?
UPDATE: I just figured out why people are going to that old post.
I just received a comment on an old post and thought I'd bring it up to the front for discussion, if anyone is so inclined. Here is what has transpired so far:
Like I said, if you're so inclined, jump in. I try to get around to moderating comments several times a day.
I just received a comment on an old post and thought I'd bring it up to the front for discussion, if anyone is so inclined. Here is what has transpired so far:

- Anonymous said...
- A quick question, guys, about something that has puzzled me for years about the NRA and others who oppose essentially any restrictions on firearms: what exactly do you think the agenda of gun control advocates ("anti-defense fanatics") is? I grew up in a small town in Texas surrounded by guns, and spent many a Sunday afternoon firing them with my dad and his friends; I've also listened to quite a bit of Alex Jones' material, so I understand there is a fear that the federal government is planning to herd everyone into concentration camps (or whatever), and that this would be much easier to do to an unarmed population. Avoiding the question for the moment of why they would ever want to do this (it would immediately destroy the US economy and evaporate the wealth of the Powers that Be, which wouldn't seem to be to their advantage). What I'm curious about is what you think the ulterior motives of millions of private citizens who favor controls on gun sales are? What motivates them if it's not a genuine desire not to see so many people murdered with firearms? Thank you for your time and consideration.
- FYI: I'll concede that I'm puzzled why a gun-control advocate goes around with a suit and a ponytail. I'm guessing I'm considerably less socially conservative than most of you good folks, but that look screams liberal douchebag even to me.
- David Codrea said...
- Anon, this post is 5 1/2 years old. Nobody is going to be coming here
engaging in discussions. To answer your question, I believe the
majority of ordinary citizens who agree with gun control have motives of
wanting to see fewer killings and an inclination to look to government
for the solution.
I don't consider that to be an excuse, though. I consider it to be citizenship malpractice -- we owe it to ourselves and to our countrymen to be informed, and to understand that our votes have consequences that can lead to the use of force against others by those we enable.
Don't expect a debate here from me. I'm far too busy to drop what I'm doing for a one-on-one exchange where no one will see it. I'll put your comment and this reply in a standalone post later today, and if anyone wants to jump in and engage, go for it.
And assuming you also just posted the other comment, no argument about the ponytail, except to say that any aging man who has one has a right to do so without being hassled by me -- and if I try to hurt him for it, or for anything else about him or his lifestyle, he should be able to have the means to repel me with all appropriate levels of force required to make me stop.
Like I said, if you're so inclined, jump in. I try to get around to moderating comments several times a day.
In Our Considered Opinion
Be interesting to find out exactly what kind of defensive firearms training the people so quick to push their opinions out there as authoritative have... [Read]
Bloomington anti-gun council members illustrate need for local activism
Local activism is every bit as essential as paying attention to what happens at the state and national level, and often easier to force a course change/direct a positive outcome. I talked about a successful effort I participated in, in a column from a few years back that shows how it can be done. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes Tip O'Neill's observation that "All politics is local."
This Day in History: December 20
I am extremely unhappy that our want of Magazines, and precarious mode of supply, subject us, to such repeated inconveniencies and distresses; but hope the flour from Ringwood or Red hook will arrive soon, to give at least a temporary relief. [More]
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Grassley ties gun from cartel shootout to central Gunwalker figure
Gillett’s involvement is also significant. Readers who have been following this story since the beginning will recall the post from Clean Up ATF, the whistleblower website established by so-called “dissident” agents, that was the catalysts for Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars and this correspondent to begin looking into allegations that would result in whistleblowers coming forward and blowing the lid off of what the world would learn to be Operation Fast and Furious:
"…Word is that curious George Gillett the Phoenix ASAC stepped on it again. Allegedly he has approved more than 500 AR-15 type rifles from Tucson and Phoenix cases to be “walked” to Mexico. Appears that ATF may be one of the largest suppliers of assault rifles to the Mexican cartels! " [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a strange coincidence for someone who has been tied in with gunwalking since the Clinton era.
We're the Only Ones Withdrawing Enough
A grand jury has indicted a retired Dayton police detective on charges of robbing a bank in eastern Ohio. [More]Didn't he recall the department frowns on freelancers?
‘Stunning developments’ in Reese case as father, son are led shackled in court
In spite of this, and in spite of growing evidence that the family has been subjected to a chronic and habitual liar of a snitch trying to save his own skin and demonstrably false testimony from government agents, despite the fact that all of their actions have been consistent with clearing their names in a court of law, and despite the fact they have nowhere to go and no resources to go anywhere with, the prosecution continues to characterize the incarcerated father and son as flight risks, and the court evidently buys into that. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at continued outrageous persecution as yet more government misconduct comes to light.
