Friday, May 31, 2013
Just Great
I haven't seen the briefs filed in this, but have to say the emphasis, from this report, that the main argument was it would create a national registry doesn't seem particularly compelling to me, either. [More]
Of course, having a Bush the Elder judge joined by Carter and Clinton appointees should fill no one with hope except those looking for legal precedents to skin us with.
Now all SCOTUS has to do is ...nothing.
[Via Geordan]
Of course, having a Bush the Elder judge joined by Carter and Clinton appointees should fill no one with hope except those looking for legal precedents to skin us with.
Now all SCOTUS has to do is ...nothing.
[Via Geordan]
New NRA videos emphasize importance of expanding support now and for the future
That interest in gun rights should be fostered and supported among women and the next generation is self-evident... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column provides two tools to help do that. All you need to do is pick them up and use them, that is, watch and share them.
We're the Only Ones Dolt-Action Enough
Thank goodness New York has strict "gun control"! [More]
The thing I don't understand is, if one of us shot someone in the back -- in Queens -- for trying to steal our car, do you think we'd still be around a year later with or without guns in our trunk?
[Via Kevin Starrett]
The thing I don't understand is, if one of us shot someone in the back -- in Queens -- for trying to steal our car, do you think we'd still be around a year later with or without guns in our trunk?
[Via Kevin Starrett]
ATSNTV: Shooting Destination Night
Tonight, 6 p.m. Pacific/9 Eastern: "Lunch Break Robbery." [Details]
Predicting a "Gotcha" Before It Happens
Not satisfied with attacking NRA for what they do, Joshua Sager is wetting himself over the prospect of what they MIGHT do. [More]
I don't suppose it strikes this idiot that if the plastic technology proves viable to be anything other than a curiosity for other idiots like Steve Israel to hemorrhage over, some existing gun manufacturers will jump on the bandwagon and new ones would be created.
Typical of "progressives" though--they refuse to acknowledge that capitalism/free markets expand opportunities.
I don't suppose it strikes this idiot that if the plastic technology proves viable to be anything other than a curiosity for other idiots like Steve Israel to hemorrhage over, some existing gun manufacturers will jump on the bandwagon and new ones would be created.
Typical of "progressives" though--they refuse to acknowledge that capitalism/free markets expand opportunities.
Fighting Toomey-Manchin Gun Registration
GOA put out an email alert that does not appear on their website. Since I don't copy and paste entire emails on this blog, and since if I just summarize it and can't link you to the original you'll miss key information, I took the liberty of creating a pdf file and posting it at my Scribd account.
I run into this with a lot of activist group emails, particularly state groups, and urge them to create a place on their websites or on document storage sites like Scribd so that those of us who wish to support them but don't want to post an entire email can simply give our readers a link to the complete message.
Click here to read the GOA alert.
See? Now it can be shared on blogs and posted on social media like Facebook and Twitter.
Now YOU can share it.
I run into this with a lot of activist group emails, particularly state groups, and urge them to create a place on their websites or on document storage sites like Scribd so that those of us who wish to support them but don't want to post an entire email can simply give our readers a link to the complete message.
Click here to read the GOA alert.
See? Now it can be shared on blogs and posted on social media like Facebook and Twitter.
Now YOU can share it.
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!
As folks around here will recall, I was strongly opposed to Holder’s nomination... [More]Me too. But those with the clout to make a difference didn't think it was worth expending the "political capital," whatever the hell that really means, and not enough "internet activists" lifted a finger to urge them otherwise.
[Via Michael G]
Everything's Free in America
Hey, at least they're taking a firm stand on using EBT cards at strip clubs and casinos! [More]
I see evil racist Fox News is still using the offensive term "illegal immigrant" instead of "undocumented Democrat."
My favorite is those who would remold and control introducing the term "DREAMers." It sounds so much nicer than "generational biological warfare."
I see evil racist Fox News is still using the offensive term "illegal immigrant" instead of "undocumented Democrat."
My favorite is those who would remold and control introducing the term "DREAMers." It sounds so much nicer than "generational biological warfare."
This Day in History: May 31
Part of the Virginia Light Horse crossed at Fredericks[burg] on Tuesday night; the Marquis' Troops (who are not strong enough for an action) were expected there last night, unless prevented by the enemy. Lord Cornwallis with the main body of the British army was at Hanover Court House (scarce fifty miles from Fredericksburg) on Tuesday morning, their object, no doubt, to defeat the Marquis' Troops before General Waine came up, or to prevent the junction: this intelligence comes from an officer sent express to General Waine and may be relied on. I think if the winds permit we may expect their fleet up this river in a very few days. Our situation in Virginia is truly critical and dangerous; a very few weeks, unless the enemy can be checked, will place Maryland in the same predicament. Nothing can speedily extricate the two States but the arrival of a strong French fleet which there is reason to expect every day. [More]
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Anti-gun 'Demanding Moms' group fails to provide grassroots transparency
The antis know they can’t take our guns from us, so they’ve got to engage in deception to con people into believing momentum and political demand are on their side, and elite mother-fronters like Bloomberg have the wealth, the organization, the technical resources, the media reach and the political clout to produce powerful illusions to that effect. Once we realize that, we can see it’s all about masking the AstroTurf through a sophisticated technological and psychological exploitation of primal responses. [More]Rather than appearing formidable, self-styled puffed-up alpha chimps caught hiding behind skirts come off as pathetic, ridiculous and sick.
