WarOnGuns regulars: the demands of my real job will be at seven days a week, including many evenings, for the foreseeable future--at least through to August.
I'll post as I can, but please understand if you don't see the level of activity I've managed to squeeze out in the past. I also have a family that needs my attention--what little my job allows me to give them. Of the writing I do, the magazine gig that allows me to contribute a bit more to our household finances will need to come first.
It doesn't mean I'm going away. It just means that some days, posting will be light or possibly not happen at all. I also ask you to please bear with me if I don't have time to give your emails the attention they deserve.
There's only one of me, the load is heavy and the road ahead is getting steeper with each step.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
We're the Only Ones Recovered Enough
A .40 caliber handgun lost near Leesburg by a Loudoun County Deputy March 23 was returned to the Sheriff's Office two days later.After that last story, why do I hear Peter Griffin laughing and remarking "He said doody!"
The service weapon was lost during the course of the deputy's duties, a Sheriff's Office spokesman said.
[More From The "Only Ones" Files]
We're the Only Ones Wiped Out Enough...
A sergeant on the Boca Raton Police Department has been issued a reprimand for leaving her loaded service handgun in a public bathroom at the Boca Raton Resort & Club shortly before Vice President Dick Cheney spoke at a fund-raiser for U.S. Rep. Clay Shaw.Sorry about the title. Really.
Well, not really.
[More From The "Only Ones" Files]
The "NRA Shill"
Sketching a likely general election theme, Gov. Blagojevich came out swinging Tuesday against GOP gubernatorial front-runner Judy Baar Topinka, accusing the state treasurer of being a shill for the National Rifle Association and the right wing.Actually, I can't find a current NRA rating for Topinka, just one from 2002, where, indeed, she got an "A."
"The NRA just gave her an A rating -- an A rating -- and if you get an A rating from the NRA, you're basically taking their talking points and doing their bidding," Blagojevich said. "And I would urge her to forget about the NRA, stop pandering to the right wing and join us and help us pass a ban on assault weapons."
As correspondent HZ observes, "I would love to know the NRA's response to their A rated candidate's responses to this questionnaire."
I have supported efforts to strengthen our FOID card program with a system to rapidly check backgrounds of people before they can obtain a FOID card. We must keep guns out of the hands of people who pose a threat to society. My position on assault weapons legislation will depend on the specific definitions in the final bill.I see this as a huge and continued credibility problem for NRA management. An "A" should be measured against a "shall not be infringed" benchmark.
The governor has spoken out against Uzies and AK 47s, weapons that are already prohibited. While they are illegal, I certainly agree with keeping Uzies and AK 47s off the street. If the final language of a bill that passes the legislature includes language to ban weapons similar to Uzies and AK 47s, I would have no problem. If the language is broader and includes weapons currently in use by law-abiding citizens, then I would have concerns. The key will be in the definitions.
NRA members and other gun owners are sophisticated enough to handle the truth and to make their decisons accordingly. Certainly, when compared to the wretched Blagojevich, Topinka is far less oppressive on rkba issues. But don't blow smoke at us and tell us someone who supports prior restraints, licenses, fees and functional gun bans based on "definitions" deserves an "A".
That is, unless the criteria is something other than "shall not be infringed," and if support for an agenda takes precedence over the Second Amendment...
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Something Special About Philly...
The one opportunity these surgeons will find in Philadelphia that they can't get in Sweden or very many other places is a constant supply of gunshot wounds. With 317 people already shot in just the first two and a half months of this year, surgeons around the city have plenty of opportunities to practice.But...but...but...this wasn't supposed to happen.
We were promised...
Stanislaw Lem: 1921-2006

