Monday, October 31, 2005
"Machine Gun Sammy"
[Via Xavier Thoughts]
President Bush, stung by the rejection of his first choice, nominated conservative judge Samuel Alito on Monday to replace moderate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor in a bid to reshape the Supreme Court and mollify his political base.
From Gun Owners of America:
There are other conservative judges who are currently on the federal bench who also have a high regard for the U.S. Constitution. Judge Samuel Alito, Jr., in the Third Circuit, has argued that Congress has no right to regulate the private possession of machine guns.
Tell me more...
Police Riot in Wisconsin
So it's the official policy of the City of Madison -- at least according to its mayor -- to assault citizens just as a preventive measure.
And isn't the threat of that the very essence of "gun control" laws?
[Via M'Gath]
More Treason From the Birthplace of Liberty
Restrict the flow of legal weapons, and the number of guns circulating illegally on city streets would decline. "We need to go after traffickers who have highly developed businesses... just like selling hotdogs," says Bryan Miller of Ceasefire New Jersey, which lobbies for gun safety.
For all the talk of enforcing existing gun laws, those statutes have not kept illegal guns out of the hands of criminals. So lawmakers need to enact the one-handgun-a-month proposal being championed by Rep. John Myers and Sen. LeAnna M. Washington, both Philadelphia Democrats. Limiting legal handgun purchases - not hunting rifles - to a dozen per year would preserve gun owners' rights, while seriously hampering gun traffickers.
Wait a minute--I thought Philadelphia wasn't supposed to have any more crime. I thought "enforcing existing gun laws" was the winning strategy.
Gee, maybe you can't get in bed with your enemies. Maybe compromise and appeasement don't work, and they'll always be coming back at your throat.
Note this is coming from Philadelphia, home of Independence Hall (now a UN World Heritage Site). Disarming the Constitutional militia ought to be prosecutable as an act of treason.
And note the divide-and-conquer tactic pitting hunters against handgun owners--your rifles are OK--we're just going after those other guys.
For now.
Bill Proposed to Ban 'Cop Killer' Handguns
Massachusetts anti-defense fanatics continue to demonstrate that they prefer destroying gun owners with police state coercion over peaceful coexistence. Exactly how many cops have been killed with the unspecified handgun has not been disclosed, nor where we can get one of those 0.05 needleguns before they're banned.
But out of all the foolishness contained in this story, this line stood out the most:
He argued that the NRA does support gun laws that are effective in reducing crime..
Really? And what laws would those be?
[Via KABA Newslinks]
Sunday, October 30, 2005
This Could Have Been a Win-Win Situation
Calgary police Chief Jack Beaton says he wants to work with the city's firing ranges to devise a strict registry that would require every user to provide information and photo ID.
"We don't want gang members improving their shot," said Beaton.
Why not? Maybe then they'll start taking each other out instead of all those innocents they hit with stray shots.
Thank You For Your Service. Now Get Out.
Now, he's in a bureaucratic black hole: Federal immigration officials wouldn't renew his permanent resident card or tell him when he could reschedule the swearing-in ceremony. No one at the local U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office could tell him what to do next to get his citizenship papers, or even how to renew his immigration documents.
I hope it's not because Immigration and Customs management is preoccupied with exposing themselves to teenage girls at malls...
UPDATE: Never mind.
"We Feel Like the Gun Makes the Problem Worse"
Notice her advocacy for rendering you and your loved ones defenseless is based on her feelings.
Where have I heard that before?
Rossie: Gun Makers Aren't the Problem Here
Yes, Mr. Rossie, gun makers aren't the problem. Idiot Americans who either don't understand or fear or despise "shall not be infringed" are.
Gun Geek on the Net Gets 3Yrs
A COMPUTER nerd was yesterday jailed for three years for selling replica guns on the internet. Andrew Phillips ran a website called Guns2 from his bedroom at his mum's house...Police closed the website in a raid on Phillips's Nottingham home after questions were asked in the Commons.
"Gun geek?"
"Computer nerd?"
Don't you just love the way "real journalists" keep their personal biases to themselves and limit their reporting to the facts?
For the risks this guy took and for the penalties they impose over replica guns, why wouldn't he just run the real things?
Here's what's left of the website the police shut down, courtesy of the Wayback Machine.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Let's Give Federal Law Enforcement a Big Hand
If it looks like WarOnGuns is being particularly hard (sorry again) on cops today, it's really not by design. These stories just keep falling into my lap (once more, I apologize).
One of the more obscene passages in this sordid tale:
The jail and the Orange County Sheriff's Office declined to release Figueroa's mug shot taken when he was booked at the jail. Florida public-records law permits law-enforcement officers charged with a crime to withhold their booking photographs.[Via Wolfesblog]
"Obviously, We Cannot Support Guns, So It Was Taken Out."
Seeing as how Judy Yu is a practitioner of Stalinist revisionism, why would we expect anything else?
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Too bad. Good site.
"Please feel free to find me at The Firing Line under the username vitesse9," he writes.
Name the Liberal Hypocrite Quiz
1. Which liberal says that labor unions are essential for worker rights and accepted the Cesar Chavez Award for their contributions to the labor movement, but uses non-union labor in the hotels, restaurants, and Napa Valley Vineyard that they own?
a. Susan Sarandon
b. Paul Newman
c. Nancy Pelosi
Caveat: I haven't personally verified the answers, but this is very interesting and appears credible.
[Via God, Guns, Glory!]
Bill Seeks to Limit Gun Confiscations
Police shouldn't be allowed to confiscate guns from hurricane victims as they reportedly did in New Orleans, said a state lawmaker who has introduced legislation to make sure that doesn't happen in Florida...
The bill (HB 285) would amend a law that permits the governor to suspend the sale, dispensing or transportation of firearms. It would add that nothing in the law "shall be construed to authorize the seizure, taking or confiscation of firearms that are lawfully possessed."
How nice of them. People need a bill to let them know the government isn't allowed to steal their survival tools in emergencies--just when they need them the most???
A question: What the hell is this permitting the governor to suspend sales travesty about, anyway? They pulled this same act of war on the people in the LA riots (you couldn't get ammo or pick up a gun you'd gone through the mandated "cooling off" period for).
What other unalienable rights is government authorized to suspend if they come up with a good enough cover story?
Dress Like a Cop--Rob With Impunity
The men burst into Frias Tire and Mechanic sometime between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. last Thursday. At least two shots were fired - one into a wall, one into the ground - by the impostor cops, Gener said.
Why is everybody assuming they were imposters?
[Via KABA Newslinks]
Rules For YOU and Rules For US
"Chief Bratton needed a permit because when he became Chief of LAPD he was not a sworn California peace officer legally entitled to carry a firearm. Bratton got a CCW, despite the fact that his 'good cause' justification for needing a CCW was completely inadequate under LAPD's current standards as applied to ordinary citizens."
In Los Angeles, only the police, politicians and the politically-connected get to carry concealed guns without fear of having their lives destroyed if caught. The LA Sheriff practices this same kind of elitism.
[Via KABA Newslinks]
Friday, October 28, 2005
Shameless Plug: Storm Warning
Outside the Superdome, chaos ruled. Looters ransacked with impunity. Armed gangs robbed and raped and killed. Rescue helicopters were shot at. Police were photographed and videotaped joining in the looting. Hundreds went AWOL or quit outright. Mayor Nagin bizarrely claimed they needed a 5-day all-expenses-paid Las Vegas vacation to cope with the stress.
"Storm Warning" is my Rights Watch column for the December issue of GUNS Magazine, on sale now at prognostic newsstands throughout the Republic.
