This —the 2/3 Senate majority— is our Constitution’s “loophole.” [More]More on the UN's global gun grab from Gallant, Chwick and Eisen.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The Arms Trade Treaty & Our Constitution’s Loophole
‘Operation #EFAD’ To Offer Free Kindle Download and Use Social Media To Promote Liberty
Author Matthew Bracken is going to make copies of his novel “Enemies Foreign and Domestic” available starting tomorrow for free Kindle download. It’s part of a larger project that includes use of social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, to help spread the word about not just his book, but as an actual tool to put federal officials and the “mainstream media” on notice that their actions will be remembered, particularly the corruption of and complicity with Fast and Furious “gunwalking,” and that there stands a reserve of patriotic Americans committed to guarding against growing corruption and tyranny, and to spreading the truth. [More]I'm doing what I can to help Matt's project go viral. We could use a hand.
Redondo Beach double homicide shows no place is safe
And while most of us don’t expect violence to happen to us, especially in the often-illusory sanctuary of our homes, we can’t lose sight of the fact that it may, at any time and place, that there is no safe place, and that it serves us best to maintain awareness of that sad, outrageous reality, and to conduct ourselves accordingly. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report says it can happen here.
Gangster Government, and Sakharov's Immunity
Stop what you're doing and go read this, right now.
Do you know about "Operation #EFAD"?
You do now.
I'll be reporting on this tomorrow on Gun Rights Examiner, with exclusive commentary from Matthew Bracken. And I'll be asking you to help spread the word.
Do you know about "Operation #EFAD"?
You do now.
I'll be reporting on this tomorrow on Gun Rights Examiner, with exclusive commentary from Matthew Bracken. And I'll be asking you to help spread the word.
We're the Only Ones Kind of a Drag Enough: Part Two
Remember this?
This might be why she panicked:
The dilemma? Determining whether the fakes are more of a mortal threat than the real ones. Before they kill the lights.
[Via Mack H]
This might be why she panicked:
In trying to comprehend how their loved one ended up dead in a police altercation, Weglier recalled a conversation Pat had with her mother years ago involving a criminal in Illinois who was impersonating an officer, would pull women over and then rape them.We've even given those types a name here at WarOnGuns due to it happening so often.
The dilemma? Determining whether the fakes are more of a mortal threat than the real ones. Before they kill the lights.
[Via Mack H]
Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...
*Four members of the NYPD have been shot over the past two and a half months. [More]Followed by "Project Bloomwalker":
**Four New York City Police officers pleaded guilty Monday to conspiring to transport guns and/or stolen goods across state lines, federal prosecutors said.And lest we forget:
Veteran officer becomes fourth NYPD cop to commit suicide in less than a month
Today's Furious Mike post is brought to you by the Number Four:
Hey, it makes a helluva lot more sense than disarming you and me and trusting everything to New York "Only Ones."
[Via *Richard W and **Carl S]
My Man Mitt
He's making all kinds of noises these days to backtrack on his record.
Me, I think he ought to answer the damn questions.
I also think we ought to take him at his word, that he believes in and supports Massachusetts-style "gun laws":
Anti-gunners aren't the only ones using blinders to make themselves feel better.
Me, I think he ought to answer the damn questions.
I also think we ought to take him at his word, that he believes in and supports Massachusetts-style "gun laws":
Anti-gunners aren't the only ones using blinders to make themselves feel better.
The Noose Tightens
Just when you thought the government couldn’t ruin the First Amendment any further: The House of Representatives approved a bill on Monday that outlaws protests in instances where some government officials are nearby, whether or not you even know it. [More]Some are dismissing this as an inaccurate representation of the bill, and point to RT being a Russian source with an agenda.
I've dealt with RTAmerica before, and again, and they're certainly more willing to address our issue and give us our say than most of our domestic "Authorized Journalists."
There's one way to settle the controversy: Read the bill for yourself.
If it looks like tyranny, and if it smells like tyranny...
Thanks, servants! All of you!
I can't tell you how much more secure in liberty I feel, knowing you are further insulated from the likes of us wherever you go!
[Via Steve F]
This Day in History: February 29
“We have opened an assembly at Camp. From this apparent ease, I suppose it is though we must be in happy circumstances. I wish it were so, but, alas, it is not. Our provisions are in a manner, gone. We have not a ton of hay at command, nor magazine (storehouse) to draw from. Money is extremely scarce, and worth little when we get it. We have been so poor in camp for a fortnight, (two weeks) that we could not forward the public dispatches, for want of cash to support the expresses.”
General Nathanael Greene to Joseph Reed [More]
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Window of Opportunity
I received a heads-up this was coming, and here it is. [More]

Why the 1-day "Open Period?" Ask yourself what purpose a 24-hour window serves, and whether or not it is intended to be communicated only to a select few "team players" via email trees to avoid notice and scrutiny, and then ask yourself if this is an agency that deserves our automatic trust when it does things semi-covertly--especially things that ought to be completely open.

Why the 1-day "Open Period?" Ask yourself what purpose a 24-hour window serves, and whether or not it is intended to be communicated only to a select few "team players" via email trees to avoid notice and scrutiny, and then ask yourself if this is an agency that deserves our automatic trust when it does things semi-covertly--especially things that ought to be completely open.
Speaking of Failed and Diseased Souls
I am proud to stand by the side of the subject of this vile and cowardly attack.
We're the Only Ones Terrorizing Enough
The sight of a gun on a BART platform caused a scare and train delays this morning, and then it was learned that the firearm belonged to an off-duty police officer, BART police said. [More]Because nothing quite says "urinate" in the Bay Area like the sight of an armed man not wearing the magic costume.
