The Supreme Court today agreed to hear a case involving domestic violence-related gun prohibitions but will leave unaddressed a key Second Amendment issue it raises. [More]And they were silent on Highland Park. Musn't upset the status quo...
Friday, October 30, 2015
Supreme Court Ducks Second Amendment in Domestic Violence Gun Ban Case
McAuliffe’s ‘Man Up’ Dismissal of Parker Threat Arrogant and Hypocritical
“WHEN YOU SEE ME AGAIN, YOU BEST WALK THE OTHER WAY LEST I BEAT YOUR LITTLE @$$ WITH MY BARE HANDS.” [More]I'm sorry Andy Parker is suffering. That doesn't give him a pass for putting the sons and daughters of others at risk, and for giving Terry McAuliffe something to exploit for reasons of cynical political self interest.
Sending in Advisers
I seem to remember another protracted, bloody boondoggle that began this way... [More]
We were -- waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool said to push on.When that song was originally censored by CBS from The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, "progressive" LBJ was president.
Comity and Cooperation
Democrats like what they hear from Ryan [More]I'll bet they do.
Let's hear it for "future legislative successes"!
We're the Only Ones Arachnophobic Enough
Police: W. Va. Attorney Pulls Gun, Threatens To Shoot Fake Spiders. [More]The same one who prosecuted a kid for wearing an NRA T-shirt to school and then refusing to play along with hoplophobic hysteria from all the "adults."
I'd love to have the time to do some research on this Chris White character, including what would happen to you or me if we'd done the same thing.
There's an App for That
You can still get to the download page via the Wayback Machine, but it goes to a different game. Too bad. I'm going to a party tomorrow and this would be hysterical to play.
Photo Finish
Amish challenge photo i.d. requirement for gun purchases [More]So, how much tolerance do you think the "our diversity is our strength" crowd is likely to show?
[Via Michael G]
Batman Begins
I have my own plan for protection in my home. I keep a baseball bat by my bed. [More]That's a really stupid plan, Duane. With all the developments in personal weaponry that have happened over the past several millenia, leave it to a "progressive" to want us all to revert to clubs.
[Via Michael G]
The Big Easy Lie
On October 27 President Obama addressed law enforcement personnel gathered in Chicago and said that “It is easier for a lot of young people in this city and [communities around the country] to buy a gun than it is to buy a book.” [More]As far as necessities go, that means we're making "progress." Last time he used that line, he claimed it was easier to buy guns than vegetables.
O Come Let Us Adore Him
‘CLOCK BOY’ AHMED NAMED ONE OF TIME’S 30 MOST INFLUENTIAL TEENS OF 2015 [More]And naturally, he and his father "still have not signed a release waiver to allow the school district to tell their side of the 'clock boy' story."
[Via bondmen]
Thursday, October 29, 2015
SALT and Light
First and foremost, this thing is useless in terms of militia utility. And at the up close and personal level, if I feel compelled to defend my life and the lives of my loved ones, the last thing I'm going to be worrying about is the ultimate well-being of the threat. Typically, I appreciate options that allow for escalation if the situation, the urgency and your training tell you that's appropriate, but I'm having a hard time seeing how someone committing to the SALT gun will have time to recover should Plan A fail.
I can't help but wonder how these two guys would fare against somebody who means business. And how "non-lethal" this thing would truly be against the #1 cause of "gundeaths", noting what can happen using just blanks.
I note this was on Indiegogo for crowdfunding but that link went dead -- I assume it probably ran afoul of their policies?
[Via David H]
Keep Digging, GOP
Most conservatives, however, did in the end vote for Ryan. [More]No, none did, although plenty of frauds who call themselves that sold out their constituents and the Republic.
We're the Only Ones Putting the Blame Where It Belongs Enough
FBI Director James Comey blames citizens with cameras for increase in violent crime [More]How do you expect us to do what we do best if we know someone's watching? And we would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for you meddling citizens.
On the other hand, us keeping you under
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Disarming Enough
The officer explains for his safety and mine, he needs to disarm me for the stop. [More]There's a lot of appreciative praise for the attitude of the citizen and the police, and the outcome of this story. Me, I'm puzzling over the one-size-fits-all default, and what other assumptions and options are available.
[Via cydl]
UPDATE: The Captain's Journal has some tactical observations.
For the Record
The Florida Sheriffs Association voted in secret and announced that there are 47 unidentified Sheriffs opposing Open Carry. You deserve to know where your Sheriff stands. [More]Why would anyone keep servants who steal?
