Sunday, August 31, 2008
There's an Email Going Around...
I do hope someone will ask him a pertinent question or two.
And I did say I'd probably get back to addressing this.
I've looked at it and don't really see what changes the core facts that:
*Barr supported a far-reaching federal infringement on RKBA, and
*He has avoided directly explaining himself to gun owners--and actually intentionally ignored those concerns--as has the LP.
That a supporter/apologist thinks it would not be smart politics to man up hardly addresses the principle here--and as I've said, if we were interested in the usual politics of avoidance, the two major parties give us plenty of choice. We expect the LP to be different. If they're not, why do we need them?
The irony is, articles like the one on Nolan Chart help spread these concerns farther than the reach of this blog, so hopefully if more Barr defenders involve themselves it'll result in what I've been asking for from day one, which would have made all this arm-waving to get a few simple questions answered unnecessary.
[Via M. Terry]
We're the Only Ones Doggone Enough
A Scottsdale police dog was shot and killed by his handler on Friday. Police say they think the death was accidental...I wonder if all applicable considerations that would apply to non-"Only Ones" will be...uh...unleashed here.
Striker was on a leash, and while conducting the search, Coffee shot Striker, police said. Details were not available.
No intruder was found.
[Via Matt L]
A Religious Experience
In addition to cooing over photos of the Obama daughters and Obama with the Kennedys, Cuomo highlighted photos of women looking adoringly at Obama: "And now, of course, the insight you're able to capture out on the trail. You say, it's so much like a religious experience for people as they meet him. Let's see the view that you get. Look at them with their hands clasped."

Stripping Kwame Down to the Basics
The mayor, his police chief and numerous other city officials have denied that any such party took place. The city’s chief prosecutor dismissed the claims as “urban legend”. Yet since Yatooma took up the case last autumn, several police officers have come forward to claim that they were intimidated into silence about parties they knew to have taken place at the mayor’s home.
“I was ordered by my supervisors to keep my mouth shut and say that there never was any party,” declared Officer Tony Davis in a letter to Ella Bully-Cummings, the Detroit police chief, in March...
The police lieutenant initially in charge of the murder investigation quickly concluded that Greene had been specifically targeted by a contract killer. Lieutenant Alvin Bowman has since testified in a sworn affidavit that his attempts to investigate reports about the party and Carlita Kilpatrick’s alleged involvement were blocked by the mayor and his staff.
“Every witness . . . felt intimidated against coming forward,” said Bowman. “My squad would have solved Ms Greene’s murder but for the interference [of officials].”
Good ol' Mayor Against (Your) Guns Kwame!
You'd think the citizens would be descending on city hall in protest.
They are.
So Much for Actual Evidence
At the hearing, Hammer disputed news reports that Grainger suffers from schizophrenia and should not have been issued the concealed pistol license he carried. Despite earlier statements to the contrary, prosecutors did not offer any evidence Friday that Grainger suffers from the mental illness.Huh. Could have fooled us.
"He has never had any schizophrenia," Hammer said. "He was legally qualified to possess a firearm."
Insights on Sarah
Let me say right up front that my opinion here will be biased because Sarah is a friend. I met her for the first time about six years ago when she was running for Lt. Governor of Alaska. She's been on my radio show many times and with the help of listeners here in our home town she was elected to office by an
overwhelming margin.
With that out of the way I'll tell you this.
Sarah is real.
She is an honest genuine person. She truly cares about Alaskans and the people of her community. She dared to take on the Republican party here, and took that fight straight to the people. She's called for the resignation of the Head of the Alaskan Republicans and forced the former Attorney General to resign by bringing his corrupt actions to light. She has been a crusader for eliminating the 'Good Ol'Boy' politics.
And as far as the 2nd Amendment goes, let me tell you a little story.
About a year ago a friend of mine, who is a local Class III Dealer, called me complaining about how our local Trooper detachment was delaying or just outright refusing to sign several Form 1 transfers that had been submitted to them. These transfers were from a couple of Class III Dealers and other Class III holders.
I started to make some calls and after getting nowhere with the Troopers, I finally called Sarah. Although she was extremely busy she told me that she would look into it and get back to me. I thought 'well that'll take some time', but it was only 2 or 3 days later that right in the middle of my talk show I get this call out of the blue from the Commissioner of Public Safety! He tells us that the Governor had spoken to him and made if very clear that the Troopers should be doing what they are legally obligated to do, and that he apologized personally for the locals not doing it.
Long and the short, no more problems with transfers.
We're gonna hate to lose Sarah, we need her to help get us back on track to prosperity. But I think the country needs her more.
Now I can vote for McCain, without having to hold my nose so hard.
Go Sarah!!
For my Friday morning thoughts see:
This Day in History: August 31
I am also directed by the Committee to request answers to the following queries, viz:
Whether the Committees have power to call out the Minute Companies whenever they think proper?
Whether we are authorized to engage the Minute-Men any and what pay, when in actual service?
Whether the Committee can be supplied with a small sum, to answer contingent charges?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Witness for the Prosecution
Using technology to track a person's location is nothing new. For years, police have been able to trace cell phone signals and use other dashboard devices such as automatic toll-collection systems to confirm a driver's whereabouts.And best of all, you pay for it!
But the growing popularity of GPS systems — in cars, cell phones and other handheld devices — gives authorities another powerful tool to track suspects.
Don't have one? Wait a few decades--it'll be a standard requirement.
And since we all agree driving is a "privilege" (we all agree that, right?) that should be licensed, why it stands to reason that legislation must be introduced to make disabling or otherwise interfering with such devices to be a crime--and probably a federal one at that, since cars are products of interstate commerce.
Besides, if you're not doing anything wrong, what have you got to hide?
The Revelation of St. Michael
Michael Moore: Hurricane Coming During GOP Convention 'Proof There Is a God in Heaven'
I don't suppose it occurs to these zealots that they are very sick people indeed?
Knowing there are those who lust for the destruction of their political opponents with religious fervor is all the proof I need to never let them disarm me.
"You're No Hillary"
Am I sensing desperation? The junior marxist traitors are getting all petty and whiny and bitchy and indignant and everything, although with Van Jones, that's pretty much his whole shtick anyway.
I'll say this for Palin--in just a few short hours alienated conservatives are starting to feel like they might have a horse in this race. I'm starting to see a lot of excitement and interest, as opposed to the cynical resignation I was seeing before. That might even translate into involvement and votes.
At the very least, the self-righteous hostility is entertaining to watch.
When Big Bird Goes Bad

Birds as big as human beings are breeding out of control near Germany's Baltic coast, giving a shock to sparrows, blackbirds and other small-fry native species.It's not like they don't know what the problem is and it's not like they don't know what the solution is.
