Mark talks liberty, Three Percenter, and arrests of protesters in NC with writer, blogger, activist, David Codrea [Listen]Here's yesterday's Armed American Radio broadcast, with a special guest appearance by our friend and colleague, the late Mike Vanderboegh.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Daily Defense Redux: Three Percenters and 'Patriots'
This Should End Well
Protesters, some armed, enter Michigan Capitol in rally against COVID-19 limits [More]Gretchen shows us that "progressive" talk of "compromise" means her way or the highway.
[Via Mack H]
To Each According to What Serves Our Interests, From Each According to What We Say
Freedom is necessary to growth. Nothing could be simpler to understand. [More]"Failures of capitalism" invariably turn out to be failures of economic fascism.
We're the Only Ones Working Up an Appetite Enough
15 cops ‘raid’ restaurant allegedly over too many customers — Coronavirus violation — and owner may get year in jail, $5,000 fine [More]What can't they get away with when they hunger for authority?
[Via An Hour of Wolves]
Going Ahead with It, Of Course
He told reporters that one of the long guns could be described as a military-style assault rifle. Supt. Campbell declined to disclose the make or calibre of the firearms, saying investigators were still conducting ballistic work to determine which gun was used against each victim. [More]And what could that "be described" as?
Not that this wasn't a foregone conclusion...
[Via An Hour of Wolves]
We're the Only Ones Indescribable Enough
Woman Banned from "Making Any … Public Allegations Against" Ex, a Police Sergeant, "on Social Media" [More]Libel laws and "content moderation" aren't enough?
[Via Michael G]
The Punishment will Continue Until Morale Improves
Gov. Newsom Attacks Beachgoers, Threatens to Extend Lockdowns, While Releasing “High Risk” Sex Offenders [More]Good.
[Via Michael G]
Profiles in Apathy
As a Weld County resident myself, I know the majority of citizens here are apolitical. [More]What was Pericles supposed to have said...?
And people wonder how they end up in boxcars...
[Via Michael G]
Wake Me when Charges are Filed
“It’s clear now that James Comey will go down in history as the most corrupt FBI director in American history,” Davis said. “He has destroyed the FBI’s reputation through his actions, his arrogance, and his corruption.” [More]We'll see. You'd have to really go a piece to outdistance J. Edgar, and history is written by the victors.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Stylin' Enough
Police described the gun as an assault-style firearm. [More]If they're going to be ridiculous, I say we one-up them and refer to it as à la mode.
[Via Mack H]
ZOMG We're All Gonna Die!
Georgia’s Experiment in Human Sacrifice - The state is about to find out how many people need to lose their lives to shore up the economy. [More]It's not like The Atlantic has a reputation for agenda-advancing hyperbole.
Oh, wait...
[Via Mack H]
Indementia Jones and the Tarmac of Doom
Harrison Ford investigated by FAA after piloting plane that wrongly crossed runway: "I'm terribly sorry" [More]His flying isn't the only thing that's going to get people killed...
You Get a Vote and You Get a Vote and You Get a Vote!
The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a permanent injunction issued by U.S. District Judge Julia Robinson in 2018 and found that Kansas’s requirement to provide identification when registering to vote violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment as well as the National Voter Registration Act. [More]Yeah, the only people we want to "disenfranchise" are you haters.
I wonder if James is gonna sing for Joe...?
[Via Mack H]
Finally True to Something: Form
Anti-Kavanaugh Crusader Kirsten Gillibrand Dismisses Allegations Against Joe Biden [More]This is my shocked face.
You'll notice in that utterly subversive "progressive" hate fantasy, "The Handmaid's Tale," the rape enablers were the elite women.
[Via Michael G]
Chris Dodd, known as one half of the infamous Teddy Kennedy ‘waitress sandwich,’ named to Joe Biden’s VP vetting committee [More]They're just lucky there wasn't a man in the room.
