You know you're guilty of something...
[Thanks to John Schaefer]
Friday, June 30, 2006
"If You Really Cared About the People That Elected You..."
I was copied on an email related to yesterday's "Be Careful What You Wish For" post, and got permission to share it with WarOnGuns visitors.
Dear Mayor Seng,
The arrogance of elitist politicians never ceases to amaze me. Thankfully, those who wish to truly educate themselves and are transparently committed to serving and protecting the public understand that simple relationship between criminals and the law. Specifically that the first don't care about the latter.
I won't waste my fingers trying to convince you that your local ban actually makes the good citizens of Lincoln LESS safe. If you really cared about the people that elected you, a little research on your part would open those eyes right up. But then you might actually have to admit that you had no idea what you were talking about and that would be quite unpleasant. Wouldn't it?
Anyway, I'm sure you'll be instructing all local law enforcement officers to lend their support and encouragement to all those good citizens who wish to obey the law and begin carrying their weapons openly for all to see. That should certainly put all those battered women's minds at ease. The irony for you is - That's exactly what it SHOULD do.
J.T. McAdams
Louisville, KY
We're the Only Ones Backing You Up Enough
Charleston Police Capt. Tim Tucker's gun should have been in his holster instead of his desk drawer when his partner Sgt. Eric Johnson was shot earlier this month in a Kanawha City motel parking lot, city officials said Thursday...I don't know that keeping the gun in his drawer wasn't the safest place for it.
[Johnson] called his own ambulance, called backup, gave Metro 911 a vehicle description and voiced concern multiple times that he could not find Tucker...
Tucker had Johnson's handheld radio, but it was tuned to the wrong frequency when he tried to use it after the shooting and he dropped it...
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
What's the Big Deal?
What's the big deal about Mayor Frank Melton wearing a handgun? The way things are going in Jackson, it's not a bad idea to be armed.Here's the "big deal," George.
Jersey City Creates New Law to Enforce
"New Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in the country," Caso said. "The illegal guns on the street are coming from outside New Jersey. What we need is better enforcement of the law, not penalizing law abiding citizens."Sorry, Frank. Are you going to use that same argument against their next attack? And the next?
You just lost any sympathy I might have had for you.
This Day in History: June 30
On this day in 1775, the Continental Congress drafts its rationale for taking up arms against Great Britain in the Articles of War.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Be Careful What You Wish For
A Lincoln resident made his point at a City Council meeting that it's perfectly legal to carry a gun.Excellent, Mr. Tyrell. That was a brave and admirable thing you did, and you deserve our gratitude. You shouldn't have had to go it alone.
Tim Tyrrell Sr. made the point by visibly sporting his own holstered and loaded .40-caliber semiautomatic Glock at Monday's council meeting.
I hope Mayor Coleen Seng wet herself.
City Searches for Answers
Fed up with increasing violence in involving children in Memphis, the city council held an emergency meeting on Wednesday to discuss possible solutions.Maybe what they ought to search for first is the proper question.
Let's see...what could possibly be "necessary to the security of a free State"...?
We're the Only Ones Homophonous Enough
Two brothers were sentenced to 4 1/2 years in prison for stealing Sheriff Michael Hunt's gun during a rash of car break-ins in October 2004...I'm sorry, but Mike Hunt feels violated?
"Until your own family is affected by crime, you don't realize how hard it is to deal with it," said Hunt...
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
How Do You Spell "Success"?
When a widow in her 70s heard about the provincewide gun amnesty running this month, she was reminded of an unusual weapon her husband had stashed in the attic.And now that's one less armed little old lady on the streets.
We can all breathe easy now.
But They'll Never Take Our Freedom?
There has been a fourfold increase in the number of people murdered with guns in Scotland. The number of homicides as a result of knives is also at its highest level on record.Hmmm.
The figures make grim reading for the Executive especially as there has been a raft of legislation to tackle gun and knife crime.
Forgive Me If I'm Not Impressed
The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to overturn a recently enacted law requiring safety trigger locks on all hand guns sold in the United States.Well, yeah.
It's an election year, and posturing is expected.
It's not like the Senate will carry it, or that, if passed, anything of substance would change.
This Day in History: June 29
On this day in 1776, Edward Rutledge, one of South Carolina’s representatives to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, expresses his reluctance to declare independence from Britain in a letter to the like-minded John Jay of New York.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Do Your Job and Protect Me
An armed robbery in broad daylight with a store full of customers. It sounds like a scene from a movie but it happened in one local community.And who, Ms. Justice, will protect you from your protectors?
And now residents are wondering if there are enough law enforcement officers in their rural community to keep them safe...
"They're going to have to get busy and do something about it," Justice said.
[Thanks to Jason M]
UN: We Don't Want to Ban Guns. Honest
"I would want to repeat, because there are people around who either have not heard this, or do not want to hear," United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Monday. "We are not negotiating a global ban, nor do we wish to deny law-abiding citizens their right to bear arms in accordance with their national laws."So if the laws say "no guns," then no guns it is.
Here's the thing, though: Most of our "pro gun" leaders are making great media hay out of the UN conference and riling up gun owners. There is a lot of opportunistic hype going on from "our" side, designed to put the troops in a donating frame of mind.
The fact is, the UN is powerless to take our guns away, and will remain that way unless our elected and appointed representatives betray us. If you want to ensure the UN remains powerless, don't lose focus of domestic representatives.
We won't get the US out of the UN until politicians start losing their cushy gigs over it.
More thoughts...
...and a few more...
The Outrage Is He's Right
A DARWIN magistrate has caused outrage by suggesting Wadeye residents should be "arm(ed) with machine guns" and allowed to "finish what they started 2000 years ago".Stated another way:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Treason on the Agenda
Guns will be on the minds, and on the agenda, at tonight's Jersey City City Council meeting, scheduled to start at 6 in City Hall, 280 Grove St.God forbid the council should concern themselves with fixing potholes and the like...
An ordinance to limit handgun buyers' purchases to one per 30-day period and a second measure banning the sale of so-called "Saturday Night specials" are to be considered on second reading.
Meanwhile, these mini-tyrants have the gall to sponsor a "4th of July Freedomfest," and, of course, their constituents will love 'em for it.
This Day in History: June 28
On this day in 1836, James Madison, drafter of the Constitution, recorder of the Constitutional Convention, author of the “Federalist Papers” and fourth president of the United States, dies on his tobacco plantation in Virginia.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
MySpace vs OurRights
The hottest new hit on isn’t a wacko with a manifesto, but a teetotaler Gemini who’s into firearms reduction.So just how would propagandist Laurel J. Sweet define "a wacko with a manifesto" then?
We're the Only Ones in Training
A trainee from the Montana Law Enforcement Academy was picked up by a Lewis and Clark County Sheriff’s deputy early Tuesday on charges including drinking and driving, and possession of marijuana.And when we become real Only Ones, we want to bust you for doing the same thing...
Thanks for this story to Charles Baker, who notes:
One of the things about the MLEA, trainees are almost always already working for a police or sheriff's department. The department pays to send them to the academy after they have shown they are a good fit for the job. While there are "pre-service" students at the academy, they are the exception rather than the rule. As such, although the paper doesn't mention it, this guy is probably already working for some law enforcement agency.That wouldn't surprise me one bit, Mr. Baker.
This Day in History: June 27
On this day in 1775, the Continental Congress resolves that Major General Philip John Schuyler should travel to Forts Ticonderoga and Crown Point in order to examine the troops, their supplies and their ability to navigate Lake Champlain and Lake George, as well as “obtain the best intelligence he can of the disposition of the Canadians and Indians of Canada.”
