How much of the Bill of Rights can we get rid of? [More]How much will they be allowed?
[Via Ryan G]
Notes from the Resistance...
How much of the Bill of Rights can we get rid of? [More]How much will they be allowed?
In short, they made unrealistic demands on reality and reality did not oblige them. [Read]Yeah, that happens.
Thai web editor faces 20 years for 'royal insults' [More]So if I say Bhumibol presuming to be a ruler shows him to be a barbaric tyrant whom freedom seekers should overthrow by any means necessary, does that mean I'd better pick another place to exploit sex slaves in the future?
All that you have to do is write and post a short (200+ words) review of The Survivalist Blog dot Net, or of my new book “31 Days to Survival“ or better yet both on your blog or website then send me an email with a link to your review. The writer of the best review posted between now and May 15 2012 will win a copy of the following books and DVDs... [More]
But Schimel’s not done. Her new “common sense” crusade involves standing in front of a “Gun Violence Prevention Mural” (no doubt every bit as effective as a candlelight vigil) “located outside of Brower Park, a notorious location for gang activity and gun crimes.” No, she’s not there to confront and eliminate the violent criminals. She’s there to make it more difficult for her constituents to legally protect themselves from them by “call[ing] on State Senator George Maziarz to withdraw his ‘Stand Your Ground’ legislation (S.281).” [More]
Be Sure to keep with your Convoy: for my own part I hardly see a Possibility of an unarmed Vessells geting safe over, without. We were surrounded by 5 or 6, very sawcy Privateers at a time, when I went home, and nothing but our twelve Pounders saved Us and the Convoy. [More]
When freedom activists do the same thing, Lowry and his ilk scream “home rule.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner offering notes no small amount of projection going on.
The number of gun owners in the United States is staggering. All it would take to fund this project is for 400,000 people to pledge $1. How many gun owners do you know? [More]Or 200,000 to give $2.
NRA Leaders' Links To Sexual Scandals [More]Compare to these noted and leading gungrabbers:
“This data makes it very clear that we need to increase our efforts to starve the supply of American weapons that arm Mexico’s brutal drug trafficking organizations,” Feinstein concludes, meaning she intends to do all she can to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms. But the thing is, the data doesn’t make that clear at all, and in fact, cautions against jumping to hysterical conclusions. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes there are liars, damned liars and anti-gun Democrats.
Former NYPD detective and security expert Sal Lifrieri told Carlin no matter what the government does to try and make people safer so much of it is up to the people, themselves. [More]You come up with that blinding bit of illumination all by yourself there, guy...?
As this will be a “pen-and-pad” event only, with no recording devices allowed, we will, unfortunately, not be able to hear any sputtering if those questions are asked. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes there may be a curve thrown in with all those softballs.
Should People Be Allowed to Carry Guns Openly? [More]I'm gonna have to jump on some of my friends here--I didn't even know about this US News and World Report "Debate Club" or their participation in it--otherwise I'd have been calling attention to it.
Prosecutors have charged a New Jersey police officer with attempted aggravated sexual assault of a 12-year-old girl he met while assisting her family in an unrelated police matter. [More]
ATF & U.S. DOJ Plan to Remove CLEO Signature Requirement for NFA Firearms Transfers [Read]This is a good first step. Now just get the feds out of the process and we'll really be making progress.
A former Sheriff's deputy under indictment on a battery of gun and explosive charges may have sold numerous handguns he made from mismatched and illegally obtained gun parts, the Onondaga County District Attorney's Office revealed today. [More]The amnesty offer reminds me of the story of the old man and the talking frog.
It was kind of like how the Romans used to, you know, conquer villages in the Mediterranean. They’d go in to a little Turkish town somewhere, they’d find the first five guys they saw and they’d crucify them.
Then, you know, that town was really easy to manage for the next few years. [More]What an insight into the minds of these arrogant, demented freaks. Not that anyone aware of what collectivists in power historically do when they can get away with it should be surprised.
They have a point to settle first, whether we shall make Peace with a British King or a British Congress. [More]
I have almost 8,000 emails in the box [More]No one can say I didn't do my best to discourage that. What a thing to expect someone who's been through what he has to deal with.
