Mayor Bloomberg has been hit with another lawsuit in connection with his campaign to crack down on illegal guns.Looks like my latest Guns Magazine article, just now on the newsstands but written last June, wasn't that far off the mark...
A South Carolina gun dealer became the second storeowner to sue after Mr. Bloomberg targeted it a few months ago in an undercover sting operation designed to stymie illegal gun sales.
The lawsuit, filed in South Carolina, seeks damages and claims that the city smeared the storeowner's reputation.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Gun Dealer Stings Back
Shameless Plug: "The Sting"
Bloomberg’s team may not have uncovered crimes at all, and may not have committed any themselves. This may be all about generating publicity for his lawsuits, and the sales could have all been conducted in a perfectly legal manner, despite media hype.
"The Sting" is my Rights Watch column for the October 2006 issue of GUNS Magazine, on sale now at newsstands that do their best to flood the streets of New York City with gun information.
Why not buy a copy for yourself, or make a straw purchase for someone else?
BONUS: See page 106 to find out how you can win a Benelli Supernova 12 gauge shotgun
5 More Days...

...until "The Interview".
Meanwhile, Matthew Bracken informs me John Ross has written a review of "Domestic Enemies" over at The High Road.
I can't give you a clip from that because I'm going to be writing my own review and don't want to see what Ross has written, lest it influences my own reporting.
We're the Only Ones Ignorant of the Law Enough
Charges that an Illinois State Police sergeant illegally possessed a machine gun were dismissed Wednesday by a federal judge, who ruled that the law was "unconstitutionally vague" as applied to him.
...U.S. District Judge David R. Herndon dropped the charges against Sgt. James V. Vest... Herndon's 26-page order says the confusion is over the federal law's exception for police officers, and whether Vest could reasonably be expected to know whether he was breaking the law.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse--unless you're an "Only One."
We're the Only Ones Exploring Enough
A suspended Alhambra police officer was charged Wednesday with 10 criminal counts for allegedly molesting 2 teenage boys, including one who was an Explorer with the Baldwin Park Police Department.What a waste, being an "Only One" and then blowing it.
A Sophomoric Opinion
While allowing a licensed person to carry a gun on campus sounds like a good idea...I strongly disagree.Sophomore Renee Maisel illustrates the dangers of allowing a shallow and ignorant little girl's opinions to have any bearing on the rights of free men and women.
This Day in History: August 31
Samuel Mason, a Patriot captain in command of Fort Henry on the Ohio frontier, survives a devastating Indian attack on this day in 1777.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Coming Tuesday, Sept.5

A WarOnGuns Exclusive
The Matthew Bracken Interview
The Matthew Bracken Interview
Mark Your Calendars
Tell Your Friends
Prepare Your OWN Question
We will be discussing his new book, Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista.
Mr. Bracken will be checking posted comments that day and answering questions as time permits.
Tell Your Friends
Prepare Your OWN Question
We will be discussing his new book, Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista.
Mr. Bracken will be checking posted comments that day and answering questions as time permits.
Lest Ye Be Judged Follow-Up
Comment poster Alex observed that pointing a gun in Georgia is classified as a misdemeanor. I had referenced Georgia law that indicated brandishing a gun could be treated as a felony.
Say Uncle speculated there could be prosecutorial leeway, which this article confirms.
Say Uncle speculated there could be prosecutorial leeway, which this article confirms.
Pointing or aiming a gun or pistol at another occurs when someone purposefully and with no legal reason points a gun at someone else, according to Georgia case law. Courts have held it doesn't matter if the gun is loaded.
One example of when the more serious felony charge of aggravated assault occurs is when someone uses a deadly weapon that could or does cause serious injury.
"When can you point a gun at someone and not threaten serious bodily harm?" said Russell Gabriel, director of the Criminal Defense Clinic at The University of Georgia. "I don't know. It's sort of a rhetorical question."
Gabriel said that in his opinion it is somewhat absurd to have both laws on the books, though the existence of both charges gives prosecutors some discretion in how to charge someone. "The law doesn't always make sense," he added.
Sydney Gun Crimes Double
In inner Sydney, robberies with a firearm increased by 111 per cent over the last two years...Who could have guessed?
Texas Bull
Jones gets to use the weapons to create a longhorn sculpture for the city's Butler Longhorn Museum, which honors the bovine bloodline that originated in League City.Yep, honor herd animals.
Honor chattel.
[Via KABA Newslinks]
This Day in History: August 30
"The American Revolution" category over at The History Channel website appears to be down again. But you can bet your tricorne something happened.
Second Amendment Carnival IV
Free Constitution presents links to commentary from sites promoting the right to keep and bear arms.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
We're the Only Ones Upsetting Enough
Dear Abby: My husband is a great husband and father to our three children, ages 17, 10 and 4. The problem is, he leaves his loaded 9mm gun lying around our house. Last week, I found it on the kitchen table. Now here's the kicker: He's a police officer...
My kids have friends in and out of our home daily...
--Upset in Washington
Dear Upset,
There is absolutely no reason to worry.
Your husband is one of "The Only Ones," and is thus demonstrably immune to any of the mishaps that plague mere ordinary, non-professional citizens, who don't have the judgment or training to own dangerous guns.
My kids have friends in and out of our home daily...
--Upset in Washington
Dear Upset,
There is absolutely no reason to worry.
Your husband is one of "The Only Ones," and is thus demonstrably immune to any of the mishaps that plague mere ordinary, non-professional citizens, who don't have the judgment or training to own dangerous guns.
Canada's Newest Gun Control Spokesman
In the wake of increasing violence involving his friends, a Calgary man is speaking out against the proliferation of gun use on city streets.Right, Jeremy.
Jeremy Cesaire, 24, a Calgary hip hop artist whose acquaintances include known city drug dealers, said he sees more people arming themselves now than ever before...
Cesaire is facing his own weapons charges after a loaded handgun was found by police in a car he was riding in with his friend Shaun Dixon on Aug. 18.
It must be the guns.
It couldn't have anything to do with your lifestyle, your friends or your choices.
"Pro-Gun" LA Times Style
I like guns. I come from a gun family. I am a 2nd Amendment, pro-gun liberal--which makes me a very lonely creature when the subject comes up in casual conversation around the office.Why do I smell a big "but" nearby?
Their big gun--and the most overtly political weapon in the film--appears to be a Barrett .50-caliber M107 semiautomatic rifle, a 32-pound, 5-foot-long military sniper rifle that was banned in California starting last year, for the altogether sensible reason that it can bring down airliners.Oh, that's why.
As I said, I'm pretty pro-gun, but I would never belong to the NRA because, well, those guys are lunatics. One of their more far-fetched paranoid fantasies (here comes the e-mail!) is that the United Nations is conspiring to take away America's guns.And we know there's never been any credible evidence of that...
Congratulations, Dan Neil. Thanks to transparent sterile queen bees like you, people are getting wise to agenda-driven deception by the dinosaur media. And your--what spin do you guys use?--oh, yeah, "flagging revenues" reflect it.
Like a Good Neighbor
As I started walking up my long driveway to see what was happening, the five police officers were coming towards me, already on my property, approaching my house. From a distance they ordered me to put my hands out where they could see them, and as they got nearer, asked if I was carrying any weapons. I said no. Two of them were carrying AR-15's. They asked me if I had been firing guns. I told them that we had been shooting clays in the backyard. "What kind of guns were you shooting?" "Shotguns". At that point they ordered me to put my hands on my head and submit to a "pat-down". They saw my son, (17 years old) standing by the house, ordered him to walk down the driveway, and proceeded to search him in the same manner...Notwithstanding that the snitch neighbors could have gotten people killed, assuming they are ignorant of local customs as opposed to malevolant, I'd give 'em one chance to establish cordial relations by inviting them to a backyard shoot. If that didn't work, I'd have a lawyer put them and the police on notice that harassment against lawful activities will not be tolerated, and that restitution for injuries resulting from same will be vigorously pursued.
The Mundelein officer, explained to me that the complainant, a remote rear neighbor, had reported "gunshots fired", ( I would characterize it a case of yuppy-itis, irrational fear of guns).
I'm sure some will have more colorful suggestions, particularly if the yuppies remain militantly unrepentant, but that would only be playing into the hands of those who wish to provoke an emotional outburst rather than a reasoned response...