Great Point
Comment left under a recent AmmoLand post:
Of course it’s not enough just to vote. You have to organize, volunteer, donate, sacrifice. But it’s so much easier to blab about how you’ll be there for us, right behind us, “when TSHTF”, when you wouldn’t lift a finger to repel an invasion when there was no risk to yourself.Why should I believe someone who has done none of that will suddenly change stripes when things get ... uh ... y'know, "really hard" doesn't even come close.
Why Johnny Can't Read Think
Between bloated administrators and union heads, is it any wonder the system is cranking out aspiring rappers and crack whores? [More]
Government creates the problem, government takes credit for the "solution," implanting biases to further solidify control. And the urban failures taint the numbers for the whole, allowing for comparisons to the rest of the world and alarmist demands for more money (so the ones responsible can lather, rinse, repeat)...
It'd be interesting to take the cities on that bar chart and post the salaries of the superintendents and "collective bargaining" thugs. It'd also be interesting to compare performances of quasi-welfare parasite systems, run by those with "liberal arts" degrees, with those run by people with competence in business, math and other (actual) sciences.
But don't worry -- Common Core will save us! Either that or separation of school and state...
Hey, would the Fightin' Prussians make for a politically acceptable mascot for Gramsci High...?
Government creates the problem, government takes credit for the "solution," implanting biases to further solidify control. And the urban failures taint the numbers for the whole, allowing for comparisons to the rest of the world and alarmist demands for more money (so the ones responsible can lather, rinse, repeat)...
It'd be interesting to take the cities on that bar chart and post the salaries of the superintendents and "collective bargaining" thugs. It'd also be interesting to compare performances of quasi-welfare parasite systems, run by those with "liberal arts" degrees, with those run by people with competence in business, math and other (actual) sciences.
But don't worry -- Common Core will save us! Either that or separation of school and state...
Hey, would the Fightin' Prussians make for a politically acceptable mascot for Gramsci High...?
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Obama Assurance on Guns Leaves Open Question of What He IS Out to Do
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No more, please. |
So how about, just so everyone has a clear picture of the end game, the “gun control” advocates define what it will take to satisfy them, and what “laws” must pass for them to not only stop pushing for more, but to join in condemning and resisting new infringements? [More]How much “gun control” will be enough?
Fed Up
Kasich: 'I’ve about had it’ with Carson, Trump [More]Yeah, well some of us have had it with RINO sellouts on guns and amnesty citizenship.
The Mouse that Whored
Former employees speak out about Disney's outsourcing of high-tech jobs [More]It's a small world after all!
Easily Shocked
Probably because it doesn't say anything besides the same tired, old and boring bitching and moaning about the government not funding anti-gun propaganda "science" you and the "Hero of Medicine" engage in ad nauseam. Why would you assume I keep tabs on anything you do, or care unless I'm dragged into it, like when I found out you were spreading lies about me.
Noting that for "progressives," every day is Opposite Day, that actually figures coming from an "ethics" specialist.
I remarked at that time I couldn't believe I was still living in Wintemute's head rent free, and it looks like you still think of me as well. I didn't even remember who you were until I went to your article and it suddenly clicked.
So no, your "shock" is no reason to share your link, or even critique it. About the only question I have isn't even for you Paul, it's for people who matter:
Does anybody know any men who actually say "vacay"?
Noting that for "progressives," every day is Opposite Day, that actually figures coming from an "ethics" specialist.
I remarked at that time I couldn't believe I was still living in Wintemute's head rent free, and it looks like you still think of me as well. I didn't even remember who you were until I went to your article and it suddenly clicked.
So no, your "shock" is no reason to share your link, or even critique it. About the only question I have isn't even for you Paul, it's for people who matter:
Does anybody know any men who actually say "vacay"?
Nine Out of 10 Reconquistadores Say "Ryan!"
Thanks goodness this doesn't have a thing in the world to do with that "single issue." [More]
Besides, some can share isolated anecdotes about someone they've seen who doesn't fit the mold, and others can offer platitudes, so there's obviously no need to pay attention, let alone actually do anything.
Besides, some can share isolated anecdotes about someone they've seen who doesn't fit the mold, and others can offer platitudes, so there's obviously no need to pay attention, let alone actually do anything.
A "Progressive" Idea
Merge ATF into FBI. [More]
But...but...but I thought that was a "conservative" idea, coming from an NRA-ILA "Defender of Freedom" (one who made some wonderful statements about "hunting and fishing," by the way).
Professor Quigley -- what do I do...?
I recorded a podcast a few days ago that will be posted soon, centered on my "The Devil You Know" column.
But...but...but I thought that was a "conservative" idea, coming from an NRA-ILA "Defender of Freedom" (one who made some wonderful statements about "hunting and fishing," by the way).