Stanislaw Lem, 84, a Polish-born writer of "reality based" science fiction who tweaked Communist authorities and became one of the world's best-selling authors with books such as "Solaris" and "The Futurological Congress," died March 27 at a hospital in Krakow, Poland. He had a heart ailment.Lem did not endear himself to his contemporaries, particularly in the US. But he wrote brilliantly, honestly, cleverly, originally.
If you're not familiar with his work, I can't think of a better introduction than by meeting two of my favorite Lem constructions, Trurl and Klapaucius.
[Photo: "Stanislaw Lem in 1966, courtesy of his secretary, Wojciech Zemek."]
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Blame the Guns
Don't blame the rave scene for the Seattle's worst mass murder in more than two decades.Good grief.
Blame the guns -- and a culture that celebrates firepower.
[Via Dan Gifford]
The Blunder Down Under
THE New South Wales Government's failure to deal with gun crime meant Sydney could now be confused with the US city of Los Angeles, the opposition said.Now hold on, mate. What about all the "gun control" edicts enacted since the "Port Arthur massacre"? Back in '97, Prime Minister John Howard promised the gun ban would lead to "a safer society."
Opposition police spokesman Mike Gallacher today said armed robberies, drive-by shootings and other gun crimes were occurring in Sydney on a daily basis.
Of course, they told us LA would be safe, too.
I know some neighborhoods I'd be happy to drop anyone off in if they believe that claim. Then again, I know some neighborhoods you couldn't get me to drive through on a bet.
Maybe the opposition has a point--Australia is becoming like LA. But just not for the reasons they claim.
What Nicole Thinks
It was the rave scene that killed those poor kids Saturday on Capitol Hill. It was the city's weak All Ages Dance Ordinance. It was the weed they smoked, the beer they drank, the music that drained their heads of reason. It was the parents who didn't keep track. Stop.Nicole Brodeur thinks banning the above is synonymous with "common sense gun-safety measures."
What killed those people was a 28-year-old man named Kyle Huff, who took advantage of American gun laws and packed his pickup with an arsenal of weapons that no person should ever want or need: An assault rifle. A handgun. A shotgun. A machete. Hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
That means Nicole will tolerate no semiautos.
No handguns.
No shotguns.
No machetes.
And no ammunition--at least not "hundreds of rounds" (GASP! That many?)
Besides, why would you "ever want or need" them?
Nicole agrees with Chief Gil Kerlikowske that a 12-gauge is "not for hunting purposes, but for hunting people." (Funny--she didn't ask the chief about that evil semiautomatic service pistol he "lost" that is now out there "on the street"...)
I suppose if Huff had burned the place down, Nicole would want to implement "common sense match-safety measures."
"They were just kids," Nicole laments in righteous indignation.
Two of them were. I have yet to hear those like Nicole asking what the hell grown men in their 20's and 30's were doing partying with 14 and 15-year-old girls instead of protecting them.
Look at Nicole. She looks like she'd be a lot of help in a bind, doesn't she?
Listen to Nicole. She knows best. She's the expert.
Urban newspaper editorialists. Is there anything they don't know?
Hey Nicole: Molon Labe. What I told Sallie goes double for you.
What’s Driving Bill Clinton
An embarrassing hole in security surrounding former U.S. President Bill Clinton turned up when one of his chauffeurs was found to be a wanted man.I guess if my travel detail as a retiree included three limos and God knows what size taxpayer-funded armed retinue, I wouldn't worry much about the average person's security, either.
Shahzad Qureshi, 42, was in one of three cars awaiting Clinton at Newark Airport last week when a Port Authority policeman happened to check license plate numbers.
I wonder if Clinton's fellow gungrabber and illegal immigration activist Antonio Villaraigoso will come to Mr. Qureshi's defense, or if he only speaks out on behalf of certain demographics?
Monday, March 27, 2006
Angel Update- March 27
Dear Friends of Angel,
This update is to affirm that we know you are out there and wanting information about Angel. We have not forgotten you.
We still cannot tell you anything new about Angel's legal situation, except to repeat that he is waiting for his next court appearance on April 7th. We hope to have a bunch of information for you then.
Thanks again for your donations, your letters of support and your patience.
For any of you who have not made a donation, but who may wish to do so, there is information about donating to help with Angel's legal expenses at:
Best wishes,
Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana
This update is to affirm that we know you are out there and wanting information about Angel. We have not forgotten you.
We still cannot tell you anything new about Angel's legal situation, except to repeat that he is waiting for his next court appearance on April 7th. We hope to have a bunch of information for you then.
Thanks again for your donations, your letters of support and your patience.
For any of you who have not made a donation, but who may wish to do so, there is information about donating to help with Angel's legal expenses at:
Best wishes,
Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana
Shameless Plug: O Canada
Still, the zeal to punish all Canadians for the “gun crimes” of a few has not diminished. Also on the table, per a CTV report, is a plan by Mr. Martin to impose “reverse onus,” requiring defendants to prove why they should be allowed bail. And the Toronto Star cites Inspector Dave McLeod, who is investigating gun thefts from legal owners and wonders “how gang members…find out the source of domestic guns held by registered gun owners.” In a nice bit of deflection, Mayor Miller claims the government’s failure to keep information secure is “exactly why I supported…Martin's call for a ban on the ownership of guns.”"O Canada" is my Rights Watch column for the May issue of GUNS Magazine, on sale now, eh?
BONUS: See page 84 to find out how you can win a Charles Daly ZDA and Al Mar Falcon Ultralight knife.
"Gun Used in Rampage"
The 12-gauge shotgun does maximum damage to the body of its target. It's easy to purchase. No permit is required, and an instant background check over the phone can be as fast as credit-card approval for someone with no prior felony conviction.What a great new pejorative for the 12-gauge: Rampage guns!
To paraphrase what Homer Simpson said about actors: "Reporters. Is there anything they don't know?"
Meanwhile, Over in Ireland...
Four people were arrested today in connection with the murder of a 27-year-old Derryman.If only Ireland had Welsh posters and leaflets...
Shea Bradley was found with gunshot wounds in a car in a laneway in Dublin’s north inner city two weeks ago.
He had been on bail after being charged with firearm offences.
A Garda spokesman said officers arrested two men, one woman and one male juvenile today in connection with the murder.
Welsh Gun Control Failure Prompts Calls for More of Same
A campaign is being launched aimed at reducing gun crime in Wales.That UK citizen disarmament certainly is working well. I'm sure posters and leaflets will solve their violent crime problems once and for all.
The number of firearm offences in north Wales was almost six times higher in 2004-2005 than the previous year, according to Home Office figures.
In south Wales, gun offences have more than doubled...
As part of the anti-gun campaign, [Crimestoppers Wales] will be distributing posters and leaflets across Wales.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Going to Bat for Gun-Free Schools
A distraught former student armed with a bat and chain sent Hopkinton High students running for cover yesterday when he stormed the school.And all anyone there could do--including the adult teachers and administrators--was hope that "official" men with guns would arrive in time to keep any of them from being hurt.
That's the way (uh-huh, uh-huh) Wayne likes it...
Blago Campaigns With Stolen Funds
Using taxpayer-financed resources, Gov. Rod Blagojevich issued a letter and news release Saturday asking his Republican re-election opponent, Judy Baar Topinka, to support his call for an assault weapon ban.So in additon to being a tyrant and a treasonous thug, Blago's also a thief. It does help explain why he wants to ensure only he and his fellow crime boss elites and their enforcers have access to guns.
A campaign aide to Topinka, the state treasurer and the lone GOP statewide officeholder, criticized Blagojevich's use of state materials for what the aide said was a blatant campaign-oriented letter.
But what the hell. Based on results, he's what "the people" want. Don't expect anyone to have the stones to actually charge him with anything.
I Don't Know Art, But I Know What I Like
Gunner at Say Uncle tells us of a BATFU "kid's art" contest.
It's too late to enter now, but if they ever resurrect it, I've got my submission ready to go...
It's too late to enter now, but if they ever resurrect it, I've got my submission ready to go...

The Gun Show Peephole
AK-47s. SKS sniper rifles. Armor-piercing bullets. Machine gun displays.More hoplophobe hysteria, and this one, as the opening sentence makes evident, has got all the talking points:
It’s just another weekend at a Kansas City gun show, where there is so much firepower at your fingertips that even some gun enthusiasts shake their heads in wonder.
They're a major source for criminals!
BATFU hardly pays 'em no never mind!!
Terrorist rely on them as a source for Middle East weaponry, because we all know you can't get guns over there!!!
You can even buy scary books and pamphlets!!!!
It's telling that reporter Judy L. Thomas' "go to guy"/voice of authority is a white supremacist/bank robber.
Then we have the dealer who claims he can "read people like a book." Good Lord, man, these reporters are not your friend. Can't you just stfu and not give them more ammunition to use against you?
My favorite anecdote:
Even some gun show attendees seemed surprised at the array of weaponry.Oooooo! A .223!!!
“I don’t see how that can be legal,” one man remarked to a friend as he pointed toward a Bushmaster assault rifle — the kind of weapon used in the 2002 sniper spree that left 10 persons dead in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia.
Under current law, it is legal.
Leave it to Thomas to cherry-pick the views of a newbie, one who obviously doesn't know squat about firearms.
But then again, neither do her readers--and giving her the benefit of the doubt that her anti-gun screed presented as straight news is not a deliberate misinformation piece--neither does she.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Justice Delayed

At the request of the Texas Department of Public Safety, Republican Justice of the Peace Jim Richards signed an order suspending Thomas Dale DeLay’s license to carry a handgun in the State of Texas...No doubt, this is a hit piece by a savvy political operative with an agenda, but that doesn't negate the truth being presented--or the fact that Juanita's even scooped The Smoking Gun on this one (which, at this writing, says nothing about this development).
Okay, let me be honest with you. I’m a Democrat. I believe in the Constitution. I believe that you are innocent until proven guilty. I don’t think there should be any punishment for merely being indicted. An indictment is no proof of guilt.
However, Tom DeLay and “his” Texas Legislature – after all, TRMPAC money elected that bunch of clowns we have in Austin – don’t feel that way. They enacted this law to keep handguns away from suspected felons like Tom DeLay.
You made your bed, Tom, now sleep in it.
It does, however, raise questions about who "on the inside" with a political agenda made this document available to this particular website. Is this an intentional leak by an operative in the Texas Department of Public Safety, the office of the Fort Bend County Clerk, or the Precinct 4 Justice Court?
Regardless, this is what you get when you license unalienable rights, something Mr. Delay has been a proponent of.
This is what you get when kneejerk "law and order" trumps liberty.
Hey, enforce existing gun laws, right?
We're the Only Ones...Yes, I WOULD Like an Apple Pie With That