Monday, June 26, 2006
We're the Only Ones Possessive Enough
A traffic officer was arrested after two people were shot and wounded in Volksrust in a dispute over a girlfriend, Mpumalanga police said on Monday...Thank goodness they were only wounded. It's a good thing for them they weren't armed and trying to defend themselves, because The Mail & Guardian tells us:
[T]he gun used in the incident was the officer's service pistol.
Minister of Safety and Security Charles Nqakula said in an interview with the South African Broadcasting Corporation that anyone who points a gun at a police officer will be killed.That's 'cause they're The Only Ones, and they're as possessive of power as they are of their partners--whether that attention is wanted or not.
We're the Only Ones Spinning Enough
A Palm Beach County sheriff's deputy serving as a disc jockey at a neighbor's birthday party was arrested Saturday night after he allegedly pulled a gun on a fellow deputy responding to a complaint about loud music...That claim just may rival "I'm the Only One" as a succinct example of institutional arrogance.
Howell laughed at the deputies and said, "Who the (expletive) are you? Don't yell at me, I'm a deputy, I don't have to do (expletive)"...
Buy a Gun and Help Cincinnati's Finances
You can walk into your local sporting-goods store and buy a 50-round box of 9mm ammunition for about $6, or 12 cents a bullet.Time to encourage the good people to keep and bear arms then--think how much violence they could deter and how much money they could save the city...
The cost of that bullet increases exponentially on the streets of Greater Cincinnati if it rips through the gut or the spleen or the spine of a victim of a gun crime.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
2nd Amendment Carnival
Free Constitution is hosting "the second edition of the 2nd Amendment Blog Carnival!"
Unprincipled Statist...Uh...Principled Statesman Endorsed By Brady Campaign
Senator Michael DeWine of Ohio today became the first Senate candidate of the 2006 election season to get the endorsement of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's leading gun violence prevention organization.Bradys win either way on this: If outraged gun owners ignore GOP Kool-Aid dispenser Hugh Hewitt and withhold support from DeWine, an equally bad potentially balance-tipping democrat will win a senate seat. If not, they've still got a GOA and NRA "F-rated" traitor in office.
AHSA Subversives: Forget Our Past and Trust Us
Robert Ricker wants people to take a close look at him and not be afraid.Don't worry, Bob. We're not afraid. The overwhelming emotion is disgust.
They ask that you overlook their past associations and listen to their message.Right. Forget all their past and current actions aimed at subverting the right to keep and bear arms and just trust them.
Care to back that turnip truck up so we can climb back on and fall off properly?
"For Mary's Sake"? Oh, For Pete's Sake!
For 12 years, I fought lawlessness as DCI Jane Tennison in the television series Prime Suspect. The crimes I solved on television were sometimes horrific, but I have since discovered that they can pale in comparison with the real-life horrors faced by millions of ordinary people when guns are easily available and fall into the wrong hands.Newsflash, you clueless moonbat: You never "fought lawlessness." You never "solved" any "crimes."
That was all play acting.
Why someone who can't tell the difference between that and reality should have a voice in serious matters is beyond me.
We're the Only Ones Pointed Enough
A Warren police sergeant is facing charges that he pointed a gun on a colleague.Let me prove the lie to the adage "There are no stupid questions":
If one of us pointed a gun at one of The Only Ones, what are the chances we'd now be "on paid administrative leave"?
We're the Only Ones Untrained Enough
The New South Wales Opposition is calling on the Government to extend a deadline for police gun training to prevent hundreds of detectives being removed from frontline duties.On the bright side, that ought to ensure a steady supply of fresh Only Ones posts...
Josh Sugarmann Wets Self and Cries Over Non-Issue
So in case you wanted to know what the top model of gun traced to crime in America is... Or how many assault weapons are traced to crimes... Or what Southern state supplies the highest volume of crime guns used in urban areas... Or what types of guns kids are carrying... Forget about it.Hey Josh, there's no law prohibiting sharing data on criminals.
You just want to be able to selectively sue and incrementally ban under the fraudulent "weapons of choice" subterfuge.
This Day in History: June 25
On this day in 1745, future Patriot physician and U.S. Treasurer Thomas Tudor Tucker is born to a prominent family in Port Royal, Bermuda.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
We're the Only Ones Subversive Enough
The Subversive has a pretty good summary of those blogs maintaining their own "Only Ones" features, and has started one of his own.
Be nice to see this grow even more.
Be nice to see this grow even more.
We're the Only Ones Criminally Incompetent Enough
Witnesses say a sheriff's deputy in Washington State is distraught after she shot a man in a tree.Good Lord, how stupid and irresponsible can someone be?
The deputy apparently meant to fire a Taser but grabbed the wrong weapon.
The Taser, manufactured by Taser International of Scottsdale, is similar in shape to the compact .40-caliber gun the deputy carried.
I noticed many news outlets were carrying this story and they all had one glaring common deficiency, explained by our good friends at the WaPo:
The deputy, a five-year veteran of the force whose name was not released...[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
This Day in History: June 24
On this day in 1803, Matthew Thornton, one of New Hampshire’s delegates to the second Continental Congress and an ex post facto signer of the Declaration of Independence, dies at age 89 while visiting his daughter in Newburyport, Massachusetts.
The Assumption
Armed police have stormed a family's home after spotting a teenage son playing with a toy gun in his bedroom.The assumption is the people are the enemy.
Officers had staked out the home of solicitor John Trimbos before smashing down the door of his Victorian mansion flat in Belsize Park, north London.
The police were tipped off by someone staying in a nearby hotel...
Mr Trimbos, his wife, Lucy, and their two sons, Olly and seven-year-old Felix, had just finished their family dinner when the firearms officers burst through their front door.
He and and his eldest son were handcuffed and taken outside for an hour while police searched their flat - finding only the plastic pellet-firing toy replica.
And I'm sure the enuretic snitch feels indignantly justified.
We're the Only Ones Craven Enough

Three Chicago Police officers ran away when a fellow officer was struggling for his life with an armed man in a Dominick's store on the South Side, officials said Wednesday.But the tyrant Daley expects his subjects to be defenseless (hell, his CAGE unit enforces that) under the lie that such as these will protect them.
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
[Thanks to Bounty Hunter]
[Courage the Cowardly Dog. TM & © 1999 Cartoon Network. A Time Warner Co. All Rights Reserved.]
Friday, June 23, 2006
We're the On...Gimme the Damn Keys!
A Boston police officer sent a .40-caliber round speeding through the hip of a fellow officer early yesterday morning in West Roxbury as the two argued over whether he was sober enough to drive...Maybe Mayor Menino can figure out where he got the gun, and join forces with Mike Bloomberg to sue the supplier...
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
[Thanks to 1894C]
We're the Only Ones Frozen Enough
A Toronto police officer did not draw his weapon when he saw Jeffrey Reodica swing at him with a knife because he "froze up" just moments before the teen was fatally shot by his partner, a coroner's inquest heard yesterday.So how will The Only Ones save us if they're too paralyzed by headlights to even save themselves?
Before the Cock Crows
Assembly hopeful Joel Tyner has accused incumbent Assemblyman Joel Miller of telling an "outrageous falsehood" when he denied receiving money from the National Rifle Association.I'm still waiting for a politician with the stones to publicly and angrily scourge an opponent for daring to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms--and to educate their constituency on what that right means. Instead, most of these weasels take the money but then try to hush it up and hide it from the general populace.
Yeah, we see a few who go to banquets and pose with shotguns and orange vests, and equate the Second Amendment with "our hunting heritage" and the like, but I want to see someone eager and unafraid--in front of the cameras--to growl back "Go visit Dachau and then come back and tell us about 'gun control."*
And then launch into a powerful, educational and passionate advocacy of why an armed, informed and involved citizenry is the ultimate guarantor of freedom.