BONUS: See page 68 of this issue to find out how you can win the Ruger 50th Anniversary Commemorative Blackhawk .357.
Bethel Police Chief, Aid Charged In Drug, Gun Probe
Police Chief Reginald Roberts and Lt. Jerome Cox were arrested Thursday following an undercover operation on charges of conspiring to distribute crack cocaine. The chief also was charged with unlawfully selling a firearm to a convicted felon.
Yep, they're definitely the only ones professional enough...
Resource Officer Loses Gun At Elementary School
Investigators say the officer placed his gunbelt on top of his patrol car as he was leaving the Campobello elementary school Tuesday.
He then drove off, forgetting it.
I'm sure if this happened to you and me, the punishment would be to take a remedial training class.
Question for Wayne LaPierre: Do you still maintain "[W]e believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period,with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel"?
Gun-Toting Official Takes Plea Bargain
Yep, I'm sure that's what would happen to one of us regular citizens.
Scheer Auditions for Talent Show
To the tune of The Horst Wessel Song, he stamps his feet, lies and wets himself, all at the same time! [More]
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Brazil's Next Ban
Postcards of bikini-clad beauties frolicking on Rio's famed beaches could be banned from sales in the city's shops and newsstands in an attempt to discourage sex tourism.
Yeah, their proposed ban on guns was supposed to stop violent crime. I'm sure a ban on postcards will stamp out prostitution.
What the hell is it with these government types?
And now it's time to meet Bachelorette Number Two...
It's Antelope Canyon
If you look at the comments, you'll see I knew the answer, but didn't disclose it since I already had a button.
But I cheated.
I'd never even heard of Antelope Canyon before this. I just did a Google image search on the terms "Arizona" and Canyon" and found this.
A Terrifying Ordeal
TWO couples suffered a terrifying ordeal early yesterday after robbers forced their way into a house and fired a gun to back up their demands for money.
Of course it was terrifying. They were helpless to do anything except obey monsters who use the threat of lethal force to coerce victims into compliance.
And forgetting their government for a moment, they were also being robbed by free-lance criminals.
More Blunders Down Under
Western Queensland gun owners will face a safety audit to ensure their weapons are being stored correctly.
The six-month state-wide audit will see police make appointments with randomly selected licenced weapon holders to inspect their storage facilities.
All without a warrant. Oh, that's right, when you relegate rights to licensed privileges, you automatically agree to subject yourself to the government outrage de jour.
Wonder how many appointments have been made with the segment of the populace causing all the violence problems. Oh, that's right, none.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Demonizing Condi

Michelle Malkin reports that USA Today doctored a photograph of Condoleezza Rice to make her look demonic.
I cannot believe that government-recognized journalists would stoop to such low tactics. Seeing as how us lowly bloggers don't make the grade, who are we to trust for reliable information?
The WMDs Have Been Found!
Najee Ali finalized with a strong sentiment, citing that “Guns are weapons of mass destruction that are used to kill people. We demand that Paramount Pictures remove these negative images of death and destruction, images that our young children are influenced by.”
50 Cent does sound like a lovely man. Leave it to rich liberal Hollywood producers to get in bed with him in pursuit of the Almighty Dollar.
But Najee Ali needs to get his head out of his hindquarters and come to grips with the fact that disarming people has historically been a terrible idea, particularly as it pertains to blacks and freedom.
Dipping Into South Africa's "Gun Pool"
Johannesburg - About 17 000 police firearms were reported lost or stolen between 1990 and 2003 - about 1nbsp;000 [as appearing in original--DC] a year or 108 a month...
"I can't say how many of the firearms reported lost or stolen by the police have been used in violent crimes, but I know that the police use Z88 service pistols. These firearms are one of the types used regularly in violent crimes..."
So the government that can't control the weapons they've appropriated wants people to believe controlling privately-owned weapons will make everything all better in terms of "gun crimes".
And remember--those are only the missing firearms "reported."
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
License to Shill
Daniel Craig will have a problem playing the new James Bond - because he hates guns.
The actor will wield 007's famous Walther PPK in the movie Casino Royale.
But he revealed in OK! magazine: "I hate handguns. Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other.
Join the club. Sean Connery was a spokesman for UK disarmament, and Pierce Brosnan is a big UN supporter. And this article reveals Roger Moore also shared those sentiments. But at least these guys waited until they were rich and famous before they started alienating their audience.
Way to go, Craig--you've single-handedly guaranteed a "Boycott Bond" movement while the movie is still in pre-production. Yeah, I'll bet the money men behind this production will be shaken, not stirred, when they realize they entrusted their investment to such a moron.
Hey guys--it's not too late to replace him...
Disarming Mike Wallace's Critics
Did Mike Wallace accept or forego his traditional $50-75K speaker's fee?
Don't they think this is relevant information that the public deserves an answer to?
If not, why not?
Win a Cool Link Button For Your Blog
"As a Former US Citizen..."
Anybody think the Terry Crawford-Browne's of the world will tolerate us coexisting with them? That is, unless we are bent to their will by the state?
Another Frothing Anti-Defense Zealot
From a reprint posted at (can you believe it?) Christian Ethics Today:
So by no means mention that the likely weapon in these murders is a .223 caliber rifle, probably of the sort usually called “military-style,” which actually means “military.” These rifles have a range about five times the range typically favored by deer hunters.
And here's an article titled "Carter - America’s Best Former President."
Hey, everybody--listen to Tom Teepen. He's smart!
R.I.P. Rosa Parks

[Image via The Smoking Gun]
Monday, October 24, 2005
Gun Crime Up By 150%
"What concerns me is the increasing willingness of criminals to use guns to kill people," he said. "Gun crime in Islington (North London) increased by 148 per cent last year."
Yep, sounds like citizen disarmament is working just fine across the pond.
Say, I've got a swell idea: why don't we try that here?
Gun Owners Refused Licences Set to Sue
A gun lobby group is suing Minister of Safety and Security Charles Nqakula for R3,2-billion for compensation to its members whose appeals for gun licence renewal applications were turned down.
In addition, those who have not yet applied say they will defy the law and not apply after seeing how the other members were treated.
They should have done that in the first place.
Background Checks to Double This Week
While Nevadans without such permits have to pay $25 to have an FBI criminal background check run each time they purchase a firearm, serious gun owners and shooters were told that as a fringe benefit of acquiring the concealed carry permit we'd be allowed to buy firearms without undergoing (and paying for) a new $25 "Brady" check each time.
Guess what?
In an Oct. 13 letter, Maj. Robert Wideman of the division of the Nevada Department of Public Safety (state police) advises Nevada gun dealers that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has determined that will no longer be the case beginning Oct. 23.
BATFU'd again.
That collar our "gun rights leaders" say is an incremental victory isn't starting to choke yet, is it?
By the way, you've all bought Vin's book, right?
[Thanks to Skip]
Brazilians soundly rejected a proposal to ban the sale of guns in a national referendum Sunday...With more than 92 percent of the votes counted, 64 percent of Brazilians were opposed to the ban, while 36 percent backed it, said election officials, giving the 'no' position an insurmountable lead.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Meanwhile, Back at the Great White North
The Canadian government is looking into ways to sue U.S. gun manufacturers for the spread of illegal weapons into this country, the Toronto Star reported yesterday.
Bring it on.
After looking at this report and the way the Canadian government is pursuing global citizen disarmament, I think it's past time we had it out.
"I'm the Bigger Gun Banner!"
Democratic mayoral contender Fernando Ferrer took Mayor Bloomberg to task yesterday for supporting Republican lawmakers who backed a controversial pro-gun law passed by Congress last week...