We're the Only Ones Groping for Answers Enough
Female US cop caught on tape giving two women body cavity search during routine traffic stop... and 'using the SAME gloves on both' [More]
When are people going to learn not to talk to the police? Why did they consent? Why did they submit without objection?
Their answers were perfectly lucid, and they exhibited no visible signs of impairment in their conduct, so there was absolutely no probable cause for these fascist pervert thugs to conspire and commit rape and sodomy on two citizens under color of authority, and for potentially exposing both to STDs, although I suppose when it's done under the threat of being kidnapped or killed, it's never "safe sex." And at the end of it all, their "suspicions" turned out to be totally bogus.
Kellie Helleson and David Farrell and those like them have come to believe they own us and can do anything they want with impunity. The system they work in has encouraged and rewarded them for conducting themselves accordingly.
These are who the monopoly of violence freaks want to enable and give absolute power to over us all.
Deliver Us from "Differently-Abled"
Confusing Asperger’s with mental illness, and mental illness with evil [More]Look, lady, if terrorizing and slaughtering little children isn't evil, then nothing is.
Schizophrenics and psychos and sociopaths may be as lost in their hard-wiring as Gollum and the Ring, but the end result is evil.
See, if there's no evil, then there is no good.
I guess, according to the moral relativists, Hitler was just Semitically-challenged.
The Yawning Loophole
The Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists at The New York Times want more citizen disarmament edicts. [Read]
Martin Heinrich Has a Big "But"
Rep. Martin Heinrich of New Mexico loves to hunt, has opposed an assault weapons ban and proudly touts his support of the Second Amendment right to bear arms.Is it you no longer feel you have to keep up pretenses, Marty, or is this maybe your way of sticking it back to 'em...?
But... [More]
We're the Only Ones Bringing the War Back Home Enough
State Police Supt. Col. Steven G. O'Donnell said Monday they'd like to see a reinstatement of the ban on the sale of assault weapons...O'Donnell said assault weapons have one purpose, to kill people in war. He says civilians should not have assault weapons. [More]So that's why you guys have them, Steve? To have your standing army make war on and kill "civilians"?
Why would anyone disarm, knowing jackbooted fascists like you have such evil designs on their liberties and their lives?
I, Paranoid
Writing about July’s ”Dark Knight” shooting in Aurora, Colorado, Guns Magazine’s David Codrea wrote how “enemies of the Second Amendment sense an opportunity to buck political timidity preceding the November elections, and to strike a crippling blow to the right to keep and bear arms.” Thankfully for gunowners, this paranoia is self-serving, because the natural solution to such a threat is to buy more guns. [More]See, telling people exactly what is unfolding before our eyes is "paranoia," or at least that's what monopoly of violence fascists want their following to believe.
But rather than address the truth, they cast aspersions.
He did get one thing right: People are buying more guns. How self-serving is that?
Good old unintended consequences.
Upper Class Twit of the Year
I doubt if he'll respond -- he didn't to this, either.
Larry Pratt reduced Morgan to sputtering insults. God, he is insufferably smug, obtuse and obnoxious. Watch for yourself, and share the link. Good job Larry! Thank you for representing us so well.
Speaking of videos, I may have uncovered why Piers is so anti-gun from this old recording.
Larry Pratt reduced Morgan to sputtering insults. God, he is insufferably smug, obtuse and obnoxious. Watch for yourself, and share the link. Good job Larry! Thank you for representing us so well.
Speaking of videos, I may have uncovered why Piers is so anti-gun from this old recording.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Constitutionalist military and police group offers teachers free gun training
As demands from citizen disarmament proponents for greater defenselessness in the face of violent evil become louder and more strident, as gun owners increasingly feel their most cherished rights are under mob assault and there’s nothing to do but cover up and endure the building storm, some, those we should be following, are offering solutions, things that can be implemented soon, and without great public cost, measures that have been proven, and demonstrably, the only thing that can stop an active school invader in mid-attack. This is what gun owners can, and must embrace as the only "conversation" worth having. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at an offered solution that we ought to be pushing back in the faces of the antis with everything we've got.
We're the Only Ones Eulogized Enough
In 2009, Briston was also arrested for allegedly assaulting his ex-girlfriend, but a judge dismissed the charges on the condition that there was not enough evidence.As we gather here in remembrance we can be grateful that he set such a wonderful example of why he was more trustworthy than the rest of us...
Briston was also fired from his job as police chief in 2003 after being convicted of stealing more than $5,000. [More]
[Via William T]
Over the Top
That's where they need help to push "Assaulted."
Per producer Kris Koenig:
With the renewed media war on guns being waged, we need all the counter-initiatives we can devise. This can be a powerful one, and we need to get it out there sooner, rather than later.