Professor Quigley -- what do I do...?
I recorded a podcast a few days ago that will be posted soon, centered on my "The Devil You Know" column.
Judge Convicts Bosworth
Cell phone video showed the day Bosworth was arrested, and many questioned if he had broken any laws. [More]The criminals are the ones violating the supreme Law of the Land.
If you're not familiar with the story, or as a refresher for those who are, I talked about it here and in other links at the bottom of that piece.
Kit Lange, who had a falling out with Bosworth, shares why that doesn't matter, because he not only had a right, but a duty to do what he did.
I haven't been able to keep up with the story as much as I'd like, mostly because there's only one of me and no shortage of priorities, but if you're interested in keeping informed, I'd start on Anthony's Facebook page.
Dangerous and Unusual Weapons

The phrase “dangerous or unusual weapons” has long been used by American courts to justify prohibiting possession or carrying of particular classes of weapons. Examination of the history of this phrase shows it was neither as ancient nor as broadly prohibitive as many assume. Analogies to First Amendment case law suggest that the authority of the government may be more limited than D.C. v. Heller (2008) indicates. [More]Seeing as how just about any physical object could be dangerous if used as a weapon, but the rarity of such instances would make that unusual, I should hope so. Take chairs, for instance...
Obama: "Please Do Not Believe This Notion That I'm Out To Take Everyone's Guns Away"
Well, I don't necessarily believe that you can, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't like to. [More]
Virtual Life Everlasting
Mr McKeown has dubbed the idea ‘Preserved Memories’ and claims that people would be able to construct a reality to avoid ever having to say goodbye to loved ones. [More]In other words, pay this fraud big bucks to come up with a high tech way to bolster self-delusion and denial. But why limit things to avatars? I'm thinking all the virtual stuff could drive some combination of this and Teddy Ruxpin...
Technonecromancy -- what a "progressive" idea. Of course it might be cheaper just to bury the dearly departed in the Pet Sematary...
Meanwhile, Over at the Indiana Jones Warehouse...
Officials estimate that 1.6 million paper documents and other records arrive every month from defunct firearm dealers who are required to ship their business records, some barely discernible, to this Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives facility for eventual inclusion in a digital repository. [More]Oh, really...? That's the plan?
Maybe before they get busy trying to undermine what the representatives of the people have told them, they'd use those resources to ... oh, I don't know ... come up with a clear set of searchable non-conflicting rules and opinions or something?
The thought strikes: Julio Gonzalez never seems to be around when you really need him.
They're Selling Like Heisser Kuchen!
Migrant crisis: gun sales in Austria surge amid fears of refugee crime [More]So let me update my question by making it more general: Would you send a gun to defend a European home?
And yeah, I know-- feel free to correct my Google Translate German.
[Via several of you]
We're the Only Ones Chucking It All Enough
Those are nunchucks, police-certified, meaning they are legal only for police to use... [More]Of course we don't trust you with sticks (I must say I'm surprised to see Arizona on the list).
Hey, it's not like we don't have legal precedent:
Jews (§ 5 of the First Regulations of the German Citizenship Law of 14 November 1935, Reichsgesetzblatt 1, p. 1332) are prohibited from acquiring. Possessing, and carrying ... truncheons...Curiously, most origin stories I've seen say nunchaku were developed as defense tools by peasants who were forbidden by their feudal lords to have swords, so I guess that puts us below serfs in the hierarchy.
[Via Florida Guy]
Ignorance is Bliss?
I dunno -- sounds to me like Bliss knew exactly what she was doing, as did all the Only Ones involved. [More]
And probation, especially with prosecutor concurrence, sounds to me like an incentive to keep quiet about others who also know exactly what they're doing. What do you think they'd say Miss Scarlet here deserved if she'd covered up for a suspect who bound an "Only One," beat him and shoved a pistol down his throat?
[Via bondmen]
And probation, especially with prosecutor concurrence, sounds to me like an incentive to keep quiet about others who also know exactly what they're doing. What do you think they'd say Miss Scarlet here deserved if she'd covered up for a suspect who bound an "Only One," beat him and shoved a pistol down his throat?
[Via bondmen]
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Unequal Protection of Religious Principles Part of Forced Cultural Reshaping of America
What could be the reason gay activists only seem to sue fundamentalist Christians, and seem to leave fundamentalist Islamists alone? And what do you think the reason is the government abets unequal treatment under the law, with draconian fines and enforcement against one group, while turning a blind eye to equivalent actions by another? [More]“Wrong thinking is punishable; right thinking will be as quickly rewarded. You will find it an effective combination.”