I have this fantasy of a president doing a televised "fireside chat" on individual rights, and turning it into a weekly address. Good Lord, can I still be that naive?
* I heard this line from former Citizens of America colleague Jim Houck.
Dave's Not Here
A minor affectation on my part:
Dave's not here.
I am "David."
If you're my wife or one of my sisters, you can call me "Davy."
Dave's not here.
I am "David."
If you're my wife or one of my sisters, you can call me "Davy."
This Day in History: June 23
On this day in 1776, off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina, British Commodore Sir Peter Parker notifies General Henry Clinton that he will land on the South Carolina mainland the next day on the flood tide, if the wind blows from the south.
Bob Confer Responds
You've opened my mind and given me understanding of assualt rifles. You've clarified the issue for me greatly and eliminated the grey area I had with this issue.So does this mean you're going to publicly correct the record with your readership after telling them such firearms are "justifiably maligned"?
Bill Schneider Responds
Yesterday, I posted about an outdoors writer allowing himself to be courted by the American Hunters and Shooters Association. He replied to the numerous comments on the New West website:
Guns sure are a touchy subject, and I suppose I should follow up this article...Yes, we can't hunt without guns, but likewise, we can't hunt without game...It sounds like he still puts "sport" on one side of the scales and "rights" on the other, as if they somehow have comparable weight. Besides, it's a false alternative to claim you can't have both. Freedom produces more...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Thanks to You, It's Working
The money comes from a Joyce Foundation grant, and grants from such local agencies as United Way and the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois.So I guess until United Way comes up with a policy prohibiting its local chapters from engaging in subversion, the safest course is to find a more worthy charity to support. Otherwise, you just might find your contributions working to erode your freedoms.
What Do You Expect From a Commie Thug?
The former South African president has told how he buried the weapon on the farm where he was hiding at the time.So when they came for his gun, he defied them and kept it hidden.
He and other ANC leaders were later arrested on the farm, and were jailed for their work against apartheid. Mr Mandela was freed in 1990.
But now that he's on the ruling side, he's all for disarming everyone else, even lending his likeness and signature to gun turn-in certificates.
Saving Hunters From Bill Schneider
AHSA seems to want the middle ground, to be pro-gun and pro-conservation.It's no secret I have my differences with current NRA management, but I'd be more interested in saving hunters from surface-deep writers like Bill Schneider. I posted the following and encourage you to add your thoughts:
Good grief, Bill, I can't believe anyone could write anything this ignorant unintentionally. Ten minutes worth of research would have told you all you needed to know about AHSA--assuming you don't know perfectly well what they're about.
And as for being a "new group," where have you been? Pro-Bill of Rights activists have been warning gun owners about them for almost a year now.
AHSA's president, John Rosenthal, founded "Stop Handgun Violence," and is as big a gungrabber as you will find. Their Board of Directors include honchos from Crime Guns Solutions, ex-BATF careerists who worked to give ammo to the gun maker lawsuits. CGS exec Gerald Nunziato had this to say:
"If it wasn't for criminals, there wouldn't be a gun industry in this country. The only people [NRA and other gun-rights groups are] protecting are criminals."
AHSA has ties with a democrat consulting group, DCS, whose clients included Nancy Pelosi and John Conyers.
[Robert] Ricker may as well change his name to Judas--here's what he said about the gun lawsuits [when he] worked for "the gun lobby":
"We'll be able to show that what these lawyers are actually after is money."
Now that he's betrayed the people who put his name on the map, he's become an "expert witness" FOR the gun lawsuits.
So was he lying then for money or is he lying now for money--and either way, how can anyone believe a thing he says?
As for the machine guns and hunters LIE, c'mon, Bill, if you don't know the "assault weapon" ban covered semiautos, you really have no business making public commentary on the matter until you do some learning. The confusion between the two types of firearms is intentional deception proposed by Josh Sugarmann of the Violence Policy Center, who stated:
"The semi-automatic weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons - anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun - can only increase that chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons."
Besides which, maybe you can show us where the Second Amendment, that is, the right of the People to be the final guarantor of their own liberty, concerns itself with mere sporting purpose (which, by the way, was one of the rationales employed in Nazi "gun control" laws)?
David Codrea
The War on Guns
This Day in History: June 22
On this day in 1775, Congress issues $2 million in bills of credit.And they've never looked back.
A Fluid Development
Flexible full-body protection that could save our troops' lives and limbs is at the top of the list for many researchers and technology companies. One such product could soon make its way to Iraq. As this ScienCentral News video explains, the secret ingredient is a liquid that could turn lightweight material into full-body armor.This is a very exciting development.
Will it be withheld by edict from We the People, that is, the citizen militia of the Second Amendment?
And they say there are no stupid questions...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
When "Only Ones" Collide
Two people were killed and another injured yesterday after a shootout between prison officers and FBI agents investigating their alleged involvement in a corruption scandal at a Florida jail.So what is a non-Only One supposed to do when there are no "Good" Only Ones around to protect them from the "Bad" Only Ones?
The gunfight began when the agents arrived at the Federal Correctional Institute in Tallahassee to serve arrest warrants on six prison guards suspected of supplying drugs and alcohol to female inmates in exchange for money or sex.
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
Talk About Specious Arguments
Is the ongoing cost of the registry not commensurate with the benefits? What about the fact that police across Canada access the gun registry 5,000 times a day? Why are police forces across Canada massively in favour of the gun registry?Oh, OK--the cops want gun registration so it must be "good."
Frank J. O'Hara, how could anyone argue with such an overwhelmingly compelling reason?
This Day in History: June 21
On this day in 1779, Spain declares war on Great Britain, creating a de facto alliance with the Americans.
We're the Only Ones Wanton and Reckless Enough
Worcester District Attorney John J. Conte declined yesterday to prosecute a state trooper who fatally shot an unarmed man in 2005, despite a judge's report three months ago finding the trooper had engaged in "wanton and reckless conduct" that "amounted to criminal negligence"...Let's you and me shoot a driver in the back of the head and see how quick DA Conte is to drop the charges. But then, we're not The Only Ones.
There Goes the Neigborhood
The average leader of a Chicago street gang is 43, and more often than not he lives in the leafy suburbs of Cook County.Yep, let the animals loose and disarm the victim pool.
He typically has been convicted of murder...
Advice on how to fight back...
*Limiting handgun sales to once a month and banning .50-caliber sniper rifles...
My kind of town, Chicago is.
[Thanks to HZ]
South Africans Join Sheep ID Registry By Thousands
More than 28 000 South Africans lent their faces to the worldwide Million Faces Petition calling for tougher controls on the international arms trade, campaigners said yesterday.And they are in some illustrious company.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
This Day in History: June 20
On this day in 1782, Congress adopts the Great Seal of the United States after six years of discussion.Looks like it didn't take them all that long to start acting like politicans...
What Color is That Center Stripe Again?
Even by NRA standards, this is a bad idea -- not just divisive but downright dangerous. Does the gun lobby really want to remake America in the image of Iraq? The proposal was apparently motivated by the lawlessness in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, but if there aren't enough cops to patrol the streets, then hire more cops. When individual citizens, even "law-abiding" ones, decide to go it alone, the result is anarchy.As The Pistolero told me when he sent me this link: "I thought I had seen it all, until I saw this."
Sending a Message
"Send a message to lawbreakers that citizens are going to protect themselves." I'd add to that ".... and protect each other." Firearms, as shown by a brave 81-year-old man, can tip the out-of-balance scales in a deadly assault. This same 81-year-old man could just have easily protected his neighbor in a similar assault by being armed.Barry Laws gets ink in the Louisville Courier-Journal.