"For the past four years, Mike Bloomberg has battled gun manufacturers in court, led a coalition of big-city mayors to stop gun violence and stood up to the NRA to defeat this bill while Freddy Ferrer did nothing and said nothing," said spokesman Jordan Barowitz.
Mike Bloomberg can't win for trying. Which is fitting for this statist loser.
Pathetic, that in order to play to New Yorkers, you have to prove yourself the most subversive to the Constitution.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Nicki's Secret Admirer
Then check out Nicki Fellenzer's blogs, The Liberty Zone and Nicki's Asylum. I think she needs to clear out a room in the latter for her pinheaded cyberstalker.
"Remember New Orleans!"
I agree. But here's one Wayne forgot to mention:
Imagine you're a teacher, and you hear gun shots and kids screaming. You have a roomful of children entrusted to your care, but you're pretty much helpless to do anything except lock the door, order everyone on the floor behind their chairs, and hope the attacker passes you by.
Remember New Orleans!
[KABA Newslinks]
Friday, October 21, 2005
Just Say "No" to Self-Defense
...Stephen Hargarten, co-director of the Firearm Injury Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin, raises questions that should prompt all legislators to look skeptically at a proposal that would allow average Wisconsinites to carry concealed weapons.
(Translation: Another agenda-driven ivory-tower egghead finds no correlation between being armed and being able to defend yourself, and wants more money to expand his influence.)
But youth in Wisconsin are committing suicide at a statistically higher rate than the national average, and if more people are carrying more people might (yeah, the editorial actually says "might") be "killed with their own guns that have been taken from them."
Forget that "youth" won't be in the population eligible for concealed carry. Forget that "Japan, which prohibits handguns, has a suicide rate of more than twice the U.S. level." Forget that the suicide rate in Los Angeles County Jails--where disarmed inmates are monitored 24/7--was documented to be about five times higher than that of the general population.
See, here's the thing. Hargarten and the National Academy of Sciences (the anti-gun collective that recently came out with the massive study that couldn't find any correlation between citizen disarmament laws and reduced violence) depend on continued funding. So it's hardly surprising that their conclusion--when they can't find facts to support their thesis--is they need to ponder some more, and they need more money with which to ponder.
Think of squawking chicks in a nest, maws gaping, shrieking for more regurgitated nourishment. You wouldn't let those determine your defensive options, either.
The actual Hargarten journal article is here. Amazingly it is even stupider and more agenda-driven than the Journal Sentinel editorial. He apparently can't help whining hysterically about a Ruger Blackhawk model that was engineered to include a transfer bar to address the problem of misfires over three decades ago. He demands mandatory (and conveniently non-existent) "personalized handguns," and deliberately misleads his readers with statistics about police officers and takeaway incidents, knowing full well they will be exempted from having to use them.
Bottom line: Hargarten is not acting as a scientist. He is acting as a propagandist. So expect the Brady Campaign and their fellow travelers to hold this dishonest opinion piece masked as scientific literature up like it's the Ten Commandments handed down from God.
And no, I haven't changed my opinions about permitting/licensing of unalienable rights. But that's a different debate.
[Thanks to Dan Gifford]
Thursday, October 20, 2005
No Charges For Gun Death Officers
Two policemen who shot a man carrying a table leg they mistook for a sawn-off shotgun will not be charged over his death.
No, of course they won't.
Huge SoCal Gun Possession Case Dismissed
Gee, who would ever think the feds would stoop to illegally leaking info to state agencies?
Gun Slips From Sticky Fingaz
US rapper Sticky Fingaz has been arrested after allegedly leaving an unlicensed gun in a hotel room.
Well, on the one hand, that's a really stupid thang to do, and a check of the guy's lyrics makes him sound like the kind of thug you'd want a gun to protect yourself against.
But funny thing about liberty--it doesn't just apply to people I approve of, and in the absence of committing a criminal act with the gun, the hotel's response should have been to call him and let him know they had his property in the front desk safe.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Suspended For Paper Gun: Zero-Tolerance Insanity
So far, I've managed to keep obscene words out of my (public) commentaries. I've got to walk away from this for a while, before I post something I'll regret.
Trouble in Paradise: "The Rules"
Proposed Gun Rules
These rules apply to all owners and guests of owners as well as employees and their quests, however the Board of Directors may make exceptions for safety and security.
1. All federal, state and county laws must be complied with, as well as forest service rules.
2. No shooting is allowed on the ranch with any type of weapon with the following exceptions:
A. The gun range, or Archery Range.
B. Organize staged gunfights using blank ammunition, approved by the Board of Directors. The Board may delegate this authority.
3. No loaded guns on the ranch. With the following exceptions:
A. The Gun range
B. Organized staged gunfights using blank ammunition.
C. Undeveloped areas of the ranch
D. Board may make future exceptions.
4. No concealed guns are allowed on the ranch. With the exception of law enforcement officers and those who have a valid permit to carry.
5. If transporting fire arms in your vehicle all Federal, State and county laws apply.
6. Handguns if carried must be unloaded and in a holster pointed toward the ground.
7. Rifles and shotguns if carried must be carried in a safe manner either point up in the air or down at the ground.
8. Intentionally pointing any weapon of any kind at anyone is forbidden.
9. Organized staged gunfights using blank ammunition must have the permission of The Board of Director and be announced far enough in advance so as not alarm anyone.
10. Paint ball guns are not to be fired on ranch property.
11. All weapons must be secured when not in use. Cabins are not a safe place to leave a weapon of any kind. All weapons must be secured in your vehicle and out of sight when not in use.
12. Weapons are but not limited to anything that that fires a projectile, such as rifles, pistols, shotguns, B.B. guns, pellet guns, sling shots bows, crossbows etc. Large knifes, swords, spears, axes, anything that can be thrown or has sharp edges.
Without getting into a detailed analysis, these rules are stupid and unenforceable. They result from pure irrational fear that some have when seeing am armed man not in an official state uniform.
If someone is carrying concealed, they will never know. If someone is carrying openly, how will they know if the gun is loaded or not? If they ask to inspect it and are refused, what will they do? More to the point, on what authority would a sheriff's deputy be authorized to conduct an arrest, since no California law will have been violated?
But what really illustrates how this is utter nonsense is the prohibition against carrying loaded firearms except in "undeveloped areas of the Ranch."
The trash bins are all in developed areas.
Guess where the bears are attracted to go?
Guess what Security is passing out at the check-in booth?
I like to think of this as "EXHIBIT A":

"BEARS ARE BACK! Do not feed them! Please be careful when out at night."
In other words, our Board has known for years that there is a very real potential danger to the lives and safety of Ranch vistors. They know there is nothing they do about it. And they insist on creating conditions so there will be nothing anyone can do about it should an attack occur.
I'm not going to reveal my hand here, but I am definitely exploring options on this--beginning with ignoring any stupid rules that endanger my life or the lives of anyone I care about.
Trouble in Paradise
A Gathering Storm
Heaven Forbid! More Trouble in Paradise
Toilet Gun Found
It appears The Mirror doesn't just report the news--they rat out citizens...uhh...subjects to the cops so they'll have something to write about.
I don't get the "theft by finding" charge if the guy phoned in an anonymous tip.
I do agree with the bloke's dad that he is "stupid." The idiot could have liberated a Sig Sauer
"They Made Us Look Like Stooges"
The statistics mouthed by the actors were right out of the Brady Campaign playbook. The urbane distaste for guns was unmasked. The arguments opposing gun control were vapid, showing the writers never even attempted to understand the true reasons one might do so--and the only character opposed to gun control was a head case and buffoon.
Add to that ridiculously implausible scenarios--like bringing a loaded musket into a Boston courtroom--and the obligatory incompetent handling/accidental shots fired whenever Denny Crane gets his hands on a gun--and you have what we all should have expected.