PA Alert
Chief amongst those would be the implementation of a new "Firearm Eligibility Card" which all PA resident gunowners would need to have and keep on them at all times if they're transporting their firearms. If you check out the full text, you'll see that they criminalize the possession of firearms if you don't have a FEC. There is a LOT of crap in this bill -- including a $50 application fee, mandatory training requirements, and a $30 renewal on top of loosely worded "Sheriff's Fee" and other administrative fees. Basically, it makes the prospect of legally owning and transporting a gun all the more precarious and dangerous for the gunowner. [More]Here's the beast in question. The guy who posted this says it's not getting needed attention. Anybody know if that's because it doesn't have a chance of getting passed, or is this something to worry about?
[Via Standing Liberty]
L.A. to Gun Owners: In Your Face!
The Los Angeles City Council has voted unanimously to require gun owners to store their firearms in locked containers. Under the ordinance, handguns will need to be disabled and kept on the owner's person or within close enough proximity that it is in the owner's control. [More]That's confusing-- I need to see the actual ruling. If it's not clumsy reporting (should it be "disabled OR kept"?), that would seem to run afoul of Heller, in which the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional to require all firearms be "unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock." SCOTUS nonetheless did not "suggest the invalidity of laws regulating the storage of firearms to prevent accidents."
I'm sure we'll all learn more in the coming hours.
Regardless, I'd like to see them try to enforce this door-to-door, and even have some neighborhoods I suggest they start in.
[Via Joshua S]
How Nelson Mandela Would Approach the Problem of Gun Violence in America
Oh, I know, I know-- he'd have Winnie throw a flaming tire around your neck! [More]
Mike the Gun Kapo shares his communist sympathies.
Mike the Gun Kapo shares his communist sympathies.
Yik Yak I Was Takin' Aback
Last week, 72 women's and civil rights groups requested that the DOE require schools to monitor social media to protect students from threatening and offensive comments. [More]For some reason, I can't get a Mencken quote out of my mind.
Off the Reservation
The fiercely independent head of the FBI is directing the investigation into Clinton’s use of a personal email server and attendant issues raised during the Benghazi inquiry, which could lead to indictments of the former Secretary of State or her various aides ... Comey has shown a nettlesome tendency to stray off the Obama reservation. [More]Things are getting interesting.
Showdown looms on campus carry ... There is a growing consensus among higher education leaders that the state’s new campus carry law gives university presidents the discretion to ban guns in classrooms, but also hands regents and the Legislature the final say, setting up a possible future showdown. [More]Yes Inigo? You had something you wanted to say?
True. They prefer a slaughter to a showdown.
We're the Only Ones Getting You on the Rebound Enough
A Lakewood Police agent was hit in the leg with ricochet at the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office gun range Tuesday morning. [More]WarOnGuns has obtained exclusive video.
[Via cydl]
Molon Lobby
Feds Investigate Hobby Lobby Boss for Illicit Artifacts [More]Take those blasphemous antiquities away from the infidel Crusader and return them to their proper owners so they can be blown up. Plus, the administration gets to bully and harass some people who didn't bend and spread 'em on command.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Providing Transparency Enough
NYPD caught using X-ray vans to search the public, refuses court order to release details [More]See, you're transparent, not we're transparent.
Besides, you can't prove where that cancer came from.
We'll see what the story is 10 years from now, when Team X-Ray starts manifesting statistically significant complications.
Well looky here:
In addition, anyone who knows about a workplace safety or health hazard may report unsafe conditions to OSHA, and OSHA will investigate the concerns reported.That would roll into PESH, right? I don't have time to go through all their bureaucratic rigmarole, so I think just tweeting a link to the top dogs will suffice to establish a record they've been put on notice, and if they ignore it, any fallout will reflect on them.
[Via Florida Guy]
There we go -- proof of delivery:
The “Just Words” campaign launched by the college seeks, “to raise awareness of microaggressions, their impact, [and] provide an insight into their meaning,” WMU’s website says. [More]I don't suppose it occurs to any of these narcissistic sociopaths that if this is all they have to bitch about, they are among the most fortunate and privileged physically-provided for human beings of all time, all of it evidently undeserved and beyond their capabilities to handle.
How any of these emotional cripples will ever handle macroaggression is beyond me. I can't help but think this level of tampering with the human psyche is a factor for those who finally snap and then visit their frustrations on the system that tortured them from Day One.
As always, Opposite Day "progressivism" can't help but manifest itself from the head guy of all this brainwashing nonsense, the Inclusive Excellence Center’s director, Warren Scherer, who tweeted “F–k every fiber of your being” to Mike Huckabee. I wonder if he'd be so snotty with his proud #wontbebullied #unphased proclamations if he ever ran into someone who knew how to do both to him.