A Michigan State Police trooper will face disciplinary action after he left his off-duty service weapon in a rest room at the Burger King in Texas Township, authorities said...After leaving the restaurant, the trooper, who was not identified [Naturally--DC], continued his drive home and realized "some distance away" that he did not have his firearm on him...The trooper, who has been with State Police for 10 to 15 years, is still on active duty (Again, naturally--DC]...
Ding, fries are done.
We're the Only Ones Mechanical Enough...
Yet another of the "Only Ones" accidentally shot and killed a fellow officer--or was it an accident?
This reminds me of nothing so much as Groucho Marx playing shyster Otis B. Driftwood in "A Night at the Opera":
And it goes without saying the same deference would be afforded to you and me.
I'm going back to the first party.
This week we learned new details about the shooting of Easton officer Jesse Sollman. But serious questions remain -- and some focus on the mechanics of the fatal weapon...
"Single action is a mode of fire for a semiautomatic handgun where pulling the trigger does one action -- and that is release the hammer"...
"Double action" mode on the other hand requires about twice the amount of force to pull the trigger...
This reminds me of nothing so much as Groucho Marx playing shyster Otis B. Driftwood in "A Night at the Opera":
Driftwood: All right. It says the, uh, "The first part of the party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the first part of the party of the first part shall be known in this contract" - Look, why should we quarrel about a thing like this? We'll take it right out, eh?Ultimately, here's the important part to remember about this story:
Fiorello: Yeah, ha, it's-a too long, anyhow. (They both tear off the tops of their contracts.) Now, what do we got left?
Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
Driftwood: Well, you shoulda come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning...I was blind for three days!
[Easton police officer Matthew Renninger's]been called negligent by the grand jury, but he will not be charged with a crime.No. No, of course he won't be.
And it goes without saying the same deference would be afforded to you and me.
I'm going back to the first party.
Just So We're Clear on What "Keep and Bear" Means...
Lamont Anderson was walking in Ocean County Park in Lakewood in March last year when he came upon an unusual find — a loaded machine gun.The government sure takes its monopoly of power serously, doesn't it? Would that We the People put a fraction of that jealous attention into guarding the public liberty...
Instead of notifying police, Anderson picked it up, put it in his waistband and went about his business, authorities said...
"You're lucky you weren't shot on the spot when they (the police) saw it in your waistband," [Superior Court Judge James N.Citta] told Anderson.
"It really is an act of stupidity," [Ocean County prosecutor John Foti] said to the judge, adding that a jail term might "get (Anderson's) attention."
Citta sentenced Anderson to 90 days in the Ocean County Jail and placed him on probation for three years.
Friday, March 24, 2006
SWATting in Fairfax
Tomato 7 has more on the death squad that deployed because a doctor was allegedly involved in sports gambling.
Any bets the executioner is never punished? I'll lay 10-to-1 odds it never happens.
Oops. I didn't just solicit illegal gambling, did I?
Hold on--I think there's somebody at the do...
Any bets the executioner is never punished? I'll lay 10-to-1 odds it never happens.
Oops. I didn't just solicit illegal gambling, did I?
Hold on--I think there's somebody at the do...
With Friends Like These...
Just two days after winning the Democratic nomination for the 2006 general election, Blagojevich called on the General Assembly to approve an assault weapons ban over the objections of the National Rifle Association...Thanks, Richard. But just for the record, when you call for enforcing the laws on the books, do you mean like this...?
The rifle association held a counterpoint press conference Thursday hoping to blunt the governor's message and keep the assault weapons ban off the table.
"The solution is simple: Enforce the laws on the books," ISRA President Richard Pearson said.

Or like this...?

You're right, though, Richard. Those are pretty simple solutions.
The Definition of Insanity
Maryland U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein announced yesterday the start of a joint federal-local initiative designed to crack down on gun crimes in Prince George's County, where the vast majority of last year's record number of homicides were committed with firearms.Oh come on, Rod. The results will be predictable.
At a news conference at the U.S. District Courthouse in Greenbelt, Rosenstein said that under the program -- Prince George's EXILE -- federal and Prince George's law enforcement officials will collaborate more closely to identify and investigate violent offenders who use firearms, to crack down on illegal gun traffickers and to use the threat of tough federal sentencing laws to pressure defendants to plead guilty to gun crimes in state court...
The initiative went into effect this month, Rosenstein said. He said it was too early to measure the results.
Admit it. This is all about expanding your power, prestige and influence with federal grant money.
We're the Only Ones Acting Properly Enough...
An unidentified elderly Horn Lake couple were hospitalized Thursday after police burst into their home thinking it housed a methamphetamine laboratory...I wonder what would have happened had the occupants of the invaded home "acted properly"?
A man and a woman _ both in their 80s _ were injured as TACT team members secured the house although no drugs were found. There were children in the house also, but they were not awakened, Beshears said.
Beshears said the woman received a dislocated shoulder and the man received bruised ribs. Both were taken to Baptist Memorial Hospital-DeSoto, but both asked police not to identify them...
Police Chief Darryl Whaley said...he believes his officers acted correctly and followed procedures when they entered the first home.
"Obviously, a mistake was made and it was regrettable," he said. "But, I stand by my officers. I think they acted properly."
Thursday, March 23, 2006
And the Whiny Hoplophobic Male Award Goes to...
Select One:
_____"We teach our children to never touch a gun. The kids were scared to death. They didn't want to be part of this."--Ron Meredith
_____"I don't want my child firing a gun at school."--Terry Hunt
_____"[W]e don't want guns on school property."--Mike Prock
_____"[W]e believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel."--Wayne LaPierre
_____"We teach our children to never touch a gun. The kids were scared to death. They didn't want to be part of this."--Ron Meredith
_____"I don't want my child firing a gun at school."--Terry Hunt
_____"[W]e don't want guns on school property."--Mike Prock
_____"[W]e believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel."--Wayne LaPierre
One Man's Terrorist...
Jed comments on a Virginia state employees terrorism brochure, posted at Virginia News Source, that he learned about from Wolfesblog.
Interesting--parts of it read kind of like a Jeff Foxworthy routine: If you believe in property rights, or that you are the militia, or that people should influence the government, you may be a terrorist. And naturally, their tips for protecting yourself in a Homeland emergency, or items to include in your disaster preparedness inventory, make no mention of firearms.
As a caveat, I have not personally verified the authenticity of the brochure, but if it is genuine, I have a question for the state of Virginia, and governor Mark Warner, under whose imprimatur the brochure purports to be released: Is it really your position that defenders of their homeland--resisting brutal foreign invaders who had conquered and subjugated their people--were "terrorists"?
Interesting--parts of it read kind of like a Jeff Foxworthy routine: If you believe in property rights, or that you are the militia, or that people should influence the government, you may be a terrorist. And naturally, their tips for protecting yourself in a Homeland emergency, or items to include in your disaster preparedness inventory, make no mention of firearms.
As a caveat, I have not personally verified the authenticity of the brochure, but if it is genuine, I have a question for the state of Virginia, and governor Mark Warner, under whose imprimatur the brochure purports to be released: Is it really your position that defenders of their homeland--resisting brutal foreign invaders who had conquered and subjugated their people--were "terrorists"?