My oldest boy said it best. They made us look like stooges.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
WARNING: Following Post Contains Obscene Material
With all the critical issues on the national agenda, from the Iraq war to hurricane recovery, the House's eagerness is obscene as the gun lobby herds lawmakers from both parties behind a bill to deny victimized families their fair day in court.
No, what's obscene is The New York Times continued advocacy of citizen disarmament while its Chairman Emeritus, "Punch" Sulzberger, has used his elite influence to obtain a concealed carry permit unavailable to the masses.
Boston Legal
Forced by a client to put Denny Crane on the case, Shirley Schmidt reluctantly enlists his help to defend a Democratic Congressman being sued for not keeping a campaign promise to pass a ban on assault weapons. The right-wing Crane is an unlikely defender from the start, but Schmidt really wonders if she made the right decision when he goes missing the day of his closing.
Right. "The right-wing Crane" portrayed by the left-wing Shatner. And we know how skillful media liberals are at not portraying conservatives as stereotypical caricatures.
From the Boston Legal website's "Crane, Poole & Schmidt" General Office Folder, filed under "Announcements":
No Guns Allowed in the Office
All Partners and Associates are reminded that guns are prohibited in the office. Even though recent visits from armed ex-clients have alarmed some CP+S employees, carrying weapons within the confines of Crane, Poole and Schmidt is strictly forbidden (Accept [sic] for Denny Crane who was a Marine Sharpshooter, or a Navy Seal, but either way is trained in the use of firearms and has shown reasonable restraint when discharging them in the office.)
I've never seen the program, but I understand it's popular and many think it's funny. I guess I'll need to watch it tonight (ABC, Tuesdays, 10/9c) to do a propaganda check.
PD Safe Despite Loaded Gun
I wonder how the Student Crime Stoppers would stop an actual violent crime in progress against students.
Oh well, at least the gun-free school zone crowd agrees with Sandra Froman and Wayne LaPierre. So that should be seen as a victory of sorts for gun owners, right?
Monday, October 17, 2005
Spotting Shots
The quick response - within seconds - came because a nearby sensor picked up the sound of the muzzle blast, pinpointed the shooter's location to within 10 feet and alerted police dispatchers of the address...The ShotSpotter system is only triggered by gunfire and it can discern the type of weapon (rifle, shotgun or handgun) being used. The software in the sensors also commands the surveillance cameras to rotate and focus on the spot where the shot was fired.
Shades of "The Black Arrow."
I wonder what would happen if someone played some of these through loudspeakers...
[Via KABA Newslinks]
Flush That Gun Goodbye
A soldier's weapon has been missing for two days after it was left in a supermarket toilet during a military exercise...
A supermarket toilet? Were they on maneuvers to practice looting stores?
Looks like here's another one for the "We're the only ones professional enough" files...
Anyone with information of the pistol's whereabouts is urged not to touch it but to contact police immediately...
We Have Been SO Blind
Dear kindly social worker,
They say go earn a buck.
Like be a soda jerker,
Which means like be a schumck.
It's not I'm anti-social,
I'm only anti-work.
Gloryosky! That's why I'm a jerk!*
And to think that the problem all along has been anomie!
*GEE, OFFICER KRUPKE: Music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.
© 1956, 1957 Amberson Holdings LLC and Stephen Sondheim. Copyright renewed.
Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing Company LLC, Publisher.
"Gun Czar" Needs More Power
How come they never say "Gun Führer "?
Correct Definition of "Assault Weapon"
Police found a knife believed to be the assault weapon inside the apartment, Moran said.
Finally the establishment media gets it right.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
The WarOnGuns Bedwetter of the Week Award...
"We're not infringing upon people's rights to bear arms," Medford newspeaks. "[I]f someone decided to snap or got angry about a decision we make, we don't want the worst-case scenario."
Not much trust in your constituents there, eh, Medford?
Not quite. We learn the board "made arrangements to have two deputies present" when they learned they were going to be visited by a free man.
Terrified of the possibility, they needed the assurance of uniforms and badges, because as we have seen time and again, the police are the only ones professional, moral, wise, trained and rational enough to keep and bear arms.
Now Raise Your Right Hoof and Repeat After Me
""The value of this pledge can be taught at home," Sparks said.
Huff agreed, and said parents need to pay attention if their child doesn't want to sign the pledge.
That's just plain evil.
The gun court, organized in 1995, is a nationally recognized model hailed by former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft.
Why does that not surprise me?
UN Drafts New Gun Treaty
The U.N. is trying to ban guns again. The latest "small-arms treaty" seeks to abolish the right of any citizens to own virtually any kind of firearm. In the U.S., such an effort would strike at the heart of the Constitution’s Second Amendment.
Molon Labe, Baby!
UPDATE: It looks like someone at FreeMarket News Network took it on themselves to edit/censor my comments--not sure what they're afraid of or why, but they left out key parts and weakened the rest.
Here's what I posted in its entirety:
The UN is utterly powerless unless the US allows its sovereignty to be encroached. A constructionist president would find real work for Bolton to do and withdraw from this power-mad gang of kleptocrats and genocidal thugs.
LaPierre makes great noises about the UN threat to scare the membership into further donations. A real gun rights leader would fold up the NRA's NGO and lead his millions of members under the unified compact of "Molon Labe."
It's time we chased these monsters from our shores, razed the UN building, pulled down their obscene twisted gun barrel sculpture (and melted it into something useful--like personal defensive arms) and pried off all those "World Heritage Site" placards desecrating revered locales like Independence Hall.
Shoot Your Mouth Off First, Don't Ask Questions Later
My Goodness, Jason. What a good little propagandist for the Brady Campaign you are—you even managed to use all their arguments and buzz words.
Pretty clever disguising that opinion piece as straight news. That way, people will think you’re a real reporter, not just a paid hack for the political left.
I notice Captain of a Crew of One has also written them, and had to laugh when I saw he, too, properly considers what is being sold as "news" an editorial/opinion piece.
Looks like everyone is capable of making the distinction except those elite "professional journalists" the government seems so enamored of.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
What a Crock
Part of the CBS reply:
According to Wallace, he “had no idea” that the event was a fundraiser for the Brady Center at the time he was asked to speak.
How is it a relatively obscure gun blog in California knew about this back in July, but a professional journalist (as opposed to a non-government-sanctioned blogger), with the resources of one of the world's largest media corporations, was in the dark about an event he was willing to stake his name on?
The CBS reply indicates Wallace "purchased tickets for himself and some family members who wanted to attend."
So are we to assume he waived his customary $50,001 to $75,000 speaker's fee?
Who asked you to speak, Mr. Wallace? Not just anybody can call you up and get you on the line--and not just anybody can persuade you to forego such a hefty fee--as your reply seems to indicate.
In the interest of public trust, full disclosure on this is warranted.
Who invited you to speak?
What specifically did they tell you about the event?
Did you know it was a fundraiser when you accepted the engagement? How could you not know? You didn't really think a roomful of Washington's well-heeled would be treated to such an evening for free, did you? You knew people would be paying to attend, didn't you--from the onset? Who did you think the beneficiaries would be?
Did you waive your fee?
If so, why? Do you typically give birthday presents worth over $50,000 to colleagues? Or was it because you believed in some cause?
Or if you didn't waive your fee, why make such a big deal out of telling people you paid for your tickets?
If you did or did not accept a fee, what journalistic ethical principles should be considered? That's either a lot of money to waive in support of social policy advocacy--or a lot of money to accept promoting same. In either case, especially with this much money involved, how could you possibly be considered unbiased on the subject of gun control laws?
