Wednesday, February 28, 2007
"We are Hopeful"
With the support of a new Democratic governor, advocates for a state assault weapons ban said yesterday that they have the legislative backing and momentum to pass a bill this session.
"We are hopeful that the new political landscape will make a difference this year," said Sen. Michael G. Lenett, the Montgomery County Democrat sponsoring the proposal.
So, Michael, how many people who defy your hopefulness are you willing to have state enforcers imprison or kill? That'll sure "make a difference."
We're the Only Ones Prioritizing Enough
A TERRIFIED 80-year-old had to wait 24 HOURS for cops after a hammer fiend smashed her windows and threatened to kill her...It was not until the next day that a policeman finally turned up.As Cryptic Subterranean notes:
A spokesman for Thames Valley Police said: “We have to prioritise our calls in order of seriousness.”
Yeah, like one of their own complaining about a kid kicking a ball against a fence.It doesn't matter where in the world you go, you'll always find "The Only Ones."
UPDATE: I just sent the following email to the reporter and the Thames Valley Police. I'll post any responses I get:
In re:I mean, somebody's got to tell the "authorized journalists" how to do their job...,,2-2007080092,00.html
Mr. Pyatt, assuming the facts of your story are correct, you are in a unique position to complete a needed investigation. The police say they had to prioritize their calls, but a scan of news stories from that area doesn’t really show enough urgent response activity to warrant a 24-hour tie-up of all emergency resources, does it?
I mean, we see:Ex-landlady buys police drugs dog
Police set Shining example with in-car computers
Sara Thornton appointed top cop
Workshop Offer To Driving Mobile Phone Offenders –
Police get cash
Etc. But we don’t really see anything you or I would consider more of a priority if it were our mother being attacked, do we? Do you think emergencies warranting a 24-hour delay for a 999 call could have happened without being picked up by the news?
It seems fair to ask if the spokesman was merely covering up for failure.
Please press the Thames Valley police for their log to show what they considered more important than a defenseless old woman being terrorized with a lethal weapon—and please press them to give you their written policy on how such prioritization is determined. Please publish that you are doing this, and please keep your readers posted on whether or not satisfactory answers are forthcoming.
David Codrea
Gun Control on Rise Again
All of the efforts put forth by gun owners over the past several years may well be undone in the next few years.
True, and based on results, those efforts must not have been very effective.
We can apportion blame to give our political "leaders" their due, but the fact is everything they do to the people is because the people have (and continue to) let them.
Bust This Union
Why be concerned? Because neither Mexico nor Canada recognizes inherent, natural rights. All of their "rights" are actually privileges, granted by the government, and subject to removal at the government's whim. A North American Union would effectively eliminate the Bill of Rights. Since neither Mexico nor Canada recognizes the right to keep and bear arms, it's a virtual certainty that the Second Amendment would be the first right to be eliminated.
JPFO alerts us to the dangers of the nascent North American Union.
[Via John Schaefer]
We're the Only Ones Not Facing Charges Enough
"They've decided that it doesn't rise to a criminal offense and they're not going to press criminal charges against the two police officers that have admitted to breaking into the fire station and doing damage"...No, absolutely not. I'm sure any one of us could get away with doing the same as these ON DUTY "Only Ones."
What's with the preponderance of "Only Ones" stories today? It's not like I announced another Carnival...
[Via Declan]
We're the Only Ones Fearing Repercussions Enough
In his handwritten confession to investigators last year, a disgraced Harvey detective said he handed over a handgun to a suspect's family at Mayor Eric Kellogg's suggestion.
"I feared losing my job or other internal repercussions," Hollis Dorrough, a formerly decorated officer, wrote in the six-page confession obtained by the Daily Southtown. "I have seen others fired or messed with for not following Mayor Kellogg's direction."
We've visited Harvey before. Twice now.
Lovely place. A real Mayberry when it comes to "The Only Ones."
[Via HZ]
We're the Only Ones Discharging in the Men's Locker Room Enough
A bullet discharged from a sheriff deputy’s gun Monday at Miramont Sports Center, narrowly missed a 14-year-old girl working out in an adjacent does not appear that any charges will be filed because the discharge was accidental."Accidental."
See, if it's not due to "negligence," they can avoid those messy charges, one of the perks of being an "Only One."
[Via Nathan F]
This Day in History: February 28
On this day in 1784, John Wesley charters the first Methodist Church in the United States. Despite the fact that he was an Anglican, Wesley saw the need to provide church structure for his followers after the Anglican Church abandoned its American believers during the American Revolution.
So out of that noble motive came this?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Fat Beverly Akerman
When I was a youngster, I was teased a lot about my weight. I remember chasing one particular boy almost every day in Grade 7 as he chanted "fat Beverly Akerman." I never caught him, probably because, being heavy, I was too slow. I hadn’t thought of this as bullying before; but of course, that’s what it was, and certainly it marked me. It’s one of many experiences that made me the compassionate person I hope I am...Yeah, real compassionate.
To me, the answer is simple: no more guns.
Tell me, Beverly: in order to enforce your "compassion," how many of your countrymen who would defy you are you willing to have agents of the state kill or imprison, you dull-witted tool?
You're still "too slow." Don't you have a cud to chew or something?
This is Only a Test...
Note to all South African thugs, murderers, criminals, rapists, terrorists, psychopaths, et al:
You can now take an online test to see if you qualify for your firearm permit.
Or, you can just have a good laugh as you put a few rounds into your next unarmed "law-abiding" victim.
You can now take an online test to see if you qualify for your firearm permit.
Or, you can just have a good laugh as you put a few rounds into your next unarmed "law-abiding" victim.
Controversial? LET?
Lawmakers endorse controversial gun-rights billLeave it to an "authorized journalist" to find self defense controversial, or surmise with a straight face that it is something a sovereign human being needs to be allowed to do by some damned government edict.
...The House bucked the law-enforcement community and endorsed a proposal to let residents brandish firearms if they feel threatened.
That ridiculous proposition could only be asserted by a liar or a fool.
Sheriff Auctions Machine Gun
M-16 Rifle Sale

"Even the most reasonable gun owner doesn't want to see this kind of weapon in circulation," said Shikha Hamilton, president of the Michigan chapter of Million Mom March, a gun control group. "The fact that a law enforcement agency is selling a dangerous weapon is appalling."I guess that all depends on whether we let you be the one to define what a "reasonable gun owner" is, eh, Comrade Shikha? Kind of like the bodyguard of your pictured co-conspirator in treason, who illegally brought a machine pistol into the Capitol building and was never prosecuted for it?
We're the Only Ones "Old School" Enough
It started with one Hollywood police officer interested in doing the bidding of a New York crime family for cash, authorities said. As the stakes grew, they say he enlisted what he called some "old school" cops he knew would want in.So in other words, this level of criminality among "The Only Ones" is not something new...
[Via Powdersdry]
UPDATE: Looks like Cryptic Subterranean already covered this...