From Your Warm, Live Fingers
If you are stopped by police in Kansas, don’t be surprised if the officer pulls out a little black box and takes your fingerprints.This reminds me of a little project we did at "ATF Night" several years back.
Then Los Angeles Councilman Mike ("Der") Feuer had proposed requiring ammunition purchasers to submit a fingerprint. I brought an ink pad and a sheet of paper, and several dozen of us in attendance made our impressions and signed our names to a letter asking him to guess which finger we had used.
For the Birds
Signs warning of bird droppings were posted along a stretch in downtown Orlando this week after cars, benches, sidewalks, plants and even people are hit and covered by the white bird waste...The problem began when city workers removed cypress trees on "bird island" at Lake Eola in Orlando...Federal law prohibits the bird nests in Orlando from being disturbed....as Wall Street figures out how to profit from the bird flu...
[Orlando story via Jim Peel]
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
One Ring to Bring Them All and in the Darkness Bind Them
The NYPD is installing 505 surveillance cameras around the city - and pushing to safeguard lower Manhattan with a "ring of steel" that could track hundreds of thousands of people and cars a day, authorities revealed yesterday.Turning America into a prison: one cellblock at a time...
Richmond "Gun Violence" Up
A recently released report evaluating the federally funded Project Safe Neighborhoods program in Virginia suggests that gun violence has risen steadily in Richmond since 2000.
The report, completed in January, also suggests that nearly two-thirds of Richmonders do not feel safer today than they did five years ago. And it concludes that six out of 10 city dwellers don't believe the aggressive media campaigns to raise awareness on gun violence have prevented people from carrying illegal firearms.
You boys care to back that turnip truck up so we can climb back on and fall off properly next time?
Hoplophobe Home Care to Elderly Gun Owners: Suffer and Die For All We Care
A Nova Scotia woman with multiple sclerosis has lost her home care after a single incident of her husband forgetting to store his rifle in a gun cabinet...
Northwood Home Care hasn’t been back since.
Spokesman John Verlinden said it doesn’t matter that the homeowner’s guns are registered, or that the rifle’s trigger lock was on.
"Any risk where a home support worker feels it is an unsafe environment or there is some risk for them, that would trigger an assessment," he said.
If the guns are removed, the homecare company would carry out a fresh assessment, and consider starting up service again.
What a nice company.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Ask Capital Times!
Dear Capital Times,
Capital Times approached two experts, Capt. Brian Willison of the Dane County Sheriff's Office, and Brian Blanchard, Dane County district attorney. We have translated their responses for you, because, being establishment journalists, it's our job to make sure you understand your duties as a citizen when it comes to obeying the state.
Anybody else have a stupid question?
Lately everybody's been up in arms over "concealed carry." But what about UNconcealed carry? Both the U.S. and Wisconsin constitutions guarantee the right to keep and bear arms. Does that mean I could be like Marshal Dillon, strap a big gun on my hip and go pretty much anywhere I please, as long as I'm not trying to hide the fact that I'm armed?-- Richard S. RussellDear Richard,
Capital Times approached two experts, Capt. Brian Willison of the Dane County Sheriff's Office, and Brian Blanchard, Dane County district attorney. We have translated their responses for you, because, being establishment journalists, it's our job to make sure you understand your duties as a citizen when it comes to obeying the state.
Good questions, Richard. Basically, the word "right" means whatever we say it does. Hell, even your "gun lobby" giants have their members convinced that bearing arms is a licensed privilege subject to fees (kind'a like the good old days of poll taxes-- remember those?So there you have it, Richard. We at Capital Times hope you're clear on your responsibilities for submitting to authority.), approvals and tests , limitations, restrictions, revocations--and it goes without saying, outright prior restraint denial.
At this point--and remember, this is all depending on where you live and what we feel like at any particular moment--we pretty much won't go ballistic if we see you armed in an approved venue AND you can produce a license on demand or demonstrate to our satisfaction that you are pursuing a legitimate (defined by us) sporting purpose.
But God forbid you play citizen lawyer and decide for yourself you understand better than us what terms like "bear arms" mean. If we see you even thinking about acting like a free man...
Here's the thing, Richard. You'll notice Capital Times came to US-- a cop and a prosecutor. We're on the same team, represent the same client. And if we DO decide you need taking down, assuming you survive, guess what ? The judge also works for the Big Boss. And don't think a jury's gonna save you, because they'll do as he instructs--despite some troublemakers who think they know "the law" better than WE do trying to convince a few smelly anarchists that they have a right to judge the law as well as the facts.
Nope, Richard. The courts are ours. And good luck getting the judiciary to hear a Second Amendment case--right now, settled law in a good part of the country says there IS no individual right to keep and bear arms.
Don't look to the other branches, either. The legislature? We control it. And the enforcers...I mean, the executive branch--well, like we just said, they're the enforcers.
And you know what clinches it for us, Richard? Your neighbors! Look around. Ask 'em what they think about "assault weapons" or guns in schools (hell, ask Wayne LaPierre that one), or "common sense gun control." Guess whose side the bleaters are gonna take, Richard? Guess who's been conditioned to wet themselves and call US if they see you walking down Main Street with a shouldered rifle or a pistol strapped to your leg?
Ha, ha, ha! Richard. That's our ultimate trump card right there.
"The People"? Gimme a break!
Despite what the Constitution says, we can pretty much do anything we want, Richard, and there's really not a damn thing you can do about it. Check and mate.
So the short answer to your question is, "No," Richard. "You can't." But we won't particularly mind if you try. It'll give us an excuse to roll out our new equipment and be heroes in front of the fawning press like these useful idiots at the Capital Times. Plus, it will scare your fellow cud-chewers into demanding more protection against dangerous, evil bogeymen like you, who threaten the harmony and tranquility of the herd with dangerous notions like "freedom." Talk about justifying tax/budget increases!
In our line of work, Richard, we call that a "Win-Win."
Anybody else have a stupid question?
We're the Only Ones Special, Weaponed and Tactical Enough...
Dr Salvatore Culosi Jr had come out of his townhouse to meet an undercover policeman when he was shot through the chest by a Special Weapons and Tactics force...But he had been under investigation for illegal gambling and in line with a local police policy on "organised crime" raids, the heavily armed team was there to serve a search warrant...As officers approached with their weapons drawn, tragedy struck. A handgun was accidentally discharged, fatally wounding Dr Culosi...Peter Kraska, an expert on police militarisation from Eastern Kentucky University, says that in the 1980s there were about 3,000 Swat team deployments annually across the US, but says now there are at least 40,000 per year.As the person who called this to my attention observed, "Uh, huh – 'accidently.'”
We blogged about this story earlier. I see we still don't know the executioner's name.
The most to-the-point passage in this article:
"The problem is that when you talk about the war on this and the war on that, and police officers see themselves as soldiers, then the civilian becomes the enemy."Burn that one in.
[Thanks to JM]
... If not, this may be your last, best shot at acquiring a personally signed copy!
Vin Suprynowicz will visit The Book Store in Elko, NV for his last scheduled book-signing stop of The Black Arrow tour on Saturday April 22, 2006. Paperback and leatherbound editions will both be available at the event.
April 22, 2006, 11 am to 1 pm
The Book Store
1372 Idaho St
Elko, NV 89801-4019
Phone: (775) 738-5342
We hope to see you there!
Mountain Media
3172 N. Rainbow Blvd #343
Las Vegas, NV 89108
Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the
daily Las Vegas Review-Journal and author of the books
Send in the Waco Killers, The Ballad of Carl Drega, and
The Black Arrow. For information call 702-656-3285, or visit
www.TheLibertarian.us or www.LibertyBookShop.us.
Monday, March 20, 2006
The Blame Game
While gang prevalence and poverty are undeniable factors in the rate of gun violence nationwide, gun manufacturers shoulder the bulk of responsibility, a national activist said during a service at Spring of Hope Church of God in Christ yesterday.Isn't it curious how often we seem to hear about
The Rev. Lennox S. Yearwood made his comments during a sermon following a town hall-style discussion comprised of representatives from local and statewide organizations aimed at stopping handgun and youth violence.
gun control
proponents who
themselves have experienced
problematic incidents
involving guns.
No wonder they don't trust us.
I personally would have no problem with all adherents of Rev. Yearwood's philosophy voluntarily registering with the government making them ineligible to own firearms.
Police Van Targeted
A marked police van carrying a sergeant and eight officers was hit by gun fire in Brooklyn, police said.Goodness. Is no one safe in New York?
Perhaps they should enact some "common sense" gun laws?
Welcome to the seventh installment of The Million Moon March.
This week, we feature "jimmy," courtesy of ivymike.
"Call me provincial," he writes,"but I opted for a decidedly New England flavor. In case you don't recognize the mug, it's James J. 'Whitey' Bulger, South Boston gangster, former Alcatraz inmate, FBI snitch, drug dealer, mass murderer (20 that they know about) and pedophile. Back in the '80s, he owned every crooked FBI agent in the Boston office."
Considering jimmy's background, it's not surprising that he prefers the general populace to remain unarmed, and his pals at Control Arms heartily agree.