...Thanks to German nature-conservation laws, the pushy nandus can grin at hunters, because no one is licensed to kill one.
Just like us.
[Via cycjec]
[Big Bird photo obtained from here. I don't know if it is the original source.]
We're the Only Ones Trying to Ram Things Down Your Throat Enough
On or about March 23, 2007, in the Southern District of Texas, in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, defendant SAMUEL B. KENT did knowingly attempt to causeanother person to engage in a sexual act by using force against that other person, to wit: defendant KENT, at the United States Post Office and Courthouse in Galveston, Texas, attempted to cause Person A to engage in contact between Person A's mouth and defendant KENT's penis by forcing Person A's head towards defendant KENT's groin area.Gosh, first Mulder and now this. If we can't believe in leading men and "Only Ones," who can we have faith in?
In fairness, I hesitated posting and commenting on this one--nothing has been proven, and it's not like workplace and relationship vendettas don't exist. I also have a problem shielding the identity of accusers unless extreme special circumstances are present.
I guess the reason I'm skeptical is because I just don't know what kind of adult would submit to something outrageous like this without going into full on-the-spot-create-a-scene mode. Inappropriate comments should always be immediately put down with unmistakable seriousness. Unwelcome physical contact warrants a physical response, or at the very least, an attempt to escape screaming followed by an immediate police report.
I just can't imagine trading in your dignity for something as temporary a job.
Still, if true, it's understandable why some judges would want guns not used for protecting them prohibited in their courthouses. Because if that abuse was ever tried on some of the women I admire, Person A would be forcing something hard into the defendant's mouth.
[Via Stephen S]
Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...
Firearms: cheap, easy to get and on a street near youYou know what they need over there?
Gun control!
Oh, wait...
The XXX Files
David Duchovny has entered a rehabilitation center for sex addiction...Aside from the fact that clinically, there's no such thing, here's something else you should know about him: He was one of the Hollywood Illuminati who signed "An Open Letter to the National Rifle Association," a full-page ad taken out by Handgun Control in USA Today on June 9, 1999 (p.5D). As I wrote in my GUNS & AMMO piece, "Six Degrees of Hypocrisy":
[The letter] demanded limiting handgun purchases to one a month, banning "assault weapons," magazine capacity limits, gun locks and "a 'cooling off' period...[that] might just save the life of a child..."Mr. Duchovny evidently feels he cannot control himself without outside intervention. I want to believe it would be best for all concerned if he turned his focus inward, and stopped worrying about controlling the rest of us.
The Kwame Bodyguard Loophole
Federal experts are examining a handgun reported lost in a restaurant bathroom last year by a former bodyguard of Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and recently found in possession of a convicted felon. They are looking into whether the gun was used in other crimes.Quick--somebody tell Mayors Against Guns!
Cruel and Unusual
"I cried my eyelashes off," she said in the bowels of Invesco Field, moments after Obama accepted the nomination for president before an estimated 84,000 people.I think anyone who mentions "Oprah Winfrey" and "bowels" in the same article is just plain looking to cause trouble.
This Day in History: August 30
We have Accounts that a Number of Vessels have sailed lately from Boston, which we apprehend are designed to plunder the Stock along the Coast. The General Assembly have ordered it all to be removed from all the Islands in this Colony excepting Rhode Island. We have now about Three Hundred Men employed in that Business. I am requested by the General Assembly to apply to you to give Directions to the Commissary General that all the Stock taken from these Islands that are fit to kill be taken for the Use of the Army in Preference to any Stock which is secure in the Country. The Drought hath been so severe along the Sea Coast this Summer that there is no Possibility of providing for this Stock in any other Way.
Friday, August 29, 2008
John McCain tapped little-known Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential running mate, two senior campaign officials told The Associated Press on Friday.Sarah Palin on Gun Control
I am a lifetime member of the NRA, I support our Constitutional right to bear arms and am a proponent of gun safety programs for Alaska's youth.This doesn't tell me all that much. But I've heard some good things about her.
If this is confirmed by an official announcement, McCain made the best choice he could have, all things considered with the existing field.
Who knows what about her? Comments?
UPDATE:Structureless first impression rambling to follow. Saw her intro and speech. From a strictly political standpoint, this is a brilliant move--beautiful family--Norman Rockwell Americans--likable--people can identify with them. As for attacks on experience, she has more as an executive in charge of a government than Barack. Schumer is gloating he wants to see her debate Biden--ditto--I think she'll kick his ass. Concerns were raised in comments about a scandal to exploit--if it's the trooper deal, evidence says she wasn't directly involved, the guy who did was disciplined, she has cooperated with the dems leading the charge making subpoenas unnecessary, plus it sounds like the guy was a true 'Only One'.
On first glance, I'm impressed, but admit most of it is emotional rather than analytical--like I said, politically, I don't think McCain could have done better. I imagine a Mitthead choice and compare him to her and the visceral reaction says there is no comparison.
For some reason I'm conjuring up a cartoon of her standing behind McCain at the inauguration getting ready to pop a blown up paper bag.
UPDATE: Some partisan rah-rah that makes some valid points about political viability...
A Sick, Mad Dog Bastard
“When I turned 16, that’s when I basically started shooting people, putting in work and all. In my neighborhood, people feared me. They feared me because I didn’t have no problems with taking a life. I mean, you know, you disrespect me or do something wrong to me, you’ll die for it.”Can you imagine what kind of sick, mad dog bastard would require another human being to be defenseless with defects like this running loose?
We're the Only Ones in Hot Pursuit Enough
The Hudson Police Department is eager to recover two police badges, an identification card and a pistol taken from a detective's unmarked squad car this month.They'd better hurry.
The mall opens just a few minutes from now...
On the bright side, if people see the thief with the gun, they'll assume he's an "Only One" and won't resist--just like they're conditioned to react. Instead, they'll give him what he wants.
That's a good thing, isn't it?
We're the Only...Oh, Yeah, Do it, Baby...Hey, Sarge, Check this Out! Enough
Although casual users cannot see the previous user’s search history, authorities such as the police will be able to access it if necessary.And, of course, the "Only Ones" get to decide what's necessary.
What could go wrong?
Don't Resist and Give Them What They Want
He said the hooded men had carried on beating the monks even though they offered no resistance.Maybe that's what they wanted...
Do you think that would have happened to Gabriel Possenti?
Speaking of Bloomberg...
An obituary of very-much-alive Apple founder Steve Jobs has been accidentally published by the respected Bloomberg business news wire...Thank goodness they were able to correct it so quickly, before any real harm was done. But people incorrectly classified on another list Bloomberg endorses might not be so fortunate.
Bloomberg, which was founded by New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and prides itself on its accuracy and transparency, later published a note acknowledging the story's retraction on its wire.
