INFORMATION NOT RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: This information has not been publicly disclosed and may be privileged and confidential. It is for internal government use only and must not be disseminated, distributed, or copied to persons not authorized to receive the information. Unauthorized disclosure may result in prosecution to the full extent of the law. [More]Bite me.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Restricted Distribution
Ohio League of Women Voters chapters exploring ‘home rule’ gun law changes
Indeed, the League as a national organization has been a consistent and strong advocate for a host of federal citizen disarmament edicts that would be imposed on states and localities... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes that depending on the circumstances, they sometimes demand "Homeland rule" instead.
Armed American Radio Redux
FUN stuff. Neil McCabe joined me from Capitol Hill. Neil is Guns and Patriots Editor at Human and a fan favorite. Together we were visited by The Black Man with a Gun, Rev. Kenn Blanchard, Paul Valone from Grass Roots North Carolina, David Codrea, and The Mad Ogre, George Hill and a a surprise call from famed trainer, Rob Pincus.
We're the Only Ones Prematurely Discharging Enough
Hartford Officer Shot In Arm By Accidental Discharge Of Gun ... A police officer's gun accidentally discharged ... the officer whose gun discharged ... one of their guns discharged ... [More]I guess "real reporter" Crystal Hall repeated it enough times to where we can reach no other conclusion other than it was the gun's fault. I mean, what other explanation could there be?
[Via Neil W]
The Perks of "Authorized Journalism"
"Real Reporters" get protected by armed bodyguards. [More]
Any best on what would happen if #justablogger -- without corporate resources -- tried to provide his or her own protection?
[Via John B]
Any best on what would happen if #justablogger -- without corporate resources -- tried to provide his or her own protection?
[Via John B]
We're the Only Ones Super-dee-Trooper Enough
A former Ohio sheriff’s deputy convicted of raping a 5-year-old girl he was baby-sitting has been sentenced to 15 years to life in prison. [More]Take it away, Barney:
I love you
You love me
We're best friends like friends should be
With a great big hug and
A kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?
[Via Florida Guy]
You love me
We're best friends like friends should be
With a great big hug and
A kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too?
"Assaulted" Update
Today is the Day - Launch!!!! [More]Distribution has begun. They're also asking for reviews.
The Frank Truth
Another tolerant San Fransisco "progressive," I see...
Get more of his ramblings, including " Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot were all tyrants. They can be forgiven because they were mentally ill. Republicans have no excuse," in the comment thread here.
Who thinks peace with this lunatic is either possible or desirable? The frank truth, now...
Get more of his ramblings, including " Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot were all tyrants. They can be forgiven because they were mentally ill. Republicans have no excuse," in the comment thread here.
Who thinks peace with this lunatic is either possible or desirable? The frank truth, now...
We're the Fauxnly Ones Frank Enough
A man calling himself “Officer Franklin” is posing as a federal agent to rob people on the South Side. [More]That's the place to do it alright...
If I Should Die Before I Wake
Gunmen kill students as they sleep in Nigerian college [More]Follow the leader!
It's a Madhouse! A MAAADhoouse!!!
Illinois grapples with keeping guns from the mentally ill [More]What, are the finally going to do something about Garry McCarthy?
We're the Only Ones Peppering You with Condolences Enough
Distraught family members were pepper-sprayed, chained to a bench while daughter was dying of self-inflicted gunshot wound [More]Our deepest...pssssssssssympathies...
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Systematically Protected Enough
Scott revealed the epidemic of police brutality against civilians and how the system protects the bad guys in official positions. [More]Say, gang, I've got a swell idea: Let's give a monopoly of violence to the Thirteeners!
[Via bondmen]
Gun Talk Redux
Yesterday's Gun Talk Radio show with Tom Gresham has now been posted in the archives. [More]
I was in Hour Two/Part B, followed by Marty Hayes, Armed Citizen's Network.
Hour One/Part A featured Joyce Rubino of Colt's Mfg. and Dr. Tim Wheeler from DRGO.
Hour Three/Part C included Jeff Knox from The Firearms Coalition and Chris Cerino of the Chris Cerino Training Group.
I was in Hour Two/Part B, followed by Marty Hayes, Armed Citizen's Network.
Hour One/Part A featured Joyce Rubino of Colt's Mfg. and Dr. Tim Wheeler from DRGO.
Hour Three/Part C included Jeff Knox from The Firearms Coalition and Chris Cerino of the Chris Cerino Training Group.
Revolution Radio
I'll be rejoining Jim and Trav
on "The Revolution" today at Noon Eastern, when I'm told we'll be
"the UN Small Arms Treaty, Starbucks and 2nd Amendment attacks." [More]
NOTE: I'm getting a "bandwidth exceeded" message from my end...
NOTE: I'm getting a "bandwidth exceeded" message from my end...
This Day in History: September 30
As allied engineers begin to decide on the layout of siege lines, troops begin construction of gabions, fascines and other items for siege warfare. British artillery attempts to disrupt the allied efforts. [More]
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Armed American Radio Tonight
Host Mark Walters will welcome Neil McCabe of Human Events, "Black Man with a Gun" Kenn Blanchard, Frank Harris from Kahr Arms and Paul Valone from Grassroots North Carolina.
The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern. I'll be joining the program during the third hour.
Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming. You can also watch the studio feed hosted by producer Sean "Seanto" Young at IRF News.
The program broadcasts from 8 to 11 p.m. Eastern. I'll be joining the program during the third hour.
Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming. You can also watch the studio feed hosted by producer Sean "Seanto" Young at IRF News.