Perfume Control: Why the Hell Not?
The Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) on Tuesday announced that perfume bottles and umbrellas, among other things, will not be allowed inside passengers' carry-on bags...Y'know, I proposed a perfectly safe and secure way to conduct commercial air travel almost five years ago and am still waiting for the authorities to implement my idea...
Because Only Communists Should Have Guns?
Businesses that sell toy guns have become the target of protestors. Various civil rights groups, seeking a ban on the fake weapons that look real, are taking on the retailers who sell them.Somehow, when I think "civil rights groups," militant race hustlers aren't what come to mind.
CBS 11 News first reported last month on the efforts of southern Dallas activists. The groups protesting include the Black Panthers, New Black Panthers, and a Hispanic group called the Brown Berets.
But then, I'm not the lapdog media...
We're the Only Ones "Perky" Enough
An internal city audit of firearms in the Dothan Police Department's evidence room showed little care was given to tracking guns, some of which ended up in the hands of officers who considered them as -- quote -- "perks of being an officer." [More]Hey, why not? After all, they are The Only Ones...
We're the Only Ones and We're a Crack Team
Campbell, who was a deputy with Houston County's narcotic unit at the time, admitted to selling the gun and supplying crack cocaine to Joshua Whigan, an Ashford man authorities say Campbell knew to be a convicted felon.Gee, do you think during his distinguished career, Deputy Campbell ever arrested anyone on a drug or weapons charge...?
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
Monday, June 19, 2006
A .357 Smith & Wesson Goes Berserk
This just in: "An Ohio gun went berserk in a crowded shopping mall, shooting six people before reloading and firing three more shots at fleeing shoppers."Hal Lindsey shoots down the myth of self-animating guns.
AP Wakes Up
Federal agents seized inventory and paperwork in a raid of a gun parts manufacturing company here last week, the company's owner said.Nice to see the "authorized journalists" finally getting around to noticing this story...
Is There a Gun Where Your Child Plays?
You dang betcha.
And they've shot every one they're big enough to handle safely. It seems to educate them a lot better than adopting a policy of avoidance, denial and "adult"-induced phobia.
Any other questions, Dr. Pollack?
And they've shot every one they're big enough to handle safely. It seems to educate them a lot better than adopting a policy of avoidance, denial and "adult"-induced phobia.
Any other questions, Dr. Pollack?
Newsflash: Marches Ineffective at Stopping "Gun Violence"
Just as yesterday's Stop the Violence walk was getting underway downtown, a man in his early twenties was shot with a handgun three times in the right arm and once in the upper chest in the Sheppard Ave. E. and Neilson Rd. area.Well that didn't work...maybe it's time to try a candlelight vigil or a "gun buyback"?
We're the Only Ones--Wanna Fight About It?
Another one of the only ones who gets the kid glove treatment. Where would I be after repeatedly entering bars with a gun and starting fights?Looks like Blognomicon is starting his own Only Ones archive.
This Day in History: June 19
On this day in 1885, the Statue of Liberty arrives in New York Harbor as a symbol of Franco-American friendship.
Nine years late, the 300-foot statue was a gift from the people of France, who had been the Patriots’ primary foreign ally in the War for Independence, to those of United States as a celebration of the Declaration of Independence’s centenary in 1876.
What Are the Odds?
One in 10 Britons have been affected by gun crime in the past five years, or know someone else who has been, a survey has found.And the antis use this shameful statistic as justification for disarming the law-abiding even more?
Still, I wouldn't be surprised to find it's one of those fudged statistics, with "Britons" from some demographics experiencing a much higher rate than that, and then averaging things out to demographics that experience almost no violent crime...
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Happy Father's Day 2006

Yeah, that's about what it's like...
[Image obtained from Godzilla & Team. Godzilla is a registered trademark of Toho Co. LTD.]
Gun Owner Fights Back
A Baton Rouge man has filed a civil rights lawsuit in U.S. District Court against the Gonzales Police Department, the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office and five Gonzales police officers.I understand he's been fighting this battle by himself with no help from any of the "gun groups." I guess that's because Mr. Marchiafava believes the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, and has acted on that belief. If more individuals did that, the status quo would be turned on its ear.
In the lawsuit, Mark Edward Marchiafava claims he was the victim of false arrest, false imprisonment, assault and battery and unlawful seizure of property.
Nicki has been blogging about this case, and you there has been some discussion over at KABA about it.
I'll be taking Nicki's lead for updates and any requests for assistance--financial or otherwise.
"Reefer Madness for Guns"
Again, I need to reiterate that this movie is intended to be serious, but its fanatical, shriekingly-obvious anti-gun stance merely makes it ludicrous instead. If you're a fan of Mystery Science Theatre 3000, you'll appreciate just how appallingly bad Bill's Gun Shop is.Debra at Wolfesblog has written such an entertaining review, I may just break down and rent me some Nazi propaganda.
We're the Only Ones Captivating Enough
A police officer was charged Friday with aggravated kidnapping after being accused of handcuffing a woman and sexually assaulting her.So...was it good for you?
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
[Thanks to The Pistolero]
This Day in History: June 18
On this day in 1778, after almost nine months of occupation, 15,000 British troops under General Sir Henry Clinton evacuate Philadelphia, the former U.S. capital.I hardly think the current occupiers are any better...
THAT'LL Teach Him...
Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca has revoked the concealed weapons license of a retired sheriff's captain who waged a fiery but unsuccessful campaign to unseat him in last week's election, a move the candidate's lawyer called "blatant retaliation"...Ordinarily, I'd make some comment about permitting rights and abuse of power, but Larry Waldie has proven to be an unapologetic police statist, so I can't really get too worked up over what he perceives as an injustice done to him.
"This has nothing to do with retaliation or curbing one's democratic right to freedom of speech. This has to do with misusing department data and mechanisms"...
UPDATE: I made a big goof in this post. See comments for details.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
We're the...Hey, Teresa, Is This Yours...?
When two escapees from the DC Jail were still on the loose, police raided a home on W street Northwest. They didn't find the suspects. But in that home, they found a gun that looked awfully familiar.Honest, I don't set out each morning looking for these stories, I just kind of trip over them while out foraging for material...
It was a Glock 17, reported stolen earlier this year by DC police Lt. Teresa Brown in the Fourth District. And guess where the gun was reported stolen from? The Fourth District police station.
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
We're the Only Ones Asleep at the Wheel Enough

I got this story from Reason Engaged, who asked if I minded him also using "the only ones" as a recurring theme. My reply:
I’m not the originator of that phrase, Lee Paige, the goofball DEA agent who shot himself in front of a classroom of children is.
My goal is to get information out so people start to think for themselves—make their own connections—have the first thought in their minds when they read stories of LEO abuse/incompetence be an “only ones” connection—because I think it is a simple and powerful tool to combat the “only the police military should have these types of firearms” lies spread by the antis and their MSM co-conspirators.
So, yeah, go for it—I’m delighted to see it spread. I’ll do some sort of post to let WarOnGuns readers know I support your efforts.
We're the Only Ones Rank Enough
Suchand Bachan says that the rank who shot him while he was on a visit to the Enmore Police Station had pointed his weapon directly at him...Just don't forget that he's the only one competent to do so.
Reports are that the policeman was cleaning his gun when it accidentally went off and shot Bachan in the lower abdomen...
"That particular policeman is always playing with a gun," the father said.
If Wishes Were Fishes...
"If we could get the violence to stop, we could have an anti-gun-violence celebration."Yes, someone who considers himself a "grown man" said that.