A Chilling Wind from the North
A Toronto Sun news show host and journalist sends us an experience-based warning. [Watch]
[Via Geordan]
[Via Geordan]
We're the Only Ones Threatened Enough
We were disturbed by suggestions that police may have felt threatened by a man in his own garage faced with unknown trespassers wielding flashlights. [More]Thank goodness they made it home at the end of their shift!
[Via several of you]
Here's Why
Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories [More]1. Because conspiracies do exist.
2. Because the government is heavily populated with guilty liars.
So it figures their "Authorized Journalist/Legitimate Media" cheerleaders would be pushing the "It's all in your head" line. Between that, cultural conditioning and exploiting confusion with disinformation, opportunities to direct and misdirect abound.
[Via bondmen]
Just Imagine!
Everyone involved in this needs to go into the dock now and face prosecution. Specifically, the question that must be answered is under who's direction was this intentional deception fomented, constructed and executed? This is grand jury material and one must be empaneled now. [More]Yeah. Just imagine a prosecutor withholding evidence and not only being allowed to get away with it, but being advanced toward a federal judgeship! Which reminds me, I need to find out when a full vote is expected...Gonzales' name showed up on the May 16 Executive Calendar and also on the upcoming June 3 list of nominees. Not being familiar with these documents or the arcane rituals of the political priesthood, I'm not sure what they're telling me.
Anybody know?
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Durbin shows as much respect for First Amendment as he does for Second
Think who it was who not only filed the initial reports on Fast and Furious “gunwalking,” but who cajoled and wheedled and begged for almost two months to get the media and political establishment to notice. Now recall who did not think the story was particularly noteworthy.Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes that what "legitimate media" doesn't report is often as telling as what it does (and how it does it). That "progressive" politicians want to use the power of the state against those it does not favor should be all we need to know about their intentions, and should also be a pretty good indicator of why they demand control of all the guns.
Reflect on the virtual media blackout for updates on the case of the Reese family. And then remember what they didn’t tell you about John Shipley, or David Olofson, or Lawrence Mirsky or many others.
And if you’ve never heard of Wayne Fincher, don’t blame me. [More]
Sign the Petition
If your senators are committed antis, you might try picking a state that has "moderates" subject to being swayed by numbers.I hope this link works for you-- I truncated the one from the NRA email sent to me to depersonalize it. Let me know?
No Offense, But...
[I]t seems very likely that liberal Democrats’ blaming the gun instead of the criminal is partially motivated by a need to avoid offending the substantial fraction of their supporters living in our biggest, most crime-ridden cities. [More]What?
There are people who dismiss personal responsibility and blame others for their plight?
More than just a handful of delusional mental patients?
[Via Michael G]
Armed American Radio Redux
Memorial Day weekend, Sean Caranna from Florida Carry, Rich Burgess of Ct Carry, author and psychologist-Dr Bruce Eimer, Seanto, David Codrea, The Mad Ogre-George HillHere's last Sunday's show:
So, How's That Union Working Out for You?
Isn't this the system our elites want us to meld with in their quest to go full global? [More]
I wonder what this will do to the European homicide rate?
[Via bondmen]
I wonder what this will do to the European homicide rate?
[Via bondmen]
The Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
This Is How the NRA Ends
Well, Smart Alec, your affinity for believing AstroTurf is a match for grassroots notwithstanding, if that buffer is lost, what do you suppose will happen next?
Well, Smart Alec, your affinity for believing AstroTurf is a match for grassroots notwithstanding, if that buffer is lost, what do you suppose will happen next?
Criminals for Gun Control
Shut up, Matthew Parker. You have no say in my rights. Focus on controlling yourself. [More]
Holder on Holder
I'd love to believe that his lies are finally catching up with him, but I haven't seen any indication that the Obama or the press will ever really turn their backs on him, or that the Republicans dare do anything but whine. [More]
[Via Michael G]
[Via Michael G]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...
MACHETE wielding thugs have left two men with ‘serious injuries’ after attacking them in an Accrington barber’s shop. [More]I'm finding sympathy increasingly difficult to muster.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Imbibing Enough
See, this is exactly why we shouldn't let you have the means of defense to protect your family at Applebees. [More]
[Via Neil W]
[Via Neil W]
Of Course He Had Plenty of Help. . . and Plenty of Direction
"So," I asked, "you're saying specifically that this scandal began with Rahm Emanuel just like Fast and Furious?" [More]Mike speaks with a "long-time, well-informed veteran of American government intelligence operations."
This Day in History: May 29
There never has been any regular establishment of the department of Geographer to the Army; but the pay that has heretofore, and is now allowed to the principal in this quarter is four Dollars pr day, and four Rations; with an allowance for incidental Charges, such as travelling from place to place and for provisions for himself and Party when out of reach of the Magazines of the Army. The Assistants have had two Dollars pr day. The Chain Bearers have been drawn from the Army occasionally, and are allowed half a dollar extra pr day while upon service. [More]
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
In Memory of the White Death
He picked up his Mosin-Nagant.A note on minding your own business for those who won't...
He proceeded to kill 700+ invading Communists.
All in 100 days. No scope, iron sights only. [More]
There's a lesson here for those capable of discerning it. Several, actually.
Unfortunately, they will be lost on those who need to learn them the most, at least until they force the teachers to give a crash course, and by then the newly-realized knowledge will do them little good.