[Via Michael G]
Not So Cunning Linguists
“But we would certainly prefer that this not happen because our linguistic duality is not just a question of our Canadian identity, it’s also a question of safety for consumers.” [More]So does clinging to prejudiced binary exclusivity mean that immigrant lives don't matter?
As I once speculated about warnings on guns:
In their lawsuit, backed by CPHV, Dix's parents maintained, among other charges, that the chamber indicator was inadequate because the gun was not inscribed with a warning as well. Presumably, were Beretta to do so, they would still be deemed negligent for not including such warnings in Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese and Tagalog.If Frostback Frogs can't figure out you're not supposed to drink Lysol, perhaps Monsieur Darwin is trying to tell everybody something.
[Via Steve T]
More Fun Than Pantsing Trigglypuff
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Incel Riot Studios |
Here’s our story, about how we published a game satirizing SJW culture and had surprisingly adequate success on the Internet, and how the entire social media world succeeded in shutting us down and stomping a boot on our face, forever. [More]Sounds like a repurposed and weaponized "Hollywood Blacklist" to me, with the commies in charge showing us how the pros do it...
I empathize. The only gig I could get with my local birdcage liner would be to deliver it.
In these days of mandated lockdowns, we could all use something to do to take a break between reloading and cardio-- and nothing encourages family interaction quite like a friendly game of cards.
My caveat is I can't personally offer a testimonial because I've just learned about it, but regular WarOnGuns Correspondent CDT offers his noting he "bought two, one for each of my own feral sons."
You can't stop the signal -- at least without an apathy assist from those who should know better. You can get yours here, and at the very least, in the name of true social justice, tell a friend.
We're the Only Ones Ordering Enough
‘Totalitarian garbage’: Video shows officers giving Wisconsin mom a warning for allowing daughter to play at neighbor’s house during ‘stay at home’ order [More]The presumptuous way they talk down to her once again raises the question:
Would you?
[Via Michael G]
The Problem is with US
Michigan Governor Whitmer Lectures Her Constituents: They Aren’t Paying Attention And Don’t “Really Understand The Threat” [More]We obviously need custodial care from our betters.
And you know what that means.
[Via Jess]
Say It Ain't So!
EPA Administrator Says WaPo Lied About Their Disinfectant Warnings [More]WaPo lies...?
[Via Michael G]
Toning Down the Rhetoric
New Jersey professor assigns blame for coronavirus outbreak: ‘F— each and every Trump supporter’ [More]And she's "an associate professor in the Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Rutgers University"?
Talk about "non-essential."
Having it Both Ways
Alyssa Milano On Why She Still Supports Joe Biden & How She Would Advise Him About Tara Reade Allegations [More]Ever since pulling cable and going exclusively to streaming services, I've had a chance in the evening to catch up on some TV shows I never had time to watch because of career and family demands when the feral sons were growing up. One I've checked out recently is the 90s reboot of the Outer Limits, which appears to have relied on soft porn to make up for the fact that it was no match for the original.
The episode last night "starred" Alyssa Milano as, well, let IMDB tell you:
Hannah Valesic and her boyfriend Jay Patton have been dating for a year now. They have yet to have sex with Hannah preferring to wait until they're married. That's okay with Jay who is very much in love with her. When a small object crashes through the ceiling into her bedroom, the chaste Hannah is turned into a lustful creature demanding sex from everyone she meets. In her lust however, she absorbs her victim entirely. Her first victim is the star football player and his disappearance prompts a police investigation. Jay seeks help from Professor Hugaro whose subsequent research on the topic reveals a history of similar strange deaths.Tell me you can't find the metaphors in a sex-obsessed alien bitch out to destroy men for her personal aggrandizement. I do wonder if in real life her husband substitutes for the cuck boyfriend now that she's pledged to reject HIM until her demands are met.
You know that part in the intro where the announcer says "We are now controlling the transmission"? About five minutes in I decided "No, I am."
She's just not a good enough actress to convince me she was a college-age virgin.