[Via Dave Licht]
We're the Only Ones Who Recognize a Great Idea Enough
What else is the idiot going to say? He has to keep his own incompetence and the corruption of his department and city officials from being scrutinized. [Read]
Besides, they all want to make it home at the end of their shift and live to get that retirement watch.
Besides, they all want to make it home at the end of their shift and live to get that retirement watch.
NM gun case shows government treats citizens differently from its own (cont'd.)
That is why the Reeses must be afforded the opportunity to defend their presumption of innocence—something they cannot do if their ability to pay for legal services is taken from them by the same people prosecuting them. Combine this with the judge forbidding them to be represented by one counsel, and a denial of bail designed to keep them apart, destroy their morale and resolve, as well as their ability to coordinate a defense and lean on each other for emotional and intellectual support, and the appearance is that the leviathan state is crushing them not in the name of justice, but to break them and make them surrender, regardless of the truth. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a fight is hardly fair when one side is blindfolded and hogtied and the other has sledge hammers.
What Would Jim Bowie Say?
What does the Bowie Council think the man their town is named after would have told the ATF if they told him they didn't want him conducting a private weapon sale without their sanction? [Read]
And while we're at it, why not dig in just a bit more, Barbara Greene, and tell us who those "ATF officials" are? With all the DOJ gun subterfuge happening in the Southwest border states, I'd say finding out who they are, who they're taking their orders from, how high up those orders originate, and who else are they putting the squeeze on are all legitimate questions for you to investigate and report on.
And while we're at it, why not dig in just a bit more, Barbara Greene, and tell us who those "ATF officials" are? With all the DOJ gun subterfuge happening in the Southwest border states, I'd say finding out who they are, who they're taking their orders from, how high up those orders originate, and who else are they putting the squeeze on are all legitimate questions for you to investigate and report on.
We're the Only Ones Miraculous Enough
Kelly called it “another miracle,” one that occurred despite the enablers who block gun control or rail against the NYPD program of questioning and, sometimes, frisking people who appear suspicious. [More]Yeah, what the hell is wrong with you selfish people, expecting your damned Bill of Rights to take precedence over our authoritah?
I wonder if Kelly's Heroes started taking plungers to NY Daily News editors if they might develop a new found respect for liberty, but the thought strikes it would probably only increase their lickspittle fervor...
Play It Again, Sam
Since there was no lock, the people in the teachers lounge moved a piano in front of the door do try and keep the shooter out. “It was pretty scary. I’m still a little shaken up.” [More]And if you kids can't make it into our sanctuary, well, we get a fresh crop every year.
Not even a lock on the door, and their entire "response" strategy is centered on lockdowns...
On the plus side, I understand they have some of the finest grief counselors tax money can buy...
Meanwhile, no response on either of these, naturally:
Monday, February 27, 2012
Vol. 9 Update
Everything "Gunwalker"-related from me, Mike Vanderboegh, Dave Workman and Kurt Hofmann posted since Feb.12. [Read]
Bluntly, if you're not keeping up with this, you're not keeping up.
Equally bluntly, if you're not sharing this information, it won't get out there, because we know all know the "Authorized Journalist" media has no interest in making this stuff known.
NM gun case shows government treats citizens differently from its own
Evidently, when private actors are the suspects, gunwalking ceases to be regarded as “botched” gun sales, strictly a personnel matter, or a paranoid right-wing conspiracy, and its investigation ceases to be regarded as a partisan witch hunt. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks at a double standard followed with a scorched earth policy.
We're the Only Ones Claiming Health Benefits Enough
A former Columbus police officer admitted in court that he robbed a bank last year so he can get health benefits being in a federal prison. [More]In a rational world, the attempt would have given him a fast pass to the emergency room.
And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions
Leave it to the mudheads at CSGV to debunk that old saw. [Read]
I normally wouldn't link to them and help with readership, but the comments are overwhelmingly slapping these knuckleheads around, so for the purpose of sending people over there to hurt their feelings, I'll make an exception.
[Via Michael G]
I normally wouldn't link to them and help with readership, but the comments are overwhelmingly slapping these knuckleheads around, so for the purpose of sending people over there to hurt their feelings, I'll make an exception.
[Via Michael G]
Not Racist
...and this. Speaking of which, why aren't our friends at "American United" raising a fuss?
I suppose anyone who would wonder that must be a racist.
...and this. Speaking of which, why aren't our friends at "American United" raising a fuss?
I suppose anyone who would wonder that must be a racist.
Chardon School Shootings
The TV has been on all morning following this story, unfolding up the road a piece. [Read]
The "Authorized Journalists" are interviewing an "expert" who is offering everything except the one best solution that rampaging monsters fear most--failure.
The "Authorized Journalists" are interviewing an "expert" who is offering everything except the one best solution that rampaging monsters fear most--failure.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has eight agents on their way to the scene and they are expected to trace the firearm.Eight is enough?
Giving the Devil His Due
Why should anyone think of you at all, you demented POS? [Read]
If they do, they should think of you as the twisted degenerate who was the catalyst for the Brady experience.
You deserve your self-imposed hell. What a pathetic waste of a life.
If they do, they should think of you as the twisted degenerate who was the catalyst for the Brady experience.
You deserve your self-imposed hell. What a pathetic waste of a life.
Too close for comfort: Knox Co. man wants gun laws changed [More]If he has evidence of actual endangerment due to negligence, let him present it, and let the responsible party be held accountable.