We're the Only Ones Putting Guns on the Street Enough
An audit the city kept secret for more than a decade shows the Chicago Police evidence warehouse was in such disarray in the 1990s that guns vanished from the facility and were later recovered from criminals.Remember this the next time Gauleiter Daley and his thug lackeys call for even more citizen disarmament.
And then they hide the audit findings--even going so far as to get a court order to squelch being exposed.
What a bunch of...Only Ones.
[Via 45superman]
We're the Only Ones Who ARE the Only Ones
A Botetourt County couple is seeking $10 million from a sheriff's deputy they say stole into their 10-year-old daughter's bedroom one night this month and terrified the girl.
In a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Roanoke yesterday, Mark and Cheryl Hunsberger said Mark Hunsberger bolted into their screaming daughter's bedroom at 1:16 a.m. Feb. 2 to find Deputy J.A. Wood, in uniform, aiming a flashlight at the girl while another man tried to yank the bed covers off her.
"The child was terrified, and Mrs. Hunsberger spent some time comforting their daughter," according to the lawsuit. "When Mrs. Hunsberger said something about calling the police, Deputy Wood responded, chillingly, 'I am the police.'"
Don't you just love Sheriff Sprinkle (I wonder if he's related to Annie?) clamming up, only saying "We had reason to be there"?
That's what warrants are for, Ronnie.
I suspect there are some people on this site who would have generated a much different headline.
[Via 1894C]
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
This Day in History: February 27
In the early-morning hours of February 27, 1776, Commander Richard Caswell leads 1,000 Patriot troops in the successful Battle of Moores Creek over 1,600 British Loyalists. It would go down in history as the first American victory in the first organized campaign of the Revolutionary War.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Shameless Plug: May I Be Frank?
Unauthorized carrying of firearms aboard commercial airliners is a federal felony. Would you or I be “asked”? And still unresolved is the issue of Melton traveling with two armed bodyguards, and why TSA could produce no evidence of their being trained and certified to carry weapons on planes.
"May I Be Frank?" is my Rights Watch column for the April 2007 issue of GUNS Magazine, on sale now at earnest newsstands throughout the Republic.
BONUS: See page 98 to find out how you can win a S&W Model 29 .44 Magnum with a 61/2" barrel, target trigger and hammer, full nickel plate, Cocobolo checkered wood grips, and mahogany presentation case with cleaning rod and sight adjustment screwdriver ($1,195 value).
Finger Bang
A TEENAGER who made a gun gesture behind the back of Conservative leader David Cameron is appearing in court today charged with possession of cannabis.Yeah, that sounds like probable cause to get a warrant--I'm sure they'd have done the same if the "victim" had been an ordinary subject.
The 17-year-old youth was arrested after police searched a house in Wythenshawe on Saturday morning.
Right, Mr. Cameron?

Cameron intimidating journalist with double-barrel finger point

Cameron offering to take on all comers

Cameron threatens visitor in kitchen

Cameron prepares to use the Five-Point-Palm Exploding Heart Technique
When There's No Second Amendment...
...government doesn't need to concern itself with the First.
If this passes, it'll be time to stand on the steps of City Hall and read passages from "Huckleberry Finn."
This Stalinist crap in the name of political correctness will have crossed a major line in the sand.
If this passes, it'll be time to stand on the steps of City Hall and read passages from "Huckleberry Finn."
This Stalinist crap in the name of political correctness will have crossed a major line in the sand.
"My Idea Didn't Work"
If that last word still means anything, however, then we are all, in fact, culpable. Who turned Thomas Hamilton into a beast? God isn't talking. That leaves the rest of us. I cling, nevertheless, to one near-instinctive conclusion from 11 years ago. Guns breed guns. When they enter a society they multiply like a pestilence.
Let's concede that all the bans have failed. That doesn't mean we should also fail to ask a practical question. Britain has become a security state in recent years. Nobody strolls unmolested through customs these days. There are terrorist suspects, so they say, at every turn. So why, precisely, are handguns still getting into this country?
45superman brought this to my attention the other day, asking if I could figure out this guy's point. Without giving it the time-consuming fisking it deserves to show what utter tripe it is, here's the nutshell version:
I think what he’s saying is that he’s an idiot who doesn’t have the first idea what he’s talking about, but he still hasn’t grokked his culpability for contributing to the deaths of people who might otherwise have been able to defend themselves. And even though he admits he’s wrong, he doesn’t seem inclined to reverse course—and hints that maybe if we applied what doesn’t work locally to include EVERYBODY…
Typical fascist “intellectual” POS with blood on his soul but too fanatical to admit it- may he rot in hell.
We're the Phony Only Ones...
A troubled ex-NYPD cop, who stocked an arsenal of weapons in his suburban home, was charged with impersonating an officer after he used a phony badge to pull over a Long Island driver who cut him off, police and the suspect's lawyer said yesterday.And with NYPD enforcing citizen disarmament, we can't even lift a finger against him...
I may need to start a new category for cop impersonators: The Fauxnly Ones.
[Via 45superman]
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
We're the Only Ones Deep in the...of Texas
The head of the Texas Youth Commission resigned Friday amid allegations that high-ranking officials at an isolated state juvenile prison molested young male inmates.Why did they miss the Group Grope? What we have here is failure to communicate...
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
Sunday, February 25, 2007
New WarOnGuns Poll: Zumbo and Petzal
See the left margin for the new poll. How do you want to see the current firestorm resolved?
Results of last week's poll:
Results of last week's poll:

I, Terrorist

WarOnGuns is the bottom left "terrorist" link. Others include The Washington Post (go figure that one!), Outdoor Life, NRA-ILA, Remington, A Keyboard and a .45, Nuge Board, Blog O'Stuff, Guns and Game forums, Gun Law News, and The Firing Line (active links are on my blogroll).
I didn't link to this total loon because she's obviously screaming for attention, so why give her what she wants? Still, I'm not so far removed from enjoying boyhood cruelty that I can't have fun pointing and laughing, particularly when there's a good chance it'll be noticed and give Li'l Missy here a hissy fit.
And Now on to the Important News

Gun control advocate Britney Spears annulled her quickie Vegas marriage within hours on the grounds that she "lacked understanding of her actions to the extent that she was incapable of agreeing to marriage." Nine months later her understanding had evidently ripened, because, oops, she did it again, marrying a backup dancer who had fathered a two-year-old and a newborn with another woman.
Based on her support of an "Open Letter to the NRA," it is Britney's opinion that a host of additional gun restrictions should be enacted. After all, you may not have the mature judgment to safely possess guns.
On Forgiving Jim Zumbo
Surely we can do better than 17 signatures to date. [More]
That was tongue-in-cheek in case you're wondering. These are touchy times, and the issue is radioactive. Still, I never got into this game because I thought I'd end up popular.
Actually, I really don't mean to pile on and I'm staring to incline towards taking the foot off his throat--at least mine. First, Claire wrote a piece that I agreed with.