I'd like to send Commissioner Paul Mayhue a My Little Pony to play with. He could brush it's mane, and talk to it, and have a tea party with all his other dolls and stuffed animals.
In related news, he made another idiotic statement:
"It's reflective of long, hot summers. We don't need long, hot summers here."Now there's an ambitious government program for you: Weather control!
Correcting the Record
Cam did just admit on air (6/16) that he missed that part of the article and would of confronted him on it if had read it.We're still anxiously awaiting word on whether or not Mr. Confer has been "swayed."
This Day in History: June 17
British General William Howe lands his troops on the Charlestown Peninsula overlooking Boston, Massachusetts, and leads them against Breed's Hill, a fortified American position just below Bunker Hill, on this day in 1775.
Friday, June 16, 2006
We're Automatically the Only Ones
Investigators were still searching Thursday for a submachine gun stolen from the SUV of an off-duty West Bloomfield police officer while he was attending a Tigers game Wednesday night...I don't believe it's "standard issue," even for "The Only Ones."
The gun can fire up to 1,000 rounds a minute, and is standard issue for police officers.
Somebody tell me I'm not wrong...
This Day in History: June 16
On this day in 1738, Mary Katharine Goddard is born in New London, Connecticut. She went on to publish the first version of the Declaration of Independence to include all of the Congressional signatures.
You Mean There's a PATTERN to This?
Cryptic Subterranean gets a new monitor that allows him to see greater detail and treats us to a magnificent Martian landscape as seen from space.
Jay Mac, just a friendly word: If you get the kind of resolution you say you do, don't you think there are more interesting things to look at than the WarOnGuns background pattern?
With the topic being Barsoom and all, I'd be typing "Deja Thoris" into the old image search engine...
Jay Mac, just a friendly word: If you get the kind of resolution you say you do, don't you think there are more interesting things to look at than the WarOnGuns background pattern?
With the topic being Barsoom and all, I'd be typing "Deja Thoris" into the old image search engine...
Publicola Pegs NSSF
Yeah, of course they'd sell us out in a heartbeat. They're an industry group, so their loyalties converging with our interests is simply a matter of coincidence.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Daly: I'll Pay if You Will
I gladly will personally pay for San Francisco's appeal of Judge Warren's decision, when the gun industry agrees to civil liability and pays for damage they have caused families and local governments.Actually, if protective benefits of firearms are factored into the equation, that would be a pretty good deal...
It looks like Chris Daly sees all the publicity Mike Bloomberg has been able to generate and figures he wants in on some of that sweet action.
For some reason, the thought of the two of them competing for attention reminds me of nothing so much as the "contest" between Paris Hilton and Mr. Slave...
A Point of Contention
Correspondent Bounty Hunter contacted Cam Edwards of NRA News after he interviewed Bob Confer on his radio show:
Just listened to the Friday show playback and have a bone to pick with you on the interview of Bob Confer. Yes, his article is good, up to a point. When he states "They want to disarm them not only of justifiably-maligned assault rifles..." then he is no different than any other anti-gunner since he believes their hype on so called "assault" rifles. Yet, nowhere in your interview did you bring this point up. To let this part of the article slide is not right as it makes it seem as if NRANews is in total agreement with everything in the article or at least listening to the interview that is the impression I was left with. Mr. Confer has been called out on that part of the article on some blogs.
Here is one along with Mr. Confer defending why he thinks so-called "assault" rifles are evil:
Bob Confer said...
So, I feel NRANews did not cover this article as completely as it should of during the interview. Giving the author a pass just because he lambasts the UN is not good enough. We have enough problems with the anti-gunners, let alone people (allegedly) on our side buying into the hype over so-called "assault" weapons.
I wish I could of heard this interview live because I would of been calling or talkbacking on why you were skipping that part of the article, especially based on the response Mr. Confer gave that reiterates his position on that statement!!!
None of my AR-15's has killed anyone but they sure have put a ton of holes in paper and cardboard during training, plinking, and competition. But according to Mr. Confer they are only used for warfare.
Cam Edwards replies:
Let's hope Mr. Edwards does more than just a one-on-one admission. Untold thousands no doubt heard the program--they deserve to know the guy everybody's giving kudos to is appearing to be a sterile queen bee.
Just listened to the Friday show playback and have a bone to pick with you on the interview of Bob Confer. Yes, his article is good, up to a point. When he states "They want to disarm them not only of justifiably-maligned assault rifles..." then he is no different than any other anti-gunner since he believes their hype on so called "assault" rifles. Yet, nowhere in your interview did you bring this point up. To let this part of the article slide is not right as it makes it seem as if NRANews is in total agreement with everything in the article or at least listening to the interview that is the impression I was left with. Mr. Confer has been called out on that part of the article on some blogs.
Here is one along with Mr. Confer defending why he thinks so-called "assault" rifles are evil:
Bob Confer said...
I wrote that line despite my strong desire for gun rights. This reference is based upon my belief that assault rifles have no role other than for warfare. These guns are not the target shooting type, nor are they useful for hunting purposes. They are designed for killing of human beings and the damage of war equipment and facilities. In many of life experiences I've witnessed their owners using them and/or revering them as "toys." A gun is a tool and deserves respect.Follow-up:
Yes, I'll admit to a point, that you have to wonder if we are going down the slippery slope: take away assault rifles and pistols are next...but, assault rifles as a rule are a minority - and a distinct one at that - of all gun ownership.
Maybe you can sway me. In any debates I have in the newspaper or on the air against the gun-haters who despise guys like you and I, I have limited "ammo" by which to defend assault rifles. I am open to your suggestions, because as the editorial details, I believe gun rights as a whole to be inalienable.
I will be on the air again (WLVL AM) in two weeks and I know this UN issue will be one of the topics used by callers.
So, I feel NRANews did not cover this article as completely as it should of during the interview. Giving the author a pass just because he lambasts the UN is not good enough. We have enough problems with the anti-gunners, let alone people (allegedly) on our side buying into the hype over so-called "assault" weapons.
I wish I could of heard this interview live because I would of been calling or talkbacking on why you were skipping that part of the article, especially based on the response Mr. Confer gave that reiterates his position on that statement!!!
None of my AR-15's has killed anyone but they sure have put a ton of holes in paper and cardboard during training, plinking, and competition. But according to Mr. Confer they are only used for warfare.
Cam Edwards replies:
You're right, actually. I should have called him on this and I didn't. Poor planning and execution on my part.That's gracious of him to admit it--unlike Mr. Confer, who hasn't been back to explain whether or not he's been "swayed"--which makes him suspect as a "gun rights leader." It's bewildering--there are so many knowledgeable gun rights advocates who can teach us--and the novice who disparages a class of firearms uniquely suited to militia service gets air time. Confer's position is inexcusably ignorant, and an insult to those who have taken real risks and made real sacrifices because of their refusal to surrender on this point.
Let's hope Mr. Edwards does more than just a one-on-one admission. Untold thousands no doubt heard the program--they deserve to know the guy everybody's giving kudos to is appearing to be a sterile queen bee.
We're the Only Ones Non-Frangible Enough
Even remembering, that this is the press who doesn't understand relative risks.....unix_jedi shares his thoughts on air marshals complaining that their "bullets pack too much punch."
No, even so, this is just utterly stupid. I can but hope that the "Marshals" who wrote this are the new ones that were hired/transferred in while the standards were lowered. That's scary, but less so than the alternative conclusions.
This Day in History: June 15
On this day in 1776, the Assembly of the Lower Counties of Pennsylvania declares itself independent of British and Pennsylvanian authority, thereby creating the state of Delaware.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Cop to Clerks: We're the Only Ones and You're Not
Although police officials understand local clerks' concerns, they believe that adding more guns to the equation will complicate the problem.Yeah, Mike. Not only have you established a remarkable record of protecting them from violence before it happens, but really, how could a mere citizen possibly compete with one of The Only Ones?