Pushing control instead of freedom may explain some of paper’s losses
Don’t look for such critical thinking or ability for introspection among the dinosaurs lumbering about the board room of The Plain Dealer. Any bets that they, and editorial sauropods like Brent Larkin, won’t go extinct long before the demand for freedom does? [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner forensic dig notes a self-created extinction event in the making. Care to smash a few dinosaur eggs and help it along?
The Media and Firearms - This Week on Gun Talk Radio
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© Tom Gresham's Gun Talk® Radio. All rights reserved. |
Mandeville, LA – It’s the media’s treatment of firearms, Top Shot competitor Chris Cerino, and more, this week on Tom Gresham's Gun Talk® Radio, the original nationally-syndicated radio talk show about guns and the shooting sports.I'll be on in the 3 p.m. segment.
David Codrea, National Gun Rights Examiner columnist and The War on Guns blogger, joins Tom on Sunday to discuss his latest story on the media's treatment of firearms , including the reaction to the Navy Yard shooting, and gun buyback stories such as the latest out of New Jersey, that stated “Among the assault weapons surrendered was a Colt AR-15, a Mossberg assault shotgun and a World War II-era Japanese bolt-action rifle.”
Chris Cerino, owner and head trainer of Chris Cerino Training Group in Ohio and two-time contestant on History Channel’s Top Shot, stops by Sunday to talk about his experience participating in First Person Defender, an online web series created by Gun Talk Media. As a peace officer for almost two decades, and a trainer and competitor for more than 10 years, Cerino entered the day of filming with more experience than many gun owners. See how he did on GunTalkTV’s YouTube channel – Watch Chris in two scenarios involving him protecting his family at home: and, and watch the whole first season of First Person Defender here:
Colt’s Manufacturing LLC’s Joyce Rubino also drops by this Sunday, with info about some of Colt’s newer products, including the concealable Colt New Agent, and more! Find out more on the entire line of Colt Mfg. products by visiting
Don’t forget to enter to win the latest Gun Talk Giveaway with Liberty Safe – Only one more week left! Sign up now at for a chance to win a Colonial 23 Liberty Safe, plus a free year of SafElert monitoring!
In its 19th year of national syndication, Tom Gresham's Gun Talk Radio airs live on Sundays from 2PM-5PM Eastern, and runs on more than 140 stations, plus on XM (Ch. 243) Satellite Radio. All Gun Talk shows can be downloaded as podcasts at and Apple iTunes, through i-Heart radio, or through one of the available Apps: Gun Talk App on Stitcher, the Gun Talk iPhone App, and the Gun Talk App for Android on Amazon. The Gun Talk Minute on XM also airs on XM 243, 244 and 246 and Fox Sports every day throughout the week. More information is available at
("Gun Talk" is a registered trademark.) I'll be on in the 3 p.m. segment.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Former SEAL schools Gabriel Gomez on guns and freedom
All Gomez has managed to do is ensure a core constituency of enraged gun owners with long memories is now committed to making sure the guy never gets elected dog catcher. [More]Today’s important update to yesterday's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a politically opportunistic gungrabber hardly speaks for all veterans, and features another former SEAL, one you should know, who tells him off but good.
Friday, September 27, 2013
We're the Only Ones Fumbling Enough
One of the deputies, identified by Heather as Shawn Schnoor, “fumbled” with his pistol and trained it on Donald, ordering him to get on the ground. [More]Those Crawford County boys aren't missing many meals, are they?
Check out their award-winning website.
Good grief.
Yeah, Deputy Fumbles, that shotgun is a handgun, excuse me, a rifle.
I see they also offer "hunter safety classes." It would seem the most important hunter safety tip would be to put as much space between yourself and these goons as you can.
[Via Bluesgal]
Best Guess
Machine gun found in closet at JFK airport [More]Without any more facts it's tough to do more than wildly speculate. With that as caveat, here's mine: It was brought in and stashed by an airport worker for use in a terror op, and there are probably more hidden, and not just at JFK.
Either that or it's another "Only Ones" story...
ATF ADA in Action
Agents hired a brain-damaged man to promote the store and set up drug and gun deals... [More]Wait a minute--I thought Newell had been transferred to Mexico...?
I read crap like this and then recall public requests to Old Bloody Hands & Co. to do their damn job and provide oversight was treated with deliberate indifference when I made them over four damn years ago. It makes me wonder how many people would still be alive today if we had anyone with a shred of integrity and decency calling the damn shots.
Every Bit as Dangerous
Yeah, we're just like racist slave owners, isn't that the brush they keep trying to tar us with? [More]
But it is true they think we're dangerous--us having guns scares the hell out of them. This their increasingly hysterical drive to change that.
[Via Florida Guy]
But it is true they think we're dangerous--us having guns scares the hell out of them. This their increasingly hysterical drive to change that.
[Via Florida Guy]
Gomez ‘assault weapon’ ban editorial alienates gun owners
“To the professional political critics, I simply offer this: volunteer for the Navy or for the other armed services, successfully go through SEAL or other special forces training,” he offers. “Then you will be fully qualified and prepared to fire as many assault weapons with unlimited high capacity magazines as you desire.” [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes another opportunistic “Republican,” one who talks about “respect” and “agreeing to disagree” while erecting a political scaffold that’s taking on an increasingly ominous shape.
UPDATE: See important follow-up “Former SEAL schools Gabriel Gomez on guns and freedom.”