Sure Talks a Good Game
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Would Juanita Broaddrick have been justified in defending herself up to and including resorting to arms to repel her attacker?
Time to Foul a New Nest
These New Yorkers fleeing coronavirus vow they’ll never return [More]But they'll continue to vote Democrat, right?
AG Letter and Lawsuit by State Rep. Challenge Jackson Open Carry Ban
Still, it’s hardly surprising that Mayor Lumumba would prioritize going after guns. Endorsed by the Bernie Sanders-inspired Our Revolution and promising to make Jackson the “most radical city on the planet,” as well as by the “quasi-Marxist” Working Families Party, he was a beneficiary of the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative, where he received training from the “finest” apparatchiks rope-selling “capitalist” money can buy. And while the sins of the fathers can’t be attributed to their progeny, noting that his was prominent in the racist New Afrika separatist movement “that aimed to turn the Deep South into an independent black nation,” shows the fruit hasn’t fallen far from the tree. [More]I’m just surprised organized armed civil disobedience hasn’t been reported yet.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Gillum Actions Give Insights into Man Who Would Disarm Us
Naturally, he was not arrested. From the looks of reports, police let him go home “without incident,” meaning they were aware of who Gillum was and behaved themselves accordingly. This was the man who was almost elected governor of Florida, the chief executive responsible for ensuring laws were upheld. Had he been elected, he’d have worked to criminalize the rights of citizens who aren’t caught vomiting in hotel rooms with drugs. [More]It's hardly a surprise that those who can't -- or more likely won't -- control themselves are obsessed with controlling those who do not share their moral defects.
Daily Defense
Armed American Radio host Mark Walters and I will be discussing the Opposite Day "progressive" repudiation of founding principles by a latter-day "Patriot."
With a special guest appearance by Three Percent founder Mike Vanderboegh...
Go the AAR website and select "Listen Live" to find a station near you or to join the program via live-streaming.
Like Peas and Carrots
Justin Amash Wades Into 2020 Presidential Pool as Libertarian Party Scapegoat [More]Figures...
Don't hold your breath waiting for him or them to address this.
[Via Michael G]
So Long and Thanks for All the Blood and Treasure
Afghanistan: America Moving Out, China Moving In - with Help from Iran [More]And thank you for your service!
[Via Michael G]
With Wild Abandon
Rep. Massie says election year causing GOP colleagues to ‘abandon’ conservative principles [More]You have to have them before you can abandon them.
[Via bondmen]
Obviously Fake News
Muhammad planned to “kill as many white men” as he could before being caught. So he drove through downtown Fresno firing at his targets of choice. [More]Oh, bull. Everyone knows only white people can be racist.
[Via bondmen]
Just Kidding
This will be devastating to these businesses. Many of them will fail because of the governor's about face. In a cruel parody of the last minute reprieve of the death row inmate, instead of offering a reprieve, the governor's call has pulled the switch on Sevier County. [More]Why does that remind me of the way ATF issues rulings?
[Via Michael G]
Protecting the Most Vulnerable Among Us -- Opposite Day 'Progressive'-Style
Insanity: Wash. State Came One Vote Away From Releasing Green River Serial Killer So He Wouldn't Get Wuhan Virus [More]Told you Helen would fit right in...
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Confident Enough
"ISP has confidence that law enforcement officers across the state will use appropriate judgment and that elected State’s Attorneys will likewise exercise sound prosecutorial discretion." [More]Yeah, go ahead and commit a "gun felony." Our guys'll be cool. Maybe.
You know, we wouldn't even be in this mess if you people had listened to us before about rat tail combs and vomit.
[Via Jeffersonian]
Attorney General William Barr on Monday ordered federal prosecutors across the U.S. to identify coronavirus-related restrictions from state and local governments “that could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens.” [More]I know! I know!
[Via Mack H]
Two Amendments Down, Eight to Go
This Michigan City Leader Faces Punishment for Protesting Whitmer's Coronavirus Restrictions [More]I may have figured out why they don't like her.