Not that we should expect that moral cripple to care...
Meanwhile, Back in Bloomberg Paradise...
New data indicate New York City residents are contracting the virus that causes AIDS at three times the national rate.This is just a backdoor attempt, I'd better not go there...
It's but one manifestation of a much wider problem. The urban areas in this nation, where people are most directly affected by and dependent on choice-controlling government, have been incubators for enabling destructive individual choices. It's a directly observable phenomenon.
Who among us does not know that unprotected promiscuous sex has consequences? Or that putting toxic crap into your body is self-destructive? Or that it's wrong to hurt people?
The answer is not extending state control over those of us who neither need nor want it. But that's what they're determined to do.
[Via Avg Joe]
We're the Only Ones Making History Enough
"He gave me some additional (non-public) information that was enough for me to deny the permit," Pulkrabek wrote in an e-mail circulated this week to other sheriffs. "The rest is history."Yeah--so the guy shot himself with a rifle.
Nice intercept there.
Let me get this straight: The "Only Ones" get to define my rights based on isolated abuses by the most aberrant among us?
Tell you what, sheriff: You let me worry about me. When it comes to suicide prevention, I'd say you have bigger problems.
[Via Michael G]
About Last Night...
The -- the reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than they are for those plagued by gang violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals.
It's official. The Lightworker just promised a new "assault weapons" ban.
I suggest making preparations without delay if you haven't already, because on a personal level, he comes across so much better than "My friends" McCain--it reminds me of the Kennedy/Nixon telegenic factor.
If you didn't hear the speech, watch it on the Internet or read this transcript. Look at everything he promises, and then compare it to what this authorizes him to do.
Not that I believe McCain's pledges would fare much better under such scrutiny.
How Can You Tell if Jack Markell is Lying?
State Treasurer Jack Markell says if he is elected governor, he will do more to keep guns away from criminals.He says absurd sh** like this.
[Via Jeffersonian]
How the Mighty Have Fallen
Worcester County District Court officials said a visiting judge rejected a petition filed by Wicomico County State's Attorney Davis R. Ruark to expunge a dismissed handgun charge.Looks like he's going to feel at least part of our pain.
I wonder what the judge will do if somebody seriously injures or kills him or a loved one in an attack that a gun could have helped prevent...?
Probably go to lunch.
No Longer Subversive
This Day in History: August 29
Resolved, That Charles Beatty, of Fredericktown, be empowered to contract for the making and delivery of six hundred and fifty good substantial proved Muskets, three feet and a half in barrel, and three quarters of an inch in the bore, with good double Bridle Locks, Black Walnut or Maple Stocks, and plain strong brass mounting; Bayonets with Steel Blades seventeen inches long; Steel Ramrods, double Screws; Priming Wires and Brushes fitted thereto; with a pair of Brass Moulds for every eighty Muskets, to cast twelve Bullets on one side, and on the other side to cast Shot of such size as the Muskets will chamber three of them, for a sum not exceeding ten Dollars and two-thirds of a Dollar in Bills of Credit issued by Resolve of the last Convention, for every such fire-lock with the above accoutrements, delivered at Georgetown or Elkridge Landing, if required...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Feds Suppress Evidence in 'Broken Gun' Conviction?
The federal government allegedly suppressed evidence and edited a legal definition in a Wisconsin case against a man who ultimately was convicted of transferring a machine gun, according to an appeal document.Note on the affadavit in support of criminal complaint there was no mention of prior tests that showed the gun was not a machinegun.
I posted the appeals brief yesterday that details all the dirty tricks the government and the prosecution employed--from mischaracterizing technical points on the witness stand, to ignoring precedent established in the Staples case in re definitions, to failure to produce documents requested by the defense (the excuse was correspondence with the original manufacturer contained privileged tax information), to preventing the defense expert witness from inspecting the firearm and excluding him from the courtroom during when the "expert witness" for the prosecution testified--actually reneging on their agreement and legal requirements, and much, much more...all with the tacit consent of a complicit judge.
So far, there has been zero interest shown from the "gun blogosphere." This is news, people, as recognized by Bob Unruh and WorldNetDaily. It is important, and it affects all of us.
You can come back and kick my tail for a bad prediction later: I think there's a very good chance Olofson will get a new trial out of this.
A Word About Sidebar Ads

One of the t's & c's is we can't ask you to click on them, because that would artificially boost what they pay us, because supporters would click on an ad they had no interest in. I have no problem abiding by that rule.
But I didn't see anything about asking you NOT to click on an ad--I just noticed one that showed up for the first time today and my suspicion proved correct--it goes to AHSA. If you see this ad, please ignore it--it is unwelcome here. In the mean time, I need to see what I can do to kick these subversives off my site.
OK--just "filtered" them--hopefully we won't be troubled again.
We're the Only Ones Making You Lucky Enough
During the arrest, one of the officers can be heard saying to Eslocker, "You're lucky I didn't knock the f..k out of you."
When "Only Ones" and "Authorized Journalists" collide....
Might as well grab some popcorn and enjoy the show--I doubt it will temper most reporters' statist tendencies and belief in government gun control.
Hungry are the Dead
Hundreds of colleges across the nation have purchased a training program that teaches professors and students not to take campus threats lying down but to fight back with any "improvised weapon," from a backpack to a laptop computer.
I hope the academics don't forget the proven deterrent value of STDs, vomit and rat tail combs...
These are the folks proposing this band-aid. I feel safer already knowing their top men ("top men") have, among other qualifications, "a Master of Science Degree in Counseling and Human Resource Development," a degree from "the School of Large Church Management," and "a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Penn State University."
What they don't tell us is how many active shooters these experts have personally successfully warded off while unarmed.
And here is a trailer for their program. Say--aren't those LEOs praising this legally armed wherever they go?
I was hoping to see if there was anything on the Internet we could readily use to illustrate the success of groups of unarmed people taking on a lone shooter, and this was the best I could come up with on short notice. I quit after several rounds of successful kills because, even though you need to reload for each shot, it didn't really reflect a swarm.
What would?
I suppose a modified version of this--but to truly assess benefits vs. costs, you'd need to compare it to what would happen if there was an armed good guy or two in the room.
Some will no doubt say we shouldn't automatically dismiss this baby step toward campus safety. I've always said one of the things I like about Jackie Chan movies is how he takes ordinary objects and deploys them as weapons--and I recommend that identifying such objects in our surroundings should be part of our everyday situational awareness. I also think it's useful that people start thinking about going through threats rather than running hopelessly from them or freezing. But this presupposes that a campus culture that teaches self defense is wrong--and that men in uniform are the "Only Ones" competent, qualified and trustworthy enough to serve as protectors--would produce a sufficient number of courageous souls willing to lead the charge into blazing hell and take some gaping chest wounds for the team.
