By hiding his identity until they’ve got their ducks lined up, and by ensuring his internet tracks have been swept to only release information supportive of the narrative being told by “the authorities,” our ability to glean public interest information, which is needed to be informed, self-governing citizens, is diminished and effectively deprived. If our only source of that information is the government, disseminated and amplified through its media mouthpieces, our system becomes no more credible or any less manipulative and tyrannical than China’s or Iran’s. [More]No "right-wing white nationalist", no "assault weapon," a "gun-free zone"... looks like this story's going to need to be downplayed until some low-hanging fruit who better fits the narrative can be inspired by a provocateur...
Friday, February 28, 2020
Milwaukee Brewery Killings Highlight How Suppressed Information Enables Infringement
Don't Be Stupid, Indeed
California lawmakers have decided that kids don't have natural gender preferences regarding toys and clothes. It's abject nonsense. [More]No, and dismissing it as merely that is a problem. Don't overlook the calculated subversion, the reasons behind it and where that leads.
Of course there are useful idiots who buy into this due to their own mental and emotional defects, but never doubt for a moment the core of evil behind it all, people who know exactly what they're doing.
[Via Mack H]
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Terrorism' Is
Why A Domestic Terrorism Law Would Create More Problems Than It Solves [More]Well, how the hell else are we going to protect ourselves against giant inflatable pink pigs?
Hey, how about "Enforce existing murder laws" and the like?
[Via Mack H]
Apparently, Reason Believes in Cultural Suicide
Apparently, conservatives believe in states' rights, except when they don't. [More]When state actions affect the rest of the nation whether we want them to or not, we have an absolute right to defend ourselves against them.
Perhaps Steve Greenhut would care to take my challenge?
[Via Mack H]
Haney Didn't Kill Himself
Philip Haney: FBI to investigate death of DHS whistleblower, initially thought to be suicide [More]"Thought" by whom?
[Via Michael G]
If You Haven't Done Anything Wrong...
Those who benefit most from stop-and-frisk are law-abiding minorities. And anyone who is stopped and frisked who hasn’t committed a crime has nothing to fear. [More]Yeah, we all know the Fourth and Fifth Amendments are just for guilty people.
A Poppy Bush Republican said it, I believe it, that settles it. Right?
As I've asked before:
Could it be that ignoring the Constitution has resulted in the very types of people Mr. Adams warned us about? And the "solution" is ignoring the Constitution even more?[Via Loki1776]
Cunning Linguists
Such single linguistic units, called binomials or multinomials, are common in legal writing. [More]While you girls are busy showing everyone how smart you are, I'm going to consult someone who knew exactly what the intent was.
Waiting for the Punch Line
Billionaire Democratic hopeful Michael Bloomberg vowed to “defend the banks” and jokingly suggested that he may hunt down his political rivals with Predator drones if elected, a leaked 2016 audio clip has revealed. While some may take it as a joke, giving power to a person who thinks killing people who disagree with him is a laughing matter is simply disturbing. [More]Thank you, folks. I'll be here all week. Try the veal.
[Via bondmen]
Selective Enforcement
New Mexico governor says sheriffs unwilling to enforce new red-flag gun law should resign [More]What about governors sabotaging federal immigration laws?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Untroubled Enough
Santa Clara DA approves "County Gun Team" to remove firearms from "troubling people" [More]And while we're told "It will focus on the task of removing guns from dangerous offenders who don't have a legal right to own a firearm," the featured tweet indicates the threshold for that is a restraining order, meaning the targets haven't even been charged with a crime let alone convicted of one.
Maybe they didn't pay sufficient tribute...
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones مؤمن Enough
Paterson, N.J., Gets Muslim Police Chief and Islamic Call to Prayer Over Loudspeakers [More]Looks like the city is destined to be on a permanent upward path.