[Via Michael G]
Waiting in the Wings
After NYS Rifle & Pistol is dismissed, SCOTUS distributes 10 Second Amendment Cases for 5/1/2020 Conference (Updated) [More]So much for being "thwarted."
[Via Michael G]
A Moot Point?
New York City Thwarts the Second Amendment Revolution [More]"Thwarts."
What can I say but "Slate"?
They are right about one thing: John Roberts is no one to count on.
This Stern character reminds me of someone...
[Via Jess]
Knute, Knute, He's Our Man
[More] |
He voted for the initial law banning guns and ammunition for domestic abusers in 2015...Buehler listed several other gun safety regulations he would support. “I’m certainly for common sense gun legislation, such as banning bump stocks, restricting those under 21 from not buying assault weapons and a three-day waiting period on hand gun purchases,” he said. “Those kinds of laws would make a difference, and have in other places, to decrease gun related violence.”"B+"? That's even better than the "B" they gave Wayne's "true champion of the Second Amendment" Harry Reid, and we know what happened there!
But wait, as late TV pitchman Billy Mays used to say, there's more!
He added that he differed with the Trump administration on several immigration policies. He said he backed protections for immigrants brought here illegally as children, and opposed the administration’s policy of separating children from parents seeking to cross the border.Thank goodness this has nothing to do with that "single issue"!
I haven't been this excited about a PVF grade since Chris Koster, Bill Brown and Kirsten Gillibrand!
But don't take my word for it. Take Oregon Firearms Federation's:
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Subversive Machine Gun Ruling Will Gut Second Amendment If Upheld
“Here’s the bottom line,” GOA concluded. “If bump stocks can be defined as ‘machine guns’ because they supposedly cause a semi-automatic to fire automatically, then, using the same line of reasoning, semi-automatics are machine guns too.” [More]What's inexcusable -- after this latest act of judicial treachery proving what some of us were warning about has come to pass -- is that there are still some ignoramuses on "our side" dumb enough to think the ban was just about "stupid toys" not worth going to the wall over.
The Hypocrisy of Heathens
Battle for freedom -- Trump, Kavanaugh and Biden [Watch]More thoughts on the polar shifts "progressives" display when the consistency of standards threatens their agenda...
What, you don't "do" Facebook?
Who does that deny information to?
We're the Only Ones Taking Down Enough
Here is our video of Denver Police arresting a concealed carry holder with his permit. [More]I repeat: Would you?
[Via Jess]
What a Fudgehead
Let me just say very quickly on them opening things: You know they opened up the beauty salons and barber shops, the bowling alleys and the movie theaters. When they open up the country clubs and the tanning spas, then I’ll know it’s safe for the rest of us. [More]I don't suppose reality would have any effect on any constituent racist and dumb enough to vote for this lying parasite:
"[B]usinesses that remain closed ... Personal appearance/beauty services ... bowling alleys ... Movie theaters..."And yes, of course. It's not like anyone had to ask.
[Via Michael G]
Speaking of Shameful
It's shameful that I had it on there ignorantly. [More]I touched on this yesterday. What's shameful is all the manufactured "ignorance," where a search on this sobbing dolt's name shows how "The Big Lie" about the Three Percent has supplanted the truth.
Speaking of Fake News...
Politico Effectively Retracts Entire Trump China Article [More]"Real reporters"-- is it any wonder we love them so?
[Via Michael G]
License to Kill
"The Statutes We Are Requesting Be Suspended Under … Very Limited Circumstances … Are: Murder" [More]I wonder how many prominent politicians and donors will draw the short straw?
[Via Michael G]
Sex Assault Allegation Against Biden Shows Gun-Grabber Hypocrisy
It will also come as a surprise to absolutely no one who’s been paying attention that all the major gun-grab groups are solidly in the Biden camp. [More]No one really expects consistency in principles when there's an agenda riding on this, do they?