Part of me wants to believe that at least he knows he's scamming everybody for a cushy gig.
Watch your microaggressions, bro.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Lott’s Response to Demographic Impact on 2nd Amendment Silent on Immigration
In truth, by stating a reality the establishment would rather we not notice, Winkler has given us an unintended gift. Rather than rejecting his thesis outright, we ought to seize on it and use it to defend against the biggest threat facing gun owners: Politically-motivated policies encouraging massive immigration leading to citizenship. [More]There's still a major question that needs to be answered before we can pat Adam Winkler on his head and send him on his way. Obama and Hillary know the answer. Why won't the big names on "our side" even ask it?
"Progressive" Lunch
Veggie dogs were the worst off, accounting for 67 percent of the hygiene issues and two-thirds of the human DNA found. [More]Opposite Day dogs...
Blaming the Victim
Of course there is no excuse for predators, but that doesn't mean you should descend into the pit with them... [More]
Not Cooperating with the Narrative
Armed Robbers Chased Off By Sharpshooter [More]I think Marilyn had better have a talk with Mary Ann, who does, after all, tell everyone she's an "expert."
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Open Enough
Florida sheriffs oppose open-carry legislation [More]Seems I recall someone addressing this phenomenon of the help forgetting their place before... ah, here it is. Funny, that post concerned uppity Florida "Only Ones," too.
From "One of the People," Philadelphia Federal Gazette, July 2, 1789:
"What should we think of a gentleman, who, upon hiring a waiting-man, should say to him—'my friend, please to take notice, before we come together, that I shall always claim the liberty of eating when and what I please, of fishing and hunting upon my own ground, of keeping as many horses and hounds as I can maintain, and of speaking and writing my sentiments upon all subjects.' A servant must be a fool, who would not suppose such a master to be a madman... Let these truths sink deep into our hearts: that the people are the masters of their rulers and that rulers are the servants of the people..."Anybody think bodyguards dictate to the "progressive" elites what they may or may not do?
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Shooting First and Asking Questions Later
Naturally, the "Authorized Journalists" couldn't resist an "OK Corral" headline. [More]
But I LOVE Him... And Otherwise, I'll Be ALONE...
Hear the one about the battered woman who kept going back to her abusive boyfriend...? [More]
You're right. It is an offensive joke.
[Via Michael G]
You're right. It is an offensive joke.
[Via Michael G]
Agenda "Journalism" at Its Finest
I rest my case.Here's their "retraction"-- they don't sound very sorry, passing the buck and the blame down like that. Think it'll get anywhere near as many eyeballs?
[Via Michael D]
It's All Academic
An evidence professor at IU Law has apologized after she faked an angry intruder in order to prove that eyewitness testimony is not always trustworthy. People called 911 and hid under desks, and rumor has it at least one student left through the emergency exit. [More]Pulling stupid stunts like this may partially explain why the Opposite Day "progressive" intellectual leadership doesn't want guns on campus.
The Crux of the Matter
Ackerman McQueen, an Oklahoma public relations firm, has run the NRA’s confrontational publicity campaigns and driven many of its political victories for more than 30 years. In that time, the firm has forged a symbiotic relationship that has kept LaPierre unchallenged in power and Ackerman McQueen in lucrative contracts. [More]Everything else is incidental. I'm trying to track down and validate info that Wayne just got a nice six-figure raise. Realistically, I'll probably have to wait for the 2015 Form 990 to come out to verify that.
In the mean time, here's the latest available on where the money goes.
Curious-- I hadn't realized $25M was being funneled to InfoCision in Akron for membership processing and solicitation. With that kind of revenue boost for the local economy, one that used to be nothing but booming due to all the tire companies that have since moved production jobs to lands of cheaper labor, you'd think there'd be some incentive to get the political establishment to distance itself from Bloomberg -- or at least take "weapons" off the InfoCision Stadium "prohibited items" list.
Commonsense Gun Safety Law Wish List Fulfillment
Police in New Jersey say an elderly man shot and killed his mother at an assisted living facility Sunday afternoon before turning the gun on himself. [More]I don't get it -- if he did everything "right," he was permitted and licensed to own a handgun, the "authorities" had records of all transfers of the firearm since its initial retail sale, and he had one of those "very limited issue" carry permits.
And WTF is this 62 = "elderly" crap? That strikes me as a potentially dangerous meme to be putting in the public mind, especially at the dawn of the age of death panels.
Rotten to the Common Core
Common Core backers are sneaking a social and political agenda into nationalized curriculum, say critics, who now have new ammo in a writing lesson plan for teachers that they say gives a slanted perspective of the gun debate. [More]Yep. See for yourself.