"We always worry anytime someone has a weapon," Modesto police officer Mike Amarillas said. "Bad things can happen."
Armed clerks put customers, police and the clerks themselves in danger, he said.
In a related matter, Mod Bee staged the photo for this story.
This Day in History: June 14
On this day in 1777, during the American Revolution, the Continental Congress adopts a resolution stating that "the flag of the United States be thirteen alternate stripes red and white" and that "the Union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation."
NRA's Deceptive Headline
The other day, I posted about an Orlando Sentinel headline that was an outright lie--a fabrication made up by the editors that was totally unsupported by the facts. Unfortunately, we've come to expect this from the anti-armed citizen coalition, and even rely on it as a way to demonstrate truth is on our side.
That's why we need to be better than them. We need to be relentless in presenting fact to support our opinions, and we need to be above-board and honest doing it. That has always been our strength, and our enemies' weakness.
So what the hell is this?

Still, I mentioned costs and implications, and those are simple, really: we can debate over preferring state preemption vs a patchwork quilt of local gun bans, and on the surface, the former seems the lesser of two evils, less burdensome and more pragmatic. Of course, when you believe that rights are unalienable, and that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land," all such edicts are repugnant and insulting to free sovereign individuals.
Just don't forget that relying on preemption on matters of Constitutional rights bolsters its perceived supremacy and legitimacy. So if the state decides No Guns Allowed, well then, no guns will be allowed. The ruling judge practically said as much.
But back to the reason for this post: None of this gives NRA a pass for deceiving gun owners and its membership with such carefully crafted falsehoods. We deserve better than this from them.
What we should ask ourselves when such deception is exposed is where else are they misleading us? And if they do so here, how can we know when to believe them?
That's why we need to be better than them. We need to be relentless in presenting fact to support our opinions, and we need to be above-board and honest doing it. That has always been our strength, and our enemies' weakness.
So what the hell is this?

San Francisco Superior Court Rejects Gun Ban; 2nd Amendment UpheldNo it was not either. As I started to say in a discussion over at Nicki's:
The case was not challenged on 2A grounds--it was challenged on preemption grounds.Even though I would prefer an outright Second Amendment-based resolution, I'd expect the high court to duck facing one if it came before them, as they did in Silveira. They clearly don't want to resolve this, as evidenced by their willful refusal to resolve opposing precedents between the 5th and 9th Circuits. So had a challenge been made on 2A grounds, the SF handgun ban would have been upheld in the lower courts, and SCOTUS would have probably refused to involve themselves.
That's because a 2A challenge wouldn't have worked--both the CA Supreme Court AND the federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals do not recognize 2A as an individual right.
The only hope of overturning this in the courts is for SCOTUS to do so. But to date, the high court has refused to tackle this issue.
So in short, it was a matter of expedience.
Mind you, I'm not endorsing this tactic--I think while we're dancing around congratulating ourselves on a victory we are ignoring hidden costs and implications at our peril--but in a nutshell, a 2A challenge will never prevail in California until a higher decision forces it.
Still, I mentioned costs and implications, and those are simple, really: we can debate over preferring state preemption vs a patchwork quilt of local gun bans, and on the surface, the former seems the lesser of two evils, less burdensome and more pragmatic. Of course, when you believe that rights are unalienable, and that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land," all such edicts are repugnant and insulting to free sovereign individuals.
Just don't forget that relying on preemption on matters of Constitutional rights bolsters its perceived supremacy and legitimacy. So if the state decides No Guns Allowed, well then, no guns will be allowed. The ruling judge practically said as much.
But back to the reason for this post: None of this gives NRA a pass for deceiving gun owners and its membership with such carefully crafted falsehoods. We deserve better than this from them.
What we should ask ourselves when such deception is exposed is where else are they misleading us? And if they do so here, how can we know when to believe them?
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
We're the Only Ones Driving Enough
Two police officers patrolling the beach in an SUV ran over and killed a sunbather Monday, authorities said.Oh, yes--here's the kicker we all knew was coming--after all, they are The Only Ones:
The officers did not immediately realize they ran over the woman and continued driving...
The officers have been placed on paid leave pending an investigation.
We're the Only Ones Thorough Enough
Jimmy Coney had [the gun] in his waistband, but...Corrections Officer Michael Venit failed to find it during a search...Officer Venit was suspended for one-day for neglecting his job duties.Whoa, one day? Don't you think you guys are being a little heavy-handed? After all, he is one of The Only Ones...
Going UP...
Violent crime, that is.
Murders jumped...from 330 to 377 in Philadelphia, a 14 percent rise...and here:
He said...Richmond, Va., [has] also seen significant and even record increases in violent crime.But...but...but...
Where's Alan?

Here's the NRA statement on the legal defeat of the San Francisco handgun ban:
This ruling supports the premise of NRA's argument.Meanwhile, true to form, here's the statement from SAF:
The NRA filed it's lawsuit soon after Proposition H passed...
The NRA is determined not to see this gross injustice happen again...
“We’re proud to have worked once again with the National Rifle Association..."Once again, SAF shares credit and NRA claims it all for themselves.
does this
keep happening?
This Day in History: June 13
On this day in 1777, a 19-year-old French aristocrat, Marie-Joseph Paul Roch Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, arrives in South Carolina with the intent to serve as General George Washington’s second-in-command.
Have Gun, Will Pistol Whip

I'm surprised the studio armorers can provide a gun to him without running afoul of the "prohibited persons" clause...
Monday, June 12, 2006
Wearing Down the Right
"If these ordinances are passed by the City Council, I'll have to file a lawsuit or I'll be out of business," said Frank Caso, owner of Caso's Gun-O-Rama...That's the point, Mr. Caso.
And your enemies have unlimited resources.
If you do manage somehow to prevail this time, they'll be back with a renewed attack against another flank.
Jackals know when their prey is surrounded and has nowhere else to go.
This Day in History: June 12
On this day in 1776, the Virginia Convention, assembled in Williamsburg, unanimously adopts George Mason’s declaration of rights.
"What Worries Me is How Easy it is to Get a Gun These Days."
Sure, it always has been if you don't let little things like "the law" get in your way. Try getting one legally in the UK, and then come back and tell us all how easy it is.
Hoplophobes Protest Indoor Gun Range
Mrs. Standish said she feared the business would attract lawbreakers to what is now a residential area.More equating gun owners with criminals by enuretics who obviously have no experience with either...
New Jersey Needs "Bullet Control"
Ennis held a cheap box of 9mm bullets, similar to the one that killed his brother...I'm sure everyone means "cartridges" or "ammunition," but whatever. More killer Bockwurst to blame.
ÂThere's no way I should have been able to go to a gun store without a permit, without any sort of registration, I was able to walk out of there with a box of bullets, he said.Ah, yes. Registration. Part of the "final solution."
Ennis, pastor of In His Presence Worship Center on Broad Street, said he is starting a petition to call for legislation that would further regulate the purchase of bullets.You wouldn't be funding political activities with tax-deductible contributions, would you, "Reverend"?
Sunday, June 11, 2006
We're the Only Ones Abreast of the Situation
One report said a grandmother complained that the topless woman became "loud and disorderly" after she told the woman to cover up. Another camper told authorities the woman became belligerent when confronted.So where did she pin her badge...?
In both instances, the topless woman said she was a law officer, according to the reports.
