Campus paper apologizes for anti-social justice op-ed, cites JOURNALISM ETHICS [More]We're sorry for publishing the truth. It will never happen again.
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance...
Campus paper apologizes for anti-social justice op-ed, cites JOURNALISM ETHICS [More]We're sorry for publishing the truth. It will never happen again.
Recruitment ads were purchased through Google and ended up on sites that do not reflect the City's values... [More]Think of what that means for the type of enforcers they want.
Police feared Odessa shooter was planning attack – 8 years ago [More]I guess instead of observing the law for the outliers, it's easier to just preemptively infringe and to ignore due process for the rest of us.
The St. Louis NAACP, faith groups and civil justice groups are asking that a top official with the city police union be fired over statements about the city’s prosecutor... the groups wrote the union to say that Roorda’s comment incites violence. [More]I thought that had been cured...
CLINTON-ERA ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN DID WORK, ACCORDING TO NEW RESEARCH [More]Not that we can expect Newsweak to let its readers know shenanigans were called on that over three weeks ago...
Others are more skeptical. While acknowledging that Horowitz is widely respected, these critics say his work has long been hampered by biases, conflicts and a tendency to play favorites... [More]You don't say.
Antifa Thugs Harass, Block and Scream “Nazi Scum!” at Senior Woman with a Walker Outside Dave Rubin Event in Canada [More]Can you imagine a society with these people in charge?
Whistleblower's Attorney Blasts '60 Minutes' For 'Literally Making Stuff Up' [More]That's not a ticking stopwatch you hear.
Brackney was given a chance by Congressman Greg Steube (R-FL) to correct the record if she might have misspoken, but she only doubled down. Steube pointed out that any firearm could be used to hunt people down, and Brackney responded by repeating the point. She only clarified that police and the military would still be able to have guns. [More]The Founders had a term for internal subverters of Liberty like this. Domestic ...uh... hold on, it'll come to me...
There have been several media reports today that the Administration will be pulling its nomination of Immediate Past National President Chuck Canterbury to be the next Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. These reports are false. Chuck continues to have the full support and confidence of the President and his Administration. [More]If true, that's too bad. Some might say it's inexcusable.
“Now, the question is what do we need to do that actually works? And this is where I get frustrated with Democratic politicians in Washington,” he continued. [More]And this is where some of us get frustrated with our supposed representatives. You know what's "necessary to the security of a free State," and it's not wasting more yet resources on people who have proven they can't be trusted without a custodian.
Trump Meets With LaPierre to Discuss How N.R.A. Could Support Political Defense [More]So he'll call and send flowers this time?
A 16-strong knife gang targetted a group of young athletes in London’s Finsbury Park, robbing and threatening to kill the three white people in the group but telling the black people with them “You’re good.” [More]and
UK: Whites Scared, White-Owned Businesses Stoned in a Racially Divided Bradford ‘Heading for Disaster’ [More]Blimey! Thank goodness Meghan and the baby are here to bring unity!
College Students Want Inclusive Society over Freedom of Speech, Poll Finds [More]And remember, with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
College Student Scares Off Potential Sex Attacker by Pretending to be Autistic [More]"Tropic Thunder" comes to mind.
10 Ways to Dramatically Improve Your Front Door Security [More]And might I suggest an affordable portable option for when you rent or travel...?
Gun violence is nowhere to be found in any of Dr. Adams’ list of top priorities. [More]That's because it's not a medical issue, no matter how much agenda-fluffing gunquacks want to convince the ignorant otherwise.
More than 300 boys and men, some as young as five and many in chains and bearing scars from beatings, have been rescued in a raid on a building that purported to be an Islamic school in northern Nigeria, police said on Friday. [More]I wonder why Minister Farrakhan, CAIR, Linda, Ilhan, and Rashida haven't said anything about this...?
This is all about social engineering. If @Mattel wanted to make a doll without defined private parts, totally fine, its been done many times and gives kids options. That’s not what’s going on here. This is social engineering masquerading as a toy. [More]Hey. somebody's gotta condition the catamites for the day when being against sexually exploiting children will become an act of hate, with all that implies.
That is what David Chipman faced yesterday in the House Judiciary Committee hearing on banning modern sporting rifles. It helps to explain his petulant little tweet this morning. [More]Gungrabby Gabby and Mark's pet jackbooter continues to throw tantrums for tyranny.