If he just doesn't like the noise, well, he knew what the area was like--there was enough information available from the story to locate the property and to know the house was constructed in 1996:
We're the Only Ones Reprimanded Enough
Jamie Graham, the highly regarded Victoria, B.C. police chief, has been reprimanded for leaving his loaded service revolver under the front seat of his car while it was in the police HQ garage. Detectives discovered Chief Graham’s gun while searching the building and all cars inside it for riot gear that had gone missing – a shotgun, tear gas, pepper balls and tactical vests. [More]They issue revolvers?
Regardless, it looks like he used his--when he could find it--to scare people.
Fool's Paradise’d be a fool not to go in there with one hand on the trigger. [More]Uh, yeah, you would be.
You'd also have to be someone who knows absolutely nothing about guns, yet "feels" qualified to influence public opinion.
You know, a fool.
Talk about a dangerous idea...
We're the Only Ones Grande Drip Enough
A Hamilton Police Sergeant was found dead on Friday night after he became the main suspect in the shooting of another police officer. [More]Gosh, and it looks like it happened outside a Starbucks--you know, one of those places the antis say you and I can't be trusted to have guns at because we're not the "Only Ones"...
Warning Shot
A 61-year-old New Hampshire man is facing felony charges for firing a warning shot into the ground before apprehending a burglar who had just ransacked his home. [More]
I know some will want to beat this guy up for this tactic, but it appears he did it safely and it appears that it worked and stopped someone without injury--someone who would have doubtless gone on to victimize others.
Charging him with a felony facing a potential seven-year sentence is the act of a much more dangerous and evil predator.
PETA kills more than 95 percent of pets in its care [More]
I'd love to see someone use their own tactics against them--join the group undercover and then record and post the inhumane conditions at its facilities...
Anybody doubt this same mentality wouldn't resort to euthanasia if the regressives gain total control of human care?
This Day in History: February 27
It is very certain that the military Career in this country offers too few inducements; and it is equally certain that my present Station in the Army cannot very long continue under the plan which seems to govern. [More]
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Salt Lake City Police Chief Burbank carries gun to intimidate fearful public
That Chief Burbank is giving official sanction to doing exactly that which the hoplophobes accuse peaceable gun owners of does not register on Peg’s irony meter? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner offering notes there are none so blind as those who will not see.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Anti-gun activists and complicit press aid Mexico’s call for U.S. ‘gun control’
Curious that the group Haugaard leads, Latin America Working Group, blames “misguided U.S. policies” for “thousands of deaths [and] human rights abuses on both sides of the border,” instead of the murderous cartels, who might hang then from bridges with chains around their necks if they get too sassy. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary looks at public/private partnerships. You know, fascists.
We're the Only Ones in Haste Enough
Ramarley Graham was chased into his parents’ Williamsbridge apartment on Feb. 2 by officers from the NYPD’s street narcotics enforcement unit after the cops spotted what appeared to be a gun.I don't accept this account at face value--I'd have to insert "say they" after "cops" and before "spotted."
After bursting into the apartment, Officer Richard Haste confronted the teen in the bathroom and fired the fatal shot as his grandmother and 6-year-old brother stood nearby. Only a bag of marijuana was found near Graham’s body. [More]
Oh, I see Rev. Al was there--no doubt once more agreeing with Furious Mike that New York "Only Ones" are the...uh...only ones who should have guns.
I see The Daily News also wants to convince us that New Yorkers have a lower suicide rate because they're so good at controlling "illegal guns." Now if they could just do something about the "legal" ones.
Meanwhile, check out NYPD's "hero cop."
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Accessible Enough
...104 officers in 18 different agencies across the state had accessed her driver’s license record 425 times...[More]You know, just a few bad apples.
[Via Russ S]
A Deadly Gun Loophole that Must be Closed!
The "Only Ones Loophole"...[Read]
Peace officers and Oath Keepers (you know who you are): Your colleagues should know that there are those who would disarm you all at the end of your shift--they just for the most part want keep that on the q.t.--for now.
[Via Jess]
Peace officers and Oath Keepers (you know who you are): Your colleagues should know that there are those who would disarm you all at the end of your shift--they just for the most part want keep that on the q.t.--for now.
[Via Jess]
A Heartland Opinion-Maker
Born in India to United Nations parents, Basu grew up internationally. [More]Obviously.
And rather than embrace the liberties that made us different, she's promotes the globalist agenda to subvert them.
Yeah, That Would Work
Blame it on this state’s lack of even a minimal gun- storage requirement. [More]
Now that right there is comedy gold.
A Championship Match
I wonder which hysterical hoplophobe popped his Rapex out the farthest?
It's so close, we probably ought to have a do-over between Utah and Arizona.
Jeez, the hive insects have burrowed in everywhere, haven't they?
It's so close, we probably ought to have a do-over between Utah and Arizona.
Jeez, the hive insects have burrowed in everywhere, haven't they?
We're the Only Ones Raiding Enough
A sting operation by a suburban Houston police department netted one of their own when surveillance cameras caught an officer repeatedly stealing colleagues' food and drinks from the refrigerator in the station's break room. [More]But it won't disqualify him from further police work, so if he's convicted, he'll still be considered more trustworthy than you or me.
[Via Portly Pirate]
Read more here:
The Community Organizers of Fairfax
Just got this email:
"Give back"?
Helping propagate the false presumptions of the collectivists is not something I intend to encourage.
I want people to get pissed off when they hear crap like "give back to the community."
"Give back"?
Helping propagate the false presumptions of the collectivists is not something I intend to encourage.
I want people to get pissed off when they hear crap like "give back to the community."
I Love it When a Plan Comes Together
There are those who are served by this state of cultural degradation, you know. [Read]
Judging the Judge
Here in our society, we have a Constitution that gives us many rights, specifically First Amendment rights. [More]This moron is a judge?