Who's first? Who wants to be a zombie?
Adults don't need baby steps. We know what the real solution is.
We're the Only Ones Wiping Enough
Wicomico County State's Attorney Davis R. Ruark is in the process of expunging a handgun possession charge stemming from a February traffic stop in which he also was cited for driving under the influence of alcohol...Naturally, being a state attorney, "he was 'speechless' and 'disappointed' that no one from the police department told him it was coming."
Maryland law prohibits possession of a firearm while intoxicated.
And naturally, being a privileged "Only One" political elite, the gun charge "was dismissed in court."
I'm sure the prosecutor would offer you and me the same deal if we agreed to a plea he didn't need after failing field sobriety tests and registering "a .15 blood-alcohol concentration," aren't you?
We're the Wannabe Only Ones Well-Schooled Enough
He had everything he needed. A badge. A uniform. Even a gun. But investigators say a man who hundreds of kids thought was a local sheriff's deputy was an imposter.Don't we all just love a man in uniform. This doesn't say how it was discovered he wasn't really an "Only One."
Here's something else I found interesting:
Worlow worked as a security guard at Chapel Hill Mall...Keeping everyone safe (see item 20) from you and me, no doubt...
We're the Only Ones Misfiring Enough
Bulli Prakasam (30), hailing from Abbavaram village in Veerapalli mandal of Kadapa district, died after a bullet pierced through his chest when he ran for cover to escape the pouring rain at around 4.30 am.It seems "Only One" guns are the same the world over.
Shall we?
...gun misfires...No doubt about it. It's the gun's fault.
...his gun misfired...
Sources said the gun misfired...
We're the Only Ones Retentive Enough
"She disarmed a SCDC correctional officer that was there with a prisoner and took that weapon and shot herself with that weapon."Hmmm...another "takeaway incident." Maybe they ought to develop some kind of technology that would keep our "Only Ones" safe from having their weapons appropriated and used by unauthorized persons.
Oh, wait...
"An American Prayer"

This is the church you can't see...[More]
After that bit about the bad "Cyder" in today's history lesson, I thought we could all use a nice sudsy flushing out, and who better to provide it than this crew of celebrities? Click on the title link for the best total system purger I've yet found. And I do apologize in advance.
We started out at the Cult of Set with Thulsa Doom and watched him shape-shift into that elevated being known as The Lightworker. Others have taken to calling him the Obamessiah.
The thing is, it's his disciples who define him. These people are praying. The question now becomes "to whom?" and I fail to see any god mentioned in this tribute other than the one being worshipped tonight at the Greek temple.
We see the adoring devotees, heads bowed in reverence, hands folded in prayer: Forest Whitaker (who must be one hell of an actor), Jason Alexander, Barry Manilow...

And here's something we've seen before--the military did nothing when a Marine uniform was used to promote Hillary, possibly because it was from a movie clip--but this guy takes an active part in the "Hail Damien" chanting, that is, endorsing a political candidate while in uniform.
If the fascist media pigs can exploit the imagery of uniformed servicemen for political ends, we all ought to be able to.
Still--I thought the rich socialists were big on separation of church and state. At least I used to think that...
[Via Russ S]
Instant Manufacturer
The new BATFE ruling...equates many basic gunsmithing functions with manufacturing, and would seem to force many current Type 01-Gunsmith FFL holders into re-upping ASAP as Type07 FFL manufacturers, or face being in violation of a shipload of regulations. So, without futher racket, here is the text of the letter I sent to ATF, looking for clarification.Sean Galt weighs in on the latest BATFU power grab. Note I had to view his site in either Firefox or Safari. For some reason, IE, at least on my machine, brings up a lot of formatting code.
[Via Tom H]
This Day in History: August 28
As nothing is more pernicious to the health of Soldiers, nor more certainly productive of the bloody-flux; than drinking New Cyder: The General in the most possitive manner commands, the entire disuse of the same, and orders the Quarter Master General this day, to publish Advertisements, to acquaint the Inhabitants of the surrounding districts, that such of them, as are detected bringing new Cyder into the Camp, after Thursday, the last day of this month, may depend on having their casks stove.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
We're the Only Ones Taking a Spin in the Park Enough
Stealing a scene from a hit movie, two Brooklyn cops used their patrol car to "do doughnuts" in a Bay Ridge park, a woman who witnessed the crazy stunt said Monday.
The cigar-chomping officers tore through a baseball field at Shore Road Park in Bay Ridge, spinning the car wildly in circles and almost hitting a pair of kids on tricycles...
"I was shocked - it was startling," Hagan said. "The police car came within inches of killing two little children."
At least they were doing them instead of eating them.
Also, I thought Bloomberg was, among other things, a tobacco-Nazi. I can't believe New York "Only Ones" are allowed to smoke in city cars.
The Temple of the Gods

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple. [More]I guess the Temple of Ba'al was already booked that night...
Olofson Appeal Filed
Click on title link and settle in for a thorough read.
JPFO has also posted it.
We're the Only Ones Officially Misconducting Ourselves Enough
A former Harvey police detective is scheduled to stand trial Sept. 9 on charges he removed from police custody a gun that was evidence in a criminal case.A Harvey "Only One."
Hollis Dorrough Jr., of Chicago's Marquette Park neighborhood, is charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, official misconduct and unlawful sale of a firearm, all felonies.
I was wondering when they were finally going to get around to doing this.
Smackdown in Rosendale
He said Hinchey approached the table and picked up one of the guns to look at it. Lendvay said he told the congressman to put the rifle down - noting that part of the NRA's agreement with Rosendale police was that no one except the people manning the table would be allowed to touch the weapons - and that when Hinchey "took his sweet time" in obliging, an argument ensued.I don't get this letting people smack you--maybe I just haven't been stomped hard enough yet.
During the argument, Lendvay said, Hinchey approached him where he sat and "hit me on the top of my head."
I note that GOA gives Hinchey an "F"--so why the interest in guns, unless he's a hypocrite? And why the resorting to violence? Might projection explain his mistrust?
I also think that I am responsible for guns under my control. If I don't want people picking them up or handling them, I don't make them accessible. At a public event like this, I'd have constructed a glass-topped locked display case for a few dollars worth of materials and a couple hours of my time.
[Via Tony L]

A man who claims two off-duty police officers kicked, punched and pistol-whipped him in a case of road rage has filed a $25 million lawsuit.We talked about this here.
I have mixed feelings about this.
Injustice should not be treated like winning the jackpot. The people paying will be everybody who didn't do it.
I have no problem financially ruining the criminals who did this to him. And if it turns out their "superiors" had culpability for a climate tolerating citizen abuse, go after them, too.