We're the Only Ones Incendiary Enough
An Edison (N.J.) Police officer with a history of disciplinary problems was charged today with five counts of attempted murder in the firebombing of a police supervisor's house earlier this week, authorities announced Thursday. [More]See, if a highly-trained veteran police officer could be arrested for something like this, imagine how much more suspect ordinary Garden Staters must be -- and based on who they vote for, I've got my work cut out for me refuting that generality.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Protected Enough
Any incidental contact between a Mundane and the sanctified personage of a police officer – including the act of breathing on an officer – can be prosecuted as “battery.” [More]Who thinks that door swings both ways?
[Via Ron W]
Help Wanted: Inquire Within
The Police Department is structured as a para-military organization. This means that we employ a culture and protocols that closely approximate those of the armed forces. [More]
Ask for Polizeikommissar Ramsey.
Oath Keepers need not apply.
[Via several of you]
"Gun Owners" for "Gun Control"
Kurt has featured two despicable examples recently, Charles "Fudd" Eisendrath and Bill "Probably Prohibited" Maher. And we've talked in the past about astonishingly hypocritical Mark Kelly.
It's nothing new. I trust everyone remembers Sarah Brady straw pur... uh..."gifting" a sniper rifle weapon of war suitable only for killing people to her son, who did not go though a background check, ostensibly then making him x times (the number keeps changing) more likely to blow away himself and others than he had been previously...? And more recently, we met a "proud defender of communist union agitato...uh...the Second Amendment"...
And who can forget "Average Joe," or at least that his handlers have made sure we have no idea who he really is...?
I wish more FFLs would follow Cope Reynolds' lead, and if they recognize one of these quisliings in their store, refuse their business and just tell them to get out and go to hell, rallying their other customers to express their disapproval as well.
It's nothing new. I trust everyone remembers Sarah Brady straw pur... uh..."gifting" a sniper rifle weapon of war suitable only for killing people to her son, who did not go though a background check, ostensibly then making him x times (the number keeps changing) more likely to blow away himself and others than he had been previously...? And more recently, we met a "proud defender of communist union agitato...uh...the Second Amendment"...
And who can forget "Average Joe," or at least that his handlers have made sure we have no idea who he really is...?
I wish more FFLs would follow Cope Reynolds' lead, and if they recognize one of these quisliings in their store, refuse their business and just tell them to get out and go to hell, rallying their other customers to express their disapproval as well.
Parkerizing an AK
Several quality and reliability problems have been identified in the process. [More]
A Much Bigger Danger
I can't quite figure out where ol' Bruce Watson is going with this, but it seems to logically culminate in mandating everyone who is not part of the ruling elite make do with Stone Age technology sans the clubs, rocks and spears... [More]
[Via Florida Guy]
[Via Florida Guy]
Soft Target Alert!
Well, what else would you call such an announcement? [More]
Fitting name, pal.
Add "Plead," "Scream" and "Bleed" you've got yourself a law firm.
Fitting name, pal.
Add "Plead," "Scream" and "Bleed" you've got yourself a law firm.
"Our View"
Unsurprisingly, you blind "Authorized Journalists" have it exactly wrong. [More]
It is pressure from the "no compromise" faction that forces NRA to moderate its natural inclination to haggle.
How fitting that these superstitious primitives have chosen a witch for their logo.
It is pressure from the "no compromise" faction that forces NRA to moderate its natural inclination to haggle.
How fitting that these superstitious primitives have chosen a witch for their logo.
First Responders
Can't allow this... [More]
Must demonize...
What should we call them first?
"Racists," or are we overplaying that card...?
"Paranoids" might be a good place to start ... and then, depending if that works or not, we can introduce the "hater" meme along with a bit of "insurrectionist/traitors" for good measure.
And weenies ... don't forget the teeny weenies!
The things "progressives" will say to actualize their precious monopoly of violence and undermine a more egalitarian arrangement...
Must demonize...
What should we call them first?
"Racists," or are we overplaying that card...?
"Paranoids" might be a good place to start ... and then, depending if that works or not, we can introduce the "hater" meme along with a bit of "insurrectionist/traitors" for good measure.
And weenies ... don't forget the teeny weenies!
The things "progressives" will say to actualize their precious monopoly of violence and undermine a more egalitarian arrangement...
Gentlemen's Agreement
And it’s not because they disagree with what Bloomberg is after—a new law to require background checks for guns bought online or at gun shows. [More]Right. Like that's ALL Bloomberg is after. Or that's all they agree with him on once they take their masks off.
Activists launch media campaign against UNC’s anti-gun policies
Providing examples of how anti-gun policies fail to provide the “protection” officials claim as their reason for imposing them, GRNC related that “[j]ust hours after … University officials testified against HB 937, a student was raped outside the NCSU Free Expression Tunnel. Another was robbed at knife point near Reynolds Coliseum two days later." [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the irony of college administrator dunces being the least educated among us, prompting grassroots activists to give them a crash course in reality.
Friday, May 24, 2013
We're the Only Ones Legislating Enough
The California state Senate voted 28-8 Wednesday to exempt itself from the pointless gun-control laws that apply to the rest of the populace. Legislators apparently think they alone are worthy to pack heat on the streets for personal protection, and the masses ought to wait until the police arrive. [More]See, all those bad things they say guns do, well, evidently not when they control them.
And if this seems kind of opposite to original intent, well, just understand such people refer to their policies as "progressive." Assigning reverse meanings is what they do.
UPDATE: It is pointed out in comments that this story is from 2011 and that this part of the bill was amended out.
[Via Florida Guy]
To commemorate and support this.
Get yours here.