We're the Only Ones Quiet Enough
Judge: Jury will hear police 'code of silence' allegation in bar beating suit [More]You mean Abbatte wasn't just one bad apple?
A Driving Force
Anti-gun Sheriff Baca is for it. So is anti-gun Chief Beck.
It's nice seeing people support the administration's agenda for a change!
It's nice seeing people support the administration's agenda for a change!
This Day in History: February 24
Biddle had no more hay, and on February 24, 1780, he informed General Greene that the grain in magazines (military warehouses) also would soon be exhausted. By order of Congress, he had neither money nor authority to purchase forage. [More]
Thursday, February 23, 2012
DOJ SHOT Show cases ‘falling apart’-Breuer drops prosecution
What about the defendants, what about the awesome legal expenses they have incurred to protect themselves from an administration with an agenda that has practically unlimited resources to bring to bear against them, what about the smears against people’s names and damages done to their reputations? What about derailed careers, what about the living hell they—and their families—have gone through for two years…? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a very costly feather that didn't quite make it into Lanny Breuer's cap, but nonetheless gives us a glimpse into what he is willing to do to people for personal advancement and power.
Hopeland Security
NAPOLITANO 'HOPES' ATF DID NOT MISLEAD DHS ABOUT FAST & FURIOUS [More]Somebody's getting ready to throw somebody under the bus.
The flak must be getting uncomfortably close...
The Blame Game
“My concern, Mr. Chairman, is there’s been a lot said about Fast and Furious, and perhaps mistakes were made, but I think this hunt for blame doesn’t really speak about the problem,” Feinstein said during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last November that Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer testified at. [More]Right, don't bother to find out who is responsible for what.
It's just mind-boggling, how evil this creature is. That and how much she looks like Zira.
Standing By
I've said it before and I'll say it again, while some people have exaggerated what I wrote, even without attribution, as far as what I wrote, I stand by my sources. [More]Anyone maintaining Mike's report is "false" ought to give some credible reasons for the utter lack of public leadership and responsiveness displayed to date.
The State Giveth, the State Taketh Away
Under proposed House Bill 981, a piece of legislation that co-sponsor Rep. Sean Jerguson, R-Holly Springs, is confident will pass, Georgians would have the right to carry concealed weapons in some traditionally banned places. [More]They already have that right--no bill could award it or take it away. It's just that some presumptuous usurpers who were initially hired with the idea that they'd be servants have decided they have the authority to recognize it--or not.
This is more than a mere semantics argument. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people who ought to know better talking about how the Second Amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms.
Let's Make a Deal!
As if any of this will have any effect whatsoever on someone committed to a workplace murder rampage. [Read]
Jeez, why don't we just argue about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Jeez, why don't we just argue about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Fire Mission
And this can all happen by getting a million or so gun owners and other freedom lovers to download EFAD, totally for free, beginning on March 1st. This will be a coordinated “time-on-target” fire mission. Further communiqués will be forthcoming from EFAD HQ. Search keyword #EFAD on Twitter for other operational updates, including links. [More]
That's "Enemies Foreign and Domestic" by Matthew Bracken.
I just got the email a few minutes ago and read the post at WRSA. I'll definitely be posting more about this as the day approaches.
Good plan. Let's do this.
Unless it's too much trouble...
Also see: My and other reviews of EFAD.
We're the Only Ones Fragmented Enough
Former Safety Manager Charles Garcia fired Robert Fitzgibbons, 41, for an incident in which bullet fragments from the AR-15 he used injured Diamond Demmer, 29, a bystander during the incident July 2, 2010...Fitzgibbons compounded his offense by loading the weapon with military-type magnesium-tipped tracer rounds that illuminate the path the bullet takes, in a hardened metal jacket...[More]That'll certainly light up the ol' Club Vinyl parking lot and provide a chest-thumping beat!
I can understand this happening with assault rifles, which we all know are weapons of mass destruction and war that are only made for killing people as you spray fire from the hip, and have no legitimate sporting purpose because you can't hunt deer with them, but with a patrol rifle...?
[Via William T]
This Day in History: February 23
Concerned by Clark's progress, the Lieutenant Governor of Canada, Henry Hamilton, departed Detroit with 500 men to defeat the Americans. Moving down the Wabash, he easily retook Vincennes which was renamed Fort Sackville. With winter approaching, Hamilton released many of his men and settled in with a garrison of 90. Feeling that urgent action was needed, Clark embarked on a winter campaign to retake the outpost. Marching with 127 men, they endured a tough march before attacking Fort Sackville on February 23, 1780. Hamilton was forced to surrender the next day. [More]
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
It's Not Like We Didn't Ask
About this...
I watched the whole thing, ready to take down anything relevant. This is what I came up with:
I guess AP is right. It's NOT a story.
My bad.
I watched the whole thing, ready to take down anything relevant. This is what I came up with:
I guess AP is right. It's NOT a story.
My bad.
Will GOP candidates say anything genuine about Gunwalker in tonight’s debate?
Will the subject be raised?Today's Gun Rights Examiner column makes a cynical prediction. Let's all hope tomorrow's will make a sincere apology.
If it is raised, will the question be phrased in a way to elicit an unequivocal answer—and to make weasel-worded non-responses evident? [More]
Meanwhile, Over in the Marketplace of Ideas
I don't suppose it occurs to these morons that all this does is shows everyone how pathetically weak demand for their agenda is...? [Read]
As Ironic as He is Moronic
“I think this legislation is designed to actually punish us for trying to protect ourselves,” said Chester Mayor John Linder, a Democrat who took office in January. [More]Says the authoritarian hypocrite who wants free rein to punish us for trying to protect ourselves...