I dunno--maybe the citizens deserve to pay, too--they continue to vote in oppressors to rule them with enforcers...
[Via Jack A]
Obama Plop
Three men...are facing only gun charges — a signal that officials believe they never posed a real threat.So what's with the "Obama Plot" headline hysteria?
Rejecting the Obvious
But many African-American lawmakers don’t see the “public gatherings” law as a civil rights issue. In fact, at the Capitol, black lawmakers have been some of the leading backers of gun-control legislation over the years.I don't know what you can do about so-called "leaders" who are offended by reminders that freedom is bought at great personal sacrifice by those willing to die--or kill if left no choice--for it.
Except ignore them if you're serious.
Especially when anyone with eyes and a willingness to look can see that Liberty is not, and never has been, a privilege bequeathed by government.
[Via Jeffersonian]
A Student Waiver
"As far as I'm concerned, teachers were trained to educate my children — not carry a gun. Even police officers need years of training in hostage situations," said Traci McKay, whose three children are among the 110 students in the red-brick Harrold school. "I don't want my child looking over her shoulder wondering who's carrying a gun."If you think about it, it's the first time for the shooter, too. Still, maybe the school could come up with some sort of waiver for Traci to sign--in case of an armed attack, her children are not to be saved except by responding "Only Ones"...
This Day in History: August 27
...I received Information that a large body of Indians of the Six nations were to be here as on tuesday last, And that my presence was Indispensibly necessary. I therefore Attended and on Wednesday the Congratulatory Ceremony was performed, and On Friday the Treaty agreable to their request was opened by them, By giving an Answer to the Messages that had been sent them by the Committee of this place In this speach they Anticipated part of what we had in charge to deliver them, being (as we concieved) Apprehensive that we should request them to take Arms in our Cause; they explicitly declared that as It was a family quarrel, they would not Interfere, but remain neuter and hoped we would not desire more of them...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Just a Matter of Incentive
Security is being heightened along the southern U.S. border because of a threat that warring Mexican cartels may send hit men into the United States, authorities said Monday.
With firearms they bought at US gun shows, no doubt.
Hey, isn't it interesting how resources can be allocated when the feds want to?
A Credible Threat
Authorities are investigating whether a man arrested with rifles, ammunition and drugs in his truck made statements threatening Barack Obama, but emphasize he never posed a "credible threat" to the candidate or the Democratic National Convention.Of course it was. Not to The Lightworker, to us.
Those who make up their minds from sound bites now have further media prompting to fear white men with scoped rifles, all spotlighted elements of the original report.
Forget that Nazis are socialists. Forget that we sober-minded patriots don't traffic in meth. Forget that freedom activists work toward Liberty for all human beings, not just those who share something as ridiculous as similar melanin concentrations.
What we have here are made-to-order SPLC white supremacist militia kooks, that is, the brush they wish to tar gun owners with. Conveniently outed by those aware of their activities at just the right time...
[Via Plug Nickel Times]
We're the Only Ones Domesticated Enough
The Putnam Sheriff's Department's domestic violence officer was arrested Friday night on a charge of domestic assault.Good grief. Can it get more ironic?
So does this mean she'll be the "Only One" not voting for Bob Barr?
[Via Carl S]
One Thing You Can't Hide...
The database used to produce the government's terror watch lists is "crippled by technical flaws," according to the chairman of a House technology oversight subcommittee—and the system designed to replace it may be even worse.That may explain why the gunbashers want to use it to deny gun purchases...
Mr. Lennon? Your cue...
[Via John Hardin]
What Ken Allows
Harris County District Attorney Ken Magidson has asked the state's top lawyer if he can legally stop his assistants from taking handguns into courtrooms despite a new law removing most restrictions on where prosecutors with gun licenses can carry their weapons.I've worked many jobs over the years. I've never wanted one badly enough that I would trade in my self-respect for it. You can get another job. Once you hand in your dignity, especially if you allow yourself to be cowed into making a habit of it, it's almost impossible to get it back.
It's my permanent eyes staring back at me in the mirror, not my temporary employer's. My sons depend on me to show them how to be men. My greatest fear is that I'll let them down on that, and that's my greatest motivator not to.
Once things cross the line from professional to personal, I take it that way and react accordingly. I have been known to tell bosses throwing tantrums that their tone doesn't work with me--that they'd better go home and practice it on their dog some more until they get it right.
What could be more personal than being told by some arrogant usurper that I must come to him for permission to be a man?
Why anyone would tell this control freak anything other than the numerous ways he can go stuff himself is beyond me. But think about how dangerous broken prosecutors working for him on such a leash would be to those they had power over.
Offhand, I'd say we're witnessing a manifestation of fear.
They say most bullies are picked on themselves. It's telling how many gravitate toward government jobs.
Oh, and one other thing, Magidson: You aren't the employer. But representing yourself that way is at least consistent with the presumptuous arrogance with which you define yourself.
[Via Lane]
Seventh Inning Stretch for the Heirs of Liberty
A Connecticut youth baseball team with a phenomenal 9-year-old pitcher has been disqualified because its team is too good.Excellence is disruptive, disturbing, frightening. What we really want is to be nurturing.
Adults act like children. Real people, like the ironically named Peter Noble, have assumed the role of Handicapper General.
Is it any wonder such as these cling to magic wish words like "hope" and "change," or alternately, "experience," closing their eyes and wishing, instead of assuming the burdens of free people?
Why would rougher men respect invertebrates like these?
UPDATE: Cool! Thanks, HardCorps.
We're the Only Ones Double-Dipping Enough
40 Cops Accused of Double Dipping
Those officers may have worked their city jobs while simultaneously working their private jobs.
40 in one department sounds like more than a few, "Only One" bad apple-wise. Oh well, I'm sure this doesn't reflect a more widespread attitude that rules can be circumvented for personal reasons--aren't you?
Click on title for video.
[Via Lane]
Gun Rights on Trial
The saving grace in Heller is that the unconstitutional verbiage in Justice Scalia’s majority opinion constitutes what lawyers call dicta — expressions extraneous to the issue presented to the court for decision, and therefore without legal force as “precedent.” Heller did not involve the possession of an M-16, or who might be disqualified from possessing firearms, or “gun-free zones,” or any statutes providing for “gun control” other than a few in the District of Columbia. Nonetheless, anti-gun legislators, politicians, special-interest groups, and media in every bastion of “gun-control” irrationality and fanaticism are already attempting to exploit the bare language, whatever its lack of legal effect, in new plots to disarm “the people.”Edwin Vieira, Jr. speaks with credibility. We would do well to pay heed.
[Via Ron W]
This Day in History: August 26
The Rhode Island Assembly resolves to have their delegates to the next Continental Congress ask if they may build a fleet of ships at Continental expense "for the protection of these colonies."