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
UK Council Demands Tree Control
Council officials have written to the chamber of trade saying the trees are a potential hazard because their sharp leaves could cause injuries to eyes or faces.And we all know free-willed sovereign individuals are just too stupid and inept to coexist with trees without government edicts to guide them.
Orlando Sentinel's Lying Headline
Gun law triggers at least 13 shootingsThat's one hell of a claim. Too bad not one of their anecdotes substantiates the inflammatory charge that Florida's new "stand your ground" law had anything to do with the decision by the people involved to discharge their weapons.
In fact, the story's lead paragraph belies the sensational headline:
Michael Brady didn't think about his rights when he shot and killed a stranger in his front yard. He says he was just scared.That sounds about right.
The most egregious example cited in the article, unsurprisingly, involves one of The Only Ones, who had been drinking and used his department-issued firearm. So naturally, the antis spin this as a reason why everybody else shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves.
This Day in History: June 11
On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress selects Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Roger Sherman of Connecticut and Robert R. Livingston of New York to draft a declaration of independence.
We're the Only Ones With This Kind of Money to Waste: Yours
For at least the past two years, 100 military surplus M-16 rifles have been gathering dust in the Dallas County Sheriff's Department armory.Leave it to "The Only Ones" to squander their loot--that is, "taxpayer money"--on something they say they desperately need and then not only don't use but forget about. For years.
Besides which, why would we want the police using a "justifiably maligned" weapon that, according to a self-designated Second Amendment Lite spokesman, is only good "for killing of human beings and the damage of war equipment and facilities"?
We're the Only...Where Did He Go...?
A motorcyclist-riding gunman twice eluded police in North Hollywood remained at large.But don't worry--"The Only Ones" will protect you from him--once they catch him.
In the meantime, you're on your own.
Disarmed by law if you share a street with the blasting biker, and on your own.
One other minor point: A "motorcyclist-riding gunman"? Well, it is North Hollywood...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Deadly Assault Sausage Murders German Woman
The prosecutors said the man had given a patchy account of events, acknowledging that he may have "administered" a Bockwurst to the woman.Just unbelievable. People find ways to kill each other with sausage!
What law do you think could have prevented this? And why is the media blaming the man instead of the Bockwurst?
Kalashnikov: It's Not My Fault
IT WAS the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union that motivated Mikhail Kalashnikov to design the assault rifle that bears his name. But, six decades later, he laments its transformation into the worldwide weapon of choice for terrorists and gangsters.Don't fret, Mr. Kalashnikov. If you think about it, only Nazis blame you.
We're the Only Ones--Just Ask the Voters
The roommate of an unarmed trespassing suspect who was shot to death in a dark attic by two San Francisco police officers said Friday he had told the officers the man didn't have a gun...Yep--these are the only ones San Franciscans think ought to have guns. By 58% to 42%.
Police originally reported that Sullivan had fired on officers through the attic floor and that his gun had been found at the scene. They later said neither was the case. Investigators now think Keesor fired first, grazing his partner's ear and prompting her to shoot as well.
It's Dependence, Stupid
"We don't shy away from the fact that the real problems lay with the Caribbean blacks," says Sutherland, who was inspired to get into filmmaking after writing and performing in a play at his high school. "Growing up, it wasn't guns. We had butterfly knives. It wasn't crazy like this. There are now so many guns on the street, it's ridiculous. We had no access to guns. There were no big pipelines [of guns] coming up [from the U.S.]."Sorry, Sutherland. It's not guns and it's not Caribbean blacks.
You could put a gun in the home of a rational person and initiation of violence would not occur.
You could raise a child from any race in a loving home where individual responsibility is a fundamental ethic and produce a balanced human being.
As I've said before, we can't eliminate race from the equation "not as a cause of violent crime, but as an indicator of populations most directly affected by and responsive to a continuing history of destructive government policies."
But I wouldn't expect artsy socialists who actually believe their own spew about how "only a black man would have dared to make the riveting CTV movie Doomstown" to know what the hell I'm talking about.
Maybe if they throw some more plunder--I mean--"government money" at the problem...
This Day in History: June 10
On this day in 1775, John Adams proposes to Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, that the men laying siege to Boston should be considered a Continental Army led by a general.
BATFU Raids KT Ordnance
Or could it be because too many gun owners are discovering that building their own firearms is simple, anonymous, and LEGAL...?Looks like this Republican administration is doing everything in its power to alienate its core constituency.
This is what happens when a class of firearms is "justifiably maligned" in the eyes of the public.
The Darwin Rap
Ronnie Webber was playing with a gun while he acted out a rap song, and when the song said shoot he did. Webber, 27, told officers the gun in his hand discharged, fatally wounding Johnathan Beasley, 23, Thursday afternoon."The gun in his hand discharged."
All by its own self, yo.
27 and 23, and this is the extent of their personal development. Simply amazing.
Friday, June 09, 2006
How to Screw Up Your Kids
"I don't like squirt guns," said Mendez, 45, of the Northside. "I think toy guns send the wrong message, because what's next? I don't even like my daughter to touch them."Good grief.
Julianna Thibodeaux, 40, who lives in Meridian-Kessler, doesn't like squirt guns, either.
"We're so saturated with violence as it is in the media and in our culture," she said. "Anything we can do to mitigate that is good. Besides, there are so many other water toys to play with, like bubbles or water balloons. It doesn't have to be a gun."
Another Form of "Gun Control"?
The state's highest court ruled Thursday that an insurance company must defend a Clarksville man in a wrongful-death suit brought by the estate of a man he killed in self-defense.I don't know enough about the subject to do more than speculate, but if this precedent stands, I can see insurance companies charging extra premiums or refusing to provide coverage altogether if you have a gun in the home.
Don't expect to see them tripping all over themselves to recognize the overwhelmingly protective benefits of gun ownership and offer discounts--as many do if you have a home burglar alarm...
Bloomberg: "Color Me a Media Whore"
Lauer says he does appreciate all the media attention the mayor's tirade has brought him. His Dura Coat sales doubled for two days after the media reports.The mayor got face time and Lauer sold a few more cans of paint. Sounds like a win-win.
As for his New York business, Lauer says he has records of only one sale to someone who uses it to protect bicycles. There are two other orders which Lauer presumes are from the aide who purchased the product for the mayor's news conference.
In a related matter, SAF has it right about Bloomberg's attack on two New York gun dealers. The fact that their inventories have been returned demonstrates he is abusing the power of his office. He's causing real economic harm to legitimate businesses in his insane and illegal quest to punish those he hates. I hope those store owners sue him personally.
Flexible Principles
Canada's former top accountant says the senior bureaucrat overseeing the controversial gun registry didn't want to ask Parliament for more money to cover cost overruns for fear it would affect the upcoming 2004 federal election.So much for doing something because you believe in it and it's right.
Yet more evidence of the "principles" of our enemies in action.
This Day in History: June 9
On this day in 1772, colonists, angered by the British Parliament’s passing of the Townshend Acts restricting colonial trade, blacken their faces and board the HMS Gaspee, an armed British customs schooner that had run aground off the coast of Rhode Island. They then wounded the ship’s commander and set it aflame.
A Crack in the Wall?
Google's China-approved Web service omits politically sensitive information that might be retrieved during Internet searches...

Anybody know how this works?
Would someone in China get the same results and be able to access Jingjing and Chacha...?
Thursday, June 08, 2006
We're the Only Ones "Not Right" Enough
He spent his whole career enforcing the law. Now a former Bethlehem Police Captain is on the other side of it for allegedly holding a loaded handgun to the head of another officer...Good thing he was a trained LEO. Imagine how much more whacked out a mere citizen woud have acted in this situation...
A short time later, it's alleged McLaughlin pulled it out again and held it to the back of Fryslin's neck...