[Via bondmen]
Fitting for the Narrative
Significantly, it appears that all of the murderer's internet leavings have been taken down, so it's impossible now to add to the little that was quickly spotted about his severe, probably psychotic, delusions and paranoia. Was that intentional, to make it easier to present him as a "typical right-winger"? [More]That's the theme of my forthcoming AmmoLand article on the Milwaukee killer, which was basically foreseeable before anything was known outside of the investigative team and those directing damage control.
[Via bondmen]
Bloomberg exploits a second of silence and the Talking Heads for Bernie are shocked, shocked... [Watch]
Not so much when one of their own does it...
[Via CDT]
A Million Here, a Million There, Pretty Soon You're Talking Real Numbers
House Republican rips witness for claiming 'nobody has died' because of gun control laws [More]Maybe he meant "nobody still alive"...
[Via Mack H]
For the Children
Inside the allegation that Bloomberg told a pregnant employee to ‘kill it’ [More]She was probably a fat broad or a horse-faced lesbian anyway.
It obviously doesn't matter to those too stupid to realize they're being used:
[Via Mack H]
Blowin' in the Wind
Newly revealed letter highlights Sanders' complicated history on gun control [More]What's complicated? He'll say whatever he needs to get power, and once he has enough of it he'll do whatever he wants.
[Via Mack H]
Win a Battle, Lose the War
GOV. BILL LEE ANNOUNCES HIS SUDDEN SUPPORT FOR “CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY” AND OTHER CHANGES [More]If it were truly Constitutional, it wouldn't have increased possession penalties.
But in the long run, it doesn't matter, because while everyone is getting excited about the prospect of "no permits," Lee is setting it up so that in the not-too-distant future it will be "no guns."
I wonder if TFA will ever acknowledge that.
[Via Ron W]
Clutching at Straws
Between April 22 and July 17, 2016, Hutcherson gave two of the firearms to an individual living in New York State who was a member of the BFL/CBL gang. The defendant knew the individual was a member of the gang and knew it would be unlawful for that individual to possess a firearm in New York State. [More]If everybody knows that, what the hell is he doing out where he can hurt people?
And what do you think the chances are Brittany and the "individual" don't come from generational lines of Democrats?
[Via @pamnsc]
Lies, Damned Lies and Bloomberg-Funded Lies
[More] |
Zimmerman to argue self-defense, will not seek 'stand your ground' hearingBut that doesn't stop the idiot MILMs idiot Twitter followers from swallowing their lies whole.
Speaking of which, now that he's got lawsuits going, if anyone knows George Zimmerman, tell him to add this guy to the defendant list, and this guy, and...
A Temporary Setback
Former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh sentenced to 3 years for ‘Healthy Holly’ children’s book fraud scheme [More]As opposed to Broken Health Hollis, who got over twice that amount of time for defiantly exercising what Tench Coxe considered to be "the birthright of an American."
I wouldn't bet against her emerging "Mayor for Life."
But of Course
Shooting in Milwaukee was in a ‘Gun Free Zone’ [More]I guess I turned in my AmmoLand piece too late yesterday to make today's release. I'll promote a link when it's up.
Culture of Death
A widely viewed TikTok video that has drawn horrified responses shows a girl laughing and apparently having fun as she reveals her pregnancy and heads to Planned Parenthood for what appears to be her second abortion attempt. [More]Who wants to bet she's not all in for "gun control" and Bernie?
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Captain's Log
- Unreported cases *
- The Man with No Shame
- Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue"
- Rear echelon
* Incidentally, in re speculation that it may have been Fairfax County Police, not according to the news account quoting Alexandria police Lt. Courtney Ballentine. Someone is not being truthful and/or compliant here.
The Increase the Likelihood of Workplace Violence Act of 2020
On Monday, the state Senate voted 25-14 to pass Aird’s bill prohibiting public employers from asking about criminal history during the preliminary stages of a job application. [More]That way, you won't found out until you've raised expectations and will be sure to bitterly disappoint or even enrage, which may very well may happen now on premises...