Starve the Beast
Another reason I never read US News and World Report anymore. [More]You'll note I linked to Mike's piece, not to theirs. That's because every comment I see posted at the cited article was driven there by pro-gun sites. I recognize many of the comment posters from here, Gun Rights Examiner and Sipsey Street. We are driving readership to them, and rewarding a subversive enterprise that is on the ropes with page views that bolster its ability to generate ad revenues:
Starting in June 2008, the magazine reduced its publication frequency in three steps. It switched in June 2008 from weekly to biweekly. In November 2008 it decreased to monthly. In November 2010, it was reported that U.S News & World Report would be switched to an online-only format, effective after it published its December issue, with the exception of print publishing special issues on colleges, hospitals, and personal finance.Ignore these domestic enemies. Let their irrelevance be their doom. Let them continue throwing good money after bad until they drown in red ink and can't pay smug little propagandists like "Assistant Opinion Editor" Pat Garofalo any more.
Let them starve.
And the Hits Just Keep On Comin'
Now that they see any serious inquiry into Fast and Furious has been sidelined, they can continue on with the lying talking points that were temporarily muted while they were dealing with that distraction from their agenda...[More]
We're the Only Ones Tolerant Enough
Well isn't that mighty damn nice of them.They'll allow it--except when they don't.
I'm so glad we hire and pay people to tell us what they'll let us do, and punish us when we displease them.
Anyone curious as to what the sentiment was about such matters back in the day?
"Place the sovereignty in the PEOPLE, and all the mysteries of government which have arisen out of kingcraft and priestcraft tumble to the dust," states a passage from "One of the People," Philadelphia Federal Gazette, July 2, 1789. "What should we think of a gentleman, who, upon hiring a waiting-man, should say to him—'my friend, please to take notice, before we come together, that I shall always claim the liberty of eating when and what I please, of fishing and hunting upon my own ground, of keeping as many horses and hounds as I can maintain, and of speaking and writing my sentiments upon all subjects.' A servant must be a fool, who would not suppose such a master to be a madman... Let these truths sink deep into our hearts: that the people are the masters of their rulers and that rulers are the servants of the people..."How many children in public schools anywhere in America can cite a teacher or a textbook calling that to their attention? How many of you can?
I wonder if Garland County prosecuting attorney Steve Oliver ever heard it, or would care if he did.
[Via Steve D. Jones]
Bumming Cigarettes
"Indeed, we were told that ATF's Undercover Review Committee did not meet between February 2005 and January 2012,'' the inspector general found. [More]Guess who'd been in charge for half a year by that last date...?
Voth was an on-the-ground team supervisor for the operation, and last month he was moved to Washington to become branch chief for the ATF's tobacco division.Yeah, him.
If Only...
Missed this from a few months back:
Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”
This Day in History: September 27
September 27, 1781, Washington issued the general orders for the advance on British General Cornwallis at Yorktown. [More]
Thursday, September 26, 2013
AAR Update
Looks like I found that "spate" I talked about a few posts down...
From Mark Walters:
From Mark Walters:
Armed American Radio with Mark Walters announces expansion into Louisville, KY Armed American Radio continues its growth adding its newest affiliate in Louisville, KY on WGTK 970 AM.
Host Mark Walters said, “It’s always fun announcing new affiliates and welcoming new listeners in cities across America. In today’s upside down political climate fostered by a rabid, gun hating media vocally pushing its agenda against law-abiding citizens, the more people we can reach with the truth, the better!
Welcome to AAR fans in Louisville and thanks to Program Director David Reichel for adding to our growth in Kentucky!” Armed American Radio distributed by Salem Radio Network is heard every Sunday 8- 11p ET, 5-8p PT and
Date Set for Reese Case Appeal
Tea Party Patriots of Luna County has the latest on this outrage. The public is encouraged to attend. [More]
Wish I had time to do a post of my own, but am behind the 8-ball after an internet outage and am scrambling to catch up with stuff already on the plate. Besides, you won't find better coverage anywhere--that is, if you can find it at all outside of these folks and me.
Wish I had time to do a post of my own, but am behind the 8-ball after an internet outage and am scrambling to catch up with stuff already on the plate. Besides, you won't find better coverage anywhere--that is, if you can find it at all outside of these folks and me.
Ringing Off the Hook
GOA says "Melt the lines." [More]
I wish they'd give out contacts for key senators in other states to contact when gun owners are saddled with the likes of Feinstein and Schumer.
I wish they'd give out contacts for key senators in other states to contact when gun owners are saddled with the likes of Feinstein and Schumer.
You Will Respect My Port Authoritah
No I won't. [More]
I don't give a damn what the black-robed pirates say. (What is this, Theme Day? One more and we'll have a "spate.")
[Via William T]
I don't give a damn what the black-robed pirates say. (What is this, Theme Day? One more and we'll have a "spate.")
[Via William T]
Gun Stories
Andrea Shea King sends. I've touched on elements of some of these already, but it won't hurt to plug the stories again in case anyone missed them:
- UPDATE: 7th Graders Suspended Yesterday For Playing With Toy Guns On Private Property Are Expelled Today
- You Have The Right To Be Silenced! Cop Destroys Civil Rights Sign On Private Property
- Arming Citizens in Florida With Free ShotgunsLibs Link to Trayvon Martin
- Ex-Royal Marine With One Handgun Saves 100 Lives In Nairobi Mall Massacre
Oregon Firearms Federation sends (I typically don't post entire alerts, but they're doing a server change, so there's no direct link):
As you know, today the Obama administration signed onto the anti-gun “UN Small Arms Treaty.”
Every knowledgeable pro-gun source has declared this is a blatant attack on our rights and sovereignty.