Worse than the Disease
If the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated anything, it is that there is no situation so severe that government can't make it worse. Government's recent crimes are legion: standing in the way of testing; complicating efforts to acquire protective equipment; imposing authoritarian and uniform lockdown rules across very different populations; and enforcing those rules in dangerous and ill-considered ways. [More]For some reason,. a Larson cartoon comes to mind.
[Via Michael G]
A Taste of Things to Come
Shiff changed his tactics. He began to issue secret subpoenas. They were using the word ‘thousands’ to describe the amount of data received. This practice made his defacto powers comparable to a FISA warrant. There was no recourse for those whose lives were being peered into to protest to the court and say ‘that is beyond your authority,’ and ‘you are violating my Fourth-Amendment rights.’ [More]That is one creepy little fascist, isn't he?
[Via Michael G]
Before the Dawning
All my life, I have dismissed paranoids on the right ("America is headed to communism")... [More]Does this mean you've finally woken up?
[Via bondmen]
Gabriel Over the White House
1933 Film Shows Left’s Ageless Fondness for Fascism [More]I'll have to see this one.
There never was a "Golden Age" when Hollywood wasn't populated by subversives.
[Via bondmen]
Lon, It's Not Licensed
Jack, neither am I. [Watch]Muzzle pointing and that this takes place in Seattle aside, Hollywood sure has changed.
Or maybe not so much...
[Via bondmen]
Is Life So Dear, or Peace So Sweet?
We must prize our right to live over our liberties, for now, as COVID-19 spreads [More]And if you defy us, we'll deploy armed details authorized to escalate the continuum of force up to and including lethal.
Since Iowa View contributor Steven Pokorny is the one seeking justification from the words of the Founders, what do you think Patrick Henry would have thought of his counsel?
[Via Loki1776]
Qualified Immunity?
“Governor Northam’s efforts to save lives and slow the spread of COVID-19 are necessary and proving to be effective, but unfortunately, the gun lobby believes the ability to shoot a gun indoors during this pandemic is worth risking further spread of the virus and making Virginia communities and families less safe.” [More]So ranges servicing the police, the people who go out and physically impose themselves on the rest of us, have been closed down? Or do buildings owned or leased by the commonwealth not "risk further spread of the virus and make Virginia communities and families less safe"?
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Accepting Tips Enough
Officers from the Laredo Police Department were informed of the activities through an anonymous tip sent to the Laredo Police Department mobile app on April 15. [More]And what's to stop them from calling in the "anonymous" tips themselves?
[Via Michael G]
The People's Voice
Funded in part by Nevada taxpayers... [More]That right there tells me all I need to know.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Determining Enough
"The city of Jackson faces a significant challenge with illegal guns. The (law) interferes with law enforcement’s ability to take illegal guns off of the streets. Prior to open carry, when Jackson police officers saw a gun in plain view, it gave them probable cause to seize the weapon and determine whether or not it was an illegal gun... [More]So the trigger for a potentially lethal police confrontation is not whether you're abusing a right, but that you're exercising it in the first place?
I wonder -- if challenged to present police reports where this has been a factor in enabling homicide -- how many cases have been documented.
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Man' Is
Man spouts racist tirade, breaks phone of woman trying to socially distance from him on NYC street [More]What is it with these Democrat enclaves?
I just figured out who he looks like.
Inquiring Minds Want to Know
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Monday, April 27, 2020
Faking Bad
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It's not about supporting the man. It's about supporting the promised agenda.
Which is why those of us who do are included in the attacks.
Go Home, Nothing to See
Court tosses NY case that could have expanded gun rights [More]As I've said before, all the Supreme Court has to do to let infringements stand is nothing.
It appears there are other cases waiting in the wings with the potential to chip a few flakes. Again as I've said before, don't look for unvarnished recognition of "shall not be infringed" unless and until there is a credible "or else" attached to the demand.
[Via Geordan]
Correlation/Causation Redux
The Fifth Third shooting changed the lives of many Cincinnatians. Whitney Austin went from the vice president at a bank to the head of a non-profit, advocating for responsible gun ownership. [More]Perhaps someone can explain to me how handing out NSSF "safety kits" would have stopped this...?