[Via Mack H]
Counting Coup
“All three states have multiple counties where voter registration rates exceed 90 percent, in some cases they exceed 100 percent. In the last election in 2018, the nationwide registration rate according to the U.S. Census Bureau was 66.9 percent. That disparity is a clear sign these states aren’t maintaining accurate voter rolls”... []*What kind of racist wants to disenfranchise dead Democrats?
* Fox News does not allow link access from Blogger
[Via Wynn A]
This is Sparta?
The protests erupted after Athens secretly shipped building material for the facilities despite widespread local opposition, media reports said. An estimated 50,000 migrants are currently camped in the Greek Islands, mainly Samos, Kos, Leros, Lesbos, and Chios. Residents of these islands have witnessed a rise of violence and crime since the migrant inflow began five years ago. Abandoned by their national government and the EU, they have taken to streets in their thousands, demanding “We Want Our Island Back.” [More]Haven't you noticed? We've been sharing our culture with you all morning.
Too bad the outcome looks to be more along the lines of "Scissor me, Xerxes!" (ABSOLUTELY NSFW and for those who take offense at such things)
[Via Michael G]
I'd Rather Have the Gun
ATF offers $2,500 reward for info in theft of assault-style rifle from Petersburg patrol car ... Authorities did not say whether the rifle is capable of fully automatic fire or equipped with a loaded magazine. [More]I'm reminded of an old joke about a talking frog.
[Via DDS]
And Make Sure You Stamp Your Feet!
Tell your California representatives that you don't stand for this oppression and neither should they! [More]All the safe district Democrats could use a good laugh.
Anybody know of a California gun group that has admitted how the state changed from Republican to Democrat and done a thing about it besides ignore and/or deny relevancy?
The Real 'Honor Killers'
Western colonialism at fault for gender violence among immigrants [More]And they're all white nationalists, no doubt.
As for the guy who says what he hears is "only elite white communities should be able to travel," if he wasn't culturally appropriating, he wouldn't be able to.
[Via Michael G]
Kristolmethfest 2020
From political consultants who are no longer consulted to writers who are no longer read, this is the Woodstock for conservatives who never actually conserved anything. [More]I'm wondering when their masked supporters will finally figure out the useful idiots have become useless eaters and continuing to prop them up so they can be presented as "conservatives" by the DSM just isn't paying off.
A Rare Moment of Truth
“All of the new Democrats that came in, put Nancy Pelosi in charge, and gave the Congress the ability to control this President,” Bloomberg said. “I boug … I got them.” [More]That he and Bernie are the yin and yang pretty much means their supporters won't join forces. Now if only the Republicans weren't primed to give it all up anyway.
[Via bondmen]
Questionable Expenditures
New Metro security plan leaves big questions [More]Yeah, like when are people going to realize you trough-feeding frauds don't have a clue?
[Via bondmen]
It's About Time
The leftist group American Oversight on Wednesday sued the Trump Administration for information on Stephen Miller’s role in creating the “public charge” rule ... The public charge rule was created in 1882. [More]Where they're going, we won't need roads. But not for the reasons we might hope.
[Via Michael G]
If You Weren't Doing Anything Wrong, They Wouldn't Submit Your Case to a Secret Court
Barr reportedly told GOP senators during a lunch Tuesday that they should move to reauthorize the expiring portions of FISA’s surveillance powers as he continues to implement internal reforms. [More]Heck if we can't trust an AG who "would prefer a limitation on the clip size [and] would recommend the President sign a bill that had the Brady waiting period and the DeConcini assault weapons provisions in it" for Constitutional fidelity, who can we trust?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Understating Enough
Two D.C. police officers have accused their MPD superiors of rigging crime stats to make them look better. Now, WUSA9 has obtained internal documents the whistleblowers say proves their case. [More]I've heard of "superiors" padding statistics, so I guess it could work the other way.