I feel sorry for the guy. That doesn't mean anything I say or do will change things, but like I said in two separate comments at Say Uncle's:
Zumbo is toast. I see no point in continuing to beat his hanging corpse like a piñata. If he does want another chance and people give it to him, I won't rail against them or him--unless he proves himself undeserving.
Petzal is another matter. He was an enabler of tyranny in our hour of need. His response has been one of arrogance and equivocation, daring the hounds that have him at bay to charge in, and that's probably due in no small part to knowing what the pack will do to him if he shows weakness.
You're right, Mr. Petzal--some of us do have long memories. Some of us were fighting this with all resources at hand when you abused your privileged forum and did your utmost to convince your sporter audience that we were disposable--while the federal ban was being debated in the media, and just short months before its passage.
How could partisans not have long memories when it comes to collaborators?
That was tongue-in-cheek in case you're wondering. These are touchy times, and the issue is radioactive. Still, I never got into this game because I thought I'd end up popular.
Actually, I really don't mean to pile on and I'm staring to incline towards taking the foot off his throat--at least mine. First, Claire wrote a piece that I agreed with.
I feel sorry for the guy. That doesn't mean anything I say or do will change things, but like I said in two separate comments at Say Uncle's:
Me, I don’t forgive unless forgiveness is sincerely asked for, backed up by a profound apology and concrete actions to undo the damage and make restitution. On this score, I’m much more likely to welcome Mr. Zumbo back into the fold. I haven’t seen anything from Petzal except his acting as a rallying point for the Fuddites who are now getting national media attention.and
I’m much more able to forgive poor dumb Zumbo–I’m honestly starting to think the guy was more ignorant than arrogant, he appears thoroughly chastised, and he’s begging for a chance to redeem himself. I’m not that heartless that I can turn from that without a degree of sympathy.
Until I see similar contrition and atonement from Petzal, I see no reason to consider him anything but a cornered collaborator using bluff bravado and revisionist deception (which Unix-Jedi has brilliantly exposed) to save his skin.
Zumbo is toast. I see no point in continuing to beat his hanging corpse like a piñata. If he does want another chance and people give it to him, I won't rail against them or him--unless he proves himself undeserving.
Petzal is another matter. He was an enabler of tyranny in our hour of need. His response has been one of arrogance and equivocation, daring the hounds that have him at bay to charge in, and that's probably due in no small part to knowing what the pack will do to him if he shows weakness.
You're right, Mr. Petzal--some of us do have long memories. Some of us were fighting this with all resources at hand when you abused your privileged forum and did your utmost to convince your sporter audience that we were disposable--while the federal ban was being debated in the media, and just short months before its passage.
How could partisans not have long memories when it comes to collaborators?
This Day in History: February 25
On this day in 1779, Fort Sackville is surrendered, marking the beginning of the end of British domination in America’s western frontier.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Revenge of the Fuddites
Some outdoors writers drew a different lesson from Zumbo's horrible week.
"This shows the zealousness of gun owners to the point of actual foolishness," said Pat Wray, a freelance outdoors writer in Corvallis, Ore., and author of "A Chukar Hunter's Companion."
Wray said that what happened to Zumbo is a case study in how the NRA has trained members to attack their perceived enemies without mercy.
Right. Anyone following this knows NRA was days in responding, and it was the grassroots that led all the way. But I guess the "authorized journalists" at WaPo need to believe they're in a crusade against a monolith, as the alternative, that the yeomanry are capable of mustering themselves to the green across the land when there's a threat, is too terrifying a prospect to consider--and certainly not an idea they want to implant in the minds of their readers.
So they trot out an apologist for AHSA and present him as the voice of responsible sportsmen. You'd better believe this is an attempt to divide and draw battle lines, and we owe it to ourselves to know who's on our side and who is a fifth columnist working to serve us up.
A fellow blogger who I have a great deal of respect for thinks we need to stand down. I disagree. This fight is just starting to get interesting, and it's time to find out who making money off the gun community understands and supports what it's all about--and pressure sponsors to withdraw all aid and comfort to the enemy.
And remember, the Trolley Square shooter used an unplugged chukar gun.
[Via 45superman]
We're the Only Ones at "A Place for Friends" Enough
Police officers were told to log off the popular Web site when they’re on duty.So their management views them as kids with no self control? They can't be told not to do something, they actually need to have access blocked? Because if its not they'll sneak and continue to steal from the taxpayers when they're being paid to work?
Officials blocked access to the Web site on the department’s internal computer network because officers were spending too much time visiting the popular social networking site during work hours.
Yet they're "The Only Ones" trustworthy, responsible, mature and trained enough to publicly bear arms?
Good grief.
[Via joefm]
We're the Only Ones Incompetent Enough
Jay. Mac sums this one up better than I could in his email notifying me of this story:
I actually fault the cowardly neighbors as much, if not more, than the derelict "Only One." I could not be a witness to child abuse and neglect to intervene. But of course, the laws where I live would make things problematic should I decide an escalation of force threat was necessary to stop violence...
This is what happens when individuals abdicate personal responsibility and control over their lives to the collective. Sheep bleating for a keeper who comes in his own sweet time.
How did that rhyme go?
This one is hard to stomach- a cop got a top priority call to respond to a 5 year old child being abused. Instead of going over straight away he fingerprinted a driver with expired tags, wrote him out with a ticket and then went. He “believed” that priority call was just routine. It took him 24 minutes to respond even though he was only 3 miles away.
An IA investigation found him incompetent. Not the first time either- he failed to respond to calls before, and seems to be obsessed with traffic stops.
Needless to say, he hasn't been fired- just reprimanded and suspended.
I actually fault the cowardly neighbors as much, if not more, than the derelict "Only One." I could not be a witness to child abuse and neglect to intervene. But of course, the laws where I live would make things problematic should I decide an escalation of force threat was necessary to stop violence...
This is what happens when individuals abdicate personal responsibility and control over their lives to the collective. Sheep bleating for a keeper who comes in his own sweet time.
How did that rhyme go?
Knife Rights News Slice Vol.1 Number 2
It is the one month anniversary of the launch of Knife Rights and it seems like a good time to update you on progress to date.Doug Ritter brings us up to date on this new organization, including:
- The SHOT Show launch
- Where are the caps and membership cards?
- Will you be at the NRA Annual Meeting in St. Louis?
- What Knife and Gun Shows will you be attending?
- Are you going to fight to eliminate anti-switchblade laws?
- Time is running out to join Knife Rights and win a custom knife
Follow the title link for this and lots more information.
This Day in History: February 24
On this day in 1803, the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice John Marshall, decides the landmark case of William Marbury versus James Madison, Secretary of State of the United States and confirms the legal principle of judicial review--the ability of the Supreme Court to limit Congressional power by declaring legislation unconstitutional--in the new nation...
In writing the decision, John Marshall argued that acts of Congress in conflict with the Constitution are not law and therefore are non-binding to the courts, and that the judiciary’s first responsibility is always to uphold the Constitution.