Right after you get caught up in the excitement watching this.
Get yours here.
Right after you get caught up in the excitement watching this.
There's an App for That
Find and rate businesses who support Second Amendment rights. [More]Their press release gives more information.
We discussed a similar effort back in March. I can't say how the two ventures compare, because I still carry an old clamshell pull-start model, so those of you who are not reta...uh...technologically challenged will need to weigh in with your own comparative product reviews.
New-fangled gizmos are tough for me. When I was in college, the hot new bar novelty was Pong, so by the time the gaming industry took off, I was a "grup" and didn't have incentive to learn such things, which seemed geared for much younger people. That doesn't mean we hadn't mastered what was necessary: I recall (in the days when many smoked cigarettes at their desks) transcribing assembly parts lists onto 80-column forms to be punched into cards to feed a mainframe. My first "PC" had a 512K drive, an amber monitor and a daisy wheel printer. I recall being irritated as hell the first time I tried to use a mouse, because the damn thing seemed so non-intuitive.
And when I see the ease with which feral sons Uday and Qusay navigate through all the intricacies of making what's on a screen conform to totally confounding controller commands, and all the stuff they seem to be able to do on devices called "phones" but that do so much more, none of which I grok or see as necessary, all I want to do at that point is keep small furry mammals from eating the eggs. Trying to learn to keep up convinces me if I'd been born a couple decades later, I'd have been a prime candidate for attention deficit drugs.
But for those of you who haven't outlived your usefulness and aren't obsolete, by all means, do try out this new application and make sure you let everyone know if you get value from it.
Lest Ye Be Judged
The Pennsylvania State Police have charged a western Pennsylvania judge with stealing cocaine from evidence in cases he presided over before he abruptly resigned last year. [More]I wonder if they had to pump him for information?
[Via William T]
We're the Only Ones Schooled Enough
Only law enforcement officers are allowed to carry a gun into a school, Reynolds said. [More]Because as we demonstrate just about every damn day here, they're special.
[Via William T]
Read more here:
"The Judgment of the Trial Court is Affirmed"
Candidly, I would have been surprised at a different outcome. [More]
Sure Beats Those Tupperware Shindigs
Readers have been left dumbfounded by the ease at which the journalist was able to build the weapon, combined with the fact that the process was completely legal. [More]When it's easy, you don't think being legal or not will stop anyone, do you?
And as for it being "perfectly legal" in California, I'd appreciate some knowledgeable opinions on that. That he only used five rounds says something...
On a personal note, hearing the wind in the background of the video brought back memories. I've camped in Mojave, and I thought the tent was going to blow away with me inside it.
[Via DMJ]
"Home Alone" Encore Presentation
Tonight on American Trigger Sports Network's "Stop the Threat"... [More]
Well, Can They?
I've been asking this question myself and would appreciate opinions from those knowledgeable with Florida preemption law. [More]
I also have one other question: Why is a column using judgmental terms like "arms-bazaar excesses" appearing under the "News" category instead of "Opinion"?
I also have one other question: Why is a column using judgmental terms like "arms-bazaar excesses" appearing under the "News" category instead of "Opinion"?
Not Just "Good"
Does this sound like a good idea in a city struggling with gun violence: Wipe every anti-gun-violence law off the books, and make it impossible to write new ones? [More]That sounds like an excellent idea to those who can demonstrate those have all really been "pro-violence" edicts.
Why Stay Where You're Despised?
They damn well ought to leave. There are plenty of friendly places to move, and the most valued employees could be given the option to relocate. [More]
And all the gun companies need to start acting more like Barret in terms of sales to state agencies.
They won't, of course, unless we make an effort to let them know what our expectations are and ... oh ...
Get a load of Ron Pinciaro saying he hopes no employees are hurt.
[ via Florida Guy]
Note: For some reason, I can no longer access NYT articles in Firefox, but can in IE.
And all the gun companies need to start acting more like Barret in terms of sales to state agencies.
They won't, of course, unless we make an effort to let them know what our expectations are and ... oh ...
Get a load of Ron Pinciaro saying he hopes no employees are hurt.
[ via Florida Guy]
Note: For some reason, I can no longer access NYT articles in Firefox, but can in IE.
¡No Mรกs!
Hope takes root in the strangest places. [More]
I note the Federales haven't sent out confiscation squads.
Is it possible there's a lesson here for wider application?
[ via Florida Guy]
I note the Federales haven't sent out confiscation squads.
Is it possible there's a lesson here for wider application?
[ via Florida Guy]
When It's THEIR Ox Getting Gored...
..."Authorized Journalists" sure can bellow. [More]
When it's someone else's, not so much.
[Via Michael G]
When it's someone else's, not so much.
[Via Michael G]
Surefire Apathy Generation Formula
1. Share the latest in the Reese family's ordeal.
2. Show how no one else in the media is covering it.
3. Ask "internet gun activists" to take one minute to help spread the word.
Forgive me if I'm skeptical about "cold dead hands" claims when there are so many unlifted fingers every time something easy comes along.
2. Show how no one else in the media is covering it.
3. Ask "internet gun activists" to take one minute to help spread the word.
Forgive me if I'm skeptical about "cold dead hands" claims when there are so many unlifted fingers every time something easy comes along.
Prosecutorial Discretion
It shouldn't be needed. [More]
And it illustrates an inconsistency as exemplified by the outrage over the decision not to prosecute David Gregory.
How about we just get rid of the b......t "laws"?