[Via Mack H]
Criminalizing Dissent
Based on these fantasies, a judge issued an Abuse and Harassment Prevention Order against Louis, which directed him not to contact her. [More]Am I wrong in assuming this is a 258E and not a 209A?
I see I did a search on the false report filer back on the 17th but don't see a corresponding blog post, so for whatever reason, I did not mention this at that time -- must'a just been really busy.
[Via Mack H]
Follow the Money
This reporting makes clear the appearance that Bloomberg Philanthropies was used as a means to recruit elected officials for future endorsements. Presidential campaigns do not simply occur to someone, no matter how wealthy they are, but are the products of many months and often years of deliberate organization and preparation. The chronology detailed by media outlets presents a compelling argument that Mr. Bloomberg’s philanthropy was performed with a political purpose. [More]And then there's the matter of exploiting special campaign ad rates to exempt himself from PAC limitations...
I understand Epstein's cell is empty...
[Via Mac]
Points of Contention
Top-5 Reasons I Don’t Support the NRA [Watch]I'm sorry, but I'm three minutes into the goddam thing, I still haven't heard Reason #1 yet, and I'm up to my neck in things. If any of you have 14 minutes to spare, and if you hear anything new, feel free to tell me what he said in "Comments."
More direct and to the point is this blast from the past.
[Via Felix B]
Those Who Can Do
A big victory for the Trump administration as a federal appeals court rules today the Department of Justice (DOJ) can withhold funding from sanctuary cities and states refusing to cooperate with administration’s immigration enforcement. [More]So will we see immediate action? Or do we need to wait for SCOTUS, and will the threat of riots be used as a pre-election gun to the head?
[Via Wynn A]
Welcome to Camp FEMA!
"We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad." [More]Define "bad."
And Rosenstein's sister, eh?
I wonder what form emergency orders might take, and what they know that they're not telling us.
I put nothing past "The Swamp."
[Via Wynn A]
Hosea 4:6
I try not to enter comment threads under my articles because I've had my say and it's the readers' turn to have theirs. That said, I do see some reactions to my Clint Eastwood story (and under my Facebook post) that I'm going to address.
Some say they don't believe me. As "proof" they offer fake Twitter account posts and memes that have no basis in anything documented that he ever said. The preponderance of people who will swallow falsehoods because they saw something that satisfied their confirmation bias is disturbing. That it comes from "our side," when the ability to sort the wheat from the chaff is available at our fingertips -- with just a bit of curiosity and effort -- is appalling. It really does speak to how easily people can be swayed by sources they are predisposed to believe, whether there is any real basis for assigning credibility or not, and how easily information that has been researched and validated can be derailed and redirected by introducing straw-men and outright bullshit.
A tangential discussion in one thread actually got into not mistaking Judge Judy, who is a Bloomberg supporter, with Judge Jeanine, who is a Fox News commentator. I bring that up because it provides a perfect example of how what is real can be replaced by what is calculated image. Pirro, if you're not enamored by the trappings of her being a designated "conservative" and care to do some minimal checking, is not what most gun owners encourage themselves to believe she is -- by a long shot.
It's personally frustrating because it can take an effort to dig out the truth but then it just dies in the echo chamber because no one cares enough to spread it, and what propagates instead is the deception. And I'm talking much, much more than silly celebrity stuff.
Back to Eastwood: A longtime trusted industry colleague who saw my piece just sent me a link to Breitbart's article by John Nolte, lest anyone still need more convincing. Or they could just check a news feed. My friend also sent me some insider "intel":
Some say they don't believe me. As "proof" they offer fake Twitter account posts and memes that have no basis in anything documented that he ever said. The preponderance of people who will swallow falsehoods because they saw something that satisfied their confirmation bias is disturbing. That it comes from "our side," when the ability to sort the wheat from the chaff is available at our fingertips -- with just a bit of curiosity and effort -- is appalling. It really does speak to how easily people can be swayed by sources they are predisposed to believe, whether there is any real basis for assigning credibility or not, and how easily information that has been researched and validated can be derailed and redirected by introducing straw-men and outright bullshit.