Did you have an agent/assistant help make arrangements for this event? Who did you or your representative make these arrangements with? Did you or your agent sign a contract to authorize your appearance? If so, who were the parties to the contract and when was it dated?
The Public Eye response strikes me as little more than corporate apologia and deflection. It's time for CBS and Mike Wallace to give more specific details by candidly and fully answering questions like the ones posed here.
UPDATE: One other question--were CBS facilities, resources and personnel used to produce the video Wallace took to the event?
UPDATE 2: I wonder if Washington Post Vice President-at-Large Ben Bradlee waived his customary speaker's fee?
Friday, October 14, 2005
Replace Miers With Bork?
Lest there be any doubt, this suggestion to resubmit Bork’s name for Senate consideration is no satirical flourish. I am absolutely, positively serious about this. Bork was abundantly qualified to sit on the Supreme Court when he was nominated (and rejected) in 1987 and he remains so today because he is widely acknowledged as one of the foremost legal scholars in the United States.
Here's Bork's take on the Second Amendment:
"The Supreme Court has consistently ruled that there is no individual right to own a firearm. The Second Amendment was designed to allow states to defend themselves against a possibly tyrannical national government. Now that the federal government has stealth bombers and nuclear weapons, it is hard to imagine what people would need to keep in the garage to serve that purpose."Bork that.
And Bork you, Mr. Rice, and all the other establishment neocons who would pass this fraud off as a strict constructionist.
Guess Who's Calling for Gun Control?
And the head of the "Disarm Trust" supports him right back.
You ought to read some of the Crew's "anti-gun" lyrics. They ought to leave no doubt why Megaman is such a big proponent of making sure the people around him don't have guns.
A Tale of Two Citizens
A Twin Falls man faces multiple felony charges for forcing his girlfriend to her knees while pointing a gun to her head and threatening to kill her.
Sounds appropriate.
So why didn't the same thing happen to THIS guy?
Sheriff's Officer Attacked, Gun Stolen
Authorities were seeking three suspects who boxed the officer in with two vehicles, overpowered him and took his service weapon, Maer said.
Gee, isn't that why they developed "smart guns"? Oh, but, the police exempted themselves if and when the technology is deemed ready to mandate on the rest of us.
What have we been saying about improving the human operator?
If only he'd been wearing his plastic nodule glove.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
More Clues on Miers
In another sign that Miers's supporters may be worried about perceptions of her Supreme Court knowledge, the Republican National Committee last weekend rebutted reports that Miers had told a senator that her favorite Supreme Court justice was former chief justice Warren Burger...In its press release, the RNC clarified that Miers had just named Burger as one among several favorites, and that she only meant Burger was important "in terms of his role in the administration of justice."
A quote from Warren Burger on the Second Amendment:
"[The Second Amendment] has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word 'fraud,' on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime."
Miers Foes See Law Questions as Way to Derail Nomination
"We are trying to establish that there are thousands of questions that law students routinely deal with...and if she can't get to that level, it doesn't matter if you're for the left or the right, at that point it's a fait accompli that she is not fit for the office."[Thanks to Dan Gifford for the link.]
Publicola on Hugh Hewitt
Hewitt doesn't think we'll ever get to a standard of strict scrutiny on 2A, and thinks intermediate scrutiny is the best we can hope for, particularly because the voters would never go for uninfringed rkba.
Newsflash to Hugh--some of us will accept nothing less. We don't need a majority--all we need is the critical mass of voters to deny victory. And no, we will not lose our gun rights if the Democrats are elected--that is, not unless we surrender them. Some of us--I pray a critical mass--won't do that, either.
Congratulations, Publicola, on getting national radio exposure.
"Politically Charged"
That wouldn't be the same non-"politically charged" NAACP that sued gun manufacturers, would it?
More Racine Follies--and Unreported "Gun Crimes"?
Now we have the story of Project New Life, a "gun buyback" program designed to get guns "off the street" and out of the hands of everyone except the criminal predators.
We're evidently supposed to be inspired by the story of a 17-year-old former gang member who turned in his "protection" gun. But funny thing--he doesn't want the gangs to find out he's unarmed now. That's another way of saying he feels safer if they think he's armed.
Nope, no disconnect there.
Nor is there cause for pause when we learn "some as young as 15, turned in guns, rifles and grenades to the church."
15-year-olds? With grenades? Live ones? And the church was qualified and equipped to handle those without clearing the place out, closing the place down and calling in the bomb squad? And BATFU wasn't notified?
And apparently, when they guarantee "no questions asked," they mean it.
The program ran into a snag in the first week of September when some of the weapons collected were stolen by a person or persons close to the buyback organizers. Cohen said the last of the guns taken from Project New Life's office were returned last week.
So much for keeping them safely locked and secured. But what can you do when the thieves are part of the "buyback" team? Still, this opens so many questions:
Who stole the guns?
Were they returned because the thieves had a sudden attack of conscience, or did the church make it known they were going to be reported if they didn't?
Was a police report filed?
Can we expect an investigation, arrest and prosecution? Or was--as this sounds--a deal made to just turn a blind eye to everything after the weapons were returned?
Again--was BATFU notified of these multiple federal felonies, and are they going to do anything about them?
I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. I asked them years ago about a sawed-off shotgun transfer at another "buyback" and got nothing but the runaround.
And here's one last question--why is the only place highlighting this a relatively obscure gun rights blog? Where are the government-recognized "real journalists"?
FEMA "Reconsidering"
I love the Sheriff's spokeshole saying the reason they need a ban is because trailer walls are so thin.
No thinner than that argument, if you ask me...
Of COURSE He Hasn't Been Fired Yet. Of COURSE there Was a Plea.
A Covington police officer admitted he threatened his wife with a handgun while drunk.
But that's OK, because "Ken Easterling, chief prosecutor for the Kenton County Attorney's Office, said that while the gun was loaded, its safety was on and there was no bullet in the chamber."
So, see? There were mitigating circumstances.
Senator Shrugs Off Gun Incident
I wonder, if this was you or me, if we'd be able to shrug it off?
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
US Mulls Federal Troops for Bird Flu Quarantine
The Pentagon is looking at the possibility of using federal troops to enforce a quarantine in the event of an outbreak of pandemic bird flu in the United States, a senior official said on Wednesday.
President George W. Bush said last week he would consider using the military to "effect a quarantine" in response to any outbreak of avian influenza, but provided few details.
This won't require citizens being sent to quarantine facilities, though, will it? And he'll let us keep our guns, right?
"Independence" Day
I guess it's easier and less dangerous than going after criminals.
This illustrates how everyone in our society is affected by the assault on liberty--and the more people caught in the net, the more they will become radicalized to resist. We could all stand a reminder that personal liberty comes in different forms, and it's only appropriately defined by the individual who wants to exercise it.
In the meantime, squeeze, baby, squeeze.
Arrested for Carrying a Fanny Pack?
A Victim of WHAT?
"If you don't know about it, then you're a victim of your own ignorance."
So says Washington DC police officer Dennis Fair, who cuffed, searched, arrested and jailed a woman who had one glass of wine.
Why would he do that?
Fair, who said he does not comment on individual arrests, noted in his report that Bolton's attitude was "excited," "carefree" and "cocky."
I hope they throw the book at her. She wantonly broke the cardinal rule of subjects in the presence of law enforcement heroes of the state:
"You WILL respect my authoritah!"
Nicki Reviews EFAD
Bracken skillfully combines this set of circumstances and shows us a frightening, and all too realistic, glimpse into what could happen when ordinary, freedom-loving Americans are pushed too far by a band of would-be tyrants set on furthering their own power and agenda.
Go read.