That's Almost Funny
Rights group calls for crackdown on gun violence in Cambodia [More, but you need to subscribe]Yeah, that's what Cambodia needs to try--gun control.
You Think It's About Protecting a Damn i-Phone...?
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." [Read]
The Future of Oakland
The future of Oakland, then, will be Phil Tagami. On Nov. 2, as masked vandals ran through Oakland setting fires and vandalizing property, the developer and active Democrat stood with a shotgun to keep the rioters from breaking in to Oakland's iconic Rotunda building. At great personal risk, he saved the building. [More]An active Democrat? And the gungrabbers aren't going to call him a penis-compensating, murderous vigilante and get him off the street...?
Hopzedong Cassidy
Wait a minute--if this hive insect queen gets that ammo "sin tax" passed, won't that impact the ability of her constituents to storm the capital?
We're the Only Ones Quivering Enough
Rep. Stephen Handy, R-Layton, voted against the measure because of worries that it would take a key mechanism from the quiver of law enforcement tools. [More]Really? This ****head equates peaceable open carry with disorderly conduct, and wants criminal penalties to apply--not to mention real jeopardy to life in the encounter to effect an arrest on an armed citizen?
Don't they vet these oath-breaking punks before they rate them?
With Rights Come Responsibilities
Dolphins are so intelligent that they should be thought of as ‘non-human persons’ and given their own bill of rights, it is claimed. [More]Good. It's about damn time we held those fish murderers accountable.
I Need to Work on My Directness
I just ran across this by accident while looking for something else:
I thought I flat-out called them "national socialists."
Don't they teach you oberkapos how to read?
I thought I flat-out called them "national socialists."
Don't they teach you oberkapos how to read?
And Then Along Came Jones...
State Senate Republican Rick Jones said that this has become a major problem, especially within the gang community. “People are taking imitation firearms that look real, cutting off the orange end and then threatening people,” he said. [More]
Kind of like the stuff I had as a kid, without one problem ever. And because Michigan has no other problems.
Say, he wouldn't be this Rick Jones, would he...?
The Arms of the Angel
Well, not her arms... [Read]
The story is best read with Sarah McLachlan's ASPCA commercial playing in the background.
Low-hanging fruit certainly does generate press...
The story is best read with Sarah McLachlan's ASPCA commercial playing in the background.
Low-hanging fruit certainly does generate press...
A Gathering Storm
So maybe they should take up their Second Amendment-sanctioned guns and storm Wall Street and our nation's capitals. If our country doesn't change, it could very well come to that one day. [More]I wish the regressive left would get their stories straight about armed insurrection...
This Day in History: February 22
By a return dated Wethersfield, February 22, 1780, made by Major Benjamin Tailmadge [sic] of 2d Light Dragoons it appears that in six companies there were but I trumpeter, i [sic] farrier and 5 privates of " Mounted effective dragoons." The reasons given were " Horses much reduced, almost total want of accoutrements, boots and other clothing." Colonel Moylan reported, " Fourth...Regiment returned non-effective for want of breeches, boots, shirts and stockings." [More]
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The Pinson Pipeline
Vanderboegh writes an open letter. [Read]
Funny thing about people with nothing to hide. They do things openly.
Funny thing about people with nothing to hide. They do things openly.
Through the Roof!
Jeez, and to think the antis accuse NRA of shilling for the gun companies... [Read]
‘Bulletproof Mind’ empowers gun owners to prepare for, respond to violence
We also learn something that, again, sheep simply cannot comprehend and won’t believe—but some of us can and will: Lt. Col. Grossman’s ultimate inspiring message, and this comes out loud, clear and true, is one of love. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column reviews a seminar well worth attending.
The Surge
Violent crime so far this year in the District has spiked sharply — a 40 percent increase that includes twice as many robberies at gunpoint than at this time last year. [More]I don't understand--just look how difficult it is to get a gun there.
Y'know, if only we had the same kind of "gun control" everywhere else...
[Via William T]
It All Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word "Rights" Is
Human rights groups expressed cautious optimism about the outcome. [More]
You know, as in you have the right to have governments mandate and enforce their monopoly of violence and your imposed disarmament. What's so deceptively Orwellian about that...?
Besides, it all depends upon what the meaning of the word "consensus" is...
True Colors
This is totally unbelievable. This man holds a seat on the NRA's Board of Directors, and he pretends to be a friend of gun owners. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I will never do so again.Which is another reason I harp on the importance of this every year...
For gun owners in Iowa, it is now clear that this legislator is an enemy. [More]
Project GunWhat...?
Andrew Breitbart says the media is ignoring Fast and Furious. [More]
Heck, I could have told him that. Over a year ago. And numerous times since then.
What's ironic to me is, here we have plenty of documentation of breaking Gunwalker developments (from way before anyone in media had ever heard about it--and continuing through to right freaking now, where I'm trying to decide if a fresh tip is calculated disinformation designed to discredit sourced information Mike and I use or a breakthrough...Hint: I'll be calling Washington later this morning, and not the branch of government you might assume), and I can't recall even once one of Andrew's Big Government reporters approaching either of us--not to feature us, just to use stuff we've uncovered as a starting point for their own investigation.
Heck, I could have told him that. Over a year ago. And numerous times since then.
What's ironic to me is, here we have plenty of documentation of breaking Gunwalker developments (from way before anyone in media had ever heard about it--and continuing through to right freaking now, where I'm trying to decide if a fresh tip is calculated disinformation designed to discredit sourced information Mike and I use or a breakthrough...Hint: I'll be calling Washington later this morning, and not the branch of government you might assume), and I can't recall even once one of Andrew's Big Government reporters approaching either of us--not to feature us, just to use stuff we've uncovered as a starting point for their own investigation.