Republicans in the Senate have vowed that this treaty will not be ratified, but as we have seen, the Obama machine is more than happy to ignore the law and the will of the people to implement its agenda. This is certainly a dangerous development.
Oregon has two of the most anti-gun Senators in the country. No doubt they are eager to move forward with this liberty crushing “treaty.”
Still they need to hear from you. Please contact Wyden and Merkley and demand that they vote against any ratification of the UN Small Arms Treaty.
Their web form addresses follow:
Please note, in the coming days OFF will be making changes to our website that may result in a temporary disruption of the site and our email. Rest assured this will be a short lived issue if it happens at all. Our phones will not be affected.
Learning Curve
Police militarization, asset forfeiture, surveillance state, rampant violent crime, corruption...
Say, what section of the Constitution authorizes the DEA again...? What other contract would we accept where one party is authorized to make unilateral, violently-enforceable changes?
[Via Michael W. Dean]
Remember New Orleans
Colion Noir reports what the media will not, with his trademark unique and insightful commentary. [Watch]
Note to NRA: This guy needs his own show. I can't think of a better national media spokesman.
Here's an outline proposal from 16 years ago.
I've even got an intro theme that's won't be outdated with the right instrumental track and singers.
Let's do lunch!
Sorry, Eric. Loved ya in Sealab!
Note to NRA: This guy needs his own show. I can't think of a better national media spokesman.
Here's an outline proposal from 16 years ago.
I've even got an intro theme that's won't be outdated with the right instrumental track and singers.
Let's do lunch!
Sorry, Eric. Loved ya in Sealab!
Final Notice
NFAB: You have received all appropriate documentation and proofs, but your actions show you are disregarding them. A verifiable record of compliance exists. Back off. Acknowledge to the principal that you have no cause to escalate. Any action on your part now will be exposed and contacts exist to elevate the level of attention.
The rest of you: Sorry to be cryptic. The important thing here is the people I'm addressing this to know exactly what I'm talking about. So does Mike.
The rest of you: Sorry to be cryptic. The important thing here is the people I'm addressing this to know exactly what I'm talking about. So does Mike.
The Collectivist Debate
It shows how much of a priority they ...uh... collectively believe RKBA to be, wouldn't you say? [More]
Maybe having this noticed in such a high-profile venue will cause at least a text change, if not a change of heart. I pointed the same thing out about the Congressional-established National Constitution Center a week-and-a-half ago, but because my niche readership is so comparatively low, the offenders don't feel compelled to change anything--they're probably just waiting for a Supreme Court change so the most recent rulings and their text will line up again.
Maybe having this noticed in such a high-profile venue will cause at least a text change, if not a change of heart. I pointed the same thing out about the Congressional-established National Constitution Center a week-and-a-half ago, but because my niche readership is so comparatively low, the offenders don't feel compelled to change anything--they're probably just waiting for a Supreme Court change so the most recent rulings and their text will line up again.
We're the Only Ones Economical Enough
Officers with the Miami-Dade police public corruption unit collected more than $58,000 in overtime pay during an investigation that led to the arrest of four employees for stealing $3,000 in entry fees at a county park in Hialeah. [More]"Corruption unit"?
I can't tell you how refreshing it is to see some truth in advertising. I can just hear the theme song from "The Untouchables" playing in the background.
Read more here:
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
More recovered Mexican crime guns highlight inequities, unanswered questions
Has there been any follow-up on the other guns Arnberger sold him, and any resolution on how 20 of the guns ended up south of the border, with nine others traced to domestic crimes? [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner column presents more exclusive revelations no one else has reported on before and asks questions no one else has asked before, meaning it will most likely stay buried and obscure. Guess who has the power to change that?
A "Dear John" Letter
Dear Hyatt Gun Shop Inc,Dear Authorize.Net LLC parent company CyberSource...
Authorize.Net LLC ("Authorize.Net") has determined that the nature of your business constitutes a violation of Section 2.xiv of the Authorize.Net Acceptable Use Guidelines and Sections 3.3 and 11.3 of the Authorize.Net Service Agreement (the "Agreement"). These sections include, but are not limited to, the sale of firearms or any similar product. Accordingly, pursuant to Section 4 of the Acceptable Use Guidelines, your ability to access and use the Authorize.Net Services will be terminated on September 30, 2013. [More]
[Via Jeffersonian]
What Can We Get You With?
He said the Boulder District Attorney's Office is reviewing the case to make sure the homeowner did not violate any laws during the altercation. [More]Yes, nothing like focusing on the real criminal issue here.
My two cents--not legal advice, but an opinion: Warning shots, if they must be given, are best aimed at the intruder's center mass. When he elects to proceed with his own movements after being apprehended, he is putting the home defender and the loved ones he is protecting in immediate danger and must be stopped instantly. Especially if he chooses to ignore explicit warnings and instructions and continue moving anyway.
And let your lawyer do your explaining.
[Via cydl]
"Assault Weapons" Courtesy of "Real Reporters
Among the assault weapons surrendered was a Colt AR-15, a Mossberg assault shotgun and a World War II-era Japanese bolt-action rifle. [More]What do you expect? This comes from the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnist CHRONIC AND SERIAL LIARS at the Associated Press.
They have no interest in the truth because the truth does not advance their agenda.
[Via Don F]
We're the Only Ones Shocking Enough
Sgt. Jeff Shelton: Really? [More]
This is how you view yourself?
This is how you want others to view you?
You're sure...
[Via Carl S]
This is how you view yourself?
This is how you want others to view you?