[Via HZ]
This Day in History: August 29
On this day in 1779, at what is modern-day Elmira, New York, near the state’s southwestern border with Pennsylvania, Continental forces led by Major General John Sullivan and Brigadier General James Clinton defeat a combined force of Loyalists and Indians commanded by Captain Walter Butler and Chief Joseph Brant.I didn't post over the weekend and forgot to include this on Monday, so here are the history links for:
August 26: "Washington Urges Hessians to Desert"
August 27: "Howe Brothers Defeat Washington in Battle of Brooklyn Heights"
August 28: "St. Elizabeth Born in New York City"
Anti-Gun Politicians
Unfortunately, the majority of California voters, legal or otherwise, continue to vote people in office whose primary focus is to undermine the Bill of Righs, our liberties and our freedom. The problem does not rest in California however, as many are leaving the state en masse and will be taking their anti-American ideas with them -- probably to your town. Additionally, U.S. Senators and Representatives who work at the national level undermine us all with federal anti-gun legislation, namely Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Nancy Pelosi.Jennifer Freeman of Liberty Belles gives us her take on microstamping and other acts of subversion originating in "the Golden State".
Monday, August 28, 2006
2nd Amendment Carnival Tomorrow!
Stan just let me know he's going to post another 2A Carnival tomorrow. If you have a submission, get it in ASAP.
Because It's Worked So Well Everywhere Else It's Been Tried
City leaders like Aldermen Yusuf Shah have had enough and are coming up with a few proposals to curb youth violence. One idea is a gun buy-back program.It's amazing what passes for a "leader" these days. But I'm sure there will be no shortage of lemmings to follow.
Gun Facts Version 4.1
The updated version of Guy Smith's valuable Second Amendment resource book is now online.
The Gun Went Off
[Use BugMeNot to bypass site registration]
According to law-enforcement officials and other gun experts, you could throw a gun with its safety on from a helicopter and it will not go off.Now understand: he just got done explaining the mechanics in detail to "authorized journalist" Madeline Vitaly. He even dispels the common myth about Glocks being prone to accidental discharges. He explains it in terms a child can understand:
“I can tell you that we have never had a safety fail,” Atlantic County Sheriff's Officer Phil Tucker said. “If your finger is on the trigger and you pull the trigger the gun will go off. It doesn't just go off on its own.”
"[U]nless you pull the trigger, a Glock won't just go bang.”
So what does our intrepid reporter write in the very next paragraph?
...Detective Adam Brownlee's gun went off and his girlfriend Denise Foley, 22, was shot in the leg.
Do Gun Owners Really Want to Stop Constant Assaults on 2nd Amendment?
This increasingly draconian government is running amok because the feminized men of this country protect it with their fear, laziness or territorial imperatives for fund raising or membership drives.Devvy Kidd is dead on when she indicts "gun owners who only want someone else to fight for their Second Amendment rights..."
A Walk in the Park
...[Derrick] Redd had been arguing with people in the park before he went to his car, grabbed a gun and fired it into the air. He then headed toward 58-year-old James Woody of Pine Bluff, who was unloading his boat.Lurch here ought to tell Mr. Woody why guns in parks are a bad idea...
Holland said Woody saw Redd approaching, reached into his truck, grabbed a gun and positioned himself behind his truck for protection. Redd chased Woody around the truck and threatened to kill him. But the detective said Woody turned and shot Redd in the head and killed him.
Lest Ye Be Judged
Judge Haywood Turner is charged with pointing a pistol. Police say it appears to be a case of road rage...Investigators say the driver of the car said an older, white male driving a Mercedes attempted wouldn't let them merge, and then pointed a pistol at them...Police did a tag trace, and found the Mercedes registered to Judge Turner...Investigators say he turned himself in on Friday, and was charged with two misdemeanor counts of pointing a pistol.
In Georgia, "simple assault," which is a misdemeanor, includes when you:
"Commit an act that places another in apprehension of receiving violent injury."
Aggravated assault, which is a felony:
"occurs when you assault someone...2) With a deadly weapon..."
So is Judge Turner being judged the way you or I would be judged?
Judge for yourself.
UPDATE: Reason Engaged appropriately pegs this one as belonging in the "Only Ones" category.
Friday, August 25, 2006
A Fellow Republican
Paul Helmke, the new president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, applauded the California State Senate for "embracing this innovative technology," and he said he hopes Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger "will listen to a fellow Republican and sign this bill once it passes."If Arnold signs this, the California GOP will still be counting on gun owners voting for him out of fear of Phil Angelides.
[More on microstamping]
A Hard Act to Follow
ESSEX, Vt. -- Hours after breaking up with his girlfriend, a man shot four people Thursday, including the girlfriend's mother and her co-worker at an elementary school, then shot himself in the head, police said.Vermont? Can't everybody carry concealed there without a permit?
Not exactly.
From Act 113:
...The school board shall regulate or prohibit firearms or other dangerous or deadly weapons on school premises...I'd guess maniac shooter Christopher Williams didn't have board permission. Any bets no one else did, either?
No person shall knowingly possess a firearm or a dangerous or deadly weapon while within a school building or on a school bus. A person who violates this section shall, for the first offense, be imprisoned not more than one year or fined not more than $1,000.00, or both, and for a second or subsequent offense shall be imprisoned not more than three years or fined not more than $5,000.00, or both...
This section shall not apply to:
(1) A law enforcement officer while engaged in law enforcement duties.
(2) Possession and use of firearms or dangerous or deadly weapons if the board of school directors, or the superintendent or principal if delegated authority to do so by the board, authorizes possession or use for specific occasions or for instructional or other specific purposes.
And guess who wouldn't have it any other way?
Some of us disagree, but alas, our voices don't carry as far.
Can't Explain
JT McAdams takes exception to Mayor Coleen Seng's description of her "primary responsibilities.":
Dear Mayor,
I was wondering if the following sounds like something you recited some time ago:
"I solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of Mayor in and for Lincoln, Nebraska, according to law and to the best of my ability."
Please explain where “safety and well being of” the citizens is indicated as your primary responsibility. Please explain why the above oath has been shoved somewhere down the line of your responsibilities. Please explain, Mayor, why you wish to be “Mother” to all the good citizens of Lincoln instead of what people elected you to be. Please explain why you think you know what’s best for everyone despite what the Constitution says. Please explain why your police chief’s opinion is relevant to upholding the Constitution of the UNITED STATES as well as your own state. Please explain to your electorate why they elected you in the first place, because I think some of them are wondering. Please explain. Please.
You have a lot of explaining to do.
Squirrely Democrats
Alphecca defines the problem.
Blognomicon just may have found the solution.
Do it for the children.
I love it when a plan comes together!
Blognomicon just may have found the solution.
Do it for the children.
I love it when a plan comes together!
This Day in History: August 25
Influential political philosopher David Hume dies in Edinburgh, Scotland, on this day in 1776.I stopped posting these a while back because The History Channel website hadn't completed entries for the summer months. It looks like they're back on track, so I'm pleased to once more offer links.
Although Hume died when the American Revolution was barely underway, his essay “Idea of a Perfect Commonwealth” greatly affected the ideas of the drafters of the federal Constitution in 1787.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Killing the Messenger
Football game broadcasts are filled with beer and car advertisements. Not to mention, the parking lots next to the stadium filled with drunk tailgaters driving home after the game.mAss Backwards shows us antis don't just want to ban guns--they want to ban the thought of guns.
Perhaps we should ban all advertising for any product that could be used in a reckless or illegal manner to injure, maim, or kill.
Oh, and the chief whiner is John Rosenthal, you know, the foundation president for the American Hunters and Shooters Association. That's the group that provides a "middle ground" for gun owners--or so foolish "outdoors writers" like Bill Schneider tell their readers...
[Via Gun Law News, via Bitch Girls]
Menino Proves It's Good to be King
Boston Mayor Tom Menino gets a firsthand look at the gun violence plaguing his city's streets.Wow, instant subject-funded police protection! Sweet!
Menino was on a walking tour in Dorchester Monday night when a man went running by the mayor with a loaded gun in his hand.
Nineteen-year-old Adelino Monteiro was taken into custody after a brief foot chase by Boston police.
And if your Praetorian Guard hadn't been there, Tom?
Why, then you'd have been in the same boat as your tax cows.
The Wrong Hands
The Kent County Sheriff's Department is announcing a gun buy-back program to keep weapons out of the wrong hands...So, then, it's not going to "keep weapons out of the wrong hands," is it?
"It's basically designed for those guns that are unregistered or unlicensed. If it's a gun that was involved in a shooting or crime, then the amnesty is not going to cover that area," Hess said.
I love the way these people contradict themselves, and the "authorized journalists" are either too dumb or complicit to make that connection.
The Correct Question is "Do I Feel Lucky?"
The number of gun-related crimes in Toronto this summer is down considerably from a year ago. Do you feel safer?Well, do ya punk?
A Wrong Assumption
A former Utica Common Council member yesterday said he meant to scare a colleague when he put his hand on a gun on his desk...You're lucky he didn't wrongly assume you into the morgue, Rog.
[Roger] Palek said William Schrader wrongly assumed he was in danger.
We're the Only Ones Domestic Enough
Two studies have found that at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10% of families in the general population. A third study of older and more experienced officers found a rate of 24%, indicating that domestic violence is 2-4 times more common among police families than American families in general...Well, ye-ah! If they were treated the way the rest of us would be, including a federally-mandated lifetime prohibition on gun ownership, well, they wouldn't be "The Only Ones", would they?
