Sean McClanahan/Des Moines:
Dave Workman/Seattle:
Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:Notes from the Resistance...
Mike Vanderboegh at Sipsey Street Irregulars has posted copies of two letters from Sen. Charles Grassley to Acting Director Ken Melson of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. [More]In a rational world, this would be huge.
It, and the reasons behind it, should be part of the ongoing "Project Gunwalker" investigation. [More]Something funny is going on in the Project Gunwalker investigation, and by that I mean peculiar funny, not ha-ha funny. Anyway, I thought I'd point that out before it gets "corrected" so that maybe we can figure out together if it has any relevance.
Egypt vigilantes defend homes as police disappear [Read]
Project Gunrunner is a signature effort by the Obama administration to assist Mexico in stemming the flow of guns south of the border. [More]I wonder if in their investigative zeal if WaPo "Authorized Journalists" James V. Grimaldi and Sari Horwitz have lifted finger one to look into "Project Gunwalker" allegations? You know, just to make sure we've covered all the bases before shilling to have the government throw even more money down the rathole?
McKneely says Alexander called police immediately after the shooting. He told investigators he shot because Brown pulled at his waistline, McKneely said. [More]See, that excuse only gets you a paid leave if you have the right professional credentials.
New York City Investigates Arizona Gun Show [More]Didn't these evil control freak SOBs get warned not to try this crap in South Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia...?
Subscriptions for silver [More]Off the grid? What are they trying to hide?
The softest targets would be so-called “gun free zones.” And no doubt “assault weapons” would be used.Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks an incomplete question. How do we know they're not already here?
Leading to a frenzied nonstop blood dance accompanied by furious demands from opportunistic politicians, zealots and the media to further disarm Americans, rendering us even more vulnerable…
Is there any doubt that would be their reaction? [More]
We have just now received very unpleasant intelligence from the West Indies, Mr. Bingham 'tis said writes from Martinico that General Grant had possessed himself of the Island of St. Lucia. Count d'Estaing having block'd up four British Ships of the Line, which were Iying in the Bason or Harbor, landed a body of Troops and attempted to force one of the Enemys works, these were severely repulsed, and the Count after having sustained a loss of upwards of fifteen hundred Men, had desisted from the Enterprise, and retired. He had been reinforced by four Ships of the Line from France, and two captured English Frigates. I have not time to enquire into particulars, but as the Account is against us, there is no ground for suspecting exaggeration. [More]
Significantly, it makes a claim corroborating reports that have appeared in Gun Rights Examiner, saying an ATF employee spoke to El Diario to confirm allegations. It also marks the first time any newspaper has used the term "gunwalker." [More]Breaking--it's been a busy Sunday.
I am told Sen. Grassley’s office has sent a letter to the acting ATF Director’s office and that the Associated Press has a copy of it. [More]
He maketh me lie down on green Astroturf? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column examines the roots of what was touted a short time ago as a growing religious movement, and notes it may not have sprouted so much as been installed.
The accidental discharge was just one of 29 unplanned shootings by the city's police officers since 2005, when the department began tracking all shots fired, planned or otherwise. [More]Not just "Only Ones." San Francisco "Only Ones."
Ross and another woman, Malva Delley, are accused of collecting $250,000 in rewards for bogus tips to the Crime Stoppers program for more than five years. [More]Gee, anonymous snitch lines lend themselves to abuses. By cops.
The individual was talking on a cell phone at the time of the incident. It's likely that is the object the passerby identified as a gun. [More]Yeah, that's the kind of country I want to live in!
We urge you to restore the right to open carry handguns... [More]No man has authority to do that, and we don't want to encourage anyone to think they do. You need to insert "recognition of" in there.
We acknowledge that limiting the privilege to conceal handguns in Florida to those over 21 years of age via a fee based permit system is a reasonable exercise of our state's police powers...No, no, no. I don't acknowledge that at all.
Airport bans toy soldier's three-inch rifle from plane... because it's a safety threatand
So much for airport security: Man 'smuggled 80 guns into Britain' by hiding them in suitcasesAt least they have their priorities straight, eh wot?
Pacifists, too, have Second Amendment rights. [Right]I agree with Mr. Madison:
In what was to become the second amendment, the right to bear arms, Madison proposed a recognition of the rights of what we would call conscientious objectors: "no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service in person."That doesn't mean they have the right to impose their superstitions on me--matter of fact, one would think the First Amendment would specifically prohibit the government enforcing such dogma. That is, if honest men made laws and honest men judged based on them.