They Shoot Intellectuals, Don't They?
Arguments about how that leadership has been and is being squandered and abused aside, if you don't lead you follow. Q.E.D. [More]
I don't think this reveler is going to necessarily like his new masters as they give him an education he either never dreamed of or didn't think applied to him.
Fortunately, men he never meets in higher education circles--men he no doubt reviles--stand in the way of that.
I don't think this reveler is going to necessarily like his new masters as they give him an education he either never dreamed of or didn't think applied to him.
Fortunately, men he never meets in higher education circles--men he no doubt reviles--stand in the way of that.
This Day in History: February 21
I am to request that you will transmit me, as soon as possible, an exact Return of the number of the non Commissioned Officers and privates of your Corps, mounted and dismounted designating in a particular manner the states to which they belong, what proportion of them are inlisted for the War, and the different terms of service of the residue, digested in monthly Columns. Inclosed you have the form of a Return. [More]
Monday, February 20, 2012
A Pig in a Polk
Nope--nothin' about "Gunwalker." [Read]
The "Authorized Journalists" keep trying to tell us it just isn't a story...that some mere bloggers might think otherwise only illustrates our lack of professional standards...
The "Authorized Journalists" keep trying to tell us it just isn't a story...that some mere bloggers might think otherwise only illustrates our lack of professional standards...
UN Arms Trade Treaty: It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘consensus’ is
How unsurprising that the Clintonian "It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is” deception has now been reanimated to apply to the word “consensus.” And how revealing of the character of those behind the move. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes that words have meaning. And those who would redefine them have agendas.
We're the Only Ones Trained Enough
The training director for the Wisconsin Department of Justice is recovering from an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound to the hand. [More]Well, hell, if that can happen to a trained professional, we'd best just keep those dangerous instruments away from us mere amateurs...
[Via Sean Y]
Just a Typical Gun Owner for Common Sense Laws
"My son was shot and killed in 1997 and ... I don't want bad guys to have guns, it's simple," Jenkins said. [More]What makes him think Rahm isn't a "bad guy."
And his "solution" is to register everyone who's not? Because criminals don't have to register theirs. Unless you're this kind of criminal.
And I like how Jenkins is presented as no lobbyist or activist of any kind, just an ordinary gun owner... That Samson Adams is quite the "Authorized Journalist," is he not?
Yeah, he's no activist, he's just someone who publicly argues not only for licensing and registration, but against concealed carry and owning "military grade guns"...and writes books, and supports the Bradys and the Million Moms--you know, just your typical gun owner who calls anyone who disagrees with him "insane."
Hell, he even advocates endangering our lives:
Report all instances of public gun possession outside of accepted areas like gun ranges. Insist that the police follow up on your call, because we can't trust gun owners.Maybe one of us who are breaking no laws can get shot when they prone us out to get a paid vacation?
My natural inclination is to feel sympathy and compassion for anyone who has suffered a soul-wrenching loss. But you don't get to attack, and then use that loss to shield from the deserved response anyone else would get.
For the Children
Looks like last week's submission wasn't good enough to make the cut.
Still, I can't help but notice something that is shocking, and that no tolerant progressive should tolerate!
We can't allow that! Who can we progressives, who look to government for everything, turn to in order to ensure that a child's safety and welfare are the primary concern?
California Department of Social Services to the rescue!
Gosh, it's almost as if somebody wants to create a dependency system crisis and resulting demands for even more government control...
Still, I can't help but notice something that is shocking, and that no tolerant progressive should tolerate!
We can't allow that! Who can we progressives, who look to government for everything, turn to in order to ensure that a child's safety and welfare are the primary concern?
California Department of Social Services to the rescue!
Gosh, it's almost as if somebody wants to create a dependency system crisis and resulting demands for even more government control...
We're the Only Ones Instructive Enough
The wife of a Spartanburg County sheriff's deputy was accidentally shot Saturday during a concealed weapons permit class instructed by another deputy. [More]That's pretty advanced stuff. I didn't know they taught the modified Paige grip in the basic class...
We're the Only Ones Taking a Back Seat to No One Enough
Akron Municipal Court Judge Joy Malek Oldfield is denying a police officer’s contention that he found her and a public defender partially clothed in the back seat of a car that smelled of alcohol. [More]Your honor, may I approach the bench (seat)?
This Day in History: February 20
The English squadron sailed from Gibraltar the 13th instant, and part of it is said to be destined for the West Indies. The French will have seventy-two sail of the line in actual service this year. The troops at the disposition of the person mentioned in the letter No ],t [sic] to Mr. Jay, will amount to near four thousand, and consist chiefly of Germans; six sail of the line will escort them, and I am well informed they will sail in less than two months. It is said the English ministry will be able to procure the necessary supplies for the present year owing to their late successes. [More]
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Will NRA director election be another opportunity squandered?
If that’s truly the case, it would appear to trump all other considerations. Will you therefore publicly insist that any politician, especially so-called 'pro-gun Democrats,' who put party over principle and endorse Obama’s reelection, or vote to confirm any anti-gun nominee to the Supreme Court, be given an automatic 'F'? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary asks some questions.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Muster Call
If you believe in saving the American Republic and you have a talent for writing articles or essays, please contact us about joining the team. [More]
It's a new venture, so far featuring:
Check it out.