You're sure...
[Via Carl S]
It's a Mad House. A MAAD-HOUSE!
That ougthtta calm 'em down. Maybe they could also get some apes to spray their inmates with a hose. [More]
What kind of idiot parent would give permission for this? And would the "law" allow them to do this in their home?
How very... soviet. This is so dangerous, on so many levels. Figures "progressive educators" would be all for it.
[Via Florida Guy]
What kind of idiot parent would give permission for this? And would the "law" allow them to do this in their home?
How very... soviet. This is so dangerous, on so many levels. Figures "progressive educators" would be all for it.
[Via Florida Guy]
Something Different
Try a different tact on gun violence [More]"Authorized Journalists" -- is it any wonder I love them so?
The Big Difference
"What makes the NRA strong is that they can mobilize tens of thousands of people on a dime," he said. [More]While Bloomberg mobilizes dozens on millions.
We're the Only Ones Not Recycling Enough
As Baltimore County police replace nearly 2,000 service weapons, they won't allow the old ones to be sold in gun shops — a decision that will prevent firearms from entering the open market but could triple the agency's cost. [More]Then any manufacturer who expects our business should refuse to sell them new guns.
A Great Question
Harvard Law School professor David Barron, who previously served in a top-level position in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, was nominated today to fill a vacancy on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. [More]John Richardson asks: "Given he was Acting Asst AG in the Office of Legal Counsel to Holder, did he have any connection with F&F?"
Well, his bio does indicate "he provided advice on a wide range of national security and domestic legal issues," and we know White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler would not allow former National Security Counsel official Kevin O'Reilly to testify before Issa's committee...
Perhaps not--DOJ is a big department and their individual assistant AGs don't have their fingers in everything that's going on, but it certainly merits looking into before automatically rubber-stamping this drone strike-endorsing apparatchik.
A Safe Assumption
“If someone is going to rob you and point a gun at you, you can assume they have intent to kill you and take your worldly possessions,” Neer said Tuesday. [More]So when the antis tell us to just give them what they want, what are they really telling us?
[Via bondmen]
Meanwhile, Over in CSGV "Monopoly of Violence" Paradise
The police are widely considered to be corrupt and in collusion with criminal groups. [More]
All that and torture, rape and murder, too!
In response to yesterday's GRE, here is further documentation on what a corrupt police state hellhole the land of "common sense gun safety laws" truly is.
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you if the hive insects have their way.
[Via Joanne D. Eisen]
Today's the Day!
What a presumptuous piece of excrement. [More]
Look for "executive actions" from the dictator to follow, particularly as they deal with imports.
UPDATE: Workman wanted me to make it more clear who I was referring to in my opener. Having seen the pointy toes on those cowboy boots he wears, I think it's safe to assume I'm not going to start any trouble with him...
UPDATE: Chris Woodard weighs in at Constitution Watch.
Look for "executive actions" from the dictator to follow, particularly as they deal with imports.
UPDATE: Workman wanted me to make it more clear who I was referring to in my opener. Having seen the pointy toes on those cowboy boots he wears, I think it's safe to assume I'm not going to start any trouble with him...
UPDATE: Chris Woodard weighs in at Constitution Watch.
President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that Iran's new President Hassan Rouhani appears to want to open a dialogue with the United States... [More]And then...
Despite Obama overture, Iranians nix possibility of meeting with RowhaniMaybe if you promise to bow to him...
Standing with Mike
In re this post at Sipsey Street Irregulars:
First off, there is no post on WoG where I have allowed a threat against an individual, particularly an innocent. My comment "House Rules" are posted in the left sidebar here.
In re moderating and "censorship," guilty with no apologies. I put the work into this blog. You don't like it, put the work into one of your own. My house, my rules, and unruly guests and trespassers are summarily evicted, just like in real life. I owe no one a forum, particularly people who don't hold up their end of the deal and even read my Examiner links, let alone go a step further and help me to feed my family by sharing them.
Right--the pop-ups are just too burdensome to ask anyone to endure. Thinking I wrote Kurt's article illustrates something that really grinds my gears--putting hours of labor into researching and then writing an article that substantiates all of its claims, and then having someone presume to comment on it who hasn't even read it.
In re Mike not responding in time, jeez, I guess the world revolves around you and getting everything chop-chop, doesn't it? It never enters your mind that Mike might have other priorities, including well-publicized severe health issues that may preclude his hopping right to it every time someone snaps their fingers? The automatic conclusion is it must be attributable to his character defects and feet of clay?
And in re everyone who's not satisfied that the shooting war hasn't started, seems to me the guilty party is looking back at you in the mirror -- why haven't you led the charge? Everyone has a different line in the sand that typically will not be crossed until it gets close to home. Yeah, all the readers here are going to rise up en masse at Mike's cue -- the same ones who won't send him a buck a month, or share a link or send an email.
Enough. I've got work to do. And I'm not accepting comments on this post because I don't give a damn what anybody else thinks about it. If you don't like that, go someplace else. No skin off my nose.
First off, there is no post on WoG where I have allowed a threat against an individual, particularly an innocent. My comment "House Rules" are posted in the left sidebar here.
In re moderating and "censorship," guilty with no apologies. I put the work into this blog. You don't like it, put the work into one of your own. My house, my rules, and unruly guests and trespassers are summarily evicted, just like in real life. I owe no one a forum, particularly people who don't hold up their end of the deal and even read my Examiner links, let alone go a step further and help me to feed my family by sharing them.