Friday, February 23, 2007
This Can't be True...
In Philadelphia last year, 2,004 people got shot, up 31 percent over 2001, according to an article in the Inquirer that attributed the figures to the Police Department.No, no, no.
I keep telling you people, this isn't supposed to be happening!
I keep telling you people, this isn't supposed to be happening!
For the Children
Children as young as eight are carrying guns in London to help older gang members escape the law, a leading member of the Metropolitan Police Authority has warned.Ah, the unintended consequences of "gun control"...
What did the morons think was gonna happen under prohibition?
I'm Saving My Sympathy
This comment was posted at the title link:
It would be a storybook ending if the ultimate outcome could be as you suggest, but many of us are sick and damned tired of the AHSA/Hunters for Kerry types, who need to be exposed and shunned by the pro-gun community for the quislings that they are.
I can sympathize on a human level with a man losing as much as Zumbo has over this. But we are in nothing less than a fight for our lives and freedom, and punishment for dereliction of duty in the field is harsh by necessity. If the people who Jim Zumbo and David E. Petzal endorsed giving the power to ban militia-suitable rifles get their way, we'll all stand to lose a hell of a lot more than writing gigs and sponsorships.
Just ask Wayne Fincher. If we're going to feel bad for someone, I'd say he deserves a hell of a lot more consideration.
Anonymous said...You make some points I can empathize with, Anon, but saying "I'm sorry" is not the same thing as saying "Forgive me." I've not heard that from JZ, who spoke as much from arrogance as he did from ignorance. I also have not seen any kind of plan from him on what exactly he intends to do to repair the damage--hunting with the Nuge doesn't cut it. In fact, the Fudd Gun Syndicate is circling the wagons as their own past sins are coming to light--and their response of last resort is to compare the justifiably furious to mental cases, which kind of adds fuel to the "terrorist" crack, wouldn't you agree?
[We all?] agree with the outrage over Zumbo's comments and believe the response of his sponsors is appropriate. However, I think we should take Jim at his word, that he spoke out of ignorance and will do his best to make up for it.
The results of this event include some ammunition for the Brady Bunch, but it also includes a gifted writer who has finally seen the light. Jim can be a valid champion for 2nd amendment moving forward. He understands the blind spot many hunters have and could be very effective in preaching to that particular section of the choir.
We need to congratulate the industries that responded to our outrage, but we then need to move on. Jim Zumbo, if he really understands, could be a tremendous help in educating the "sporting purposes" crowd.
It would be a storybook ending if the ultimate outcome could be as you suggest, but many of us are sick and damned tired of the AHSA/Hunters for Kerry types, who need to be exposed and shunned by the pro-gun community for the quislings that they are.
I can sympathize on a human level with a man losing as much as Zumbo has over this. But we are in nothing less than a fight for our lives and freedom, and punishment for dereliction of duty in the field is harsh by necessity. If the people who Jim Zumbo and David E. Petzal endorsed giving the power to ban militia-suitable rifles get their way, we'll all stand to lose a hell of a lot more than writing gigs and sponsorships.
Just ask Wayne Fincher. If we're going to feel bad for someone, I'd say he deserves a hell of a lot more consideration.
Time to Rein in the BATFE?
Actually, I'd say it's past time to boot them.
Unless someone can tell me what a "reined in" BATFU would be legitimately (Constitutionally) authorized to do...
Unless someone can tell me what a "reined in" BATFU would be legitimately (Constitutionally) authorized to do...
We're the Only Ones Scandalous Enough
[D]etective...Maria Biagini, 37, fell in love with a federal prisoner who was being interviewed by Brooklyn prosecutors as a possible witness..."The suggestions that were made about helping him get his sperm out of the institution - that's the subject of a federal investigation...
Hynes has already fired assistant district attorney suspected of supplying the criminal histories of witnesses to her defense attorney fiancé...
The third incident involved a detective who was docked a day's pay for exchanging unauthorized correspondence with a witness.
It would have been nice had these three LEOs of Love been around for our little Carnal Copper Carnival earlier this month, but they were obviously preoccupied making love, sweet love, as only "The Only Ones" can.
[Via Declan]
This Day in History: February 23
Friedrich Wilhelm Rudolf Gerhard August, Freiherr von Steuben, a Prussian military officer, arrives at General George Washington’s encampment at Valley Forge on this day in 1778 and commences training soldiers in close-order drill, instilling new confidence and discipline in the demoralized Continental Army.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
A Writer of His Stature
What Jim said was ill-considered. He’s entitled to his beliefs, but when a writer of his stature comes out against black guns, it sure as hell does not help our cause. [More]Kind of like what you did back in 1994, Mr. Petzal, just a few months before the federal semiauto ban was passed and signed into law?
"Gun owners -- all gun owners -- pay a heavy price for having to defend the availability of these weapons," writes Petzal. "The American public -- and the gun-owning public; especially the gun-owning public -- would be better off without the hardcore military arms, which puts the average sportsman in a real dilemma" Petzal concludes by advocating compromise, something that Knox and other members of his regime say they will never accept.
Here's something else I don't get, Mr. Petzal, when you go on to say:
If Sarah Brady is smart—and she is very smart—she will comb through the same blogs and chatrooms I’ve been reading, excerpt some of the most vicious and foul-mouthed entries, print them up, and distribute them to Congress.
So you think it will hurt us worse than your anti-gun advocacy, or this bit of information publicized by your magazine and used by the gun grabbers to justify the '94 ban?
In 2003, Field & Stream magazine conducted a survey of its readers and found that 67% do not consider assault weapons to be legitimate hunting guns.
I wasn't ready to post this yet, because I sent away for the copy of F&S where you wrote your screed against "hard core military arms," Mr. Petzal, and wanted to post the actual page. But I see others on your blog are calling you on it and I don't want to be late to the party, especially when I've been holding off for several days now.
Back when you penned your column, I actually organized a boycott against your magazine at one of our NRA Members Council meetings (I was an officer with the club) and got probably a dozen others to send in protest letters to the magazine. Of course, that was back in the days before we were on the internet, so the rest of the world never got the message. But when this whole Zumbo fiasco broke out, I remembered that effort and dug through my files. I found the "talking points" sheet I put together to give suggestions to members on how to write their own letters to both NRA and F&S. Here it is:
I think you, sir, have some explaining to do.
NRA Publications Suspends Ties to Jim Zumbo
Comments expressed by outdoor writer Jim Zumbo reflect neither the opinions of the National Rifle Association and America’s gun owners, nor are they an accurate portrayal of facts in regard to semi-automatic firearms lawfully owned by millions of citizens. Therefore, NRA Publications has suspended its professional ties with Mr. Zumbo.[Via 45superman]
Zumbo on Nugent Forum
Yuri Orlov notified me of this in a comment in an earlier post. I'd have put this up sooner, but I just got in from work.