He then returned with an empty shotgun.
[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
We're the Only Ones Visionary Enough
Two San Francisco police officers who shot and killed an unarmed man in the darkened attic of an apartment mistook him for a trespasser with a gun, police officials said Wednesday.Ah, the City by the Bay, where the cud-chewing electorate thinks only "the authorities" are responsible enough to be armed.
Asa B. Sullivan, 25, had his arms outstretched and was holding a "cylindrical object" when the officers confronted him Tuesday night in the apartment near Lake Merced, prompting them to open fire, said Police Chief Heather Fong. The object turned out to be an eyeglasses case.
And the winner of "most-predictable line" from this article is:
Police refused to release the officers' names...[More from "The Only Ones" files...]
This Day in History: June 8
On this day in 1776, Canadian Governor Sir Guy Carleton defeats American Patriot forces under John Sullivan, who were already in retreat from Quebec toward Montreal.
“Justifiably-Maligned Assault Rifles”-Part II
Opinion articles are easy to write. All you need is an opinion and a basic grasp of language.
Well-writen, informed and correct opinion articles are another matter.
Yesterday, I responded to an anti UN gun-grab editorial where its author, Bob Confer, made a good case for defending gun rights with one key exception: he claimed "assault weapons" were "justifiably maligned."
I contacted Mr. Confer and invited him to justify maligning them. He responded, and parts of his response were troubling: he believes they're only made for killing, although he is open to being "swayed."
It's troubling because, via published opinion pieces and radio appearances, he has established himself as a liberty leader of sorts, someone who influences the course of public debate, and thus, public acceptance of political actions. To do this with such a fundamental lack of knowledge as he has displayed is irresponsible. His "assault weapon" stance is essentially identical to that of the Brady Campaign.
We've run into "sportsmen" who call for "reasonable gun laws" before. I don't think Mr. Confer is overtly one of these guys, but if he maintains and continues to promulgate the Fuddite concept that "sporting purposes" guns are good and ugly, cheap, too big, too small, too hot or too cold guns are bad, his effect will be twofold:
Well-writen, informed and correct opinion articles are another matter.
Yesterday, I responded to an anti UN gun-grab editorial where its author, Bob Confer, made a good case for defending gun rights with one key exception: he claimed "assault weapons" were "justifiably maligned."
I contacted Mr. Confer and invited him to justify maligning them. He responded, and parts of his response were troubling: he believes they're only made for killing, although he is open to being "swayed."
It's troubling because, via published opinion pieces and radio appearances, he has established himself as a liberty leader of sorts, someone who influences the course of public debate, and thus, public acceptance of political actions. To do this with such a fundamental lack of knowledge as he has displayed is irresponsible. His "assault weapon" stance is essentially identical to that of the Brady Campaign.
We've run into "sportsmen" who call for "reasonable gun laws" before. I don't think Mr. Confer is overtly one of these guys, but if he maintains and continues to promulgate the Fuddite concept that "sporting purposes" guns are good and ugly, cheap, too big, too small, too hot or too cold guns are bad, his effect will be twofold:
- It will misinform the general public.
- It will continue dividing the gun owner community, with the sporting crowd protecting their turf, but abandoning "shall not be infringed."
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
This Day in History: June 7
On this day in 1776, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia introduces a resolution for independence to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia; John Adams seconds the motion.
“Justifiably-Maligned Assault Rifles”
The UN, which is supposedly the catalyst of universal freedom, is holding this annual conference as a means to determine methods by which to disarm common people from the world over. They want to disarm them not only of justifiably-maligned assault rifles, but also of the pistols, rifles, and shotguns which are a welcome part of leisure pursuits and are vital to the protection of home and family.The guy was going good until this idiotic assertion. I agree with Asc's comments over at KABA. I've emailed the author, Bob Confer, and invited him to justify maligning militia-suitable arms here at WarOnGuns.
We're the Only Ones In Your Face Enough
A New Orleans Policeman faces charges after a neighbor accused him of beating him with a gun...Investigators said DNA tests prove Paxton used his gun in the assault.One of Riley's finest, who want to disarm you in an emergency because they're the only ones who can be trusted with guns...
[Thanks to 1894C]
We're the Only Ones Consistent Enough
An Indianapolis police officer was placed on administrative leave after being accused of drunken driving while off duty for the second time in less than a year, authorities said.My favorite line:
"I can assure you that any discipline he gets will be grossly more severe than he might as an average citizen working someplace," Horty said.Yeah, right. Hey, I have an idea:
Treat him like he's black.
[Via Armed & Christian]
I Was Born a Poor Black Child
Fresh from rehab, Rep. Patrick Kennedy said yesterday he wants to be treated like an African-American from Washington if and when he gets charged for crashing his car on Capitol Hill.Beutiful. A rich white kid pulls the race card. Somebody must have read Uncle Remus stories, because he's got the "Please don't throw me in dat briar patch" routine down pat.
Of course it helps that the police gave him a convenient escort home instead of to the slammer as they would have any one of us, and that the "evidence" has long since dissolved into his bloodstream...
But I say give him what he's asked for. Take him out to Anacostia at 3 in the morning and treat him like he's black.
Just make sure to bring a throw-down piece and claim he went for his waistband...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
We're the Only Ones Flushed Enough
ChaaKaa Guilbe found something unusual in the women's bathroom of a University City restaurant when she escorted her 6-year-old daughter to the loo Monday evening: there, on top of the toilet paper dispenser inside the stall, was a gun...Of course the officer's name was not released. She's one of the Only Ones. Heck, she probably won't be charged with felony child endangerment, like one of us sub-citizens would be, either.
The handgun was left behind at Cheddar's off of West W.T. Harris Boulevard by an on-duty Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer from the North Division, which covers most of northern Mecklenburg County. The female officer's full name was not released Monday night, but police said the department will conduct an internal investigation.
Sending the Vatican a Message
“We send politicians unmistakable messages at the ballot box. Anti-gun church officials can get the same treatment at the collection box! Actually, pro-gun church goers of various religious denominations can do the same thing with these coupons if they believe their officials are taking anti-gun positions.”You can download the collection plate coupon here.
CO Supremes Emphasize "Rule" in "Home Rule"
A divided Colorado Supreme Court on Monday let stand a ruling upholding Denver’s controversial ban on assault weapons and other gun control regulations despite arguments that state law trumps local ordinances.Once more, black robed activists trump freedom and dictate from the bench. The law is plain, but they ignore it because they can.
The 3-3 vote, with new Justice Allison Eid abstaining, means Denver may resume enforcing ordinances put on hold after two state laws were enacted in 2003 that pre-empted most local regulation of firearms.
But because it was a tie vote, the Supreme Court did not provide an “ultimate ruling” on questions concerning when a home-rule city can issue ordinances superseding state law, said Assistant City Attorney David Broadwell.
The correct political response is for Coloradans to press for impeachment and revenge themselves on the politicians who supported the nomination and confirmation of the outlaw jurists.
Yeah, right, like any but a handful will be motivated enough for that to happen.
This Day in History: June 6
On this day in 1775, Marinus Willett and a small group of Sons of Liberty confront British soldiers and seize five wagonloads of weapons as the Redcoats evacuate New York City.
Newsflash From Harvard: Kids Are Curious!!!!
"Children are really curious and have lots of things in their home that parents have no intention of letting them find - but they do," said Matthew Miller, associate director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center...Matthew Miller?
Oh, yeah, he's the one who didn't have the guts to take questions from anyone who could expose him as an agenda-driven citizen disarmament zealot masquerading as an unbiased researcher.
No wonder the lapdog press treats his propaganda like the final word on kids and guns.
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