A Champion and Staunch Defender
"The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund supports Sam Brownback because he is a champion and staunch defender of the Second Amendment freedoms of law-abiding Kansas gun owners," said Chris W. Cox, chairman of NRA-PVF. "As a U.S. senator, Sam has proven time and again to be a trustworthy and effective defender of our gun rights, and I know those same qualities will serve him well as governor." [More]Oh so that explains it--you know, why he hasn't commented on public facility carry, nor even acknowledged it in his agenda. I'm sure his hesitation is due to wondering if the bill is pro-gun enough.
Aren't you?
The enemy within (2)
“Who will plant this wheat?”—Paul Galdone, The Little Red Hen [More]Today's conclusion to yesterdays Gun Rights Examiner column notes how most, who'd love some freshly-baked bread, reply "Not I."
Friday, February 17, 2012
The Cutting Edge
Knife Rights shares February legislative developments in Washington, South Carolina, Alaska and Kansas. [Read]
The enemy within
The thing is, most of us depend on specialization. If a pipe breaks, we call the plumber. If the car makes a funny noise, we get a mechanic to check it out. That’s understandable; life and technology are complicated. We may not have the knowledge, or we may not have the tools. Besides, there are people who can do that for us, whatever “that” is, and if the price is right, it’s in our interest to let them.Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes there may be time enough for love, but other essentials are being ignored.
The trap is, we’ve done that with self-government, too. [More]
There's a Term for This
In contrast, a family in New Mexico has now been languishing in jail for almost six months. They have been denied bail, and all of their assets have been seized. [More]It's called an "economic Waco."
Jeff Knox follows up on his first report.
I'm in communication with some folks on this, including a close relative, and hope to have something more to say soon.
A Religious Intervention
Moreover, arms cannot simply be compared with other goods exchanged in global or domestic markets. The quest for a world more respectful of the dignity of human person and the value of human life must be the founding principle of the ATT.So, pally, are Benedict's more-trustworthy-than-the-rest-of-us Swiss Guards gonna keep their SG 550s?
Viewed from this perspective, the international community requires a strong, effective and credible legal instrument that is capable of regulating and improving transparency in the trade of conventional arms and munitions, including the trading and licensing of technologies for their production. [More]
I don't suppose it's occurred to you that an armed citizenry might have been able to help you guys avoid a certain amount of "controversy"? And I don't suppose it occurs to you that those wielding a "monopoly of force" are also the ones who would require you to pay for abortions in Catholic health care plans?
The Magic Number
Is there some magic number of cops or congresswomen who have to get shot in the head before something happens in Washington? [More]Let's all pray we never have to find out.
We're the Only Ones on ICE Enough
A confrontation between law enforcement agents erupted in gunfire Thursday evening at the federal building in Long Beach, leaving one dead and one seriously injured, authorities said. [More]Obviously because only the "Only Ones" can be trusted with guns--not just at federal buildings, but in Southern California in general...
Back when I was young and immortal, I lived a few blocks from there (before the Anderson building was constructed--matter of fact, I can see my old complex in the interactive map)--the first property I ever owned, and the...uh...only one I could afford due to insane SoCal real estate prices, a condo in an area trying to be "gentrified." It was anything but safe. Funny--our resident drug dealer was a guy known on the street as "Ice"--he got into our place on a VA loan, set about immediately never making a payment, and knew every trick in the book to keep delaying eviction.
The stories I could tell...
Due to "may issue"I could not get a permit to save my life. Due to principle, I did what I thought best, lest I be the one to end up on ice.
[Via several of you]
This Day in History: February 17
A serjeant, corporal and ten men from General Hand's brigade to be sent this day to Commissary Gambles to assist in securing the stores from the weather and to continue 'till that business is done. [More]
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Boehner Speaks
He doesn't really say all that much, but it's more than we've ever gotten out of him before...[Watch]
At least he doesn't blame it on the mess boys...
UPDATE: When you see what the question was, he really comes across like a spineless, equivocating weasel.
At least he doesn't blame it on the mess boys...
UPDATE: When you see what the question was, he really comes across like a spineless, equivocating weasel.
Will Obama strip gunwalking prohibition and add anti-gun provisions to budget?
If The Washington Times has budget information that is different from what is posted for public scrutiny on the White House website, or can point to additional provisions in the multiple and complex documents that challenge a non-accountant layperson to understand things, it would be helpful to those of us following their lead to be told the specific sections or documents they are deriving their conclusions from. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report crunches some numbers and comes up short in its audit.
Boehner Scrutiny
You can't be too careful these days, which is why we have examinations and get second opinions. [Read]
We're the Only Ones Sharing the Wealth Enough
[Painting: Domenico Fetti - The Parable of the Mote and the Beam]
Takes One to Know One
Maxine Waters: Boehner and Cantor ‘Demons’ [More]So much for toning down the rhetoric. Not that we should expect anything else from Acolytes of Darkness who would rule nothing less than our very souls.
Right After We Ban the Shoulder Thing that Goes Up*
Rep. McCarthy on Shootings of NYPD Detective & Officer: Congress Should Pass Fix Gun Checks Act [More]If the object is to prevent NYPD police shootings, I'll see your two and raise you another two.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
What would you do with $40? Obama asks for pictures
Well, OK then. The picture’s right there accompanying this article. $40 would let me get a couple more magazines, or several boxes of 7.62x39 FMJ ammo. And while the gun is unarguably one the administration doesn’t want me to have, it is, regretfully, not one that their “Justice Department” had walked down to Mexico—I say “regretfully,” because in my hands it would not be used to victimize innocents. Still, I did try my best to be a "gun felon" and make sure it was “illegal”—for several years. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column points to an opportunity to let our president hear our voices, see our faces, and get to know us all a lot better.
You don't think you're not already on the list, do you?