Right--the pop-ups are just too burdensome to ask anyone to endure. Thinking I wrote Kurt's article illustrates something that really grinds my gears--putting hours of labor into researching and then writing an article that substantiates all of its claims, and then having someone presume to comment on it who hasn't even read it.
In re Mike not responding in time, jeez, I guess the world revolves around you and getting everything chop-chop, doesn't it? It never enters your mind that Mike might have other priorities, including well-publicized severe health issues that may preclude his hopping right to it every time someone snaps their fingers? The automatic conclusion is it must be attributable to his character defects and feet of clay?
And in re everyone who's not satisfied that the shooting war hasn't started, seems to me the guilty party is looking back at you in the mirror -- why haven't you led the charge? Everyone has a different line in the sand that typically will not be crossed until it gets close to home. Yeah, all the readers here are going to rise up en masse at Mike's cue -- the same ones who won't send him a buck a month, or share a link or send an email.
Enough. I've got work to do. And I'm not accepting comments on this post because I don't give a damn what anybody else thinks about it. If you don't like that, go someplace else. No skin off my nose.
This Day in History: September 25
Through another channel the last evening, it is said, the troops which lately embarked at New York have disembarked at Staten Island. All the accounts agree, that the people in New York are in the greatest confusion, packing up their effects... [More]
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Taking a Stand
Ted Cruz is showing independent leadership. [Watch]
No wonder that wretched cancerous lump Karl Rove is determined to destroy him.
No wonder that wretched cancerous lump Karl Rove is determined to destroy him.
A Professor of Consitutional Law
Hey, just like Obama! [More]
Domestic enemies are so cute when they think they've got the upper hand.
[Via WRSA]
Domestic enemies are so cute when they think they've got the upper hand.
[Via WRSA]
Kenya mall massacre enabled by ‘restrictive’ gun laws
Of significance to any "law-abiding" mall shoppers who may own guns in compliance with all the restrictions, “In Kenya, carrying a firearm in plain view in a public place is prohibited [and] carrying a concealed firearm in a public place is prohibited.” [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes more “common sense gun safety” measures in place than a government-enabled monster can shake a full-auto AK-47 at.
It's Projection
They know THEY can't be
trusted to control their emotions, and the thought that others may not
share in their contemptible personal deficiencies is something they'd
rather not reflect on and contemplate --especially since it's so much
easier to resent and hate people who are capable and whole, and assign
the distrust to everyone that they secretly hold for themselves. [More]
We Don't Obey the Rules We Have Now
Say, gang, I've got a swell idea! Let's add more! [More]
Chris Woodard lists the latest proposed Intolerable Acts.
Chris Woodard lists the latest proposed Intolerable Acts.
The Champ
Why this would surprise anyone is beyond me.
We're the Only Ones Suspicious Enough
A Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy shot at a "suspicious pedestrian" in Paramount over the weekend before using a Taser on the man, authorities said. [More]Inspector Clouseau? Yes? You have something to add?
Then the minkey's breaking the leu.
[Via Florida Guy]
The piece itself is a 20-foot long by eight-foot tall pencil drawing, graphic drawing, very realistic, of a AR-15 Bushmaster automatic assault rifle... [More]
You're quite the ignorant media dupe there, aren't you Greg? The deceivers are counting on unquestioning fools like you.
Yeah, erase it and it will go away. Pull the covers over your head and "it" can't get you?
In frightened children that's one thing. In adults, it's just...universally stupid.
Not to mention contemptible. Boy, was Julia Gorin right about your type.
[Via Florida Guy]
ASKing Detty
Andrea Shea King will interview Mike Detty tonight on her talk radio program about his book "Guns Across the Border."
Mike will come on at 9:30 p.m. Eastern.
The program starts at 9. Click here to listen.
Mike will come on at 9:30 p.m. Eastern.
The program starts at 9. Click here to listen.
Come, Let Us Reason Together
He never did respond to this.
We'll see if he replies. Any bets on if he does that it will be non-responsive snark?
And from Wayne's point of view, why would it be in his interests to help Morgan triple his ratings?
Armed American Radio Redux
The great Massad Ayoob, Alan Gottlieb from the Second Amendment Foundation, Larry Pratt from the Gun Owners of America, George the Mad Ogre Hill, David Codrea, Peter Gould and Gary Theroux along with Joshua Prince and Tom Odom of the Prince Law Offices.
You Don't Say
Bottom line, the investigators concluded "that the New Orleans Field Division did not comply with ATF's administrative action policy in the Guns & Ammo case and did not follow instructions it received from ATF headquarters...(and) also found that this case highlighted the problems that can result from the delays in ATF’s inspection process." [More]What have I been trying to get people to notice all along?
The last observation is of particular interest for Gun Rights Examiner, as administrative actions, or more precisely, the lack of uniform application and standardized treatment of FFLs, have been the subject of several prior columns, notably involving an action against Brink’s, Inc., where this column noted ATF was violating dealer license revocation rules in defiance of policy and law.
Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike's Caliphate
Jeez, I wish Ray Kelly were as tolerant of gun owners. [More]
I can't help but wonder if the NYPD Muslim Officers Society marchers all used up personal vacation time to participate. I mean, I'm sure the "progressive" separation activists would demand it, assuming that applies to mosque and state too, and not just to "traditional values" churches (noting they don't seem to have a problem with the goings-on over at St. Snuffy Martyr's either).
It's tough to tell because I can't find a registry for the group on either Guidestar or with the New York Division of Corporations...