Monday, August 25, 2008
Meanwhile, Over in Bloomberg Paradise...
A Queens mom was hacked to death by her ex-boyfriend in a College Point apartment building early yesterday, screaming for help for more than a half-hour before neighbors called cops, authorities and witnesses said.
All things considered, I don't know what else anyone would have expected...

A new comment entered last week tells us to check out rexGun by Dr. Stephen W. Templar.
Interesting--I haven't read it (yet) but I'm intrigued, and the Amazon site allows you to preview some of the book's contents, which include considerations a hunter would need to assess for any large dangerous game animal tailored to what we know/assume about T. rex.
I bring this up now because it dovetails nicely with an idea I had a few weeks back watching The History Channel's very cool series, "Jurassic Fight Club." My thoughts immediately went back to our prior discussion.
Tell me "rexHunt" wouldn't be a fascinating show.
You could interview world-renowned big game hunters, perhaps experts who write for gun magazines--I'd think they'd jump at the publicity--who would propose what they'd use and their preferred tactics. You could show ballistics/cavitation results. You could interview world-renowned dinosaur experts, who could provide the information about the creatures' capabilities, habitat, probable behaviors, etc. And then you could show the CGI results of combining known and best estimate factors together--perhaps determined by putting the hunters into a computer-generated scenario simulator that would compute where they hit the beast, if they did, and what effect that would theoretically have--and having it all acted out like a movie scene. Perhaps some of them would not "survive," and perhaps the one(s) who did would have crowing rights.
I think it would be a hell of a show, assuming, of course, it didn't overly horrify the antis into stirring up enough PR heat to strangle the idea in its crib.
And why limit it to T. rex? We could see hunts planned and carried out for a Velociraptor, factoring in the added dynamics of a presumed pack animal, or Triceratops, with its armored skull and massive bulk...
Not that I have any real hope of seeing this actualized. Ah's not the first time I've indulged in a televised fantasy...
[And no, I'm not endorsing attempting a headshot with my graphic--it's just an illustration for cryin' out loud...]
Mutual Assurances
At one point Obama sought to assure people that he would not take away their guns.You got that right, Senator.

Last Man Standing
Moates' withdrawal would leave just a single merchant still vowing to fight.Will he have to stand alone?
Jay Wallace, the owner of the Adventure Outdoors sporting goods store in Smyrna, Ga., has countersued Bloomberg and other city officials for libel in Georgia, saying they wrongly branded him as a rogue gun dealer. That case is pending.
His store also remains a defendant in the city's lawsuit. Wallace recently opted not to contest the suit at this stage in the hopes of speeding an appeal to a court more favorable to the gun industry. But he said he has no intention of quitting until his reputation is restored.
I also have a question about the dealers who submitted to extor...uh..."settled": As I understand it, the settlement includes allowing "monitors" to oversee their activities. Is there anything in this "agreement" that would prohibit them from notifying their customers if and when "observers" are on their premises--so that maybe we could send in a few camera and recorder-armed observers of our own?
UPDATE: Resistance is happening--and naturally, the Bloomber co-conspirators are portraying righteous anger as "erratic and threatening."
Here's the overseer who's assumes the title of "Special Massa ." Special, isn't he?
When Seconds Count...
Luzerne County residents might have to wait a few days longer to obtain a gun permit, Sheriff Michael Savokinas said, but it’s all part of making the process – and the county – safer.
The wait can take up to the state-mandated guideline of 45 days, Savokinas said, which will include a thorough background check through local and state police, and a check of references.
I'm sure Sheriff Savokinas has also notified all violent criminals to hold up their activities for up to 45 days and obtained their full cooperation.
Common-Sense Steps
"We're trying to ensure the safety of the residents of the city and visitors to the city," she said. "We're taking what we believe are common-sense steps to do that."
Yeah--by making the commoners defenseless and not guaranteeing their protection. What could possibly be senseless about that?
We're the Only Ones "Really Respectful" Enough
"A deputy pulled his firearm, fearing for his safety," said a sheriff's department spokesman. "The situation was deflated as quickly as it began."That's a pretty novel approach. I wonder what would happen if a non-"Only One" pulled his gun on people to show them how much he respected them? Searching their car is pretty respectful, too.
Combs spokeswoman Keesha Johnson said the cop did not pull the gun directly on the rapper, and stressed that the officers were "really respectful."
What do you think: DWB? Thought he had him some thug lords until he realized it was a connected democrat celebrity and his entourage, and then it was time to apologize...?
And in truth, pathetically, the real story here is in the "comments" by "Cleve," "Christian Martyre" and "BronxGalG."
Dial 911 and...Hello...?
The sheriff's department in southern California's Orange County says the 911 emergency call system for much of the county has been repaired after an outage that shut it down for 90 minutes.That, of course, would be the same sheriff's department that won't allow citizens to carry firearms for protection.
Sheriff's Lt. Ted Boyne says there were no reports of serious problems or unanswered emergency calls...If true, they lucked out. But if you think about it, there's no way they can really be sure.
[Via avgJoe]
One of the "Good Guys"
And if we can't presume that the person in the black robes is one of the "good guys" in addition to being one of the likely targets, then why are we letting them decide our fates in court?
Beats me--if they were, you'd think we wouldn't get 5-4 decisions on the obvious.
[Via cycjec]
This Day in History: August 25
They have taken it into their heads, too, that we are cowards, and shall surrender at discretion to an armed force. The past and future operations of the war must confirm or undeceive them on that head.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Material Gorn

To each his own and all that, but I don't quite understand why anyone would do that to themselves.
And I couldn't help but think of this:

The Subject at Hand
The blogs bashing the NRA kinda irked me. You guys aren't making any points with that. I'd stick to the subject at hand.Just what exactly does he think "the subject at hand" is?
And funny, what's considered "bashing" by some.
We're Mad as Hell and Not Going to Take it Any More
Residents in the north end of Hartford said they are fed up with the shootings in their area and are demanding answers from police.Right there they're telling us they're not going to get any answers.
What I'm fed up with is volunteer inmates making demands that affect me and mine.
UPDATE: TJH point us to a different approach over at Shooting the Messenger.
In a Perfect World
"Of course, in a perfect world there'd be no guns, but you have to live in the world that exists."I dunno, Brandon--in addition to their protective benefits, they're kind of fun, and shooting offers a great opportunity for cameraderie, be it with family, friends, or even strangers.
I guess a perfect world is in the eye of the beholder.
But you're on the right track with sensing a need to defend yourself and your family. Listen to those instincts. Follow them and learn.