Comments on Senator Hinojosa Caught with Gun
Isn't this the second time Juan has been caught carrying a gun in the airport. Kinda strange since is he such a leading proponent of strict gun control, voted with Ann Richards against the Right to Carry in Texas. Wanted to add a $1.00 tax on each bullet sold in the state. Guess he will lie out of this one like he did las time "I was in a hurry and forgot about the gun" - Floyd Kolander
So much for being a gun owner making a politician--or judicial nominee--pro-Second Amendment...
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Gun Sales Up Since Hurricanes
The Brady's have lost the "You should rely on the police to protect you" sound bite from their arsenal of lies.
Laura Bush Says Sexism Possible in Miers Criticism
SHE's the one who pushed for the nominee being a woman--as if that should have anything to do with anything.
Arnold Returns AB 996
Senator Scott into law which will ensure those underage will no longer be purchasing ammunition."
No, it won't. That's like saying signing a bill binding on Rite-Aid and Sav-On will ensure those underage will no longer be purchasing drugs.
What SB 48 does is take away affirmative defense that a seller did not know a handgun ammunition purchaser was under 21. And isn't it curious that someone old enough to be trusted in Iraq is deemed too young to be trusted in California.
What did Mr. Coxe say?
It's good that Arnold didn't sign AB 996. But the "good news" seems to be all we're hearing about from the lobbyists. He should have returned SB 48 unsigned as well.
UPDATE: David Hardy reports one further bit of gun control The Hessian signed:
[It] authorizes arraignment judges to forbid domestic violence defendants to own arms (i.e., to forbid possession by a person charged with, but not found guilty of, the offense. So much for innocent until proven guilty).
Is groping considered violence?
Why the Silence, Mr. LaPierre?
"The Supreme Court is going to be crucial to the future of the Second Amendment, and President Bush will appoint justices that respect the Bill of Rights," NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre told The Associated Press...
Why did NRA not issue an announcement to gun owners during the confirmation process for new Chief Justice John Roberts concerning his stand on the Second Amendment? Why have they been silent on Harriet Miers?
Mr. LaPierre is right--this is crucial to the future of the Second Amendment. Gun owners deserve better at this time than silence from an organization that takes such pride in its "enormous clout in Washington."
LA Citizen Disarmament Continues
According to a report that aired on the Lehrer News Hour on Thursday, displaced New Orleans residents are being allowed to move into a trailer and RV compound called "FEMA City," but the conditions for residency include a ban on firearms.The head of FEMA, of course, is appointed by "pro-gun" George Bush.
[KABA Newslinks]
Monday, October 10, 2005
Lugar to Press: "We Only Recognize Establishment Lapdogs"
Bloggers would "probably not" be considered journalists under the proposed federal shield law, the bill's co-sponsor, U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar (R.-Ind.), told the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) Monday afternoon.
I've written before about the dangers of government assuming it gets to decide who an authorized journalist is.
We've seen a politically disfavored newspaper publisher denied entry to a Homeland Secury press conference.
We've explored instances where bloggers have covered vital liberty-related stories ignored by the "official" press.
We've seen judges presume to weigh in.
At the federal and state level.
I personally have been subjected to police harassment for asking Sarah Brady a question at my neighborhood park. And I personally have shielded the identity of a source in order to protect him from reprisal for information about the inner-workings of a government agency. On more than one occasion. (In the interest of full disclosure, I now have a press pass issued by my magazine publisher--but the majority of my writing was done before this, and I don't believe a card should give me privileges and immunities over other bloggers--plus there's no guarantee the government would consider writing for a gun magazine to be "legitimate" journalism.)
And we've seen how "establishment" media, like Reuters, are little more than propaganda outlets.
Dick Lugar can go to hell.
"Preparedness Now" Newsletter
In my September 13th interview with CNBC, one of the issues the anchor raised was preparedness as a “fear” response. It is unfortunate that many Americans have the same thinking. They believe disaster preparedness is what is done in other far away places in the world, not in the USA. The Gulf Coast disaster wreaked by Hurricane Katrina once again brings home the fact that we are not immune to disaster.
While most cannot prepare to the level I have, each family can take preparedness steps to be ready to save their lives and the lives of loved ones.
Pam Stegner of Preparedness Now has a new and informative newsletter containing vital information and tips about preparing for emergencies and disasters. The first issue has instructions for preparing a 72 Hour Preparedness & Evacuation Kit. as seen on CNBC, September 13, 2005. To subscribe to this newsletter, please send an e-mail with Subscribe in the subject line to
In addition to being a leading authority on preparedness and one of my favorite radio hosts, you'll not find a stronger Second Amendment advocate than Pam--plus, she's a genuinely nice lady.
Harriet Gave to Hillary
Harriet Miers' political contributions to Democrats didn't end in 1988 with her support of Al Gore.
I'm sure there will be no shortage of apologists who will point out it was her PAC and not her personally, and tell you why this doesn't matter.
More Kool-Aid, please...
"Inactive" Activity
Why don't I find that hard to believe?
Although I know individual shooters who would feel practically disarmed if all they had was 10,000 rounds. Since when do "10 boxes" equal "a huge cache" or "a sinister arsenal"?
UN to Take Control of Internet?
[F]aced with international consensus, there is little the US government can do but acquiesce.

UPDATE: Captain of a Crew of One has some thoughtful comments.
A Question for Howard
Yo, Howard--if some maniac starts shooting up the Sun-Sentinal offices, just what are you prepared to do about it?
Dear Fear-Mongering Propagandists
Dear ParentLine: Our nine-year-old son has a best friend whose father has a gun collection...But we really feel uncomfortable letting our son play over at the boy's house.
Are there any suggestions on handling this diplomatically?
— Gun shy
Perhaps someone can think of an appropriate suggestion or two, not only for "Gun shy," but also for the moron dispensing the one-sided hysterics. All of mine seem to involve improbable physical acts.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
NRA Lauds Bush Increase in Gun Prosecutions
NRA has long maintained that federal gun laws aimed at the criminal misuse of firearms are effective in reducing crime--if they are enforced. President Bush's administration has clearly heard that message and implemented it.
Never mind that patriotic Americans will become felons if caught defying clearly unconstitutional gun prohibitions--the LaPierre Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (formerly National Rifle Control, Inc.) wants them punished, and George Bush is just the man to do it.
They still haven't answered a question I've been asking for years--just where in this document are the feds delegated authority to be involved in these matters at all?
Don't hold your breath.
Oh, and as for those federal gun laws that "are effective in reducing crime"? Why not ask the residents of Richmond and Philadelphia?
More Kool-Aid, anyone?
Friday, October 07, 2005
CCRKBA: "Urge Congress to Adopt Senate Version of Patriot Act Reauthorization"?
Yes, quite possibly there are some rollbacks on presumed authorities. But when you talk about putting "checks on the government’s ability to comb through an individual’s financial, medical, business, library, gun purchases or other sales records," or "sneak and peak searches," I gotta first wonder how closely the Constitution is being adhered to.
If CCRKBA is going to urge us to call our senators to pass something, I think it's incumbent on them to give us a comnprehensive pro/con implications analysis of each section of the bill.
People need to be educated about this before they can be expected to blindly support it.
The Bear Necessities
“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.” — Timothy Treadwell, setting up his video camera inches from a grizzly bear.
“Grunt. Snort. Crunch. Snap. Munch. Gulp.” — Grizzly, loosely translated as, “I love you, too.”
"The Bear Necessities," my October Rights Watch column for GUNS Magazine, is now online.
"I'm the Better Hunter/Sportsman!"
Sounds like neither one of these boys realize it ain't about hunting and sporting.