That said, the film may not get made. Funding for documentaries has always been difficult to obtain without well-resourced backers, and interest in the film community and among their foundation and individual benefactors in exposing the government’s part in sanctioning “gunwalking” is practically nonexistent. In order to deal with that reality, McNulty has turned to us. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks those who say they want to see justice done just how much of their own skin they're willing to put in the game.
Tampa’s Talk 860 WGUL’s Joe Weaver joins Mark to discuss the mayor of Tampa’s intention to ban guns within a “clean zone” during the 2012 RNC convention. North American Arms’ Kenny Barlow stops by to discuss the NAA mini revolvers!!! These things are proof positive that you have NO EXCUSE EVER to be unarmed! AAR is a HUGE fan of these incredible little firearms that can be carried whenever you might not otherwise be able to carry a gun. Get it?Hour 2:
Alan Korwin joins Mark and Tampa’s Joe Weaver to bring unbridled truth about your CCW rights and the assault that gun owners find themselves under. No one tells it quite like Alan.Hour 3:
The Roundtable. Joe Weaver from Tampa’s Talk 860 WGUL, David Codrea, Mark and producer Sean give commentary on the weeks events. The Ogre stopped by but alas, we couldn’t seem to make a phone connection. Next week.As long as you're on the internet anyway, why not have these playing in the background?
The dissenters were Republican justices Stephen Markman and Robert Young Junior. [More]Here's the opinion.
'Arms are serious issues, and countries should have effective tracking and monitoring systems in a foolproof database,' Dr. Cyriaque Agnekethom, Head of the ECOWAS Small Arms Unit, stated. [More]Cool. He's speaking about a country where almost 45% of the population makes under a dollar a day and he'd allocate resources to this kind of impossible, prohibitively expensive nonsense.
I’m a hunter and a sportswoman. I own guns, but not for self-defense. I support gun control laws. [More]And this useful idiot oberkapoette really thinks if the line is forced back to where she "stands" that Polyphemus won't eat her last?
The British ship HMS Germain fired on Fort Moultrie as it entered into Charleston harbor. [More]
This is hardly the same treatment given to Mexicans last year when “military trucks…loaded down with soldiers and weapons” ended up on the U.S. side of the border.Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a disparity in treatment and that there are those who want it that way.
It’s also not the first time a case of negligently transporting ammunition to Mexico has created severe legal problems, in this case, a lifetime disability on the “prohibited persons” list for Thomas Lamar Bean. [More]
Jones thanked Powell for working with ATF to encourage youth and young adults to report violent gun and gang crime anonymously to ATF’s hotline at 1–800–ATF–GUNS. [More]Anonymously?
Man beats McDonald's manager with baseball bat for not being served [Watch and Read]Hey, I may have a new ad campaign for them:
In Arizona, Cunningham was widely regarded as Burke’s “No. 1 Guy,” as noted by reporter David Codrea of the Gun Rights Examiner. [More]It's a freaky experience to be reading an article and then out of the blue seeing your name.
He said if I go, he’ll shoot you, Ronnie, so …I’m only kidding. [More]
Court Bailiff: Detroit Judge Wade McCree Sent a Nearly Nude Photo of Himself to My Cell Phone [More]
"The war on terror is over," a senior official in the State Department official tells the National Journal. [More]Well, you know, except for those homegrown domestic extremist hatriots...
Patriot troops attack a British trench work driving off the work party and took several prisoners. [More]
What “America First” vs. partisan agenda examples do the county apparatchiks offer that fulfill their representation of being “good for everybody”--right before they let slip that they’re “defining ourselves as Democrats” ? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report looks up the definition of "domestic enemy."
Today's Arizona Republic, Sunday paper, p. B10, 350K circ., virtually no editing -- if they had run this info before the governor's veto, the bill might have passed. Instead, the entire argument took place on non-existent "facts" and hype and misinformation. Rights denial for imaginary safety (not even for real safety).That's one of the reasons why this project can make a difference. Will you help make a difference and write a letter of your own?
Frustrated that state law will not let them regulate handguns during the Republican National Convention, city officials are considering a direct appeal to Gov. Rick Scott.[More]See, it's not just the law that frustrates them--it's our very system of government, with separation of power checks and balances.