Outdoor Life And Jim Zumbo Part Ways
In light of comments made by Jim Zumbo in his February 16, 2007 blog posting on the magazine’s website, Mr. Zumbo has offered to terminate his association with Outdoor Life, and the magazine has accepted his offer. Accordingly, he will no longer be contributing to the magazine in print or online. His final column with Outdoor Life will appear in the April 2007 issue, which has already gone to press.
Just got in from work and found a note in my mailbox from Outdoor Life advising of this announcement. I'm sure it's already out there by now, but I've been following this from the start so I couldn't let this pass without posting.
I realize I am running for President; not for the NRA Board of Directors, but I thought you might like to see where I would stand if I were. I am a disgruntled life member of the NRA. This is where I stand, and where I wish a candidate for the NRA Board of Directors would stand as well...
Kent McManigal answers some questions. If any NRA Board candidates wish to tell us unequivocally where they stand, I'll post their responses, too.
That none of the candidates feel compelled to go on the record--or even that it would be helpful--illustrates just how far we have to go: if hard core activists can't even muster the influence to affect NRA elections, is it any wonder our concerns will be dismissed in political campaigns?
We're the Only Ones Barricaded Enough
Investigators in Xenia say last night their SWAT team had to pull their weapons out on him, when the Middletown police lieutenant was looking for his ex-wife and child around this home on Drummond Drive.All I can say is it's damned lucky for all concerned that he wasn't a scared old lady or an unarmed teenager.
They say he was at the wrong address and didn't know the people who lived there, but demanded to get in and eventually broke in and barricaded himself inside -- forcing the residents, outside.
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
A Vicious Circle
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's plan to reduce overcrowding in the state's prison by transferring some inmates to out-of-state facilities took a blow when a judge ruled the plan violated the state constitution. The ruling was a result of a suit brought by two employee unions.I suppose letting non-violent drug and gun possession offenders go isn't on the table?
I heard a CA politician--As I recall it was Assemblyman Tony Strickland --on the radio last night while driving home. Here's what he said about this (paraphrased from memory):
The state doesn't have enough room to house all its prisoners. But the guards don't want to lose their revenue sources by shipping assets out of state. Prisoners are encouraged to voluntarily transfer under this program by the state, except the gang bosses who control their inmate populations will kill them if they volunteer, because if the overcrowding is relieved, early releases required because of overcrowding won't be needed any more.
And then, when the goblins are dumped back into the general population and kill again, why, the same government that imposes these insane policies will demand more citizen disarmament as just the ticket to combat violence. And the legislators passing such bans will have no shortage of public union employees standing behind them--in uniform--for their campaign ads, telling us how it's all about public safety.
And the voters will eat it up.
Just so we all understand how it works.
We're the Only Ones in the Front of the Bus Enough
The latest weapon to make its way into Toronto Police hands was a sawed-off rifle that a mother found in her son's dresser last week. It was through lawyers that she turned over the gun. Because of client confidentiality, her identity was kept a secret...
Police concerns focus mostly on the inherent dangers and about the potential poisoning of evidence, Pugash said.
"If you are in possession of a gun and you get on a Number 36 bus and go to Mr. Sapiano's office ... what is the risk to yourself and other people on the bus," Pugash said.
He suggested that lawyers are more than likely not firearms experts and should not be handling firearms in this way.
"Shall we wait for a tragedy to occur to see that this is not the way to do it," Pugash said.
I love it when statists turn on themselves.
Using lawyer/client privilege: What an ingenious way to dispose of murder weapons.
And what a plan: fight "gun crime" by protecting the criminals who abuse firearms, then, when they commit more violence, you call for more "gun control."
And then, of course, we have the position from "The Only Ones," that is, no one but them is qualified or professional enough to carry a gun in public without disaster ensuing.
The FAA Rediscovers the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
David Codrea, who sounded the alarm about the Federal Aviation Administration's apparent endorsement of the view that the Second Amendment does not guarantee an individual right to keep and bear arms, notes that the agency has published a correction in the Federal Register...
Thanks, Mr. Sullum.
I found what I saw when I clicked on this link especially gratifying.
Guns in Space
After tripping into a constitutional gun rights controversy, the FAA has amended a rule that bans carrying guns on commercial space ships.I guess after complaining that no one from the "authorized journalist" camp was picking up on this story, I should be grateful for this exposure, even if it is on the ABC blog as opposed to their news site, even if they didn't credit the source, and even if their attitude is borderline belittling and only marginally on point.
That whole gift horse/mouth thing always seemed counterintuitive...
This might be a good time to contact "mainstream" new providers and ask them why they thought this story wasn't important enough to call to the attention of their readers/viewers. More of my thoughts on that are here and here.
A Note on Reciprocity
In the past week, I've probably added around half a dozen sites to my blogroll that I discovered while checking Technorati or my counters.
If you've linked to WarOnGuns and I haven't reciprocated, it probably means I just haven't noticed yet. Please don't feel slighted--just tell me so I can update the list.
If you've linked to WarOnGuns and I haven't reciprocated, it probably means I just haven't noticed yet. Please don't feel slighted--just tell me so I can update the list.
This Day in History: February 22
On this day in 1777, Revolutionary War leader and Georgia’s first Provisional Governor Archibald Bulloch dies under mysterious circumstances just hours after Georgia’s Council of Safety grants him the powers of a dictator in expectation of a British invasion.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Zumbo Fallout Continues
After all, we didn't turn out in those numbers when Congresswoman McCarthy re-introduced the Assault Weapons Ban last week. Responses like the ones we've seen over the past two days would have melted down the Congressional e-mail servers.Agreed. If we focused half the energy on treasonous politicians, particularly Republican sellouts, as we have on a mere hunting writer, it would scare the hell out of them.
[Via Blogonomicon]
The Usual NRA Board Candidate Questionnaire- 2007
Voting members have until March 25 to get their ballots for NRA Board of Directors mailed in and received. As usual, the Nominating Committee has selected a group of candidates to perpetuate "The Winning Team." As usual, another faction is urging us to vote for outsiders. And as usual, some opinion makers are urging us to vote based on their personal experience with or devotion to particular candidates.
So what to do?
As usual, The War on Guns has prepared a questionnaire, designed to separate the Freedom Fighters from the Fuddites. And as usual, I don't expect any candidate to put their stance in the public record for scrutiny, so as usual, I don't expect I'll be voting (again) this year.
Here it is. If you're a candidate who wants my vote and endorsement, fill in the answers, send it back to me, and if you get them right, I'll do what I can to support you.
To those of you who are voting members and would like to see candidates answer these questions: Use them yourselves. One of the reasons these are ignored is because I'm the only one asking them. If each candidate received numerous demands, do you think they'd be so quick to discount any need to respond? If you get a reply, let me know about it.
2005 Questionnaire
So what to do?
As usual, The War on Guns has prepared a questionnaire, designed to separate the Freedom Fighters from the Fuddites. And as usual, I don't expect any candidate to put their stance in the public record for scrutiny, so as usual, I don't expect I'll be voting (again) this year.