"The real difference is I know a shotgun is used for something besides starting a golf tournament."
Is this guy serious?
Let's cut to the chase:
Allen, Eric:
Do you believe your constituents have an unalienable right to carry whatever firearm they please wherever they please, including select fire, openly or concealed as they see fit, without anybody's damn permission?
Yes or no?
Because some of us don't give a damn about you shooting pigs and whitetail deer.
Jim Brady Calls For End Of Gun Violence
If wishes were fishes...
These people are like children. They have no business imposing themselves on adults.
Honor Among Thieves
Thieves have stolen a handgun on display at an international conference on warfare in the 21st century.
The Heckler and Koch .40 calibre USP semi-automatic pistol went missing from a locked display cabinet at the Gold Coast conference.
Ironically, the conference was not open to the public for security reasons.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Miers Carries?
MORE ON MIERS JUST IN FROM A GOOD DC SOURCE: "FYI the White House folks told me she owns a gun and has a concealed carry permit."
UPDATE: From Dan Gifford--
Just understand that I cannot personally verify that statement. Gene Volokh has checked with Texas and found she does not have one from that state. There are other state possibilities like Maryland and Virginia or she may have a Special US Marshal designation like some other DC VIPs. On the other hand, she may not have a gun or a CCW. All I can say for certain is that the statement came from a reliable DC source and that another DC lawyer on Volokh's blog described Miers as a gun toting evangelical.
Mean Girls
What kind of person would get in a serious car crash and their first instinct is to run and hide instead of checking to see if the person she hit was hurt and needed help?
"Good Job"
But wait a minute...I thought Jerry Kilgore's spokeshole said "...Van Cleave unfortunately has no credibility on Second Amendment issues..."
I'll go with the first assessment. I'm tired of seeing gun groups marginalized by the political establishment because they show some steel in their spines.
UPDATE: Countertop (of "How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?" fame) has more details on the Kilgore fiasco.
UPDATE 2: Sailorcurt has more.
Olson Reverses Polarity--For the Time Being...
I've often wondered--if Sarah Brady's son went on a rampage with that rifle she bought him--would she publicly demand a lawsuit against the store and manufacturer?
Anyway, the thing that particularly caught my eye in this story--aside from the unbelievable judicial arrogance of Michael Farrell-- is who "the lawyer for the gun companies" is--our old pal Ted Olson.
That's the same Ted Olson who argued for the government (after John Ashcroft's lip service declaring the Second Amendment an individual right--except for all those "compelling state interests" that negate the "shall not be infringed" part) and against the right to keep and bear arms in the Emerson, Haney and Bean cases.
Gee, who would have ever thought the gun industry would retain someone who isn't squarely in their camp? I mean, it's not like they should have learned better from Robert Ricker or anything...
Disarmed Rescuers in LA
FEMA's suspension of the Phoenix Fire Department's Urban Search and Rescue team because they deployed to New Orleans with armed police guards is rightly causing outrage. The following was sent to me by a member of a similar team deployed to LA, a man I have been corresponding with for some months.
He has allowed me to post his account here on the condition that he must remain anonymous--if his identity became known, his career would be destroyed.
I was in the New Orleans area as a member of a Fire Department contingent that responded to Louisiana last month. A member of our fire department who responded a few days prior to the main contingent being deployed told us over the phone, "If you can find a way to bring a handgun, do so."
Everyone who knows me at work knows that I am staunchly and unabashedly pro-rights. I am what they would proverbially call a "gun-nut." Throughout the ride to LA, my co-workers would occasionally ask me if I had packed any "heat." It was always in jest. My answer was always a consistent, "No, it would be illegal for me to transport a loaded firearm throughout the states we will be traveling through (even though I have a CCW from my state of residence)." Regardless, my employer forbids the possession of any weapon, at any time, while on duty and we were considered to be on duty throughout the entire deployment.
When we arrived in LA and the devastation (along with the accompanying uncertainty and lawlessness) became apparent, the inquiries into my armed status were now serious inquiries. The most popular guys in our convoy were now the Public Safety guys. In case you didn't know, some municipalities go with the public safety concept where trained personnel fulfill all the duties of police, firefighting and EMS. These public safety guys were with us as firefighters but did not disarm prior to departing. It was nice to see my anti-rights friends (who constantly mock me while in the relative safety of our station) all of a sudden warm up to the idea of a gun in their midst.
Our deployment took us near the New Orleans area but not in the actual city, where the problems being experienced in New Orleans were almost non-existent. It became apparent pretty quickly why the problems were non-existent. Almost everyone we met owned AND carried a firearm. I could bore you with endless stories about the different ways we saw firearms in their "natural setting" ... the way they were meant to be used ... especially in a disaster zone. It was a thing of beauty. Free men and women, armed and openly carrying those arms while going about the business of putting their lives back together.
I will share these two stories:
--A lady approached us in a parking lot of a fire station and asked us for some help. We said, "Sure, how can we help you?" She proceeded to tell us that she had just returned after evacuating to Mississippi and that her husband could not return with her because of work. She said she was alone and had just discovered her house was devastated with no utilities except for phone. She told us that she was concerned about looters and being alone. She said her husband had bought a shotgun years ago but that she had never learned how to use it. Her question was, "If I dial 911, will you come?" The Lieutenant I was with answered without hesitation, "Yes ma'am, just dial 911 and someone will be right there." We started to walk away and I watched her start to amble away with her shoulders down. I could not in good conscience keep walking so I called out after her and told her to hold up. I told her the truth. I said, "Ma'am, if you dial 911 the police might or might not come." I then told her how 911 was still unreliable. I told her how in the previous week, two homes burned to the ground in affected areas because no one could get through on the phone to report the fires. I know this would be the last thing that "Officials" would want to be known. However, I felt the truth might serve her better than a half-baked lie and misplaced trust in 911. I then told her to try and get as much stuff taken care of at her property and to return to her husband until things were better resolved. I told her if she had to stay, to seek out some of her armed neighbors and establish some sort of system to call for help or even to stay with them. Finally, I told her that as soon as she could, she should learn to operate that firearm her husband left for her or find one more suited to her needs. The last thing I said to her was, "Do what I told you, prepare to handle everything yourself. Call 911 but don't plan on help coming. I know it's not what you want to hear but it's reality." Her shoulders were still down but now she seemed to have purpose in her step. It's amazing what the truth can do.
--Immunizations were being given out at a local hospital for tetanus, diphtheria, Hepatitis A, etc. The lines were long and residents were standing in the heat to get in. The sign at the entrance caught my eye and surprised me (being in the South), it said "No Firearms" with the typical black firearm silhouette and red, slashed circle. The lettering underneath said, "Weapons free zone." It was quite amusing to see the sign there with the unarmed private security guard sitting at his desk as numerous National Guardsmen whisked back and forth with their M-16s and M9 pistols. A private citizen who had been standing in line was about to enter when he saw the sign, he let out a slight groan and with a roll of his head started to step out of the line. He looked at me and asked if he could have his place in line when he returned. That’s when I noticed he was carrying a sidearm. I asked him if that's why he was leaving the line. He said yes, he was going to walk back to his car and put it in the trunk. I told him to wait right there. I went inside and retrieved some paperwork and the shots. I came back out and had him complete the shot record while I administered the shots (I'm a paramedic btw) on the spot. The rest of the people in line seemed slightly indignant. I was only assisting there briefly so I went ahead and told them, "Armed citizens get priority." No one said anything and I did my good deed.