I can't help but wonder if the NYPD Muslim Officers Society marchers all used up personal vacation time to participate. I mean, I'm sure the "progressive" separation activists would demand it, assuming that applies to mosque and state too, and not just to "traditional values" churches (noting they don't seem to have a problem with the goings-on over at St. Snuffy Martyr's either).
It's tough to tell because I can't find a registry for the group on either Guidestar or with the New York Division of Corporations...
We're the Only Ones Signing Off Enough
Good thing for the uppity Threeper gun owner that New York is a one-party consent state in re recording, otherwise, we'd have all the established protocol justification we need to go in guns a-blazin'. [More]
Plus, all that property, you just know he's got a dog or two we could kill.
Plus, all that property, you just know he's got a dog or two we could kill.
Monday, September 23, 2013
AP 'real reporters' spread disinformation to support gun ban agenda
Does anyone think Carla and Herbert are lazy, incompetent, agenda-driven, dishonest, or some combination of these (perhaps all), or is there an alternative explanation that could account for the crap quality of their thinly-disguised propaganda piece presented to an unsuspecting public as "news"? [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists doing what they do best—spreading fascist propaganda.
Zero Tolerance
I wish I could say "Unbelievable." [More]
Public schools, their teachers, their unions, their administrators and their boards, have increasingly become subversive elements. As with all things "progressive," expecting the opposite from anything they promote would be prudent.
I haven't found which school this is yet, so that I can post appropriate contact information.
[Via everrest]
Public schools, their teachers, their unions, their administrators and their boards, have increasingly become subversive elements. As with all things "progressive," expecting the opposite from anything they promote would be prudent.
I haven't found which school this is yet, so that I can post appropriate contact information.
[Via everrest]
Hollywood Stars Demand a Plan to End Gun Violence
Well, if it's good enough for "big Obama supporter no matter what he's been through" Eva Longoria...
We're the Only Ones Excellent Enough
Dawson Police Chief Charles Whitehead says, "it's a sad for the Dawson Public Safety Department because we hate that this incident happened, but we lost an excellent employee for the time being." [More]"The time being"?
Does that mean they expect to take him back?
[Via Florida Guy]
We're NOT the Only Ones
Tell me this past practice ain't the way things ougtta be. [More]
Great find. I'm researching a piece on government gun destruction this will dovetail into nicely.
Great find. I'm researching a piece on government gun destruction this will dovetail into nicely.
A Global Norm
A new article by Paul Gallant, Sherry Gallant, Alan J. Chwick, and Joanne D. Eisen notes even the antis have to admit:
[F]orcible attempts to disarm people who still need guns to defend themselves—including for protection from predatory governments—are likely to lead to massive resistance, and to an escalating cycle of human rights abuses by government forces, and finally, to re-armament by the victim population.They're overly optimistic if they think some will need to re-arm.
And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions
Do you agree that the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to own and bear guns without infringement? [More]I wonder how many ignoramuses who don't know why they're wrong and get all angry and obnoxious with people who do answered "yes"? I don't fee like giving out my edress and zip code to find out-- I get enough targeted spam as is.
See, there's a problem with some websites people accept as sympatico because of the tone they strike to appeal to a certain readership. Ever since I found out Ruddy was part of a mutual admiration society with Clinton, I've had about as much use for Newsmax as I've had with that obnoxious carnival barker "conservative" Michael Savage.
Yet again I must defer to Mr. Pynchon.
The Logic of Violence
I have to admit I'm not familiar with Billy Johnson, so I did some checking and found this:
Billy Johnson, the owner of Boxer Tactical and the AmidsTheNoise YouTube channel announced today that he has joined the NRA News team as a commentator. Personally, I’ve been looking forward to this announcement for quite a while. I think Billy is going to bring a completely different perspective to the NRA with the ability to reach a different demographic by focusing on ALL liberty issues and not just gun control. This is important, and sometimes lost on the firearms community. Our liberties are all important and all interconnected – lose one and you will very likely lose them all.A-yup.
How Many More Must Die?
I don't know. You tell me. [More]
How badly do you want to disarm us, and what are you willing to do to make it happen?
Because we will not disarm. And since you're so on intent on trying, the question you've got to ask yourself is "How many am I willing to have killed?"
And some will not go gentle into that good night.
How badly do you want to disarm us, and what are you willing to do to make it happen?
Because we will not disarm. And since you're so on intent on trying, the question you've got to ask yourself is "How many am I willing to have killed?"
And some will not go gentle into that good night.
The Tipping Point
Are you sure you really want to push things over the edge, Fred? [More]
Because with inane pontifications like "It seems obvious that military-style weapons with no hunting or self-defense purpose should not be circulating," it seems obvious to anyone who actually knows what they're talking about that you're ignorant, sheltered and irresponsible, and haven't really thought this through.
Because with inane pontifications like "It seems obvious that military-style weapons with no hunting or self-defense purpose should not be circulating," it seems obvious to anyone who actually knows what they're talking about that you're ignorant, sheltered and irresponsible, and haven't really thought this through.
The Wrong Question
Thing is, if these experts know so much, and can identify all that’s wrong with the system, why aren’t they out there preventing it? [More]Because they're not really experts. Like you, they are agenda standard-bearers.
Way to once more prove that Pynchon quote, though.
This Day in History: September 23
Maj. Crag ordered his cavalry and sixty infantrymen to go
disperse the mounted Patriots. The British drove them up the
road for about three miles before discovering that 200 Patriots
had built a defensive position on the road. [More]
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Tonight on Armed American Radio
Mark Walters will bring two of America’s powerhouse second amendment supporters to the broadcast this week to discuss the past weeks shootings, gun control push and politicians exploiting tragedy to further their anti-gun political agenda. [More]Those would be Alan Gottlieb and Larry Pratt.