Here it is. If you're a candidate who wants my vote and endorsement, fill in the answers, send it back to me, and if you get them right, I'll do what I can to support you.
To those of you who are voting members and would like to see candidates answer these questions: Use them yourselves. One of the reasons these are ignored is because I'm the only one asking them. If each candidate received numerous demands, do you think they'd be so quick to discount any need to respond? If you get a reply, let me know about it.
1. Do you believe that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land" and that the Bill of Rights acknowledges the birthrights of all Americans?2006 Questionnaire
2. If so, should these rights be proactively protected from infringement by all levels of government, including city, county and state?
3. Please give some examples of gun laws you consider constitutional.
4. Please give some examples of gun laws you consider unconstitutional.
5. Does the right to bear arms include the right for any peaceable citizen to carry them concealed without a permit, as in Vermont?
6. Do you believe that Americans have a right to own, use and carry weapons of military pattern?
7. Do you support or oppose Project Exile, and do you agree with current NRA management’s call to “enforce existing gun laws”?
8. Do you support or oppose licensing requirements to own or carry firearms? Why?
9. What specific gun laws will you work to get repealed?
10. If elected to the NRA Board, will you back your words of support for firearms rights up with consistent actions? How?
11. Do you agree with the way NRA assigns political ratings? If not, what would you change and why? Who would you have given a different rating to, what would it been and why?
12. Do you disagree with any policies being promulgated by NRA management? What is you biggest area of dissent? Have you offered superior alternatives and worked with others to implement them?
13. Have you ever publicly spoken out against an NRA position because you thought it was wrong? When, where, and what were the results?
14. What reforms do you think are needed at NRA and why?
15. If elected, how will you inform members of your performance and voting record? Will you let us know when you dissent and why?
16. Do you agree with Executive VP Wayne LaPierre, who stated: "[W]e believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel"? If not, what do you plan to do about it?
2005 Questionnaire
"This is About as Stupid as Anything You Can Do"
After the Trolley Square shooting last week, Jenkins said he was surprised that any of his colleagues would support a bill to create another gun-free zone where criminals don't have to worry about concealed weapons permit holders.
"This is about as stupid as anything you can do. They're just telling everyone, 'I don't have a gun, so come shoot me,"' Jenkins said.
Kudos to Scott Jenkins. And Greg Bell and Lyle Hillyard: you guys are tools.
We're the Only Ones Getting Away With Shocking Stuff Enough
The sentence handed down by U.S. District Judge Casey Rodgers -- in the case of a former Escambia County deputy found guilty of repeatedly shocking an innocent woman with a Taser -- is itself shocking.
Six months of house arrest, 50 hours of community service, five years on probation and a $3,000 fine?
The judge had tough words for Charles Dix, but the sentence didn't match them.
In other developments, it also looks like our "Only Ones" Carnival's Big Top ring master was placed on probation and had to write a letter. Harsh doesn't begin to describe it.
I guess that's why they're "The Only Ones" and we're not.
[Via Andre]
Fincher Attorney Jailed
In his lawsuit, Stilley alleged that Sebastian County had illegally imposed taxes on reappraised real property, and that taxpayers should be able to recover those taxes because they were not paid voluntarily. The lawsuit and its predecessors were dismissed as without merit, and the dismissals were upheld by the Arkansas Supreme Court.I wonder if they allowed him to argue the law?
[More about Wayne Fincher via WarOnGuns]
This Day in History: February 21
On this day in 1777, George Weedon is promoted to the rank of brigadier general of the Virginia Regiment of the Continental Army.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A WarOnGuns Exclusive
In reference to previous posts and observations presented by The War on Guns:

The new text is as follows:
Now the debate can focus on the "fettering" (read "infringing") aspect of the rule. You may ask "so what?" as if this changes nothing, but in fact, withdrawing the collective rights interpetation is significant, and here's the reality I want WoG readers to walk away understanding: If you know you're right, keep pushing--even if those with vastly more reach ignore you and others actively oppose you or put you down for it--all of which happened in this case. We can't let that deter us from doing what's right. We, and by that, know that it includes YOU, can effect change when the truths we present are undeniable.
In reference to previous posts and observations presented by The War on Guns:

The new text is as follows:
[Federal Register: February 20, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 33)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Page 7740-7741]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []
Federal Aviation Administration.
14 CFR Parts 401, 415, 431, 435, 440, and 460
[Docket No. FAA-2005-23449]
RIN 2120-AI57
Human Space Flight Requirements for Crew and Space Flight Participants
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule; correction.
SUMMARY: When the FAA issued a final rule on human space flight, it described one rule as consistent with the Second Amendment of the Constitution because, among other things, the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment is a collective right. The FAA now withdraws that characterization and amends its description.
DATES: This correction is effective February 20, 2007.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical information, contact Kenneth Wong, Deputy Manager, Licensing and Safety Division, Commercial Space Transportation, AST-200, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone (202) 267-8465; facsimile (202) 267-3686, e-mail For legal information, contact Laura Montgomery, Senior Attorney, Office of the Chief Counsel, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence
Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; telephone (202) 267-3150; facsimile
(202) 267-7971, e-mail
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As required by the Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act of 2004, the FAA established Human Space Flight Requirements for Crew and Space Flight Participants, 71 FR 75616 (Dec. 15, 2006). The FAA's new requirements for commercial human space flight include a rule on security mandating that operators ``implement security requirements to prevent any space flight participant from jeopardizing the safety of the flight crew or the public'' and prohibiting a space flight participant from carrying on board ``any explosives, firearms, knives or other weapons.'' 14 CFR 460.53. In explaining this rule in response to a comment, the FAA characterized the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment of the Constitution as ``a collective right.'' 71 FR at 75626. The FAA now withdraws that characterization of the right to bear arms. The prohibition on the carriage of firearms by participants in commercial space flights remains unchanged.
The Executive Branch, through the Department of Justice, interprets the Second Amendment as securing a right of individuals to keep and bear arms. (See Memorandum for the Attorney General from Steven G. Bradbury, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, et al., Re: Whether The Second Amendment Secures An Individual Right (Aug. 24, 2004), available at ). In light of this interpretation, the FAA is withdrawing the statement made in the final rule.
Regardless of the nature of the right, however, it remains true, as we noted, that the right is, like any other, not unfettered. The Justice Department itself made this abundantly clear in its analysis and through its historical review. (See generally id. at 1-5, 6 n.19, 8 n.29, 18 n.68, 61-68, 73, 81-82, 87-98, 102-04.) Similarly, the Fifth Circuit, which treats the right to bear arms as an
[[Page 7741]]
individual right, has stated, ``Although, as we have held, the Second Amendment does protect individual rights, that does not mean that those rights may never be made subject to any limited, narrowly tailored specific exceptions or restrictions for particular cases that are reasonable and not inconsistent with the right of Americans generally to individually keep and bear their private arms as historically
understood in this country.'' U.S. v. Emerson, 270 F.3d 203 (5th Cir.