Even though, I repeated the party line when asked, I was adequately prepared to protect myself if the need had presented itself. My fire chief, personnel director, fire & police commissioners and city council members who made the rule about no weapons were residing comfortably back home, not in the immediate area of a disaster zone. My officer who was present with us, had his suspicions but never asked and at times made insinuations that seemed favorable. When it comes to firearms though, I trust no one who does not openly support an unfettered right to possess and carry.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
NRA "To Make a Major Announcement"
Jerry Kilgore's involved--we already know they're backing him.
Do they have something to say about Harriet Miers?
Is it something else?
Guess we'll just have to wait and see...
Yeah, THIS'LL Work
Sure, Joseph Petrella--that's just what I'd want to have hampering my dexterity and getting snagged on things in a tactical situation--your stupid glove. And maybe you should install a smart lock on the glove so the perps can't remove it from the downed officer and use it to activate the gun...
Doesn't your garage need cleaning or something?
More From the "We’re the Only Ones Professional Enough" Files
A Philadelphia police officer is recovering from bite wounds during a struggle with a suspect who took his gun.
The officer's partner shot the suspect, avoiding a repeat of a shooting at a hospital in Langhorne, Bucks County, last week during which a policeman was killed with his own gun.
An officer's gun was fired inside a Smyrna hospital, but no one was hurt…authorities say an agitated jail inmate…became irritated and began to scuffle with the Smyrna police officer guarding him. The two wrestled on the floor, with the inmate firing the officer's gun once while it was still in its holster
Years ago I wrote an article about "smart guns," which were originally developed to address cops being killed with their own service weapons. Of course, just as I predicted, police are exepmpted from pending personalized weapons mandates for a simple fact: they realize how foolish it would be to trust their lives to gadgets and have the political clout to reject them.
What was the solution for takeaway incidents identified then by weapons and tactics expert Ken Good, that still holds true today?
"If a weapon is taken from an officer, I personally believe it is primarily a training issue. Most folks seem to try and solve most tactical problems through some sort of hardware improvement without looking at the core system. The human operator should be the primary system to be improved upon. Many departments are dangerously low in their delivery of ongoing advanced officer training. If an officer cannot be trusted to deploy and keep his or her weapon, please don't give them one in the first place!"
Speaking of someone who shouldn't have been trusted with a gun in the first place, here's another takeaway incident involving someone--what would you call her--"semiprofessional enough?"...
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Guns Magazine Review: Enemies Foreign and Domestic

Author Matthew Bracken has written a thrilling first novel (did I mention this is also a passionate love story), one that engages, grips and doesn't let up. He avoids the proselytizing that can plague the liberty genre, and delivers a solid, exciting tale with deep and believable characters.
Read complete review here.
Then go here and buy this book.
If you already have and agree with me that this is an important (and fun) book for gun owners to read, send this link to your friends:
Ivey Stiffens Penalty Sought in Gun Cases
Hey, he's just following the lead of his counterparts over at the US Attorney's office in DC. You know--the ones who work for our "pro-gun" administration.
Monday, October 03, 2005
It's Miers
I don't have a good feeling about this.
It's not exactly like previous judicial nominees have filled me with confidence.
What do you think the odds are she recognizes military firearms as vital tools of liberty that belong in the hands of the people?
UPDATE: She's been "pre-approved by Senate Democratic leadership"?
We're screwed.
UPDATE: Via Drudge (no story link yet, just a headline under a flashing alarm): "BUSH COURT PICK GAVE MONEY TO CLINTON, GORE"
NRA-now is NOT the time to be silent on this.
Giuliani to Mull 2008 Decision Next Year
Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said Sunday he will contemplate next year whether to run for president in 2008.
Giuliani on Gun Control:
All gun owners should pass written test.
I do not think the government should cut off the right to bear arms. My position for many years has been that just as a motorist must have a license, a gun owner should be required to have one as well. Anyone wanting to own a gun should have to pass a written exam that shows that they know how to use a gun, that they’re intelligent enough and responsible enough to handle a gun. Should both handgun and rifle owners be licensed...we’re talking about all dangerous weapons.
Mayor's Message:
To purchase a gun in the State of New York you have to give your full name, your date of birth, your residence, your occupation. You have to prove that you're a United States citizen, you have to show you are of good character, competency and integrity. And you have to demonstrate a real need for the weapon.
And thanks in part to our stricter gun control laws, crime is down dramatically in New York City. Shootings are down over 50 percent. Murder is down over 50 percent. But the fact is that 90 percent of the guns we take out of the hands of criminals in New York City come from out of the State of New York.
We need a federal law that bans all assault weapons, and if in fact you do need a handgun you should be subjected to at least the same restrictions -- and really stronger ones -- that exist for driving an automobile.
The United States Congress needs to pass uniform licensing for everyone carrying a gun.
If this guy gets the nomination, GOP betrayal of gun owners will be complete.
And yes, I anticipate no shortage of desperate cowards stammering indignant disagreement and telling us if we don't vote for Rudy we'll get Hillary and then really lose our gun rights.
Just remember this: Regardless of what edicts are passed and who is in charge, we won't lose them unless we surrender them.
We're dealing with nothing less than the enemies of human dignity and freedom. Did anyone really think it would always remain easy and civil?
Local Developer Takes Dead Aim at the NRA
Incidentally, my GUNS article on AHSA got backed up a month--I felt it more important to bump it for one about about the happenings in New Orleans.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
The FBI says it sometimes gets the wrong number when it intercepts conversations in terrorism investigations, an admission critics say underscores a need to revise wiretap provisions in the Patriot Act.
The FBI would not say how often these mistakes happen. And, though any incriminating evidence mistakenly collected is not legally admissible in a criminal case, there is no way of knowing whether it is used to begin an investigation [emphasis added].
Nordyke Cleared For Challenge
Gun enthusiasts were handed a legal victory last week, when a federal judge ruled they can argue that their free speech rights are violated by an Alameda County ordinance that bans guns on county property.What a twisted world. The courts don't recognize Second Amendment standing for individuals in California, so we need to contrive First Amendment arguments to get anywhere--the irony of this sad state of things notwithstanding, that's some pretty clever lawyering by Don Kilmer.
In a ruling issued Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge Martin J. Jenkins cleared the way for a new First Amendment challenge to the 1999 ordinance.
"Order and Authority"
I'd say what they want is order and authority, and if I were thinking of a candidate, in a way those would be the words I'd want my candidate to project.The scary thing is--when speaking in raw numbers--he's probably right.
T-Rex Redux
And, yeah, I did intend it to be a one-man weapon--the scenario has to be one-on-one-- where you live or die based on your decision.
WarOnGuns Voicemail: Two Seconds

I decided to give the Audioblogger feature a test run.
Fortunately it's the weekend, when site traffic slows down--so if this is a flop, not as many people will be there to point and laugh. I can find one mistake, but hey, at least I did the thing in one take and didn't say "uh." Plus, thanks to the miracle of duct tape, you can't hear the kids fighting in the background.
This commentary originally appeared in written form on, and included an "Afterword:"
"Dennis Henigan of the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence drops the ball in front of a roomful of reporters, while trying to prove the efficacy of Saf-T-Lok, a purportedly easy-to-use combination lock in the gun's grip. Henigan fumbles and fails to unlock the gun in a well-lit room with no intruder at the door... Finally disengaging the safety, he apologizes, 'Most people aren't as klutzy as I am.'"
-From "Lawyers, Guns and Money" by Matt Labash, The Weekly Standard, Feb. 1, 1999
"Again, I learned from Massad Ayoob what has become known throughout the self-defense industry as the Tueller Drill. To our amazement, everyone in our class demonstrated that any person, no matter his age or physical condition, can cover twenty-one feet from a standing start and plunge a knife into a target in an average of 1.5 seconds..."
-From "Armed & Female" by Paxton Quigley