It seems no restriction is reasonable for some of these gun-loving lawmakers. [More]
The LAUSD police officer who said he was shot and wounded in a confrontation with an armed suspect outside a Woodland Hills high school has been arrested, accused of making up the whole story. [More]I'm sure it was the first time for him.
The sporting purposes/militia suitability fraud gives the government cover for the perfect Catch-22 pincer strategy/squeeze play: You can’t have this gun because it has military characteristics. And you can’t have this gun because it doesn’t have military characteristics. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a rigged outcome.
Iranian Book Celebrating Suicide Bombers Found in Arizona Desert [Read]
Furthermore, I believe the Second Amendment is in the Constitution to provide the last defense of a free people against a tyrannical government. [More]And that's why I'm publicly calling for civil war!
Yes.[Via Mack H]
For those interested, here is a debate that I had on magazine size limits on Southern California Public Radio.Give it a listen.
The shooting of an innocent, unarmed elderly Bronx man by a cop who was trying to turn on a pistol-mounted flashlight is at least the second accidental police shooting in the United States involving that flashlight model. [More]
Arizona reported more than 3,000 murders with guns over a nine-year span (1999-2007), according to CDC data. That amounts to six gun murders per 100,000 residents. The national rate was about four. [Read]Got any demographics for those residents? How many NRA members...? How many "prohibited persons"?
One of the best indicators of gun ownership is the level of gun-involved suicide rates, he said. The CDC numbers show Arizona ranked ninth in suicides with guns.Is it truly gun "ownership," which is a legal term, and not applicable to criminal class gun possessors suffering from addictions and a host of other poor life choices?
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers."
— Thomas Pynchon (Gravity's Rainbow)
In 2007, she first became involved in the anti-immigrant activities and later joined the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps. However, she was asked to leave the organization in February 2007 after members described her as being "unstable"[Via Mama Liberty]
There is reason to believe that the Republicans may be on board. [More]Aw go on. Next thing you'll be telling us is My Man Mitthead tops their internal polling.
U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich has sued a congressional cafeteria after cracking a tooth on an olive that was not pitted. [More]Wait a minute--that's old news:
NYC Lawmaker Proposes Ban On Talking And Walking [More]Chewing gun will be next.
There's a word for people who cling to absurd beliefs against massive evidence. They're called cultists, and they're currently in charge. [More]It took struggling though this offensive nonsense all the way to the very last paragraph to finally find something this nitwit said that I could agree with.
I wrote and published that last Friday, referencing a January 20 Sipsey Street Irregulars post. We saw confirmation of the information four days later.Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks a question that only has one answer.
Ask yourself: How could we have known? [More]
Being shot by a gun is clearly detrimental to your health. [More]
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Come on, Algebra. This is no place for you. |
N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say...So what you're saying is every claim stated with such authoritative certainty about the benefits of "gun control" is fraudulent, and the proponents know it, yet work in concert to enact binding legislation depriving individuals of their rights anyway? Using public funds?
The reality is that even these and other basic questions cannot be fully answered, because not enough research has been done. [More]
Report: Chief gave cash for sex [More]I may need to start a new category for "Blownly Ones"...
University Presidents Speak Out Against Arizona Gun Bills [More]I can't help but wonder what Michael Crow would do if a gunman burst into his office and started shooting people. Specifically I wonder if his bowels and bladder would empty simultaneously, or if not, which would release first...
Basically, what this change would do, if enacted, would require police departments to get a court order before getting access to information about lawful firearms purchases. [More]Oregon Firearms Federation explains.
Platt, 33, faces several counts of murder and feticide for allegedly shooting Jilani, a 26-year-old mother-to-be, in the head with a Luger handgun. [More]
A police chief who pleaded guilty to assaulting his wife, a former sheriff's deputy accused of child abuse and a police chief who falsified documents have lost their certifications to carry a gun and a badge in the state. [More]Well waddya know?
What he did not do is what the Bradys were publicly demanding and exerting every ounce of influence at their disposal to pressure him to do... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes the squeaky wheel did not only not get the grease, but it looks like it's been replaced with a spare.
January 26, 1779 at Burke County, Georgia - The 120-man Georgia Patriot militia rallied at the Burke County Jail to stop the British advance. They knew that the jail would be a target for the British. Maj. James M. Prevost ordered a 230-man detachment of East Florida Rangers, commanded by Lt. Col. Thomas Brown, and a detachment of South Carolina Royalists, commanded by Lt. Col. Joseph Robinson, on a rescue mission to rescue the Loyalist prisoners at the jail. [More]
In light of the folks (Carolyn McCarthy, Dick Cheney, Peggy Noonan, Bob Brady, and dozens more) willing to use the awful Tucson murders to try to take away more liberties from Americans, I am giving away five politically-incorrect, full-capacity G3 magazines that they wish were illegal.Click here to continue.