A tangential discussion in one thread actually got into not mistaking Judge Judy, who is a Bloomberg supporter, with Judge Jeanine, who is a Fox News commentator. I bring that up because it provides a perfect example of how what is real can be replaced by what is calculated image. Pirro, if you're not enamored by the trappings of her being a designated "conservative" and care to do some minimal checking, is not what most gun owners encourage themselves to believe she is -- by a long shot.
It's personally frustrating because it can take an effort to dig out the truth but then it just dies in the echo chamber because no one cares enough to spread it, and what propagates instead is the deception. And I'm talking much, much more than silly celebrity stuff.
Back to Eastwood: A longtime trusted industry colleague who saw my piece just sent me a link to Breitbart's article by John Nolte, lest anyone still need more convincing. Or they could just check a news feed. My friend also sent me some insider "intel":
![]() |
“The best thing we could do is just get Mike Bloomberg in there.” |
Clint Eastwood fooled American patriotic conservatives for decades just like Stallone, Schwarzenegger, and dozens of others. He made a movie of propaganda glorifying murdering communist Nelson Mandela for goodness sakes! However, Eastwood has been a huge gun collector all his life, there is a photo of him at the NSSF show (SHOT Show) in 1962 posing next to the then new Colt AR-15. In the photo attached, he posed for it when he picked up his Weaver Arms Nighthawk (UZI-like) carbine in the early/mid-1980s. (I knew Mr. Weaver and he told me in person about the time when he took this photo of Eastwood in his office in California when he came to pick up the gun *) And a well-known NFA dealer told me years ago about when he sold Eastwood's trust or estate in Idaho a 1921 Thompson submachine gun that Eastwood wanted. Now he backs a communist who wants to ban all guns???? He's another fake from communist Hollywood.Or, I guess, you could just go with something that's repeated in comments on the internet, so it must be true.
*The current source of this photo states that it was taken in the offices of Combat Arms magazine but this source was also initially confused as to what kind of gun it was (because of the Thompson-style front grip). Bob Weaver publicly, and often, showed this photo, and as recent as 2014 when he was trying to sell the rights and plans to make the Nighthawk carbine.
Order Out of Chaos
While our first objective is to protest open primaries, our second objective is to assist the reelection of the President by extending and exacerbating the division among the Democrats. [More]Sounds like an VLLA SELLA kind'a action to me...
[Via @pamnsc]
News You Can Wipe With
They can also bypass background checks if they buy their firearms at a gun show. [More]Really, Terry Tang of the Associated Press? There's no further explanation or qualification you'd like to add to that, or has your job been done here?
I like the partisan Democrat who says it shouldn't be partisan. All we need to do is surrender and vote like him. Every time.
And note the "former Democratic congressional candidate who is black" doesn't seem very eager to talk about who is killing those 15 black people a day but would rather focus on disenfranchising those who aren't.
[Via @pamnsc]
Looks Like I Made the Honor Roll
Lalalalala...I can't HEAR you... |
I guess this self-made public figure doesn't want some questions asked in public.
I also wonder if she realizes those of us who are "blocked" can see what she's up to by going "incognito."
About the Milwaukee Killings
It's been hours and we still haven't been told who the killer is? No doubt any social media accounts will be shut down before we do, meaning we will be entirely dependent on "authorities" and "Authorized Journalists" for information and unable to find any dots for connecting on our own.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
We Support the Second Amendment BUT...
It stopped short of the “Sanctuary City” designation that many Second Amendment advocates in the community wanted, but the Prescott City Council affirmed its commitment to protecting the right to bear arms this week. [Need to register]That's some commitment! How can we lose with equivocating politicians on our side?