[M]ost departments across the country typically handle cases of police family violence informally, often without an official report, investigation, or even check of the victim's safety
[Via E. David Quammen]
"My Primary Responsibility"
Lincoln, NE Mayor Coleen Seng responds to a letter from JT McAdams:
August 18, 2006
JT McAdams
Dear Mr. McAdams:
Thank you for your comments on my proposed ordinance on concealed weapons. As you may already know, the City Council voted to remove the proposal from their agenda.
As Mayor, my primary responsibility is the safety and well-being of our citizens. I depend upon our Police Department and it's officers as the experts in dealing with crime and safety issues. Police Chief Casady and at least 85% of the officers believe that the concealed carry law is a bad idea for Lincoln. They are concerned about encountering more guns in their work, guns being taken away or stolen from permit holders, and the increased risk of mishaps such as accidental shootings.
The State’s concealed carry law has several loopholes that pose serious problems for Lincoln, particularly those concerned about domestic violence. The crimes of impersonating a police officer, stalking, and violating a protection order do not disqualify a person from receiving a concealed weapon permit.
The research on the impacts of concealed weapon laws on crime rates is mixed. Most of the conclusions reached depend upon the point of view of the researcher. However, one study validated what our police officers are saying. In the first five and one-half years of the concealed weapons law in Texas, concealed weapon permit holders were arrested over 5,300 times, or nearly three times a day. While some arrests were for very serious, pre-meditated crimes, others were the result of good people having guns at their worst moments. Simply encouraging more weapons does not necessarily produce a safe community.
Thanks again for your comments.
Coleen J. Seng
Mayor of Lincoln
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Escaping the Village: The Great Unifier
[This is the first in a planned series of follow-up observations to "Questions and Answers"]
On the surface, the claim that the gun issue is a unifier seems demonstrably absurd. After all, any "reputable" poll on gun ownership will show most Americans support some form of "gun control," with some demographics overwhelmingly backing increased restrictions and outright bans, and even "pro-gun" voters demanding enforcement of "existing gun laws."
Then you have the infighting between "gun rights activists"--with the self-styled "pragmatists" far outnumbering those they deride as "absolutists," at least if being effective at organizing is any indicator.
The unifier is we "gun rights activists" agree that peaceable individuals ought to have the choice to own guns, and acknowledge that they can play a key role in maintaining freedom. True, there are varying degrees of tolerance for infringements within our ranks, such as those endorsing CCW permitting schemes, but that still leaves us in agreement on the core issue of gun ownership being an individual right.
So you can be an anarcho-capitalist, a libertarian, a Christian conservative, and find common ground on guns.
We need to focus on that unifying commonality and how best to exploit it.
I don't think we'll find that focus through politics. Aside from way too many races being a "lesser of two evils" proposition, this is where our divisiveness really hurts our effectiveness. This candidate may be right on guns, but he's wrong on the border issue, or abortion, or drugs, and besides, voting's a (pick one) [right/duty/joke/exercise in majority tyranny] anyway. I will, however, look at how we can have a greater effect on the political process in a later post (Hint: it involves hijacking a race and extorting the candidate).
I believe we need to focus efforts on expanding the "market demand" for the right to own a gun, that is, on education and outreach. And our biggest obstacle to doing this is ourselves, as demonstrated by...
Next time: "Profiles in Apathy"
What California Republicans Think of Gun Owners
California Republicans believe a handsome, blue-state Republican such as Mitt Romney would turn the presidential map upside down in 2008, appealing to the voters on both coasts who normally back Democrats in national elections.Here you go, gun owners, a nice big order of GOP ordure to swallow.
And you'll like it, or we'll pull (Boogedy-Boogedy!) Hillary on you!
The Way Things Ought to Be
The first day of the event, I'll admit, I'd do double-takes when seeing someone walk through the vendor mall with a shotgun on their shoulder. By the second day, I didn't even notice.Les Winkeler still has some growing to do, but he's coming along...
Seeing all the guns in the open might make city folks a little uneasy - sometimes with good reason. However, any fears politicians had about this facility were misplaced. I can't think of a place in Southern Illinois I'd feel safer.
[Thanks to HZ]
Principles for Hire
His growing kitchen cabinet spans an array of issues and backgrounds, and includes James Jay Baker, a former lobbyist for the National Rifle Association...The rehabilitation of John McCain--or at least his image--with gun owners has begun.
I guess Baker thinks being a Republican is more important than defending the First and Second Amendments.
Gutzmer on Hot Issues
Hernando Zavala asked me to share the following exchange with Peter Gutzmer, Democratic Candidate for Illinois Senate 27th district:
Candidate Gutzmer's reply:
I have been asked to help support your candidacy. I believe that every elected office in state government can act as a stepping stone to a higher elected office at the federal level. Since we are wholly responsible for the people we place in office and bear the consequences of their actions while in office, I strongly believe a critical analysis of a candidate's stance on the issues is in order.
If you would have my help and support, I ask for your stance on the following two issues. I know time is critical when running for office so I will not expect anything more than brief replies. I looked for these two topics on your website but they were not addressed.I know these are "hot button" issues but your responses (or your silence) on these two issues will tell me everything I need to know about you. Please take your time in answering.
- What is your stance on abortion? (i.e. At what point do you believe life begins?)
- What is your stance on gun control? (i.e. Are there any restrictions which you would repeal? Any restrictions which you would support? Assault weapons?)
Candidate Gutzmer's reply:
Thank you for contacting me, I find it truly encouraging to see people engaged in the political process because your right, voters are essentially responsibly for those whom they elect.
My position on Abortion is as follows: I am not for abortions, any woman or couple who must go through that moral tragedy is a shame. As to when life begins, I believe that is a question for each of us to address personally via our faith and belief structure. Because of this I want to do two things. The first is abortion should always be legal, its illegality pushes a dangerous medical procedure into the shadows and I believe that could be catastrophic to the reproductive health of all women. The second involves an effort to always reduce the number abortions performed each year. I believe that through comprehensive sex education and the interest of engaged parents, we can arm our children with the knowledge of the responsibilities and consequences that come along with having sex. This is an issue that touches people in the most deep of personal places, but that must not stop us from confronting these issues from a rational perspective, one that will allow us to progress rather than regress.
My position on gun control is as follows: I am a gun owner, I own a handgun, a rifle, and a shotgun. As a sportsman I am more than willing to jump through any hoops conceivable when purchasing or using my firearms to ensure these weapons do not fall into the wrong hands. I do believe that every law-abiding citizen has the right to own a firearm. I was also glad that you asked about assault weapons. I find no earthly reason why an average citizen would have a need for weapons specifically designed for military use, I do support an assault weapons ban. Furthermore I do think there is more we can do to track and monitor the sale of firearms in Illinois, and all that can be done to keep our children safe from domestic accidents should be done.
Again I thank you for your engagement. The one promise I can make to all the people of the 27th district is that I am here to listen and will always work for them. My only interest is their interest and what is best for the state of Illinois.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
An Act of Faith
RADLEY BALKO SAYS let's start a blogstorm with this 13-minute YouTube video from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.I won't have time to watch this until when I get home this evening, but if Claire Wolfe says it's worth promoting, that's good enough for me.
A Snitch Line I Could Support
In an effort to crack down on violent crime in New Orleans, the federal government announced it is "reestablishing" a gun hotline, which allows citizens to report the illegal use and possession of firearms around the clock...I agree. Start by fingering NOPD, and reporting their possession of firearms illegally confiscated from citizens during Hurricane Katrina.
"I encourage the citizens of New Orleans to take back their neighborhoods by calling (504) 581-GUNS," Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said at a press conference on Monday.
We're the Only Ones Who Don't Compute Enough
An LAPD narcotics officer will be investigated for the "negligent" firing of a handgun that discharged while being cleaned, putting a bullet into an office computer, it was announced Monday.Hey, if the "handgun...discharged" and "the incident occurred," why are they investigating the poor "Only One"?
Oh, you mean that's "authorized journalist" code for he fired the gun?
When a President Betrays His Country
Recent papers released from the Clinton Presidential Library reveal a well-orchestrated and clearly defined roadmap to impose severe restrictions on firearm owners, manufacturers, and dealers. Perhaps the most sinister is the deliberate attempt to financially cripple firearm manufacturers and dealers via class action lawsuits.Jennifer Freeman weighs in on the Clinton plot to disarm Americans.
Now might be a good time to ask: If the next democrat presidential candidate is Hillary Clinton, will you hold your nose and vote for John McCain or Rudolph Giuiliani?
As I've said before, I'm just trying to determine the "pragmatists'" tolerance threshold for tyranny, and where their line in the sand is.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Madden 2007 to End Philly Gun Violence!