I have no idea WTF this one is about, but I'd hate to think that all barcode-tattooed nude dwarfs in cardboard boxes are enemies of freedom--perhaps "Andrew" is just an anomaly. Ya think?
This week, we feature "jimmy," courtesy of ivymike.
"Call me provincial," he writes,"but I opted for a decidedly New England flavor. In case you don't recognize the mug, it's James J. 'Whitey' Bulger, South Boston gangster, former Alcatraz inmate, FBI snitch, drug dealer, mass murderer (20 that they know about) and pedophile. Back in the '80s, he owned every crooked FBI agent in the Boston office."
Considering jimmy's background, it's not surprising that he prefers the general populace to remain unarmed, and his pals at Control Arms heartily agree.


I have no idea WTF this one is about, but I'd hate to think that all barcode-tattooed nude dwarfs in cardboard boxes are enemies of freedom--perhaps "Andrew" is just an anomaly. Ya think?

Grading the Graders
I thought I would do a little statistical research myself to see if the Brady Bunch's grading system had any merit other than whining, crying, and pouting.Sometimes, The Mad Hatter concludes, there are worse things than a failing grade.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
It's Just Our Bringin' Up-ke
Cabarrus County law enforcement officials say a new strategy they're adopting will reduce gun-related crime by helping habitual offenders shed their criminal past and start their lives over...A rousing chorus of Gee, Officer Krupke, anyone...?
Officials will target habitual violent offenders with arrest histories, including those convicted of homicides, robberies, aggravated assaults and felony gun charges who are on probation, Lang said.
We're the Only Ones Adult Enough...
Jamming the barrel of a handgun into a fifth-grader's belly, an enraged Queens parent threatened to shoot the boy in his school playground yesterday - all because he had punched the man's son - the boy and witnesses said...
Antoine said he was walking through the schoolyard of Public School 50 in Jamaica at about 8:15 a.m. when Carlos Ugarte, a federal immigration officer, ran up and grabbed him by the collar.
From this account, it sounds like the reason there was a scuffle in the first place is because the fruit didn't fall very far from the tree. Nice to see he got put on administrative leave. It sure beats what would happen to one of us if similar charges by eyewitnesses were made.
My Kind of Town
I received the following email in response to yesterday's post on rogue Chicago cops terrorizing South Side residents. I have corresponded with this person in the past and found his information and observations to be reliable and insightful--he wishes to retain anonymity because he is concerned about possible reprisals:
I've personally spoken to people in this city who've experienced similar things to what's described in the article. One who comes to mind now is a fellow who was beaten to a pulp and had drugs planted on him by members of the Chicago Police Department.
In another local court case I heard about recently, an (alleged) carjacker who was on parole for attempted murder at the time of the crime was let off the hook even with convincing evidence of his guilt. The jury just wanted to set the guy free and go home. One of them said, "Look, if we get into an argument about this we're gonna have to stay in a hotel tonight!" They made the dissenters as uncomfortable as possible until they got their way.
Garbage like the above is unfortunately quite common. People seem to have lost their sense of outrage. I believe that the populace can be conditioned to police-state tactics and gross injustice until they are apathetic, and that's what seems to have happened in Chicago.-- A Friend of Freedom
YesterdayAnd I guess I also owe an apology to Lennon and McCartney. My experience with things poetic generally begins with "There once was a man from Nantuckett..."
Was Second Amendment Saturday
But I forgot and did not say
Forgive me, Stan, for yesterday
Anyway, Free Constitution posted a brief but powerful photo essay.
UPDATE: As long as I'm talking photo essays, I see Gun Show on the Net posted one with a similar theme. E David showed me this in draft form a few days ago, but I've been real busy and got distracted from linking to it. Sorry, E.D.
It looks like I'm apologizing to everyone this morning. Why don't I just go back to bed?
Saturday, March 18, 2006
A Matter of Credit
SAF has negotiated an agreement with New Orleans regarding the firearms seized from lawful firearm owners during and after Hurricane Katrina. The issue is pending before the federal court in the case NRA & SAF v. Mayor Ray Nagin.Meanwhile, over at the NRA press release, we find:
NRA has negotiated an agreement with New Orleans regarding the firearms seized from lawful firearm owners during and after Hurricane Katrina. The issue is pending before the federal court in the case NRA v. Mayor Ray Nagin.Do you notice the difference between the two?
Anything at all?
China Implements Name Control
The Ministry of Public Security has drawn up new rules and babies’ names must in future be drawn from a database that excludes thousands of rare Chinese characters...With the introduction of electronic identity cards, the authorities will register only names that they decide to include on their database.
If I have any more kids, I want to name them Jingjing and Chacha!
Is there no limit to how much of our lives those in power wish to control? This is a great real-world illustration of how far tyranny against the individual extends, and how deeply it intrudes, when the state enjoys a monopoly of force.
The Hysterical Propagandist Masquerading As A Journalist Award Goes To...
...Bill Ruthhart of The Indianapolis Star, who uses the cloak of "straight news" to present Brady Campaign talking points. In the interests of maintaining the illusion of being fair and balanced, he did include this quote from an NRA spokesman I find interesting:
"Every time you pass a gun control law, the only universe of people you're going to affect are the law-abiding citizens who will follow that law," said Andrew Arulanandam, director of public affairs for the National Rifle Association.Exactly. So we can count on the mantra being changed from "enforce" to "repeal existing gun laws"?
"Criminals don't follow the laws, so why pass them?"
Rooty Tooty Fresh and Shooty
Police were investigating a late-night dispute at an Anaheim dance club that spilled over to a restaurant early this morning and ended in a fatal shooting, the third at a Denny's restaurant this week in California...OK, Debbie, I'll bite. Define "redoubling."
Denny's spokeswoman Debbie Atkins called the shootings tragic...She said the chain is "redoubling" efforts "to provide a safe and welcoming environment."
The truth is, if you're a Denny's employee, corporate can't protect you. If you're a customer, the store employees can't protect you. And if you're in California*, graded "A-" by the Brady Campaign for its repressive anti-personal defense laws, chances are you won't be able to legally possess the only proven means of defense against lunatics who open fire in public places.
* California has "may issue" CCW, leaving it to the discretion of the local police/sheriff. In major urban areas like Los Angeles or San Francisco, the average citizen has no chance of getting approval reserved for the elite connected. And yeah, I know I took the title of this post from IHOP, not Denny's.
We're the Only Ones (Allegedly) Terrifying Enough
Members of a South Side family filed a federal lawsuit Thursday claiming they were terrorized for more than a year by a band of rogue cops that would break down their door, handcuff them and steal cash...Go get 'em, Mayor Daley!