And There He Kept Her Very Well
A man has been arrested after accidentally shooting himself in the process of threatening his ex-girlfriend with a gun... [More]I can't begin to tell you how many people I know who maintain fidelity that way.
There Oughta Be a Law!
Investigators say on Apr. 18, Hickson opened fire on a crowd of people from the inside a car near the intersection of Raeburn Lane and Randolph Place. [More]If only they would disarm you and me...
Schmuck Dynasty
When King was located, investigators say, he stated he was trying to see whether the gun's safety was on and it "went off numerous times" while in his hand. Authorities say he stated that he had been drinking vodka during this incident. [More]At first, I thought he might be one of those aninmaladjusted environmental cases trying to treat the teleFudds to their own medicine. I still don't trust his version of events and won't be surprised to see his lawyer argue the gun was defective and burst fired.
He's Got His
Howard Stern on Monday said he will support Joe Biden for the 2020 presidential election. [More]I guess when you "qualify" for a New York City concealed carry permit and can afford bodyguards, you're pretty much assured gun-grabs against the rest of us won't affect you.
Life's a Snitch
Documents with the names of people who reported stay-at-home violations are being shared online. [More]Gosh, that's too bad. Now everybody's going to know who they are.
[Via Michael G]
Maybe if We Were All in Individually Sealed Containers...
Yaneer Bar-Yam, president of the New England Complex Systems Institute and leader of the initiative, said the goal shouldn’t be slowing the spread of COVID-19 but to eliminate it completely. [More]Of course, that should be the goal. Whether it's attainable or not is what different locales will be experimenting with.
Hell, I agree that a goal should be to eliminate completely criminal violence committed with guns. How we get to there from here is where we run into the problems, particularly seeing all those experiments that haven't worked.
I go into default suspicion mode when the "solutions" being offered ultimately rely on armed coercion by state enforcers.
[Via Mack H]
Covid-19 cases per million are 95% higher and covid-19 deaths per million are 126% higher in states with 5G. [More]I stipulate I am unqualified to weigh in on this with an informed opinion, but present it here for those of you who are.
I do question how 5G can be proclaimed "safe" when it hasn't been around long enough to determine effects in 10 or 20 years of mass exposure.
[Via DvD]
Monday Morning Quarterbacking
They allegedly stopped at one point to allow the men to pass, but the suspects also stopped. “He said the suspect grabbed him by the throat and said, ‘This is how it’s gonna go down,’” sheriff’s spokesman Ed Troyer said. The victim told deputies he was afraid for his life and shot the other man once or twice. [More]He should have been prepared by the time he stopped and turned. That way he might not have shot himself in the leg.
That said, it's like landing an airplane-- anyone you can walk away from is a good one.
[Via bondmen]
Must Be Something in the Water
Inside Chicago’s Other Pandemic: Gun Violence [More]Which raises the question of why guns are more violent there...
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
And NBC "News".
[Via bondmen]
An Interesting Accusation, Considering Who'd Making It
Revealed: How the US gun lobby exploits the coronavirus pandemic to further its aims [More]Not exactly two-sided, is it?
[Via bondmen]
Inslee Forgot to Say 'Please'
...the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office would not be enforcing the order... [More]Without those teeth, it's just a suggestion.
[Via bondmen]
Fear or Prudence?
Fears Of Nationwide 9MM Ammo Shortage Sparks Panic Hoarding [More]Anybody only prompted by recent events has other issues.
[Via bondmen]
Freedom is Slavery
Jack Goldsmith and Andrew Keane Woods see the pandemic as a great opportunity to bring about more censorship along with surveillance of the public... [More]It's curious how many historically ignorant useful idiots don't realize the lime pit is for them once they're designated useless eaters. My money is on Jack and Andrew not being able to rat each other out fast enough.
[Via Michael G]
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