"Look at all the kids involved in gun violence lately. I'd be willing to bet some hard money that most of them play this game. Maybe the hook is to get them participating in tournaments and then get them into something else positive while we have their attention."
The writer hits the mark with this next line:
Later, Lane is going to end teen pregnancy by doing a really neat trick in Super Mario Bros.
Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista
Matthew Bracken informs me his latest novel has been printed and is now available for purchase.
I haven't read it yet, but I thoroughly enjoyed his first book.
Spend some time over at Matt's website. The guy writes a helluva tale.
We've recently explored some issues here at WarOnGuns regarding what we need to do to reclaim the Second Amendment. Don't discount the power of fiction for introducing ideas into the popular culture.
If we can help create a market demand for such ideas, there will be no shortage of entrepreneurs rushing in to promote and fulfill it.
I haven't read it yet, but I thoroughly enjoyed his first book.
Spend some time over at Matt's website. The guy writes a helluva tale.
We've recently explored some issues here at WarOnGuns regarding what we need to do to reclaim the Second Amendment. Don't discount the power of fiction for introducing ideas into the popular culture.
If we can help create a market demand for such ideas, there will be no shortage of entrepreneurs rushing in to promote and fulfill it.
Another "Child Gun Death"
I guess if you want to build a case for "child gun deaths, it helps to leave out the convenient fact that he was committing an armed robbery and a citizen defended himself...
The Chicago Tribune version [Use BugMeNot to bypass site registration]:
Daily Southtown version:
You may speculate that the Tribune story was not intentionally slanted, and merely reflected facts known at the time. If that's the case, one would expect a story update, which a site search reveals has not yet happened at the time of this posting, two days after the Southtown story was printed.
[Thanks to HZ]
The Chicago Tribune version [Use BugMeNot to bypass site registration]:
A 15-year-old boy died Thursday after being found with gunshot wounds to the stomach in a field in Hazel Crest, police said.
Daily Southtown version:
Detectives are searching for a teenage gunman after a botched robbery left his accomplice dead and a third man fighting for his life in hospital.
You may speculate that the Tribune story was not intentionally slanted, and merely reflected facts known at the time. If that's the case, one would expect a story update, which a site search reveals has not yet happened at the time of this posting, two days after the Southtown story was printed.
[Thanks to HZ]
Someone Has Daddy Issues
My dad and his friends maintained a ludicrous fantasy that their possession of guns was in some way preventing a foreign invasion or discouraging some sort of internal coup...Guns have no place in an advanced society...
The Los Angeles Times has published three letters in response to Jenny Price's latest hit piece on gun owners.
Try not to point and laugh at the third letter writer, Lee Trumble. Pathetic. What a disappointment he must be to his father.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Is That a Screwdriver in Your Pocket...?
A customer carrying a gun foiled a man who attempted to rob a fast-food restaurant with a screwdriver in his pocket, police said.Well what do you know?
Another story of an armed citizen where violence is stopped and everybody lives.
The Hero of Seattle
Now, Klein said she is speaking out, in part because telling her story helps her to heal, and in part to help raise awareness about gun control and workplace safety.No it did not. Yes, you kept your head, but you were extremely lucky. The choice to shoot again or not was entirely your assailant's. Now you're hell-bent on making others victims of another madman's unilateral decision.
Klein said her American Red Cross training helped her instinctively know what to do when she was confronted and shot by the gunman.
That doesn't make you a hero--that makes you an enabler, as is gushing propagandist Jackson Holtz, who actually has the gall to represent himself as a "reporter".
We're the Only Ones "Straw Purchasing" Enough
A New Orleans Police Department employee and a felon have been indicted for illegally obtaining an AK-47 assault rifle, federal prosecutors said Friday.This story makes no sense on a few levels.
U.S. Attorney Jim Letten said Nisheka M. Webb, 21, went to a local gun show July 29 with Wayne C. Jones, 28, to buy a gun for him. Jones, a convicted felon, is prohibited from ever owning or possessing a firearm, Letten said.
The indictment charged both with conspiracy to acquire a firearm by providing a false statement to a federally-licensed firearm dealer.
First, why didn't Webb simply give her "friend" one of those guns NOPD "Only Ones" stole from citizens during the Katrina confiscations?
But more importantly, what's this "federally-licensed firearm dealer" business? Everyone knows gun shows provide loopholes for supplying felons and terrorists with firearms--no questions asked.
Right, GOP presidential hopeful John McCain?
People With Authority
A woman was detained by the FBI Friday afternoon for hauling a loaded handgun in her carry-on bag or purse...I wonder if she'll get the same treatment as others who have committed the same "offense"...
People with authority to carry a gun sometimes forget it is in their carry-on bag at the airport...It is unclear whether the woman was authorized to carry a gun.
In any case, she clearly had the authority. It admits that right here.
Friday, August 18, 2006
That's Why We Call You People Subjects
Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation Chief Irvin McIvor received an absolute discharge in court Tuesday after pleading guilty to unsafe storage of a firearm.By the "Crown"?
A second charge of unauthorized possession of a weapon was stayed by the Crown.
What did Mr. Paine have to say about "nobility"?
Because the idea of hereditary legislators is as inconsistent as that of hereditary judges, or hereditary juries; and as absurd as an hereditary mathematician, or an hereditary wise man; and as ridiculous as an hereditary poet laureate.
But the message is clear: Subjects are ruled.
We're the Only Ones Discharging Enough
Off-duty Killeen Police officer Juneth Steubing was arrested in Copperas Cove late Tuesday for discharging a firearm multiple times in the bedroom of her home...Yeah, I'm sure that's how you and I would be treated--right after surviving the SWAT experience...
[S]he was released at 2 p.m. Wednesday on a $200 personal recognizance bond...
She has been placed on administrative leave with pay...
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
Questions and Answers VI
[Parts I, II, III, IV and V]
This is the last post directly responsive to Mr. Licht's questions, observations and challenges. But it will by no means be the end of this discussion, which I intend to begin addressing next week, with further explorations into what hasn't worked, what has, and what may.
When he originally wrote to me, I knew that to give him thoughtful responses would take much more time than I could spare in a one-on-one, and if I was going to put the time into a reply that was worth the effort, it needed to be done in this open forum. I've actually been meaning to address the questions he raised for a while now, so Mr. Licht's timely email provided both a catalyst and a framework to begin that effort.
Here's the balance of his initial query:
The thing is, he doesn't know "whose side" his inquisitors are on--are they the foreign enemy, pumping him for state secrets, or is it his own government, that is, his domestic enemy, trying to determine what he knows and what he may have disclosed?
As in star Patrick McGoohan's previous series, "Secret Agent," they've given him a number and taken away his name, referring to the captive protagonist as "Number Six."
But the thing about Number Six, and what confounds his tormenters, is no matter what they throw at him, he never gives up. Each episode, he defies and rebels and attempts to escape, always seeking creative ways out of his trap, relying on himself, his intellect, his resourcefulness and daring to reclaim his liberty.
And each episode he is thwarted, betrayed, recaptured. But he never allows himself to be broken. When one idea fails him, he comes up with another, commits himself to it, and gives it his all. For the sake of his freedom.
That strikes me as a pretty fine ideal to strive for.
There is a way out of the box. Stick around and we can try to find it.
In the coming weeks we can look at lawsuits and gun groups and militias. We'll look at politics and education. We'll confront apathy and lack of resources and critical mass.
Just as I tied the responses together under "Questions and Answers," I'll come up with a unifying title for the next leg of the series--perhaps "Escaping the Village."
And as they say there on parting, "Be seeing you."
This is the last post directly responsive to Mr. Licht's questions, observations and challenges. But it will by no means be the end of this discussion, which I intend to begin addressing next week, with further explorations into what hasn't worked, what has, and what may.
When he originally wrote to me, I knew that to give him thoughtful responses would take much more time than I could spare in a one-on-one, and if I was going to put the time into a reply that was worth the effort, it needed to be done in this open forum. I've actually been meaning to address the questions he raised for a while now, so Mr. Licht's timely email provided both a catalyst and a framework to begin that effort.
Here's the balance of his initial query:
I know you are a fan of "the prisoner". We ARE living in the village. More so all the time and on an accelerating path. But you and I, and a few pockets here and there are "not prisoners, we are free men! Or by our actions, are we?He touched on an affectation of mine, but an inspiration, nonetheless. If you're unfamiliar with "The Prisoner," it was a TV series from the 60's about a secret agent who quit in anger from his agency. He is kidnapped and awakens in a fantastic locale known as "the Village," a gilded cage where his captors are constantly subjecting him to surveillance and subterfuge in a quest for "information."
What do you think?
I am asking your personal opinion for my own interest and direction and I will NOT republish your response.
The thing is, he doesn't know "whose side" his inquisitors are on--are they the foreign enemy, pumping him for state secrets, or is it his own government, that is, his domestic enemy, trying to determine what he knows and what he may have disclosed?