An Alarming Development
Truro police officers responding to a burglar alarm at Manso's unoccupied house in December seized three firearms, including an assault rifle. The weapons lacked trigger locks and Manso did not have a valid firearms license, police said...
"I am charged with a technical violation of gun possession with an out-of-date permit by the very D.A. who is the focus of my book," Manso said in the statement.
Me, I'd be wondering who set off that alarm.
Look Back in Anger
Gun rights advocate David Codrea is an angry guy. For one thing, he is angry about what has happened to Second Amendment rights in America: Just seeing the title of his blog, The War on Guns, is enough to tell one that.
Lately, though, Codrea has been especially angry at Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr.
Not angry--just insistent on a straight answer. The Barr campaign and the LP addressing this early on and giving their side would have perhaps made all this unnecessary--that they still have not, and that George Dance thinks that's the politically smart thing to do--shows a fundamental disconnect with gun owners who are tired of the same old evasion they can get from either of the major parties.
Go read it yourself, and don't forget Part Two, where it's suggested I'm being "misrepresentative." I'll probably have something to say about that in a few days.
Calling All Spies!
Deane Calhoun, Executive Director, Youth Alive Paul Helmke, President, The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Paul L. Seave, Director, Gang and Youth Violence Policy, Office of the Governor Garen Wintemute, professor of emergency medicine and director of the Violence Prevention Research Program at UC DavisSo, the subversives are going to have a gathering to discuss how they can pressure government to further implement the destruction of the Republic...
Location: The Blue Room at the Commonwealth ClubWho's in that area and can attend?
September 8, 2008
Starts at 05:30 PM
Members and Students FREE, Non-Members $18
The Commonwealth Club
595 Market St.
2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
I see a few potential scenarios: One or two of you can go, and if you sneak in a recording device, we can get some hot Mary McFate-type insider intel on their plotting. Alternatively, a bunch of you from local gun clubs can go down and dominate the meeting just by a being a visible pro-gun presence, and especially during any Q&A by challenging the lies.
I was thinking of just approaching a few of you privately, but this is more fun, putting this out there where the gungrabbers can see it. Now they're going to freak at the possibility that every non-member paying a fee that night might have an agenda of his own. Heck, our "moles" might even have CCWs and be secretly carrying their guns! And by announcing this publicly, it will have the added benefit of heightening hoplophobic angst even if no one from our side shows up at all--because, as we keep trying to tell them--when things are concealed, no one knows for sure.
I actually prefer the first option--at $18 a pop, you don't want to enrich their coffers too much, plus a covert presence adds to the overall level of uncertainty. My recommendation for gun owners in the area--have fun with this.
An immigrant suspected of being in the United States illegally - freed after being shielded from possible deportation by San Francisco officials despite committing two gang-related assaults as a juvenile - faces charges that he tried to stab a man to death last year in San Mateo County, authorities say.
From the city that says you must be disarmed.
The real criminals are running the sanctuary.
UPDATE: Oh, look, even more...
The Letter found a copy.

The thought struck: I know someone who carries a .40 Glock--we all do.
I wonder if they have one of those anonymous tip lines...?
[Via Anonymous]
This Day in History: August 24
On August 24, around midnight, Capt. John Lamb, under orders from the New York Provincial Congress, began dismantling the cannons in Battery Park. They were removing the cannons to place them at a safe site. Capt. George Vandeput, of the HMS Asia, sent a bargeload of his British troops to investigate. They fired a shot to warn Vandeput that something was going on with the Americans. Lamb's men fired on the American barge, killing 1 man. The HMS Asia opened fire on Battery Park and alarms sounded on shore. Expecting their city to be attacked and pillaged, many residents fled, the beginning of a general exodus to New Jersey and Long Island. Conclusion: British Victory
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Quiet Man
As long as you're over at Whose Paranoid's, he's added the old Sierra Times "Whack 'em & Stack 'em" archives to his "Resource" links (along with The "Only Ones" Files).
We're the Only Ones Not Faking it Enough
"If you are asking if I had an orgasm, yes. It was a job, sir," Breiner said. "I didn't have pleasure doing this. I was paid to do it."Isn't there a term for that?
But don't worry: Sweetie is going to stand by her man.
Miss Wynette?
Sometimes it's hard to be a womanNot just a man, Tammy, an "Only One"!
Giving all your love to just one man
You'll have bad times
And he'll have good times
Doin things that you don't understand
But if you love him
You'll forgive him
Even though he's hard to understand
And if you love him
Oh, be proud of him
Cause after all he's just a man
Barack Obama named Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware as his vice presidential running mate early Saturday, balancing his ticket with a seasoned congressional veteran well-versed in foreign policy and defense issues.Don't you just love the way the "Authorized Journalists" spin things right from the get-go?
A six-term Beltway insider? What the hell happened to "Change"?
We know nothing will change in relation to democrat attacks on gun ownership.
And if you really want to experience a few moments of hopelessness, go watch the video clip posted here to see how our next president will be selected.
I wonder if Biden will plagiarize his acceptance speech?
To Catch a Spy

Which gun shows? It's tough to predict. In his initial Joyce Foundation-funded "study," he went to "28 gun shows — eight each in California and Nevada, six in Arizona, four in Texas and two in Florida..."
What's he currently up to--if anything?
Wintemute now plans to conduct “parallel studies” in other regions of the country that compare gun shows in more regulated states to gun shows in less regulated states. Eventually, he hopes to train others to become observers at gun shows — and possibly to go one step further than he did and notify local police when they witness an illegal transaction.So there's really no telling--but we can--with very little effort, not only make his subversive mission more difficult, but make a game out of it and have some fun in the process.
May I suggest, along the lines of "Where's Waldo?":

WarOnGuns correspondent Michael S has kindly converted my flyer into a .pdf file suitable for making copies. If you go to a gun show, take a few with you--give one to the event promoters to alert them of a potential spy in their midst with a recording device. Ask them to post copies and notify their dealers.
And feel free to send gun show proprietors and dealers you know a link to this post.
Maybe we can find him and get his ass thrown out--and expose the feigned outrage from those who would see us disarmed for the hypocrisy it is.
Are there more guns in the U.S. or more opinions about guns?Here's my reply. we present a quorum with a very narrow focus: what are some good ideas to cut gun deaths?
Why not leave a comment of your own?
[Via Less]
We're the Only Ones Fulfilling the Prophecy Enough
A 12-year Superior police officer has been charged with second-degree assault for allegedly pulling a gun and pointing it at a motorist in the parking lot of a Two Harbors service station in an apparent road rage incident on Sunday.In fairness, the Brady's did predict we'd have "gun violence" over minor traffic incidents. They just didn't tell us how many of them would be initiated by enraged "Only Ones."
[Via Russell S]
All Edom Will Bow Down!