Oh, look who champions Common Core!
A Pro-Traditional Marriage Candidate You Can Count On
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Commonsense and Responsible Car Safety Solutions
'Drunk' woman, 25, arrested after plowing her car at high speed into the Oklahoma State University homecoming parade crowd, killing three people and hospitalizing 22 [More]That does it. I'm writing my representatives and demanding we start licensing drivers and registering cars.
How many more must die?
Kids Say the Darndest Thing
In response to the stories, concerns, patterns, struggles, and confusion we have seen in our workshops over the years, we have distilled our work around race and racism into a 40 hour web-course--designed for white people--entitled “Dismantling Racism from the Inside Out.” [More]For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
How is designing a course specifically for white people because it assumes they have special deficiencies not racist? Perhaps some representatives for La Raza or Nation of Islam would care to weigh in?
Ah well, I guess useful idiots conned into donating to and spending time on this nonsense will have fewer resources with which to do any actual damage.
Friday, October 23, 2015
‘Former’ Drug Dealer Wants ‘Gutless … Coward’ Gun Owners Shot
Presumably he only thinks white gun owners should be shot, because while he didn’t come right out and say so, were his “standard” to be applied as a condition of gun ownership for blacks, particularly if the cop doing the shooting were white, something tells me he wouldn’t approve. [More]Who wants to be this moron's huckleberry? Mind if he brings some friends from the Salon editorial staff along to help him...?
Summer Folly
Two young teens, bored, with nothing going on during summer break, decide to break into a house "to see what it's like". What they didn't expect was that someone was home. [More]Tonight on "Stop the Threat."
A 'Progressive' Self-Defense 'Expert'
Mary Anne Franks, another self-defense expert, urged lawmaker to reject the legislation. Franks is a law professor at the University of Miami who specializes in self-defense law and is also an instructor in Krav Maga, a Israeli form of hand-to-hand self-defense.
"Guns are highly effective in committing crimes. They are rarely effective in preventing them,” Franks said. [More]What a dolt[ress?]. What kind of "expert" presumes to issue sweeping one-size-fits-all pronouncements to anticipate all situations?
I wonder how many actual real world knockdown-dragout fights against enraged males "expert" Mary Anne has won. And what a woman who does not have her physical capabilities is supposed to do.
Whenever these idiots bring up superior "Only Ones" powers and abilities, the immediate rejoinder ought to be to get them to define qualification / requalification standards for police -- how often, number of rounds that must be fired in what time period, minimum scores to pass, how many do-overs they get, and how soon those who fail get to try again.
I know people who do more in a weekend than some cops do all year.
[Via Michael G]
Damning the Damned
"The case will be so damning, the political effect will be the same as if they had sought an indictment," said Napolitano. [More]Sorry, judge. All it will do is make each opposing side dig its heels in deeper.
A Big Turn-Off
Because, US FAA regulations prohibited an actual demonstration... [More]Assuming it's not restricted to government only, I'll be surprised if this isn't shut down.
Ahhh -- looks like it's never started up. If it ever is, I'll also be surprised if ITAR regs don't apply, making it fall under more than FAA, but also State.
Say, you know what I bet the government would fast-track for approval? Required "smart guns" that police carrying a modification of these babies could disable.
[Via Florida Guy]
I Don't Know Art But I Know What I Like
This looks pretty cool. [More]
By way of complete disclosure, no, I don't get a thing for posting this. I never even heard of the artist before yesterday. Like I said, I just think it looks pretty cool, and that it would be a nice addition to a den, or make a thoughtful Christmas gift for gun owners, or...
Y'know, the thought literally just struck while I was posting this -- if I ran a national or state gun rights organization, I'd be inclined to want to look into the possibility of offering these as membership incentives.
A "Progressive" Prerequisite
Take this, gutless NRA cowards — you can have a gun, once you understand the pain of being shot. [More]Funny-- no response yet. And I so wanted to take responsibility for urban thugs.
This D. Watkins character is quite the moron: On the one hand, he thinks police "are out of control," and on the other, by restricting citizen firearms ownership, he's ensuring they're the "Only Ones" with guns. I guess a grasp of basic logic isn't a requirement for being a liberal arts "professor." Or for having articles accepted by Salon.
Say, when D. here was making a living as a self-admitted drug dealer, I wonder how many lives were ended by the people he supported and enabled...?
We're the Only Ones Coming to Grips with Ourselves Enough
A retired NYPD officer from Staten Island is accused of pulling a gun on subway rider after allegedly getting caught fondling himself on the platform in Manhattan. [More]Why wouldn't he feel like he could do anything he wanted with impunity in front of or to his inferiors?