We're the Only Ones Standoffish Enough
SWAT situation on near north side ends with officer's surrender [More]Evidently, comment poster "Animal Lover" doesn't grok the irony...
[Via Larry P]
Perverting Logic While Banning Guns
Paul Gallant, Alan Chwick, & Joanne D. Eisen give further warning on some globalist perverts. [Read]
Deceptive globalist perverts at that...
Deceptive globalist perverts at that...
Issaildur and the Ring of Power
If you don't get the reference and understand its significance, you've got some reading* to do. [More]
Dave Workman thinks we're about to see some positive action on this front.
Vanderboegh says wake him up when somebody actually does something.
Dave Workman thinks we're about to see some positive action on this front.
Vanderboegh says wake him up when somebody actually does something.
And Your Point Is?
"This is asinine to have these guys telling Casper they can't pass a gun [ordinance]," Hendry said. "That's the same thing as them telling us we couldn't ban them in this room." [More]Yeah, no sh**.
Voice of Freedom is Hardly Free
Seriously? 250 bucks...? For this?
It's funny, how some disparage smaller groups raising funds as something to be dismissed with contempt. What I'd like to know is how they're going to use this to "defeat anti-gun politicians" when general funds can't be used for PVF.
Hell, for just the cost of one dinner ticket, you could buy Vanderboegh a round trip to DC for the next round of hearings.
It's funny, how some disparage smaller groups raising funds as something to be dismissed with contempt. What I'd like to know is how they're going to use this to "defeat anti-gun politicians" when general funds can't be used for PVF.
Hell, for just the cost of one dinner ticket, you could buy Vanderboegh a round trip to DC for the next round of hearings.
Does She Mean Cowards and Fudds?
Pacifists and hunters agree...[More]
Monica Rant Ninny is at it again.
Besides--I'm a pacifist, if by that you mean I wouldn't dream of resorting to violence unless an aggressor left me no choice, and then, well, CUM ULLA SELLA 'n all that...
I don't think that's what she means.
The Defender of the Faith
Vladimir Putin Vows to Defend Christianity Worldwide [More]Meanwhile:
Obama Budget Proposes $800 Million in Aid for 'Arab Spring'Who would you bet on in a cage match?
We're the Only Ones Speedy Enough
21 people killed or maimed by speeding cops in Florida since 2004The way things are...
Despite crashes and deaths, cops were spared prison [More]
And people are just supposed to accept having their hearts ripped out of their chests, then mourning and moving on?
You Have No Right to Bear Arms!
Per Media Matters. [Read]
Unless, of course, you are their head head case David Brock with an "illegally" armed bodyguard in DC.
We can dismiss those still employed there--that they are still there shows them to be paycheck-over-principle cowards who allow themselves to be subjected to degrading abuse by an employer.
It's not like we're pitting ourselves against men.
Unless, of course, you are their head head case David Brock with an "illegally" armed bodyguard in DC.
We can dismiss those still employed there--that they are still there shows them to be paycheck-over-principle cowards who allow themselves to be subjected to degrading abuse by an employer.
It's not like we're pitting ourselves against men.
We're the Only Ones Making Up Enough
See, if it were only "a few bad apples," his partner would have stopped him right there and arrested him--or at least reported him afterward. But instead, this type of evil is systemic, and unless caught and exposed by outsiders, is just the way things are. I'll bet if the partner had done the right thing, his life would have been made hell--if not actually put into perpetual danger. [Watch]
And here's the other thing: Once this badged thug made it clear he was prepared to commit perjury to take away a citizen's freedom, with the understanding that he would kill the detainee if he resisted, all bets are off: the victim would have been perfectly within his rights--legally and morally--to use lethal force against anyone using terrorist threats and attempting to kidnap him--and that includes using it against their violent criminal accomplices.
[Via Jeet]
And here's the other thing: Once this badged thug made it clear he was prepared to commit perjury to take away a citizen's freedom, with the understanding that he would kill the detainee if he resisted, all bets are off: the victim would have been perfectly within his rights--legally and morally--to use lethal force against anyone using terrorist threats and attempting to kidnap him--and that includes using it against their violent criminal accomplices.
[Via Jeet]
She Did It! She Missed the Barn.
Is there something missing from this recap of the Valentine's Day Starbucks boycott? You know, like the counter-"buycott" that dwarfed the pathetic efforts of the antis by an order of magnitude...? [Read]
I haven't changed my belief that the time and money spent on this could have been better employed elsewhere, but leave it to ABC4 "Authorized Journalist" Cristina Rendon to miss the real story altogether.
It reminds me of nothing so much as that line from Cat Ballou. Maybe Cristina had the typhoid real bad.
I haven't changed my belief that the time and money spent on this could have been better employed elsewhere, but leave it to ABC4 "Authorized Journalist" Cristina Rendon to miss the real story altogether.
It reminds me of nothing so much as that line from Cat Ballou. Maybe Cristina had the typhoid real bad.
This Day in History: February 15
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Chicago Way
A charter network praised by Mayor Rahm Emanuel for its academically competitive schools is charging students $5 for minor disciplinary infractions like having untied shoelaces, bringing chips to school or dozing off in class. [More]Might as well get a jump on teaching them their function and place in the "progressive" scheme of things...
Is John Boehner impeding Fast and Furious investigation?
“I am not responsible for others who take my stories and rewrite them with their own spin. I am responsible for what I write. As I told Workman, I stand by my sources. I still do,” Vanderboegh responded in a post this morning. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report offers the way to resolve all doubts.
The Gun Control Mentality
The national socialists love faith-based know-nothing followers like this--they enable everything. And when it comes time to accepting responsibility for the destruction, they know nothing.
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