If you're on Facebook, you can also help promote this there.
Per producer Kris Koenig:
We are currently on the road filming the last bits needed to complete the documentary, while watching the tragedy of last Friday and the resulting events.That would be here.
At this point, we need to complete the film quickly. I'm asking you to help us start a second fundraising campaign at our website to cover the post production costs. Please encourage your readers to go to the website and make a donation today.
With the renewed media war on guns being waged, we need all the counter-initiatives we can devise. This can be a powerful one, and we need to get it out there sooner, rather than later.
If you're on Facebook, you can also help promote this there.
We're the Only Ones Authorizing Journalists Enough
Just wow. [Watch]
I have not had time to look into this. It almost seems like he's saying people are impersonating the Newtown PD and committing outright prosecutable fraud, and my expectation for that is it would have to be egregiously criminal. Alternatively, he may be trying to put the kibosh on whistleblowers or on leakers who are sharing information without authorization that could jeopardize a criminal investigation. In the absence of being able to narrowly define whatever he's talking about to those potentialities, I don't know what to make of it.
[Via Salvatore]
I have not had time to look into this. It almost seems like he's saying people are impersonating the Newtown PD and committing outright prosecutable fraud, and my expectation for that is it would have to be egregiously criminal. Alternatively, he may be trying to put the kibosh on whistleblowers or on leakers who are sharing information without authorization that could jeopardize a criminal investigation. In the absence of being able to narrowly define whatever he's talking about to those potentialities, I don't know what to make of it.
[Via Salvatore]
Invincible Ignorance
Thomas Sowell tries logic and reason, not that it will work on fanatics. But he summarizes some good information for us to use. [Read]
We are all getting our message out, right?
[Via Ron W]
We are all getting our message out, right?
[Via Ron W]
"The Final Straw for Me"
Yeah, well who the f*** are you, and what makes you think you have any say whatsoever on my rights? [Read]
Bring it on, princess.
[Via Scott J]
An 18th-century amendment about militias never was meant to justify 21st-century kill technology for Bubba. Let's keep it real. Let's keep it in the 18th century.Oh, I see, just another one of those ignorant, provincial fools who presume themselves more cultured and wiser than us slack-jawed yokels...
Bring it on, princess.
[Via Scott J]
The Only Important Piece of Information in this Story
And the elementary school massacre in Connecticut by a gunman that left 26 victims, including 20 children, probably could not have been prevented by any specific gun-control law, he said. [More]OK, so then why all the hand-wringing, citizen disparagement-supporting bullsh**, you simpering idiot?
"I Pray I Am Wrong"
Me too, Jim, but I believe you are right. [Read]
In addition to everything else, this post from Buckeye Firearms Association reminds me that we have state-level groups we must also be keeping up with. My piece the other day on Oregon showed the antis in action, and confirms the post-Sandy Hook war on guns is not just being waged at the federal level.
You who have been forward observers just got field promotions. Please use your knowledge and lead.
Amidst all the sound and fury, understand that this is nothing--we haven't even been tested yet--which makes those pre-surrendering all the more contemptible. And never forget that ultimately, the Second Amendment means what uncompromising men with guns say it does.
In addition to everything else, this post from Buckeye Firearms Association reminds me that we have state-level groups we must also be keeping up with. My piece the other day on Oregon showed the antis in action, and confirms the post-Sandy Hook war on guns is not just being waged at the federal level.
You who have been forward observers just got field promotions. Please use your knowledge and lead.
Amidst all the sound and fury, understand that this is nothing--we haven't even been tested yet--which makes those pre-surrendering all the more contemptible. And never forget that ultimately, the Second Amendment means what uncompromising men with guns say it does.
"Hundreds of Demonstrators"
Every photo I've seen so far looks more like "dozens." [Read]
Here's the choreography being mapped out for the impending nonstop blood dance:
Steel yourselves, ladies and gentlemen. We ain't seen nothin' yet.
Any gun owner who is not involved at this point has already chosen their side, and shown those probing for weakness what they're prepared to put on the line for themselves and their posterity.
Here's the choreography being mapped out for the impending nonstop blood dance:
There will be millions by spring...We need to keep this tragedy fresh in people minds...Now that's what I'm up for sign me up!...This is exactly what I was hoping would happen... cudos... Good...silence of the cowards...Bravo... kick.Yes, I know, it's just the F...I mean, DU. But this is just one small nest.
Steel yourselves, ladies and gentlemen. We ain't seen nothin' yet.
Any gun owner who is not involved at this point has already chosen their side, and shown those probing for weakness what they're prepared to put on the line for themselves and their posterity.
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