As in star Patrick McGoohan's previous series, "Secret Agent," they've given him a number and taken away his name, referring to the captive protagonist as "Number Six."
But the thing about Number Six, and what confounds his tormenters, is no matter what they throw at him, he never gives up. Each episode, he defies and rebels and attempts to escape, always seeking creative ways out of his trap, relying on himself, his intellect, his resourcefulness and daring to reclaim his liberty.
And each episode he is thwarted, betrayed, recaptured. But he never allows himself to be broken. When one idea fails him, he comes up with another, commits himself to it, and gives it his all. For the sake of his freedom.
That strikes me as a pretty fine ideal to strive for.
There is a way out of the box. Stick around and we can try to find it.
In the coming weeks we can look at lawsuits and gun groups and militias. We'll look at politics and education. We'll confront apathy and lack of resources and critical mass.
Just as I tied the responses together under "Questions and Answers," I'll come up with a unifying title for the next leg of the series--perhaps "Escaping the Village."
And as they say there on parting, "Be seeing you."
Thursday, August 17, 2006
We're the Only Ones Accidentally Going Off Enough
Officers over those years shot themselves or one another nearly as often as they were shot by suspects.Good Lord.
Since 1985, there have been more than 350 accidental discharges by LAPD officers. There also have been more than a dozen so-called friendly fire incidents...
One off-duty officer shot himself in a leg as he sat behind his desk and, according to department records, contemplated "a complex mathematical problem." Another officer inadvertently pulled the trigger when his African gray parrot flew into his face.
One officer accidentally shot his girlfriend in a leg while trying to retrieve a cartridge from his handgun as a "memento" of their date. Yet another officer admitted that he accidentally fired his gun because he was startled by a woman holding a teddy bear. Two officers accidentally discharged their weapons as they handled them at home while watching themselves in mirrors.
And in LA, these people are "The Only Ones" trusted enough to bear arms. And that's no accident.
Mouse Gun Really a Mouse Gun
There is a new gun in town: a Swiss minigun the size of a key fob that can shoot an eye out, according to an Intelligence Bulletin from the Baltimore, Md. police obtained by ABC News.Be on the lookout for this suspect:

"Intelligence Bulletin from the Baltimore PD..."
Ha! Good one!
[Thanks to HZ]
The Flowers Aren't the Only Things Dying Here
The city’s such a warzone nowA word of advice, Odd Rod, and this is coming from someone who's poetic endeavors generally begin "There once was a man from Nantuckett..."
it’s quite a show to see
At least three cops on every block
to tidy up the streets
Don't quit your day job.
Oh, you don't have a...?
Never mind.
If you're wondering what this is about, ol' Odd Rod is waxing poetic about a new snitch program offering bounties to turn in people carrying guns.
Heck, even if the person you finger isn't carrying, chances are those approaching him will be inclined to protect themselves first and ask questions later. Either way, what a great opportunity to have the cops get rid of a rival so you can claim that corner for yourself.
I knew he wasn't packin'
But I thought he needed whackin'
So I called in a tip and
Said he keeps it in his waistband...
Hey, Odd Rod--How am I doing...?
OK, I won't quit my day job either.
Who Will Guard the Guards?
A security guard hired to watch for taggers and vandals was found shot to death Monday at an elementary school...The victim was reportedly not armed.
Then how was he supposed to guard anything?
We're the Only Ones Fluid Enough
An inmate's sock containing body fluids has led to the arrest of a prison guard on charges of sexual abuse.I don't even wanna ask. Just put a sock in it...
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
Credit Where Credit is Due
NRA's Chris Cox:
Today, in a landmark victory for NRA and law-abiding gun owners, Judge Carl J. Barbier of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana denied the City of New Orleans' motion to dismiss NRA's lawsuit against the city and held that the Second Amendment applies to law-abiding residents in the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans. Straining the bounds of credibility and reflecting the true sentiment of anti-gunners, the City of New Orleans contemptuously argued that the Second Amendment does not apply to residents in the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans.SAF's Alan Gottlieb:
The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) today won a key battle in an on-going lawsuit against the City of New Orleans, when a federal judge rejected the city's motion to dismiss the case. SAF took New Orleans to court last year to stop illegal confiscation of firearms from private citizens in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Defendants in the case are the city, Mayor Ray Nagin and Police Superintendent Warren Riley. SAF was joined in the historic lawsuit by the National Rifle Association. Both organizations have members living in New Orleans.I note SAF's acknowledgment of NRA contributions is not reciprocated. Again.
Here's the AP's version ...
From CNS...
And David Hardy provides insightful analysis, as ususal.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Questions and Answers V
[Parts I, II, III and IV]
Mr. Licht goes on:
You'll recall earlier I used the term "critical mass." I'll get back to that concept in a later posting, along with another belief I hold--it's not so much gutlessness, although that plays a part, as apathy.
You bet it is, and some of us have stuck our necks out to promote that message. Comment poster "jomama" hit it when he asked "Why not just do it and tell no one, whatever it is you want to do? I do."
The problem with this is, not getting caught ain't the same as being free. And if and when he does, there will be no shortage of gun forum chat room warriors snorting how "he knew the law, got what he deserved and makes the rest of us look bad."
More to come.
Mr. Licht goes on:
Wouldn’t it be more meaningful for us to promote the compact made with US by the Founders when they pledged "Our lives our fortunes and our sacred honor" that your children and mine would live free? With regular pitchfork parties at the "government houses". Are U.S. Citizens sooooo gutless that they will not stand up to a government that works for them? Are we a nation of girls? (Rhetorical questions, I know). Maybe we should be shaming the masses instead of hyping them on the second. What is your view? (Is it time to contemplate the need or the inevitability of having to "water the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots")?Of course we should be educating ourselves in--and promoting--liberty and the vision of the Founders, as well as new freedom insights that have been developed since that time. And yes, it's perfectly rational to "contemplate" the tripwires where actual resistance to tyranny is morally justified, and how some of those have been triggered already.
You'll recall earlier I used the term "critical mass." I'll get back to that concept in a later posting, along with another belief I hold--it's not so much gutlessness, although that plays a part, as apathy.
Isn’t it long past time for civil disobedience and non cooperation? Isn’t it time to teach your (our / all) children that confiscation is inevitable. It’s a deliberate plot against the populace. That citizens should never cooperate, register or report? Shouldn’t second amendment focused organizations and publications start promoting non registration, parents buying for their children so the children are never "on record", acknowledging that the government has already so far overstepped their authority that they can not be trusted and to act defensively for the future safety of our children and our country? i.e. REALITY.
You bet it is, and some of us have stuck our necks out to promote that message. Comment poster "jomama" hit it when he asked "Why not just do it and tell no one, whatever it is you want to do? I do."
The problem with this is, not getting caught ain't the same as being free. And if and when he does, there will be no shortage of gun forum chat room warriors snorting how "he knew the law, got what he deserved and makes the rest of us look bad."
If the minders won’t mind the borders at the minimum when in excess of 70% of the population is demanding to close the borders - why should any thinking person believe the government, bent on one worldism will ever protect the constitution or the citizens god given inalienable rights to anything?????I think the problem with this analysis is that the population really isn't "demanding"--because that implies there would be consequences if the demand is not met.
Shouldn’t we be screaming that totalitarianism is coming at light speed? Instead of this constant fund raising subterfuge that the second amendment will someday form the basis of a winning lawsuit that will set the U.S. back on a constitutional course and abolish all gun laws, blah, blah, blah, blah, promote the myth? Isn’t this just delusion and masturbation and mental disorder????We can scream, but without fundraising, who will hear? And while I've covered the dangers of a lawsuit, and the liklihood that it will cast "intermediate scrutiny" in stone for untold years, I wouldn't throw any tool out of the kit.
If we keep up all this sound and fury promoting an argument that can never move the reality forward and we are just flailing about chanting a mantra that is effectively a political divide and conquer and slight of hand strategy to dilute and pacify / pussify the electorate.........Aren’t we mentally ill? Or DUMB????I've come to a different conclusion than you about this--we won't be able to truly defend ourselves until we achieve that critical mass I keep cryptically referring to, and you can't do that without education and outreach.
Are we passing the point of no return where in the second amendment (and many of the others, 1st, 4th, 5th, etc..), no, the Constitution will be stolen from our children without a shot being fired by the absolute worthless, embarrassing, self serving, pandering, lowest common denominator dunderheaded "alleged representatives" from top to bottom, petite totalitarians and soccer moms and the lowest common denominator educational / indoctrination system "we" have built?That could be--or it could be just the opposite. We've seen historical examples of tyrants standing down when the people stood up. Let's keep building that critical mass.