[Via Jess]
And it illustrates an inconsistency as exemplified by the outrage over the decision not to prosecute David Gregory.
How about we just get rid of the b......t "laws"?
[Via Jess]
Scientific Amerikan
And their affinity for agenda-driven chicken bone-casting masked as "science" continues. [More]
And, of course, that will require...what do they call that globalist tyranny they endorse?...oh, yeah, "transnational enforcement."
And, of course, that will require...what do they call that globalist tyranny they endorse?...oh, yeah, "transnational enforcement."
New Target for CSGV
Go on vLadd and Josh: Call your fellow traveler here an "insurrectionist" and traitor." [More]
Hell, I'll make some popcorn while you pull out all the stops.
Call her "white."
Mike has her seeming affinity for true egalitarianism exactly pegged. There's no place for your ideals, Monica, once the new boss takes the stage, and the useful idiots are astonished to realize those they gave their souls to now consider them useless eaters.
If you wear glasses, hide them.
¿Armas Para Que?
Hell, I'll make some popcorn while you pull out all the stops.
Call her "white."
Mike has her seeming affinity for true egalitarianism exactly pegged. There's no place for your ideals, Monica, once the new boss takes the stage, and the useful idiots are astonished to realize those they gave their souls to now consider them useless eaters.
If you wear glasses, hide them.
¿Armas Para Que?
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg used a commencement speech to push his gun-control agenda, telling graduates of Kenyon College in Ohio that gun control is “something you really should think about.” [More]As opposed to "obsess on" while flying into a Napoleonic rage...?
And did he use the "f" word?
Even after this malignant orc leaves office, he'll still have an armed security detail. I wonder if he'll still get a special pass to take them with him to Bermuda?
This Day in History: May 24
By him I received the unwelcome intelligence that the whole interior Country had revolted, and that Marion & Lee (after reducing a small Post where Lieut. Col. Watson kept his Baggage at Wright's Bluff), had crossed the Santee to support the Insurgents upon the same Night which he passed it to join me. [More]
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Court gives prosecution more time in case against N.M. gun dealer family
This latest order, essentially a two-week extension, will not seem like much to government lawyers who draw their salaries and go home at the end of the day to situations where it is their choice if the expenses they face are within their means. That’s not so for the Reese family, and every day they are denied a resolution to their ordeal is a day where legal and living expenses mount as their assets are walled off and their livelihoods are cut off from them. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes justice delayed -- which is just the way the government likes it.
Immigrant Song
We come from the land of the ice and snow,
From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.
How soft your fields so green, can whisper tales of gore,
Of how we calmed the tides of war. We are your overlords.
From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.
How soft your fields so green, can whisper tales of gore,
Of how we calmed the tides of war. We are your overlords.
"In Sweden, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted under licence, in some cases, but not for the protection of person or property."
Yumpin' Yiminy! Now what?
[Via Florida Guy]
Murder, He Wrote
I went to the Brady Facebook page after receiving this and it looks like "Edgar Craine" removed his comment.
Maybe he was goofing with them and they booted him? Or are there any actually that lost?
[Via Keep Bear]
Maybe he was goofing with them and they booted him? Or are there any actually that lost?
[Via Keep Bear]
We Don't Need No Stinking Compromise
With the deadline fast-approaching for lawmakers to enact a concealed-carry law, legislation surfaced Wednesday that allows local law enforcement to object to permit applications while creating a licensing review board that has final say. [More]Why not just let the deadline come?
Tim Jones & John McCormick: Authorized Bloomberg Sob-Sisters
Master is pleased with us! [Read--or don't]
New "Assaulted" Trailer
We've talked about this project here and here.
UPDATE: FOX News just filed this report. Get a load of vLadd whining about treason.
Things to Come
And of course the "Only Ones" will need to have the access code. [More]
It's only "common sense."
For the children.
Capitalists selling rope--it's almost like someone predicted that.
It's only "common sense."
For the children.
Capitalists selling rope--it's almost like someone predicted that.
We're the Only Ones Edging Out the Competiton Enough
From that moment forward until the event ended, the gun rights activists were harassed by all day by Wayne County deputies. [More]
What were their names? What were their badge numbers?
I love seeing "buyback" monkeywrenching happen, but we need to anticipate a police response and be prepared for it--along with real-time video streaming and having multiple participants prepared to be witnesses and demanding IDs. That includes having our own undercover guys--it would be great to pretend to be interested in turning in a gun and recording what the cops say to discourage going to the private buyers.
It's a survival thing--the more successful these become, the more aggressive we can expect the retaliation to become.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Hacking Enough
Bronx Officer Is Accused of Hiring E-Mail Hackers [More]Hey, if they're not doing anything wrong, they don't have anything to worry about.
[Via Florida Guy]
Denver Fox affiliate, hoaxed by story of man being mistaken for a terrorist
This seems to be a pretty fair write-up. [Read]
The reporter asked me if this made me "less inclined to trust Dave Kopel as a source".
I replied:
The reporter asked me if this made me "less inclined to trust Dave Kopel as a source".
I replied:
No, what it does is reaffirm to me that we are all human and are all capable of being sucker-punched--even the most highly respected among us, and especially if the information is calculated and comes to us from a seemingly credible source.
Who would even think of making up a story like that? And why?