[H/T SPW email]
We Come from the Land of the Ice and Snow
Sweden's Victimized Children [More]Don't tell me I have to bother Tommy Lee again today...
[Via Michael G]
Racist and Sexist
Gun-Control Exec Says Attempts to Sell Guns to Minorities, Women ‘Incredibly Dangerous’ [More]And good or bad doesn't matter.
[Via Michael G]
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Freedom' Is
Georgetown official: Illegal immigrants are 'freedom fighters' [More]Hey, ignorance is strength, right?
Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue." Right, "Saviors"?
[Via Michael G]
That's Racist!
Justice Department: 45% of Blacks at Harvard Admitted Through Illegal Race Preferences [More]That reminds me -- we haven't heard from Tommy Lee for a week or so.
Besides, I'm more focused on white privilege admissions.
[Via Michael G]
A Million Here, a Million There
Pretty soon you're talking real numbers. [More]
Good luck in your Senate race, Mr. Vice President.
[Via Jess]
We're the Only Ones Excellent Enough
The former lawman charged with providing guns to a convicted felon while he was an officer with the Greenwich Police force was a longtime member of the department who had a number of commendations on his record. [More]And they were seized guns!
So one "Aw $h!+" wipes out all those "Attaboys"?
Who thinks this hasn't been going on for years, or that he's the "Only One"?
[Via Jess]
And If That Doesn't Work?
[More] |
And speaking of [NSFW] George Takei's failure to achieve relevance isn't it interesting the way they honor and thank Spike Lee, who notoriously advocated:
"Shoot [Charlton Heston] with a .44 Bulldog."
Common Sense Gun Owner Incarceration Laws
[More] |
His grief does not entitle him to inflict the same on the rest of us. If someone attacks your rights or your person, the first priority is not to sympathize with his motivation but to stop him.
[Via Mack H]
Clint Eastwood Joins Other ‘Hollywood Action Hero’ Frauds with Bloomberg Endorsement
“The best thing we could do is just get Mike Bloomberg in there,” Eastwood declared.[More]A man's got to know his limitations.
We're the Only Ones Child-Snatching Enough
A sobbing 6-year-old Florida girl begged Orlando cops to let her go as she was arrested at school for hitting three employees, disturbing police bodycam video shows. [More]Hey, he just wanted to make it home at the end of his shift. It's almost a shame there wasn't a dog to shoot. Seeing as how there are no bigger bullies than public school employees, I can't say for sure the terrified child didn't act in self-defense, especially seeing how the incompetent "adult" authoritarians behaved.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Shell Game in Progress
The messaging is particularly odd because, while Soros has said he favors stricter gun laws, he has not sunk much into gun control causes in nearly 20 years. [More]He doesn't have to. He's setting up the system where it will be automatic.
He, and Bloomberg's The Trace, are counting on gun groups being too dumb or too cowed by the prospect of being smeared as haters to make the connection public.
Who thinks Alex Yablon doesn't know that?
Walking it Back
The Armador County Sheriff’s department now appears to be walking back their initial claim of suicide in the death of DHS Whistle-blower Phillip Haney. [More]Curious, how none of the really major outlets are reporting this yet.
As predicted.
Based on experience.
[Via Neil W]
Biden for Senate
Or house plant... [More]
If they ever finally do get around to prosecuting him, watch his lawyers argue diminished capacity.
Epstein was Simply Ahead of His Time
Despite a remarkably lifelike appearance, the child – Elli – is actually an android, her memories programmed. And it doesn’t take long to realise that there’s something else to her relationship with this very human, very middle-aged man she calls “Daddy.” [More]Those leetle eyes so helpless and appealing...
Fortunately, Germany's replacement population is down with this.
I keep saying, give it a few years and anyone against this will be condemned and destroyed as a hater.
Learning Nothing
Truly not yours, the little girl in the photograph, a registered Democrat in swing-state Florida. [More]How could she understand the horrors of totalitarianism and then embrace the ¿Armas para Que? Party?