Demographic changes and an unpopular president have remade Orange County’s electoral map. Is the transformation permanent? [More]Hell, according to the "single-issue" excuses from our "gun groups," it's not even a concern. And shouldn't be, if you listen to our focused "saviors."
Four inmates escaped from the Gallia County Jail early Sunday morning after overpowering two female corrections officers with a homemade weapon. [More]Let's hear it for EEO!
NRA Hits Back at 'Politically Motivated' Senate Report Labeling Them a 'Foreign Asset' to Russia [More]Meanwhile, over at the newsraper of record...
Mitt Romney's national security adviser in his 2012 campaign — a career CIA spook who rose to its top levels — sits on the board of directors of Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that formerly paid Hunter Biden $50K a month despite his complete lack of credentials or qualifications. [More]I'm sure My Man Mitthead "expressing concern" about Trump's part is just a coincidence...
The contributors to the NRA are responsible for all the mass killings that are taking place with guns and ammunition provided by the gun industry, which is partnered with the NRA. Hopefully, with enough knowledge and understanding, people can make a choice and decide not to do business with those that are involved in supporting the activities of the NRA, a domestic terrorist organization. [More]And hopefully, those on the list this NDS* hag then makes public won't find themselves, their loved ones and their homes physically victimized.
Miley Cyrus-backed cannabis cafe brings Amsterdam to Hollywood [More]Just don't give 'em your real name or pay by credit card.
Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) on Sunday criticized President Trump for quoting a pastor saying impeachment could trigger a "Civil War-like fracture" in the country. [More]That's because the ever-subversive Kinzsinger knows he's on the other side.
Pelosi 'abusing' her role as House speaker with impeachment inquiry, failing to give Trump due process, Collins says *Ha!
Through his own words and actions, this president, elected in large part on a “pro-gun” platform, has created tremendous doubt within the gun owner community. The fallout could result in a virulently anti-gun Democrat capturing the Oval Office, and then showing us what s/he can really do to expand on executive orders – especially if continued Republican fecklessness and betrayals result in the Senate turning blue as well. [More]What a time to be calling Democrats back to the gun-grab table.
Teen charged after accidentally shooting step-brother with stolen gun [More]See, if you didn't own guns, there wouldn't be any guns to steal. Racist.
Americans will be fined by New York City judges if they tell an illegal alien they are an illegal alien, says a speech code issued by city’s department of civic regulation. [More]Nobody thought they'd be satisfied with just the guns, I trust...
The National Rifle Association acted as a "foreign asset" for Russia in the period leading up to the 2016 election, according to a new investigation unveiled Friday by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. [More]I'm just wondering if ad hominem argument is always a logical fallacy...
Police in California are investigating at least two cases of people posing as Chinese police driving cars with markings of the Communist Party of China's People's Armed Police (PAP). [More]Since the laws are becoming so similar, it's probably just a pilot program for outsourcing
Senate Republicans Shut Down ATF Nominee [More]It's like Trump is trying to piss us off.
Top 10 Take-Aways From Yesterday’s House Hearing On ‘Assault Weapons’ [More]No.
California Shocked To Find Bill Decriminalizing Retail Theft Resulted In… More Retail Theft [More]It's been a while since we heard from Tommy Lee...
Yesterday, people brought assault weapons to our rally at Kent State—where 4 students were shot dead in 1970. [More]By a government monopoly of violence...
Exposing Conservative Inc. As Controlled Opposition [More]Her again. And again.
Coke, meth and an AK-47: Feds accuse Nellis master sergeant of trafficking guns, drugs [More]A Slim Pickens line comes to mind...
Jeremy Corbyn will scrap controls on immigration and hand foreign nationals the right to vote in future elections and referendums if Labour wins power. [More]Time was, the Tower of London was more than a tourist attraction.
Leading UK cutlery manufacturer Rayware which produces the Viners range has developed knives with rounded ends which makes it impossible for an attacker to stab someone. [More]Wanna bet? And what's this "first"?
Pope Francis: Catholics ... Need 'Profound Conversion' on Social Justice [More]Seems to me somebody's forgetting "My kingdom is not of this world."