That said, I would not have gone with it just on Kopel's say-so and without further corroboration--his reputation and credibility were what made me willing to invest the time to drop everything and investigate. Everything that happened after that is on me. I took the email he sent me and called Schreiner, who corroborated it. Then I called Korrine, who did likewise, and even went the added step of checking her out and finding her online resume. I also called Adams County Sheriff's PIO, but it was a Sunday so I left a voice mail. Finding the Fox report which also fit in with the information I'd been given seemed to be the clincher.
I can look back in hindsight and think of questions I could have asked that might have given me pause, but this whole thing is just so bizarre, the concocted story is so elaborate, and the person behind it is just so ... unique ... that it falls outside the scope of normal human experience.
I "fell" for it for all the reasons listed. Kopel passed it on because he got it from a respected activist and NRA director who had been asked by show management to get to the bottom of the floor buzz. Schreiner in turn got it from a person representing herself as an attorney who was brought to the show by a respected and long-standing collector, so there was an assumption of credibility that I believe is something decent people afford each other unless they have reason to suspect otherwise.
Settling Accounts
"We took it into account that he saved this boy’s life..." [More]And we take into account that the "Only Ones" didn't.
I find Kurt to be one of the most interesting and right-headed voices out there and nobody gets under CSGV's skin quite like he does. I think more people ought to read his stuff.
The fact that more don't is a direct reflection on the gun owners who regularly do, and then won't take a moment to share his links and help him gain wider recognition.
Why that is I will never understand, but I gotta tell you, the man is putting out a unique product, it takes him hours of research and promotion each day in addition to writing his articles, and I don't think it's too much to ask his regular readers to send some page views his way, which is how the pay over there is decided.
If you get value from his work, think of it as settling an account.
And don't even bother to bellyache about the Examiner experience.
This Day in History: May 23
We have had various reports of the Enemies movements in Virginia since you wrote, but nothing certain. In this quarter Camden, and the Fort at Nelson's ferry have been evacuated; and fort Watson, Motte, Orangeburg, and Granby taken. The Prisoners who fell into our hands at the several Posts amount to 7 or 800 regulars and irregulars, and fifty odd Officers. Ninety Six and Augusta are beseiged, and I am in hopes will fall into our hands. [More]
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Woman fabricated tale of Italian gun exec. being questioned after ‘terrorist’ claim
FOX31 gives the rest of the story. [More]
Yeah, Paranoia's the Only Explanation that Makes Sense
I mean, what kind of nutjob wouldn't trust "progressive" Obama-loving "political scientists"? [More]
And note how much respect they give all those "mainstream Republican conservatives" they cite...
[Via bondmen]
And note how much respect they give all those "mainstream Republican conservatives" they cite...
[Via bondmen]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...
'We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you': What man holding bloody cleaver said after 'hacking soldier in Help For Heroes T-shirt to death just yards from Woolwich barracks' [More]Well...would you?
[Via several of you]
Insult to Injury
What, now you want us to give you your property back? Just what do you think we're here for? YOU??? [More]
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
A dangerous imported East Coast shark has been spotted circling for prey in Oregon waters... [More]
Who wants to help Kevin tie off some barrels?
CCDL Files Challenges
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League, the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen, Hiller Sports, MD Shooting along with several individuals have filed as Plaintiffs in a legal complaint that is intended to overturn the recent ban on guns of common use in the State of Connecticut. [More]Includes a link to the filed complaint...
Shotgun executive terror report dismissed as ‘hoax’ as Fox stands by story
Gun Rights Examiner has gone through extensive follow-up on this story after the Perazzi press release, explaining all of the verification efforts gone through before publishing the story, and the subsequent outreach to FOX31, to law enforcement and to Perazzi after the company dismissed it as a fabrication. Conversations have also been held with other media personnel including 9NEWS, a Colorado Gun Collectors Association official, the Adams County Sheriff’s Office, and other potential witness leads that turned out to have merely heard the story from others. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report was intended to provide the final word on this bizarre story, which instead, just took a totally unexpected twist that quite frankly, leaves me scratching my head wondering what further surprises are in store.
FOX31 Standing By Perazzi Story
This is the strangest story I have ever been involved in. The 9NEWS story I linked to earlier today has been updated to include:
This is just baffling the hell out of me, and I have my column on hold pending more information. I just got off the phone with the Adams County Sheriff's Office, and they are putting out a press release in the next hour or so and will be doing a 9NEWS interview later this afternoon.
In the mean time, what I'm holding out for before hitting "publish" is a statement from FOX31 clarifying why they are standing by their story.
UPDATE: The new report is here.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Fox31 reporter responsible for the original story stands by the reportI note their link at present produces a "runtime error."
This is just baffling the hell out of me, and I have my column on hold pending more information. I just got off the phone with the Adams County Sheriff's Office, and they are putting out a press release in the next hour or so and will be doing a 9NEWS interview later this afternoon.
In the mean time, what I'm holding out for before hitting "publish" is a statement from FOX31 clarifying why they are standing by their story.
UPDATE: The new report is here.
FOX31 gun show 'terrorist' report called a hoax
I spoke with this Denver NBC reporter last night. [More]
As evidenced by the multiple updates I posted on this blog yesterday, I've been following all the leads I could find to get to the bottom of this story and have come to the conclusion that I and others got taken in. I'll provide more details later today when I issue a retraction piece, which I'll write after I speak with one more lead in a couple hours.
As evidenced by the multiple updates I posted on this blog yesterday, I've been following all the leads I could find to get to the bottom of this story and have come to the conclusion that I and others got taken in. I'll provide more details later today when I issue a retraction piece, which I'll write after I speak with one more lead in a couple hours.