Have we be been completely screwed by the "greatest generation" who having won WWII, sat on their fat assess and voted entitlement and totalitarianism into this country and hope to party till the lights go out and save the bill for their grandchildren and die before they have to see the damage they have delivered their future generations?We could argue this point and it wouldn't get us closer to a solution. I know my parents didn't sit around--they didn't have time. They were too busy building so their children wouldn't suffer the hardships they had overcome--circumstances that would break many from our generation. In any case, that torch has been passed.
More to come.
That's Capital "G" and that Rhymes with "P"...*
"Didn't we have a program, we were giving them money, they were buying new glocks?" asked Alderman Robert Lee...Boston police offered a $200 Target gift card to anyone who turned in a gun, so the money couldn't be used to buy ammo or new glocks.Do you think someone ought to tell "authorized journalist" Melissa Bailey and the editors of the New Haven Independent that "Glock" is a proper noun?
[Thanks to Jason M]
Like WHAT on a Bull?
Leggett said he hired a security guard who was at the store at the time but guards cannot be armed.Isn't that kind of like hiring someone to be a victim?
[Thanks to Jason M]
We're the Only Ones Da Bomb Enough
A former Milwaukee police officer accused of severely beating a biracial man outside a house party was convicted on unrelated charges of making a bomb threat Tuesday.I wonder how long the non-"Only Ones" of Milwaukee were treated to his explosive personality?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
A Republic, If You Can Keep It
Three quarters of Americans can correctly identify two of Snow White's seven dwarfs while only a quarter can name two Supreme Court Justices, according to a poll on pop culture released on Monday...I'll bet they all have opinions about "gun control," too...
Respondents were far more familiar with the Three Stooges -- Larry, Curly and Moe -- than the three branches of the U.S. government -- judicial, executive and legislative.
We're the Only Ones In (and Out of) Uniform Enough
"Being honest with you, women do like cops," he said. "Women love guys in uniform."Yes, ladies, what could be a bigger turn-on than "The Only Ones" giving you the thrill of their affection--whether you want it or not?
Sick and Evil: Yep, That's "The Times"
[Use BugMeNot to bypass site registration]
Florida’s law is a sick cousin of the work of the gun lobby on Capitol Hill, where it has successfully protected the interstate traffickers of guns used in crimes. And it is the evil twin of laws passed in 38 states that allow concealed weapons.Yeah, sick and evil--except when publisher "Pinch" Sulzberger's daddy "Punch" got his CCW. But that was because he carried money, and we all know Sulzberger money is much more valuable than the lives of mere hoi polloi.
Texas Tomfoolery
He said a quick application of flat-black spray paint can erase any color or marking. "The only thing you're left with is banning their sale completely." he said. "That would still leave us with all the toys piled up in flea markets and garages and homemade ones. You read about the prisoner who makes a revolver out of tin foil and soap. If someone wants to make a fake gun, they can make one."When toy guns are outlawed...
Seems I covered similar ground a few years back with our good pal Michael Eisner...
[Thanks to Jason M]
Monday, August 14, 2006
We're the Only Ones Flying the Friendly Skies Enough
Chicago police said they are investigating the theft of several handguns from luggage at O'Hare International Airport since the beginning of the year.How can they do this to us? Don't they realize we're "The Only Ones"???
Police spokeswoman Monique Bond said all of the thefts have occurred from bags checked for United Airlines flights by police officers, military personnel and others with the legal rights to carry the weapons.
Sure glad Chicago PD'ette and Constitutional law expert Monique is there to educate us about just who has the right to keep and bear arms...and we can only hope if one of those guns kills someone that the manufacturers get what's coming to them!
Now That She Mentions It...
JILL Carroll, the American journalist who was held hostage for 82 days in Iraq, yesterday told how she begged her captors to end her life by using a gun rather than a knife.Y'know, I think I'd "rather" be shot than hacked and sawed at, myself...
Which poses an interesting question for those who would ban guns: If some maniac was coming at you or a loved one with a knife, you're honestly saying you wouldn't want a gun?
Questions and Answers IV
[Parts I, II and III]
Mr. Licht continues:
I don't think permit lists are needed to ID gun owners, what with Form 4473s kept by dealers and the "supposedly" purged instant background check files, but I don't doubt they could be used as a supplement.
To me, the danger of permitting--and the reason I refuse to even apply for one (even though I couldn't get one in LA County if my life depended on it), is that it establishes the legal and social expectation that government permission to keep and bear arms is a legitimate concept for which there is (here comes that term again) a "compelling state interest."
I know some view it as incremental progress that will prep society to the concept of armed citizens. I view it as a prior restraint and an illegitimate erosion of "shall not be infringed." Rights are not permitted. License is not liberty. And I've taken no small amount of flack for this position, which is definitely in the minority, even among Second Amendment advocates.
Mr. Licht again:
On the next point, I've never been shy about taking on NRA management when I believed it needed to be done--from Project Exile to "gun-free schools" to setting up members for gun registration to--just today--yet another story on undeserved grades for politicians, and more. I do have some ideas for reform, but admit that whether that's even possible is a debatable premise.
But rallying those who fund NRA to an alternative effort means we're gonna need a rallying point--and I just don't see how to get that message out to millions of gun owners without a professional organization "raking in millions."
I'll have more to say on potential NRA reforms, as well as why I believe they are symptomatic of detachment and abdication of personal responsibility--which is the main reason we're in the fix we're in on all fronts, and why "storming the capitals" is hardly an option at the present time.
But look at how long this is already. We still have more of Mr. Licht's initial letter to address over the coming week before it's time to start tying everything together...
Mr. Licht continues:
I acknowledge that I am a paranoid nut case and I do not trust the state (particularly the current GENERATION of self serving one world "alleged representatives" selling out our children in every way at every opportunity)Someone once said just because you're paranoid doesn't mean "they" aren't out to get you, and in the case of gun owners, it's obvious there are those who would like to see us eliminated.
I cling to these beliefs being aware that forty states have passed Shall Carry laws and being fully informed about the "castle doctrine" laws. But isn't it possible that "Shall Carry", i.e. "Shall Register" may just be a ruse to determine where all the guns are and that with the stroke of a pen they could use those lists as the basis for confiscation? Again, I know I am an unreasonable "nut case" but if anything is possible and history repeats itself....repeatedly.......?
I don't think permit lists are needed to ID gun owners, what with Form 4473s kept by dealers and the "supposedly" purged instant background check files, but I don't doubt they could be used as a supplement.
To me, the danger of permitting--and the reason I refuse to even apply for one (even though I couldn't get one in LA County if my life depended on it), is that it establishes the legal and social expectation that government permission to keep and bear arms is a legitimate concept for which there is (here comes that term again) a "compelling state interest."
I know some view it as incremental progress that will prep society to the concept of armed citizens. I view it as a prior restraint and an illegitimate erosion of "shall not be infringed." Rights are not permitted. License is not liberty. And I've taken no small amount of flack for this position, which is definitely in the minority, even among Second Amendment advocates.
Mr. Licht again:
Instead of keeping high paid lobbyists going (a la Wayne La Pierre) would it be more prudent to tell our children that confiscation is inevitable, do not cooperate? Wouldn't it be more effective to rally those that would fund these (arguably) gun control organizations (like the NRA) that are raking in millions compromising away our gun rights routinely and incrementally - particularly by pretending we have to ask permission instead of saying "storm the capitals" and "Shall not be infringed" has its plain meaning?I don't believe wholesale (as opposed to localized) confiscation is inevitable, although I can envision scenarios where it would be tried. I think that entirely depends on whether or not we who believe in the Second Amendment are successful at informing/educating a critical mass of fellow citizens to the point where to do so would become so intrusive and widespread that it would outrage more than just a few hard core gun activists. Because, face it--right now a 3:00 AM raid netting an "arsenal" and a "militia extremist" and "thousands of rounds of ammunition" is greeted with a sigh of relief from most of our neighbors and countrymen.
On the next point, I've never been shy about taking on NRA management when I believed it needed to be done--from Project Exile to "gun-free schools" to setting up members for gun registration to--just today--yet another story on undeserved grades for politicians, and more. I do have some ideas for reform, but admit that whether that's even possible is a debatable premise.
But rallying those who fund NRA to an alternative effort means we're gonna need a rallying point--and I just don't see how to get that message out to millions of gun owners without a professional organization "raking in millions."
I'll have more to say on potential NRA reforms, as well as why I believe they are symptomatic of detachment and abdication of personal responsibility--which is the main reason we're in the fix we're in on all fronts, and why "storming the capitals" is hardly an option at the present time.
But look at how long this is already. We still have more of Mr. Licht's initial letter to address over the coming week before it's time to start tying everything together...
GOA Candidate Beats NRA Candidate
Joe Schwarz does not believe the Second Amendment is an individual right; he opposed concealed carry in the state of Michigan; and he voted in favor of mandatory trigger locks when he came to Washington.So why the NRA "A" rating, and what's with Chris Cox, who told members:
“Representative Schwarz has a legacy of fighting for and protecting the Second Amendment for all law-abiding Michiganders. He has earned the NRA’s endorsement and trust of Michigan’s District 7 gun owners.”