Texas Ranger says Amber Guyger was reasonable to feel threatened [and] the investigation leads him to believe authorities had no probable cause to arrest Amber Guyger for any crime. [Watch]Just in case a distracted "Only One" sexting about how horny she is walks into your home and blows you and yours away...
Collins: 'Let's hope rational heads prevail' on gun control [More]Surely he doesn't think that's what this is about...?
While authorities piece together these investigations, Congressman Lacy Clay believes he has the answers with his Gun Control Bill. [More]Really? So he's come up with disarmament edicts his criminal constituents will finally obey?
“We see those as fighting words, not a final declaration,” Shira Goodman, executive director of Ceasefire PA, one of the state’s leading gun control advocacy groups... [More]Figures she'd be obnoxious and combative.
U.S. Census Finds 22.1 Million ‘Not a U.S. Citizen’ in Survey [More]What about the ones the survey didn't find?
It's time for the government to get serious on gun control [More]You'd have to be either evil or ignorant to take the arguments presented by this presumptuous incompetent seriously.
Guns are valued for self-defense primarily because of their ability to dispense lethal force, which means that resistance—not prevention—is primary. Prevention is an added benefit, but it is secondary. [More]They are last resort failsafe devices, both on an individual and a societal scale.
Because it’s a cinch if their worst nightmare comes true, and all this wholly-manufactured publicity inspires a madman to see “Joker” as his ticket to immortal notoriety, it’s sure not going to be an anti-gunner who stops the freak. [More]Will you see it? Unarmed?
Green Party used Photoshop to add reusable cup and metal straw to photo of Elizabeth May [More]Who says you need new ideas to be a "progressive"?
The National Rifle Association’s executive vice president and CEO, Wayne LaPierre, has named Jason Ouimet to serve as executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). The NRA Board of Directors unanimously affirmed Ouimet's selection at its recent board meeting. [More]Hmmm...
A police officer accused of using counterfeit bar codes to pay significantly lower prices for collectibles he bought at stores while in his police uniform has been convicted of theft and official misconduct. [More]So he called in the tip himself?
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Per a Sept. 23, 2019 story in The New York Post ( AG Letitia James "ordered 16 online companies to quit selling untraceable “ghost guns” [but] did not identify for fear of directing them business."
I am a journalist covering firearms-related issues whose work has appeared for decades in national magazines and internet sites. My readership and I have a legitimate interest in knowing which companies have received orders that include the potential for criminal prosecutions.
Please provide complete copies of all orders, to include the names of the companies and if applicable, the person the order was directed to the attention of.
"My proposal would be to do what Australia did, which would be to have a buyback," Swalwell said. He added that under his proposal gun owners would be able to use their "military-style" weapons at a shooting range or a hunting club, but "nowhere else in our community." [More]Keep squeezing, Eric.
A former Tulsa police officer admitted during testimony before the House Judiciary Committee that she would "not comply" with an assault-style weapons ban if Congress were to pass one. [More]According to NRA, that means she's not honest.
Research suggests brain exams can detect would-be murderers [More]So can we ease up on the phrenology now?
DC government worker charged with dealing fentanyl outside his office [More]Run that man for mayor!
No, you want to know ultimately why 2/3rds of both houses need to approve a law? Because 66 people against 33 have a much, much better chance of winning in a straight-up fight than 51 or 52 or 53 against 49, 48, or 47. Such a good chance, in fact, that the fight is unlikely to happen. And the constitution is drafted in such a way that people aren’t supposed to feel tempted to have a violent argument about things that are passed into it and then people have to live by. [More]Those committed to freedom have faced greater odds than that.
Asif, who says “instinct just kicked in”, chased the men off with a pair of kitchen knives while terrified they would harm his wife Charlotte, 30, who was upstairs. [More]The Church of England wishes they had.
ST. LOUIS – PeaceFest 2019 is this Sunday, September and is expected to attract thousands to Bellefontaine Park for a day of live music, food, and fun. [More]You know what I'm going to ask next.
Suspended Broward Sheriff Scott Israel should get his job back, a special investigator for the Florida Senate recommended in a stunning rebuke to Gov. Ron DeSantis. [More]You've gotta admit, he does have a proven track record.
A Senate staffer tells me gun legislation is dead, at least for the time being, because of the impeachment inquiry. [More]Figured as much.
Illinois man reaches plea deal in shootout with ATF agents [More]Tell me he'll get more than 6 1/2 years.