Stop the Threat: Home Alone
American Trigger Sports Network will run an encore presentation of their "Home Alone" program this week. [Details]
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
We're the Only Ones Colliding Enough
SWAT Team Rams Wrong Man’s Car [More]And at least one of them fired a gun?
So the Bradys were right about shootouts over fender benders?
I was accidentally sent some chatter on this, and because I was not the intended recipient, I kept quiet. [Read]
Now that it's out, I can say that what I saw was speculating on the FBI being behind it, trying to ID her unnamed Benghazi sources. That doesn't mean they were, it just means that's what was being discussed.
I've often wondered if my and Mike's computers and phones have been treated to special scrutiny, and my default position is to act like they are, so every once in a while I interject something into our conversations like "The geese fly at midnight."
Now that it's out, I can say that what I saw was speculating on the FBI being behind it, trying to ID her unnamed Benghazi sources. That doesn't mean they were, it just means that's what was being discussed.
I've often wondered if my and Mike's computers and phones have been treated to special scrutiny, and my default position is to act like they are, so every once in a while I interject something into our conversations like "The geese fly at midnight."
Perazzi Name Mixup?
Illuminating thread going on at
So the story is real but it wasn't Perazzi?
Then how did the lawyer representing him get that basic fact wrong? I'll have to ask.
Right after I call a CCGA board member said to be an eyewitness I just got a number for.
So the story is real but it wasn't Perazzi?
Then how did the lawyer representing him get that basic fact wrong? I'll have to ask.
Right after I call a CCGA board member said to be an eyewitness I just got a number for.
I Agree to a Point
But unless you reduce spending, they'll simply take it out of a different pocket. [Read]
Not that the political powers that be have any interest in changing the "representation without taxation" dynamic they so rely on...
Not that the political powers that be have any interest in changing the "representation without taxation" dynamic they so rely on...
No Doubt It's a Problem
The thing is, focusing on the method with no real means of impacting that distracts from addressing root causes. [Read]
For instance, why do you think this group has a rate that dwarfs the general population's? Are any of the "gun control" groups calling to disarm them? At least for now, and out in the open?
For instance, why do you think this group has a rate that dwarfs the general population's? Are any of the "gun control" groups calling to disarm them? At least for now, and out in the open?
Second Call
I have no first-hand knowledge about these folks, but this looks like something gun owners might want to check out. [Read]
I know statistically it's a numbers game where the odds are you will never need it, but if we took that attitude, we wouldn't be carrying guns in the first place.
I know statistically it's a numbers game where the odds are you will never need it, but if we took that attitude, we wouldn't be carrying guns in the first place.
Adams County Sheriff Denies Knowledge of Perazzi Incident
I just got off the phone with the Adams County Sheriff's public information officer. He told me they have no knowledge of this incident other than what they've seen reported in the media.
I have not yet heard back from Denver PD, and will be following up on that today.
I have not yet heard back from Denver PD, and will be following up on that today.
Not So Silent Observers
The correct response to these nosy, subversive-minded "Authorized Journalists" is two words and starts with "F." [Read]
Two Bits!
Chipman's "two bit criminal" has certainly moved up in the world. [Read]No toon can resist the old Shave-and-a-Haircut trick.
We're the Only Ones Not Really the Only Ones Enough
"When I see the charges I've pleaded to, I'm overwhelmed with guilt and shame," ex-Central Contra Costa Narcotics Enforcement Team Cmdr. Norm Wielsch said as he sobbed and clutched a tissue. "I'm sorry, that's not really me." [More]Poor man. You've already been through so much!
My favorite bit of apologia:
His attorney said Monday that it was Wielsch's mental illness that made him susceptible to Butler, a sociopath who corrupted otherwise good people.Flip?
[Via Dave Licht]
Curioser and Curioser
...custom and value of approximately $ 500,000. [More]
Here's another Italian media report via Google Translate. And here's the curious part:
I didn't say $500,000 in my report.
Fox 31 Denver didn't say $500,000 in their report.
Where did blitz quotidiano get the $500,000 figure?
[Via Roger J]
The hoax of the arrest of Perazzi: a fake scoop created by the gun lobby?
This is the Google Translate version of what appears to be a New York-based Italian news site. [Read]
No one is more committed to finding the truth of this matter than I am. That's why I spent hours last night posting and publicizing updates, communicating with the principal sources, and reaching out to Perazzi, Fox News 31 Denver and the Denver PD. That's why I'm getting ready to spend another long day digging out and sharing whatever I can.
I invite the reporter making this public speculation about motives to contact me (dcodreaAThotmailDOTcom).
UPDATE: I posted a comment on their site linking to this piece that is presently awaiting moderation, and also just sent them this:
No one is more committed to finding the truth of this matter than I am. That's why I spent hours last night posting and publicizing updates, communicating with the principal sources, and reaching out to Perazzi, Fox News 31 Denver and the Denver PD. That's why I'm getting ready to spend another long day digging out and sharing whatever I can.
I invite the reporter making this public speculation about motives to contact me (dcodreaAThotmailDOTcom).
UPDATE: I posted a comment on their site linking to this piece that is presently awaiting moderation, and also just sent them this:
Monday, May 20, 2013
Perazzi Update
I AM going to get to the bottom of this.
Two quick updates: I spoke to the Colorado attorney and she is flabbergasted, and is investigating from her end.
The legal source who handed me this story in the first place says Adams County Sheriffs have no record of this incident, meaning it was either Denver PD or it never happened.