The FAA continues to believe that the possession of weapons by space flight participants on board a suborbital rocket poses an unacceptably high risk to the integrity of the vehicle and the safety of the public, and that the rule is consistent with the Second Amendment. In proposing the rule, we pointed out that ``[s]ecurity restrictions currently apply to passengers for airlines. Some of the restrictions prohibit a person carrying explosives, firearms, knives, or other weapons from boarding an airplane. Similar types of security restrictions for launch or reentry vehicles would contribute to the safety of the public by preventing a space flight participant from potentially interfering with the flight crew's ability to protect the public.'' 70 FR 77262-01, 77271. In response to the comment regarding
the Second Amendment, we added that ``in 1958, Congress made it a criminal offense to knowingly carry a firearm onto an airplane engaged in air transportation. 49 U.S.C. 46505.'' 71 FR at 75626. The FAA thus has authority to issue this rule.
In final rule FR Doc. No FAA-2005-23449, published on December 15,2006 (71 FR 75616), make the following correction: On page 75626, in the third column, fourth full paragraph, lines 16 through 20, correct, ``Additionally, nearly all courts have also held that the Second Amendment is a collective right, rather than a personal
right. Therefore, despite the Second Amendment collective right to bear arms, the FAA has'' to read ``By analogy, and for the reasons given when the FAA issued its human space flight requirements, the FAA has, consistent with the right to bear arms secured by the Second Amendment.''
* * * * *
Issued in Washington, DC, on February 14, 2007.
Rebecca MacPherson,
Assistant Chief Counsel for Regulations.
[FR Doc. E7-2851 Filed 2-16-07; 8:45 am]
Now the debate can focus on the "fettering" (read "infringing") aspect of the rule. You may ask "so what?" as if this changes nothing, but in fact, withdrawing the collective rights interpetation is significant, and here's the reality I want WoG readers to walk away understanding: If you know you're right, keep pushing--even if those with vastly more reach ignore you and others actively oppose you or put you down for it--all of which happened in this case. We can't let that deter us from doing what's right. We, and by that, know that it includes YOU, can effect change when the truths we present are undeniable.
Cabela's Reviewing Zumbo TV Sponsorship
Additionally, Cabela's has not yet dropped their sponsorship of the Jim Zumbo Outdoors television show, Cabela's Frank Ross is being quoted as having said their legal department is "currently reviewing contractual obligations and commitments regarding our sponsorship of the Jim Zumbo Outdoors television show.Jim Shepherd gives us a pretty comprehensive recap of the whole sorry Zumbo affair.
UPDATE: Blog O'Stuff has more.
Klueless in Kennesaw
After the law was passed, there have been few accidental shootings in Kennesaw and none involving children in the 20 years that Lt. Craig Graydon has been with the department.How can you live there for seven years and not know about it? No, Mary, you don't have to do anything. Continue grazing contentedly. But just one question: You have heard of wolves, haven't you?
Yet the law is not known by all residents and it is not strictly enforced. No one has ever been arrested for not owning a gun and there is no penalty for violating the city ordinance, Graydon said.
That's good news for Mary Kopins, who has lived in the city for seven years.
"I hadn't heard of it," she said. "I hope that doesn't mean I have to go out and get a gun."
We're the Only Ones Switched Enough
Amends the Criminal Code of 1961. Provides that the unlawful use of weapons statute does not apply to the purchase, possession, or carrying of a switchblade knife by a peace officer.
Mr. Bernstein? Mr. Sondheim? Music, please:
When you're a Jet,[Via 45superman]
You're the swingin'est thing:
Little boy, you're a man;
Little man, you're a king!
...Here come the Jets
Like a bat out of hell.
Someone gets in our way,
Someone don't feel so well!
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
We're the Only Ones Lost in the Country Enough
An investigation continued this weekend into the shooting of a farmer by a Fresno County sheriff's deputy who apparently went to the wrong address to check on a 911 call..."The sheriff has not released the deputy's name." Oh well, we know who the Srabians are, that ought to be enough.
The deputy told investigators a man wearing a ski mask and armed with a gun came out of the house and pointed a gun at him...the sheriff has not released the deputy's name.
Srabian's sister...said her brother was wearing a beanie, which he likes to pull down low to cover his ears to protect him from the cold. She said believes her brother, who had been in the dining room, heard a dog barking, noticed a car outside and armed himself when he went outside.
And let's be fair. 7297 E. Walter Ave. does sound awful similar to 7274--and even if they are on opposite sides of the road, they share 2 digits. Besides, who among us hasn't confused a beanie with a ski mask?
Let this be a lesson to you if you live in the country where help isn't instantly available--guns only make the problem worse. If you must investigate strange unexpected visitors, always do so unarmed. Unless you're a trained "Only One."
Classified by the Oblivious
In 2003, Akins Group Inc. developed the Akins Accelerator, a bumpfire stock for a Ruger 10/22 that can produce about 650 rounds/minute. The company received classification letters from the BATFE agreeing that the stock was not a firearm and therefore unregulated.JPFO gives us the lowdown on the latest BATFU outrage. That approval letter ought to be grounds for a lawsuit to recover all costs incurred based on relying on it. And whoever signed it should be found personally liable.
Akins performed approximately 18 months of testing, built injection molds based on the results, and began offering the Accelerator to the public in December of 2006.
True to form, the BATFE suddenly decided that the plastic stock was in fact a machine gun. The considerable time, effort, and of course money Akins invested into the project has been rendered essentially useless.
[Via Wm H]
Return of the Unix_Jedi
De-Zumbo the NRA
A Damn Good Question
How can you not like a guy who agrees with me? The force is strong in this one!
A Damn Good Question
How can you not like a guy who agrees with me? The force is strong in this one!
A Stock Answer
Yeah, I know, it's mean to kick a man when he's down.
But this is pretty damn funny.
"Staples Stock Clerk."
Laughing here...
[Via Countertop]
But this is pretty damn funny.
"Staples Stock Clerk."
Laughing here...
[Via Countertop]
Females with Firearms
It was a Valentine's gift from her husband: gun lessons at a firing range. It’s a new trend turning heads nationwide... And in Kentuckiana.
More good news from friend Barry Laws, and his great new facility, Open Range. And it's refreshing to see the place get good press.
Barry took a risk moving from California to pursue a dream. It looks like it's paying off, and I'm glad for him.
We're the Only Ones Who Can Defend Ourselves
An off-duty D.C. police officer shot a man who officials say was trying to rob him today.Any guess what the police office would have done had he been on duty, and a non-"Only One" defended himself by shooting someone?
[Via Gun Law News]
This Day in History: February 20
On this day in 1792, President George Washington signs legislation renewing the United States Post Office as a cabinet department led by the postmaster general, guaranteeing inexpensive delivery of all newspapers, stipulating the right to privacy and granting Congress the ability to expand postal service to new areas of the nation.Wonder what George would have thought of this...