US Army warns about possible mass shootings by incels at ‘Joker’ screenings [More]That's exactly what I warn against in a soon-to-be-published AmmoLandpiece. All the hysterical advance publicity the antis have been generating suggests some would find that very exploitable.
During the training exercise, a law enforcement deputy accidentally discharged his weapon during the “un-holstering” process. The deputy sustained a gunshot wound to the leg as a result of the accidental discharge. [More]Paige...
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Unfortunately for those who would like to link Hitler and the National Socialists with gun control, the entire premise for such an effort is false. German firearms legislation under Hitler, far from banning private ownership, actually facilitated the keeping and bearing of arms by German citizens by eliminating or ameliorating restrictive laws which had been enacted by the government preceding his: a left-center government which had contained a number of Jews.What's missing from that "Gotcha!" rejoinder is the totalitarian monstrousness of utterly disenfranchising a segment of society which was not homogenous with the ideology and agenda of the rulers. And for the record, no matter what linguistic contortions the deniers go through, Hitler "was, at heart, a left-winger."
Des Moines Register Adds Police Presence After Criticism Turns Threatening [More]It's déjà vu all over again.
Knoxville City Council votes 8-1 in favor of banning gun shows on city-owned property [More]I wonder what Boston Grenadier Corps. militia co-founder Henry Knox would have thought of these latter-day Tories...
Ban sales of pointed kitchen knives as there is no reason for them in modern world, says Church of England [More]Isn't that the church that was started so the psychopath king could divorce and murder his wives?
Demi Moore Admits She Cheated on Her First Husband the Night Before Their Wedding [More]And keeping his name means she'll never let him forget.
GOP Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), Roy Blunt (Mo.), Susan Collins (Maine), Mike Lee (Utah), Jerry Moran (Kansas), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Rand Paul (Ky.), Rob Portman (Ohio), Mitt Romney (Utah), Pat Toomey (Pa.) and Roger Wicker (Miss.) voted to end the president's declaration. [More]And they don't want to block the foreign invasion because...?
Red-Flag Laws Could Stop Suicides [More]Because keeping guns out of the hands of the despondent has worked so well in Japan...
American gun culture is driven by a complex mix of reactionary fantasies, racism and insecurity... [More]I thought this feature was called "Think," not "Project." I'm not quite sure what else to say-- I've never come across a lot of gun-haters, but never a supposedly grown man with a Wonder Woman bondage fetish before.
What I’ve learned from Lyft and law enforcement in the ensuing days is that there is no coordinated cooperation over potentially dangerous vehicles. [More]Sounds like another good reason not to ride-hail.
Trump snubs Jared Kushner’s signature accomplishment [More]What, he doesn't like the grandkids?
FBI agents raid state Sen. Martin Sandoval’s Springfield office, Chicago home - Agents from IRS Criminal Investigation were also seen outside Sandoval’s political office in Cicero. [More]A violent anti-gun Democrat not paying his taxes? Who does he think he is, AOC?
THE REAL REASON CRITICS HATE ‘RAMBO: LAST BLOOD’ [More]How can this guy talk about Hollywood's anti-gun/"progressive" agenda and completely miss Stallone's?
House Democrats Target Non-Profit Status of Anti-Illegal Immigration, Pro-Life Groups - Democrats are pushing for their political opposition to be punished under the law. [More]Hey, it's not like that First Amendment we granted you isn't revocable or anything.
“My son is not an animal,” he said of his 15-year-old son. “He’s never been in trouble. He made a mistake. [More]A "mistake" is when you forget to carry the "2."
6 Arrested In Violent Home Invasion, Assault Of Pregnant Woman [More]Why would anyone need a 30 magazine clip?
Sherikia Hawkins was charged Monday with six felony counts for allegedly altering absentee ballots during the November 2018 election in her capacity as city clerk for the Detroit suburb of Southfield, Mich. [More]I'm curious why the article doesn't explore if the disenfranchised voters shared a commonality...
Fremont police Tesla runs low on juice during high-speed chase - ‘I am down to six miles of battery,’ officer said during highway pursuit [More]And $20K more for a used Tesla than a new Explorer? Good thing it's not their money!
A Sunday drive, two off-duty cops and a self-inflicted gunshot wound. What went wrong? [More]What didn't?