1. The first five of my Facebook friends in the Knoxville area to comment below and ask for one will get one, free of charge.
2. If you already own at least one mag (pistol or rifle) that holds more than ten rounds, you are ineligible. .22 ...LR mags don't count against you.
3. Limit one per household.
4. If there is enough interest, I might do this again in the future.
And then, if you come to believe we’ve been swindled, ask yourself what we can do about it. Because it’s a cinch no one in Congress is motivated to resurrect this, nor is the anti-gun media. [More]Activists have obtained a video of the proceedings wherein the Hughes Amendment machine gun ban was "passed" in the FOPA '86 bill. What a cluster...
Self-appointed experts who operate from a framework of theories, assumptions, and conclusions that are impenetrable to the common man are already in possession of considerable power over individual liberty. Granting them an expanded authority over the very freedom of the individual is therefore an idea which should be approached with the utmost caution. [More]To do otherwise would be madness.
“It truly isn’t about law enforcement,” he said. “It’s about calling attention to the grievances and concerns about the federal government.” [More]Well, uh, yeah.
What possible threat do gun owners think they will face at the library that they would need to come in packing heat? [More]Oh
A Humble police officer remains on administrative leave after authorities said he accidentally shot and killed a suspected car burglar at Deerbrook Mall. [More]"Humble" or "Bumble"?
"This is one of those scenarios in American politics where the smartest, most intuitive citizens need to force legislation upon the people, even when it is not the popular choice...The logical concept is to separate everyone from their guns" [More]
As for this latest attack, note that the police, who cannot protect anyone beforehand, have yet to produce after-the fact results. They’ve “searched several homes,” but the attackers are still at large, and even if they do arrest suspects, there is no guarantee they will be convicted, and if so, removed from society until it’s safe to release them back into it—if ever. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column questions how it can be determined with certainty what a dangerous and evil man wants.
January 25, 1779 at Briar Creek, Georgia - On January 25, at 4:00 A.M., Lt. Col. Archibald Campbell marched the British force 10 miles to Hudson's Ferry. He sent the Light Infantry and the South Carolina Royalists to Briar Creek, an additional 14 miles away, to secure the bridge there. The Patriot force at the bridge had learned of the British approach and set fire to the bridge. The British surprised them as they arrived at the bridge.
For 45 minutes, the skirmish raged on. The British finally forced the Patriot force to withdraw. This allowed the British time to put out the fire and capture the bridge.
Conclusion: British Victory.
Casualties: British: 3k, 6w, 7c [More]
Elected officials of all stripes would be able to carry a concealed weapon anywhere in South Carolina, in the course of their official duties, if a bill to come up this week in a House panel becomes law. [More]Mr. Mason? Comment?
[W]ho are the militia, if they be not the people of this country...? I ask, who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.Just so we're clear on who's who.
Felony for Doctors to Ask Patients About Guns? [Read]
Tarpon Springs Police arrest a college student taping police activities as part of a group called "Cop Watch" [More]How does the question constantly put to us go? If you aren't doing anything wrong...
A middle-class enclave on the South Shore of the city's southernmost borough is the gun capital of New York, with 509 residents -- or about one in every 57 males -- legally packing heat. [More]I'm not sure they're packing--it sound to me like they have permits for home possession. I dunno, am I reading this wrong or making bad assumptions? Even so:
The well-armed area is also one of the city's safest.
On January 13, 2011, a jury awarded damages of $476,200.00 against Kenneth Wayne Ryals, a landlord who had serially spied on his young female tenants by means of a micro video camera hidden in a DVD player he provided with the rental. Mr. Ryals, who is an Internal Revenue Service agent, had confessed to the Davie Police Department that he had watched Plaintiff for his viewing pleasure...[More]As in "armed IRS agent"...?
The story is that they allows the beautiful young lady reporter to take a loaded weapon and point it over her cameraman’s shoulder. [More]Assuming they didn't have a remote-operated camera...James Towle & crew use those all the time to capture near-target point of view action.
It can shoot up to 90 rounds, great for confronting a serious adversary.Ah, so that's why we might "need" such magazines...?
The Sullivan Law, still on the books as section 400.00 of the New York Penal Law, became a model for gun-control legislation enacted throughout the country. [More]
That four were shot at once in Detroit wasn’t shocking; that they were all uniformed and armed was. [More]Yes, it is shocking that someone would attack armed targets. It is highly unusual and rare.