[Via Harvey]
If That Could Be Arranged
The rest of the world will see the images of gun-toting civilians standing in defiance of their government as evidence of the reactionary element of America that they find so distasteful. [More]It's the ones the world doesn't see who will make the real difference.
[Via Michael G]
Welcome to the Party, Pals
With "progressives" advocating "immigrants" have "earned the right to citizenship" and also advocating for criminal voting rights, you know, "re-enfranchisement," what's the problem here? [More]
The "Only Ones" Loophole
CNN Money makes its case for requiring confiscated guns to be destroyed rather than sold. [More]
Of course, if you read the details of their four whole examples they were able to dredge up, it's actually making the case against any guns being sold, which is, of course, the agenda.
Of course, if you read the details of their four whole examples they were able to dredge up, it's actually making the case against any guns being sold, which is, of course, the agenda.
Well-Deserved Accolades
Jane Got a Gun
Oh, look, Natalie Portman saving the day with a gun! [More]
Yeah, that Natalie Portman:
From my "The Fandom Menace" in the Nov. 1999 issue of GUNS AND AMMO Magazine:
I want Skip Coolzip's Academy Awards takeover quote on a T-shirt.
Yeah, that Natalie Portman:
From my "The Fandom Menace" in the Nov. 1999 issue of GUNS AND AMMO Magazine:
So there is no apparent disconnect when anti-gun Rosie O'Donnell displays armed "Star Wars" figurines while praising this newest release. There is no incredulity when "Phantom Menace" co-star Natalie Portman (the lightpistol-packing Queen Amidala of Theed) tells Rosie "I'm proud of you, your power, and talking about what you believe in."
As someone who has played the title role in Broadway's "The Diary of Anne Frank," you'd think Ms. Portman would know only too well the evil real life consequences of population disarmament. Instead, she vacuously asserts, "I'm in high school too, and I know what you're talking about...this stuff is hitting my school now too. Somebody's got to say something about it and not be afraid to do so."
And the audience cheers. After all, she's beautiful, successful, self-assured– what more do you need to be considered an authority in this era of image over substance? Yet they can't wait to see this privileged dilettante lead a make-believe armed retinue against the forces of darkness (as opposed to hiding in an attic with her unarmed family before being dragged off to a death camp).Oh, and look who's releasing this.
I want Skip Coolzip's Academy Awards takeover quote on a T-shirt.
Too Lazy to Fail
The new system is called the equal interval scale. Essentially, it makes it harder to get a failing grade. It departs from the traditional A to F scale in which students receive F’s for scores below 59 percent. Instead, the scale awards F’s only for scores below 20 percent. [More]Why not? It'll help bolster the aptitude test-based contention about how U.S. kids are doing so much worse than the rest of the world in math and science, and the resulting perception that more money needs to be poured into "education."
Besides, Fairfax has been using a variation to come up with political grades for years.
The Humane Thing to Do
FBI: No way to screen 'refugees' coming to U.S. [More]So would the humane thing to do be to let 'em all in and let Allah sort it out, or to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity?
Thursday, October 22, 2015
As Good as Gone
[Click to enlarge]
If we lose the Presidential election to an extremist anti-gunner like Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, our Second Amendment rights and our guns are as good as gone...Really?
You believe that, Wayne? Or did you mean to say your guns are as good as gone?
And then are you going to say "Enforce existing gun laws" and advise members to turn 'em all in Mr. and Mrs. America? And if we don't like it we can vote our way out? Like they can do in California and New Jersey?
I thought you were supposed to be a leader -- you sure get paid like one.
And the only way to avert this disaster is to buy a coin and then eat whatever heaping helping of Republican steamers they put in front of us -- or we'll "lose our guns"? Even if that just means the pathway to citizenship they're selling us out for will make doing things your way even more useless and futile?
You're still not going to get serious and admit that's a legitimate "single issue" concern, are you, Wayne? That way, you can keep passing out those "A" grades and keep your insider Beltway Boys access all the way up to retirement and beyond.
One question -- after Hillary takes my guns, what's to stop her from taking my coin?
What a goddamn con job.
What to Look for
If this is what the sellout neocons end up fielding, I'll be looking for "Madame President." [More]
Or has the GOP forgotten how well Dole, McCain and Romney did at inspiring the base to give its all?
Or has the GOP forgotten how well Dole, McCain and Romney did at inspiring the base to give its all?
Media Emphasis on Guns Not Reflected in Giffords and Kelly Akron U Talk
In any event, the majority of the Kelly/Giffords presentation had nothing to do with “gun control,” in spite of WKYC’s hand-wringing “agenda journalism” emphasis of that topic. [More]Not only that, but I didn't get to ask my question.