I sent an outreach email to the Denver Fox affiliate that also reported on this. If anyone can validatet Denver PD records, it ought to be them.
And seeing as how Perazzi is rattling legal sabers, I figure the best thing to do is let them know I posted their press release and am going to do everything I can to get to the truth of this--for both our sakes:
And here is proof of delivery:
"Grazie, la vostra richiesta รจ stata ricevuta." = ""Thanks, your request has been received."
This is, without a doubt, the most bizarre personal experience I've ever had while trying to work a story by the numbers.
UPDATE: You know I'm getting tired when I send an email like this out to the Denver PD PIO:
That's it. My neck is killing me and I've done enough damage to myself for one day.
Two quick updates: I spoke to the Colorado attorney and she is flabbergasted, and is investigating from her end.
The legal source who handed me this story in the first place says Adams County Sheriffs have no record of this incident, meaning it was either Denver PD or it never happened.
I sent an outreach email to the Denver Fox affiliate that also reported on this. If anyone can validatet Denver PD records, it ought to be them.
[Click to enlarge]
And seeing as how Perazzi is rattling legal sabers, I figure the best thing to do is let them know I posted their press release and am going to do everything I can to get to the truth of this--for both our sakes:
And here is proof of delivery:
"Grazie, la vostra richiesta รจ stata ricevuta." = ""Thanks, your request has been received."
This is, without a doubt, the most bizarre personal experience I've ever had while trying to work a story by the numbers.
UPDATE: You know I'm getting tired when I send an email like this out to the Denver PD PIO:
That's it. My neck is killing me and I've done enough damage to myself for one day.
Important Update to Perazzi Story
In all the years I've been writing, this has never happened to me before. I am starting to go from stunned to pissed. I just posted this update to the Perazzi/Denver shotgun arrest story:
released the following statement on its website, translated using Google Translate:
With regard to reports in the American press, in relation to
an alleged arrest for "terrorism" by Daniele Perazzi (founder of
Perazzi Armi SpA), we point out that the news is completely devoid of any
foundation. Daniele Perazzi is however, unfortunately, failed to live for about
a year. Even his son, Mauro, was last Saturday in the USA. As reported in the
press is absolutely false. The company Perazzi, however, contrary to what is
written, is familiar with the American legislation on weapons because of his
extensive and well-known activities of marketing its products in the USA. Since
it is difficult to think of simple error, it is believed that someone who has
interests contrary to those of the Perazzi SpA, may have spread false and
misleading information purposes only defamatory. The company has already
instructed his lawyers to take the most appropriate actions, civil and
criminal, in order to protect the brand represented and its activity, carried
on the American market. Perazzi Armi SpA
PRESS RELEASE From Perazzi SpA With reference to press
reports Concerning Daniele Perazzi's alleged unlawful arrest for terrorism last
Saturday in Denver (Colorado), That we were the incident is devoid of any
foundation and the news is completely fabricated. Daniele Perazzi (founder of
Perazzi SpA) died last year, and his son Mauro was not in the United States
last Saturday. The Perazzis are not involved in. any wrongdoing in any way,
shape or form and, to our best knowledge, are not under investigation or
scrutiny nor are targets of criminal proceedings. The Perazzi Company,
contrarily to what Has Been Reported, is very familiar with the U.S.
legislation on two weapons to its extensive presence in the American market.
Perazzi is considering to take legal action to protect the brand and the
Company's reputation in the USA. Perazzi SpA
Since this story has started to gain
wider attention, my role in this, why I posted this and the standards I used
before publishing merit scrutiny.
I was sent an email from a very
well-known Second Amendment attorney titled "major urgent story." As
I protect my sources, I will be immediately sending him an email asking if I
may disclose his name.
He set down the story, essentially
as presented in my Examiner column, and gave me as contacts NRA Director
Schreiner and another attorney, one whose CV includes Oxford and Harvard--she
requested I not use her name for attribution and I honored that for my story.
I called both and had extensive
conversations that include contemporaneous notes of our conversations, and they
both independently confirmed the contents of the email and each others'
To further source the story, I linked
to a Fox News Channel 31 Denver report.
I also called the Adams County
Sheriff's Office and left a voice mail with the Public Information Officer. As
it was Sunday, no one answered and no call has been returned.
Before publishing the story, I sent
it to the Colorado attorney who confirmed the story for an accuracy check, and
she replied back that it was "well written" and "approved."
She is also the one who told me that the Daniele Perazzi in the story was the
grandson of the founder. I have the emails to document this.
After publishing, I sent the story
link to Schreiner, to the attorney who tipped me to the story, and to the
attorney who acted as a source.
This afternoon, a colleague sent me
the link to the Perazzi press release. I immediately called Schreiner who
maintains he was at the Collectors Show and has first-hand knowledge of some of
the information stated as fact, and was directly told about the rest from show
management. I also left a call for the source attorney and left a voice mail
telling her of these developments and asking her to call me.
The bottom line is, I went through
an extraordinary level of verification on this story before publishing it.
it turns out that it is, as the press release states, "completely devoid
of any foundation," that means someone went to extraordinary lengths to
create and perpetuate a hoax story, and to draw me and others into it, and to
smooth entry by using credible people.
As something like this can destroy a
reputation, I too, am absolutely invested in getting to the truth of this
matter, horrified by this development, and committed to identifying anyone who
would do such a thing.
I am going to leave the original
story intact below and will be writing a follow-up article when more
information becomes known.
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