What did Yogi Berra say, "It's deja-vu all over again"?
[Via KABA Newslinks]
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Targeted By Anti-Gun Nuts
"[T]hese are just guys who sit in front of their computers at 3 a.m. in their underwear"...So you can call us names but we can't reciprocate?
Meanwhile, do you really want these people on these websites (and 40 million other people in the country) to have guns?...
I can cite statistics, and I can tell you why the right to carry a 9-millimeter semiautomatic handgun with a 10-shot clip is not guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment. But the paranoia and bone-chilling hatred that spew from such sites as and make for an equally — and unusually — effective argument for a ban on handguns.
Here's the difference, Jenny Price. These people will leave you alone if you do the same to them. But you insist on using the force of the state to bend them to your will--and having them destroyed if they don't comply.
Why not go poke a hornet's nest with a stick, and then whine in shocked indignation at the reaction--as if you provoked and deserved nothing in return?
Officer...Oh Officer! That Man Has a HOLSTER!!!
Fellow council member Joe Teri spotted Perreault wearing a holster on his waist. That sparked enough concern that Teri mentioned it to council member Ed Earl and Lake County Sheriff's Lt. Greg Link.
Teri couldn't just go up to Perreault and say "Hey, I see you like to shoot, too. We ought to schedule some range time together."
No, "city officials" had to "huddle." No one had the guts to even approach Perreault until the bold City Fathers designated the cop as their "stuckee."
Which leads me to a fun new party game I just invented after visiting the Minneola Council website, the War On Guns Wheel o' Wussies:

Simply cut out out the circular image and put a hole in the center you can stick something through to spin it. If Perreault "lands" in front of you, you're "safe". Everybody else, well you can make up your own rules. For instance, maybe whoever ends up with Teri should get a Wheel o' Wussies Wedgie...
The Gun Team
A hand-picked team of detectives, plainclothes and uniformed officers has been selected to prowl the most crime-ridden Yonkers streets and take guns away from criminals, Police Commissioner Robert Taggart said.I can imagine the comic book cover.
I can hear the theme music.
I can visualize the trailer.
I can see the little flags waving as the occupying troops march down the Champs d'Elysées...
The commissioner said the members of the gun team are counting on neighborhood residents to help them with intelligence on where they might find guns and who has them.
Lawmakers Say Former Law Enforcment Huge Source For Illegal Guns
A huge gun smuggling investigation landed a former Columbus Police officer in major trouble, NewsChannel5 partner ONN reported.Translation: We can't be trusted, so we must punish YOU...
Is it really too much for authorized journalists to realize and report that all dealer sales at gun shows must go through the background check?
I guess the true question is, are they really that ignorant or really that dishonest?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
We're the Only Ones Laughing at the Right to Peaceably Assemble Enough
A newly surfaced videotape that shows Broward Sheriff's Office officials laughing over footage of Ritter being shot by rubber bullets and calling protesters "cockroaches" has sparked outrage and prompted an apology from law enforcement.The courts have consistently held infringements of the First, Second And Fourth Amendments constitutional, so why shouldn't they laugh, cockroaches?
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
Second Circuit Short-Circuits Fourth Amendment
Random bag searches by New York police at subway stations are constitutional and an effective means of combating terrorism, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday.And if it turns out "terrorists" are avoiding detection and smuggling vials of liquid explosives by inserting them into body cavities, I won't be surprised if random sigmoidoscopy is upheld as constitutional, too...
At Least She Doesn't Go Halfway When She Lies
Why is the NRA aggressively trying to repeal the Brady Law (background checks), which since 1994 has prevented more than 1.3 million prohibited purchasers from getting guns? ...So there have been 1.3 million prosecutions and convictions, right?
It's time for the gun lobby to come to the table and meet us at least halfway in passing common-sense gun laws...
As for NRA aggressively trying to repeal Brady, they did fight the waiting period and unfunded mandates to local law enforcement, but supported and proposed inputs to the "instant check" system. The Association's official position, in a nutshell:
The NRA`s membership of more than four million persons, has a strong interest in the proper implementation of the provisions of law concerning the acquisition of firearms by law-abiding citizens and the prevention of such acquisition by violent criminals.That isn't "halfway" enough for you, Diane?
We're the Only Ones Running Guns Enough
A former Columbus police officer illegally sold 501 guns last year — including one that was found with two Somali men now charged in a terrorist plot in Canada...Breaks laws he would have arrested us for, beats citizens in a lethal rage when he doesn't get his way, and then turns snitch when it's his corrupt butt on the line...
Nelson, who joined the Columbus Police Division in late 1997, left because of a spinal disability in June 2005. He was off work and on medical leave in November 2004 when he was charged with felonious assault in a road-rage incident. Authorities say he hit another motorist in the head with a metal flashlight...
After he was caught, Nelson agreed to help investigators trace guns he’d sold.
Enjoy the rest of your life, Nelson. It sucks to be you.
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
[Via Dennis Walker]
Gun Control Voodoo
Parents with guns in their homes become less vigilant about how they store those guns as their children grow older, a new study suggests -- even though older children are at far more risk of being harmed by those guns than younger children are...First you take a subset--people who admit to an interviewer they have guns in their home. Then you take an entire population--including impoverished criminal adolescents immersed in gang activities and drugs, generational government dependence and fatherless homes, and Presto-Changeo! you get hysterical hyperbole presented as general truth! Oh, and pitchfork murders.
...Johnson and her colleagues analyzed responses from the 392 people who had at least one gun in the house and at least one child younger than 18.
It happens every time when witch doctors like Johnson convince people they're scientists.
Their message? Eliminate the bad juju. Keep the evil fetish object locked away.
But under no circumstances apply education, training and discipline...
Friday, August 11, 2006
I'll have the next installment up on Monday, Lord willing and the creek don't rise...
I still plan to do limited posting on Saturday and Sunday, but site visits tend to drop off pretty substantially. It seems most people--me included--have lives outside of the Internet...
I still plan to do limited posting on Saturday and Sunday, but site visits tend to drop off pretty substantially. It seems most people--me included--have lives outside of the Internet...
At Least It's Not Cruel and Unusual
Hodges faces a possible life sentence for possession of the marijuana and possession of the shotgun during the commission of a felony.I'm sure there will be no shortage of "law and order" gun owners who will deem this a good thing. I'm also sure they will have no problem finding the enumerated federal authority for such arrests, prosecutions and convictions in this document that they proclaim such reverence for...
We're the Only Ones Tampering Enough
A suburban Chicago police detective has been charged with misconduct after investigators say he tampered with evidence.
Authorities say 37-year-old Harvey police detective Hollis Dorrough smuggled a gun out of the police station that was linked to an October incident.
Investigators allege that a Harvey city official urged Dorrough to get rid of the gun.
Corruption in Harvey? Nah...
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
At Least He Wasn't Packing Hair Gel
Police at Austin Bergstrom International Airport arrested Horseshoe Bay Resort CEO Douglas Jaffe, 26, on Thursday morning for "unlawfully carrying a weapon in places where weapons are prohibited," says Travis County Sheriff's Office spokesman Roger Wade...Don't worry too much. The Jaffe's are big behind-the-scenes Texas Democrat party movers and shakers.
If found guilty, authorities say he could face between two and 10 years in prison, and a fine up to $10,000.
We're the Only Ones Safely Storing Enough
A four-year-old boy apparently killed himself today with a handgun he found under a bed in a police officer's home...Anderson has since been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.
"Administrative leave"? I'll bet if this happened to one of us, we'd be able to look forward to some paid time off, as well.
At least this version says it's been referred to the prosecutor's office. It does, however, blame the gun (naturally):
Detroit Police spokesman James Tate said the gun was a Glock and was the officer's department-issued weapon. The guns have a reputation for having a hair trigger and can easily discharge.Glocks. Is there any time they won't go off? Nice to see our old pal Tater Head, the citizen gun turn-in enthusiast, out there clouding the issue (again)...
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
Thursday, August 10, 2006
New York Post: Garden Variety Propagandists
GARDEN-VARIETY GUN NUT NABBED IN QNS.Gee, no media bias reflected there, ya think?
Great "straight news" story, guys! Yet again you exhibit a credibility known only to "authorized journalists".
Who needs the "Canons of Journalism" when you're Phillip Messing and his bedwetting editor?
[Via Dennis Walker]
Just Give Them What They Want...
...and nobody will get hurt.
Right, Sarah?
[Story Here]
You just knew these morons would be ID'd within a matter of hours. Now it's time to blame the guns--I guess that's why the Brady's only gave California an "A-"...
Right, Sarah?
[Story Here]
You just knew these morons would be ID'd within a matter of hours. Now it's time to blame the guns--I guess that's why the Brady's only gave California an "A-"...