Setting an Example
But at the same time, another mandate wouldn’t be needed if federal and state governments enforced the laws that say you can’t hire any people who come to the U.S. illegally. If you want to change behavior, change the incentives. Severe punishment often does wonders for changing behavior. [More]Yeah, but then campaign contributions would dry up.
[Via Mack H]
Capitalist Rope Sale
But Florida and the nation need more immigrants, not fewer, to pick our crops, doctor our sick, clean our hotel rooms, build our buildings, design new technologies, care for our elderly and grow our economy. [More]And elect our anti-gun Democrats.
[Via Mack H]
[More] |
"Rep. Massie previously introduced the bill in February 2018 but it never received a vote, despite Republicans controlling the House at the time."
Prosecute Gun Thieves: It's Only Common-Sense
Attorneys for the Second Amendment Foundation have filed a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court seeking review of their case challenging the City of San Jose and its police department in a case involving the seizure of legally-owned firearms and refusal to return them. [More]I don't suppose there's any chance of DOJ, you know, enforcing the law?
Bar Sinister
American Bar Association Expands Promotion Of Gun Control [More]Like I said about these characters...
...and Rules for Them
“Getting information through the Freedom of Information Law depends on the archiving laws being followed”... [More]Not that they will be, or that there will be any consequences for in-your-face FOIL noncompliance.
[Via Steve T]
We're the Only Ones Rounded Up Enough
Police misconduct roundup [More]Here's mine.
Thank goodness we're only talking about a few bad apples.
[Via Michael G]
A Pound of Cure
Delaware Court Creates Expungement Remedy for Quickly Dismissed Protection-from-Abuse Orders -- Tell me what you think. [More]I think this shows the way rights can be stripped by default based on nothing more than vengeful allegations by people with an axe to grind. I think this shows that anything less than full due process is tyranny.
I think if you can prevent infringements in the first place, no remedy is necessary.
I prefer an ounce of prevention.
As for hiding identities, I think anyone lying to hurt someone else needs to be exposed and innocent people should be loudly proclaimed so.
[Via Michael G]
Education News from 'The Barely Adequate State'
High school students won’t have to be “proficient” in either math or English to graduate, under minimum required test scores proposed by State Superintendent Paolo DeMaria. They will just need to know enough to do the most basic of jobs. [More]Just enough to get by. There's an appropriate state motto for ya.
Still, it's necessary if DeSwine is going to finalize his next bit of treachery.
Ol' Paolo must be doing a great job-- he just got a swell raise. And the convoluted way the trough-feeder system is set up pretty much guarantees the swamp will fester and endure.
And they could do a better job, you know. My own school district got pretty good grades on everything that matters except the most important, and is doing dismally on "Diversity." Give it a few years and we'll see those numbers readjust.
It's so nice living in a Republican state after all those years in California.
[Via Michael G]
The Finest Praise Money Can Buy
Paid to tweet for Mike Bloomberg — not necessarily support him [More]Well hell, it's pretty well documented that you can get a desperate enough whore to do just about anything.
I've had some troll me on Twitter, and because I use it exclusively to promote my links I don't engage. Still, I've been tempted to ask a few of the ones who represent themselves as Bloomberg fangirls if they consider themselves fat broads or horse-faced lesbians.
[Via Rough and Ready]
Keep Your Shirts On
A pair of sophomores at Kettle Moraine High School sued their principal in federal court a day after she told them they had to cover the T-shirts they wore to school because the shirts depicted guns. [More]Here's a consideration that's absolutely relevant:
"If a school sanctions a walkout to call for gun control, to call for universal background checks, to call for red flag laws, certainly, they should at least allow a student to wear a non-violent, non-threatening T-shirt as they go about their daily business," Clark said.Is it just me, or is anyone else not able to access these photos to get to the stories behind them?
[Via Mike F]
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