Orwellian "Conservatives"
‘Supermajority’ of House Freedom Caucus to back Paul Ryan’s speaker bid [More]Yeah, betray your core constituents (again!) and set up conditions for your own demise. It's hard for me to believe they're truly this stupid, which leaves they're truly this cowardly and corrupt as the only plausible alternative.
At least this'll make Harry happy.
Some People
A few general statements about people and guns... [More]WarOnGuns Correspondent Michael G's take:
Not a very good poem, one of those modern ones that doesn't rhyme or scan. But a good example of Progressive's opposites day. Using a poem, an inherently emotional format, the poet portrays himself (and anyone who agrees with him) as driven by facts and logic and those who disagree with him as driven by emotion. Not to mention projecting his own fear on to others and saying they are fearful.Oh, it's a poem? See, I'm not sensitive enough to pick up on such subtleties, but if that's the case:
There once was a Prozi named Andy...
Survey SAYS...
Majority Say More Concealed Weapons Would Make U.S. Safer [More]This could be useful information to impart to those who base their "No Guns" policies on perceived bottom line issues.
[Via Florida Guy]
Open Secrets
[T]he battle over the Second Amendment will be won by progressives in the coming years, thanks to a secret weapon. [More]That's some secret. Some of us have been screaming as loud as we can about this for years, doing everything we can to get the gun groups to acknowledge the danger to the "single issue" and to take proactive steps to educate their members and pressure politicians with grade adjustments. It's not our fault if those warnings have been ignored and marginalized so as not to rock the access boat.
The funny thing is, it should hardly be a new "secret" revelation for WND. Two-and-a-half years ago, their columnist Albert Thompson wrote:
If the NRA, GOA, hunters, range owners, the tea party, churches and gun/ammo manufacturers don’t fight amnesty efforts, the Democrat elite will get their wish. In a few years, the Democrats will win legislative majorities in the states.
You know what the Democrat elite want to do. Amnesty gives them the power.
The Second Amendment will not be safe.
CPAC can’t support amnesty and the Second Amendment.
The RNC can’t support amnesty and the Second Amendment.
The conservative-libertarian movement can’t support amnesty and the Second Amendment.What's particularly disappointing are many of the comments that focus exclusively on blaming "liberals" while still apparently oblivious to Republican culpability. And "Molon Labe" comments would have a lot more credibility if there was some indication that such "efforts" were not the extent of the committed "activism" of those posting them.
Ah well, maybe now that this is getting wider notice, a light bulb will go on about the troops-rousing (and fundraising) potential, just like we saw when Fast and Furious was finally acknowledged after our "leaders" emerged from hiding.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Going Viral
That is, if the "Authorized Journalists" who view a meme making the rounds (again) as useful have their way. It basically goes "I quit the NRA -- they used to be about gun safety and shooting sports, and now they're too extreme."
Because we all know the real reason for the Second Amendment.
So it's no coincidence we see variations on the theme from:
Because we all know the real reason for the Second Amendment.
So it's no coincidence we see variations on the theme from:
Oh, and gee, look where the talking points come from.
WarOnGuns Correspondent "Henry" made a perceptive, tangentially-related observation:
Oh, for heaven’s sake, let him join, and waste his time barking up the wrong tree for a year or two. Any pro-rights activist who knows what’s what knows that the power doesn’t emanate out of Fairfax, it emanates out of the grassroots of America. Disrupting the American gun rights movement by Infiltrating the NRA is like disrupting America’s military defense capabilities by infiltrating the VFW.
We're the Only Ones Appreciative Enough
“It’s a good opportunity to thank those for following the law,” Chapel Hill Police Lt. Celisa Lehew said. [More]Yeah, that's the ticket. We'll reward you for good behavior by using coercion and fear to pull you over you over. And no, of course you don't have a choice to not stop. Matter of fact, try it, and watch us go into full "want to make it home at the end of our shift" mode.
Say, you don't happen to have a dog in the car, do you...?
[Via Florida Guy]
The Elefante in the Room
To date, no GOP candidate has explicitly connected mass immigration to restricted gun rights. [More]That's because NRA and SAF/CRKBA have given them a pass by avoiding the issue, using the "single issue" excuse to keep grades inflated, and by promoting cheap labor über alles cheerleaders like Grover Norquist instead. It's nice to see that a message previously confined to a handful of us lonely and ignored voices in the wilderness is finally getting wider notice.
Adam Winkler and WaPo just handed us a gift. I wonder how long it will be before the people who have allowed this to go on for reasons of self-interest will start raising money off it...?
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