In 2004, about three times a week, officers would barge in, handcuff the adults, break valuables and steal money, according to the suit. They would time the home invasions to correspond with the arrival of Social Security checks and paychecks, the suit said.
Guns in private hands, that is...
God forbid anyone from your CAGE unit or some other cop shakedown squad would get hurt by one of the slaves getting uppity and fighting back...
More from the "We're the Only Ones" Files
[Thanks to HZ]
Friday, March 17, 2006
Black Arrow/RebelFire Are Prometheus Finalists
The Libertarian Futurist Society has announced finalists for this year’s Prometheus Awards, which will be presented during the World Science Fiction Convention August 23-27 in Anaheim, Calif.
The Prometheus finalists for Best Novel recognize pro-freedom novels published last year:
* Chainfire, by Terry Goodkind (TOR Books)
* Learning the World, by Ken MacLeod (TOR)
* 47, by Walter Mosley (Little, Brown and Company)
* The Hidden Family, by Charles Stross (TOR)
* The Black Arrow, by Vin Suprynowicz (Mountain Media)
* RebelFire: Out of the Gray Zone, by Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman (RebelFire Press)
I'm glad to see that two of my favorite books made the list. Congratulations, Vin, Aaron and Claire. You folks deserve widespread recognition and gratitude.
And the convention is in Anaheim, which is less than an hour from me. Maybe I'll go.
Then again, I probably won't.
What an oxymoron.
What's So Odious About Andrew Greeley?
Thank you, Andrew Greeley, for hitting it right on the head about the hunting of helpless animals with high-powered weapons and calling it a sport. These so-called sportsmen are nothing more than murderers who want to prove their manhood.From the Chicago Sun-Times, fourth letter down. The article the writer was praising appears here.
Look at all the prejudicial assumptions the "Reverend" Greeley makes about hunters and fishermen:
A fisherman holds up his catch to be admired and photographed, usually with a stupid smile of pride on his face and a can of beer in his hand.Yuk, yuk--what a hick! Or how about this?
Better that they kill small animals than other human beings, much less their spouse and children.Yeah--we see that happening all the time with these sick psycho morons. (Andrew--when?)
Or consider:
Maybe human males are less likely to engage in drunken barroom brawls if they have knocked off earlier in the day a covey of birds or a family of deer or triumphed over a fighting muskie.Y'know, now that you mention it, I haven't killed anything yet today, and by golly, I DO feel like kicking someone's ass...
Yes, Andrew, we pull the wings off flies and step on lines of ants, just to sate our blood lust. Or how about:
[Th]e toll of sportsmen killed by other sportsmen every year shows just how eager the men with guns are to pull the trigger.Damn straight. We shoot the hell out of each other in the woods and--what's that? Two hunting fatalities in all of Texas last year? Nationally, over 473 times as many injuries are sustained playing football? And what's this?
I'm not a vegetarian...No, Andrew, you're not. Let me tell you what you are.
Oh, wait. I already did. And you didn't have the guts or the intellect to respond.
[Thanks to HZ for calling the letter to my attention]
Assault Speed Guns Menace UK Motorists
A FORMER special forces soldier claimed he sped past a roadside cop with a hand-held speed trap — because he thought it was a MACHINE GUN.Maybe they should be forced to color them bright orange or green...
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Paging Jeremy's Mother...
The East Orange, NJ Police Department is getting ready to greatly enlarge its ranks, with what's being called the "Virtual Community Patrol."If you don't understand the title reference, it's because you haven't read RebelFire 1.0: Out of the Gray Zone.
Soon-to-be-chosen residents will get access to a a Web site that provides panoramic views of their block, allows them to type in general complaints, pinpoint a problem location, immediately send that information to police headquarters, and simultaneously activate hidden police surveillance cameras, Police Director Jose Cordero said.
Why not?
What's stopping you?
[Drudge link via John Schaefer]
Another Brady "A-List" Success Story
A transient armed with two guns opened fire inside a Denny's restaurant during lunch hour Wednesday, killing two men and wounding a husband and wife before taking his own life, police said.
People fled in panic or hid in the bathroom.
Being a transient living in his car, it is highly unlikely the perpetrator was in compliance with California's "may issue if we feel like it" carrying permit laws. Still, "gun control" advocates should take heart that this happened in a Brady Campaign "A-" rated state, meaning the attacker could rely on the probability that none of the "law-abiding" customers or employees would have the capability to return fire.
Perhaps once the microstamping and personalized handgun edicts are passed, and California brings that grade up to an "A+", tragedies like this will cease once and for all.
Is It Just Me...?
"What goes through the mind of a serial killer?" the blurb for News at 11 teases?
Why is it that my only and immediate thought was "cavitation"?
Why is it that my only and immediate thought was "cavitation"?
The Gunless Biathlete
"At the moment, all my rifles are supplied (by competition organisers) so it's a different weapon every time. Probably more than 40 per cent of the guys I race have their own guns and I think that's a huge advantage for them...In and out of Australia is a real pain because we have the toughest gun licensing laws around."So much for "sporting purposes"...
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Call Me Provincial
"Call me provincial," ivymike writes, "but I opted for a decidedly New England flavor. In case you don't recognize the mug, it's James J. 'Whitey' Bulger, South Boston gangster, former Alcatraz inmate, FBI snitch, drug dealer, mass murderer (20 that they know about) and pedophile. Back in the '80s, he owned every crooked FBI agent in the Boston office."
You'll meet the infamous Whitey and other Predators on Parade in Gallery VII of the Million Moon March next Monday.
We've discovered some interesting supporters of global arms controls in the past, this guy and this guy being two prime examples.
Keep those submissions coming, and encourage your friends to join the march.
You'll meet the infamous Whitey and other Predators on Parade in Gallery VII of the Million Moon March next Monday.
We've discovered some interesting supporters of global arms controls in the past, this guy and this guy being two prime examples.
Keep those submissions coming, and encourage your friends to join the march.
Call Me a Doctor...
Beyond infancy, accidents, homicide and suicide are by far the most common causes of death in the pediatric population. A pediatrician who ignores this fact is not doing his job--to act as an advocate for the health and welfare of children.
Another pediatrician with an agenda has weighed in on the propriety of asking patients about guns in the home. I looked up Dr. Thomas W. Young and, while his credentials in his field are top notch, I can find nothing to indicate that outside his field he is qualified to offer opinions that patients can rely on to make informed choices about firearm safety.
Having co-designed a form some years ago to assess physician qualifications and liability in this matter, I contacted Ochsner, the clinic in which Dr. Young practices, with the following inquiry:

I see Dr. Young's opinion piece regarding the propriety of pediatricians asking people about guns in the home:
Dr. Young certainly has impressive credentials and board certifications, but I find nothing to indicate he is trained or competent to dispense firearms safety advice. He may be tops in his field, but I wouldn't necessarily go to him for advice on car repair, investments or safe gun handling, etc.--unless he could demonstrate expertise.
Would Dr. Young be willing to complete a Physician Qualification and Liability form:
detailing his education/certifications in safe firearms handling and storage practices, and specifying his means of satisfying liability claims should he not be qualified to counsel patients in this matter and his advice yields harmful outcomes? And will Oschner cover this, and require all of your physicians to establish their credentials in this area?
Let's see if I get a reply...
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Angel Update- March 14
Dear Friends of Angel,
There is less news about Angel's situation today than we all had hoped.
Angel appeared in court today with his attorney. Nothing was finalized. There will be another hearing on April 7th.
Sorry I can't tell you more. Keep the faith. I'll tell you everything as soon as I may (but not until after the 4/7 court date).
Thanks loads for your prayers, your letters of support and your
donations for Angel's legal expenses.
Best wishes,
Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana
There is less news about Angel's situation today than we all had hoped.
Angel appeared in court today with his attorney. Nothing was finalized. There will be another hearing on April 7th.
Sorry I can't tell you more. Keep the faith. I'll tell you everything as soon as I may (but not until after the 4/7 court date).
Thanks loads for your prayers, your letters of support and your
donations for Angel's legal expenses.
Best wishes,
Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana
'We Will Get Him First'
Women involved in prostitution in Daytona Beach, Fla., have reportedly armed themselves and are searching for a serial killer behind the slayings of three residents...Nice to see all those public health warnings have finally resulted in hookers using protection...
Brady Gives CA High Marks
California earned a high mark in the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence's annual report card, which grades state gun laws, the Brady Campaign reported this week.So naturally, they're pushing for even more citizen disarmament edicts.
Earning a grade of `A-`, California scored significantly better than the 32 states that received grades of either `D` or `F`. California was among only 10 states that received grades in the `A` and `B` range.
Dix would welcome additional legislation like New Jersey's law that requires handguns to have childproofing technology so that only the gun's owner can fire the weapon.Because what they've imposed just isn't enough.
The California Million Mom March Chapters and Women Against Gun Violence also both support Assembly Bill 352, which would mandate microstamping on new semiautomatic handguns.
It's never enough.
[Via Dan Gifford]
We're the Only Ones Exclusive Enough...
Sebelius said she was pleased to support giving concealed weapons permits to retired law enforcement officers. But she said she can't ignore the businesses, law enforcement groups and local officials who fear a concealed weapons law could lead to an uptick in gun violence.And as we all know, you just don't want to let those who aren't "the only ones" anywhere near guns...
Especially in Kansas. Why, you might turn Dodge City into Dodge City...
An Outward Show
On paper, Gary Nalbandian would appear to be an influential figure in Southern California law enforcement.Some years back, I explored the issuance of badges--and guns--to people of influence. This story says nothing about guns, but I've requested clarification from the reporters.
He has served as director of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Homeland Security Support Unit, the Riverside County Sheriff's Executive Council and the Bureau of Justice for the San Bernardino County district attorney's office.
But Nalbandian is not a professional cop. The only paid law enforcement position he has held is as a volunteer reserve deputy with the Los Angeles County sheriff — salary, $1 a year. His real job is running a tire store in Glendora.
He is, however, a major political fundraiser for Southern California law enforcement officials.
Stay tuned.
Armed Defense Advice From an Expert
Single-minded gunslingers say they have a God-given American right to bear firearms hidden or otherwise. Besides the principle part, there's the public safety spin that insists law-abiding citizens need to have a gun at the ready just in case danger intrudes. How generations of Ohioans ever survived without a hidden handgun in every purse or holster we'll never know.What? You mean Marilou Johanek isn't an expert on armed defense? Her only qualifications to offer comments are that she has ignorant opinions and a soapbox to stand on?
But she used the word "gunslinger" six times...
Oh. That was to make you think she's clever and to prejudice the reader?
So what we're dealing with is just another witless, self-important state-worshipper who doesn't know what the hell she's talking about, but would still rather see good people brutalized and killed than armed?
[Thanks to JM]
Monday, March 13, 2006
Million Moon March Gallery VI

Welcome to our sixth gallery of posts for the Million Moon March. Let's jump right in and see who's recently joined the Million Faces campaign to demand global small arms controls...
When "Bill" talks about "atrocities," he's not clowning around...

Everyone's favorite Mad Hatter notes one Control Arms supporter who's a real Il Duce-bag.

Fodder brings us three new Predators on Parade:
A study in Teflon® (and a Dapper Don)...

...a guy who says guns drive him Bugsy (Siegel, that is)...

...and what would a hit website be without a hitman? Bully for you, Sammy Gravano!

I almost missed George here. He wants to make sure no one at the cafeteria will hurt him with a nasty gun. Rest assured, George--your friends at Control Arms are doing their best to keep you safe from armed violence.

Idi? Idi Amin Dada? Is that you? Don't worry, once we get tough on arms, there will be no one to stop you from being President for Life...

Meanwhile, back in the Ottoman Empire, Blognomicon has found our old friend Mehmed II, who wants to make sure his invading hordes don't get hurt by any inconvenient resistance on the part of the locals. Vlad--put down that stake--you could put somebody's heart out with that thing! (Did I mention my heritage is Transylvanian? Really, no joke.)