'American Guns' star Richard Wyatt says gun control talk spurs gun sales [More]
So began a series of critical failures by Metro to protect its passengers. [More]You're how old, and you still think that's their responsibility? And you think exhibiting an utter lack of situational awareness and preparedness puts none of the responsibility on you? The fact that you put the emphasis on "fee[ling] safe" as opposed to being safe pretty much says it all.
Police say a man attacked a 65-year-old woman with a knife and ripped the earrings from her body. [More]
ELIZABETHTOWN April 23, 1780 Party of the enemy from Staten Island attempts to surprise sentinels at Halsted Point, kill one sentinel, but are driven off. [More]
This is a continuation of updates from this column and Sipsey Street Irregulars beginning April 10, 2012. It also includes contributions from regional Gun Rights Examiners. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner post opens up a new chapter in an ongoing saga.
We need all of us putting our shoulders to the wheel and bringing our pieces of the story into the public forum as best we can, because it’s evident the MSM has no intentions of doing its job. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary opens up a line of credit.
In other words, that which we grant we can withhold. Or just never recognize in the first place. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes we don't need no stinking UN permission.
An angry former employee takes out his revenge on a co-worker who led to his firing. Watch as our experts analyze the crime.And click here for more information.
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Seventy-two police officers were killed nationally in 2011, 63 of them by firearms. [More]No, that would be "by criminals with firearms." There's a critical distinction that then can lead to a different discussion altogether.
If approved, the expected to reduce the crimes and violence, with stiffer penalties. [More]Oh it will not either, and the conniving thugs damn well know it.
A police officer and a former officer from California have been charged with trying to distribute hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of marijuana in Virginia. [More]I wonder how many they busted for significantly lesser quantities over the years.
Col. Tarleton surprised and took nine sloops with goods, stores, etc., and twenty pieces of cannon. [More]
The ROI shows Celis-Acosta “recanted some of the details” he gave investigators when asked if he knew about “an AK type high capacity drum magazine loaded with 74 rounds of 7.62 ammunition underneath the spare tire in the truck.” It also shows an affiliation with one CHENDI, legal name Claudio Badilla-Jaimes, a Hispanic male originally from Sonora, Mexico, identified by DEA as a “large scale marijuana and multikilogram cocaine trafficker operating out of the Phoenix metropolitan area,” and per Celis-Acosta, a rich cartel member with law enforcement-type emergency lights on his truck who once chewed out Mexican police for stopping his son, asking why he was paying them. [More]This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner column comes to you by way of the ICU in Birmingham--I guess all the newsrooms were too busy with more important stuff, although I understand Fox will be coming out with a piece any minute now.
Which may explain why, by the time they grow into college-age young adults, not only are students mandated to be helpless against berserkers, many of them are overtly hostile to the suggestion that they should fight back like free men and women in the prime of their lives, and instead insist the safest course is for those lives to be forfeit. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes the biggest bullies in schools are the ones running them.
“If you think you’re going to be a bad actor on buses, get ready. You are going to have a short-lived time frame,” Congresswoman Jackson Lee explained. [More]
A former Tennessee Highway Patrol trooper was charged in Pickett County this morning with sex crimes involving a young girl. [More]And yet once again with the Eternal Question...
Very often the surly young man in a hoodie who turns up looking unwilling to work can turn into an excited and motivated employee.
Rocky upward climb. [Read]Activity is limited and slow, but it sure beats the alternative.
For his trouble, Waters, who represents a tiny slice of Delco, was roundly mocked and hooted at by a number of our more discerning readers. [More]There's definitely something in the Waters. Maybe one of these...?
Switzerland criticized for new immigrant curbs [More]Let's see, they're taking care of themselves, controlling their borders, preserving their culture and sovereignty, maintaining a low unemployment and crime rate...yeah, can't that if the objective is the opposite.