Monday, February 19, 2007
Statement from Outdoor Life
Due to the controversy surrounding Jim Zumbo’s recent postings, Outdoor Life has decided to discontinue the “Hunting With Zumbo” blog for the time being. Outdoor Life has always been, and will always be, a steadfast supporter of our Second Amendment rights, which do not make distinctions based on the looks of the firearms we choose to own, shoot and take hunting. Please direct any comments you have to thanks to Civis Proeliator for the heads up.
UPDATE: I just tried to access the original Zumbo blog posts and it looks like they've been deactivated--I had to access the original via Google cache:
Assault Rifles for Hunters?--but note most--and I mean most--of the comments are missing. [Update: Comments appear to be in the cached version again last time I checked.]
His "I Was Wrong Big Time" apology post isn't there at all (for the time being?)
[Update: Here is the cached version]
Perhaps this is a temporary glitch? If not, poor judgment on the part of Outdoor Life--it makes them look like revisionist historians.
If that's the case, this will not endear them to the angry horde.
I didn't realize they could make this situation any worse for themselves. Maybe it's time to use that email link.
Remington to Sever Sponsorship Ties with Jim Zumbo
Madison, North Carolina – As a result of comments made by Mr. Jim Zumbo in recent postings on his blog site, Remington Arms Company, Inc., has severed all sponsorship ties with Mr. Zumbo effective immediately. While Mr. Zumbo is entitled to his opinions and has the constitutional right to freely express those options, these comments are solely his, and do not reflect the views of Remington.
“Remington has spent tens of millions of dollars defending our Second Amendment rights to privately own and possess firearms and we will continue to vigorously fight to protect these rights,” commented Tommy Millner, Remington’s CEO and President. “As hunters and shooters of all interest levels, we should strive to utilize this unfortunate occurrence to unite as a whole in support of our Second Amendment rights.”
We regret having to terminate our long-standing relationship with Mr. Zumbo, who is a well-respected writer and life-long hunter.
We're the Only Ones Going Into 17 Twice Enough
A Los Angeles police officer has been arrested by Chino police on suspicion of raping a 17-year-old girl, authorities said Sunday...These guys keep showing up too late for the Love Fest.
Sandwell and the teenager live in Chino, where the girl told police the attack took place, Cheatham said. "We're investigating the possibility of more than one incident involving the same girl," he said
Why do I feel like breaking into a number from "The Sound of Music"...?
You are seventeen, going on eighteen
I-I'll take ca-are of you...
I-I'll take ca-are of you...
[Via Andre C]
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
Sorry, Uncle. It's been removed.
I thought I was being cool.
Does this mean I need to return my G-Unit hoody, too, yo?
I thought I was being cool.
Does this mean I need to return my G-Unit hoody, too, yo?
The 2A Two-Step
So I'm a hunter and believe in Second Amendment rights, but I also believe that assault weapons are not needed in the public population.Alphecca has transcribed part of an interview with weasel-worder extraordinaire Mitt Romney, who shows us why a vote for him is a vote for Jim Zumbo. You guys holding your nose on the new WarOnGuns poll (see left margin) who say you'd still vote for this lying creep who is only using you--are you sure you want to do that?
Think about it: The entire gun activist is up in arms and threatening boycotts over a stupid outdoors writer's ignorant remarks. They demanded his head, and it looks like, from Remington's standpoint at least, they got it.
Based on gun owner reaction, they wouldn't want any of the three leading GOP candidates to be retained as gun writers, but they'd accept them as president? Does that make sense?
So what am I saying, that I want to help Hillary?
Nope. I'm merely making a statement based on observable facts--and here's one more: Zumbo's ignorant diatribe resulted in thousands of furious comments on his blog, and countless angry emails to Outdoor Life, Remington, etc. Nice use of energy and outrage--but why don't we see enraged gun owners doing this to the chairman of the Republican party as well, now, while there's still a chance to affect the momentum?
Where is the LEADERSHIP from those who have the political reach (i.e., NRA) organizing a DEMAND to the Republican party that they field a candidate who understands the Second Amendment and will use his bully pulpit to proactively educate and evangelize to the voters about it? If someone wants to be a leader, don't you agree the Bill of Rights would be a good place to start leading?
Why is it we have the energy to storm the Bastille over a trivial hunting column, but when it comes time to applying it to something meaningful, we can't seem to mount an offensive?
We're the Only Ones Two-Timing Enough
A police captain has been arrested for the second time in just over two months on charges of assaulting a 32-year-old woman with whom he had a relationship, the police said.Too bad this one was too late for the "Love 'Only Ones' Style" festival.
It's a good thing she didn't lift a finger against him.
[Via Declan]
"New York-Style Crackdown"
Prime Minister Tony Blair's proposals for tackling gun crime are the lead for the Sunday Times.Elect Rudy Giuliani president and you'll see a "New York-style crackdown" nationally here as well. Take note of that, those of you voting to hold your nose in the new WarOnGuns poll (left margin).
It says Downing Street plans a New York-style crackdown
This Day in History: February 19
On this day in 1777, the Continental Congress votes to promote Thomas Mifflin; Arthur St. Clair; William Alexander, Lord Stirling; Adam Stephen; and Benjamin Lincoln to the rank of major general. Although the promotions were intended in part to balance the number of generals from each state, Brigadier General Benedict Arnold felt slighted that five junior officers received promotions ahead of him and, in response, threatened to resign from the Patriot army.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
A comment on the Zumbo blog was purported to be by Tommy Millner, CEO of Remington.
I wanted to verify before posting about it, and sent him the following:
I just received the following reply:

I wanted to verify before posting about it, and sent him the following:
Mr. Millner,
I have seen a statement attributed to you on Jim Zumbo’s blog, but unfortunately there is no way to authenticate that it really came from you.
I would like to post your statement unedited, in its entirety on my blog. Care to give one?
Thank you,
David Codrea
I just received the following reply:

"I Also Play by the Rules"
To all those promoting Wayne Fincher’s being elevated to folk hero status for breaking the law, enough already. The argument of Second Amendment violation in this circumstance is ridiculous. Neither the Constitution, nor the Bill of Rights contains a single word about automatic weapons. Also absent is any mention of anti-tank weapons, driving under the influence, dealing drugs at the local schoolyard or child pornography. These are all issues we, as a society, have deemed to be generally bad ideas, and we put in place laws to deal with the excesses of others.Congratulations, Russ.
Mr. Fincher’s case is not a Second Amendment case. It is a case about not following the rules, or more precisely, interpreting the rules to suit one’s own interests.
Before dismissing this as another letter from the fringe, I am a gun enthusiast, a consultant to the firearms industry, NRA member, and I hold a federal firearms license. I also play by the rules.
Russ Whitfield
Fort Smith
Jim Zumbo couldn't have said it any better.
If the Wayne Finchers of this country all fall, their enemies will turn their attention to the useful rule-playing idiots soon enough.
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