Questions and Answers III
Before proceeding, it would probably be a good idea to read Part I and Part II if you haven't already.
Mr. Licht continues:
That was bold language for a sitting attorney general. It filled the "pro-gun" community with hope. It evidently aligned their interests with those of the Republican party, especially when the treasonous record of Democrats in general on the Second Amendment is considered.
Often overlooked is the footnote Ashcroft added, a seemingly innocuous "*Your actual mileage may vary" kind of statement that, on the surface, would not create too much concern with conservative "law and order" gun-owning voters:
What this does is justify the feds being in the "gun crime" business, even though there is no enumerated Constitutional authority delegated to them in this area by We the People. Further, it reflects a belief that the unambiguous "shall not be infringed" from the Bill of Rights is trumped by the open-ended and amorphous standard of "compelling state interest," a term found nowhere in the Constitution, and which can be twisted and contorted as much as, say, the Interstate Commerce Clause.
Republican Kool-Aid vendor Hugh Hewitt--a man with an awesome understanding of Constitutional law as practiced by "the establishment"--practically admitted as much when blogger Publicola called in to his program. "Intermediate scrutiny," Hewitt pronounced, is the best gun owners can hope for on the Second Amendment.
From a political "pragmatism" perspective, and as much as this may infuriate us, he's probably right. If we rely on "the system," with the current state of gun owner awareness, involvement and commitment, we'll be left with the Second (Class) Amendment from the Bill of Rights (Lite).
This means practically every "gun control" edict will find justification for being upheld. What judge won't find a "compelling state interest" to license gun owners, or register them, or subject citizens to the prior restraint of background checks, or permitting (and prohibiting!) the acceptable manner, places and conditions for bearing arms, concealed or otherwise. Certainly a "compelling state interest" can be found to keep "weapons of war off our streets," thus securing the National Firearms Act and FOPA '86, and blocking further inroads against GCA '68...
This is the door Ashcroft left open--one that would allow his boss and his successor to both proclaim support for renewing the "assault weapon" ban. But it was not his footnote that got the attention, was it? Gun owners almost had an orgy over the "sea change" in attitude-- without asking what in practice had really changed.
We tested Mr. Ashcroft's sincerity with a petition you may have seen circulating a few years back. Without going into a lot of detail, which you can catch up on here, we stated grievances of California gun owners who have had their rights unlawfully abridged, specifying the violations in detail. The theory was, had any other right been abused by local or state governments, such as the rights of minorities to vote, or to enjoy full lawful use of public accommodations, etc., the Justice Department would be quick to send a team down to enforce "the supreme law of the land" by which all subordinate political entities are supposedly bound.
Did we think this was really going to happen? We'd have been floored, but we thought it important to separate rhetoric from (lack of) deeds--if we were being sold a bill of goods, that is, Ashcroft mouthing support for 2A with no action offered or taken, we'd at least be able to point out that we were being played.
Over the course of the year the "Ashcroft Petition" was promoted, we managed to get over 30,000 gun owners to sign on from every state of the union. Understand we did this with no budget or donation requests, strictly as part time volunteers--and this was not an Internet petition, but one that required actual signatures. Over the course of the year we mailed several large boxes of signed petitions to the AG, along with cover letters summarizing our project and reminding him of our previous correspondences. The only acknowledgment we ever received was a non-responsive reply from the chief of the Terrorism and Violent Crime Section--a curious and chilling person to assign such a project to, we thought...
There's more to this story, of course, including professional representatives of the most prominent "gun lobby" group discouraging members from signing the petition because we who promoted it were "wild-eyed extremists." The bottom line is, we were small fries. Bush support for the AWB notwithstanding (hell it was touted as a clever ploy to appeal to "moderates"), gun owners danced to the Lee Atwater tune--who else were they gonna vote for?
While paying for the privilege?
"Fund raising hype" ? I guess a cynical person would start to have some questions...
You'll note I haven't come up with any solutions yet. I'm still working on defining the problem, and have the rest of Mr. Licht's email to address.
More to come...
Mr. Licht continues:
I am asking sincerely as a newly minted (though not born yesterday) attorney that wants to make the second amendment (and the constitution) the law of the land for my children (and yours). Everywhere I look I don’t see it as a practical reality. As much as I want to believe in the second, it seems like a mass delusion (or worse) a cynical use of the concept for pure fund raising hype with no expectation (by the professional promoters) that there is any argument to win.We should all be familiar with the letter John Ashcroft wrote to the NRA proclaiming "[L]et me state unequivocally my view that the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms."
That was bold language for a sitting attorney general. It filled the "pro-gun" community with hope. It evidently aligned their interests with those of the Republican party, especially when the treasonous record of Democrats in general on the Second Amendment is considered.
Often overlooked is the footnote Ashcroft added, a seemingly innocuous "*Your actual mileage may vary" kind of statement that, on the surface, would not create too much concern with conservative "law and order" gun-owning voters:
Of course, the individual rights view of the Second Amendment does not prohibit Congress from enacting laws restricting firearms ownership for compelling state interests, such as prohibiting firearms ownership by convicted felons, just as the First Amendment does not prohibit shouting “fire” in a crowded movie theater. As Samuel Adams explained at the Massachusetts ratifying convention, the proposed Constitution should”never [be] construed . . .to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms.”With all due respect to Mr. Ashcroft, he's describing a prior restraint on the Second Amendment and a response to an act for his First Amendment example. So he's talking apples and oranges, but most people never noticed. Besides--you can yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
What this does is justify the feds being in the "gun crime" business, even though there is no enumerated Constitutional authority delegated to them in this area by We the People. Further, it reflects a belief that the unambiguous "shall not be infringed" from the Bill of Rights is trumped by the open-ended and amorphous standard of "compelling state interest," a term found nowhere in the Constitution, and which can be twisted and contorted as much as, say, the Interstate Commerce Clause.
Republican Kool-Aid vendor Hugh Hewitt--a man with an awesome understanding of Constitutional law as practiced by "the establishment"--practically admitted as much when blogger Publicola called in to his program. "Intermediate scrutiny," Hewitt pronounced, is the best gun owners can hope for on the Second Amendment.
From a political "pragmatism" perspective, and as much as this may infuriate us, he's probably right. If we rely on "the system," with the current state of gun owner awareness, involvement and commitment, we'll be left with the Second (Class) Amendment from the Bill of Rights (Lite).
This means practically every "gun control" edict will find justification for being upheld. What judge won't find a "compelling state interest" to license gun owners, or register them, or subject citizens to the prior restraint of background checks, or permitting (and prohibiting!) the acceptable manner, places and conditions for bearing arms, concealed or otherwise. Certainly a "compelling state interest" can be found to keep "weapons of war off our streets," thus securing the National Firearms Act and FOPA '86, and blocking further inroads against GCA '68...
This is the door Ashcroft left open--one that would allow his boss and his successor to both proclaim support for renewing the "assault weapon" ban. But it was not his footnote that got the attention, was it? Gun owners almost had an orgy over the "sea change" in attitude-- without asking what in practice had really changed.
We tested Mr. Ashcroft's sincerity with a petition you may have seen circulating a few years back. Without going into a lot of detail, which you can catch up on here, we stated grievances of California gun owners who have had their rights unlawfully abridged, specifying the violations in detail. The theory was, had any other right been abused by local or state governments, such as the rights of minorities to vote, or to enjoy full lawful use of public accommodations, etc., the Justice Department would be quick to send a team down to enforce "the supreme law of the land" by which all subordinate political entities are supposedly bound.
Did we think this was really going to happen? We'd have been floored, but we thought it important to separate rhetoric from (lack of) deeds--if we were being sold a bill of goods, that is, Ashcroft mouthing support for 2A with no action offered or taken, we'd at least be able to point out that we were being played.
Over the course of the year the "Ashcroft Petition" was promoted, we managed to get over 30,000 gun owners to sign on from every state of the union. Understand we did this with no budget or donation requests, strictly as part time volunteers--and this was not an Internet petition, but one that required actual signatures. Over the course of the year we mailed several large boxes of signed petitions to the AG, along with cover letters summarizing our project and reminding him of our previous correspondences. The only acknowledgment we ever received was a non-responsive reply from the chief of the Terrorism and Violent Crime Section--a curious and chilling person to assign such a project to, we thought...
There's more to this story, of course, including professional representatives of the most prominent "gun lobby" group discouraging members from signing the petition because we who promoted it were "wild-eyed extremists." The bottom line is, we were small fries. Bush support for the AWB notwithstanding (hell it was touted as a clever ploy to appeal to "moderates"), gun owners danced to the Lee Atwater tune--who else were they gonna vote for?
While paying for the privilege?
"Fund raising hype" ? I guess a cynical person would start to have some questions...
You'll note I haven't come up with any solutions yet. I'm still working on defining the problem, and have the rest of Mr. Licht's email to address.
More to come...
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