“We are not going to second-guess our officer,” Sgt. David Daniels told KSEE-TV. Sgt. Daniels also added that officers have a right to use their weapons if they feel threatened by animals. [More]
That’s it? And this is supposed to do what to a dominating, radical agenda-driven career belligerent, backed by his president, his party and his press, who demonstrates his ongoing smirking contempt for their impotence with each day’s continued stonewalling? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes it's past time to knock off with the words and start up with the sticks and stones.
...most shootings happen with victim’s own gun [More]
I ask a simple question: Would the other parents of victims be forever thankful if a professor or student was allowed to carry a firearm and could have stopped Seung-Hui Cho before their loved one was injured or killed? I would be. I also suspect that the tragedy may not have occurred at all if Cho knew that either faculty members or students were permitted to carry their own weapons on campus. [More]I have a simple question, too: Do you think, deep down inside, Colin Goddard and Larry Hincker think the same thing?
This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light. [More]Hey, why let a good meme go to waste?
"He was there because of his emotional state, but to threaten him, he didn’t threaten him at all. We were telling the officer, 'please leave him alone, if you can’t help, then leave him alone,' " Ramirez Sr. said. [Read]Never, never, NEVER call them for stuff like this, because they're not qualified to counsel and they're trained to use escalating levels of force to obtain total obedience.
Gov. Jan Brewer rebuffed gun-rights advocates by vetoing for a second time a bill to allow guns on public property, and sent a strong message that such a proposal would need wider support from police, cities and the public before she would sign it. [More]But...but...but...
Every Man in the World, who is thoroughly acquainted with the Subject, knows, that Great Britain never can obtain a Peace, without a Diminution of her Honor and Dignity. It is impossible without Miracles, and therefore the Englishman who undertakes to plan for Peace, must be convinced of this and take it into his Plan, and consequently should avoid with the utmost Caution every Word, which should excite these Ideas in the Minds of the People. For People cannot bear the Ideas of national Disgrace. They stir Passions which make them mad. [More]
Curious, then, that in spite of photographic evidence, French authorities have not filed charges yet because “no one has come forward with a formal complaint on the matter.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes it's not so good being le garçon de pisse.
A former state judge who pleaded guilty to takes bribes to dismiss traffic and misdemeanor tickets was sentenced to 5 years of probation, federal prosecutors said. [More]Talk about something that merits a public hanging...I wonder who he bribed to get off so easy? Or is that just standard "professional courtesy"?
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From "Playing Gods" |
A deadly Thai insurgency has Buddhists scrambling for guns.Good. If you meet the Buddha in the road, arm him.
TCIRV offers some disquieting statistics: Just 2 percent of Toledoans commit 70 percent of the city's violent crime. Nearly 2,500 city youths belong to 25 active gangs.If only they would disarm racists like you and me...
About 85 percent of suspects in shooting incidents are black males. As much as 90 percent of crime in Toledo involves black perpetrators and victims. [More]
Ghanaians Called Upon to Rise Against Gun Violence [More]
The top Tennessee Highway Patrol officer in this area, Capt. David Allred, has been demoted and one of his officers suspended, but state officials who made that decision remain secretive about the details. [More]Yeah, what the hell makes you think police business is your business?
An angry former employee takes out his revenge on a co-worker who led to his firing. Watch as the panelists analyze this crime.
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Fresh from the floor of the NRA annual conventions, back in the AAR Atlanta studio, Mark welcomes Niki Goesser, Stephanie Samford, and David Bray. Niki gives us the latest news on her husbands murderer’s trial and conviction. Stephanie, from the NRA gives us the update on the convention from St. Louis and David Bray, lead singer of rock band Madison Rising discusses the bands joint appearance at Galco Gunleather with Mark, Kathy Jackson and Rob Pincus.Hour 2:
HUGE HOUR! Mark received a call from famed economist, author and Fox News Contributor, Dr. John Lott who was in between flights in Chicago. John and Mark discuss his new book, “Debacle” co-written with Grover Norquist. John pulls no punches discussing the failure of Obama and his policies as well as ties everything together with this president’s gun-hating agenda. NOT TO BE MISSED!!!!!Hour 3:
The Roundtable includes David Codrea and a very special call from AAR resident Navy SEAL, Larry Yatch!!! David and Larry bring expertise found nowhere else! The AAR Roundtable….the FUNNEST hour in national radio!