That he does so voluntarily makes him all the more contemptible.
What can we learn from this? What parallels can we draw?
[Via SaMaeL]
This Day in History: August 23
...and we do accordingly strictly charge and command all our Officers, as well civil as military, and all others our obedient and loyal subjects, to use their utmost endeavours to withstand and suppress such rebellion, and to disclose and make known all treasons and traitorous conspiracies which they shall know to be against us, our crown and dignity; and for that purpose, that they transmit to one of our principal Secretaries of State, or other proper officer, due and full information of all persons who shall be found carrying on correspondence with, or in any manner or degree aiding or abetting the persons now in open arms and rebellion against our Government, within any of our Colonies and Plantations in North America, in order to bring to condign punishment the authors, perpetrators, and abetters of such traitorous designs.
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Heller High Watermark
I’ve said before magazines are poor places for developing stories — the time between events and publication may be months, and assumptions may be proven wrong in the interim.This was my take on Heller, written just after the decision, and now my Rights Watch column for the October issue of GUNS Magazine, at newsstands now.
More from the "They Hate Us Because We're Free" Department
A Justice Department plan would loosen restrictions on the Federal Bureau of Investigation to allow agents to open a national security or criminal investigation against someone without any clear basis for suspicion...
Hey, I haven't done anything wrong. They can look at me any time.
Who could possibly be against this except someone with something to hide?
Spies Like Us
The evidence suggests McFate/Sapone was subcontracting for a firm hired by the NRA, which relies on the public's benign belief that it is a citizens' lobby, to spy on and lie to those working in the gun violence prevention movement."The evidence suggests"?
You mean after all this sound and fury, you don't have proof of spying as strong as, say this?
But if she does have inside dope, Bryan, maybe you can use your CeaseFire connections to help us get to the bottom of this...?
I mean, you do say you're interested in the truth...
Saturday Night Assault Specials
Declaimed Mr. Dumpty, "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."
Excellent! I like the way this guy writes.
We're the Only Ones Capable of Keeping Weapons in Our Homes Enough
"If someone has a weapon in their home and ... it isn't secured, hopefully they'll recognize this as a chance to get rid of it and prevent a tragic accident or have it taken during a burglary," he said.Yo, Chief Hayes: I am so sick of this crap self-serving police officials like you spread around to disarm us while you keep yours.
Why are you automatically more capable than We the People at preventing unauthorized access to firearms? Why is your solution for us--and only us--to turn ours in?
Because you're some kind of super "Only One," with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men?
Looks Like Their Priorities Aren't Straight, Either
A decision by House Democrats to allow a vote next month on a proposal to gut the city’s handgun law has stunned local home rule advocates and could foretell a congressional overturn of a future same-sex marriage bill, according to city hall insiders.I'm sorry...I really don't mean to focus on "city hall insiders" in a mean sort of way...
Look, ladies, gentlemen and in-betweens: It's not people like me who are trying to render you defenseless--it's your presumed "leadership" who would rather see you bashed, or worse, than armed.
Guest Editorial: The Three Most Important Attributes of a Decent Human
In this day and age when every psycho-babbling television psychologist, social worker, government agent, teacher of children and clergy are quick to list any number of attributes necessary to be a "good productive member of society", such as appreciation of diversity, multi-culturalism, and the relativism of all social and ideological structures and practices being equal, despite the consequences of any such structure, they never mention the three most important.
They are in descending order of importance Courage, Honor, Love. That's right, love is in there at a lowly third place. There are reasons for this particular ranking.
Courage is by far the most important asset a man can have if he is to be a good man. Both physical and moral courage. Moral courage being the more important of the two. It is moral courage that enables one to make decisions about right and wrong. Moral courage also enables the person who has it to stand against popular opinion when he believes it wrong or evil. He thus is able to speak out against it and to work to change the wrong or evil, even at the minor expense of popularity, or vilification or ostracism. The possessor of moral courage may even find himself the focus of intimidation by government. In many cases he must face physical attack if his opponents on the issue are extreme, knowing that if his stance is unpopular enough he will have no supporters in law enforcement. That is why he must also have physical courage.
Physical courage does not let him proceed without fear. It lets him proceed despite it. Most men would fear physical attack and/or incarceration. But the man with both physical and moral courage will not be deterred, even though he may not be desirous of the likely consequences.
Without courage, one can have no honor. Honor is made up of many different things. Keeping one's word, regardless of the circumstances is honorable. Protecting the weak, the family, the nation, and the principles of free men is honorable. Honor requires that one does not trespass another. It also requires that one does not submit to trespass by another. Without courage these are impossible ideals to keep. Honor makes it possible to love truly.
Without honor love cannot be born, let alone survive. Love requires that the party who loves has the honor to keep his commitments. Known honor of a person is the only measure of his trustworthiness. Honor demands that one not deviate from his stated principles, even when those principles are costly or result in unpleasantness. There are many ways to fake honor, and many people do. However, they invariably give themselves away when a test is applied and the cost of honoring one's commitment is heavy. The dishonorable will discover a reason that "this is different". The honorable will realize that the principle he claims to hold is still valid and it is not different just because it is to his detriment to uphold it.
Love is third on the list. Not just romantic love, but love of all kinds. Love for your fellow man or woman. That is a very hard task oftentimes. Some can love their fellow man as individuals while not being overly proud of the species. Others can love their fellow man as a species, but have no real affection for them as individuals. Either way works to the benefit of himself and his fellow man and society at large if he has courage and honor.
Romantic love is by far the most fragile. Therefore it is also the most dependent on the honor of the parties involved.
Love of country is to some an abstract idea that is not close to their souls. To others love of country is an almost physical thing in the reality of their lives. Courage and honor, though, make it possible for both to satisfy their obligations as good men.
There are those who love only themselves. They are lost. They are lost to society, to those they claim to care about and even to themselves. They just don't know it. A great many of these types become what we usually regard as highly successful by traditional measures. While they may have courage, they have no honor, for these are the types who routinely trespass others. Whether they be boardroom presidents or back alley muggers. There are few of them relatively speaking, but the damage they do far outweighs the weight of their numbers.
In summary love is not possible without honor, honor is not possible without courage. Decency is not possible without all three.
What decent man could contemplate their absence in his character?
DGU at Table Rock
I then stepped out of my car while placing myself in a ready position (weaver stance, car between the two of us, hand on side arm ready to draw.) He also got out of his vehicle and started moving towards me while gesturing with his gun.This is a fascinating thread, complete with corroborating links to police and news reports.
More than anything, it shows the peaceable nature of a gun owner, and how being armed actually kept violence from happening. That the press noticed creates a wonderful opportunity for gun owners to write letters to the editor and emphasize that point.
[Via Matt L]