So far, we've managed to get enough support to make this a weekly feature at War on Guns. I'll keep posting Million Facers as long as you gentle visitors keep submitting them. And if you are new to this, by all means, tour the other galleries listed below and see all the fun we've been having. Why not join us?
Gallery I
Gallery II
Gallery III
Gallery IV
-Gallery IV (v 1.0)
-Galley IV (v 2.0)
Gallery V
The Founders Were Clear
That anyone could base such an assertion on his own interpretation and not on the writings of the people who conceived and wrote the Second Amendment is beyond astonishing--and sounds like an artifice of falsity.
Dennis Hannick fires back at a fictional interpretation of the Second Amendment.
It looks like the paper appreciated the holes he shot in the collective rights argument, as well.
D For Discourage
Time and Newsweek have both published reviews written to dissuade their readers from wanting to see the upcoming 'V for Vendetta'.
Why do you suppose they would do that?
Why do you suppose they would do that?
US Gun Ownership "License to Kill"
There are angry web sites on the Internet with headlines like "Gun Control - Hypocrisy or Stupidity?" and which talk of a "war" against gun control advocates. The argument then shifts to the rather more sophisticated political point that a well-armed citizenry is a final bulwark against military dictatorship or invasion. This is illustrated by the thought that if more Europeans had had firearms in the 1930s, the Nazis would have been stopped in their tracks.Another Brit expatriate who expects our country to adopt his miserable customs, oblivious that American guns are the only reason he doesn't tell people "Ich bin ein Englander."
Unfortunately, the argument underestimates Nazi ruthlessness, and it is hard to imagine an armed citizenry in, for instance, Holland, Poland or the Ukraine, repulsing the Wehrmacht, backed up as it was by the SS and the Luftwaffe. Snipers don't defeat a modern army and didn't prevent Nelson winning at Trafalgar.
He evidently never heard of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, and can't extrapolate the effects on an invading army had such resistance manifested itself a hundred thousand times over, over every inch of ground. And as for Nelson at Trafalgar, that's a clumsy transition to a century before, but the sharphooter did get his man.
Yes, Mr. Garlinski, we do "believe in a literal reading of the American Constitution,... feel that the judiciary has become too liberal and...tend to regard the outside world, especially the United Nations Organisation, with a high degree of hostility."
As for a "war against gun control advocates," we're not the ones sending government thugs to raid, terrorize and destroy them.
And as for a "license to kill," I suggest you get your own house in order:
GOVERNMENT lawyers have told police chiefs preparing to “shoot to kill” suspected suicide bombers that they are likely to escape criminal charges even if they kill an unarmed or innocent person.There's an easy solution if you don't like our customs here, Mr. Garlinski. Go the hell home.
[Via Skip]
Sunday, March 12, 2006
We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident...
In wake of Altoona violence, gun sales, concern are on the rise...Rational responses like this really gotta drive the antis crazy...
They Truly Are Anti-DEFENSE
[I]n consultation with the school "the officer told the pupil to remove the vest".What do you expect from the UK? Thank goodness no similar legal dilemma would ever face us free Americans...
[Via Blognomicon]
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Un Commentaire au Sujet des Pistolets dans les Écoles
[N]ous croyons en absolument pistolet-libre, zéro-tolérance, écoles totalement sûres. Cela ne signifie aucun pistolet dans les écoles de l'Amérique, la période... à l'exception rare des officiers d'application de loi ou le personnel qualifié de sécurité.
Wayne LaPierre
Volunteer Or We'll Destroy You!
Hamilton's amnesty, which allows people to surrender unwanted firearms, registered or unregistered, is a good move.Doesn't Kevin Cavanagh sound all peaceful 'n Kumbaya-y 'n stuff?
Any legitimate strategy which reduces the volume of weapons that could fall into the wrong hands, is a strategy which serves the public interest.
That's a strategy public officials should be pursuing.
Hard to believe that--once the "amnesty" is over, he endorses the police having the power to destroy anyone who doesn't join the cud-chewers in "volunteering."
"Allows people to surrender." Gee, Kevin 'n company, that's mighty decent of you.
Do What We Say Or We'll Destroy You!
Despite an ongoing lawsuit with the National Rifle Association, San Franciscos Board of Supervisors set penalties last week on what is regarded as one of the toughest anti-gun laws in the country...As required by the proposition, the supervisors Wednesday approved a set of penalties for violating the law that include imposition of a $1,000 penalty and a jail term of between 90 days and six months.They will send in armed home invaders to take you hostage. They will steal your property. They will hold you against your will and throw you into a dungeon with the most violent, sociopathic subculture in our society. And if you resist, they will kill you.
Anybody not clear on what the "gun controllers" are all about?
More on the "No Guns" Gun
A former gang leader who founded an anti-gang center in Hawthorne called No Guns was arrested Thursday when police found him with a handgun.This is a more detailed report than the one we featured yesterday.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Angel Update- March 10
Dear Friends of Angel,
This is to report that there still isn't much that can be reported about Angel's situation, and that I'm remembering that there are a lot of you out there who wish to be kept informed.
The next significant news should come after Angel's first court date next Tuesday, March 14th.
Meanwhile, thanks loads of those of you who have sent in a donation to help defray Angel's legal expenses. I still have confidence in Angel's attorneys, but there will be a bill.
Information about our fundraising to help Angel, and previous news, are gathered at:
As a bonus to reward all of you for your patience in waiting for news
about Angel, you may have a look at:
If you haven't yet, you might want to cruise over to the Montana Shooting Sports Association Website at:
Hey, many of MSSA's members don't live in Montana, but dream of coming to the state which attorney/author Dave Kopel says has the best (fewest) gun laws in the U.S., maybe the World. There is an area there about our "Successes", and also membership information.
Thanks for being patient, keeping the faith, and supporting Angel.
Best wishes,
Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana
This is to report that there still isn't much that can be reported about Angel's situation, and that I'm remembering that there are a lot of you out there who wish to be kept informed.
The next significant news should come after Angel's first court date next Tuesday, March 14th.
Meanwhile, thanks loads of those of you who have sent in a donation to help defray Angel's legal expenses. I still have confidence in Angel's attorneys, but there will be a bill.
Information about our fundraising to help Angel, and previous news, are gathered at:
As a bonus to reward all of you for your patience in waiting for news
about Angel, you may have a look at:
If you haven't yet, you might want to cruise over to the Montana Shooting Sports Association Website at:
Hey, many of MSSA's members don't live in Montana, but dream of coming to the state which attorney/author Dave Kopel says has the best (fewest) gun laws in the U.S., maybe the World. There is an area there about our "Successes", and also membership information.
Thanks for being patient, keeping the faith, and supporting Angel.
Best wishes,
Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana
We're the Only Ones Grounded Enough...
Sources close to the investigation said Special Deputy Jay Abernathy is suspected of drawing a gun and firing one shot into the ground during an argument with the woman in the 2900 block of Gladstone Avenue on Tuesday night. 6News did not identify the sources...Abernathy, who was hired in October and works in the City-County Building, has been suspended with pay.Naturally.
I'm sure any non-LEO would receive the same treatment.
Anti-Gunner Arrested on Gun Charge
The founder of an anti-gang center called "No Guns" was arrested after police said they found a gun in his home and his son, a reputed gang member nicknamed "Little Weasel," was taken into custody in connection with a home-invasion robbery.Be interesting to see how this one develops...I wonder if The Gun Guy is reporting on this--complete with accusations of guilt?
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Property Rights vs Gun Rights Bill Set Aside
Swayed by a last-minute push from business groups, the Virginia Senate on Wednesday turned aside a bill that would have made it illegal for businesses that allow the public into their parking lots to adopt rules prohibiting weapons in locked cars.At the risk of starting our debate all over again, I do think there's a question to be asked of the members of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, which has led the opposition to this bill: Do you oppose firearms on your premises, or do you just oppose being told you have no choice in how you control your property?
Perhaps we can explore a new branch of this discussion: Would you boycott a business that welcomed firearms-carrying citizens, but opposed a mandate telling them they had to allow it under force of law?
A Pleasant Police Encounter
In my opinion, there is no greater misdeed than to punish the many based on the unlawful acts of a few--Chief Larry Buechler
Dear Chief,
I see the following open letter concerning semiautomatic firearms attributed to you.
If this is your stance, you have my respect for taking such a politically unpopular, yet correct position. I just wanted to verify that you are truly the source of this post before passing it on to others.
David Codrea
Thank you, Chief. I appreciate your having the guts to stand up to the establishment and be a voice for common sense.
Dear Chief,
I see the following open letter concerning semiautomatic firearms attributed to you.
If this is your stance, you have my respect for taking such a politically unpopular, yet correct position. I just wanted to verify that you are truly the source of this post before passing it on to others.
David Codrea
Sorry, I have not checked this email address in a while. That is, in fact, my letter.
Best wishes,
Larry Buechler
Chief of Police
Thank you, Chief. I appreciate your having the guts to stand up to the establishment and be a voice for common sense.
Freedom-Subverting Statist Alliance
Gun Show on the Net has more to say about our friend the Gun Guy.
Preparedness Now! March Issue Online
If you don't know Pam Stegner, you should. She's a real authority on personalized disaster preparedness and response. I understand her radio program has begun rebroadcasting (click on the tower link on her site).
Pam's March Newsletter is now online. It includes a little speculation by yours truly on how I might be inclined to treat a home invader.
Pam's March Newsletter is now online. It includes a little speculation by yours truly on how I might be inclined to treat a home invader.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Angel Update, March 8th
Dear Friends of Angel,
There is no news that I may tell you today. There should be more to
tell after Angel's appearance before a judge in a week.
I just wanted you to know you're not forgotten. Thanks for your patience.
Best wishes,
Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana
There is no news that I may tell you today. There should be more to
tell after Angel's appearance before a judge in a week.
I just wanted you to know you're not forgotten. Thanks for your patience.
Best wishes,
Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana
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