I'll be joining in during the third hour.
The show broadcasts from 8 to 11 Eastern. Click here to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming, or here to watch the live studio feed courtesy of producer Sean "Seanto" Young.
U.K. columnist asks if world should intervene to stop U.S. ‘gun violence’
“[I]nternational pressure may be one way of reducing the slaughter over the next generation,” he concludes. “This has reached the point where it has ceased to be a domestic issue. The world cannot stand idly by.” [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner counterpoint notes people who can’t even defend themselves sure do resent those who can, and they sure are indignant about it.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Vt. Sportsmen’s group files FOIA to head off Burlington ‘gun control’
That the Burlington Council, comprised overwhelmingly of Progressives and Democrats, would enthusiastically embrace the gutting of Vermont firearms freedoms is self-evident. That they would use every procedural means at their disposal to do so, and rely on most gun owners being uninformed and uninvolved, accounts for much of the success anti-gunners everywhere have traditionally relied on, and that Michael Bloomberg is counting on now. In states where he has not (yet) established lobbying “action groups,” he is relying on such collaborators to impose his will. [More]Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes trouble in gun paradise. Damn commies ruin everything. It’s what they do.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Preview: U.N.-American Arms Trade Treaty
Special Report From Ginny Simone: When President Obama speaks at the United Nations General Assembly next week, the United States is also expected to sign the Arms Trade Treaty. Ginny Simone will be there and have a full report.
NRA News anticipates the next move by the Obama administration to undermine the Second Amendment.
We're the Only Ones Not in Trouble Enough
What a raging oinker bully. Pointing a gun at bound people on the ground
is inexcusable. It would have been morally, if not "legally" justifiable to stop him. [More]
So it figures this is the official reaction:
I also have a problem with the "officer in distress" citizen caller. That's kind of like an internee telling the Arbeitseinsatzführer someone on the work detail is slacking.
So it figures this is the official reaction:
“He’s not in trouble, but to keep things aboveboard, we put him on administrative leave until an internal investigation is fully complete,” the chief said. “I’m not saying he did anything wrong, but we’re trying to show we’re not trying to sweep this under the rug or cover it up.”
I also have a problem with the "officer in distress" citizen caller. That's kind of like an internee telling the Arbeitseinsatzführer someone on the work detail is slacking.
"Assaulted" Kickstarter Update: DVD and BluRay - MUST READ
This is just a quick update to remind all of you to check your email inbox for the Kickstarter Survey - if you received a tee or other swag from us in the past you don't need to worry, we have your address on file.
You MUST respond to the survey by Monday, September 23rd, or you will NOT be receiving your DVD or BluRay.
There are over 1,400 individual shipments and we only have the resources to do this evolution one time.
Thank you for your support in making "Assaulted" a reality.
Best regards,
PS - HD downloads recipients will be receiving an email from us on Oct. 1st with the download codes from FlckRocket.
Authorized Journalists' "Writing Headlines for Agendas 101"
33% Think Stricter Gun Laws Might Have Prevented Navy Yard Shooting [More]See, that creates a very different impression from "67% Don't..."
Inundated with Starbucks Stories
I'll link to Kurt's because if I'm nice to him he'll invite me on his yacht crewed by Victoria's Secret models that he finances with all that lucrative Examiner money we're rolling around in, but I'm about coffeed out. [More]
UPDATE: OK, one more but that's it. Bill Stevens got his ... uh ... mug on CNN.
UPDATE: OK, one more but that's it. Bill Stevens got his ... uh ... mug on CNN.
‘Costs of Firearm Assaults’ masks establishment disarmament agenda
Ms…. uh … Dr. Howell (why do I keep wanting to call her “Thurston”?) may be an expert in urban and global health policy collectivism, but she’s certainly no accountant. You don't just factor in costs and completely ignore benefits. Try that with IRS-auditable books and see where that lands you. [More]
This morning’s Gun Rights Examiner report audits some fraudulently-kept books.
Forget It Jake
13 people, including 3-year-old boy, shot at South Side park [More]If only they would disarm you and me.
Man, are they gonna have a field day pointing fingers at us in Oberlin.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Losing Traction
The Bloomberg bus is spinning its wheels. [More]
That's a better outcome than the Founders spinning in their graves, wouldn't you say?
That's a better outcome than the Founders spinning in their graves, wouldn't you say?
The Fruits of "Compromise"
The anti-gun crowd doesn't want "compromise." They want confiscation and control. [More]David Hardy has a Reason article that all gun owners need to read. Anyone who tells you the "slippery slope" is just gun owner "paranoia" is demonstrably a damned liar.
His observations show the reason I am so adamant against throwing even the smallest scrap of flesh to the circling hyenas, as some of our "leaders" are proving themselves so adamant about doing, without consulting the rest of us, I might add.
Obama arms export law workaround recalls unlawful arming of cartels
The simple, basic question investigators have (intentionally?) left unasked is: Were arms export laws waived or ignored in Operation Fast and Furious? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks what no one else in the media will, meaning most will never see these questions, let alone consider them or demand their representatives ask them, unless you share them.
NSSF Continues Quest for Preemptive Surrender
Nothing like a blanket dragnet to catch more Americans in. They have been overtly bound and determined to throw the circling jackals a hunk of flesh ever since Newtown. And they keep bringing it up, especially, it seems, when the momentum is going our way. They're like the damn antis, they're so insistent on throwing something under the bus. [More]
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