Will .22 rimfires fall under new reporting controls? Will CA bullet button system be classified as detachable magazine? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at the latest bit of dictation insiders tell me we need to take down.
It’s important when we see personal credibility challenged to keep in mind this is not about the personalities, it is about the allegations. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column warns against getting too personal.
Will others in the media independently investigate this story and report their findings? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes the first crack in the dam.
Insider sources claiming they can provide testimony and documentation to confirm allegations raised in the “Project Gunwalker” story reported previously in this column are now in contact and/or have been placed in touch with Senate staffers. [More]We have lift-off.
On Thursday morning, residents had circled with orange marker approximately a dozen pieces of gray metal on Ronald Avenue. Included in their survey were a few deformed, copper-colored bullets with gray metal cores. [More]Back when I lived in Redondo Beach, I could hear them shooting from my house. They didn't do it at obnoxious hours, so I didn't mind it because of the noise per se. Besides, to rip off Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore, I love the sound of a range--it sounds like freedom.
As a liberal Democrat, I worry about the damage we might do by rushing toward a fresh raft of gun-control laws. It's very hard to demonstrate that most of them -- registration, waiting periods, one-gun-a-month laws, closing the gun-show loophole, large-capacity-magazine restrictions, assault-rifle bans -- have ever saved a life...So "as a liberal Democrat," do you feel no complicity for enabling that harm, by giving aid and comfort to those "liberal Democrats" inflicting it on us?
Gun control not only does no practical good, it actively causes harm. [More]
The shooting was deemed legally justified. [More]Who cares? He's just a dead druggie, right?
An armed robbery suspect was shot multiple times Wednesday morning after he forced a cashier into a store office at gunpoint and demanded cash, police said. [Read]
[and]Police are still looking for a North Las Vegas robber they say was stopped by his victim using a handgun. [Read]
The number of traces have continued to increase since then, averaging about 33,000 traces a year in the last four years. [More]Question: Does this number include traces for guns turned in at all those stupid "buy back" theatrical events? Because, if so, just this one local event would account for about 7.5%.
If anything, Mr. Thomson showed great restraint—anyone throwing Molotov cocktails at an occupied house deserves to be repelled using any and all force necessary, including lethal. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column returns fire at the arson enablers.
Their bottom line:Today's second Gun Rights Examiner column brings a response that would indicate we're free to actively object to TSA screening processes without fear of being classified as "domestic extremists."
"Unfortunately, we were unable to locate or identify any responsive records." [More]
Jason Hignight, 32, resigned as a Lubbock police officer shortly before detectives arrested him Tuesday evening. Hignight is charged with two counts of sexual assault of a child and one count of indecency with a child. [More]And again, the "Authorized Journalists" have failed to investigate a key question of protocol...
A federal judge has ordered a life sentence for a southern Illinois sheriff convicted of trafficking marijuana on the job and later trying to have two potential witnesses against him killed. [More]And Illinois, with "Only One" carry laws, is just the place to do it!
An off-duty Norfolk police officer accidentally fired his personal gun inside his home on Thursday. The bullet hit the wall in his home... [More]Norfolk...Norfolk...wasn't I just reading something about their excellent training standards...?
The hard work of creating a more perfect union never stops. [More]Nor, apparently, does the work of destroying it, as this neo-con statist fraud Leavitt has proven throughout his career.
Worker at Coventry Township storefront casino shot in head [More]After he handed over the money.
The single shot ended a tense and terrifying encounter with a gunman who was soft-spoken and chatty, but made it clear he intended harm. [More]So just giving him what he wanted was not an option? Maybe somebody from the Bradys could tell us what to do then?
A PSNI officer has gone on trial accused of possessing too many firearms. [More]"They're always after me Lucky Charms..."
I was stunned at how powerful I felt with the gun in my hand. [More]Well, there's your problem right there.
"Guns empower cowards and criminals..."
A Winter Haven police officer is accused of pilfering a "marijuana bud" following the department's seizure of marijuana plants from a home. [More]See, if you're going to steal someone elses's plants, it's important that you follow official department protocol.
Obama: "We Welcome China's Rise" [Read]
"Weapons, especially … an automatic rifle, have no place in a synagogue," Baer said. [More]Hey, don't tell us.
Are we seeing the beginnings of a new public direction for our true champion, one motivated not by any oath of office or past loyalties, but by blatant self-interest? [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks what may be the secret of Reid's success--not that I'm suggesting a caption contest for the accompanying photo or anything...